22 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX,- I'OItTLAND, 3IARCIT 9. 1010. BIHNESS OrrOKTCNITIF.S. GENERAL STORE. EASTERN ORBGOV. Stock about Hll0O. good surrounding country, done Jl'K.OOO business in JOIN: wn bUlKH. and ground which cost Villi"). "Will Mell all -on payments or will take property near Portland up 2-3tla o value, balance cash. XICE LITTLE GROCERY STORE. ?2'Jl0 stock in one of tlii beat residence districts in Portland, rent $0. ALSO $..00 STOCK. Death has caused store to be locked up, rent J13. CONFECTIONERY STORE. S7.0 buys one of the neatest little tres in city. i-arrts lig-ht groceries, fcerves lunch, rent $15. CtriAR rOOI, HALT,. Hept f2i0i bargain in the citv. 4 pool tabieH and first-class fixtures, safe, cash register, Inrpre show cases, with wall cases, west side business district. V. RI BRDOX, RTTTER. I.ttWE ti CO., -03-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LARGE WHOLESALE HOUSE. Can furnish excellent retail business lo cations and tell how to start new and profitable store of your own on small in vestment. All information free. Ask for tree copy of Retailers Text Hook. $l7.-.n. . Confectionery. pool hall, restaurant, cigars anil tobacco: finely equipped: in Rood live location, out of town. Doing a Rood business. Place would invoice about J..oo. Owner Is sacrifiring on account or other business. Good lease. Low rent. .Modern building. Ih.ix40. See owner .Monday morning at this office. BUSINESS PERVICK. Main 6797. O01--a-4 Oregonian Bids. OPTICIAN, JEWELER. "CHEAT OPPOR TUNITY." FPKcIA LLY DESIRABLE BROADWAY LOCATION. HIGH CLASS. NEW FIX TURES. UOOU LEAS E: O W N E R OiiMi'.lCD TO SELL ACCOUNT OTHER BUSTS ESS REQUIRES ATTENTION. A REAL SACRIFICE OF BOTH STOCK AND FIXTURES. ALL CLEAR. AD DRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX aL'J, PORT LAN D. CON FECTI ONER Y AND CIGARS. price :;oisi. This is one of the neatest places in the city, and !oing a fine business. Wl!i average $200 clear monev everv month. This must be all arh. If vou think thi will interest you. call in and see us, and we will show you the place. No phone information. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. :;00 Oak St. Broadway -ma. CORNER GROCERY. PRICE J2000. This is- a dandy place, in a thickly set tled residence district, having a nice, clean slock, and doing an average of $."i0 per day. If you are looking for a good buy, be sure and see this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., "Of) Oak st. Broadway 41.13. WANT parly with $:t(Ka cash to consider takhig half interest in good country week ly paper and job office. Will pay good salary and interest on investment from start, and business can be largely in creased. Knowledge of printing not essen tial, but should be good mixer and hus- tier. K BOO. Or.sonla n. A COUNTRY GARAGE. The best one in the county: brick bldg. good lease, have agency for popular cars, also agency for tractors and trucks, can clear $10,000 to $12,000 vear; at least SSUOO rash is required. Call room 40d Dekum bldg. OPPORTUNITY for right parly to ravest from S.-.ou to $5000 in a rapidly grow ing Portland industry; money needed for expansion; this industry is allied with the automobile accessory line and i- a necessity for every car. L SSli, Oregonian. WITH 1-3 billion appropriation this year for U. S. highways, parties everywhere wishing to get ground-floor proposition on new auto-pavement investments. must write at once suggesting amount avail able to lockbox 20N. Portland. Or. WOMAN who has chicken ranch for 000 chickens near big city wishes to hear Irom congenial middle-aged man with capital to start partnership In business; everyihing ready to start. BF 330. Ore gonian. WANTED A competent man w ho can operate typewriter, to purchase working interest in paying abstract business; pur chaser will take official position at good saiary. Address L. D. Goodrich, 1424 E. 13th st.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Manufacturing business, we'll established, wholesale and retail depart ments. ill require investment of about $10,000. Will consider half cash and un incumbered real estate. BF 354, Orego nian. SUBURBAN grocery with living rooms. fine location, over $100 day business: rent low owner been there 7 years, retiring will sell at Invoice, about $3000. Call 511 Rail way Exchange. WANTED By mill sawing spruce, experi enced, well-qualified shook manufacturer to take full charge box factory. Good op- i-nriunity right party. AF 175. Orego nian. WANTED By local manufacturing firm, man with pep and some business ability to take charge of branch agencv: must have some money: previous experience not es- sential. See Brown, -a rirst st. FINE grocery business for sale by owner, with modern living-rooms; no agents: no delivery; good place for maTi and wife; . near school, on main road. Mt. Scott car cresion station, walk one block west. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, soft drinks etc.. old established business: good fix tures: east side location. $000 cash, or iii iraoe as nrst payment on modern -1" b .. I1"8' Oregonian. riw. ii.N'j PLANT FOR SALE at a bar- vj miner press, two jobbers, great variety of type, material, etc.. all in good condition: s:t:;oo, $looo down, balance easy terms. E 0U5. Oregonian. FOR SALE Old-eslabliEhed business located in center of Portland: will r.v -or- of interest on twice amount asked for ii:iik sdic. j-.-M.wo can. u hm. oregonian SUBURBAN garage and repair business, one owner retiring, fine opportunity for prac- ... i.iau. uaiiuie. v.an oil Kail way Exchange. PARTNER wantfd in safe little business, good living and can be increased; only iT-um-w. i.in .iii t.anway cjxenange FOR SAI.l -Two-chair barber shoo with Ji.'ns rooms, part cash. Phone Broadway ltusiness Opportunities) Wanted. OFFICE manager and salesman of integ rity and excellent experience wants active association with responsible, successful en terprise in some capacity; could make smau investment. A.M isi, Oregonian WANTED Small cash grocery in Portland's suburbs, by experienced man; have $4O0 casn as nrst payment. Box 1252. Wen atchee. Wash. HAVE several thousand dollars to invest with services In legitimate manufacturing or commercial business; only responsible iarcigs; no agents, ti.i ::. oregonian. WANTED Modern apt. house. One can be handled for from $1000 to $.1000, good easy payments. State location and particulars " umi leucr. i- oregonian. WANT grocery stock in good residence (lis. trict. cash or trade to $3500; no agents. I HAVE $1000 contract, payable monthly at 7 per cent. Want small business. What nave you : K oil. Oregonian. A ONE-MAN MARKET, close fn. Give list or nxtures. and rent, and price. P S30, "i rn'niiKii. WANTED To buy a small hardware store Address L. J. C.. 40!) Magnojia St.. or call HAVE $10O0 would like to invest In bus! ness where I can make good wages. AS 203. Oregonian. FOR drug store, west side Income proper ty resa tit lexingion ave. IVANTKll West side cash grocery- with nvm rooms. rj. luggie. Main 3003. FMOM owner, bakery or cash grocery; must be bargain. AN 21), Oregonian. WANT to buy a harirware store: state al) aetai;s. A iiw. oregonian. WANTED To buy a small meat market. Aniiresa rreii i -a r orgue. -lis -d St. WANTED Small confectionery and cigar stand in good location. ;i.o salmon st. WANT to buy, barber shop, gonian. Y 145, Ore WANTED Partner In hotel boarding-house. Address Box Ul, Linnton, Or. . . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. FACTORY BUILDINGS. ALMOST NEW. ABOUT Stl.iHin sy. FT. FLOOR SPACE AND 3 ACRES GROUND ON RI V EH AND RAILWAY SWITCH. SUITABLE FOR ANY MANUFACTURING BUSI NESS. WILL SELL LESS THAN COST Oil LEASE. MIGHT TAKE INTEREST IN ENTERPRISE. D 124. OREGONIAN. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., . 5I2-JU-14-1.-. Swetland bldg. -MERCHANTS. Desiring to sell a place of business -will do well to consult the Pacific Agency, as their large force of experienced salesmen and continuous advertising lias brought results for all. We have hundreds of satisfied clients in the city. If your place of business is for sale, come in and see us. our commission is only X'r, if we sell. "Why pay more? PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 512-13-14-15 Swellaud bldg. WANTED. The very best conft-ctionery store" In Portland that 2.".Oo will buy. owner only. Phoue Main 0CJ7. "WE have a buyer with ."i0'it to Stiooo cash who wants to buy a close-in lot for apt. house, west side, at a bargain: might pay up to J12.0OO to $l.",ooo if terms can be arranged. 44t Taylor st. Main 2175. YOUNG MAN with busness ahility will in vest $5000 $1500 with services in grow ing manufacturing concern. Mining and inventor's proposition not considered. State full particulars for consideration. HC bsS, Oregonian. MIDDLE WEST ATTORNEY, ten years' ac tive practice. Will buy for cash whole or part interest in ethical law firm in county seat town not less than 15.O00 population. Mail card without comment and 1 will write or call. AV 7Q4 Oregoniain. WANTED For cash and clear Portland im proved property, stock of general mer chandise or some paying business in Portland. Give amount of stock ami lo cation In first letter. L scio, Oregonian. WANT merchandise stock. Joooo to J'.toot. will turn in clear city property, value $4000 and pay balance cash. A. K. HILL CO.. 214 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. IF YOU have $5000 or more cash, would like to get into salmon canning game, S. E. Alaska right: will investigate and act quickly. Address OH. 142 K. 47lli St., Seattle, Wash. WANT a Jfrocery and confectionery or pool nan ana conrectionery for tlauu home and $1500 or J1SO0 cash. A. J. DE FOREST & CO. ni'0-321 Henry Bldg. Main S!0. UL'.VO business man with a couple of hundred dollars and good refrences would like to get into some good-paying busi ness. What have you to offer. AR 331. Oregonian. BARBER SHOP Wanted to buy for cash in town not less than 2oOO population, work ing two or more chairs. Give full par ticulars and description in first letter, "i 131. Oregonian. WANTED Stock of pen. mds. for 1-3 property and 2-.1 cash, give price, loca tion, kind of each line carried and amount of business doing. Will deal quick It fer.1. Oregonian. WANTED Owner of vacant lot to build garage for responsible party on long lease and good deposit to secure same; w.-st side preferred. K SGo. Oregonian. WOULD invest $100(1 or more in Al mining proposition. Information as to location, values and extent of operations must be given in first letter. L 870. Oregonian. SUCCESSFUL salesman calling on grocers. druggists, confectioners wishes to take on a first-class specialty. Can deliver and make moderate investment. Y 141, Ore gonian. LET us collect your old accounts: our rates sre reasonable. Alliance Collection Agerssy. 702 Spaulding bldg. Main HIS. Hotels ana Rooming-Roasea.-' MRS. M. E. LENT. HQTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. All Sizes and Prices. 723-4 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main fc50o. If you are looking for a hotel or apart ment house in Portland come in for par ticulars on the beet buys. APARTMENT HOUSES 50 APARTMENTS PRICE $S500. Brick building, located close in, west aide, good business the year around; re quires $.1000 to handle. 40 APARTMENTS PRICE. $12.00O. Here is your opportunity to get a high class building, witli all modern appoint ments, private balconies, full all the time; big net income; requires $7000 cash. 35 APARTMENTS PRICE. $7500. Elegant and exclusive, newly furnished, very low rent; you can't make a mistake on this; first time offered. 25 APARTMENTS KENT. $275. All light.' airy rooms, automatic ele vator, private baths, nicely arranged, large airy halls; price. $7500. 22 APARTMENTS PRICE. $7000. Located close in. west side: a money maker: white pressed corner brick build ing; $50oo cash required. HOTELS FOR SALE. 00 ROOMS PRICE. $HO0O. Here is one of the nice places: comer, white pressed brick building; 3-year lease. Northwestern heat, easy to manage,; rent $300; income $1200. 54 ROOMS PRICE $000. 15 baths, automatic elevator, all light, airy rooms. Northwestern heat, ground floor office, very low rental; good busi ness for man and wife. 72 ROOMS PRICE $8500. Large ground floor office and lobby, on the busiest street in the city; rent $300; always does good commercial busi ness; requires $5000 to handle this. 50 ROOMS PRICE $5500. Rent $200, steam heat, private haths, on two floors. 2 entrances, your chance with $3000. clearing over $-100 per month. 00 ROOMS HIGH CLASS. White pressed brick corner, 33 baths, automatic elevator, mostly pay by the month, homelike, fine place for man and wife, requires only $3ooo cash, balance easy terms. price t.iOO. MRS. M. E. LENT. 723-4 Northwestern Bank building. PICTURE and vaudeville theater for sal splendid equipment: low rental; excellen opportunity, particularly for talentec family or partnership that can handle most of the operating. Inquire Box v3tl Roseburg, Or. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment and room lng houses with us; your Interests wll: alwavs be protected. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1O07 Yeon Bldg. TEN-ROOM HOUSE. Rent $40; close in; all full; $G50 will nanuie; price iiiu. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldff. iiai r. casn to ouy a -O or 25-room house, either housekeeping or straight rooms; will deal with owner only; no agents neeq answer. Alt H23. Oregonian, lti-ROOM housekeeping house, fine location gooo lurniture. low rent. Price $11imi. Bargain. Call l(i3Vi West Park st. Wells v Anuerson. ONLY $750. 25-Roorn Hotel Rent $33. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. 1.1 ROOMS 13. White temple district, rent only $5 clears $1"0 per month. Price $SII5, terms' Peters. 15 X. 5th st. HOTEL of 15 rooms for sale or trad.- for Portland property: will sell cheap; good chance for some one. A. J. McCanii lav ton. Or. FOR SALE By owner. CO-room apartment house: steam heat, hot and cold water In every room: cheap rent and close in. D 134. Oregonian. 44 ROOMS, modern brick hotel, aood fur niture, well located. Good lease: making good money. Price $45oo, terms Call 1B3M: West Park st. Wells & Anderson. 16-ROOM 16. Facing park, rent $25: alwavs full: nice yard, all apts., for $1145. Terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. 9 ROOMS, housekeeping house, good furni ture, well located, very low rent Make you good home. Price $n.-,o, terms Call 103 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. WANT rooming house. 15 to SO rooms; will give improved Portland property and cash T 62. Oregonian. WANT to buy bungalow. 5 or U rooms, near Mt. Tabor or Hawthorne car line; not over $:ill)0. T !4. Oregonian.. FOR SALE .Al good-paying workmen's ho tel. Address D. Vandegcer, Holland hotel. Klamath Falls. Or. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 72.1-24 V W. BANK BLDG ROOMING house. Income $150. total ex penses $40; west side corner. 5 minutes' walk down-town. F Ss-O, Oregonian. I HAVE the casfi to pay for small rooming or apartment house; must be a bargain. Sellwood 2552. I SVANTED Rooming house. 12 to 27 r' oma J Alain 3000. 11. W. Garland, lis 3d st. BCSINKSS OrPORTlTNlTIES. Hotels ami Rooming Houeft. A. J. De FOREST. & CO. 320-321 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 2690. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 110 ROOMS. $4000 HANDLES. Apartment house consisting of t7 apart ments, modern brick bldg.. with elevator. Kent $400, Income $15o; very central West Side locaLlon. !0 ROOMS. $5000 HANDLES. Apartment htuise In one of the finest neighborhoods of Portland: 25 large well arranged apartments; strictly modern. Kent $275 with lease; clears $400 a month net. R5 ROOMS. $100O HANDLES. ' Apartment house with real class in fine neighborhood, handsomely furnished, at a price o$15.000; our price Just r and part time at that. 72-ROOM HOTEL ON SIXTH ST. Doing big transient business; rent $1O0, Income $1200. Might consider part trade. Prica $5000- B0 ROOMS. $1000 HANDLES. Or par'.radp. 2H 2 and 3-room apart ments. Modern brick In easy Valking dis tance; West Side. Kent $2t0; good lease. Clears $500 net. 5R-ROOM ATTRACTIVE HOTEL. Handsomely furnished, beautiful rooms: Fine corner brick bldg.. Northwest heat, good lease, rent only $30(1, Income $12O0 and up. Price $8000. part time. 46 ROOMS. $3000 HANDLES. Nice little hotel on . Washington st. Pays $IOO a month net. Rent only $200 witli good lease. Modern bldg. .19 -ROOM HOTEL. Rent only $150 per month. Strictly modern blrck bldg. West Side, close In. Price $4550. Clears $350 net. 37 H. K. ROOMS. Here's a money-maker. Rent only $6 per month, clearing $230. $1500 cash handles lt. 2!) II. K. ROOMS. $1200 handles it. Beautiful location. Fine corner brick bldg. Good furniture, steam heat, light rooms. Ktnt only $00, clears $17o per month net and $1200 is all you have to pay down. Balance easy terms as you make it. 22 ROOMS. H. K. Right In town, steam heat; place. $1150 cash required. nice clean 20 H. K. ROOMS. Modern, steam heat, running water In rooms, two baths: nice place In White tempi district. $1200 cash required. Might take $1000 down. TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE. Hotel, Rooming or Apt. Houses. See A. J. DeFOKEtsT & CO. S20-321 Henry bldlg. Main 2600. ONE OK THE BEST HOTELS IX THE CITY. 120 rooms, strictly modern, center of city, cl.aring $2000. net. every 30 davs; will make long lease al reasonable rent' $10,000 handles same. 00-ROOM COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Strictly modern, brick bldg.. business district, good lease and best of furnish ings; 12,O00 handles. MODERN NEW BRICK, 84 ROOMS. Good west side location, all rooms fac ing street and elegantly furnished; leaso, rent 250. Can be handled $4000. NICE LITTLE HOTEL. 16 ROOMS. -OFFICE, dining room, lunch counter, all completely furnished, rent $50, price $1500, some terms. APT. HOUSE BARGAINS. 59 ROOMS, all two-room apt. except two; ne brick, west side, well furnished easy walking distance, lease, cheap rent, price $;ooo; easy terms, might take clear city home to $3000. 25 THREE-ROOM APTS. New brick, west eiue and furnished up-to-date, clog'? in. good lease, fair rent, price $6500. Terms. BEST FURNISHED 15 ROOMS IV CITY. Nice walking distance, steam heat running water, piano, rugs, everyth'ng goes, $2100 handles. R-ROOM HOUSE, TWO FLATS. All nicely furnished, a bargain for $.350. 143-ROOM APT. HOUSE. One of the best paying houses In cltv. new orlck- bldg.. long lease, clearing Sk.mi er montr.; price 14.500. Win take city uuiiio or small iarm close in. SOME SMALL ONES. I) rooms, rent $25. price $050. 12 rooms, rent $."o, price $1000 10 rooms, rent $50. price $2100. 8 rooms, rent $40. price $s.-,o It) rooms, rent $25. price Js50 It rooms, ront $25, price $1050. 8 rooms, rent $"5. price $sso WATCH OUR ADS. WB GET RESULTS. F. RIERDON. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. -03-0-7 Board of Trade Bids. 5 RMS., modern brick, corner. In 2 and i-V"- ,??r,l,n,"""; I o"" lo' rent. Completely furnished. Nets over $S50 per mo. Price, $14,ooo. Will consider $5000 in trade. 120-rm., modern, west side, brick cor ner apartment; hardwood floors, private baths, phones, etc; balconies to each apt Clears over $450 per mo. Price. $S5oO, terms. vt-",.,1."" br'ck b'dg. In heart of town. NI. . heat, hot and cold water, electric lights, etc., in all reoms. Good furniture and carpets. Price. $2200 terms 25-h. k. ran. Rent. $00. Fine, close In comer. Electric lights, hot and cold water In all rooms; furnace heat. ETKtra well furnished. Price. $25l0 terms. Many others. All sizes, prices and loca tions. YATES REALTY CO.. 240 4TH ST LOOK AT THESE. 22 rooms, first-class central brick; $2850 terms. ' 8 rooms. $675. 12 rooms, $1500: terms. 10 rooms. $sno; terms. 40 rooms, $37oo; ii cash: a good one. 10 ruoms, $650. . !) rooms, clean as a pin: $650 cash. 11 rooms; something nice; $lnro; terms -5 rooms: Income 1S6 mo.; $ooO' terms 11 rooms: very good: $1000; $550 down 10 rooms very good; income $130 mo.: $000; some terms. 4 apis., U rooms: lease. $600 cash. My auto at your service. LA MONTE. 5Qg Swetland bldg. Main 7435. ' $6000 WILL HANDLE. 58 rma., Dath and running water, eleva tor. new furniture, long lease: rent $3oo per mo.; clears oec. 4oO and S-iOO; pract. new brick, quarter blk.. central location: a money-maker and real snap; same owner yrs.; goou reason lor selling; invest! gate. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Ablngton Bldg. "55 Yrs. In Portland." Main 4S03. IF VOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL a Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartmea: House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULT! RITTER. LOWE tk CO.. 203-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg BUNGALOW BEACH HOTEL. Close lo Portland. Good transportation. Ideal bathing. Patronage year around. Completely furnished. An exceptional op- PTi.unny ior man ana wife to operate Consider improved Portland property ex change. Owner. 4004 40th av. fc). E., Sell wood 1S6S. FOR SALE FURNITURE MOD. HOUSE. CLOSE IN" -16-ROOM IN CTi WEST SIDE; PRICE $120U. TERMS SO0 CASH ENTS. OR M1GH1 BAL. EASY PAYMENTS. OR MIGHT MAKE A LITTLE BETTER PRICK FOR Al.1. CASH. 44l TAYLOR ST. MAIN -: i i o. ROOMING-HOUSE OWNERS. I am workingman: want to buv a room Ing-house from 10 lo So rooms: have the casn ana want to get a place right away. in not aeai through a real estate man. Phone me Sunday or evenings at Tauur o-t.o. LA MONTE. THE APT.-HOl'SB MAN. w-ants your listings: have a waiting list of ouyeru. can sen quicaiy: anything from u to ,-,o rooms; also restaurants, houses. garages, acreage. With C. G. Watson it-auy co.. aim wwelland bldg. Main 7433, BUY from owner and save commission, fur niture of ..4 rooms, one and two-room apts., centrally located, west side. 5 blocka Irom Portland Hotel; cheap rent; hot and cold water, furnace heat. Price $4000, casn. fnone Jiain s-iu:. 14-ROOM rooming-house, fine location, fine furniture: a good money maker. Modern house. Call 103 li West Park St. Wells t Anderson. 6 H. K. ROOMS. 16 2-room suites, close In, Market aiw women care alone: prl $16.50; $10 case; rent $75. month. Y 137, Oregonian. 2- ROOM modern brick hotel, well fur nished. good lease: one of the best loca tions in Portland. A good buy. Call lU3Vb vvtsl t'ara. vtens & Anaerson. FOR SALE Rooming bouse. 30 rooms, ship yard district: lease, cheap rent; $1500 casn. can uarsnsn -J;. ROOMING HOUSE for sale. If) rooms. Must be casn. liomns all lull. Good location Call Ma in 6414. Foil best bargain in rooming or apartment houses see members of the Reaity Board. ales t-ceany Co., -iy 4iu si. WANT rooming house. $nnn to $3000. . Call after u, evenings, uj liouney. BUSINKSSrPOKTUNITIES Hotels anil Rooming House. 1 i oteTT" S P EC 1 aT.s. All Buna Fide Proposition. 25 rooms, nets $looo; west side. 70 rooms, nets $000; west side. rooms, iieis $iH: w-est side. Io rooms, nets $7iH); nets ;oO; nets $!!Hl; west Hide, west side. 7 rooms, 15 rooms. west side, west si-le. west side. 5H rooms, nets .uo: o.t rooms, nets $700: $3000 to $UOOO will handle anv of thpm: call at our office for further particulars SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1O07 Yeon B)dg. GET IN MY Al'TOMomi.E AND 1 WILL f HOW YOU THESE AND MANY OTHERS; of M Ell IT. 1J ROOM-S. MODERN. JO.-.0, I.IKE NEW. 10 ROOMS. WHITE TEMPLE DIST. $50. 13 ROOMS. WHITE TEMPLE D1ST.. :-:.o. 1!) ROOMS, CUISK IN. CLEARING $15 22 ROOMS. CLEARS $135 MONTH. $mx. 20 ROOMS. A DANDY, FOR $25oil. if ROOMS, STEAM HEAT. MODERN. s.'OOO. 4. ROOMS. .'5lM, TERMS. CLEARS 2oO. THE ABOVE ARK REAL BARGAINS. BRUCK-GODDARD. 5ts COLCH BLDG. DIRECT FROM OWNER. II ROOMS, nob hill district, all furn ished for light housekeeping, furniture Very good; steam heat, lease: a very com fortable home with good Income. Price $1300. J(J2 N. 22d St., cor. Irving. Main 211 ROOMS. All housekeeping, nets over $ 1 OO per month, keeping three rooms for own use; prico $1751); lino will handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 1XST AND FOOD. THE following articles have been found on curs of the Portland Railway, Light r Power Co. March (1. lulu: a purses, 1 watch. 2 pairs glasses, 1 pipe. 1 charm. 2 Pairs gloves. 1 gloie. S packages. 1 pair rubbers, 2 books. 7 lunch boxes. 1 pair skates. 1 hatchet. 1 conductors grip. 2 suitcases. 1 traveling bug. 1 bolt paper. 17 umbrellas. Owners may obtaiu property atKlrt and Alder-st. station. THE following articles have been found on tars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. March 7. P.MO: 4 purses. 1 scnooi tickets. pairs glasses. 2 pins. 1 certificate. 2 letters, t pair gloves. 3 single gloves, 2 books. 7 lunch boxes. U packages. 1 pair rubbers. 1 rug. 3 suit rases, l hand grip, 1 suit box. 1 coat. 13 umbrellas. owners may obtain property at First and Alder-st. station. LOST Wednesday night, about 10 o'clock, somewhere between 2d and 1st and Sher man and Carulhers, a lavalliere; yellow stone in center and surrounded by small diamonds, platinum chain: In pink Dres den Jewel bag; valued highly as keepsake. 1 lease return to 2Mi Morrison and receive big reward, or phone Main 4M)4. koST Wednesday night, about lo o'clock, somewhere between 2d and 1st and Sher man and Carulhers. a lavalliere; yellow stone In center and surrounded by small diamonds, platinum chain; In pink Dres den Jewel bag; valued highly as keepsake. I'lease return to :w Morrison and recent big reward, or phone Main 4o4. LOST Bet. 4th and Salmon and 5th and Alder sts., March 7, B:3o P. M., black wal let containing receipts and union card, val uable to owner only. Return to Richard X. Nelson. I'OO Salmon st. $2.50 reward. TARTY finding hlack purse containing bill, change and postage at old postoffice. near stamp window, leave at adv. office for mother who needs It; keep suitable re ward. Y H!. Oregonian. LOte ri. rench bull pup months old. weighs about 25 lb.. brlndle color, black face, screw tail, bat ears with tassel. His name is pat. Last seen near I.aurei hurst park Sunday. Liberal reward. Call Tabor C771). w't1, tne Party who took lady's coat from box in Baker theater Wednesday night, Feb. 20. please return same to box office or call Tabor 7309 and avoid further trouble? LOST At Baker theater, this week, by a prominent married man, a "Blue En velope" containing damaging evidence. Tleward 117 big laughs. PARTY who returned check to C. Holbrook. thanked. Keep $10 reward and send balance of money to same address: much needed. LOST English setter, white with black spots. Portland license No. 2714. Also wears fcusene license. Return to 1161 Di vlsion st. or Main Jl4. Reward. LADY'S black velvet purse containing be tween $0.30 and $10. hot. Market and 2d and Alder, or on Willlams-ave. car. Phone Woodlawn 3570. LOST Wednesday, pearl bar pin on Alder or ntn st.. bet. Woodard & Clarke's and First National bank: suitable reward. Tel. Main 2.S62. wii. i, person who by mistake took hnnrl. grip, marked S. C. II., from automobile on iiiuraiajr, ainuiy return same to tU7 Mor gan bltig. ? LOST Between 61st st. and the end of the Woodstock car line, 4 pieces of celluloid "1KS5'"8 llnoBraI,h; '"'table reward. Main LOST A pair of spectacles with dark bone rims and bows, enclosed in a case. Finder pleaso call Tabor 35o7 and receive reward n, r return. LOST Sunday. February 23. medium sire cameo brooch; gift from one who la now dead: reward. Main 6421. EASTERN STAR pin. Joined on 3 links. Call col. jsi), or leave at 12ui) Yeon bldg., for SUMMER FURS at upstairs prices. Remod- -i..,B anu to oruer. storage. The Fur Shop. o Swetland bldg. op. ONE AUTOMOBILE black clove l,i.-..'n Multnomah hotel and 5th and Stark sis. Please phone me. East 360M. LOST -Taupe fox fur at Cotillion hall. Mar. 7, HUB. Kcturn to 131 Si N. 17th st. Liberal reward. LOST A crocheted baby bonnet, on 3d and -iorrison. or Koutn Portland car. Reward Bdwy. i.-ht. or F S75. Oregonian. LOST About March. 5. heavy aol.l rlnir. raised eagle setting. Reward for return lo 41-3 Hawthorne. East Oslo. FOUND Lady's black leather purse at Lyric theater w ednesday evening. I'lease call at Cadillac hotel. 2S 3d st. LOST By working girl, a purse containing $21, a picture and package of court Plas ter. Marshall 1258. LOST Meier & Frank's. Thursday, writings of Mrs. E. G. W hite. Name In book. lol 22d st. or at store. Reward. LOST Tortoise-shell glasses In esse on E 10th and Broadway. Call East b70d. Re ward. LOST Sunday. March 2. Brown cat's ee cameo; no value but as keepsake. Reward Woodlawn 517. STOLEN Ford 5-pnrsenger car. No. 17422. rlght-Jinnd tire double. Hoaglin. E. 3511a r,i;r,i Williarnt ave. DIAMOND, unset. K-. between auto show and Imperial hotel; reward. Taber Hoy L Hillsboro. Or. LOST Tiger-marked male cat with white face and breast; Portland Heights. Mar shall 4573. LOST On March 1. somewl4re in Portland. cameo pin. Call Woodlawn 24. LOST Black leather bag containing $5 gold piece. Friday noon. H 1373. LOST 1 side back curtain for Ford. East 3'.'s0. 247 Halsey st. LOST 2 trunk keys on twine string. Please leave, at Oreconlan office. STAR pin i"t with nmall pearls. Call phone i aoor o-nu. nun ame re warn. LOST Leather wallet with $400 In It : re ward. Fteturn to cashier. Oregonian office. LOST "ii liberty bond. Suiiahlo reward. If returned to owner. J4Tit ss.7. LOST J -7 Cameo brooch, set with parla. valued as K'L Rewurd. din. 4 7o'.t. LOST Friday, ukunk fur collar. Reward. I'honA Mar. I'JUJ. FPECIAL NOTICES. NOTlClfi TO THE PUBLIC. There are a good many people of tha public wonderinc where they ctn gt a first-class tailor to do first-class work and make perfTt-tlttirc clot lifi If you want to know where you ran find an ex pert tailor who a-uaraniee firs i-cl ass workmanship and satisfaction, you ar cordially Invited, at your earliest oppor tunity, to Inspect the new est colon nits, designs and weaves. Prices reasonable. Don't miss yuur chance to com. ii. Wafcl.NiSTfcaN. Tailor to Men and Women. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 41A f tark St.. Bet. 10th and'llth. Portland. Propoaafa Invited. STOCK yards manure Hids for manure other than carloads will be received until March 1 on all manure at the l'urtlund Union Stockyards with view of contraetinjc year's " output. For terms aee manager Portland Union btockyarda -o.m Norto Portland. Or. - M i ace 1 1 u noii a. TiiK Portland & Oregon City Kaliway Co. hereby arlves notice t hat from this date It will not be responvlhle for any contracts or debts created by Stephen Carver. Their office is being located at r-om 416 Lum bermens buildinc PorCand, Jr., where all its businens will be transacted. Dated rhruary 1'4. 1110. PORTLAND OREGON CITT RAIL WAY COMPANY. By F. M. CA RR. Secretary and Treasurer. FINANCIAL. 4' I NTKREST for your Idle mont-y. Can be ' wtrhilra wn. with lntreHt, any time on 13 days notice: Mala SM7. 1 FINANCIAL, LIBERTY- BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty Bonds, ell to us. If you can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from us. We buy and we sell Liberty Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER. You may do worse. On Saturday, March H. we paid the fol lowing prli rs tor United states Govern ment Liberty Bonds, which were the clos ing New Yolk market prices plus the ac crued Interest: $10" Bond. 10.40 Ss 1st 4s '2d 4s I4 .'. 1st 4 '4 s -.1 4,a 3.1 4',s !;.; 4 1 h 4 '-. s 5)5. ' In purchasing Ltbertv Bontis w. ill we deduct $50 bund from the above prices 37c on and $-'.5i on a $1mm bond. In selling Liberty Bonds we charge the New lork market price plus the ac crued Interest. Burglar and fireproof snfe deposit vaults. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES loll KENT. MO KRIS Bhol HKI1S, INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Established ow-l 25 years. 300-311 Stark St.. bet. 5th and Otll. 1 Ground floon. Telephone Broadway 2151. LIEERTY BONDS. cash path for any issue of Bonds full market price. price saturday. march ?tii. 3D ISSUE $:7.40 FOR 1'H r.OND. 4 Til ISSUE $U5.70 FOR 1" HiM LESS LsUAL COST Foil SERVICE. .BOND RECEIPTS BOUGHT. WILL CASH Yrvi-R RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS t N BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT Sacrifice Vi i l RECEIPTS, which represent gold dollars to you. see e. bup.kitt. secp.etary. OREGON HoND fc MoRTC.AC.i-: CO., 212 SELLING HI.Ilil. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH. AND ALDER STS. LIBERTY BONDS. AR Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. E. L. CEVEBEAUX A COMPASI. Government and Municipal Bonds. 67 bixlh Street, Between felark and Oak. BONDS BOUGHT. SrOT CASH. SPOT CASIL CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS. Come tu 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. MAIL us your RECEIPTS TODAY WE w,li at OXl'E PAY balance DI E and on reteipt of HO.mis REMIT YOU the NEW YORK MARKET PRICE, less amount paid out lor'jou aud $1 for each $5o or $loo bund. Mail Today Don't Lose Your Equity. Remember the Place 723 Cairo Building. Fifth and Alder. CELLA K.S-.M URToN C o. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD A T.DAI LY MARKET PRICES? CALL OR WRITE US FOR QUOTATION'S. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 80 FOURTH ST. BOARD OF TRADE EUILDINO. WE SELL AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. $09 43 for first liberty 3'-', $100 bond $v4.t). for second liberty 4'r $loo bond. '.K.4T for third liberty 4 ' r J loo bon $5. 0 for fourth liberty 4 ' $loo bond. Donus one-halt of above prices. Now York prices which we paid, plus accrueu interest. less usual broKerage) Saturday, with interest added, were as above indicated; w e loan on lih.-ttya up .' l-r cent oi tnoir I;t-e vaiuu. ELWOOD WILES COMPANY, Stocks and Bonos, 211 U. S. National Bank bldg. U. S. BOND DEALERS. If you need money Mnd must sell your t,irui.. iii jjiii uy pam receipts, sell to us. We expect to pay as much as anv firm in the Northwest for al lissucs. buying at "lr inaiae., pius accrueu interest, liv-s 3 on a 50 bond. Saturday we paid Snit At foe ihl,.l. - -.1 $04.1.2 for 4ths net to our customers, after deducting brokerage. We mail checks to out-of-town sellers w.ijr uimiii lire rereiven. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY Second Floor Wlliox iiiug. utn ana Washington. Hstabltshed loot). LIBERTT BONDS BOUGHT. rVw 'wtSuuAun. .. '"i-'E OF OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL fl:30 DAILY ALS'J FROM 2 TO 4. SUNDAY. RUY1MELL. 274 STARK ST HAVE $2ooo first mortgage on Portlan resiuence. Mean . per ..-lit. semi-annual, V .i 7 , . I'eouar.eiH.y Laving Portland and would exchange tnls m,u." r ' -,u" iiici uunus. r S , J ore golitan. liPPi IWTI'V ITV , . . , ' . - . . . iisuv party ui loves ....... '-. iu e.x'ou in a tdpm.y gruw lag Porllanu iiiuustrv; money incdtd f.i i-ii.iiiii. tins iiiuumy is allied with nuiuiiiuuiia ue.rksory i,ne and Is u necessity for every car. L !si;, or.-goninn i ASH L1BEKTV ItjNLiS Kl LL V 1A II Oil 1 X KT New York market prlr- p.id. la mu brokeraa- Open ti!l 7 I. M bO.VA LL M At'LK" Jl lQr. SHAUl.r, BLlKi.. U AM) wash. LlaUEKTV Uu.li Als partly paid contracts bouiht. opta DOIICAS DORCAS. f?0 V. W. Hank hid-.. t h nd Morr!oiv WK HL'Y UHcIKTV Bu.NUH Also equities In Iiorrty bonds, brine re ceipts and et th cash . o . n vu nKs anu Sundays. L'oa Abmcton b d. MORTGAGES and irlicr-" ryuTtUs In real eg. tste contracts bough L .n egon or Wasn. properly. H. L. .NonV. Xlti l.'mhm's t,u .Money to lso on ICral l-State. ;iog 400. . .-.oo. jesa 7io. fxooo and up lowest ratt-s; quick action. Gordon In Vestment Co.. tUU Ch of Com. M..,n ISTtf I.M.ooO TO LOAN In auma to suit: bUildlna loans, lowest ratea W. G Itock. ila- 'lii Kallioy bMc Phone Main 34Q7. 30. $40O. $:.i0. 7i0. l(m and up at lovut rates, quick action Kred W. Uerniao Co ?:ia,' Ch- of Com Main ' l(MMMio TO louti on farm?.. No tiela ro r.-ii tape. no publicity. 111am t ttrr " H.. y Mortgage Loan company. Aiirot.t. r-Koii sj4on AT C'i per rftit. -.vhffh I OIJ,j uiKi" ior ru n koou llltTIKace I.,;..,,, AH 3.'i3, OrtKoman. 91I.IHM I'RIVATK money in hand for im mediate hana. Idvtt! to -uit. -j. Call at ."Ci H-nry hid:? Marshall ."s.'.s. Loan od city a nd farm property. 5 p cenl up. F Fuchs. 4-Q Cham of Com. $..O0 TO J10.OUO TO LOAN. SION "I. O. BOX S7;t No cuaim; &fc.t L'b TODAY, loans, any amounts, a-7t CKLLAKS-MCRTON Ct , 7. fiasco bldg laullTijAGL LiANS. 0 AND 7 PL H CKf LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 4Q3 Pe.lln bids; lr' you want O r loan on our home, vddrcb AO 14. On'Ronlan, EK K OR EUON IN V . V M uH TUAj fc: CO 1''2 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. M OR TO AO fc. loans, low ert ratea aT "It. Harding. Zl'J Railway Kxchane. IN VtSTM EN TS. loans, notes inorta-ases K.- Ii. Lewis. tQ3 Lew Is bldg Mar. Li.ij M u KY TO LOAN on farm and improved city property. K K Hayter. 7iM Spwidlng bldg iii) OK tI V 1 DK to loan on r a. I y. I'hont Main 4'.J. ecning. SI COO TO $000 TO LOAN, gonluu. ili. p S3tf. Ore- .".0 ON cood real etat feeurity cent. AO lis. Ort Rtnilan. $UM ON pood ral estate security cent. . AO 1K. Oretrottian. per $.Hhm nr 4to on cood r l iftii- security at 7 per crnl. AO OrKuman. 511 COLUMBIA ST. Near 10th; 5-rooitTf l7t. $U.V Mum 4M7. $.V0 TO on real estate security, low est ratea. principals, fcast (k'.j'.i. W A NT to borrow J'JOOO from private party, ihal-clasa socurity. T 0-, Oiconlaiu lIXANflAL Money to T.oan on Real Estate. Olh Inalaiimaal p. an is tne best and sursst method of paying a loao. $a2.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for ao months, or $15.17 ior utt mourns pya a Jlooo loan an Interest. Other amount m proportion. We loan on Improved city property. No ronimiifioD charged. EWUITAUI.E t-A INcs LOAN ASS"N. 242 Stark SI.. Port, and. cr. KiiaJDENCE LOANS. From 6' to li for five years. YOU MAY PA i $lov or any amount on pnncipa; and reduce interest. AiiaOLL'TELi NO CHARGE TO AH'LICAM. Also see us lor omi interest rates on business property. Mortgage loan company. Phone Main 25I1. 1324-2J Won blag. MuhluAllb uiANa. Any amount, low rales, promptly closed. Attractive ;epaying privi.egea. A. II. LI K HELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bids. MarsLa.l 4114. A 411a. FARM LOANS. Insnranee company uioney to loan at lowest rurrent( rm.a on VMI.imetla Valley farms. No coir.mis:on. No uelays. Li-V tlKhL'. al.iUTilAiiS Co.MPAMI. bi Sixth Sc. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS en real estate security; any amount from $.iOO up oo unproved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 2)5 Coroetl Bidg. m. ems. .v 2S13. MORTGAGE LOANS, made on improved city property; prompt action, no ceiaya PORTLAND ThLaT CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Baak Building. MONET TO LOAN On Improvcu real estate security al golag rale ol interest. Olio Ac HAKKSON RE ALT T CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce MUMliAlib l.UA.Sa. FARM AND Ciii rllOI'tu i 1. SH PER CfcNT. o Ht.ii CENT. 7 PER. CtT. L'Nlo.N ABSTRACT CO. t Corcelt B.dg. 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE MoNST n I'oit.and i.omee, lu rs. to repay In Utocth.y payment protected Lv la.ur.:. In Lqu.uo.B i-iie ol N. i. No comiais.oa. rncu ii. biiiu.vu. jn oregonian Utug. $lmwi TO $2-.O.H. On Improvid Portland Property in sums to siirt. HERMAN MoEl-LER. 1Q23 fiasco timar. Matit 140. WE WILL PURCHASE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT CONTRACT. WANT oUK SMALL MORTGAGES' SMI i'H- A'i 'NEK CO.. MOt'K EX. i'LENii Money to Loan on keax. i-i) 1 A i E. LITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2C3-5-7 B.ar.l of Trade lildg. $.0'0 PER CENT. EAST &43S. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries DO TOO NEED MONEY? WE MAK-. A m'IaI.h.11 or L.O.W3 ON AUTUilUHlLU AN U JIOTOKCVCLtS If your payments on contract are too large we will pay it up and ou ran pay us in smalt amount to suit your con venience. ALSO on FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAR. etc., without removal. Small weekly or tuoiituly paymeuts as aesired. LOANS made to SALARIED PEOPLR on their own note, without security ol any kind. RATES REASONABLE. NO DE LAY. PRIVATE Ori'ltti All busincaa CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 300-307 Dekura Bldg. Marsnall 32S5. PORTLAND tiEMF.DIAL LOAM ASSN. Thone Broadway 910. 834 Stark Street. Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrnlaa. pianos, kodaks, sb-.lguns. furmtute. musi cal instruiu uts aua aumina or value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT TUB AiOK- I.OWEIC City and fac value county warrants cashed for CARRIE MYER3 HERRMAN. Manager. EALAlO. LOANS. CHATTEL. vv Cm i.i i a .1 .1 1 ( i :v r. i on short notice to sa.aried or working men on their own notes. Wcek.y. semi month. y or month. payments. ba transaction strict. V confidential. NO si' ili TliAoKS. No ENDORSER AUM'LL i e.1.1 NO SI-CUItiTY. We a. so loan on houaehold furniture plauos. etc. witnout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT. LICENSED. 2 IS Failing Building. M ON fc-1 to loan on diamonds Jewelry; leg rates, all arilclt-a held a year, eslablisned since iss pan Marx. -J vvaahlngton. MoNEY to loan on anything of va.ue. leca. rates, all articles held one year. Panama Loan cilice, M intra, near oak. GCo. HARVEY LOANS MoNEY oN iioi'SE llnlll GOODS. LEGAL RATES. TABull :;sm. MONEY loaned on piar..s and furniture. A. 1 1 t !:.. way, room 2oS Wash. b!lg. lasina TTantea. I H A E a c'i.nt who cleslri-s lo negotiate l":tn for i;ihm on property consisting latuo ino.l, rn home ami choice tract -two acres of irro-.m.l, on prnmlr.e-nt boul vard. worth $20,000. Will pay 7 per cent ' and contract 10 k.i-p the monev fir three -ara. For particulars see atturney at 4i4 piatt c;:g. oil SALE rirst mortgage 2'i..O at 7 per cent on Improved city pioperty. Need the moii'-y and will sell at .. per cent dis count, amounting to $li'2.5o. This prop erty Is rented and la ample security for the mortgage r t-l. oregonian. t AT per ct-nt wantel by client on -t-ilat bnfldmir. on ronivr; both Mrein luir) - surta ed ; rent 1 o ; good location ; Uinple value and 1 ;it urn n r-e. h. i.ku iA.;t;T. r.trj Crbtt IddB. Main fiCHO. WANT t Ixirrow 1'.hm on moIern hou. t'H.ii sil. clif.e to carlin. ."olio lot. No ctntinls!nn. IUv guarantrr title folicy. Ste ontr, K s:;, orrgonlan. WANTIJI A loan of f.oti for S to 6 months, by r-ipin!h.e buMn-iB man. Will Rive m or t Kt:'- m r hiuI lay lu per cent lu-l-et. 1 'hone Main "'4i WANT lo borrow ?'"J."irt or $ J "rH on f''eptnTiui;y nindtrn buniraiiiw. lot-atvd In b- st part of Hof 'it ; w ii. not pay brok er.tse. 44-. i r-icon fan. I V A NT to borrow 7."VO on 51'OuO modern biuiKalow. liK' new. on the Peninsula. No asi'ti:-. Main MGti. Krar.k L. Mc- ;u! r. A l i n c '. "ft : 1 r. WANT (1t.au lot ITiortK:i(,;s on .1tniiiK I j"iri 1 "J v tp c i n i.i i n. t p-r c in. will Kit first HMiern hmiitj i Llued $4otai. AL cl l.D like lo borrow P n v a t e pa rt y . will p. cla a.M'urlty. BD U Sl.'ato to $J.".tk from y N per ct nt ; first T, i f Ronlan. LOAN of $ lorta on I'l cent. :t year, from at 1171 OarfP-I'J ave.. -titn-'iit home, private purl v. off at KlilinRKf i p-r 'all rt h. JJ.-.OO WANTKD at 7 per cnt. No cnmir.li sioti Chtiuc security worth frtotio. UK 7."ai WANTKD ii 7 per oni : no commi--iin. I-tank value tti hlculv imprid ie , ,ir;v fn oto. "a ' I at ?'2 H-nry bide HYi; i-n.i.l iiile rej-l-Jne prop-rtv a o. curltv for .:v:.J at 7 per cent. Y J.".. Oro- Vio.l TO to loan, tv. Cail 7 p-r -n t. on txd 3is Bourd of Trade W A N T llOlllf arj i limbered, proved-up from private party direct- WANTLD Hv private party. :.".tM. A-l r-al Mnt- seunty. " I Oregonian. pki; IN i'KNT; ri rornmisBjon; 'II-'"' s.'.im. ro sir,. "imi to loan on itty prwpert. Ti mi :t. WANT to borrow $2M. ! dan, chattel ae . -irtt v. TO pi-r c-nt. WmhIIuw n ."74 4. iCf. lti K' "' -N IN V . v HOHTCiAfiM CO.. Chamber of Comnierc. 4th and Stark. I'KlfMlNAL - A I. TV with -J Mt res of tlmot-rirar Sifton. W ash.. MiilHuIV for. cordwood. S hr called l ! ,ia ms-a ve. Fuel Co. on Surrrtay last p.. aie call Monday A. M. at office. ( a-t .t'.Tti. KKV. ML; 1.-. K. I. meet tn c J. :h st. lues . SCHORL spiritual adviser. N. cr. Itut ncide. CJucst ion Thurs.. k p. M. K.ut o"4. uia:c eye. the gre.itjit noclty of the t to nn utidrees in America, for Kl I'.irff. 37l iih st., Portland, or w antk n-- Ish. All - lew students to learn S pa n 343. oreTonr.m. FKKN Kli:LL -Old frtntl wants address or phone no. N 411. re rn in n. LA DY face ItAKitKKS Sl a l.".e. hair cut :ic, masit-LK- :.r.c. (.:;an. cor ".t h MISS MI L1.KN Lane bldtf . 'H!p trratmeuts. 610 Uuitt IMwy., Alier. LADY barber?, formerly at "J 7 1 Taylor, moved to 407 K. Morriaoti. Hair cut linn. 3ac. Ml.l.K. RAY. spiritual tescher and teacner of palimatiy- Loom K'i lUitiih b!dj. Gdy. 37 fKRSONAl- GET WELL. FREE. FREE. Fr.EFl Every day. from 10 A M. to 4 P. M . and evenums on Monilay. Wednesday and U.i rlav. from 1 to t). and Sunuays from l'i to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to ret relief jn sey oth.-r way are lnvlte-1 to InvestlKaie Chi roprat I ic methods, whicii are permanent. y curing hundreds etcry day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly c-xrtinine you. make a com pl. to disg.-iusis of lour case and direct your tr-ai r.'.-r.ts . WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU W II ATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane.4 sure and modern science of curing and prevent ing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will Permanently euro 03 per cent of s 1 diseases. CIi H'.oI'l' A.'TlO removes the cause health returns. The above service Is all free to you at the coli.-ce binhling and may bo had In private If ,si.r,i PRIVATE TREATMENTS mar also be had In c.iilece building by mem! ers of t'i farulty. liv either ls.1v or men pra, t : t liners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner ..f l ark and Yamhill. Tel M.nn ol4. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will han.Ve out-of-town patients at a most rcas..-.ii,l.:e rate In order 10 show what Ch 11 npract :e can do. Addr.-ss all rn.iinpir.aatiuiia to DR. l W. ELLIOTT. President. 100 PER CENT ClilKOFRACTIC SYSTEM. IT. .McAlaltnn. Maclcay bldg.. Portlan. L a chiropractor of experience, a psi-t anu. teur. a loo per cent ch I ropract IC a- pec! a 1 IM. w-ith highest 'est Imnnla Is from patients from E.istern slates, familiar with tne best; also Irom Wcslern and !cal putlems having unfortunately had less than loo per cent chironracitc elsewhere, wuh. of course, corresponding disappointment la delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with, my loo per cent chiropisctic philo-pr-.v, long experience and superior skill demon strated In consultation exa ni Inal i.-ns : easv. careful ..d I u stmenr , rates and flnallv re sults. Teith year In tills city. Eai rt casa personally examined. Instructed and adjuMcd by myself at all limes. Term. 31 a.! .tustnienis $1-Y Phone, ca 1 or write. Fourth and Washington. 21st and hawthorne. LI ATM KKM I A . with rronr Miiip!n-nt property ppitel. Is enf uf tt. ni-xla'i-t lea kn n in trot hra in-urics. Its in mici-f 11 . in a II infi im-1 isorr lonoi 1 rn aritl no part ot t h boiy is tea ro mnt? to Ih rf itheii wiih almost math.- niHiit-i preolMon. For this r-asoi, ori o;irie. ut run. pro t rut plant.. bl.Tdlir. t ttn .i.-h. tviHcls, 1 1 vr r. kid n- n. ur.n Joints in li'i", iiny part of th body run. r"i-h.U i.nd the r p;rt hr-nlrd. Tn-I'rx-uKtus Joints anil c:intrroiia loiulltionn r no cxr-ptinTia if t.ikt-n in timr. (C uffcrmK Irom iorpn.M n any part f tli body. cni in and h-vi this iiii-tho.l of treat mnt expiMinfJ. lUr. lw A. I'laillpi. !ort Hro.nl way bid k. S0-inch wavy switch. 3 sop $1 41 All-around transformation 1.4$ Halrdr-9s:nc. ihampuoinc. fact masaga, hair boi'bmt:. municun, 2.'c H-.r . -movd by e. metric npfd'.e. at itch n:d of combines, UJc. iiamury parlors. 4uu-41J L kum LldK.. 3d and Wsh. Marshi.l 1 7 OJ. W a N TL.l Mlo men and women to uk baths at K. l.a I'l-mi i aiiH-ijus mincrjal bai hs. open for butsinrsa under new man iKetiipnt, Itusbtn bieam bUi. women Suo day from 12 tu J. M. ; mtn Krnlay m-u t to Sunday noon; howr. tub and rlm.K ?vtry evening. iU5 front at4 IL. ii. Martin, prop. - WILL, the lady who wants a suit, cosu drettu WaUt or petticoat at whoipa.a prucs q at l'rtcriun .Mnulactuier Out.il: bljCO.NU Ki-Ot K 1'AKti bLLVAlOa. 05 1 liTOCK UI.OCK. aUatl uruc: 1'roinpL.y KUled. COi.A ALK Hi-iUU rhirVpmliM 4 pec .atn.t from c hioHKo. trt-ats doiu tr i ; col nn callinu-HS, t.unions. In ro-,. nils weak, arch a and loot trout.. e nt .i.. ; fot itijo5.1aU.' Kivpn. ibrat'r anu r.n'.M' ity ui-l. rar.i;c iiirrrnl. Koom wct l:i mi oUifi"., 1-J rifih or. U;i.si,.i.Biuc, I'ort'.rtiid. Or. Open Sur..is. I'UlNtx A N l OHIO li A LU T. Spec:aii-d tr'atnicul fur a.coho!.5m trior phi n-. cora in-, tobacco and a. I nar ' m 1 1? dr uk caff and & uri- N o a. frn;ij. Satisfaction cuarantcfd. NL.AL l.cif T L; T IZ, ti i Krariny. br t, U ; h and -u i ia, 1 'or t land. Or gon i'hone l'.rd w y MoTloN jictur act rese-. use "Spring leauty' ela:l and eebrow pro or; it poititively iirovM tjv'.ijjJH'i, nia.U-J post paid on re cipt ot $ 1. laJ.iV 1 n. ,t o ve in nt shop, exclusive ngenu tsjr nutihwot r'J lnon ?t.. Seattle. NATL'Jtii WILL KKSTulit: 1.L.ALT11. If the cause o( dist ae la rem ) . ed. W remote trie cause Iruiionie lnii;tu:e. r. -7 -IS-tf l':ttock block L.ecll .c cjUiitei bi'.hj and masfta t;e. Orad uale iuurc amUQIi. r'lione itfroadway iilJ. ALL the lati &t rmt.-i.l.-s !'d at the Orn enson Lit uk Co., I'oo ,Morr;.-a ft.. (.narlc ii.tol crtitr. a i tins d : i.sto. t Vuu K"t Just what you cail lor. V hav no sui'Stiiuta. 1LL the parly who Witnrsrd tiu-(lnfi b" tun n bit ina vampire and promim-m lt a I liui.rtied man ut tho l;aut I'at -r call Ht iukT TiuanT uiul nit-Hilly "Tim- I .iim Knflopc'" iiectafsuty to the ornc J .i.. " .u k s m L- i .am a ii. .; ; t 1 1 &T tPliilTUAL AI) ISiiU Instructions in the ih.ur of health aac rf ;ini h.inf'!i tl WILL fi-t b'lh ).ir It fixed - at Ur. Kjuhi s the t'inrop.MU; !m hurt you; ."i ars hvr; -.a:n. : ft The:lr tddeT.. 11th and I ' v NOl'.llV OLL NKi.S. CI-ntnK. jutsins. rt-pairir. s an d!flr AI'TU aSKU. 1' K. ILL i Al.. anu LIV KK, I'hi'iir Main l au V 1 LL par :y w ht tiov picture f .vol.: . r s of K'inR throuKli Krnt'm, iir., ;ov. i i, J . l lorward a pl t ure to hi. 11 us 4i-l 1Tm lr k... ;i-nd:ilv. L. 1.. N. V.? MlvS to'l ti . fc.N .ars Port. una r- non-d teacher of pa.:i.stry anJ c.-st-.1 .aiinfi. has crysta.s (or sale, a hr Lyuk. ' Fa i :n 1 s t r M a.le Kayy." ;t7 1 jy.or. FLUV CT v i AN N t; HUT. It-ading w ig ar.i luupv maker, finvst stock human toa.f goods, lutrdrttitn, maoicurinn. lac aai s c a . p treatm e n t 3 4 : A . i t-r M in Z 4u DKTKCTI V K United Service Detect t c roau; only e p.-r.'ncd op.--aiivcs em p.tit.'d. t0- Mock taxcnaiigi.- b.d. Msa.it 1 ICivi KS 'N a white hicld jiiati-nuty iiomc t-r unltiriunate t.r'.s; i.o puu.icity. oa j.' 4 plat. td in Christian hoim-s. Address i-;. ,Jd t. N. i'hone C l'T'.t. WAN T Kl Th care of imio or tw o em.. . childr ii by w idow UmK in small couiitiy tuwu liear I'ortlaiid. Ad. box .1. Slt-vtn-son. W ag.i. ToliACCO or stiu!f habit cured or r.o pa ; $ 1 if cured. i.Miirtly sent on tr:.- I. tu port. a l " . W ..14. b...l::norr. .M MoIN"v picture machine, films. tri ttii.ina l-r schools, vhurclns and !cc-w S rvlio Ki iin A: Supply Oi. :t'.t.'t a K st. UOiTRbi. enlarged gland, cure yourself per ina nun t ly. A. Ii- btracUau, itoute i. ili.l b'-rt. Oregon. lU. Nfc.L 'N. firsi--lasa chiropttdint. trca'f corns with out liui-tnttf. !casoiia tle. J- J Df-kum b:l Mjii'piN'i i hall car t L. 4. Box Mont ana; N. I. ; will tr anyone. Address Dcavei lu'i. Uul 'i iov. ei .a rg cd fnu.:i..m, c u. e oai eif p. luancully. A. li. MiMthau. Lout J. - b.: o, Oi t iton. SUl-'lO RKLUOL :S hair destroyed forever 1 inuliiple needle mctliou. liiuunca by pli) Siciana OO wetland blot;.. 0;h at Y a w UaJHTKLbH bAaMblab, superfluous b-t speciHl.et. mamurittC. face and acaip. r iieduef bidig. air..ad' t.y bit. DR ELNA K'hKNit.N, iUH Panama blaj. Dru;ltMa methou. Lo.rr.ach. k.unrjt, rhe mutlnui coiiStlpatloa. Lva. by at''u.u;tu t Dlv. KIMtaU A. SACHY treats corn and in growing Ualls. lieideiuo caiia luaUo. Murbhaii a. .u. 10 a t-. V. 1 Lis His tiOIlie . a. vriun npinut p T'l OivAlLA'il nu:se llcals iumuakvs ei ilouis '2 to 5 or by ..p ju n l u.vul. ihur. Main lo4'-. "tfl.ceaos C. Ud. Cl't-Krl-LoLa hair, mules, wafts removed by lo-iicedio nietud. t:ia. iruv. Jcme i .... ley. 014 luh Sc Uatna bJ.Jg.. Aialo iota, LLt-CTiiiC blank, t treatment will cure :u 1 wat.t vour cae, men and UuiiiCU. 1'Iioi.e Main l"7 foi a ppt'i n tine lit. WHO wm adv.pt tw bright Im e l.oj 4. 1 and 4. ami ktve them uod fo:ne . A 7 ni, O' ej;on la 0. Kfc-Y. Mit. J- C. SClIitRI. epirituai aui.-e 1 j li l. 1 h at. N.. cur. Hui iiu.t-. cjuesii. u mct ting Tueg.. Tlm, & p. 2.1. atlat JO iu bcjl'lilA ii. it.lP. spiritual adviser. J' unouuouKb PldH Question n.tetiniia. Tuca- Fn.. 8 P M Varsiuil C50.t. Dit. v L HUUl-U A . , Cfuropracior ur i other drunlesa toethoda. 7oi-7u7 Luku.u liniH. Main 41 Ki. s Wduuu w Q LLo 1 sl.aiu Oath, massa ae. v 1 oral. on. e .eT trie and . chiropract ic 1:1 city. I r caret Haynie. ..17 -wt?tland b;dn. Main IT PKI.MLDA HALM, former. ca.led "iia.m .f FiS k44 K. o.d. Seiiwoo d U' J 1 J mrn.;ici PlLLb can be cured wu.,uut opcriit loT "r detention froin bunlnfM. p. i. pox i j.. -K bOKSN'T T-.-i. Dick or liarry ply )OUT Vicreck. culiectioua. DeKutu bldtf. GKNUINIC Mexican chill and tamalea. l-.j N. Third st.. pitone Uroadway U,ilH. GKRMS lurk In dust; rr-nt a'lIooTr acuu o and remoxe them. Ma r h a 1 1 mmu. ukv:ni:i.i4 rni v ruff. FACK MASSAi llehlnir sHlp, da:: I-K- - Klif.'.r.er b. d'--. MAT ANDRKWS. phrenoloRist and teacher. Main 754 p.,r Km. car J Teacher and Adviser. Gwdnouh b.