The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 09, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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Wanted Jomestlc.
CJRL for Kenfral housework: must be good
cook; pity 15. or -will take married couple
-wii.h no children: separate apt?. .Man
vitl have opportunity to work elsewhere.
References requir.-d. Phone Sunday, 12:oU
to 4 P. M. Main 1553.
WANT girl for general housework. Good
-wages for tomp'-tenl girl: experit-nco not
abwilutuly iiefessary if willing. Goud home
and convenlenf-ea. Location 12' Alarm-da
Lriv?. Hose "ity Park. Plioue Tabor 2TM.
GOOD homo for yotintr -woman in xclianKe
for Msiit service. 411 12. 5Ud X.. bet. T i 1 1 i.
mook and Hancock.
lil'XDKEDS permanent V. S. Vtovernmeiit
positions now opn to men. women. IS
or over: S i 1 iloO ye:ir. Work in your
home section: no layoffs; short hourn;
pleasaltt work: common education suf
ficient. List positions free. Write imme
diately, r'ranklin Institute, dept. o7G .N,
Kochester, N. V.
WANTED Man and wife, without children,
for farm; man milk and general farmimr.
woman housework in family; permanent,
fall from P to 4, 547 W. Broadway. Phone
Marsh aj 1 3.; 1 4.
A iJOOlJ proposition for jnau arid wife if
man is worKinii: a saving of $:15 per
month; if willing to work woman can
make extra monuy. Morrison ?u
liroadway-Yamhill Bidg.
Pitman - Gregfr shorthand. typewriting,
bookkeeping taught systematically by ef
ficient teachers. Lay School, Night School.
Jn the largest and best trade school la
the West. 50ou successful graduates.
Established 14 years. We offer practical
courses Id auo and truck repairing and
driving, advanced ignition. lighting and
starting, tractor engineering. machine
work, ovy-acetylens welding, vulcanizing.
A short term coursa wlil qualify you for
a bigger job and better pav. We help
tudents eain living while learning. Write
lor free catalog. .
Flgueroa at 8th. Los Angeles. C-l.
AKE you mechanically inclined? Learn
trade. Learn auto, tractor, truck and air
plane business; bis pay; wonderiul oppor
tunities. Learn by Sweeney system prac
tical Instruction l:i 8 weeks: Army school
now open to you; same instructors, equip
ment and methods used In training ioou
soldier mechanics for Government, writs
lor big iree catalogue; tells whole
Beeney Auto School. Department k-i.
Sweeney building. Kansas City. Mo.
can teach you automobile, gas tractor and
automobile electrical engineering in a spe
cial six weeks' course, complete for !s.
Unroll now at this special offer. Hemp
hill's Trade School, 1-1 North fath St.,
Portland. Or. Branches at Winnipeg, Cal
gary. Edmonton, Saskatchewan, Leth
hridge. Vancouver. Ii. C. Kegitia.
Successful composer publisher new book
that will help you: contents: Writing mel
odies, directing ambitious composers, cor
recting faults, placing songs before the
public, lists over 000 music publishers,
price 1 postpaid: money back If you say
so. Send for circular. Union Music Co..
4-12 Kvcamore St.. Cincinnati. O.
Shorthand, typewriting, spelling, busi
ness English, office training, filing, book
keeping. New equipment. Also our EX
PERIENCE COURSE -It eliminates the
5th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. ait4.
F. Bursell. principal.
We teach Auto. Tractor, Gas Engine
nd Auto Electrical Work. BIO 100-PAGE
CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Auto 4
Tractor School. Dept. K. Union ave. and
Wasco St.. Portlap.d. Or. Phone F.ast 74..
Business College, Portland. Enroll an
time. Telsgraphy, stenography, banking.
bookkeeping, secretarial
Free catalog.
.,iiv.. teacher, licensed from Lin
coin night school, and you will be able to
converse in French lu 0 weeks ny con
versational method. 301 Coibett blUg.
Main dootj.
TAYLOR-FAITH Business College Best be
cause completest. Spanish, French and
Knglish. commercial courses; comptome
ters and adding machines. 204 Stevens
bids.. West Park andW ashington.
VArtr Rclwwil of " Kx uression. Colum
bia, bldg. Studio 415. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. 'J-6 P. M.
r 1.-, ui TKI.KflTtAPHT
Young men and women, wanted. Call 21
Railway Exchange Blug. Splendid oppor
tunity to learn a well-paid profession, it res
booklet. Railway Telegrapn institute.
Miwkv. lildu., "d und Morrlgun.
pays you while learning; gives you a set
of tools. Positions, secured. Send for cata-
1 ogue. 34 Burniae. nrqwy. hoj-
A CONSERVATORY raiuate with 10 years'
experience in teacmiig. wm si' -sons
on the piano for 75 cents; best mod
ein methods. AN :;0. Oregonian.
i r.-;--r,N:! riven in CrtEi; short hand and
Htfntr bv fonntr high school teach
er; $2.o0 a week. R Orf;oniari.
1 U' WVIU'S x-at. State Supi., IHkT.
Portland, Or. Teachers plctd promptly.
vi vrmi a t once: 2 men to h a rn a.uto
mobile repairincr and ga enemtiering. Can
at 432 ia.wtnorne a e.
TEACHING voit ions secured, free tcifa ra
tion. Phone Main I ieVz Teachers
vi rr-r WO l z V If.irn barber trade frc;
wages while learning; position guaranteed.
Oresoa Barber College. jqaaisou Lt.
i: PKRIKNCKD vioIini.-M f mrti. musicians
union;, wJll accept limited number of pupils
nt Cc the half hour. R ',), OregonUm.
A PROGRESSIVE musif teacher tlmt tia i.i
popular niusio will tak a few more pupilb
at reasonable pWcc?. Marshall
trade in S weeks; pav while learning; po
sition guaranteed. 34 Couch et.
iISS MATTIXGLV'S Shorthand, Typewrit
ing School, day, evening. $6 month.
14th. near Jefferson. Main 3833.
ish. AR
A few students to learn fcpan
34H, Oregonian.
SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 901 Gar
field ave. Wdln. 1424, call Mrs. O'NelL
bHORTHAXD. 3 months' coiirse. Mrs. Han
num's School. East StiO. Tillamook.
Free regist'n. fell Bdwy. bldg M. C-74.
X)KAW1NG and painting lessons given to
children ; terms r?ai-onable. East tvs4.
THE International Correspondence Scnots
can raise your salary 191 Broadway.
FRENCH leewons; CoS Alder Pt. Bdwy.
CARPENTER wan la contract ; will take lot
in Mt. Scott district as part payment
Tabor 7735.
CE'MENT and concrete work of all kinds
by the day or labor contract. 2t jtara'
practical experience. Tabor 8irtf.
GENERAL handy man wntn jauiror work;
nights preferred; experienced carpenter.
V S67. Oregonian.
STEADY po&irion or work bv liour wanted
by nccountar; income tax statements prc
parcd. R I. Orr-gortian.
EXPERIENCED truck driver or private
chauffeur, wishes position in cJty. Laat
'. room
WAXT-Jj Position second lirensed engi
neer and first machinist ; experienced in
up-to-date mills. AR 3-j0. Oregonian.
PRIVATE CARS ONLY Will repair or over
haul your car in your own ga rage : work
guaranteed: charges to suit owner. E. titMo.
V ANTED By experienced, reliable man, po
siiion as car or truck driver; references.
Phone Tabor C-"0.
COOD cook, laiat plac 2 years, wishes posi
tion as chef. R MT. OroRonian.
EXPERT pruner r.aly for business.
R. Martin, 4l :h f. Portland.
MAN with Ford wants light hauling or
delivery work. Phone East IT.'i.
CHING-LER Leaks' roofs patched, chimneys
refiashed. reshingling done. Marshall PT.
GOOD stable man, ur'iersta'.ids care
Itores; married. 1 bi.. Orepotiian.
SH INGLE RS When you want ehingluig
done. Call Woo d 1 aw i i Mi.
PLUMBER; repair tanks, toilets, stopped
pipes. gw; PSc hour. M' Ci:rdy. fa. 'J'J4.".
EI'KVATOR operator
S-2, Ore&ouian.
wants position. AO
LARXbT, ambitious young man. well edu
cated, fe'ooii habit. poscSing business
training and experience, operates type
writer, studying law eveninfis. tie-ires con
nection with reliable linn affording
broad and active fluid ; opportunit y, not
py. object at firtt; will Invest if busi
ness is paying and bear Investigation. AK
3 TS. ( rvRonian.
Do YOU believe a man can live dow n a
former mistakn? Who will take a chance?
Abie-bouied man, 37, no references, wishes
position of trust or responsibility ; experi
enced in general office work, warehous
ing, shipping: can take charge of stock;
handy with tols: good appearance: do my
own thinking; will o anywhere. AK 11.
Ore Ionian .
Wt clean wutl paper and kaisomine with
new process ; makes your old paper look
like nvw. l per room and up. .All work
a bsolutely guaranteed. A Iso kalsomtnlnf?,
paper hanging- and painting. our prices
are right. Ca 11 East fer. auk for Heath
for demonstration and references.
HONORABLY discharged soldier. 27 years
old. 7 years' newspaper reportorial expe
rience, former etuuent. of ad vertiFii'-K.
plenty of pep, wishe position aa pub
licity man with live concern; rfsiden t of
Portland. Phone connection, luia 350,
apartment 4.
Hi' MAN of wide business experience, de
sire to become familiar with the auto
truck busings; will take po.-dtion ut nom
inal salary if chance to learn; am eod
accountant and office manager. Y
Oregon ian.
K.Xi'EKJK.Vt'EU dairyman, married, has one
small child; must be close to school; wants
steady work on a email dairy; thoroughly
understands care of cows and Is capable of
taking; charge. Give full particulars in first
letter. BU luS, Oregonian.
OK I EN T Export and import; young man
having first-class Knowledge in this line,
beins experienced office man. bookkeeper,
linguist, etc., seeks position with fnai
clas firm; Al reference's. P bl. Ore
Ionian. MARRIED man, ex-merchant, age 40. 25
years general merchandise experience, oe
ires position with reliable concern, whole
t;al or retail; references. Address C. A.
B., y$ E. 40th -I.. Portland. Or.
NEAT, energetic young man of 24 wirhes
position ; nest oi leiters ana rierencea ,
experienced in railway tariffs, office work,
celling, bhip drafting and expert at sys
tematizing, files, ttc. East 3761.
MAN with wld experience and good refer
ences wants to take cnarge ot oiiice dbuu
ing, wholesa le hoube or large otore ; can
do carpentering and all ordinary plum
bing and electric work. P Oregonian.
WANT Hulk, on farm Oo cbildren; wile
Al cook ; house ana enougn grouna to
raife chicken, hoys and cow; wide ex
perience, country and city. William
Tharp. 70S E. Wnght ave., Tacoma, Wash.
YOUNG married man. student of the I. C. .
school of selling, wants to Dreatc into me
sales game; knowledge of bookkeeping,
stenography; steady. reHabie, mighty will
ing to learn. Lit-' 34S, Oregonian.
LU M BE K MEN, listen Man and wife, ex
pert cooks; we know our Dusine-s, uo yu
want u&V Addrees R. 1. Garvin, lol Ham
ilton ave., Portland.
SITUATION wanted by allaround. firct-class
cook, young ana reuaDie; no crann,
famous on pastry; go anywhere. K o.
Oregonian. '
t'OHEMAX Just released from government
spruce camp, desires position aa icgi"
camp foreman or aast: supt; best of rcf
BP 35o, Oregonian.
POSITIONS open for good locomotive engi
neer, donkey engineer, aiso sawmm
gineer; must invest 1000 or more iu lum
ber company. BF 335, Oregonian,
YOUNG man, discharged soldier, capable
and accurate clerical worKer, eigni years
clerical experience; 06 N. l&tb. sU, Port
land. Phone A 1574.
A RELIABLE man not afraid to woriL,
handy with tools, with auto experience.
What have you to offer? L 7, Ore
gonian. GA RDEN ER with some experience with
chickens, can milk, would like steady
place on country place; married. Phone
Columbia 103tf or ,15 W. Buchanan at.
TWO men wish positions in dairy; can
handle 00 cows; one man single and the
other married, no children, iidd Columbia
st. BF 343. Oregonian.
AS CASHIER or assistant cashier, by man
thoroughly familiar with all details of
banking, both country and city; eight
years' experience. Y 143, Oregonian.
WE TRIM rosebushes, prune trees, spade
lawns, etc.; we are experienced and guar
antee our work. Phono Julius Johnson,
Broadwuy iIVJ. .
ACCOUNTANT, stenographer, general office
man. lawyer; competent to fill clerk or
executive position, seeks joo ; i& years
experience. 1. o. box 4001, Portland, Or.
WANTED Job driving truck or working In
garage; 8 years' experience driving; state
wages you pay in tirst letter. t04 Long
ave. ; Woodstock car.
EXPERIENCED salesman, had charge of
soap epecialty for 5 years, desires connec
tion with established concern; malasy or
commission. P !?S7, Oregonian.
SA LESMAN with car and ability wants
article of merit to sell to farmers. I'll get
the money. What have you? Give details.
V 1 7, Oregonian.
YOL'NG married man, 7 years as account
ant, office manager and credit man big
department etore, would like to connect
up with good firm. R Oregonian.
CARPENTER contracts taken for now or
rupair work; alterations. Manny, S&ilwood
POSITION as bote! clerk; wouid consider
leading hotel or rooming house, city or
out of town. AC 42, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as caretaker of mill or
other vacant property; anywhere. N. 416
GOOD reliable man, 3S years, wants posi
tion night watchman or janitor; refer
ences. K Hi, Oregonian.
SIT IT A TION wanted as watchman by ex
perienced, reliable, active man with best
of ref i re u ecu. Phone M n in 1 u".
POSITION wanted as janitor, vacuum clean
er; four years' experience. Phone Wood
lawn 4717.
RELIABLE elderly man wants piace as
care-taker for home; references. liD 1&4,
HOUSE painting, papering, ka l&omiumg;
aay or contract; ail work guarantted.
East ltill.
JAPAN ESE, middle-aged man, wants posi
tion as cook ami general house work in
family. Y 13?, Oregonian.
A GOOD, sober, reliable cook wants a
sieady position in city restaurant or hotel.
Phone East room 413. ask for Brown.
JOB on ranch by man and w ife ; 1 child ;
tractor engineer and cook. 11 AV. Jcs-
sup st.
AL4..-A ROUND dairy lunch man wants job.
Capable of being manager. 1C 656, Ore
gonian. YoUNG man wants good position of any
kind: experienced in stock keeping. X 50G,
orcpon ian.
WOULD like to get in touch with parties
wishing to build or carpenter work to
do. Tabor MM.
A MAN around the 60-year mark w ould
like a position attending a cigar etaod;
have had experience. R 54. Oregonian.
BOY w ants position in office, light w ork
for reasonable pay; best of references.
L S8-, Oregonian.
FURNITURE and piano movir g, general
hauling t. a war as, wi- uivision st, Sell
wood 1.1 85.
CHAUFFEUR. 30 years' automobile experi
ente, good references, age S, married.
Phono Main 7S!3.
CLERK in store
boo k keeping or
7;t7 Y. M. C. A
or office. timekeeping.
nipping, city or country
Phone Main 8700.
LAW YER, experienced in all courts, w ants
opportunity with law office or other
business. O 43!, Or-gonian.
WANTED Painting. paperhanginr. kaio
mining; prices one-third oft this month.
Phone Mar -hall "05.
SITUATION wanted by Al all-around chef;
hotel and restaurant; good references; will
If ave eity. R .".",, Oregonian.
ilAlUHED man with family desires posi
tion as night watchman. R 511, Oregonian.
HAA'E new 1-ton truck, want liauling by the
month with reliable firm. Marshall 0210-
PAPER HA NUI NG, pa in ting and tinting;
good work, rtght prices. Marshall ZtiKl.
HIGH echool ifoy wants work for after school
and Saturdays. Cj II Tabor o-07.
POSITION wanted by elderly man on farm.
Address 707 Lombard t.. Portland.
EXPERT paperhanging. high-class decorat
ing; rigrht prices. Tabor 4094.
WORK on ranch by boy
Id. X 4V3. ore-
J AN1TOR. ntght watchman, w ide expe
rience ail lines; city ref. Main 4080.
EXPERIENCED man and wife wish work
on ranch. AK. 178. Oregonian.
WANT lath work, have l-lnch. equipped
for finework. Box 71. AVoodburn. Or.
FIRST-CLASS plumber with tools wants a
position. L S5, Oregonian.
WANT a position; experienced commissary
and meat cutter. E. Griffiths. 0 d ft.
AV ANTE D T e i firtt-class advertising io"
licitorn. Address K 67. Oregonian.
YOL'NG man w ants w ork by hour, short
or Mteady job. G 30, Oregonian.
HIGH school student. 20, wants work al!
day Saturday?. AG lit. O re son i a n.
WANTED Janitor work by man and wife.
AVuodiawn lOlio.
MAN. 37. holding ext-iutive financial posi
tion, expert accountant and office e.-vu-tive
witti business ability mat can produce
satisfactory results, wants a not her pni
tion along same lines ; change desired for
personal reanuns only ; can I urniMh exc-p-tiona
1 1 y ginjd refor-nce?. G 'i. OrtHr.nin.
SUPERINTENDENT of const ruction. 10
year' experience railway, highway, ir
rigation and factory construction ; spe
cialist on concrete, plain or reinforced ;
will go anywhere on Pacific coast; sal
ary expected $30t. N 37, Oregonian.
CONCRETE engineer, wide experienced in
design and construction highway and ir
rigation concrete construction, wants jk
fci tion w ith contractor as field engineer
or vuperlntendent ; location immateriaL K
515. Oregonian.
AN ALL-AHOUND machinist and auto me
chanic, with experience in welding and
jetctrical work, would like to take charge
cr work In repair shop; will ctnisldtr a
bonus proposition. R &:;, Oregonian. t
DESIRE position with local wholesale firm,
as credit man or city salesman: will make
substantia 1 Investment ; experienced ; 1 Q
years with locai jobbing firm. T oti, Ore
gonian. DISPLAY and ad man now employed by a
big local business, has two hour a d;iy
lie can give to some business requiring
this service Will furninh show cards
for 1lKpays. BP 3r3. Oregonian.
At present employed by ons of the
largest wholesale firms on the Pacific
coast. Will be open for engagement
about April 1. AL 136. Oregonian.
iAN with general office experience In the
lumber, ssh, door and box business, miil
work estimator, expert at figuring- boxes,
bookkeeper, stenographer, etc S 418, Ore
gonian. BY EXPERIENCED ranch manater, mar
ried, best references; explalu all particu
lars In first letter. Address- D. L. Bailey,
R. 0. box 107, Vancouver. Wash.
AN automobile and tractor gas engine and
electrical man wishes position ; none but
well-paid positions will be considered. BF
S31. Oregonian.
"married man
With 5-pasienger, late model car, wants
work, can give best of references. H S,
WANTED situation as Janitor or watch
man; ref Address C. P. Stok.cs. nn. -..
1 - L"nion ave., city.
WANTED-iPorition in cigar wtore or cigar
and confectionery; ex. and ref. given.
WANTED Painting, paper hanging, tinting
and calcimiuiiig ; terms reasonable Main
MOD OLE-AGED man. honest, wishes ntght
janitor or porter work in hotel, restau
rant or factory. Phono East GO'.'i
A GRADUATE in agriculture dsires posi
tion lu or out of town. K 004, Orego
nian. PRINTER-PRESSMAN open or immediate
s!t: competent and reliable Address AV
736. Oregon is n.
Bookkeepers. Stmorrap&ers. Office,
COMPETENT office man of well edu
cated, operates typewriter, good habits,
active, desires to become associated with
manufacturing concern where conscientious
work and ability to learn rapidly w ill
count; opport unity, not pay. object at
first; will invest if business is paying and
bear Investigation. AC 4flfl. Oregon tan.
YOUNG man wants situation as clerk In
store or office, anything ltght; knowledge
of bookkeeping and stenography; live
wire, fci 401, Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper with wide business ex
perience desires position. College educa
tion, alive and adaptable. Fair stenogra
pher. K 2, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent and
accurate, available immediately. Tabor
BOOKKEEPER will keep your books in
spare time; reasonable charges. V 131,
ACCOUNTANT with extra time would like
small set of books to keep; references.
A H 73, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER of wide experience desires
position ; accurate, competent and re
liable. Hast 150.'i.
TEMPORARY work wanted by experienced
accountant. Smith, Marshall 81.
Soldiers and bailors.
BUSJNES3 MEN Do you need young man,
Age 21. for position where advancement
dt-oends uoon ability, ambition and integ
rity? Returned from camp. Delre posi
tion of merit where ousinees ability ana
Ability to learn Quick will count. Grad.
bus. college; bookkeeping, ba-nking and
business xd.; best refs. ; cohsidor rales-
manshlp. K 477. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, correspondent, cashier, ex
perienced in wholesale, manufacturing ana
mail-order lines; plenty of ini tiatlve. ac
customed to meeting the public and cap
able taking full charge of office. lfyou
wi-h high-class results phone Marshall
RECENT LY released from war du ty with
U. i. Shipping Board, desire position as
accountant or checker; am law school
graduate and familiar with credits and
collections. What have you to offer? Ad
dress BC 887, Oregonian.
FORMER lieutenant, U. f?. army, wants po
sition with chance of promotion; ex
perienced traveling salesman, wholesale
millinery; good education; state terms.
B li4, Oregonian.
EX -LI BITTKNANT desires soft Job; salary
to be at leapt $15.. 84 per month ; no ex
perience, home or connections, but in
tensely human; w-ill go anywhere ou this
ea rth ; ago tlfl. B 3 Go. Oregonian.
A D1SCH AROKD soldier, experienced gro
cery Halefiman and delivery man, wishes
position with responsible firm; have pasf-d
city inspection. Phone East 00. ask for
( 'anion.
WANTED By two competent young men,
potation as dairy men, near Portland or
in Tillamook county; best references given.
Best wa gs expected- Add. lolO Fowler
ave.. Port land. Or.
DI-S'HA RCrED soldier wifliew poiUoti as
private chauffeur for lum ily ; ha two
years' experience and has driven for hjg.i
officers in army. AR 34i, Urrconiiin.
ENERGETIC young man. soHiter. wants po
sition an machinist's apprentice ; has had
some experience wj th tools; references.
P.D 119, Oregonian.
AV H AT have you lo offer for young, dis
charged soldier, ma rried ? lias had four
years' experience in temporary line con
st rutlonltp
DISCHARGED oerses Soldier with expe
rience In drafting, tracing, time keeping
and shipping. L 877, Oregonian.
DISCHARGED soldier has two-ton truck,
wishes hauling in or out of city; will fit
on any bed. O 1M, Oregonian.
DISCHARGED salior wants tractor to drive;
experience with Avery &, Russell. AO bo,
MIDDLE-AGED woman withes work, ex
perienced dish washer or kitchen helper.
"I. S7'. ore ron ian.
LADY cook wants posotlon in a retined
household; no housework; $50. AE
&5. Orsgonian.
YOUNCi woman, well educated, good man
ager, desires position as housekeeper. Call
Marshall 51$.
WANT washing, ironing, cleaning or plain
sowing by hour or day. Wood lawn 32t.
WOMAN w ants day work,
lawn IfilO.
Thone Wood-
RELIABLE woman wants day work. East
CoLoRKD womaa desires laundry work.
Woodlawn 379.
ELEVATOR work; no experience; give week
free while learning. Phone Main &4!i.
AVANTED Ttiephone exchange for evening
onipioy ment . oroau - tty o.-.
DISHWASHING in restaurant by lady. Phone
C 14 UN
ABLE woman wants day work, bell.
FIRST-CLASS colored laundress wishes
laundry w ork only. Broadway 1804.
LESSONf given in grammar grade etudic:
backward pupils a specialty. Main &721.
YOUNG woman would like second work;
experience; heat reference. Tabor S775.
NEAT All-around restaurant wumnn wants
morning shirt. I'none labor 40SH.
WOMAN, experienced, wants day work; cur-t-i
ins to launder. Reference. Wd in. 1 -"7
ITRST-CLASS colored laundress wihe day
work. Call f.. tamt
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work at
washing ana.iron.ins only. fcellwooa 4.1
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants
private exchange. Tabor TiJo.
LADY wants day work and satisfactory, 0c
nr. Main 34U.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the
day. Call all week. Broadway 2il.
CHAMBERMAID job wanted,
bla 710.
Call Colum-
GIRL wants position caring for children
only; no oth--r work. D 1 10. Oregonian.
CURTAINS and silks done up
only. Call Woodlawn
by hand
KINDS of curtains laundered. Phone
t :;t-'.
WORK, wanted by the hour.
Phone Eat
GRADUATE piano teacher will tea.h at
studio, lepsons 75 cents each. Mniii lii!0,
WANTED Work by the day. East 57",7.
GIRL wants cooking. Call Wood In.
AYOKK. by Uy, hour. AVdla. Ooua,
-iri'A1IOe W ANTKll FKMAtE,
NEAT, refined lady waul ligtil home
work, irelerably whuru bo ill parnt
work, from lo to 0 or 11 to ti; fine
wit?i children; gool plain cook : no
w a-Iilng or Sunday work ; S per w eck ;
want to begm Alonday morning 13 K 3-,
Va.nT: Pull charge of wido.r or bach
elor's inurn home, close in. by middle
aged widow, cultured and refined.
em ploy etl from 7;') to Z. tx
ctpt Saturday and Sunday, ilavo child,
school age. A sister employed would board.
'JiO.I, Clr-goniaii.
KEPI N ED young lady will teio lute llixent.
rlp trial a. id artistic afist.irc or will
oversee details, favors, d-corating. etc.. for
parties ; hour, day or job pi icc3. Hetty
Nleredith. Main t;b(5.
WANTED I'osillon in c-Ifice by eMcriene-d
husiuc-s woman; can ussist on books;
know how to meet the public; write
a good business hand; best of city refer
encen. T , Or-goiiian.
General cleaning, windows, floors, gen
eral house and office cleaning. Day. phone
Marshall ltWl; evening, phone Woodlawn
WANTED By experienced mother and
daughter, position as housekeeper and
chambermalil, in first-clus rooming buho
or apartment house. Phone Marshall 3113,
or cull 31- Clay ft.
NEAT, refined young woman needs, employ
ment, wouid like position doing clerical
work, anxwering phone and making her
self useful, with opportunity to learn fil
Ing. AC 47h. Oregonian.
A V ANT ED A position as govern ess or pri
vate teacher; wiil ca.lL llease address
A Teacher, 1661 K. 8th SL, Sellwood,
WANTED by competent and reliable woman
Position as maid In apartment boune,
experienced and best of references, isell-
woo-J iil'J'J.
BLANKETS, curtains and fine shirtwaists
cleaned or washed and ironed; work
called for and delivered. Mrs. Morris,
4J7 5Mh ave. S. E.
EXPERIENCED office girl delrea position
as bookkeeper; can run typewriter and
adding machine; good reference. Main
LADY of refinement cares for children dur
ing patent absence evenings or after
noons: c-xperlenced nd capable with the
fdcK; refs. Marshall 34'JL
MILLINERY lestons t-aurht at hv-me, Tues
day and Thur-day eventncM at H o'clock.
1'hone Mvin 4'Jja, call after (J:30 P. M-.
-' KI la at.
AV A NTED Position as manager apartment
house or hotel ; good housekeeper: know
how to meet public; business woman. T
7o. Oregonian.
YOUNir lady would like any kind of light
work; have had office experience. -ai
WANTED By mother and daughter, to
lake full charge of rooming house, BF
S.v. Oregonian.
CO.VlI'ETENT housekeeper, loves children,
wants position; state wages. J 61 G,
Ml DDL -AO ED lady like Ifybt work la
rooming house for room and board;
wa'eJ. AL l'5, Oregonian..
Bi young woman, position with auto com
pany ; can handle any car; can do some
Tioor work. BC 886. Oregonian.
WANTED Work by the hour by an ex
perienced woman; Friday only. Phone
East 8. ":.
MAN and wife, Swiss, want positions on
dairy farm. Man good milker, wifo good
housekeeper. II -0. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED colored woman desires
chamber work or day work. Woodiawn
MOTHER with J 6-year son. who is working,
would like to work for hers and his board
and room. Call Mar. 8s7.
LA D Y w Hi boy 1 0 years wants p lace o i
ranch where hoy can have work. :
Fourth et., room 2.
COMPETENT exchange operator and typist
desires position ; capable meeting public ;
best references. AC 474, Oregonian.
WANTED Fancy waists and underwear
done by French cleaners, satisfaction guar
anteed, reasonable. Call Wdln. M'..
REPINED lady will take care of gentleman's
home for room to use as sewing shop. AJ
2-K Oregonian.
GOOD plain cook wants cooking on ran:h
or for small crew of znen. Room 402 Hotel
fclXPERI NCE D cook wishes
family; $54); no laundry. P
position in
Ore go
YOUNG woman wants work in evenings after
r. experience! cashier. Jhune til.
EXPERIENCED elevator operator wants do-
sitiou In hotel or apt-house. L 874. Orego
JOB on ranch by man and wife; 1 child;
t ractor engineer and cook. Ji AV. Jes
sup St.
WOMAN wants day
A. M. Main !018.
Call after 9
fikkretera Htenocrantier. Office.
WANT permanent position, stenographic or
general oi itce worn, in audition to snort
hand and typewriting; I understand buM-
new letters, Elliott addressing machine,
answering telephone, re-eivlug callers.
etc.; win uo copy work at home.
Kant 64. S.
EaPEKIEN LD bookkeeper and stenog
rapher, executive ability. 3 years um
versity training; business college graduate.
6 years' business experience; excellent ref
erences, desires permanent position with
reliable firm. Address 1. O. box a. city.
MR. EMPliOY ER Why not call The Noise
less Typewriter Employment Department.
Main 6344. when in need of stenographers
or bookkeepers? We are in poaltioa to
furnish competent neip.
WOULD like to become associated with tub
rtantia I firm un traffic in ana cor or tut lea
department. Have had 12 years railroad
experience and two years traffic manager
tor tuiiig concern. ai h. oregitiia:i.
Do YOU need a iwcrctary ? I am open for
a bttuatlon about April 1 and wih to get
In touch with an individual or firm whcio
promotion comes solely through merit.
11 H. rgoni;in.
l'ol'M 1 wuinan, 7 years' genera 1 office ex
perience, d-ircs pcit(ou in office or
specialty store; rclertnces. AF 130, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher would like position after 4 o'clock;
iio objection to v.orkin g evenings and
bund tys. S 421. Ori-gcnian.
WANT permanent position as payroll eleik
and tirneh'-eper or general orti"e worn;
experit-nccfl ; good, references. A J 200, ore
pronian. COMl'ETEVT itcnogrnplnT ith 2 yearn
experience d-frlres perm ncn t posit. on lu
dow n tow u office at (70. D 123, Ore
Kon ian.
AV ANTED General office work or assistant
boukkri pin s; ; somu knowledge of steneg-r-phy
where there is change for advance
ment. Phone Woodlawn 317.
A OUNG LADY wants wo-k us smtant In
drri list's office. Am inexperienced. but
will work for stnatl wage or on commis
sion. R r.37, Oregonian.
A TEACH ER end supervisor of several
years' experience wants clerical position
w h ore rxecutle ability Is required- DC
fTS. Oregonian."
EX PERI EN""KD stenographer desire office
work Saturday afternoon and evenings If
required, K 74, Oregoninii.
AN experienced lady bookkeeper desire po
sition: good references. Phone Droadway
104. room 3.
ST E NOG., exierienced. efficient and rcusble,
w i she permanent or temporary position ;
het of ret'erene.-. Main 1 ;". .
WANTED Al stenographer snd as.-dnt. book
keeper desires position; tet oi city rcicr
enca. A J 247, Oregonian.
GENERAL office work by young woman,
know ledge of Mtcnoraphy and tKok keep
ing. L2 N. Kellogg at., St. Johns.
CO MP KTKNT rtenographr, familiar with
all lines of offl'o work, dcirea perma
nent position. 1'hone Ea.-t 2137.
WANTED General office w ork by busi
ness woman while learning stenography
and t ping. T 841. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, knowledge of boOKkeep
Ing. desires powl t Ion. K 7 2
BOOKKEEPER and st enogrnphur, 6 years
evperln e ; best of references. Main 2- 1 7.
Best work ronftd -n'til. Main A707
GENERAL office work, not etcnographic.
Broaiitv 476.
EXPERI l-'NCED r.tcnographer desires posi
tion. Tabor 7012.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Rhone uroaaway .':.
AoL'NG lady wishes position, clerical or of
fice work, o yeArs experience, n Dor
POSITION in dental office or clerical wotk
Woodlawn 1617.
STENOGRAPHER with some experience de
sires position. Tabor 4o2.
EXPERIENCED d rsftmak i n g : prices reason
able. 17.8 E. lath st. Pouth.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, 2.o0
Tabor C.o..
KIRST-CLAStJ dressmaking and tailoring,
srj per day. Phone Tabor 74".
AV'ANTED Pain sewing and trending,
dressmaking. 427 1 1th. near Hall.
PL A 1 N sewing neatly done,
r. E. Tabor 7172.
C.05 S2d St.
G'D dresarnaking, remodeling a ttpeclalty;
9-i ner uny. r. .i4-..
XLor b7U9.
drertniakcri references.
1II;HVI.AS drittiaker from to oM. ex
Irieneed fancy dr --. suits and eionk
will take work home or go out lv the da
Marrhall 4 100. apt. '5, bvl. o0 and S
P. M.
W A NTED di vS-inak ing. experienced d rt
wkir. 1 .5 Altiina ave. Phone AVood
lnwn .'.".0: ayk for Mr. Turiirr.
FASH luNA Itl.E dressmaker w inhes ew fug
by the duy in families; inn gi reference.
Addresa 37 K. 4.V.h t.
AVANTET Kngn g. mn ts by tii- day. ev
p'Tlnee in suits and gowns; will remodel
reason uble. Broadway 1 5t7.
WANTED By nilddlr-ag-l widow, to k p
hoUfe or cook for a biuall crew of men.
A Oregonian.
TRAINED NIRSE in home. hs private
room or sleeping porch for convalescent
or parulysis c.ise; doctor's rcfercuccs. Call
Tabor JoS7.
N L"RS i-;. julet home. In v a lids, unfortucatee ;
elderly; private; references. Greehaxu. Or.,
11. A. box 111.
AN experienced trained uurio ready lor wot k
today: permaneut or iuctliulional ; rtfa.
M.irxhall 341.
COMPETENT, kind, .xperienced nurse for
Invalid wants position, $10 per week. F
Ml, OreKoniwn.
W I LL DO nursing in my borne ; care for
Invalid. convalescents or od people.
Tabor 070f.
POSI T10N by nurse, 17 years experience.
In or out of city; terms reasonable. Mar
ehall CC.8.
WANTED By practical nurse, to care for
an Invalid. AO 11. Oregonian.
GRADUATE NURE wishes work, eith-r
private or institutional. Phone East b2.
A PRACTICAL nurse w lshcs position;
ernce. Woodlawn 1020.
EX PER I ENCED pract leal nurse wishes con-
i.uement or other cases. Call Tabor 1 b-j.
WANTED Any kind of nursing by mJddlo-
nga nurw. labor tJ4.
CARE of child 3 or 4 years by nurse ; good
nrvK?. jv oh, iireronian.
BV, iniddle-age woman on well e -tablished
farm, where there are no other
women, as cook for 2 or more men : A 1
with Incubator, poultry and butter milking;
capable, economical, thorouglt, neat and
clan; British people preferred; no trificrs.
A J 2'4. Oregonian.
AVANTEl Pom tion as housfkwpor for re-
tP2ct 10I0 niaJi: country preferred ; capable,
experienced : oung woman, with 3 chil
dren ; excellent references; good butter
maker; poult i y : economical cook : good,
decent homo lief erred to high, wages. ED
1 .:i, Oregouian.
IF.KINED yoanqr woman would Hke to take
rii'rge or a geiitlcmi nome as nouse
kveper; business or professional man's
home prefernd; strictly a buntnesn propo
rtion and triliera need not reply. 1'hons
Tabor 133.
MIDDLE-AGED widow would like houe-k-'-pins
for widower or bachelor in or out
of city ; good cook. s&Tcr, nea,t, refined.
X 51 0, Ore j on: a n.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as
housekeeper to widower's home ; neat.
economical, good cook ; would consider
pla-e at beach. R 504, Oregonlaru
STRONG, middle-aged woman on farm, cook
for & or more men ; npicmna cook. conom
leal, clean and tidy. Phone Tabor 21-3
after 12 o'clock. G 3. Oregonian.
WANTED Hy middle-aged lady with daugh
ter, employed, position as no use keeper
for gentleman In modem home. L fc.s.
CHAMf.KK.MAID, capable of housekeeping,
wants work in or out of city. Tabor 7U4U,
7H sth t. SB.
CHAMBER work or L K widower with
children preferred, capable lady. Tabor
WANTED Position, houekeeper. 4 to 6 In
family; state all particulars. P 849, Ore
g onian.
MI DDLK- AGED widow want lion tokee ping
for rcapcctahle widower: c-iii give best of
ref-r:;.ices. AO 07, Oregon Inn.
WOULD like ?o keep house for 3 or 4 gentle
men; have my own home. L &&x Ore
gviian. REFINED, healthy lady, middle age. wiPhcs
housekeeping; good home. BD 14 S, Ore
Konian. ELDERLY lady would like housekeeping
pusu ion for widower's home, children
school age. Tabor 3470.
ELDERLY lady would like housekeeping po
sition for widower's home; children, school
:;. Tabor 3470.
Goo D coo k w- an ts w or k coo king or house
keeping; references furnished. Woodiawn
YOI'NO woman with 2 girls. 5 snd 6 years,
wants housekeeping for gentleman, in or
near cliy. Y 1oQ. Oregonian.
EEF1NED, middle-1 g lady, wishes house
keeping for man. with family; no tnflent;
no foreigners. AC 470. Oregonian.
WANTED X'Ofitton, houwekeeper for etd.-rly
rtiuple or widower with 2 or 3 children. F
h"S, oregonian.
keeping on ranch. A' 1."j-
wlshes houss-
LAI A wishes hoUKekeeplruc. Call Monday
from to 4, room ". 'J: Fourth m
CHRISTIAN lady, position as housekeeper;
gentlinn's home. p f4t, Oregonian.
EXPLRl ENCED lady cook w ants position;
will go anywhere. AA" 73S. Oregon mn.
tot R or o-rootn house with light and baih.
will trike furniture in ume if suitable.
UK 34. OregorUn.
YOl'NiJ woman desires position In dentix. a
or d-tetor's oiftce in ailernoons. E oOJ,
WA N TED Ry April 1. t h r or four-room
uuturnisht- flat r a part menu Last side
pr frred. A 1C 12U. C'reKontajL.
W ANTKl) to rent at once. -ro m m ole rn
buncdlow ; reasonable distance dow n
town. D IQti. Orego'ilnn.
MA RCH 1 o, 4 or r-room bungntow. man,
w if -j i-nJ child : bet of rare ; w ill iy
i months. V. AVagiitr, oOJi, Hotladay.
WANT lo rent for 1 yesr, 5 or 6 -room fur
nished house; need l ot be elaborate; must
b iiet anu clcn. AK t .rcsn 1 n.
AA A NT modern bungalow, preference io-e
t it y rark. Duslne&s man. Dest references.
Tabor 1.
tl tlt 7-room roitagc. gnrdrn snd garage.
portly f urnlshe-. prcf rred betw ecu hum
and April 1. Pli07ie East 12m
1 TO 0-A . with modern houe and outoulld
inrs. w ithin lrt min w Hjk from He to So
fare. Hoi 317A. R. P. 2. Milmaukio, lr.
5 OK A -1 bungalow, on r jelore March
JA. atlulls: permanent renter, call uu
dav or - en I n ts. TalKjr h
b c R 6-ro'nn A -1 burnt iow (.n or before
Vrf h 15; adult s. perms ncnt rnitra. Call
Sunday or e eninr?. Tabor V..
AVANTED TO RENT 6 or 7-room hou-f,
with garage, in Irv Inirton, by responsible
party; no children. AF 173. Oregonian.
WANTED r or 6-room buncal iw, furnished;
good references. Call between V.Zu snd
,v:iu. Min
AVILL leuoe 6 or 7-room modern hour with
slipping iorch In good "oigUborhood.
I'houe mornings, Marshall 1722.
BETWEEN now and April 1. good 8or T
rnnm house by nteaay fnanu close In.
rhorif Mnln 1 TIP or X Ro. Orfrmtn.
room house.
leponHible pairte. h or t.
by April 2. Good location.
1'hone MHhall
WANTED By March lo. furnlstlrd house in
Irvington or It oil ad ay ; aduiti. Marr-hall
1 S'Jm. Sundays and evmlnt Enst 02.
AV AM ED To rent 4-rooin bungalow for 3
adults; close to car line. R Orego
nian. WANTED To rent four cnttaea at Cannon
Itoacn for July and August. AG SS5, Oro
CoiiUn. AVANTED To rent, bv responsible party,
f'-room modern bung .-Tow. :.- Ci: y or
l'.r.uimnnl pr forr-d. IlOt1e 'lin 2
It cK ti-room modern limine with KaruRo, ";
will pay six months in adancu.
Wcod'an 6:'n.
AVANTED Girls for factory work; take N
and K car 3d st. Sterling Food Products
'o. 1 1 22 Mm cad am st.
LET WEEN now and March 2. house or
bung low w ith gara Be. Dr. MclUah, Ta
bor RH2.
WANTEO By 3 adults. 3 or 4-room mod
em unfurnished iipurirnrnt, west side; best
of r-ferent-s. TaOor f7:.Y
WANTED April 1, ti
fumli hed ; references.
- room hoiie.
W" A NTED to rent furnnthcd. modern S-room
house; IrviPKton dlatriet preferred. E.
W ANTE D or 4 -room
f urninhed
or lower flat. F SM. On poman.
EX PERI ENCED w aitrenn w anted.
Restaurant. SO N. 3d St.
WANT 4 or 5-room furnished house in Beau
mont. Call TaOr N7"'(.
OR 6-room. Woodlawn,
rf a. Wood! n wn 11 7.
Aib rta district;
unfurnished. p
r-room modern buns alo w,
rmancr.t. Sell wood 2i.M.
WANT 4 or o-room furnished houso in s-od
loation. Pall Tabor 87iM.
WANTED To rent to 7-nion house: et
tadc prcitried. elenck, H0i North -Liih U
RellaM. up-to-date Vsta of deslraMs
raciLit house, apartments and fats wit
dell ai to to forma tion per taJiiing to ucU
Newcomers In Portlnnd witi ftn- t'S
bureau of gr-at value In h -ipin tkchi ct
pi upii iy uid quickly locatco.
. . i
WANTED to Ieat. for lor.g term, G or 7
room bungalow or l.ouso In AUmcda, lica
mont or Rose Citv. Mjut have at lvast
1 bedroom and bath or toiK-t dow utdn.
W ould consider bu tni; If pri- ntl it ;-r.
were a gr-eahle. Ca H Ta Imr . M . ;
. iiOM '
W ATrtrd To reTit an up-to-date 5 or 6
room bungslo . I-aureihur5t. H. Citv or
.unnyM.f ; ill t.ay tne above amo.iTit s
i.r pe.uru.j; such
E. ,-..
a .iro--
A OUNG couple w nh no childrei want to
leisu a seven or ei:ht-roo;n sulct!v nin.l
ern unfurnmiCd hou.o on u ,,t s..:;
heights location pref-rrvt: must have r.i-raK.-;
bent of references. Phone Vain
-Y May 1. by yxung. rr-pon5:bi cou
ple, furnish-J bungaiou-, house, fiat or
apartment for period of six montiis or
i?.Cc: rt"nl in -dvacco If UcslreX Al,
122. Oregonian.
Dril L imi'l r.. v.
or bungalow, two bedrooms; must be clean,
modern and reasonable rental; S mouths
HDltH, Oregonian.
WvN1i";l"(Ht.1 tK KNT. FROM 9 TO
v Tt- l . -JVi i EIGHT?
AMOUNT oP l:uO.V6,
1 I., Oti h'.iOX IAN.
Wk NJK1 TP KENT mM furnished
by desirable tenant who will tako excellent
care of fumture; kih ue-Hrcd a;. if
possible. AVish to move in early in May.
a 1 ve rcferen --o. X 4 -H. r o n i a r..
WANTED or "'-room houe or f!t by
aed oup!e; wl,i Wnre rooms if larger,
best Of care to property guaranteed: r- f-
cM-encts cwr.ancH. W. H. Uchty,
n r.upt -VI l.
urci.ibLh party wttnts lo rent S or
t-room house PTinnimtiv; Eat :d.-
must have garage on or r-a.r r-f err
giadry furnished. Phwns E,t 43 Saturday
& oK ti-room modern bunrn-ow. Ro?e C tv
ark preferred, rcffponiblo founi-; r'o
hi.drn; n ferenc. , w.'i lease. PHon
Sunday, iatn .O-'T . weekdays. ilrtady
to sny en f urnl.Vunc niformation for
an acceptable .' or 6-room modrrn hou-e
for rent, po.'--ton April or May 1.
Phone Tabor 6130.
WANTED FurniFhed hou!, flat or 3 to -room
apartment after March 10; wt! r-nt
to Jun 15. Can give b-st rettsrenco.
Phone Tabor 4.Vrt to 'J 1. M.
WANTED Modern fle or six-room bun
galow in a desirable neighborhood tt- re
sponsible couple, April 1 or 13. li ,
WANT to leae email moern houe, prefer
ably furnished. large garden, city or sub
urban; might buy. 444 Courthouse. Mala
7QM. Residence. H 1.:h.
fumlNhcal l HI ,.. . 1 1 .
for month or two. Any one wishing to
lease- or sublet, pleaso phoua room M
Renson hotel.
house. In good neigh bnrhood, bv respon
". family. Wi.l ,ce. References, la
bor 2ot!.
CAREFUL tenant will leao one ye.r good
It-room housA with facilities for lOo chick
ens and garden. April fir.t poasc&sion T
bor 7to.V
WANTED S or 9-room house, furnished
west side; prefer south of Mor-iwn or
near Good Samaritan Hospital; references
Sell. 1::lv
L 22d of -larch, modern furnished 4 or
-ruorn coitage; no ciuidr.-n: Kood c .r
service: permanent if reuaonab-. l. fr;
Oregon. .in.
WANTED Either furnished or unfurnished
modern Lunjralow, near Haw t tiorne or
trunn side . arline by responsible party.
Tsbur 1WS9.
AVANTED Ry respectable fimllv of 3. b in
g it low. 5 or 6 rooms, f:rnilled or unf jr
n Is tied, close in ; would consider lea. e
Ca 11 .Mrs. Martin. M a r.hill 1 'J-o7.
WANTED Modern home, rt to S rooms. :ar;e
lot. garage, by man and w.fe. no children
now or U-fore May 1. Will leas.; it f
refrenres. T b. r S Jt.-.r, K. 4 7 1 !i ft
5 or 6-room tu mi tied modern btmm.
low in Koe City or Irvm icton di. tru t ;
will busejor a year. AH 111. On-gonian.
FAMILY of adultji want .'.-room house, mod
ern. Around Wooost -k or w alking ois-t-nce
of Franklin 'ugh. Tiibor Ib-.'t. Cail
after 1 P. M. Sunda.
AVANTKD or tt-rooro modern house not
over 14 blocks from Piedmont car bamn
Will make good payment down. C:i
Woodlawn 4f.'tH. parl Neil
GooD houje, 4 or 7 room, n ith barer.Kiit,
on lots to 2 acrs of land n go.Ml
road not fur from flc canine. Please give
lv-ati-m and price. K Or ponhm.
4 OK K MiM modern house, f urntshfd r
tinfurnl.-n!d, for A pril 1 ; e:it nle prv
f'rrd. -'v rrtrrvnr?. A G 14. t on ;an .
WA NTED Ly youns roupie w it h bahv,
iTiodt rr furni-0,t,d fire-room flat or houtt.
f;!l Tnbor J0h.
A MOlERN" 4 ori-room bungalow. i:nsr Cuy
Prk. H awtborne or l'it d mont. h il T.
bor 2. or Min fi0. M H. C.:ide
WA NT or 4-rooru l:oiie,
spae. reasonable. Mrs.
R. 2. Rx 44.
i. ctid-n
MODERN r-Mrn. in; park or Pi-i.-mont
up to ;;."oit: mn.t take lot in lrvin;
ton a.itid s.'."' Wovraan ."7tT.
WANTED -To rrnt by familv adult-, m.ui
ern 7 or 6-room houe. Phone j. 11 wood
AVANTED Ry re.-poiijtti:e cup !e. 4 or i
room. linf'irntF'--d Isciife. l-':isl !"..
TO RENT Furnished, lir?. house, mod,
or :ip.i rtnint bid:;. N 47 OrcKdniMii.
Apart m rut it.
1'1'K N IS li i T room or a p.. i t n ien t wsnt.-d
'ns biif)ti man n rumnrnt'y rituutd.
prf.-r home with 'dr.y en jp! N tn -dren.
Liberal roiTip'-r,., (,.,tn li-nic -otii-forts.
lie particulars. "Liiftirca. inan."
R '-2. O-'-Roiiitn.
WANTED Near chi. ii
housekeeping rooms l:i where lit tie kt.
hil e rare aft.-r school,
rbanfteti. TIpono h;.t;
or 4 uiiiurti!-,-
prixale i.-imo
t'ttl S ooi I
l;-ffTIne e.
BY March 15 or April 1. partly 1 U mi.-. -i
four or fl riMtni f'ut or bu.-. w t --t side
sou i h of Vi ti i n rum ; w a 1 i d t.vta n. ,
no children. 1. Tlox 2"4.
WANTKD To rt nt a 3 -mom furmshsd apt.
bv two adults, both mpl-jed during dy,
state price and location. R .ol7. or.
Roman. WANTED A furnished apt. or small liouk- .
for month or two. Ai.y one w isIiIrk; t
lease or sublet, please phono room SI ".
licnton hotel.
WANTED ;t-room furui-he.i
't sid couple, one child.
Dd 7.
CoLPLE W-int u-roorn, w';-furnih-.1
: p trtment be'uru April 1. Phono Alain
27.". week da s.
RELlAttLM parry d-rires t r -r r?
f ut na lied apartment ; nltri nc?.. b.u:,
WANT E l 2
Mble lor I
home u ith
or nn f ii rn i
j?ht hou.iek .
ari l 'rt 1 1 S
h-ti r.titi.t mm.
pint? In p-t ate
(l.M.d llrt
TO KB NT 2 -room apt., fuiiushed. w,;
Kide. ,k L 1 47, Crrj-mutn. .
MOTH K R and ton, bot h em p!o d . v . n t 2
furnished h. k. rc-ms or Mnad furr.tiie,i
hoube by .Ufch 21. Have own beddipjr.
pillows. iir.n. Will ariprectnic nl.; p
Hive b t of care, and be p rnun ni. &7I.
nr.'fnfi ;.i n .
RY recently diwharued I'-vucn.TTit. room m
private fannly. t lot-, in. P i r f
r re nets. 1 1 Rr.nd. ay ;i:;j, rmmi 41'.
ii nd l-a vo Miniiwr
Gl'NTLKMAS wanta f irnislo-d r..:u, Iu.
lkt NMrroiindlliiir. c OJe in. w. ,i .;-.
rerrco; s.atc price, luwuon. :
WANTED To rent a 3 -room furni
- h-J a i: .
bv two adult, both en'plojJ duris;
iste price snd location. R 317, o: -?intM
W A N T E D A room With or
brea.kf.i-t. on w t side, m-ar
rar preferred. D 12. o-cgot;inn
?unnj idc
Lv 1 V mpio ed. muoyuiB tmm.r e vem
WHUfs furnished room, west side. D
" Koomi W Ifh Board.
Bl 1 N f'.Sd weman wants room with b-e.-. k-
lat. or break fast a nd dinner; r f -r v A'l1icn Ai 27. Dr'tioinan.
X O or :.-ro-MTi apt. or flu;
partly fur mMicd. rIo- in.
adultt. .i 11. orepoiilan.
furtits'ii I or
eaitt 1. 1 i e , by
WANrET hoard and room in bote'.
tiit boueo or prU ate Lt m ily. Ly immii and
v tie. w uh child. R .' 1 . 1 reon)a t:.
UV lii'SlNLt-S man nnd wlf.. w itu tiau:hte
of 12 in refined home ; references. i'abor
4 "72.
: r o2 J.
Koom It h Zteur-L
Nh'AT. r-- -r..y l Miurt. J so lcr. r ft-r-cm..
.'t'i:i ro.m and board, good ac
t "tii nfti' i ; ..n : w h rt there is music or
ounr f-ik- pref---d: waKUig ditnce to
L;.. ,jw.y nd Mis.itt.ippi. AC ore-
S 'Ml H.
Al'NJ sen 1 1 man diri to loc.tto In
l'ortt;nrt home. prefrrtly la Laurtihur:
or lr nijfii.n district or In vlt inity tt
Portland ;.if ctuti, licfortnccs x changed.
-Vt. I'rcor.lin.
LUPINE.-.- ttdtin it. nialrm, want a hme
on wnt Mit bvrii and roora or room
t ti.t br a kf .pt. t pirate rooms preferTcu.
I ;r,ui w t I
WANTEI H,.rd frtr Lihrr and bby ml
3 ars old ; iti!-t lx bet of home Bur-
rou r. i . n - . A .
W A N T l-.l Knom and board In a pnvsle
f mi I y. fhr-stian -1entist family pre
enl. ?'!lix..l Cir.
1;1-;k 1 N LI ftimr woman ishea room w:tij
cuiti.rud famly; w , t tide homo pre
ft-rrrd. T, . Orr on i atu
FATHER and cro-n lnuebtm rPleyrd.
wish hone with private family In lmc
1 oti or Hi:d;4 v. !..
Jloufte keeping Koomi.
WANTKD 3 hoj keeping rooms, prl-rato
f imity; 2 betts jinl !no, or 1 fir-
n i ith i cot t n : mu t be c lea n and tst r :
w . King 1iftt.inco di T'red ; w Idowcr. mm
and daughter; no sinn'l children; desirab!o
1'copio; pay up to $ .0; insncr all week.
X 4-'4. Orfgotiian.
WANTED 1, 2 or ii-rumn furnished apart
ment or b. k. rooms by young couple; ra
children; xnut b- clean, romiorub and
cheerrul. AK 170. oreronlarv.
llutine Places,
&1-1S-14-15 .wnland bids.
We have clients waiting for dsraM
1ocj t ions for parages and other lines of
high-class htiJineM. Make that acsnt
lot or empty buiidng brine you a so -arc a
of revenue. Come in snd talk tt ovec
5 l-13-14-lu WCtd blvlf.
NATUROPATH wiiher to rent furtu,tiel
of'm: wuu bath; central. AK II 4, Oro-
r'Mnnhi pnee.-. Fdll Instructions free.
J' ke A.- O NVill. "The i-'hop With the Green
Tile v rniiL." W ins ton. bet. Lroadway
snd Park.
WANTKh To rent snail garage with re
pir shop, wit li or without equipment, otf
would hnv ema'l place, AE 6?L Otoniun
AV ANTED To r-nt, p'.iver piano with rotlst.
ull t;lr. 2"". br-t. K A. M. and 5 P. M.
PLEASANT frort room. FuUaMe for 2 gen
tlemtn or couple, employed. 2 meaia ii
fleslrcd. . 4 7ii'..
FurnUhed Rooms.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit.
East Morrlwn and East Flxth.
Hotel i"li:ford is tne principal East Fids
hoied and is a hotel of aignity and refine
ment. Daily rate 91 2." up; two in roonw
Si. 71: weekly rntes, J."..0 and op.
NORTON 1A HOTEL. Portland's dowtitoim
hi(h-clas family hotel; rooms en suite me
single, with or without board, (or families
snd business men and, women. W glv
you ail ths co m l orta ox & bout t
t)ie rate.
124 14th c. st Wa-hingtoa.
Rated. SS iKr week uik 75c day.
proof ; large, s t tractive, spotleas rtMffl
clove to amusement and shopping centers
cutertng e.-p-ctaily lo those deslrir.g quiet.
Fifth and WaMhinRton brrsots.
Rtgiit in center of Portland s sctlvltlasu
Let us show you our accommotlauona.
Hates $ per week up.
GORDON HOTEL, West Park and YamhilL
mod. conveniences, convenient to theater
nd shopping d;atricu Weea.y or monthly
i' N'l 1.E.M EN dc-innt ntKh-cas lurni-.icd
root. i. with ail modern t -n veniencea, watk
i dist.:..e. cali M.nn 4."74.
PALACE HOTEL, 41ti Wash, St.; downtown
location ; rep-t t.i hit a tid strictly modern; heat: ro"mi !arKe. cn.
Iio T E L OCKLLY, Morrison St.. st 10th
Kte $1 per day up. eekiy. 94. o0 upi
running tat'-r; f re? plone and bath.
ONE niee. larjro. front s'eepinir room, suit
aide for 2 t' 'T.t 1 emen. 2.l t't.-iy.
I'.ooMS, prrj.ctly modern, down town, day or
week. 3';24: Alder. Main t727.
Cnfornlshed Rooms.
Lome. Se
-2 riif jrn'tthed rooms in private
i oo i 1 .1.7.
UNFLRNISHED room. 71 Kearney st.
FurnUhed Rooms in PrWato Family
T U o be: ro vnn wjui private family, yout
no u or w omen prx fci reU. J. 4J
PORTLAND HKK'iHTS. walking distance,
your ciio ice of ttniiio or with sleeping
room, with hot and cold
w.iter. i.r frt-iit h-man with rcterence;
lr t; k if red. Fast -.7.
NT r.
II wnct
nn of a f lur- ruori apt. A ' 1 con -b.
w.:k'iis di.sunr : Indv pr--4:;2
Thr'-d St.. apt. 12. M ;ir. r.4..
LA K( ; i-;. w rll-f urtur hd room with or wit h
otJl imard. ten minings' waik lo bulnes
e.-nfr. M.rhall 1 .
'ourlf ;
fur ii ihed. suitablu for
w !k in g dU-tatictx . 1-
i; it.
Kt'uM n i.riate apartment, wi-ll lur
niMted; t-uni heat. p! ono and ha.i h : elos
in; j:en l-;nti cnl. ."ull Main 4.W
Dus 1 i :. I; L.E Miniv .o-tth rom; furnace
li. ii . i ric I iph t . i't h and phone ; 1
'-in w :t 1 k t 1' . . w t td. 41, I -i wy.
Fi li.MjUKD itfin, .I.o u r. f u r n i bt ) rooiM
v it h ir kc ! nine port, h ; brekfat It
d'-.iri d i;vri ll.
A Ul''r work in c inun to room and board.
cor. cenia! bom -., union young pcopl'.
Pl.t in. it i .!? n. pi a no. M .tin b:S.
lie -lib..
'! room f-r Kni'eTnan in fine
:.ooi: lif tt, baiu and phone;
Nti'KI.Y furnished Pirpe room. modern
1m. m it I o'uvc nieiK eg. Also Sir
... I iw n vs4
Nli'KI.V fur:nh .L iroit room, with kitch n
. ; t . i la It lc lor I. : Ut hout-v keeping. oi'J
II. tM M.
"ELY i
in hood
-od fic.tit room. Kottl n.iKh
b k Irom Haw lhtrn, sf
line. 2-'. K. l'ilti. cor. M.i.i.MMi. P. a ft 23 1.
1 Wi i itiuelv f'lrnhed rooms. Ijur- Ihiirht
(ini . breaklast; K'inien iireferr'-ti.
Toh.i- ::. l
l'i:Nr room i a orkmc man and wlf-'.
;;u "r.istty. 2 ks south of ast end
. Urrt ,y bridge
Rt m M tt r.-nl in pi i ni e fanrly, Wjt; i ;r -
r.l . i dices require!. Ma.n
l o i I KKN T Lai-e J ion t room, well heatou.
I U K " irrfv, M;. n 14.
LK VSAN I" room,
c-n t A I a ii
m ou west sido. for
ii room. )our
Cill Tabor J;-
working inaa pro-
Ll-.K I'l V room for buniits person. 23 O S
i it ii m.
VF-i: Y d
, ..Im en- Ph-
ro". 1M . Rcmont.
n 'I t !-r o'2.
1 1 i y f urn i s ne
2 pi I w t k.
w a i k i
IM i: h r
room with uiru
e. tWO Iti'Jj,
Hroad way.
f'r men. :i' E.
t j rooma for dtjlribie tn-
KLV f uniit
e. Hdw.
room, ciosc in, reason -
roma, prjvt (ami.) ,
I-Tien. 1 ab-ir
NI- ELY fumis' 1 Imnt
in - i 1 "rn huT. ) a '"s !: :
rtt-epint room ;
1 i i NOT' 'N room, modern home. - block
irt I or t t-r; brtakfaM. Last 410.
fl ,Vflt
-h.i'l 2:
room. connKUnt
KHi -i. 1:1 '.if. " 1 i'haiuiia:i
,1: ion. Pcr'land He isht.
N.. cor.
MTU ST PERT Ohoiee furnished niit
I w hki"s ti 1 i .1 -i . -. -.i.iin
I"o K i: h'. N T 2 u furnished rooms s nd 1
pai t'v furii.s-hid room. 4.."i 6Lh st
1 k . r'. Iron r tw in b-ls. employ d
prr-i.ji'i only. 1 1 -o N. 21et st.
t LL W. li;ht room for centlemsei onlv T"o
of T'i r. ; M'kmn ri ijliiire. i.jst o'.M 1.
It - NT Fir
rocTi. hot. water beat.
11 i;."l'i:T) Tooni.
private tsml!. steam
h-.:t. t ill .art i -
SK" i IL 1" furnistn-d n.oni wit lj heat. b.lh
and phone. ottl Morrison st.
NI'E f:or.t room, .suitAbIs
lo for two. I2tli
N. ltith rt.
i ur: in'id room in lov . ; rfmnj l.oata,
..l.f.t.t 'f d--:ed. 10.v4 WlVi.inin ave.
LENT P-M.ab.L' alec ping room wutl
NIOELV f'irnif 'icd r.rm. w a: kins diatnc
4:. Market, ioiiit Jolh.
nitNJSHKM ro
11.1 11. K. roorne.
. or 1-P ptcnint-.
A MlKt;N rojm for repf w it ii-n w aikius
rt.n.'inee. w wide. 4 lit, t-:.
KtuM buitsble lor entliu,iu. Marshall Uli.