THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 0. 1019. 10 HELP VVAMKI) M H.K J10.00O MAX WAXIED u distributor for well-entablished, nationally-advertised specialty. Must be substantial business man with sales and executive ability and the means to handle a big opportunity. Inquiries treated confidentially. Address P. O. BOX 1030. DAYTON, OHIO. ALL, MEN seeking employment or ambitious to do Digger tnings are inviteti i wuuomi. employment secretary at the Y. M. C. A. W have constant demand for men In all clerical, technical and commercial lines. Why waste your efforts when a special membership costing only S E'ves, a!on; with other privileges, EMPLOY MENT INSURANCE for one year? Put your case in our hands and we will multi ply by one thousand your OPPORTUNITY. Our record for past 9 years: Calls for men 0.342 Positions secured . . . . . lo.biu 11 AN about 50 yr. old, no family, healthy, honest in dealings, to live In country home 2 hrs.' ride lrora Portland: must be used to baching and keeping place neat and clean; preter man who has had ex perience with fruit trees, berries and bees but not essential if willing to learn; work not heavy; wages small; steady place vear around if satisfactory ; free use good house and garden. Write all In first let ter, wages wanted per hour for this kind of work, experience, etc. AV 6Ua, Ore Eonian. - MAN in each town to refinish chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles by new metnoa; $10 daily without capital or experience, all or spare time; eevry housenold, store and office possible customer; field unlim ited in this big money-making business. Write for free particulars and proofs. Oun metal Co.. S;t Elm, Decatur. III. BTLADY men wanted to take exclusive con trol of good territory in Oregon and Wash ington; money advanced weekly, outfit and special training free, experience unneces sary; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; clean, hardy. .aranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. ATTENTION. LOGGERS. Tha hulam Timber Co., Scappoose, Or., is running; we are their representa tives; no fee charged for this camp ...... .nn..iu t.h vs vour fee: all old timers welcome: new list daily. Portland Labor Agency, 11 N. 2d St. MEN wanted who are willing to work and invest from J300 to $500 and own an in t.TMt In the business: we pay $5 per day and up; we want truck drivers, carpenters and helpers, also good mechanic for ga rage. Answer, giving phone number. Bt S74, Oregonlan. "WANTED Honorably discharged soldier who possesses wide acquaintance In the ciy to act as representative of old-established corporation favorably known in Portland. Send name, aduress and tele phone connection to AJ 236. Oregonlan. OLDISH man of good character, habits and sunny temper, to bach.: found and email salary; chores, milk cow. garden ana when von write. G. B. Dudley, Route 4, Hood River. -vi r- "VVoil t.idav. bet. lu and 1- A. M., gen hotel. ' VIS TO $S6 WEEKLY' in your spare time tioma 3uet;iai . c ......... o w Hies of your city; no experience wcas r-ii. rt..v- fnr rial ticu ars. Amer rBI- inft American bldkt.. ican Products Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN who can make good selling Krocerles. wholesale departments, and also teach new men In fields; give experience and qualifications fully, and phone; good job for make-good man. BC b.o. Ore gonian. ' . THREE neat appearing young men. not over 22. with selling ability; experience not necessary; good future for those who qualify. See Mr. Smith, Seward Hotel, from 10 to 2. , liLDliRLY or middle-aged man for sub urban place; small greenhouse, garden, one cow. few chickens and chores; mod erate wagep, room and board. Apply -c.-63d and Yamhill sts.; Mt Tabor car. "WANTED Drug clerk, one willing to work and anxious to learn; good opportunity nd steady employment; small town in "Waahingion; state all particulars and salary expected. AV 700. Oregonian. W NTED Male bookkeeper, experienced in double entry voucher eystem. who under stands accountinn: and expense reports; etate salarv and age. Answer in own hand writing. AC 454, Oregonian. rwoRR hnv to milk 3 cows, split wood and make himself generally useful about the farm; $2) per month ana Doara; no scuuui boys. 228 Alder st- . 6 DISCHARGED soldiers or sailors for crew wnrk. citv or travel: salary and bonus; boys now working are making $7 to $12 per aay. .iii-ius waamnsiuH ai. JAPANESE second cook; must thoroufihiy understand a la carte and tabie d'hote service, and a good pie maker; saJary $)0 and meale. AV 69 1. Oregon. an. "VV ANT exoertenced salesman with knowl edge ol auto pans; cnance to maKe uig money, man with car preferred. 500 Burn side st. WANT caretaker for Community Club house; heat, light and living quarters furnished; rive experience and. salary expected. BC 805, Oregonian. OFFICIAL, organ, going on second year; fine indorsements; uniformed men wanted; take orders. Oregon Veteran, 209 Stock Exchange. WANTED Agents to represent us selling nursery stock; young, middle-aged or elderly men can make big money. Ad dress Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco. Or. WANTED Experience fluff rug weaver, 50 cents per nour; sceaay worK. i xie r uzy Wuzzy Rug Co.. Seattle. Wash. SHIPPING CLERK acquainted with city, experienced in stationery business; give references, etc. H 27, Oregonian. &NTRY CLERY for printing house; must be experienced; give references and aal- - ary expected. AG 12, Oregonian. WANTED Watchmaker; none but first class need apply. Dan Marx, 2a3 Wash ington st. ELECTRICIANS. 3-0 electricians, out-of-town job; conduit work. See Benjamin. Rainier hotel. BOOKKEEPER, experienced; opportunity for man with ability in established wholesale line ; answer fully. AN oil), Oregonian." CREDIT man for established wholesale house; state all particulars fully. AN 51d, Oregonlan. 1X teams to haul lumber six miles. 4 miles plankeci balance graveled. $3.75. M. Scap poose Lumber Co., Scappoose. Or. "WANTED Refracting optician; must be able to do bench work. 245 Va Yamhill sL, Port land. Or. WILL instruct fow men in oxy-acetylene cutting and welding; night or day. 141 Flanders st. AT ONCE, good dyer and cleaner, for out-of-town business; good wages for A-l man. AE 859. Oregonian. WANTED Platen press feeders: also boy with some experience in ninaery. inae pendent Printing Co., 208 Alder st. WANTED A middle-aged man who under stands gardening, chickens, and can milk a couple of cows. Gift Lovejoy st. WANTED Salesman Washington st., with auto. Monday. Apply at WANT expert landscape gardener, after M-. Ea8t4J??0; Phone FIRST-CLASS vestmaker. Wilcox bldg Reed Bros., 203 W NTED Salesman Washington st. and coliector. 14 OR 15-YEAR-OLD EOT at Allen's Press Clipping Bureau, 207 Oak st. WANTED Ten first-class advertising so licitors. Address K 67, Oregonian. ttiMTED An experienced gardener; stead EXPERIENCED dry goods salesman who understands piece goods; permanent po eitloin, good salary to person quaiiiv lnfe. Wells Dept. Store. Hillsboro, Or. Call Job to the right man. J 033, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. CENTRAL. AND SOUTH AMERICA How to secure employment there; get in touch with them;, send ftiJc. money order, cola or stamps, for copyrighted booklet de scribing salaries, working and living con ditions, list of companies employing Americans; compiled by executive and traveler from actual experience, supply ing Just the information you want if Interested in Latin-America; special in formation (if not In booklet) furnished freo to purchasers. C. & S. A. Service Co., Box 188. Seattle. Wash. WANT LIVE-WIRE SALESMAN. , Right man can make $250 per month and up. Young man or returned soldier riven preference: auto useful, but not ab solutely necessary; only those that can carry themselres for 2 or U weeks need apply. Call 11 to 2--.30 Sunday only. No interview will be given Jlonday. Mr. Lie lorest. Main "a. A. J. LE FOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bids. Main 26S0. W ANTED The following men for shipyard work: 6 blacksmiths. 5 sheet lead workers. 12 plumbers. 25 caulkers. 15 electricians. 4 copper-sets. 40 painters. Appointment by phone only. Call Broad "y 411, ask for llr. Rich. SOLDIERS. Stenographer who can read, writ and peak Spanish. Doctor. Young soldier who can ride i horse. Teacher, hlrh school, history, mathe matics. composition. baseball. college sports, all round man; Monday sure. Storekeeper, pen. store, Alaska. U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Third and Oak Streets. WE WANT a dozen more ycanc men TO LEARN AUTO AND TRACTORS. 5 DAYS FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach auto trac tor gas engine and auto electrical work. BIG 1U0-PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. Ad dress Adcox Auto & Tractor School. Dept. Iv. onion ave. and Wasco St.. Portland. Or. Phone East 7445. Day and night classes. WANTED Experienced automobile Bales- man to negotiate agencies for Etradara trucks and automobiles not now represent ed on Pacific coast: entire coast tenilory open to right man. Address, stating ex perience, j-L.t uregoman. MH.S WANTED Experience not necessary; wecome draftsman, earn Slot) to $-60 per month and up. Hundreds of good posi tions open. Learn at home in spare time. we will send you test lesson in uralts manshlp free to prove our claims. Write for it today. Chicago Technical College. ltgJ Chicago lech bldg.. Chicago. I MEN WANTED TO BECOME DRAFTSMEN. faaiary $175; $2o0 month when com petent; chief draftsman will train you personally, also furnish free all tools and drawing tabie: training given until placed in position. Address Chief Draftsman Dooe 400L Broadway. Div. bo. Chicago. WANTED Newspaper man to take charge or weekly ureKon newspaper; a una op portunity for man who can hustle some without investing a dollar; man with knowledge of lino preferred. Address AV iili, oregonlan. UNITED STATES government wants men and women for railway mail and post office. Let our expert, former government examiner, prepare you for these positions. Write today for free booklet N-M. Patter, son Civil Service School. Rochester. N. Y WANTED Young man for position as of flee boy; one familiar with typewrite desired. Answer in own handwriting, stat' tnir aie. experience and salary expected give telephone number. AC 4i4, Ore gonian. WANTED Younir man to fill position of of flee boy; musl oe active, quick to learn nnri nhlA tr usa tvDewriter: salary $4 per month at start; only those willing to work need apply. in answering bi telephone number. VllO, Oregonlan. DAY JANITOR Must be good all-around mechanic and understand plumoing, cal somining and painting: give age, name address, experience and wages expected. F 500. Oregonlan. CLEAN-CUT man with thorough experlenc as window decorator for cloak and sui house; state age, previous experience, ref erence and your teiepnone numoer. 110. Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE Open-shop foundry moulders for out-of-town work. - Macy scale of wages. 48 nours per week; stead work to competent men. 520 Oregon bldg 5th and Oak sts. GENTLEMAN partner for vaudeville act some experience preferred ; not over 3 who can play any two of the follow Ins instrument,!.: Any wind, violin, guitar or mandolin H 3, Oregontan. WANTED All-around printer; one who undersianus care of lino and can oper ate; speed not essential; state wanted. Address aprinfffield Springfield. Or. WANTED Young man as buiins clerk; must be quick and accurate at figures. Apply in own handwriting, givinu age. ex perience, salary expected and phone num ber. G 14. Oregonian. WANTED A man to make sash and doora in a. small factory ; must be capaMe and responsible. Troy Lumber &. Mfg. Co., Clarkston, Wash. CORRESPONDENT to write monthly news letter covering baking industry in Port land. Western Baker, 30a Shawmut bklg., San Francisco, Ca.1. OL'NG Japanese, capable and tconomical, to take charge of pantry In first-class hotel out of Portland; salary $70 and mf-als. AV 69ti, Oregonian. ROUTE-MAN for established tea and coffee route, with Ford car; must have at least 6 months' experience in this line. Cieo. Caswell Co.. 25 E. 12th st. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open-shop machinists on heavy lathe work. Good wages, steady work to competent men. 520 Oregon bldg., rth and Oak sts. WINDOW trimmer and card writer wanted; permanent position with good salcry to experienced man who can q ualif y. Apply bkallcrud Dry Goods Co.. Astoria. Or. WANTED A first-class cleaner, spotter and presser ; one ho can handle all kinds of ladles' clothes and repair work. Nam pa Dr- Cleaning Works. Xampa, Idaho. DISTRICT manager wanted for Wizard check indorser; ust be capable, employ agents, furnish reference and bonds. Ad dress 457 Calvert bldg., Baltimore, Aid. "WANTED Partner that can repair au.o- mobiies in tiiacKamun atiop aa garage. Town near Kaiem, Write AV ttiO, Orego nian. MAN, with sm-ll capital, to handle guar anteed 'carbon remover"; something new. See "Doc," Portland Labor Agency, 11 N. 2d st. MKN of oersonalitv and ability to call on the farmers; to men who will work eight hours per day we have a good proposi tion; give telephone. V 132, Oregonian. ACTIVE man to build concrete forms and heH with cement work; state age. ex perience, wapes expected; steady Job rl-ylit man. K 70, Oregonian. WE NEED a good business woman or bus! ness man in our business; must be able to make small investment. K 78, Orego nian. PRINTER WANTED In well-equipped Ore gon country office; must be willing to feed press; permanent for competent man. AV i". uregonian. MEN with character and rood personality can secure position as salesman with large corporation; permanent income. 40ti N. W. DanK blag. LaHuE, well-known puoilshing nouse want live salesman lor out o: tuwn; state eau catiou, experience, phone No. X iiuy, Oregonian. WANTED Drug clerk, registered in Wash ington or equal to it; must have good retereaces and be steady ; permanent po- aition. State salary. jxv iv., vicEuiiMii, YOUNG man to learn business collections and office work; experience unnecessary state age. Address P. O. Box 524. WANTED Reliable married couple for Jan itor work, theater. Write BC SOW, Ore gonian. ' PLUMBERS. 4 plumbers, out-of-town jobs. See Ben jamin. Rainier hotel. WANTED Experienced car tallyman; wages 52 H cents per hour. Apply West Oregon Lumber Company. Linnton. Or. WANTED Baker's helner; one who know bis work; apply ready . for business. Mike Powers, -Lapwal. idano. WANTED Reliable Janitor for theater state age, experience, salary. G 19, Ore gonian. BARBER wanted for Echo, Or.: $25 guar anteed; first-class job. Inquire Lewis Stenger Barber Supply Co. BOY to assist in carrying an Oregonlan route. Call Marshall 54o3 today. WANTED Experienced baker. Wire write. Model Bakery, Enterprise. Or. WANTED Experienced cook. Dairy Lunch, 332 Wash. st. Leigh tori BOY WANTED. F. "W. BALTES & CO., PRINTERS. VULCANIZE R, apply in A. M.. :;5H4 Morrison. person, Sunday JANITOR wanted for office bldg.; nigh worn, al ", uregonian. BOY of 13 wanted to do chores after school Can at 114 . tn ana Aiaer WANTED Experienced hotel. Janitor. Venabl WANTED Exp. waitress; leavt address an phone no. N 403. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WELCOME RETURNKO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. Full Information a to all employment openings in this community and else where will be given you free at the BUREAU FOR RETURNING SOLDIERS AND 6AILOKS. (S64 Taylor st. Phone Main 3S00.) All national and local efforts to assist you are there concentrated. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOLDIERS" AND SAILORS' EMPLOYMENT SEKViCE. SHIPPING CLERK for large flnn. Answer In own handwriting, stating age. experi ence, salary required and telephone num ber. D 127, Oregonlan. WANTED, RELIABLE. TRUSTWORTHY DENTIST WITH PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE AND STATE LICENSE, TO CONDUCT ETHI CAL PRACTICE FOR TWO MONTHS OR MORB DURING MY ABSENCE. Jl 3. OREGON IAN. FIRST-CLASS MOTOR CAR MECHANIC who has had not less than 1 yrs.- experi ence in repairing ail makes of cars; for foreman In large local repair shop; must be reliable and competent to handle- men and oversee work; permanent; answer in own handwriting; state age. married or single, experience, references and salary expected. L fr-00. Oregonlan. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN. THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH CROCKERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING LINES. NONE BUT EXPERIENCED SALESMEN NEED APPLY. M. SELLER & CO., 5TH AND PINE. WANTED Wideawake man to drive service car for local motor car company: must be honest and reliable, a good driver, familiar with the city: answer rn own handwriting, give full particulars, age, experience, mar ried or alngle. references. L bt!4. Orego nlan. LARGE GENERAL WHOLESALE HOUSE HAS VACANCY FOR EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMAN IN EASTERN OREGON; ESTABLISHED BUSINESS: MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN DRY GOODS. APPLY. GIVING FULL PAR TICULARS. AJ 24H. OREGONIAN. SALESMAN who can make good selling groc-jries, wholesale to farmers, and also teach new mon in field; give experience and qualifications fully, and phor.e; good job for make-good man. BG b75, Ore gonlan. E.vPEKlENCED automobile washer and handy man for night work in garage; good wages and permanent position; middle-aged man preferred: atato expe rience and reference. R 520, Oregonlan. CIVIL engineer for logging railroad, must be a good hustler and not afraid of the rain. In first letter please state ex perience and salary expected. L 7.'18. Oregonlan. WANTEt) An experienced for upholstered furniture, miliar with handsaw. Mattress Co. frame maker Must be fa King Fisher NEWS editor wanted, must have expe rience and "punch" to his copy; young man preferred. Apply Monday morning, Oregon City Courier, Oregon City. WANTED Young experienced gentleman as statistical clerk keeping business records In large wlioiesale eeiaotisnmeni. au- dress BF llllti. Oregonlan. WANTED Al bookkeeper. Don't apply if not first-class. GooM salary and perma nent position. Give references. D 13S. Oregonlan. YOUNG man as commiseary cleric and atore keener for cannery In Alaeka: ervice man preferred; jive phona No. X 492. Otcko niaiu ' JEWELER First-clapa man; special order and new work; htKh-ciass shop; eteody work. A. O. Myers Co., 20S Swetland bldg. BOY to learn fur trade, over 16 years; splendid opportunity. Apply Monday, Hudson Bay Co., 147 Broadway, WANTED Good man with good hea.vy young team and equipment to Join our lumber operation. M 3, Oregonian. PAINTERS. 10 painters, out-of-town Job. jamin. Rainier hotel. See Ben- WANTED Experienced collector; one who can drive Ford. b'K Uekum Diug. sune but experienced man need apply. MAX with small donkey enirlne to take con tr:irt to clear 25 acres of land neur Port land. J 617, Oregonian. TWO sb iesmen travel on cood commission. pplendid opportunity right parties. 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED Younq man as assistant to de livery clerk In first-class 'retail store. Address D 132, Oresontan. WANTED Al salesman for wholesale fruit and produce line: state experience and shiiry exp-ta. i, W, OrerTonian. WA NT ED Two good talking machine s'.tlesman for city Inside and outside work. Address BD 174. Oregonia. WANTED Exoerienced hard candy mak ers; state experience and wagea expected. W 6, Oregonian. WANTED Four discharged soldiers; easy work and rood pay. s-e Mcuontwu. 9 to 12 and to . 4U McKay bldg. IjKVA TOR operator. Apply Hotel Eaton Help "Wanted 8alemru SALESMEN Traveling Oregon and adjacent territory, caning on turnuure ana Keneraj stores, to sell on the side for manufuc turr tfr1aitv floor coverinc. An excep tional money-making opportunity for one with references. iox jwrniiaaeipnia. NE quart of Kppedollne equals 53 gallons rajio'ine: ciistnoutor wantea in evry town permanent euinloyment ; big money. Write tor particulars. bpeedoliiie Co., Dallas, eas. &UL1CITR not afraid of work lo go with me to samnii. couniy m on uubine:: men and farmers. Miouia ue aoic to make at least S.'iO per week. Marshall 17.";i. Tabor 57'JS. $00-$75 WEEKLY selling advertising fans exclusively or -o nmo now , k imhk eau a beginning; all merchants possible custom ers; samples light; terms liberal. Apply fan d-pu, the Kemper-Thomas Co., Cin cinnati. F YOU have been overseas and can sell. we can ue you on gooa proposition: you can earn $10 per day every day you work, with pay every night; uniform essential. 8 to 10 A. M. 907 gpalrMng bldg. HAVE fine proposition to offer salesmen now calling on coniectionery or gen. stores. Answer, stating territory covered and line now handled. Correspondence confidential. D liitf, Oregonian SPECIALTY salesman We have the best magazine proposition on tne coast; no samples to carry, $10 to $12 per day, with pay every evening If you are alive. Call b to 10 A. M. iw4 Spalding bldg. mhe l tn responsible house, nays commis sions promptly; write toaay; samples ana sales talks free. Erickson Son Co., Des Moines. Iowa. MEN or women call at Hotel Conradlne for dandy seller paying commission. un charged soldiers will do well, look this up. Auk for Mr. Price. WANTED Two salesmen; not order takers; if 3-0 u are a live one you can make i to $15 per day. 502 Worcester bldg. Sun day. 2 to 4 P. M. WANTED Lumber salesman, acquainted with eastern and traiitornia traae; must Invest $J0O0 or more in lumber company. X 483, Oregonian. WANT several salesmen with autos to sel real estate, experience not necessary; call between and v o ciock Aionaay morning. Johnscn-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. SALESMAN WANTED One real man, at once. Good present ana suture earnings. Local man, 25 to 40, preferred. S 417, Ore- ironian. I WANT 3 esalesmen to sell the fastest-sell ing article ever put cm the market: first time In Portland; no Doys. it &i. orego nian. SALESMEN" Inexperienced or experienced city or traveling, write ror list of open lngs and particulars. Address Nat'l Sale men's Tr. Asn.. dept. 311. Chicago. 1)1 SALESMAN Side line: collection system free outfit; no invest. 112 Turk, San Francisco. TWO live salesmen (experienced preferred for a season h oit) proposition. Good com mission. Main 7.1. SALESMAN, city work, wholesale fruits, Reply, BC Swu, Oregonian. Give age, ref erence. A GOOD live man to sell automobll and tubes to the consumer on 1 centage basis. F S80. Oregonian. tire per MAN with auto can make $10 day if hustler; no experience necessary; we train you. S "70, Oregonian. - WANTED Specialty s orfs ; commission, gonian. salesman, basis. soli to 120, Ore- HELP iTtu MALE. Help Wanted Bmetsta WANTED One of the strongest anil most progressive old-line life Insurance coin panics in America is now organizing a permanent agency force in Oregon: suc cessful men with or without insurance experience are Invited to correspond con fidentially. Portland. Willamette valley and eastern Oregon territory open on con tracts that made the older agents suc cessful and wealthy. Ambitious men will find this an opportunity that does not come every day to establish themselves In an Independent business and lite work For particulars or appointment apply "Supcr visor." AG 10. Oregonian. BUILD TOUR OWX BUSINESS. WE WILL FINANCE YOU. Only responslblemen In good standing who tan furnish bondsman and team or auto wanted. No other Investment required. 1 on supply products direct from manufac turer to resular farm customers. Expe rience not necessary. Hustlers earn $2000 to $5000 annually. Write Henrlch Lab oratories, desk 23. Minneapolis. Minn. . A HIGH-GRADE man with sales experience who is capable of assuming entire charge of sales organization as well as managing bu.-slness. old - established corpora tion, $5000 Investment required, whi-h will be amnlv covered: salary will be commensurate with ability. Apply In own handwriting, state age, telephone number ana reference. or 351. uregonian. SALESMEN desirous of starting their own permanent business have- the opportunity In handling a wonderful patentea w, universally used: weicha 8 lbs.: no compe tition: saves big money for farms, ship j yards, contractors, manufacturers, garages. stores of all kinds; no scheme; exelulv territory free; large profits: small capital sufficient. 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SALESMAN who. after learning how to sell our wholesale grocery line to farmers, will be able to train salesman In field: should be capable, energetic, good fudge of nu man nature, able to set results from men; must have or develop these qualities; ex cellent lur .mill ....... perltsnce and quauricatlons xuiiy. iidobi numl-er. P. O. box 2ut)0. SALESMEN New curburetor for Ford cars. Simple, not a rrMvlns part. Installed in 30 minutes: guaranteed to double your mileage and start In zero weather without heating or priming; 15-day free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 14O0 in ri months; Salt Lake City man made $1200 in one week'. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co.. 005 W. Jackson blvd.. Chicago. t- t- -1.-1 T Vi"; . v Kill,, and to sell to dealer. fully guaranteed simplex puncture-proof tubes. If vou want to make from s.r $130 per week, recelvo full benefit from ail duDlIcate business from your sales. write us giving references as to your ability and responsibility. Simplex Tube A Tire company, 3121 South Main St.. Los Angeles. Cal, h.:st ppi.priSlTinN EVER OFFERED real salesmen: Oresron. Washington. Idaho, Utah. Nevada. Arizona: eight fast sell ing farm power units, big money-makers for dealers you sell. Fond du Lac Tractor Corporation, 1705 Brodcrick sl. San Fran cisco. See ' Klnsey, Hotel Multnomah. March lit and 11. FRANK L. McGUIRE wants $r.oto a year salesman to handle country homes and suburban acres; must be familiar with farm property and coun try adjacent to Portland, have machine and give best of references. Sea FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1U64. Main 615S. - -i- - loba.: WANTED By established export nurt firm, salesman on commissi big field for competent man. Address, with particulars, AN 41, oregonlan. SALESMAN, calling on mills, logging camps and users of lubricants in Oregon and Witihinstnn. to sell auality goods al standard prices. For appointment reply by letter, give address, phone, territory covered and present lines. W. B. Lugger, Multnomah lljjlei. SUCCESSFUL, aggressive salesman with developed selling personality and unlimited energy, who Is ready to make the drlv of his lifetime to establish himself In executive position, will find a real oppor tunity with an established, well-known company. AL 150, Oregonlan. SALESMAN experienced in Insurance, ad vertising or some other similar line; capa ble, steady man of good address requireo. The work is a little out or trie ordinary a permanent, desirable connection with a good future. Phone Main 4.jS today for appointment, or E 55. Oregonian. LEARN to sell slocks and bondn. earn $M0 monthly eeiling investment securities; aig- niftod positions: locally or traveling; pre pare now by mail: our Instructions and co-operation practically assure success. Financial Training Corp., Colorado bldg. Denver. Colo. AlUaT be hleh-class man. caoabU of maktmc large salary; Drercr man wno Knows tne city and has had some experience in busi ness opportunities or real estate; to a man of this character we have u exceptional opening. Room 51 1 t ilcoit bldg., cor. 6th and Washington. WANTED Kotir mn for April 1 to repre sent us in western rtties ann towns: main iro to 2o monthly; 25 weekly ad vance : pay each Thursday. No sump or collecting; full instructions insure suc rM, c. Gouffaut, sales mgr., 26- bchwlnd bldg., Dayton, O. DISCHARGED soldiers or sailors can easily make 10 a day reprcfenting Kfconstruc tlon. the biij illustrated maxaclne lvotd to rfonitruciion end veterans of the war; one bov inad't S0 the first -ok. Write at once. Reconstruct Ion, Si Pike St., Seattle.. . SALESMAN, experienced any line, for general trad in Oregon: unexcelled specialty prop osition. Splendid commission contract for 1019. $31 meekly to producer for ex t uses. Continental Jewelry Co., 17W10 Continental bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio. SALESMEN Excellent permanent position: capable- salesmen in Oregon ; vacancy March l-; staple line for K-neral retail trade; liberal commlniiions; ?:;f weekly ad vance. Rice Company, 7oi Williams bldg.. Det roi L HtLP stop future wars; $20 -Wily distrib uting intenne pictures of peac; 60 sub jects; country wild for them. Free supply and display case. Also Important por trait catalogue. Be quick. Consolidated Portrait Co.. H33A Adams St.. Chicago. SALESMAN Pllk commission house wants hlgh-grado man to son uopaonin.i stores in thta territory on commission V.-mi must havM cond followlnic and re cord.' Write full details. Dx 57. 13I8 Hroadw ay. Nw York. t ti k-v-i-r ihs artlrlt on market for salfs man who is not airam 10 worn. i mc mnnAv- anv to still: all eai;r to leurn mora about it: n bova wauled. tiv. G Stock Efiiance n,d: VA-Tr.n A salesman with rood connec tion among ary gooas ana uepanmn.i stores, to take a cio;n nat ana caps as i side line: good references. Apply by iet ter. E Mt. Oregonian. bai .esman A real opportunity for a husl res gutter: requires saiesmananip , viram t .rritnrv rltv or country; srood commis sion; do not answer If you cannot show past records. P. O. pox .3. WANTED Experienced tire salesmen; good Une: strong company, 11 oi. vixRonim WANTED AGENTS. trivTrn Ladv or vounir man to take or ders on commission xor 6.nui 4u.u j alcoholic foods, flavors, spices, soaps. Pr f umes. Rogers silverware, etc AG 2, Ore gonian. , - inrvT? Tliir nav and free automobile in nimfure-oroof. five-year spark plugs and other necessities. Outfit fr-e. Ball wey, B21 K., Lftuisville. Ky. k. n v.vTa Soldiers. sailor. men, women make Pig money ie.nn our uu- photo medallions. Quick sales, nig proiita, free catalocue and eamnies. cruver to. Jackson and Campbell. Chicago. DISCHARGED service men and other want ed in all localities 10 sen v icionai ni . -r nf tit War Special inducements t aeonta. Write for outfit. 312 SwetUnd bldg. AGENTS make big profit selling our ex ra ,tm rt n U ITI f H . coo crwiiiB. nc O ui dern. spleen medicines, etc.: beautiful hlh grade line, exclusive territory; sample free LacaBbian i.o.. uepi. j. d- sw. a 1 -ir.vTS Ona pound of our herbs drive the most stubborn case of rheumatism en tifiv out of the system; never tails; ioun 62c. C0 Laughlln bldg. Los Angelet Rheumatism 1 it-rp . o. cal. AGENTS Strange new kitchen tool ; eve-ry Woman Will UJC nuir-s uduy, rrr or- fore advertised: profits $1 an hour: Quick sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co. 730 POe St.. Dayton. WE PAY $3 sf week and expenses rn introduce poultry and btoek rem edies In town and country. Imperial Mfg- Co.. Dept. m. yareona, Kan. $3iW CREDIT plan; entirely new; big oppor ,,,nirv for !ive-w Ire atfents and demn strutors; sole agency given. L". S. Mfg. Co., Dept. C45. Columbus. O. AGENT5? $S hourly absolutely guaranteed TftsSOllne ceiUM a naiu'ii. imnir-unr euaranlee. Write Federal Chemical Work Co W. Jackson. Chicago. M operating sugar puff waffle macliinte earn $:J5 to 70 dntly; machines priced S-o tO $100. laiUOl V O., Ol. IjOUIB, -mo. 1 mwrHARflKD soldiers to sell war hi tory, big money; Investigate our pro post tlon. q'2 swetiana oiug. W A N T E 1 Salesman with : t car to ha part of Portland. Tabor noSO. AGENTS at once Sll 50c pr moaih hos pital tlcksta 200 Corueti bldg. WASTED AC.BNTS. AGENTS Free, sample case offer, the big gest line on th. marKet. guaranteed pioducts; established dmsnd. proius from lfu to no per cenu nu-.-y-Co Toilet articles, soaps and household necessities are easy to sell: repeat often. We furnish selling helps and back yol tip every minute. Ex-luiv territory, i ni is a winner for aggressive agents. " for plan today. Hu-lio-Co. Ill Locust at-, SL. Louis. Mo. "AMERICA'S War for Humanity." Complete history of war. 60O pages, wltn nearly w magnificent pictures- Retails ". you $1. Some agents making over -o per day. Sell the book the people ni. Orders filled promptly. Credit If desired. Freight paid. Also -Life of Roosevelt, same terms. Dot.i outfits free to work ers. Geo. G. Clous Co.. Fhlladelpnia. or Everett, Wash. Address nearest rtlce. WAR BOOK SALESMEN! We guarantee to ship your order 'with in 24 hours: old-established house ami used to big business: unpreceaentea rec ords being made: ioS Illustrations. lo pages colorgravures. maps. soKiler u me morial frontispiece: special prices to crew managers: best terms; credit; jreignt p'- The R. C. BARXUil COMPANY. 10 I. LaSalle. Chicago. 111. MAKE $o0 next Saturday: sell the Perrin speederator for r ord cars: usea Dy rora motor officials. Maloes a Ford run like a Packard. Put on quick, no tools, no to bore. Instant satisfaction. Sell 10 to 12 day easy. Bla profits and tine terri tory. Write quick for special offer. Address perria Co., wa vv ooawara ave.. iciroii. Mich. WANTED Men or women to represent pub lishers; live leads furnished: business wen developed: vacancy for three more sales men; commissions paid in advance; Suc re's assured. A 2312. Main 1-S. Call 378 Yamhill st 11:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. The Pubilo Service. Journal. Ask for Mr. Foster. AGENTS WANTED Selllnsf the wonderful discovery. "Anti-Fog Compouna. wnicn nraventM vein m.wA frost and foK from "fogging" glasses, windshields, headlights and show windows; a wonderful article and a rood seller. B. V. Reeves, box 4U1, Sioux City. Iowa. - . t- f i.- VT1TI IT OVI P". uci ive-r '- : , ' . " " r Immediate shipments; save- freight, long delays. March's War History. Americas Wnr hv u.iu.ell Anvbodv can sell. Earn $15 daily. Special terms. Freo outfit to workers. Write immediately, bmltbaonlan. Oakland. Cal. NEW pictorial history World War: Per- shlnga own story, Americas v.p...uu. In France; big book. $4.75: 340 illustra tions: big $2 outfit for 50c. Roosevelt Memorial Book, outfit 25c: best terras. Phillips Publishing Co.. Chicago, i'hi.adel phla. Atlanta. Address nearest office. WE START you in business, fumisning .v.rvihlnei men and women, opporiuun? lifetime to earn $.lu to $loo weekly oper- ....... .. - nimw Knecialty car.ay Uinurninrki" home anywhere; booklet free. Kagsdala Co.. box 5. East Oraiie. X. J. ; AGENTS New Invention puzzles world: wonderful chemical cloth: ona run over rain, snow-blurred auto windshield, street car or engine window presto! glass stays clear 24 hours. Aeents maKing e i .w ly. Security Mfg. Co.. Dept. 121. Toledo, u. WANTtl For every town and station in the stat.. of Oregon ai.a Vkasnington. men m.ik v..r.l ram tn han.ile a new 1 uel de vice of great merit, ins most practical ever ottered to the public. J. . loaru. 2V Union ave.. Portland. Or. kf.i.l Mexican diamonds In your spare I. me. Beautiful pocket sample case maaea sates diamonds: fool experts: stand testa. Write Mexican Diamond Importing Co.. 255 Las Cruets. New Mexico. An7S - $J - T week to travel by automo- on sight. Have rainoow tire 01 irnumo bite and introduce SK-cndie-powor coal oil lantern for farmers, uuirymvn. hur tnera, icardcnra, contractor, army camps, etc. rue lor particuiara, i noiuaa .uig. t o.. I'uao Posl mu. Uay ton. O. 1SOO PER MONTH selllnir a new patented fuel vaporizer, guarautea to wva up to - per cent In gasoline; 40 mile per gallon mad with Ford car. Sold on money-bark guarantee. One sample f re. fctrausky Vapo rl it r Co.. Pu k want. 6. D. SALESMEN now calling on farmers to cat ry our rrocexy line : only star men wanted ; salary $-"0 per month with good bonus system ; ail communications airicily con fidential. T 153, Oregonian. AGENTS spring sellers: "2-ln-l" raincoat. re verv hie, guaranteed waterproof : no in vestment: elaborate outfit. Wet season here. Write Parker Mlg. Co., 17CS Bay st., Dayton. t. AGENTS ?40. 100 week, free rami)!' gold smn letters: anyone can put on store windows: big demand : liberal offer general agents. Mela hie Letter Co.. 433 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENT-S Quick seller: b!g profits; Califor nia roaebeads ; tremendous demand. Coln- iLfff money for hustlers. Caialorue free. Mission Bead Co., 1413 Irola. Los Angeles. on. AGENTS 2CM per cent profit ; wonderful lit 1 1 article: something nw : p.-t! like wiMfire. Carry right in pocket. Write at once for free t-ample. Albert Hi!. ren'l mgr., JtK American bldg., Cincinnati, o. HKLP WANTK1) FEMALE. A N T K I F N V V. R ! I Z N C E D 1'LOAK AND SlIT SALESLADIES; GOOD SALARIES. THE FAMOI'S ALDKK iT COK I'aMK, W A N TK.r Young girl for l ashler; m cor Park. b w ell r.M Onirneiidd. THE FAAUjL'S, Aldr st , GOOD elderly v oman wanted with rf -r- euces; good home. 2. children. Parents worK. 1 t 1. 'resonian. WAIT R tSS Experienced (nljrht shift , (5 dy. a hours. Newport Restaurant. 14' ti;h. XPERIENCED chambermaid for steady po- iTion; gtori pay; ao not piione. mvod hotel, i:l llth st. SOLICITOR; big commission; no experience necessary; w train ou. AL Hi.. Ore- go lit an. TOOK gtrl wanted to hang up coats and suits. App.y at Liberty Apparel Co.. 144 ::c st. OCNG lnuy sir n our raphe-1 : nunt b aU'e to meet puo.ic. Koeiu aifi id. N. w ., V-ot Hawthorno ave. TEN O iHAfHKK v holenale bouse: mu-t be ex perieuced ; state ag j. experience, ref. and phone r. u inner. AG k.:i. t oregonlan. ANTED At once. 8 experienced demon strators. Phone Monday, bc S and 10 A M. Main 1013. W AN TE1 A ll-aroun3 helper on f Irst-clnsa gown. Mrs. trench. 40a 12tn St., call even- tng!. KlMiliKR on ladies' tailoring: only hli. with long experience need apIy : stead wjnrk. god w.iges. Jit I'lttock block. EXPEItlENCED coat and vest flnlrlier Ci find steady employment at tne Urow na- vii. e vv ooten inis. od ana lorrlson. WANTED Experienced collar girl; steady position, good wagea. Portland Laundry Co., utn aua toucti. WANTED Experienced folder, flat work dept., Portland Laundry Co., inn and Couch. NEAT, experienced solicitor to call on busi ness firms; good commusiotc T 64 2 Oregonian. YOUNG lady, experienced telephone oper ator, Portland onice. rceci Ash coaj Co., Vancouver. WANTED Body Ironer or sleeve ironer ; steady work, good pay. Opera-house Liuo- cry. 4a tvo r ett. WANTED Good strong woman to do gen eral work in hotel. Kamapo Hotel, I4;n and v. ah. WANTED Young ked y for ah am pool nx and man lour n. .Marl net 10 t-nop. -10 central hid., loth and Alder. WANTED Waitress for raiiroad eatinc- houae. W. t . Rockers Hntel Co., oil Panama bids. Marshal! 3MC. WANTED Exnerienced ril for confection ery and cigar store ; mut oe aoie ia no own dispensing. Phone East 251 'J. WANTED Experienced dressmaker. Eleon, 4.".3,.a Wash st. WANTED Finishers and plain sewers ladies suits and coats. S-S1-, olh si. W ANTE 11 W oman or Kiri u take care baby, some rvjusewora. Grant st. WANTED Experienced dlnlng-rooin. l"t h and wa Ureas, Alder. GIRL wanfd to assist with nouMWork. Tabor wi'.M. EXI'KRIKNVED chocolate dipper. A on'i cand-y store. Oregon Hotel. EXPERIENCED girl for retail candy facto.--. ::41 vVashington. EXPERIENCED hair dresser and manicuritC Li pin an. v 1.0.. mezzanme xioor. SCHOOL girl. aael-t family of three for yleaaant home, small wages-East 22i. WANTED Pantry woman. Apply. Monday morn in sr. Royal Bakery. JUt Morrlaon st. POWER machine operator w anted- Coii bia Awning it ISiiade Co.. lfa d st. WANTED HOUSEKEISrEK. TELEPHONE HhOADWAl 4"i. WANTED Lady for cor t he I per. oltl Mr- chants Trust b.dg. .-- S :sh. si LADY to sell toilet artieles or would Con sider psrtner. A 6. Orvgonlan. KI HST-'"I.ASS chocolate Wvollawn 1943. d. pper. Phone WANTFD Kxp. and phone no. hwiiBhi 4 IS. . r ; r-rKi Ifitve- address n lan. 3 HALESLADTEd to work In city, proposi tion of merit. 210 Stock Exchanice. COMPETENT boukc per. short hour. C to, OrffjiTiimn. m W ANTED D: U A atlicr. ltth tU Ruse- bud RtmUurauu nri-P WAvrrn CAN off.-r position to a ll-nlted number et Klrls. over lit years ot as-, to oi ' - factory. Good wages. simJy empl" m-in. Appl- Ames Harris Neville Co., loth and lioyt sts. COWS HAKDS. COAT AND SKIRT HANDS. BROAD WAT GOWN 6HOP. 2O0 Broadway. ACROSS FROM HELI3 THEATER- THE OLDS. WORTMAN KINO STORE requires the services of experienced mil linery ssleswomen tor full or half days; also experienced saiesm-omen for drapery department. Apply superintendent's olllce V to 10:30 A. M, WANTED Young lady who could work .v-enme nn Kiue'.e book k eeii n g. etc.. ex perience not essential: this would not In terfere witn your ci;y ur. .v. -.--fer ona who lives near 3d and Pino sis Will pay full compensation: however, you can have your evenings off when wanted F SIo. oreconian THREE ladies for special child work: should be between -o ami educated, ol good appearance ana in Bli3rinto.J exDenses: r'ttir.n pays $to per wee to iasa qui. me... v.. , nun time for litis work. -i.4 Couen 1.1.1 g. $25 TO $100 PER month for all or "Ir lime to rcpreseafc .it .w. ---- htttlrp mir exauisite line of preparations; work mcitnuns answer quickly. Duchess Laboratories, urpu re, Minneapolis, jimn. , - . v.- nt vouna ladies mat ti"i be interested in traveling - be willing to advertise and ocnwiiMt ... l".r appointment, see Mra Smith. Sewar Hotel. 1" o 2. NO pnone cans oL'NG ladles with selling experience can earn $u to S per cay se.ung our iims .- sine proposition wnicn sei.s to ee. ...... n n tnin;, to earrv anu tay e.e.y .t... one youua lady to travel. 807 Spa. ding bldg. . EXPERIENCED SECOND CTRL WANT FIT; uouU WAGES; MUST HAVE A -1 K t. r - KHK.NCES. CALL 1IUWV. 2.21. OK bl NORTH IbTH STREET. C1X. SEATTLE firm has opening tit orn for vounc saleswoman, salary ana .viu ml.smn sf l I A i ksntl i !" T I II If 1 tlO order takers; ou must aeeiop w prospects. "V l-f. Orvoman. TVl'IKT i. ..,rv .ihnut HuO TlC prose M t oriKlnal too cio.y i pewi m.-n , abie to correct any enori in ,n Kt4.v- tuaiioa. etc.; worn rouia ue uou - 'hine Marshall Mfl. WILL GIVE niutic l-soas i excnan:e 10 icwtni. lO ywrjf fxpt-r:n e in vun-r - lory teai-inn k ; piano fcr.u an int-u . mnij taut lit. Give phone number. AU drss AN ..4. Oregontan. WAVTrn 5 bricht. capable ladies t tr&vei. demonstrate and soli oeaiers. - t. W..S.1C K fond Lire pain. rrr,. i .ooflric U urUK vu., " V Omaha, Neb . I WOMEN'S Protective Division, located room 303 Police Heaqurters. o.k ata.. will furnish information, giv nrotr i ma and a?lNtance frfv to OlIe tl g 1 1 is. 1-if.n s confider.ti-l. M. i VYi 11 roi.rlniCfd COok, 111 Lri tamily; good win niut nave 1 -1 fDccfc Teiepnonu .Mrs. i-muti H 61 41. K Orvgunlan. WANTED A girl or woman to ink car f boy 6 years old after n-nooi ana -n part of cvvniug:;. Mulinomaii noui. room l'K). GIRL for light housework in t:iall apart ment; ono ho got s tiomo nijiiim prr f rrel : HI American Apartiuc-iitr. Broad way 3:ttW. , W A NTKb '"h r il lan v niniin a.i hmtfKf- o- er on a m . 4 cui.C' n: :iury t rir .nlh; good honi'-. ll 'i mw. Sind A. M.. or Monday. ril u A. : - Hard-r. ."inri. or l .. V i:ouie. S V: NEELt a rood I'Ufirn w woinan or itazi- nrss man in our bunner. muft oe t.i m ake small iiivcttmc-nt. r. . rvj;u- WIDOWEit hous-ke-.. r and cat e l-.r V- ear-old !; laundry sent out; fiya 1 woman p;cfeixcd with ito cliihiriii. N ay.". OlKL over 3 " for oifie and sioie. i e:i ranee. C "' writ cr. permanent rosu - " and li to ilKht pari , out of low 11. AN ircRoniaiu W Kl l E photoplays. 5-"'. $:! paid nnone for suitable idus; xpen ri e iinnv . complete out. tne fr. .-. Write, 1'ry.lucus La m. 2 1 1 . St. Lu i. WA NTKIl oman 1 ..r kc nt r 1 huu.-fwor : with liil-l t ..1 ; Minday ov wr t ll'h st. no oh !'-1 ion Ij man and v. .V. wt rk'in: t. N. UOi:sE, must bt? a Root mon, nm 111 her wora. lor an om u'ui-r, r nrse do- s ie.oml w 01 W : r-fi'tnte rv O. u . r-d . P h " n e H r o d v rt v y M PvilllON optr. with Ittrse, wen-anown l.r:ii; appti ant mu.i i ?u ruu-'. fffica work, :t edjcallau. txperionce, phone No T tregoiumi. h. TI- X h'.UAI it 1-. ii. xperien- w llilng to do Ot tier o. . , . - - a & airy and wperifiu-v ami r-"T ii 1-. LADV att-n-JKiaPhr r ai-l bool.kep-r. out f own. automobile I'Ui-'.m. kooo ;j . wo ..mietTit ai'pt . B:at experiviive. A ".i. i re:onl. r. WANi I'D Ei venom d iadss t oa an.l suit sw omen ; prrmnm-iu pofi ,o:.r- iin'i excellent s-tiarn-a. Itosenthal's, 14 Broad way. GIRL for shop offic-. hatf days, at unor A.bin.: state peneat au -lo. I'prronjan. WANTED A lady 10 room in Knne .or llg-t work, m vtaing or 01,, If dlred. Wood. ;"G;2. . WANTED Thofou.-H'y ripericticfd blouse saleswoman. A pp.y ueiwecu m auu w A. Xi. H. Liebes Ac Co. RELIABLE girl or woman to assist i..i lioufwoi r ant care ox ti nv. st. N Ktsl OCNG WOMAN to leam pnotoicrapnie Pro- iloli; Slate l?e aa pio.uua "-'r1 " mcnt. AC 21. Oj-rgonlan. Wl". have Rood itl'ln- proposition o --t w omen wanting t" mac no-n- i timr. Cnil Ettft 7.:7:i- Mr. l.argl- y. GIRi. w ho 1 pt riem ed In hours a day, $12 dnnnii. J N. l"h s wet k. 1 lie ANTEI Ex iricnrc-d pow er macmn era tors. The 31 ca reery ang. RhI bldg. Ml PDLE-AGED or elderly lady to itt aonic witli hour-ew or. ga non-o u, w .ires. Main 1 '- LADIES ; to m dl'Mvork hi-mf. k ohI i:2 loth u. pav, e xi'-rl'-ncft uniifOfWry u." hour t to 4 er.incs 7 to AN V JEir ia need of a tr:end app v to tha Fa' vat ion Army nicu n oin-. 1 h st. N.. or phone East 1 L'3. THE oii. rlj: :nal loin remedy Vtavl pre vents orrralior.s;- competent woman need d 4-S Ptt-iock Mck. BrclJway Yot NG lady f'r sn. ral or r. o e work ; o'" I off cxpTlrm in automo-ji.e ounncn v.--f erred ; good position 1S I. rero-"n. EXPERIENCED pants finisher ""an f nd steady 1 rn'.Hoyni.'iii 01 ini- 1 ri u 4 Wo-dn M.Hs. "i and M -rrisonM S TENOG '.A I'H EI! n 1 d bokkf norrap:ier yn-i qm imvui-ot- ( no.-rtinT. o'l N. W. r. ! pii;s' -CLASS ('f . tnltor. 2o:i :d helper, bldg. Pro l.o? CIloRL'S UIUU- MiKn-st :ne t t ito ri "linn EXPERIENCED t-ltpiicii' operstors mny obtained by calling Main Ito. A '. GIRL to asit with ho'ieewcik and care ol children. Marshall 8.". LADIES, preferr outside w ork ; oltlieri" 1 ran. 'Jo Si . Utiv.. WOMAN to citi e for elderly P salary A ron in e j r ;tig Iiea ! I n kM!l!.V.l L o.1. ANTED Nurse for hospital work. or -cor.iHn. WANTED M.9-eiise for inM U ut ien.u work L f. Irt. Qreroninn. LXPEHIXNt i-. D -loii di:pe 1 . tail llih and 1 taudcra, 1 andy -o., HELP WASTKD- FEMALE AS.-r. BuiiKKttHS): and stenographer v h- Is familiar with general tl--tails; a discreet, conscientious woman that denres permanent work; $i per mont'i. advancement as merited; state, full partic ularr. experience, age. references, ate M 1. Prcgonlan. WA.TI Csshier and usher, good-looking, neut and nice-appearing girt rot over 22 yrs. of ace; nothing less than high school education: rrtc5t l:ve at home and be abl to furnish ref. Apply Monday. S tj 4. Manager 1 ihvrty theater. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A fcONG. We write music an-.l guarantee pub lisher's acceptance. Submit poems, patri otic; love or any subject. Chester Music Co . 5.';& South Dearborn, suite 1755, Chi cago. W ANTLD First-class operator for private eM-hangr; must have P. B. X. experience and understand tho work thoroughly, thort hours and good wagea State expe rience and give paoae number. AG o-L t'regonia n. PERMANENT positions on salary for ac tive young ladies over 21. under 30. call ing on homes for our new department In Portland; no selling or canvassing. Chicago portrait Co.. Oregon bldg.. 6th and Oak, mornings to 11. AN experienced stenographer and rapid typ:t to take dictation from one person on.y; work is light but efficiency re quired. Wlil pay $00 to start and will raise soon as acquainted with details. AO 5. e.rngonisn. WANTED Girl experienced os cltniTif ma- Ainine tor work in folding Dux zaotory; r-xi wages and steady work. Portland Label Co.. Milwaukie. Or. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for lead ing hotel at Fui.nun, American plan, steady position. (4u month, room and board. Wire or wrlie Palace hotel, Pull man, Wa5h. WANTED at once, two experienced dict- phone operators for out of town ; aaiar? t'jvo to $loo. Call at 211 Lewis bid.;, women's division, U. S. Employment Service. EKKICIENT bookkeeper and cashier; pre fer one wno la experienced in autonwoiie parts; m ut b quick, reliable, steady and he able to give brt of relrrencew: none otneis need apply. il -N"- B road way. WANT girl for general housework. Good. wages lor comptuni gin ; experience not abhoiutuly necc.-sjiry if willing. Good home and conveniences. Location 1320 Alamed Drive, Ho City Park. Phone Tabor 2-".'. WILL give a cood hums and home wages to a woman tor company ana usfu; w:t work in four-room cottag by an elderly worn:tn living at La Center. Wash, t 2'-.;; a LAa-rl E& a. eek for 2 hours" work a day. a brand new hosiery proposition th beats tlii" m all. Writ for terms and f rr . nip' ,f you mean business, 4iuaranted Hoiry Co.. 34 it Cotton I'ayton. LA DIES to d ietrtbu: e circulars and tak or-irtta for a new f--od produt t; S2 to JJ a (Uy at the start. Write today. American Prod urts Co., 104 American bldg., Cin- c ! n n a i i. O. WANTED Cfmpient woman tor cook and housework at Jttoie. idaiio, t-maw iani ily; good wag--, no waahlng. Phone ro..m 0.5. l'ortlnd Jlote. for appoint m v n i . W ANTED Experience! girl or woman to hip with ch: dren ; woman of good char acter and one who wants prmannt p-' Mtion out ol town. Phone room 525 Port land Hotel. f.r appointment. Good wagef. HOUSEKEEPER widower's home. 3 chil dren, going to school; light work, own bo5s. Ca l S-jnday, iMi Division st, Rich mond car to U-d. WANTED Lady demonstrators and solicit or . Come Monday morn ing, W o'clock, ready for work. airy or com nuwion. M S H' ck b.dg. Yol'NG ladv wtn-'-d. outaulf experi ence in off e ei at ion ary reaii:r-d. Appb' Monday before lO A. M. h-dg. 402 Buchanan WANTED S.i.;-idy t take orders from house to hows: salary a itk and bonus to aurt. Call to 12. 31 Origan b'dp . CAVA LU.E tiiiM ke- jf r to take full chars and are for children, afiod 2 months. :i aid ti " : U mil s from ciijr: aaiary S.:,t.$4t. Adire:-s -ox 47. route 2, cliy. A .V f k-Jii iTeiriit g.rl for general h o u - ..rk; muM b good coik; good ac; line small house ; work not hard. M . Edseriou. Tabor G ts- lTEl-PEHron!adles suits. M. Patl. Bush & Litn bidg.. Hrody at Alder. lilHli to aih ciihr. 261 st. Wanted lotnetirs. Vt'l'NG K.rt to ai it Willi liKht hou--k-plr morntnci oni . In t hr.-rm.,n;;i.-nt. . fter ;30 at Kinfoury 3 p: rt m-n 1 Vhnne -T 1 i ave. near --u ;.;;tt H . S. PR TKTANT t.rl t-r woman aasiat vith ur-- ..1 k an.i ern e of children, ei b-r h-Olr- part limff aftnioos ami vmng or pr'"iits ; fxrtrienco not uecear. n .1! ;; k. 14th n. . V. ANTED A Firl to do itinera, houj.ewo.-a. ro laiimlrv work; in a fami.y t l"f,l r..ii, : references rcuuu yd. .l t-ei! - A N TED Pii'!t - -law cok r,.u:u ry homo, second sirl : i ? : ref '-I Alices. Adiip"V p,,ijn. fr phone ' Ma 1 n 7 V.' for V e p t ; an ; mooe ri hiSi.e-.i GI K L or .in to do liKht h Ut--kpi:i . mo her a p- 1 .ori. 7 P. M. L 1 io 1 '. b fore n 00 n or alter W ANTED An uou-. ork in t-.o.v en . it. nl:-, v rxpr 1 1. n-ed t;rl for sen ... h.i:iie w:th nil mod ;; aduiis in family. A N T 1 .1' nijC on li 1 C ft s at hour ork ; , some v ag f . hool git I i" pood hn'o Call 1 jbor t'l l.aui liiJl'Si-K ;:.-.rUU t -r .il:mc man with a miiM IC-a lieu. ! - t-'- - - and dun. A 1 1. on- iniift I".- n 1.011IH11. - -KP.rienced S'rl lor cell I Iwim--itnt'.y of V illamettu IKifihis. A N I E I llOUJM W , ounK wttmati tr gencrat ,rk n.l cooV'k: no washing, god T ' I". M ,idl5o!i. i . .M.sricnr?i rok. where A N i E D A ti tteeoud girl li Corn- II road. 1 k i't. Call mornings. 22 neur Lovejoy WANTED Good Kiri to int me n l.,iorU. tiouii home, room una was. AN I KD i.vl" rl. tiuu ho. if- .oi-k. H'Wd m. ouih n 1 .r ft ii-id ho!il ! Sn Urn rju.ri gTkL for eo..Vin a:.d Pvmc housework, no vajbIiI-:. l month; reierencea rquird. 4."V4 E. I'-'th N W A N T E I J G 1 r i for children rn family. ral housework. .11 labor e42i, Mon- EM'ERIENCED giri for r"r- h,ou'tLk; firman or w.a 1 referred ; bt w a e es. 1 e N. 1th vt.. near wlisaru . NTEXwiiatd for general outwork; mutt he cooo cook . V T-th v 4. t. VhorJ;VLSljl;i: E. lath N. . family : W A NT Et Experienced cook; ix f. Phots M:ii'l 77:. w.?ti't with ptnersl houw.-rk. GiKl. t M"i E . N. il"l GIRL w w ork ; d to w-i.t w 1 ,h w nh!ng. T V general h ou e rtbnip st. Mork; good salary. Gl RL lr MHlNKf'1 GIRT. w -th K-isi ral housework. 1 h N WILL t until' . ha-nttn for I' cd ru-nns- E :ht t erviefs two u 6'. Oregonlan. GIKL w inted to a5is no alns. N gf r.eral -1 hrup. WANTED i-'rl to asst h tich: hou" w.-k. i';i" Kr.wt 2:;J. t'ft " and 13 A. tor cn""ai hous V; ih V East ' rk; 0 in fa ml y. N V N TK I -lauatii . r ntip K 2 -Mjid f-r K tr hoiii. w ork ; Sv.Iwo'mI 214 -Gi-I to M N a-tut with house wo i k. I :i zt 15. Ol KL f--i ; i dni: gtTu hoKv w -trk, 4 -room a ,-t., Phone Main 7 ID. WANTED "irl for generwl house ork. smalt 'snulV. Vliopf 1 iccnf r I housework, r 1 1 ( i !ofk toila: . Phonts Ka c if. fe ..rd v t-;fnerl how ''""W. fc . ellwoo. Rood ItOUi-cia GIRL for frr-Tieral Tabor :t2'l houtwork. gHxl auiar VNT -h.o'iKirl . to Mst lo:rd. '"s'l toda. 4'1 E W VNT!:"d Conpeni.ii woman at huek-ep. ,V J.; horn.- ol 4 aduits. V20 E. Maiu. ""r- ':'"t ' . 7x7x1:11 . ..n.-.eol voT.m ? hou.kel- .V 111 Lme f-ur aoult,. K I- Main -i., nin.i r T. 1 t 1 . iTTPl To .t t' in-'ai o-.uwork; 1 nVy 1 i,iu Jhnson i. Phonu k . i v v-" t I -. K'-'-l . r. ter- rt"M anj st. N. W vNTKU Girl for general h-iwork. E. IMI) N- Pt)onr Wflln. 4";T W A N TED Woman u.ii k. I J E. 7th. S5ict with hou.-c CAPA1M.E kI-1 t as'st and ;ire of 1 h'Mri'Ti. with ut-f 1 irt Main 2Mt ANTKli at th- (i.l.l.eMnwH ri- r- rs t-li. W A N T El Jtrl for ifener? I luoJ Thurman L il.n iji liwuae ork.