21 TIIE STjNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, 3IARCII 9, 1919. E Steamer Nespelem Overhauled Will Start on Run April 1. ANOTHER BOAT MAY GO ON JiuhincKS Men of AValla AValla En thusiastic Regarding Steps Inaug urated to Give Water Service. Overhauling of the steamer Nespelem has been begun so as to have her in readiness by April 1 to inaugurate the new service of The Dalles-Columbia rtver line to Pasco, operating, in conjunc tion with steamer Tahoma, which is now running- between Portland and The Ialles. The Pasco service will include the operation of automobile trucks from Wallula to Walla Walla and no doubt the same system will ultimately be followed between the river and other nearby cities. Captain Charles Nelson of the com pany, said yesterday that several thou sand dollars would be expended on the Nespelem in completing her cabins and making her into a freight and pas senger vessel. She was built on the upper Columbia, near the Canadian border, and was steamed here last year, not being entirely finished. Her ma chinery was built by the Willamette Iron & Steel Works and originally in stalled in a steamer named the lone, also built on the upper river, and the hull of the Nespelem was constructed under the direction of Joseph Paquct, of this city, now connected with the Great Northern Concrete Shipbuilding company. A plan is under consideration for adding at least one more steamer to the fleet, so a speedy and frequent service will be afforded. Businessmen of Walla Walla are enthusiastic re garding the steps being inaugurated to bring them into the zone of water haul and Portland firms are pledging their aid to the support of the service. Operation of steamers between Port land and upper Columbia points is not an innovation that having been followed at times since arrangements were made to portage between The Dalles and Celilo, which was followed by the open ing of the canal there, but it is certain the new programme contemplates a more general co-operation between in terests ashore and the steamboat op erators so that through the use of im proved highways freight carried to cer tain points by water can be moved in land cheaply. Besides Captain Nelson, who has been manager of the People's Navigation company and master of the steamer Tahoma for several years, the new com pany includes John 1). Porter, also F. W. Anderson and K. W. Buswell, of Spokane; J. C. Kgbert of The Dalles, and J. T. Peters of this city. George K. Shepherd of Portland, is counsel for the corporation. FIRE Ofl SHIP HARD FOUGHT CKAYS HARBOR IXABLE tSK WIRELESS. TO Details of liurning of Motorship 100 Miles Off Brazilian Coast Reach Aberdeen. ABERDKEX, Wash., March 8. (Spe cial.) Details of the burning of the motorship Grays Harbor, the second ship launched from the Grays Harbor Motor Corporation yards here, which was lost last August 400 miles off the Brazilian coast,- are contained in a letter from the quartermaster of the "ship, S. R. Burkholden, received by Mrs. J. R. West, an aunt of Burkholden. Following the disaster, which was caused by an explosion, Burkholden and other members of the crew, were at sea 4S hours in open boats before reaching safety. The disaster occurred just before 7 o'clock on the evening of August 19, and was caused by an explosion in the enpine room, which was followed by a rasing fire. The first assistant en Kineer. Fred Pierson. and an oiler, Jerry Macy. were killed. It was im possible to reach them through the tire. The wireless switch was cut out on the engine-room board, so it was impossible to send a message. All hands fought the fire until 8:30, when the lifeboats were ordered lowered, and two of them were filled, 13 men in one and 12 in the other. The island of Noronha was reached Wednesday morning, August 21, at 1:30, and a landing was made through the surf. "The navsfl guard of the island received us with drawn bayonets," says Burkholden, "thinking we were Ger mans. We explained matters to Mr. Holmes of the cab,le company, and he explained the situation to the officers who then took us in." The men three days late were taken on a Brazilian gunboat to Pernambueo There the consul was able to get cloth- ' ing for them, after some delay. From there they went to Rio de Janeiro, and thence. October 25, sailed for the United States, arriving at New York No vember 1. FREIGHT CONGESTION REDUCED 1'uget Sound Accumulation Is Less Than That- ot Year Ago. SEATTLE, March 8. Accumulated expert tonnage on Puget Sound up to date is 120.940 tons against 192,256 tons March 20, 1918, the highest point since the United States entered the war. Actual tonnage on Puget Sound and west of Spokane en route to the port on March 2TI, 1918, was 280,000 tons. against 1 44,400 tons this date. While the tonnage was being put aboard ship for transportation to the orient, ap proximately 120,000 tons per month were being brought into the port by the transcontinental railways. During the past year, while the accumulated exports were being reduced, 36,000 ad ditional carloads were handled inbound. Against the present accumulation of 120,9t(i tons of American-made exports destined for the orient, 500,000 tons of shipping is due to enter and depart from the port during the next 90 days. WOODEX SHIPS ARE DEFENDED Calala, Built in Portland, Said to Be Splendid Vessel. SEATTLE. Wash., March S. fSpe- rial.) Because of the bad record of a few of the wooden ships built during the war. the whole type of vessels has been unjustly condemned, with the re- suit that a good-sized fleet of wooden steamers is tied up at New York, ac- cording to Captain Oeorge Leighton, well-known Seattle mariner who re- luniuu irom me east coast toaay. On the day that Chairman Edward T. Hurley returned from Europe, there were eight wooden shipping board 1 teamers in New York harbor and these UPPER RIVER SERV C W B UG MUTED Point with one watchman to take care of the whole fleet. One of the vessels was the Calala. Captain Leighton's command, and all of i 5 steamers with the exception of one, were products of the Pacific coast. Captain Leighton declared that In ad dition to the wooden carriers, many steel vessels are lying Idle in New Tork harbor, awaiting repairs. He says that repair plants are swamped with work and that ships in need of re pairs are obliged to await their turn. The Calala -ras built at Portland and is a craft of the Ballin type. Captain Leighton took her to San Francisco on her maiden trip the latter part of Au gust and there received a cargo of steel for Honolulu anJ returned from the mid-Pacific to San Francisco with pine apples. She then ftok a cargo of canned salmon to Norfolk and New York. Captain IIghton declares that the Calala is a splendid ship and proved her dependability in all kinds of weather. MUSTERS TO GET GUIDANCE HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE OFFERS t'SE OF FACILITIES. Pilot Charts and Articles on Nau tical Subjects to Be Widely Distributed. Anticipating an early return of com merce from foreign lands, also desiring to be of assistance to, masters of the coastwise vessels, William E. Gibbons, ensign of the Cnited - States navy. In charge of the Portland branch of the hydrographlc office, is' getting in com munication with seafaring Interests, asking them to avail themselves of all references and general facilities at the office in the custom house. The following is being mailed to the master of each vessel making port: "You are Invited to make use of the facilities of this office during your stay in port. We have on file for reference the charts and sailing directions of all the world. "These are up to date and form a li brary of the greatest use to mariners and others interested in shipping. At tention is called to the facility with which newly purchased charts can be compared here and corrections applied if necessary. "Time signals are received daily (Sundays and national holidays ex cepted) at noon, by telegraph, from the naval observatory; and our chronometer is rated daily by these signals, so that correct standard time may be obtained at any time between 9 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. We will be pleased to furnish the correct time by telephone to any who call us up. "The time . ball, operated from this office, is located on the roof of the custom house. It is dropped by tele graphic signal from the naval observ atory. Mare Island. Cal., at the instant of noon (mean time) for the 120th meridian west from Greenwich. "We have for distribution to co-operating observers pilot charts, hydro graphic bulletins, notices to mariners, reprints of articles on nautical subjects, etc. These furnish the latest informa tion In regard to the location of wrecks, derelicts, ice, changes In aids to navi gation, currents, etc, "This office is maintained for the benefit of mariners in general, and would greatly appreciate your co-operation In observing and reporting wrecks, derelicts, ice, errors in charts and sailing directions, rocks and shoals, misplaced ' buoys, irregular lights, cur rents, floating obstructions pf any any kind, bar soundings, routes, port facilities, magnetic variation and any thing of interest to mariners and navi- ationr Such items when received are promptly incorporated in the publica tions above referred to. It is desired to impress on mariners the necessity of co-operating with the hydrographic office." CUBAN" SHIPS LOAD ON" SOUND Two More Secured, Making Four in All, With None Here. On the heels of information that two wood steamers had been assigned to Puget sound lumber interests to carry fir to Cuban ports comes information that two more of the same class of carriers have been alloted for the trade. Since Portland interests sought the as signment of wood steamers in Febru ary for the same purpose and to date have not received any explanation for the vessels being refused them, there is considerable feeling In some, quarters over what is termed discrimination. The matter is to be gone into by the Chamber of Commerce, which is now awaiting an explanation from the op erating department of the shipping board as to why steamers were re fused Portland in the first Instance. One firm here estimated that it could have used several steamers for Cuban cargo, but it gave up figuring on the business when tonnage was denied. ("Time- ABOUT Two A IA. And SoimO ASUB6P "VWHvtvs The matter vajith my father aisd mother anvhow?whv POM'T Tn6Y BRtlOa MV "Bottle? m hjearl-V Starved - wen. i m To CUT UOO&6 AwD VUake UP The WElGHBoRS - HERC Goes YOW-00-00-" f I 4 f t I l I I I CAPT. BLAIFJ LEAVES SERVICE ON APRIL 1 Director-General Piez Writes Expressing His Regrets. UNTIRING EFFORT LAUDED Time Will Probably Be Devoted In Future to Handling Steamers of East Operating In Pacific. Formal announcement . of the resig nation of Captain J. F. Blain as man ager of the Northern Pacific district, of the emergency fleet corporation, was made yesterday with the added In formation that he leaves the service April 1. In the interim his successor. Is to be named by Director-General Piez, of the emergency fleet corpora tion. The duties in the Northern Pacific district include direction of steel ship construction in Washington and Ore gon and of wood ship construction in Washington. It will be two years in April since Captain Blain entered the service of the shipping board and. be sides looking after ship construction, he was in charge of the lumber em bargo in advance of those-duties being taken over by the fir production board, also attended to the operation of ves sels before the division of operation established Its agencies In the coast. His first war work was supervising the refitting of seized German steam ers and sailors In northwest ports. The understanding is that In the future he will devote his time to haul ing steamers of eastern owners which will be operated in the Pacific. Fred B. Fape is assistant manager In enlarge of steel ship work in Oregon and William Magee is next in line in Washington-. In a letter to Captain Blain. written February 24, Director-General Piez has the following to say: "It is with great regret that I con sent to accept your resignation as dis trict manager of the Northern Pacific district, effective April 1. 1919, as I fully appreciate the serious loss that the fleet corporation is sustaining thereby. You have carried out your most important duties during the war in a highly satisfactory manner and Jhe efficiency of your organization, which is largely due to your own un tiring efforts, has-been greatly instru mental In effecting the remarkable rec ord in ship production from your dis trict during the time of the emergency." WOODEN ' STEAMER LAUDED MASTER OF TIIE QUOQUE HAS PRAISE FOR BUILDERS. Captain Lapping Says Storms En countered on Way to New York Gave Real Test. In a letter from New Tork, dated February 23. Captain John Lapping, master of the wooden steamer Quoque, who was a pilot at the entrance to the Columbia river for several years, re counts the Quoque's qualities and praises the Wilson Shipbuilding com pany for workmanship on the vessel. The company constructed the steam schooners Wahkeena and Ernest H. Meyer, now operating in the coastwise trade, and Captain Lapping compares the Quoque with them. Part of his letter is as follows: "The Quoque arrived in this pet out from Curacoa (Dutch West Indies), 1900 miles from New York, and, in my opinion, it is good time, the same as regular steamers make in weather we had. "We had strong head winds, but one day, after getting out of northeast trade, she steamed 244 miles at 80V4 revolutions. At latitude 34 degrees to 33 degrees north had weather which would try any moderate sized ship; strong gales and heavy headsea and here is where the Quoque showed her good points. Although loaded to 21 feet, she never shipped a sea and rolled but little. I was watching to see if she would work any place, which I failed to find, but, instead. It confirmed what I always did think of her sea qualities, that the Quoque is as good a wooden steamer as the Wakeena or WOXDER WHAT AN ELEVEN - MONTHS' - " WOMD6R WHAT ThaT NOiae was That WOKE ME OP f ? IT iOOMOED LIKE The CLICK OP THE LATCH -.To The ootJioE. OOOB, 30M6BoOY IS COMIKJG U Trie 5TMRi - The floor C RACKS, AWJ FUJ" " TEC H6 -I HEARD fAD tell mother it'J HER ToRlsl To 6RINJ& my.BoTtlc BuT I WOTtCE DAD IS OU ' Hli VAJAY. l.XeAR HIS XJEa OLD (aROMBLE, "Bless his- heart HERE HE " Ernest Meyer, and far superior to any other I have seen of the same class. "The Quoque doesn't leak, she han dles good In any weather and as for a heavy-weather hlp she Is hard to beat. She steers like a yacht. "I do not know whether ehe is go ing to be laid up or operated. There are about-20 of this kind laid up in North river. I don't worry. Am offered brand new steel ship if this one goes in bone yard. "My Impressions of New Tork water front got a shock, especially the North river. Why, we on the Pacific coast can give them cards and spades, even In handling cargoes, as they still have the old-style gear. "The engines, all auxiliary machin ery and the boilers of the Quoque worked like a charm no trouble of any kind since I left Balboa, also reduced coal consumption about two to three tons a day." ' MITSUI INVESTIGATES FIELD Japanese Interests Would Send Steamers if Tonnage Warrants. Investigation of oriental freight con ditions here, with the Idea of assign ing tramp steamers to load for Japa nese ports, is being carried on by S. Chuma and S. Sa-babe of the Kobe freight office of Mitsui & Co., widely known Japanese shipowners and ship pers. Mr. Chuma left last night for Astoria to familiarize himself with facilities and prospective cargo there. It is known cables have been sent to the Kobe office during the past week, bearing on the amount of cargo available here. Y. Moriwaki, Portland. agent for the company, says there are about 20 steamers owned by the com pany with about 30 others under ohar ter, and. since there has been a marked falling 'off in the demand for tonnage In oriental waters. It is desired to place the vessels In service elsewhere. The probabilities are other coast ports will be visited this month and the sending of ships depends on the decision of the Kobe office. SHIP WORK IS SUSPENDED ABDERA, ABAXTIS, DOYLESTOX, MERIDEX AXD DELOS NAMED Additional Sthppage of Work ITcrc Will Cause Another Reduction of Forces in Yards Affected. Suspension of work on five wood steamers, averaging from 50 to 60 per cent complete. was or dered yesterday by the Philadel phia office of the Emergency Fleet Corporation. The vessels affected are the Abdera and Abantis, on the ways at the Grant Smith-Porter Ship building company: Dolyeston, at the North Portland yard of the G. M. Stan- difer Construction Corporation: Merl den, at the Wilson Shipbuilding com pany, and the Delos at the Somtnarston Shipbuilding company. Early in the week work "on four hulls was suspended. They are about 35 per cent complete and are the Calpunia and Calydon. at the McEachren Ship com pany, and the Crannon and Crantor at the George F. Hodgers Shipbuilding company. Just what is to be done with the ships, whether they will later be finished as sailing vessels or barges has not been Indicated. Official instructions also reached Portland yesterday for converting seven hulls into barges, they being the Acar man, building at the Grant Smith-Porter plant; the Alleben. Areturus and Cabria. at the McEachern yard; Egeria at the Wilson plant; Fort 'Shaw at the St. Helens Shipbuilding company's property, and the Daulis at the Som marstrom yard. The impression Is general that the emergency fleet corporation will not actually abandon any of the vessels mentioned in the suspension order, since all are under way, but there is a question as to the comparative few that may finally come out as steamers, such as large steam schooners, and those to be rigged as barkentines and schooners. It is believed that there will be only a few more turned into barges. Unfortunately, while the vessels will no doubt be floated in the end. the stop page of work will cause another -reduction In the forces at the yards affected. Louis W. Hill Is Elected. NEW ORLEANS. March 8. An nouncement was made today of the election of Louis W. Hill of St. I'aul as vice-president at large of me Mis sissippi Valley association, recently organized here by business interests of the valley. Form Army. BUDAPEST. March 8. (Havas.l Plans have been completed for the formation of a Hungarian army on a volunteer basis. The llunnrian army hereafter will comprise six divisions. OLD BABY THINKS ABOUT BY I II start off wth A LITTLE WHIMPER"; . Just To see if i CAN'T ATTRACT A little attention, i'll bet that ujas my dad just came 1AJ VUCLL IslOVA) FOR JUST A VJ6E VAJHIIvnP, ' MP-mp-mP- Beh-h-u ' 0H Yol Ear old BOTTLE ! JbST listen To Pop 5ruvblisiC he Gave. Me am awful nasty LooK But I should" worry, I Got THE BOTTLe I 1G20 INFANTRY DUE N PORTLAND MONDAY Big Reception Is Planned for Oregon Heroes. COLONEL MAY IN CHARGE Entertainment Programme Includes Dinner, Auto Rides and Other Delightful Features. With honorable discharge papers In their pockets and ready to return to civilian life with the same pep that made them real heroes in the fighing in France, 260 men of the' old 3d Ore gon, later the 162d Infantry, in com mand of Colonel John 1 May. will arrive in Portland at 3:40 o'clock Mon day afternoon. They will be given a rousing welcome before they are al lowed to go to their homes. Most of the men are said to be from Portland and all are from Oregon. They were formerly members of ccapanlcs A. B, C and L of the old 3d Oregon. The special train carrying the men here will leave Camp Lewis tomorrow morning, according to word received from Mrs. May by the general recep tion committee yesterday. The official reception will be brief, J but full of vigor and action. i -WhUtlea to Give Mgnnl. From 3:40 to 4:30 P. M.. the reception I by relatives and friends will be held at the Union depot. Tickets for ad mittance at the depot can be Fecured at the auxiliary desks at Liberty tem ple between 2 and 5 P. M. today and all day Monday. Arrival of the train will be announced by whistles and bells. At 4:30 a parade will start, proceed ing up Victory Way to Morrison street, east on Morrison to Third and south on Third to the municipal auditorium. At the auditorium chicken dinner will be served by 50 of the boys' own mothers. A feature of the dinner will be cake baked by these same mothers. H. W. Kent, president of the Portland Caterers' association, is in charge of the preparation of the meal, and Mrs. C. B. Simmons is in charge of the service. A programme of welcome speeches and musical " entertainments is being arranged to accompany the banquet. Theaters Open to Heroes, Following the dinner, the men will be relcasMl. Tickets to the theaters will be issued at the auditorium to those whose homes are outside of Port land and to the others if they desire them. An official reception delegation will go to ancouver to meet the troop train. The delegation will consist of ActinfT Mayor I'.igelow. O. E. Overheck, chairman of the reception committee; Charles F. Berg and City Commission ers Perkins, Munn and Karbur. Individual box luncheons prepared by the women's auxiliaries were dis tributed to 69 men of the 161st infan try and 55 men of gas company No. 90, when they arrived in Portland at 1:30 P. M. yesterday en route from New port News, Va.. to Camp Lewis for de mobilization. The train left for American Lake at 4 P. M. 1 Oregon Men In Party. A large number of theater tickets were distributed to these overseas men by the reception committee. Many of the nieu were taken for brief rides over the city. The men were all from Oregon. Washington. Montana and Idaho. There were 124 on the train. in command of Captain Edward Hall of Chicago, One hundred and seventy-six men of the Hoboken gas company No. 224, left Camp Merritt, N. J., for Camp Lewis Friday and are expected to pass through Portland Wednesday or Thurs day. Seventy-nine men of casual com pany No. 2 left yesterday from New port News bound for Camp Lewis. The special carrying these meu is expected to pass through Portland Thursday. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. SBATTLK. Wash.. March 8. (Special The steamship Admiral Schley of the Se attle t'ahfornia service of the pacific Steam ship (Company, the Admiral line, will be placed temporarily in the southeastern Alaska trade following her arrival In this port March it was announced by officers of the company yesterday afternoon. The vessel will sail from Seattle Murch 17 with a full cirxo of tin plate, box shooks and other cannery supplies and a capacitiy passenger list. Including a large number of cannery employes. The steamship Melko Maru of the Trans- BRIGGS. " Oo! Such TerriSl LAN(5uASE I NEVER HEARD . I THirslK DAO IS 0OR6. "BooT MG vMAKIK Of. HES ALVAJAYS KlMDA CROSS AlrtEisl I CRY AT NIGHT. IF HE DOESN'T 5E.T A MOVE orJ I'LL LET OUT A T6LL V aslccp) Pacific f'-ot of Mitsui Co.. itliirh a!ll from S.HtM t l I. M. J.-iriunry J". w .-n t j ihore at SaratoKa Spit in Japan, acrorilmil 1 to a rabirKrfttn rcttrri tin innrninK by l! Merchant KvchaiiKo of Seattle. The e- Jcl a floated after discharging part of her cargo, j TACOMA. Wash.. March 8. (Special. j VViih a rrew nf apprentice lioys ofr l.oar.1. ; the t'nltetl States h:inliii: tinnl'ti training fhlp Irl. t'Hpt.iin MrAvoy. arriveil here to- , nay from JSan Krunctsco ami wav ports. The . vessel will remain here until earlv Monday. ' when she will sail for San Francisco. A ' number of Tacoma boys have siKneit up for the service and will be shifting out oa ; cither the Iris or Iroquois. ! Customs officers made a seizure of over (XI quarts of whlfky on the i:urlaml line I steamer tiraysnn lotlay upon the arrival of ' the vessel from Shanghai. Some of the' liquor was stowed on the under shle of the j table In the dinlnir room. The :ruyson ( maqe a fast passage across this time, but w as 31 days outbound from here to Shanghai. C.RAYS HARBOR, Wash.. March S. (Spe cial. The steamer YVahkeena uVrlved this mornltiR at H o'clock and Is loading carRo at the Aberdeen Lumber & Shingle mill in Aberdeen. The steamers Chehalls and Haisj- and the motorship lissen. which have been barboun.l for two or three davs. crossed out late yes terday. The steamer Shasta, with rirto from the K. K. Wood mill, went to the lower harbor this afternoon, epecllns to cross the bar about 6 o'clock. ASTORIA. Or.. March P. (Special. Laden with a cariro of lumber from Port land the steamer Mnkanda sailed at 7 ::iO this afternoon from Kranriseo. and I alter rtlsrharirlnR freight at the port dock proceeded to Portland. After discharsinx fuel oil In Portland. the tank steamer Washtenaw sailed at U:o0 today for California. " Carrying boilers from Portland and lum ber from the Hammond mill the steam schooner Trinidad sailed at S o'clock today for San Pedro in San Francisco. The steam schooner Santlam will sail this evening for San Pedro via San Francisco. She la laden with boilers from Portland and lumber from the Hammond mill. The tank steamer Wm. F. Herrln Is due from CahfornU wi:h fuel oil for Portland. tirlnglnR fuel oil for Portland, the tank ii"mtr v. i-o ,foia ' oV,n rter will he due from Cal- lock tomorrow mnrnin inn emergency r:eet steamer Cresap is to snil this evening On her 4-hour trial run at KAN- FRAXnsrn, March . (Special. Commuters and others who happened to be rro.-slng the bay at 1 :3'l I". M. today were treated to a sight that made them gasp for breulh und stand transfixed in surprise. Within a period of one minute four big ships steamed past the ferry falrwav with flags flying and three of them crowded with hundreds of passengers. The procession of peace ships was led by the Pacific Mall liner Kctiador. with Cap tain Hans Thompson on the br'.dice, while aft a score of Chinese w-ere busily enraged in exploding many firecrackers, which is supposed to brine (rood fortune dunnc the long vnyaee to Honolulu and the orient. Following close astern and a bit to the port side camu the Siberia Maru of the Toyo Kisen Kalsha. also enroute to the orient, with just a bit burger "bone" at the oow man the Kcuador. Then off the port quarter of the .Taparese ship the ilner President irave Captain Na- K.ii.i uir.-r cans on tne siren to liolicate mat n couster can contend for speed hon in a fair race. Immediately astern and the wake of both vessels the Matson steamer J.ronclio, t aptaln .Mnln"un. spurted alone on tne lirsl or the voyacej to the Allan tic. It was the first blK armada of peaci i'ui in sea simultaneously since the war put a crimp In the atame of shipping. The Siberia Marfl took out what Is said to be the hiccesl list of passengers on this ship. There were r.o.-. In all classes, of which 17o were first cabin. There were 4i In the second class, the balance being Asiatics In the aweK3 quarters. COOS HAY. Or.. March 8. (Special. The gasoline schooners Rustler. K. I.. Smith and Trump are in' port awaiting the arrival of the steamer ;. C. l.lndauer. and the steam schooner Yellowstone. from whl-h craft they will secure freight car noes for Wedderburn and tiold Peach. Owing to a rough Condition on the bar, the seism schooner Aurella, whlih came into port yesterday evenlnir. is del:i.ve.l n imioor n-i will not sail until tomorrow. for J 'ortlttn J Marine Xoics. The bItI steamers West Mndm anl Wt Han-uvur are to leuve the harbor ear.y this mornint; for the Atlantic, curryinif top-tln-r iort to 1."i.mh tons of flour. They axe utnier assignment to the Admiral line. First of th Joint meetings to he held between the J'ort of 1'ort .an-1 c ommtun and the Commission of Public Dm ks, to dis i' tin harbor development problems, will be convened Tuesday inoinintc. It is the in tention to haf the two bodies confer each month at leu. Finns and specif ieatinnji are heins; rushed by the drafting deptirtment of tho Com mission of I'utiiu- Lo k for the const rU t ton of pier No. at t .o St. Johns munn ip.tl tormina!, also for extend. n? the shed on p:er No. 1 from MMI to I.'iUO feet. The commis sion will ko over the denies Thursday and .i nm j m. i io an i or tn ds at once in the interest of both the port's we. fare ami to akiM in the reconstruction firatnnie. so id; m-n may be clvcu ployment. pro em- seamen are noinii signed on new jhips n-it- on n eiR.-n-noor day iasi. Int-nd oi nine nou rs. the former period belnjr jttitfBi innTprpiMiion p.aced Qn cert a in provisions of tho KnKoltette law. The men receive a month and overtime Is juo- ided as we l. There Is a movement under w s v on re more to ut ihse pome of i he nood team-r idle here for transporting flour to the eat co st . It in understood that the matter tc w iioi! up lo the food admin is t ra t Ion as t he division Of operation of tii- shinnim? rrt hus Hssenten. ht in a d.f-.rous of a..: c :i i n 1 1 , Mn i in .iv tui rjios" so as 1 o 1 ei some f.r the stet-i tvaiurs for pi rmant' trade routes. Mo ctuciits YeMls. SEATTI.K. Mar. h S. Arrival; Srcariri AmnglMHn .M.iru. from Inrlen: Ji-nt fr.nn Sn lrRo. Lx-fcmrted S:eainT liur py iu, for London. TAI-OM A. M rr h Jv A rri vert Sir mr .rii "on. from MiMnirhiit : 1". s. Irtf. fr.m .aii Kriim Im'o, vi Mnini! fHirt: te.mr II. 1. l.'Vfjoy. I roin ali Krain i..-o. Si lo-I Motor-hip u b'-rr. for Siln-y, vu i,-. tort ; t.Litir Admiral U.nlrn.iM, f ,,r i0. at. tie; Mvamrr II. H. l,ov-jo , Tor Seattle I'OUTI.AX I. M.urri . Sh I led. .st Harcuvur. for Norfolk for urdcrit ; iCMincr riwp. far irtal trij.. ASTuRIA. March S. SIU-1 at 7:30 A. M . titmrr Makmi.la. for liullma ; arrived nd left up, aivuiiicr cYlilo. from .an Krancjn-o. SAN KRANriSCO, M.-ir.-h S. Arrive at ft A. M.. stmiT Cii i-f i op.-Ku, from lort- CKAYS HAKHOK. Mar. h 7. Arrlcd. t-mr Wahkttna. from I'ort iand. A H F. n K K S, M i r h Eaiy Fr cmun, from SAX FKANt-lSto, S Leu rn t-ra .N no.,; j . I k-w ey, st t le. J-mi;.- Arri ved iTllanJ, March 8. ArrKr,!. 1 1 unn. ulu ; Ad miral -d : s:c.i:uers Sii-rta Kcuador. H nnckene; Maru t Japitnt -v Ir 9ident. at :lc. La M-ri-u. Au?ti alia. NEW Yi'HK. Kotti tUuichi. I'ini'o, March S. Arrived : M earner I'l-aaiiK. etc., la San Fian- MIAN'iolAl. March 4. Arrived: Mcanier Yitlori;i. Seattle, via, okoiiacia. NKWVASTI.K. V. S. V.. Mar. h rived: SWnicr YankaJilla. Virion, f-Ar H. l VOKHAM A. rr Ktml Maru. March 4 Arrived: .trai san Francis. lur Koie. I A H I KX, Mciko Mai u. Match fi om S 4. Arrived : Stnmrr attic via Yokohama. L". S. .a at Had io lii porl. (All position reporter! at I". M. ester du uules ui herw ise tndl-ated. PAINIKU. Siaiiio for tan Kranciaco, -10 ml!- front Seattle. ASlX'lt.N. liichitnnd for Aberdeen, miti'M nrth d San Frnncljito. YOSKMITK, Snti Francisco for Seattle, Z tnitf-a north itiutu.- i:t t. C x. Smith. M arh field for San Vrjii-.ld-o. lf'i mi U'it north of San Fran ieo. . F. l.l't'AS, S.-attle for San 1'eUro. iMl mihs north of San 1'edro. SANTA At.I'l.. with W. J. Virrie in tow, Yal;.irais. ir 'i'ucoitia, '-O inl:t. north ii Nan Fr.in"is''o. 1UAKK. Honolulu for San Francisco, 410 iniN-n Ir m S;m raticsco. UAPAMA. san Fiani?.co for Tortland. -Hi mile north i t uie H him -). V AS 1 1 T KN A V, Portland for Port J.in Lui. ti'i miles nortli of Port San l.ui. liOVKKNK. Seattle for Sua Francisco. 13 mih - soutU of lM pe A rn CO. I. A 11KKA. San I'edro for Everett. 731 inUe iron Mverett. cil A NSi.UK. lia viola for Linn ton. 423 miles north of tJaviot. -.I II Vision's Value Good -vision is a faculty you can not purchase. If your eyesijjht is not perfect you should make every effort to improve it. Glasses may, or may not be a necessity. This is a question you cannot decide for. yourself. The advice of a skillful sight-testing specialist is required. Eyestrain i3 often unsuspected, as such by the sufferer as tho sight appears to be perfect. My system of sight . testing is thorough, and I can detect the cause of the eye trouble or the slightest defect of vision More than 20 years study and practical experience is back of this system, and assures you the most in usefulness and comfort Perfect Fitting Glasses. DR. WHEAT Eyesight Specialist 207 MORGAN BLDC. Washington at Broadway San Francisco. 123 miles from San Fran cisco. I'HKSIDFNT, Snn Francisco for Seattle. t0 mttcs north of San Francisco, SYLVAN ARROW. m.lea west of San Francluco, bound for Japan. Titles mt Astoria Sunday. High. Low. M 2 fert'OrlO A. M SO feet M frH 1 :33 .'. M 0.3 foot n o? A 7::i0 I Columbia Kl vrx Bar Report. NORTH M K A P. ! arch IS. Condition of tie bnr at 5 H. M. Sea. smooth; inU wes:. 1 if miles. PHONE HEARING IS ASKED Chamber Conimlitre Requests Meet- in;? With I' til it los Hotly. The public utilities commission of Oregon is rei4uejleti to permit a pe cia I committee, represent ins the Ore- Kon citato chamber of commerce, to make representations on behalf of the telephone users of Oregon with refer ence to the proposed -0 per cent in crease in telephone rates. Uleven of 15 directors of the stato chamber were present at the session nt which the resolution wu adopted unanimously yesterday. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Urrmtea. JKXKlNS.ronrEXlXO Tlrrt T. J-nklt, of Hakrr City. v.. anil Florence Corpen iiiK. -,si. T'" Hawthorne Mroft. KBKIII.Y-K 1 Floyd F Khrrly. 21, A 1t .ot-uM tr !. and Juita Kid well. J'-', TivIor 5re"l. Mt Ki KKI V-M.Vnx T.ouls Ovril I.bu rfuv. Ical. "Woodburn, t ir and Viola Duon. Ira!. 7:;:'. i'lniii'i avnu. liATTKItSitY-HAH.KV Charles WUMam Hi t icrshv . Fourth atrret. and Attu liat'.'-v. !.. .;;;, M i ' l t:reet. STKIMAN'S VNI'MAX t y Stfdman, ! ytal. til Fast Sit-fdth street North, and M.iri K. Mtidman, legal, rV! Kast Fifteenth 5i rM-t N on i . sYl;t;K r-VYT.l William Lorrill Swi cert. J. lov, Tliurman ;ret. and Dnrn JtTirw1 Wvid. '. . K.tM Msdi!on miTcr y.K' UA-Si'HAKFK K Henry Zcchi, 24. r4S F.:ift Tw -iit -r.tnt h mreet. and Carohn.1. rVhn.-fr. -I. ni Kst Tweni v-lourth Mreoi. U KI.KV-HnVt;x-('hur.fii Him klcy. r.iil'j xt -eipht h fT roct Sout hf.ii. a ml jt i How en. s::n Forty-ninth avnii. Zl" M V A I .T-JOMN'SlX Charles W. Zunr. wnut -3. 1 OTM Krancm avrnue. and Cora. Johnson. CI. Multnomah station. VcKI.KKK-KAULK It !ter Yoeikcr. ?, K4 1 Hast Sevent h j,r rft ort n. and I-ixr'a Kiiht.-r. l. S4-" Fast Thirteenth street ortn. Jn s iN-S WOKl Oscar Johnson. 1 m Twenty -second at reft. and Uertti ?vord. !. same address. MoNTH'iMKUY - 1IAKOY John X-el M ont Kcinery. Kpal. Waterman, and (iiutiv Anita Hardy. 11. Alexandra. c.urt. Kl OK-I.KK John Klde. legal. Frankbt hoiel. od l.unhild I-ee. lpal. fime addre. M ITH-A M Kli Y littvid -N. Smith. lc .VJ7 M arcnenie avenue, and Cu t herlne M . Atnery. U sal. 171 L.il Nineteenth tdreet sou t h. V i 0 1 Y -1 1 A V N r.f Aioert woooy, - i " Fnion avenue nort.i, anil Cenevtava Hayncs, is r Ha hotel AT K 1 NS i.N'-l.i'OAS CSoora- If. Atkinson. J-"i, KaM fiiv'nt y-second atreet, and t'.'l.ucjm. --. Troutd:ile, ir. A I.LKX-lil'Ml'H KKY t'orrellua P. AHn. l.-iraJ. F.tacada. Or., and KUxabcth Hum phrev. lugal. -''U Twelfth Ptreet. Norman K- TIlus Honored. Norman T- Titus yesterday was elected president of tho Helta Cpstlon fraternity alumni association at a mect imf held at the University flub. W. If. Marsh was named secretary and Walter S. Afher t reanurer. The next meet in s will be held March 19 at the University club when the Portland organization will greet the secretary of the national body, who is on a trip over the country viriti:;K the several active chapters and alumni associations. Ilurjrtary of Itcilonto loKrtcd. Mrs. C K. Dot y. 7 4 9 Overton street, reported to the police yesterday that hurnlar.- had entered her house and stolen clothing and some old coins. In spector Oraddock i.t investigating. Jiuen Swan. i Grand avenue, re ported that buriclars hail stolen a 50 liberty bond and $70 in currency from liis room. Inspec torn Coleman and Mo rak were assigned to tho case. Womrn fo Hour Address. ITNIVKKSITY OF OK K JON, Kucene, March S. ir. Id i It. Ojeilvle, director of the recruiting ffr the Women's UnJ Army of America, will add re the women of the university Tuesday, March 11. at the Y. M. U. A. hut. telling them of the work of her organisation. While here Dr. Ocilvle and her asnit ant, Mis Delia West Marble, will be ilu' Kursts of the university women at Hendricks hall. STEEL STHUTI IMI, Ml.tPUS K.VIl, niVKI. BOLTS, . irsKT nons. " FAnRIl'ATKn MATERIAL inn iuoi;i. hi ii.nics, TAK. TOW KHS, NORTUWEST BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY pohixad, vn. P. O. Box ss. I'bnnf Mala 11M, were at once ordered to tie up at tireen , . 1