18 THE SUNDAY OR EG ON I AX. POKTLAXD. MARCH 9, 1910. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. COVEY'S USED CARS. IIUS Buick roadster. excellent shape, sood cord tires, 13uU. 1 3018 Cadillac touring; looks like n-u-, new pairtt, tv.o n.-wr cord tires, ii per cent ntw; ?JiUU. 1918 Chevrolet. Kcod shape. $00. new paint, car in 1017 Chevrolet touring, o00. lfUS Chevrolet roadster: has been careiu'.Iy usjd, is iti exuelltnt condi tion, good tires; SuO'J. JD1G Chevrolet Baby Granfl, driven fjr!y miles; tires good; car over hauled; J'j.j.J. 11 Dodge Bros, tourlns: pood -ord tirts: i ar in perfect mechani cal condii-ion; 1917 Dodge touring, good shape, SSjO. "1MB Dods touring, lion, fTUo. line condi- 1313 Dodge touring, good buy, ?630. 1917 Ford touring; has been care fullv used; tlrea and paint good; 150. 1916 Ford touring, good condition. 3373. 1913 Franklin roadster, good con dition, b30. 1917 Hollier Eight touring. Just overhauled: think of it. an eight cylinder, smooth-running cal for Ely. ?030. . 2318 Hudson, seven-pass.. JIOOO, DELIVERIES. f 1913 Ford delivery, good ehape, I 300. f 1917 Overland delivery: electric lirhts and starter. In fact everything tiat the touring caj? has; fbOQ T i 191S Dodge delivery, the test fle- ' lLvery made, $1050. COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANY, ' tllst and, Washington eta. Slain 0214. v-i".1: -w-riV; ex at a. V- j f T.OOH THESES OVErJ" - " IODAT. . 1 t Qulcle tnrn are what wan6 fceie. la order to sell bargains. t 101T FORD ROADS TER . ..... TS00 1817 MAXWELI. CHASSIS .w 1200 ' ' OVERLAJOX A wonderful bargain, all net tires, used very little. Q passenger, very lato model, $363. 1 CALIj TODAT4 - ACTO RECON-STRUCTIOJT CO., THIRD XHD GLISAN. HERE'S OXE TOU WAST. It's a 5-pnesenger Overland In the vry beu: of condiuon and newly painted. Get in touch with me quick. Ed. ?. Howe, at SORTHWKST AUTO CO.; Alder at Ibth. BiTTDRIKS GKNERATORS. 12 V. 1918 Maxwell battery. ncw....$ 40 e V feu Amp. Wlllara starting cat tery, now 6 V tO Amp. lipritin battery...... B V 80 Amp. lifrhtinK battery 20 Edison typn A-0 batteries, per cell Auto Lit, goneratorp, each Vesta generator with cutout 35 lO 13 5 23 20 30 Amp. Oeneral Electric rectifier with tube 150 1 GIBSON EI.. OARAGE & STORAGE TT 1.- v r"ri 12th and Alder Streets. PACKARD 30. In good condition. Just right for bcarse. or other funeral work. CBRRER, THB RADIATOR MAN. Broadn-uy 1&73. 63 Ota st- i. - CUTTING DOWN OVERHEAD EXPENSE. ; Reducing Our Delivery Equipment. i One 1915 Kurd attachment truck. $49. One 391S Ford attachment truck, $0U0. One 191S Ford touring car. S3t0. f One 191S Ford coupelet. electric aelf tstarter, Yale lock on steering; traveled only iso miles: ssuu. Inquire J. Goldoon. 971 Sandy blvd. VJNITED MATTHKSS & PAD CO. f TJSED RADIATORS. for all makes of cars. fcjid made tisnt tetore sola. ' BURNER & MARTINA V. 15tU and Alder ata. , 191S VELJE CIIUMMT. 4-PASS. CORD TIRE?. EXTR A TTRT5 .J1300 TEllMli IK DESIKKD. ( DRIVEN LBSS THAN 000O MIX.ES. : C. H. & S. CO.. 65 X. 23d St. ' MARSH.VLL 142S. $lor GUARANTEE that 1 quart t Speed oine will irive you a saving of 03 sallov" of gaso'.ine. remove carbon and increas your motor eificiency. Sample Free. Delivery Free. ' JAMES. BAHCOM COMPANY. AGENTS, fciPKfcilJOI.lNIS COMPANY, 002 Northwestern Bank Hldg, Phone Main 2t375. BUICK SIX. Buick coupe, light six, looks and runs like new: 4 new cord tires and 1 extra tire; price $1100. STOP! Just think, a car of this class at $35 less than it 11 open mode! costs. fc?ome snap at this pricp: see it and you will buy phone Mar. lttt for appointment. SACP.IFICE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE a practically new i-cylidr studebaker roauLer, IS series; paint looks like new mechanically perfect, will perform with tin: best or them; o good tires; $.0, migrht ttive some terms. Sole owner. Mar rhall 3ti74. Sunday and eveninga. Main 7--.M1 Muring business hours. A t'TOMOTtJ LES FOR SALE. f-axon Six, clussy ?fl.i 1 ai Commerce truck, ton j tiuirlebaker Six !50 Thero cars are all in fin condition. ChII ut- ManUy Road Garage, -4th and Sandy. CIIKV'ROL-IT, run few hundred miles, not a scratch on it, extra n w lire, bumper, tire lock, stearin Kear lock, tank ga upe, too-W, guaranteed perfect condition, $buO ; private ov.ner, 348 Couch st. 1 HAVE the nft Cole S. 7-passenj?cr car in tho whole country and Tll sell it bo cheap t hat you will bo surprised at ever being wle to net such a bargain. C L. Jones at Mm in '-(!. LTTTT.R Tl OADSTBR. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER. "VVH ITW. BDWY. ,VJ1. FC'RD touring in (food condit ion ; w ill sac rifice and gie terms. $375. 493 Flan drs Ft. AUTO TAINTING. For auto, tn:rk and 'wagon painting, call Voo(ll;,wn 1-TON truck; will trade for real estate. Main CHKVROLKT ruadfter, liKo new; a enap at I 05- 200 ratlins st-. . j TOR PALE AnOMOBOFS. 0 'XSED AUTOMOBILES. We will take your old car ai part payment and your liberty bonds at lace value. Our time payment plan will Interest you. HERE ARE A FEW TVE OFFER FOR YOUR APPROVAL 1917 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl.... ... .J1000 1916 Maxwell, 0-pass., 4-cyl 430 1918 Overland. 5-pass., 4-cyI... 700 1918 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl 1230 1911 Pierre-Arrow, 5-pass., 6-cyL. model ti 1230 19J4 Studebaker. 7-pass., 6-cyl...... 250 1913 Cadillac, 5-pase., 4-cyI 000 1912 Mitchell, 5-pass., C-cyl. .. ....... 223 1914 Michigan, 0-pass., 4-cyl 200 1914 Hayncs, G-pass 4-cyl 500 1913 Mitchell, 6-pass., 6-cyl......... 750 191 Hudson, 5-pass., G-cyl G73 1912 Mitchell. 7-pass., 6-cyl special 000 1313 Briscoe, 5-pass., 4-cyl.......... 850 1911 Overland, 5-pass., 4-cyl 400 USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & 6 T AVER CO.. EAFT FIP.PT AT MORRISON" ST. PHONES EAST 7272, B 1210. ETUTS. 1918-'18 Values. One 6-paienger. One 4-passenger. Both marine blue !n color. One run 9000 miles; the other SOOO railca Perfect condition mechanically. See these at once. Same guarantee as 1919 model. These car taken in exchange on new Stutz models. AUTORBST GARAGE. 30th and Salmon. Stutz Distributors. 1 BARGAINS IN rSED TRUCKS. Will take BONDS or TRADES or Give Good Terms. 1-ton Buick express body 730 1- ton Ford worm drive, late 1918... 150 Overland delivery, runs good R50 Ford delivery, panel body 330 2- ton Denby, overhauled 1400 Republic. 1-ton. overhauled, brand new tires, guaranteed 1200 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC., 71-75 Jf. Park st. REPUBLIC DISTRIBUTORS. Broadway 1369. a 1380. 1913 CHUMMY. JUST T.IKE A NEW CAR. ire. CHANICAI.LY PERFHCT. TIGHT AS A. KNOT ALL, OVER. SMITH AUTO CO., ' tAiti; AND COUCH. SPECIAL WINTER. PRICES. Insure your tires now against blow outs and punctures with our guaranteed reliners. Phone East 1393. We will ralL UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 488-490 Union Avenue N. BUICIC 1917 ROADSTER. Los Antreles semi-Victoria too, newly painted olive and black, cord tires. Feat covers, newly overhauled. 1350 extras; handsomes-t roadster in town, $1185 caah. Owner, Tabor 906. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. "We guaratec our battery and electrieal repair work. Our prices are right. We repair everything electrical. HBMPHIU, TRADE SCHOOLS Electrical Dept., 20th and Hawthorne. 1918 STUDEBAKER, run 3000 miles, in uer- lect condition. 5 cord tires, bumper, spot light, plate glass in sides and rear of top must sell at once. Call Mr. Hutchinson' Mallory hotel, after 0. I CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OS BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTO. MOBILE. CALL TABOR 630. $450 DOWN BUYS 1818 CHALMERS SIX 'lUOIVl.U tA ai cu.Tiililu.; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE N.EW. CALL, 1SA3T 3 962. MOTORS, gears, bearings, whee:. axles: we "11 Hi.thrs oi cars ana sell their parts at half price. Davl.l Hodes Co North tro.itlway and Flandra. LATEST MODEL CHALMERS ROADSTER. rMtrr.t 1 luauuju.n, cost $1785 WILL SELL $1230, $500 AND TERMS REAL BARGAIN. EAST 8095. WILL tra.de for produce, lialit 5-passenger car in Al condition; been in storage; will sell cheap for cash. Apply 2S4 let St.. bet. Jefferson and Columbia. LATE model 5-pass 6-cyl. car; 5 new tires; A-l condition mechanically: a'-eept piano or Vietrola on first payment. l'O lClli S. Broadway 5rii. ON account of sickness will sell my light 6-cylinder Oakland car. with 5 tires: first-class running condition. Apply 2S3 Front St., bet. Col and Jefferson. FOR SALE 5-ton utility four-wheel trailer: cost $1700 new; will take f 1(1(1(1; used only till Hvn "VV V It:tnWel Tnr. St.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 1-14. FOR SALE l'.H5 Ford touring ear in first class condition, with new ton and rurtin. Must be sold at once and the price is ouiy $::.iO. 12 I'd st. Broadway 271.':. OS ACCOUNT of leavincr city will sacrifice my late 1 .,rani-ix, ; new tirts; car in aj conumon. an Tabor !252. STUDEBAKER Series IS, etc.; fine shape; $800. Main 1971. 4-cyl., extra tire. Omer. Chapin. cyn .Trt 1. J J vi imwe, rum TUnaDOUt, or with detachable delivery body. Main 371U. 11- ru $200 DOWN HUV5 MAXWELL TOURING HER. CAJ.l, K AST 1W. FUU SALE: 1 11 S Ford coup, good as new used 5 montlia, $t00. i'rittliell, al"1- Lom bard. BARGAIN IN 191S CHALMERS SIX. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NIW cat., t dAu OJ". Uk t-iiKJV Kuifc i Touring t ar; splen'lid nicnaniraiiy; kooo ruDOcr; thcap for .tfn. t'dii ,.t "uiiiciur 3i. rwi vy. 4,5. $a00 DOWN BUYS 11H8 MAXWELL TOCR 1 Vn PiP- ft P.PilVTI'Ti AT , r , . rri . . CALL. "TABOR tWO. 1 su -ji must sell my l-'ord touring; like nw, ruu iOyO CAN save you $4O0 on a 2-ton truk junt like neV. W . F. Hankel, 7(5 AVashington FINK-LOOKING Locomobile for ; bargain to settle an et-tate. Call at Auto Rest. GaragJ, 3Uth ?.rd Salmon. 101 S COUNT KY club Overland cheap for cubii. j uiuhuiiici j iront and 0-PASS. ear for rale. Owner leaving town. ?:i.i0. Kast S 1 WIL 191. C'HKVROI.ET. new Urea, good runni order. 10S Richmond Ht. B-PASSENGER car, god condition, tire, 275. Tabor 277.".. SLIGHTLY used tires. ?3 to $13 each, vul canired 2:c; tire repairing. 1207 Madia .a. WANT good piano as first payment on 1013 Overland. Tabor fi7.;j. 19 MY USED truck, in good condition. ition, cheap Tl5oT 055 for canh. fcast lyiR FORD delivery for aale, 6tith uvc. S- IX FOR BALE ACTOMOBII.B". IT'S CSED TRUCKS. Here's a pood selection and we are ro In to sell thtm quick. Tiity are priced according'.y. Federal 1-ton. LJcthleham 1 U -ton. Hco, model J.. 2-ton. Indiana (dump body) C'i-ton. Indiana, 5-ton. Overland delivery. Ford deliver-. Ford, SmIth-form--truck. Ford, with Ames ton attachment. fctude baker, delivery with panel tody. "A USED CAR IS NO BETTER THAN TliE FIRM THAT SKLLS IT." We win tlve prices and demonstrations any time. NOKXirvrEST AUTO CO.. Aider at ISth. BOMETHING NEW, IF TOC ARE IN THE MAR KET FOR A CERTAIN CLASS OF CAR AT A CERTAIN PRICE. TRY THE NEW SYS TEM, THE NATIONAL MOTOR ADVERTISING COMPANY "WAY. IT WILL. SAVE YOU MONEY AND TIME. NO SELL ING COMMISSION CHARGED, CALL MAIN 2S31. A 1232. NATIONAL MOTOR ADV. .CO. 31-3 j NORTHWEST BANJC ELDG. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 515 Alder tit. We have the largest and beet assort ment of FORDS. BU1CKS. I'HKV ROLKTti, MAXWELLS and other late model light weight cars in the cuy. 1017 Buick light six, Hk new $10.10 4 Atmeron !. touring; Some car. ,?1 J 1'.1S Chevrolet, ."-pass $ 7T, lilS Maxwell. like new $ 7"0 lftll Maxel! roadster, fine car 4 3H17 Mitc-hMl ti: grand car SlO.".4j 117 A p person chummy roadster; sacrifice price. 1017 Maxwell touring $ S-"0 lcitroit roadster fine shape j II.'m Ford delivery, demountable rims....f 450 SLudebaker roadster, excellent condi tion 205 Ford tourlnc 1516. Ford touring 111 i. Ford tourlns We have the lowest prices on Fords and make the Dcst terms in inc city. Ford bug. the classiest looking bug in Portland, and is a go C"t 'em; price i low ; terms easy. co this early tunday morning. Rmmbr -w make the best and easiest terms. We take your liberty bonds at a bonus. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. -0 Alder St. PACKARD TWIN SIX. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE. HE WILL TELL YOU THIS CAR IS A SNAP. NEARLY NEW TIRES ALL AROUND. RUNS AS WELL AS THE DAY THE PACKARD EN GINEERS STAMPED IT WITH THEIR SEAL ,OF APPROVAL, "WILL SELL CHEAP AND WILL TAKE SMALLER CAR AS PART PAYMENT. CALL MR. HURLEY. BDWY. 610. AUTO for exchange house and lot equity. or inigni LunniuLt s"'r kind as have no umh for auto. .Vpaesm-g-r medium-weight, electric lights and marter; 4 new tires, .3r.x41- with demount able rims, bumper. Willard etoraKo bat-t-ry newlv recharged, headlights with atnebeth safety lens, new model 'M' gas saver carburetor; upholstery in fine shape; car in paint shop, just finished, beautiful Packard blue with cream wheels: prefer a cottage al Sasirt, but submit what you have. Address "Packard Blue." BF 310, Qrvgonlan. , 1917 CHEVROLET. TTITS OAR HAS ACTUALLY ON L Y RUN 4700 M1T-ES. TI KES ARK NEW. COULD NOT litl IS BETTER SHAPE. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUC1L PACKARD TWIN STN. 7-PASS ENGER, PEX)ND SERIES. RUN ONLY 6WU MILES. PEE WHTTE. PORTLAND MOTOR t'AR COMPANY. 10TH AN O Bl'RNSlDE STS. BDWY. uUl. 19 IS OVKKLA ND 00 thrift car; first-ciass condition, always ready to go: no sacri f i-e-soinething-for-nothing ale. but a mighty fine car at moderate prlc. 10 cash; will accept 11US Ford ami cash dif ference. Let's get together. Used only by owner. Fad Davlcs, Tigard, Or. Witt demonstrate. 101H KiMTK liKht 6. 7-pafcenKr. orisinal finish; looks like new; run principally on paved streets; giod non-ikid tires front and rear, 1 ex t ra tire ; fine mechanical condition. Will sacrifice for $lG0u; will tuk part liberty bond., balance cash, or would make some frms with responsible party; no trades. Call Main 7'J9. f j.; w trucks. 35 per cent off ; Diamond T t rucks, various sizes, brand new ; d Jscon tinutd agency; year's guarantee; imme diate delivery. Wire or write Harry New man. Inc., St. Louis. Mo. CHALMERS 1913 hot spot for ale at an attractive price; looks and runs like new. Tabor 448 evenings. SET Font magneto coils and electric horn. MAXWELL touring. 1017, like new ; will nidi $77r, some terms. 495 Flanders. STODDARD-DAYTON roadster; must sell. $300, with terms. 495 Flandrs. MAX U'KLL touring, 1017. like new ; must s-11, ?575, some terms. 206 Failing at. FORD. 1918 touring, at f03o with t'-iui. Iotn extras; will soil 14'J WUituns ave. FOR SALE AVTOMOBILgg, i USED TRUCKS. CMC I -ton chain drie. Thoroughly overhauled and repaired. A Largaiu at GMC o!i-ton worm drive. Used 10 mourns. i norourliiy overhauled nd in fine condttlon. Equipped with cab and auieiu. X'rice luUUU. Velle 2-ton worm drive, fitted with cab. Presto headlights, overhauled and re painted. New rear tires. This truck is good as new and looks like iiew. Ctcd u juuiuiis. it ice s-i"U. itepubiic 1-ton Internal gear. This iruc ii as gooa tires ana was overhauled, just 3u days before we took it in. Ltjutppta itu liosth magneto. Price Maxwell delivery, used two months, i J roved too light for our customer. Has I fine panel top body, is Juit as good as I liJt'tun; eutricr iiguu). i'ricv StoO. WMte. fitted with delivery bod v. Will make good delivery car. Is la excellent Standard 3-ton chain drive truck. continental motor. Brown -Life triDmii. sion. Ttmken bearings throughout. This truck is in good condition. Best truck iuy in urtgou. 1'rice lU.o. Ford dHtvery. late 1917 model. In first- Ciass condition mechanically. equipped with entworth 6c Irwin new delivery body, fitted inside with shelves and doors oack or the driver. Tula job was used bv Barker's Bakery and particularly adspted to a bakery or similar buinca. Price Ford delivers. 1915. in nnA rnnriltlnn Panel top body, a good buy. Price $350. Case. 5-pass.. overhauled and repainted. New top and curtains. Thla is a lti 14 car but has been used very little and Is in lino conaiuon. jrnce White 3-ton, rebuilt, rood tires. The . best buy la a large truck in the west. .trice t.uw. WENTWORTH A IRWIN, Truck. Headquarters, 2d and Taylor Sua, LOW PRICES, REAL BARGAINS. We have sold 107 used automobiles I since January l because we put them in good condiuon and sell them at real bar gain prices. 101 T Maxwell automobiles, great . buys, overhauled and repainted, three lor you to select from 4l0, $500 and $550 191ft Maxwell automobiles, like new great buys $65 and $700 1917 Chevrolet, in fine running con dition $ 4S5 Maxwell delivery, good one .$ 490 Mitchell, In good shape, with new tires $ 'S3 1917 Mitchell light six. & dandy buy..$ 875 1913 Mitchell light six, like new $1000 Good buys in other cars to select from. HUDSON SUPER SrX. 1917 Hudson Super Six, all gone over In our shop, rebuilt like new and repainted; guaranteed by us for 10 days the same as a factory guar antee: a fine auaiity car that you can depend upon ...$1400 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-017 Washington St., Portland, P1ERCE-ARROW, stage car Idea: .$1000 191S VELIE. practically new, driven 45j0 miles.. $1400 1918 MAXWELL. nw. run only lioo mil". with $75 extra equipment $ S50 1917 CHEVROLET. like new. new paint, almost new tires $ k0 1918 FORD, cannot be told from new; $75 in extras. $ 050 1917 OVERLAND, model 10, in perfect condition.. $ 700 19t5 SAXON tourlnjr. over hauled and new paint... $ 550 1917 CHEVROLET delivery practically new $ 550 SMALL ROADSTER, condition .......... good $ 225 12 LOWNrALE. COR 15TII AND WASHINGTON. TTIEFE F LIGHTLY USED CARS "Will be Pold st the following prWs Without brokerage for EASY TERMS. SPECIAL TODAY. 191S Dodge sedan run 2100 miles, with $100 In extras. $1400 3917 Buick six oldsmoblle light six l.l.0 JIMS Ren. 4-cyl 1117 Maxwell roadster JtlK OldsmobMe H t ti m aM i unlit v car. ..... f lvlti Chevrolet 19IS Oldsmobiie 8.. .See th'.a OLDSMOBTLE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch. Open Sunday Morning. 1917 MITCHELL SIX 1917 Paige Overland, model o LiKht delivery Vlrt Hup., all cord tires, llupmobiie bug .$ . J250 . ".0 . Kno . . tMirt . 150 RADHA1V VOLl'M AUTO CO.. Ilupmobiio Experts. "We Deal in Used Cars. Park and Flanders. Phone- Bdwr. 609. -ej -1 . A. weeond-hand FoIRO car has just btn thorouKhly overhauled, re bored cylinders and new pistons. tparK dIuks, iteneraior and macneto in pooa J.hupe. two new Kelly-Spriniffleld cord tlrea, two Diaonond cord ttrea. one extra tire and tuner new oanc-rj, - - oviinriri rerround. radiator re- . r,rwin(r Tiomn. crindlnsr Valve. . nal amount Mnent Within last i0 ei v 14S-35 : price. ii50 net. Dr. D. H. Kand. 1G4 N. 4th su Main 35ft. pa sit .T- ren rborn truck attachments ,.nne.-et n nv ear into one or two-ton truck with ft per eent overload, at 40 per cent cost of complete new truck. We have a two-ton with Cadillac engine at $luoU. tfee them before buy in s". CUTLBK MANUKACTURTNO CO.. Phone Eat 7:; I- . East Tenth and Mill Sts. IOR 8ALE My a-pafMiiter Stud-bMker. must be Mold: will sell for 3-o: hat stor ayo battery, spotlights, four aim out -new tires and two Kood extras and extra de mountable rim; car la in pood mechanlral order and has new top. If you want a car that will run, call Tabor 0H1. RAPCH t- LA NO electric, in fine condition. Will sell for cash or trade on pood located unincumbered lot. Call at tllbwn Storage Battery 'o.. 1-' h and Alder stf. Sunday phon- Tabor 54V2 for information. LEAVING TOWN'. 101 LVHOE BUICK. 4 rcw tires. 1 extra: jrood mac: $V.50. Call Mar. -'-0t, Room r.ll, bet. 4 and 4:lit, or call Auto Rest .a rage. AUTOMOBIT'K for wnlo, in (rood repair, run leaa than t000 mlls. Will s-ll cheap. P. M. Madden Rea Ity Co., 108 Hawthorne ave. Tabor REPUBLIC i-ton truck. Continental motor. Torhenn 7nternal-ear drive. In ierfect condition; well buKt tcp; a bwririn for cash. Jones Mercantile Cc, 3)7 Davis. Ml'ST fcell Recal roadsier. (rood shape, new tires, drit cheap. See owner and car at Firland station. Mt. S'ott car. First come fi-Ht served. Phone Tabor 1'alS FORD for aal- by owner. Just like a new car. East 83 H1'1 FORD, special equipment. See today. roo William ave. PtemlT. FORD, arly. it-pass.. $2b5; 101G; bargain. East ::o2it Call BUICK touring. ir17, like new, for JIHK. Woodlawn 54"0 aj tcr 0 A. M. FOR BALK 1917 Studebaker, $65Gi liral- closs condiUuo. 3- N. 10th st. I'Ott 8? K UTOMOBlI.Ki. INVESTIGATE THSbSE. We have on hand just now about 2 used can ranging in price from tl.o lowest up to $100. We may have lust t he car you want. If so, you will fi&d it to be exactly aa repre sented. Your present ear accepted as part pay- xncut on a better one. Our easy payment plan Is -lastic and can be adjusted to suit your convenience 191S Peerless 8. 7-pass.; 5 cord tlrea. l!lt Velle. 7-pa.. 5 excellent tlrra. 111 $ Velle. blue black, like new, 5-pas- senRr. I'.us velle, r-pass., maroon. iiKe now. JiUS Velle roudeter; map. 3ttl7 Vc'.le, 5-puas., first-class. 1117 Ve'.ie. 4 -pa., first-class. l'.'lH Overland. .ri-pass.; a C indy. It 15 Velie. 5-pass. ; 5 good tlr-s. ltl Overland. 7-pas. '. new t ord tires. lil Overland, 5-puas.. light and eco nomical. j:15 Over'and, n-paas.; gooa ures: cneap. lt15 Mith.lt, 5-puas.; had tu-st of car.. 1!M4 Apperson. R-p.u?s.; 5 god tir-. I'.iia Hudson. 5-uasA. : a hiih-prictd car cheip. OPEN SUNDAYS. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 7S0. W Nortix 23d St. MOTTO: ".EVERY PURCHASER A BOOSTER." AtttOfnoPilea wtileA i n r. jt- KifA'A Auto wreckers. Wo wreck cars and save F.n ne eti t an mrli. t-end in tti purts you need end we will duplicate them. Autos bought reffardlrns of condt- fon. Phone East tsO. .J nawwiom. . rTOiinil.K OWNERS. We guarantee our battery and e!eelrt-al repair work. Our prices are right, e repair evervtning ei-ftncai. HEM PH I LL TRADE SCHOOLS. Electrical l-pt., 2'Uh and Hawthorne. SMALL house and 2 i lots, wood t-heri. rhickan hnu. rack cellar, tan iir ire, in rnn.lon tr.. for ex hanue for light Buick. Do dice or Chalmer. 1U33 Arnold street. w x vTKiwTn bu v a five-DateJM'iijrer car cash; prefer Dodge or fcaxon; inusi oe in terfect condition: ataco price. F b7S. Ore- (tonlan. CASH for late model liKht car from pri vaie owner; no ueaiers wante'i , sim make ana beat price. Broadway S043. 34S Couch st. . VILL pay $:: cash and $4rt per month, up to $Sm, for used uouxc. uaKianti or oinrr Irk'ht car, mud bo In Kood condition. E 01. Or gonlan. WANTED from owner, 116 Buick liicht tl. tournifC or roadstc-r: wt;l maKe tcotn pa inert down and bis monthly pa'mcnts. N S5, Oregonian. We BUY, sell or exchange any kind of aut-a or trucks; armature ana eieirio mors:. H . W . cor. 17th end Alder. Broad. 2 16. MI ST have l;.te rnodul auto: have m uri- ttes and terms now; pay :u.i aiuouui in July. Is. Un-jton in. WANTED A llirht Krd truck or touring- car. No objetln to lin or car. .Mut be bargalu. Box 411. tiladtone, Oregon WANTED To trade sood improved lot fox auto ; private party. Auarcwi j. il.. iay. Forest Prove, or. KXi:HAN"iK or sell It acrea at Brenon. alue l"tK. Tor touring car equal valuer 111 pay cash differenc K :". Oregonian. WANT nw Ford roadster, body, fenders. w indshlld and hood. riionc, Monaay, Marshall 7 I'l. UTO PAINTINC. For auto, truck and wagon painting. Call WoodUwn MilU. WILL trade nw piano for MnaU .VpaKf n- K;r. late model auto in comi en ape. win pa y 0 : ff --re nee. '3ll It4 H .i II M. LOT to trade near Arlr-tu. rctioutbouae fr liKht car; wri pay aiiierc-nco m ciun. Cat! Eat TVW. lA.it? SALIi or tmde, SO ai-rea. vaIu -.oo. ant auto aa ptrt payment, rnmic aiain 4m:;. R. ;odt.-. -trti Mi:i tt. WILL pay cash for Ford rft.n1.-UT In good ondittin ; sen a price ana ucacrip nou. v1 S7 I. t.r Ionian. WANT n-nt autmobile by day w-ek. What have you to offer? P ! Orpponlan. riu:viuil.liT Mum b poo.i all l-uv lltl8; no dealern. uroadway taii bteen 8 A. M. and 12 A. ,M. W A NT El Yonr I'ord or mi a. I lounge io irado for lirat-cUsa jeilcry c-i. .iu;-a. E : t S C i t 1 . 17 PVICK, BY PRIVATE OWN Kit. FOB CASH. NO DEALERS. EAST OlsiK. i LEX.ES CELL YOLH CAM. wUICK ACTIOS. AUTO bALbS CO.. aui jku WULti. WANTED lat model Ddqe machine, good -onditlon. Marh.ill -4 - W ANTED Ford, any cord it ion. Call .Main 73114. VI to r. M. Munnav. l'AY cash fir cood ud Chevrolet ; d alers need not rt'piv. i apor iim. J'.MtO Kyl.'lTY 1 ar-5 on -Ietric for r.-ij- ster; 4-pHS. preierren. .net, ur''K"Ti n. HAVE cunii for po-wi u.-rd liRht car, l'odo preft-rrt-i. o v, oreoniaii. WANTED Ford delivery bud. WootllHwn .TJ t l. WANT lute model ttu.':nol'lli: hav.. caa and nl'-e corner lot. uf'lian .-iat. WANTED Second-hand Frd dellwi body. Phone oodlawn H- 1. WANT 1017 or UtS Ford. Call room Bla--kstone. Bidy. . ANT i Bun k au to, pnva le pari y. Cash. D 114, Oregonian. CASH and lulu to trade for machine. Call K. H7ix. FoKD tourifiE car. must b -h p. for t-pot i-HiHh. Chapmiin CI n ra ne. t ha pm h a at . WANTED- Befit motorcycle a ." .!. (.irt'Eiinlnn. r0 bond n it buy. T 'CLEAR title to 40 acre ior worm drive Ford. Main V2W. FOR CASH from private pan. Krd lour' inr. iate model. O 4... repontan. WANTED Bu bmly. V 111. Urconlnn. Motor iles. INDIA N M TO Ii C YCI. K S. "Wo have several l;t mod lf. Indian machine", alight ly used, for a te at dtied prbea. w h i h (hey lant Main tl INDIAN MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE CO. L'n4- :d Street. 3-SPKKD lat lt Indian motorcyele. jit-tt like new : lull iectraiiy i ti lnpeti. only ridden 900 mlleB; roht me 9-t:t.; m'l-f ll at S-'o. Look this up. Eu.t ia;i or East 4737. ar-k for Ben Al. Jlcchl. Audreatt lol7 Tillantook M. HEN HERSON. I'M 7 model. i-uilo e-iuip ment. ftno condition: only run i;"'iQ mlf hTe la your chance; only $J70. Tauor 1 u ltl HARLKY-DA VIDSON", elcctrb; equipped with Urea in tand-m ami spedometer. In fine nhape ; tirea almost nc w : S.". 1 4 SO Macadam roj.d. Marttail .!-!?. ly 1 4 TWIN II arie - 1 iav lloi miurcyr;t completelv overhaul-d. with tandem :jt:J Jilvcrbcam pnt hsht; a snap at fc trms. Kwood CAN'T niftKo jiujineniH. Twin iintorey. Hcluxe eng.: ean l leu irom new macnitie. "Will take $M0 In Ininds, or lo. for ca.th, ;;il tlantenbein av. H A R LE Y-lA VI DS N, mun sell; a r-al bar jcuin. St o tiutniay afternoon at n La-t Ank'-ny wt.. apt. 1 . MOTOKCY"LE with aid-: dition, fr nale or iil launch or niotorbimt. ar. in cq.mI . in trude fp Kaiootiiic j.-itk 7 H. I.. 1!1J twin Ind ian. wood ctu dltion. good tires. E. 7731. 6m1- Union ave. N. A t; Ft A FLEX, patcard si.: rost U1.: to trade !r moioicycle, twiu engine. v7fl, i rt gontmi. S1NOLE Harley in excellent condition: Fire atone tires; $10. Tubor 71 Sunday. 1017 HARLEY-DA VIDSON electric for salt: cheap. Call 1470 East Oilman at. IL S.. lt'1 3 mod--1. 5-h. p.. si n p-t Imder, for quirk sale. V2't. 101 E. 'juth st. N. V ANThl) inuian i in motorcyele i heap for caah: no junk. Phone R road way l::j. 1'jlH II. D. MOTORrvn.B. Id--carwitb top. extra wheel and tire. Tabor 773. 0." RU VS lull Indian. Al condition. 13u W. Wlnchellst. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TKT US 204-206 aD ST. MAIN 6189. A SACK I F 1 E T win Indian mo lorc c le. Inatiirw Monday. M N. rtrh. INDIAN ddecar. almost new, at a bargain pri-e. Se Alln. -51 Ash M. WINTER or t-daii closed tp for Ov.-riand Ua uwUd. ua be accn al l.'b Caiuuibia it. FOR HUE AlTOMOUIHS. Motorcycle USED MOTORCYCLES IT WILL PAY Vol To l.nblC OVER OCR STCH-K. COXSISTINU OF Indians. lIar--Davdona, Excel. om. etc. Terms if dr,jrid. L:b riy bmtis cct ptd. l"fd moiotw, mat-ntti. (.lutvlirn. carbu retors. c Imdvi s. grinding, ai i-n w!d Inc. niaKiieto, g.-neraior. battrry repairing. We are Mu;ppcd unl can take care of any thine in tlio motori vele line. lour J ouTninimi): ana rent ! ii n rt'i lt d MlE MOTOR' " YVLE CO.. 4 ;rind ;ic Uxce:ior and Cleveland Moiorcyclea Agency. ErreTstor anu Trnnoni Tllryeies. iMwx tui'.y MOT' 'lU'VOI.K B A KtiA I VS MT'ST MAKE ROOM KOR AKI.OAPS NEW :.fKI.SIOR AND n.KVKLAM) MOTi 1 Y 1.1-5 AND N.M Iu N AL r.iryri.Ks cs the kai. NO REASONABLE OKKEIt LEEL'SED. Used motorc v c'.vb from $.;o up. A'.nioKt tu w niotorx'yelr from M'' up. Cash or Trrmi Libcrtv Bn?s o. K. NEW MODELS IX MOOK. Open vetting. Conic- in. Look over stock. We arc hTt to sat it-fy tummTx Brine In your o!-l hlUs snd momnvciw. ME Kit I l.L-STKIN E, (OLE i. " 8'i Broad way. opp. Bctitxn Hot-!. MOTORCYCLES. 111S vlee. equipped Indian. Just like new. lf17 eteotric If arlry-Da vUlson. fullv eiuln.. overhauled and re pain ted'. $'0 lf17 electric Harley, Al shape 1!M 2-sieed Harlt y io l'.'lH H irl w. o,rrh.iu!id and Al snap. 111S Henderson, run or. ly .'v.m ntilt s and equipped; cwt 4M ; a Miup. 400 This macii'ne Is Ju.t the ramc us new. Ye hi e m-vrral other ma"Uiuca. raug im fn price from to eJK). BIC1-?UK4- Tilths R EPA1R1NG. UAVTON CYCLE Co., 5S Sixth t MOTORCYCLES. Guaranteed uned and rcbu.it Harley-Davidion. Henderson. 1 ndlans. Exrelwior. Kanginic in price .V to JC30 Mu't b poM. Terms MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO. INC Maln 7:. ;?d 1 HAVK a new liend-r&on mot ore vd for sale st largrtln prit-.-. 1.;;a Ktke t. An to Tirew a nd A reMtries. PARTS PAltTS PARTS. NEW AND USED, FOR MOST ALL MAKES OF CARS. We Carry a Complete L.co o NEW ACCESSORIES For All Automobi'.es. BEARINGS Of All Makes Our Specialty. MOTOR PARTS MFVS. CO. r.J j Burn side. Broafl way FOR SALE 4 Bocch macneto pluca ........ .$10 rvn 1 Eord tpecial speedometer ;i r) 1 4- llnler le n timer ........ a tonneitu doors II. mo 1 wind thild - 1 vacuum f'cd tank '" 1 MtiKie Kat cusnion . .ft-poiiud uir kcc i All in Kotid conuiuon. La.it 773. 6Cl13 i mon enue. FOKIS ftan eary in cold weather with our nw lur.l carburetors: 34 mites oer tea ion: Ue chrap"st icaoline or half aerof-rne; tn- crtaseu power; styif-s for any motor; vi-r; slow on hich; attach It yourself; bitf prof Its to a pen tti ; mon y buck icuarante ; aO iv' trial. Air-Frirtion Carburetor Co., i !'. jiiid'snn. oayton. o. OENK K A L repalrin?. tc.-t Kord meehamr in cit ; all ork giKirnnieed : ke. p tit bund II Ford part. Open n Sundays. 11a -thorn" '".srce. 44.". Hawthorn ave. Q. 1., 1 ;L'x4 S. j. Tl i: Ed and tul.ef : 1 1 icht auto delivery b.id v ; -!--' i. auto en glue, with 1 :n-h magneto. East 1 i0 or ! Kant Moin.on. tilt Y ec DAVIS For! arier. ulnmst n'c. V'. 1-k bat tery. Anu-n a n ta.. Lsta cada car. A.-k f r Neiidck II A RLE Y - DA V i DSoN 1 eleet ric. fuii ood- u vnpp.-d : perfect cond it ion ; J-To. l; w ti ."4iH t10 Kerby t. WANTEf Ford, extras. Md ctirtains. hood. :t'--inh tires. Mam Autoffobile for litre. NEW 1$19 AUTOMOBILES TO LEASE without a driver: Overland.-. Ttiby Grand. Korfln. Auto LHjtnc ., 17 Park at.. juiL a whisper oil Washington rt,. autos without drive ks for hire. Couch m an eullivan, MAR. lfj. lOTII ANO V AMUlLk A 12.10. AUTOS WITHOUT IHUVEK3. Kern- cars, reas-onable ratua. City G a rag a. 6 lUih St. Eroadwav H4d. NEW CARS V lt Rt.NT WITHOUT DRIV EK3. O. V. SMITH, THIRL) ANU CiLlS-VN FTS. A 50-'t. RUO.VDWAV Jb-ft. 6-PASS Do0ei for him. touring. eallioc hopping, hlffhwajr. Eroadaay 3a47. KANT ED M T SC F I ALA N KOt S. 1)IA.M'M wanted, one-halt to till, e-o. ua r l t karat. l'a ood c-til price. M are hall WANTE l From p-ivate o n r, one eooI t-oiid-hand piano; niut bo cheap for WANTEI lature for . .C f . "osc to . ny, on eatet fide. bavidM-a. -tl'oid 14 1 E.ist ;i)t h 5t. W OU I.l t ratie piano and motory -l m: firt payment on mi-rn t-riMni house trive ptione no. I imi, )r-Runian. N ILL take a Miiall r.ih ra nt-' mji f i m ii v -ni-nt on new r-'ir.K-T nwtnc nurlntif, hmur m t. l nr",ron Mar. 7j. TREES rprad. Bai,uic anvu hrrc, T'thor l!'.l engine, b. Jol-, WANTED 4-di lt '. er MZC. b e;- vrrii'-li- f ilinR c a bine dw ay l-4. S A N T E D Illd:t-d 'Ml tuiriuiiir out'it it Laundry '.. 1 J r th con- H.il.v - A N'TE D H. rust it-her acw im; machine. Hi lih at. Main t;s;i;;. U .Nir.l-To M-teaihcr Turkllt rocker. StindrtV. Miim i74t. W A N TF.D Juinefl pia ; PY each IJnne Eapt 'ai ' ANT 4 4:."t. iiiitr lt and TUu'P .7'.. !- olh-r tool-. W A NT ED Secoud I'honc Sllwood 4 WANT Becond-hand electric motor. S71H. 114 First. W A N I ED Seeor.tl-hand of r, e d"k cha r. liurna I'owell. Ci't fl.ift bide. WANTED Oriolf must bo iu tin. Tabor -tl'. WOt'LD buy ?tM-ond-hant J'Iuhiij East 477. invai.vl chair. WILL nay ca.ih for a li-incn lath a. Wa.Ia Walla. Wirh. Boa W i ES r E R. lie in inc ton automatic and putnp shoticuns anted Hochleld. Jvo ad. " liiCY n.K"VAM KU i a y s pvTt cash7 1J" FIRST. MIN 4L-V T A I'OR 6713. ANTEl Salmon trolling tackle. croni;i n. AL 10J, WANTED A few atart'is tn first h-Her. A K I' t. f he. sate prico CASH t j 1 s t r. a st. M.iln oi:'. show ia?r. J 4 2d WANTEO-rntl.i-i, W A NTED r !fMin i m. -1 land-mad.- fane XV V, tr otiljii y uiJv and buoy -To bu Itro;id . ' ci.r.u-hand W A N'TKU W i driN: i run k ; . i si aw a lid li i--. . -7. Oft Kunian. WANT k1T-LTA i D TAHI.ES AND CHAIRS. N I : W Al A N. M A I Nl 4 1 V I H ST. WANTED To rent or buy, nittlium-t' iticuliator. 1 0' lirand ivt, cor. Fie I mon L ""ALL KINDS "o!-1" TOOLS WANTED. NEWSMAN. MAIN 4 4!.i. 1 FIRST. COM I'LLTK u.cai.i.'.itijr on' fu : rnurt S W A NT ED Second-hand H.mk -f r.rfdsport. ault door. First WANTEI") 1 fuM-dre ai- :7; 1 Tux t l'.i'-k. rdo f-uit. I i nv 3 Hi.". W WANTED T ouy. bt th ilrv and itmu ur.t K ro tii cord wood. Call East 7uJ. WANTED l-wheel im-cart; ood condition; rMintabif . East .v. . W ANT El 16 r ::-: US' Vnirtttr liam-nic-rl-?. afl at 447 E. I'mich at. W( KU) be.t m 1 : riL!ton.t o'e. ' or ll-iiu li piovk : niu.-t be '.pn-Hf, as K. th ft. W A NTEI S i-;id-hand i : !t o k : a uf Rurrou:h addini; machine. .Main ivij. W A NTED To buy set of liifani'd clothes. Phono Kant 7-o4. V ANTED To contract on our plumbing orl4. J14AbiaKton bldff.Main 4141. AIOTHER. no hmall children, wwhes boy keep in count r y. M.irhall 5"r.;i. WANTEI Larjse e-ond-band trunk or oiit-c.i-e; irive phim ri'. HI 13'.. or(ron t.n. CHILD'S irua beU cuuiplcic. s7 B Ja. Alalu. VA.TIJ Mlsrl I l.AM Ol OUR pM-ilty is buyiur m.n cat-off cloth ing. caa prica paid. WUI caj da er ti.K.-. u PE'JPLE S SfCOND-HAXD FTORE. Mrhai: nJ6 or Madison SL. $7. JO A.ND t P tYT0 for seonu-hand suit. J. Veer. tha taller. ! tha L.ghcat iri.a for suits, overcoats, sioea etc We .sIJ anvwhera In city. iav or .-v:iiuga. Ca.I MarahaU 1 J or i'...; Manyon t. mmT i'u:,:i:s paii. 1 buy a.i eccnd-hai.j dottc. especially ladK' nd fcnilt ui. n uita, Urcma. tcw New buer. Try ni. bfro you cad others. Plfirio iiroaa way w.'ji luruid. be t ween 2d ana od. Vv'ANT In c-t i;j uK ii wih party int rcateil Jn prui ir.c cyi m;ir-n. Lo nt unrut'1- uiurii nu hio iviTity cf rvm :d are i-i. 1 to Viw Bitrk attention. . I.. rrrv lio-iiu. or. It 1. BEST iri-e. paid .fi- L)UC1 allj M!lt.-.liv-5. trui. ka, haail Li-V IN li 1V. . H' KM Tl'R E CO., Kront t. Mam '.M'TJ. 0EK THE ToI 7 :.u AND VP. for kuits. overcoats and hu.. We pay more taan any (I-jUt f -r i;d-hand ciuthva. MAIN 7.i. i-LALWOOl WANTED. Will contiact for count rv slab wood 4 fet. d livery on vara Purtland. t r. Komaa. I'l MOM o.ie karat or over, blu. whin-. mut t t r l i m : win ray .a h. What lui ou." fc;ato price. Li 1J." OrcK r.ti.i. V ANTE l Kuu. l 1 prefer a agio Persian, coiiMoer ot ti r m t l.e ; Mate part icular. r "' ; muM be riht for cash. AO &Ja. Ti'SOn'.:.!!, WE BUY blAMOND. OLD GOLD. OLD jewelry for wjh ; name your price. Bricff or n;til. ."..' 'a 'flsii., bet. tith and Bdwv. HkiHf.,-1 k-:sh pru e paid for i our rtfc stiot- sun or koviak; nuirt he f:it-c:ass. lloch t' 'd. 85 d a;., near Q.k. I'lionc Alain SL W A N TED Cord wood si ut nane. cloe t- raCrvad; atalo prue, particulars. O 42$t Ort-Koniaii. WA NT ED Cash res inter, ahow cases, aaT and other state Lit urea. 1 First au Wain 4-';. 4. WANTED Roller skates ior rir.k. Must b in Koud 5hpc. -A.du.rci a Carter Biotel. Ou taru, .'r. CASH for ruen"s mlafit And dLcafde.t clothe-; don't feed the moLha. To get libcr-il apiTdlyrmrni phone Main 6701. AN 1 "El Di tiuond. iZ 1 kaMt; mti; tr fie.rly pc:i.L ar.J rcasonabic; cuh. .'0 iw mom. STEAM ulcaniznig machine; also iQ kiowut fcriuu.n machmtj. Call Woodlunu ai'i' 1. WANTED 1 old ins autoraph:o KuJK, Ovhi tie leu? ; in hi. t bo liuw and a, barsain Com pact c.i -fTTx 4 177! x.". '.dl dr. s W. A. Ciay, lioul An.ern.an. Port- l.i nd. ANTED St...: fi:iiK ri.,iiu: or il ; saff. lr.i.r for ,.;-:n c-rca and casn draper. A N . r. con j n WANILD T, p.ir-.1j.-i Iti.i'-'i.v. ; mu&l bu I or la n. kt.- ni-.taiid ad dir.; jaaunablc. AC 4 SK.'oNl-HAND CLOTHING UUYF.R. W nc d tin c!ot':!:iK and pay all It i5 wor.h. CaM Mfn 7:;. Vols l'irai et. CASH I" i; !.Uji; 1" MoND; C-l VE J-l.K VAl.l'i; AM I'll 'NU AO UJ. ORE- 1 LI buy Mttek at 8. a?t. ;"Ml Iodiio liOid and Ruby lJ ecu ta. lox ou7. l"ry rilnirt Hole, EN A M 1" I ; D RATH Tl U. I.AVATOKY AND Ti il LI. r FI X Tl'KLti WANTED. 11 A IN 4 -.. 1 '.s MUST. TO -t"0 r:l f-.r ii.kiiioi.il. p: ; n.ale full particular K. iva'.c par- M A NV Kl Fis!l :.-k t. a't. tir.T tru'ik :n cr s..n ih.e irio'. itll 14 rod. rutber boot d M'T, at a rea . On pouian. W N !"! S end - 8ni.d fro r tin cm a tv I 1 t- ii" Mi:n!. ' " Marth, Ul'i i Ml -I'l tVU'ti- 't .1 T P. ANT ft n. tab' ca.-h r , i-rue. ij-tcred. O 447. rfi au r.tnl f:tu lHli -ASi:s. I'Afll RE'l'sTERP. TVFE WK1TKMS WANTKI. MAIN 44i5 F:KS1. NEAR ALDER. Vurail ure XYHtiled. WE ir.t ycor used fiirr.itv.re. rugf, tto ranK. t . etc. e w..l py tha his a Ctt ia."h I'ln . for tiutne. We M"cci.il::c in tiiviniT and rei!lic hOLv-hoid tooLi. and thcrcforo can pay more. call Ma n hall 1 .T7 and our courteous biiMT w i: l c.i .I at once. ttO -s br for'" 1 OU 1 1. lOiiil.AND SAI V A G E CO (Lev in Lroa- Office: Salesroom? C07 Ka-itway Lxchanso- -j- i'ruut cL WB WANT T'SF.D FrRNTTURE, RUG 3, k.LNGLd pnONB MARSHALL &98L Tfothlnit too lirve or too smalt fcr ti t r-andla. "f flee (urmturo, roon.iin-houe. hotela. We U.I bay for caah any Quan tity. Thou ui at once, and you m t'.i ha ciuri(ju;v and promptly aiivixdad lob Voa'l loikCt Hi nuukocr. rilONE MARSHALL C9SL GEVT'RTZ rrRMTVRK COMPANT. READ IMPORTANT-HEAD. W c-irry a ureater varied assortment ot Bern- aud used rnerchanuise than any ator In the city. TUera la hrdiy an Item w do not buy and ael l. Wa apecla.iaa ia ahclf and heavy hardware, aportintf fooda, household Kooda. of Ilea X urnUura. hotal and camp auppllea When you hava anythlcff to buy or aaiL. call ur phone. MAIN 1072. A T174. LEVIN HARDWARE FUiiNlTURB CO 1-3-0 Front bt.t cor, fcai mon. Li-FOKE iuU iti.L YuUK F URN ITU ii -til t EE I S. W ra in need of ail kinda of used fur niture, rue, car pet a. e loves and ranges; all kinds t (as iluvwi and attlf furni ture, and will pay abavlutaiy ta taj prices lar a. me. Caii MARSHALL oS7. and our buyor will ca.l at unca with tha caan. OEVURTZ FUENITl'nS STORQ, Uj and i:a7 Firt tt. Ertwfn Taylor and tvilnion Sta, CALL MIN S0 IMMEDIATELT. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRInl EVER I'AID 1 Y ANIONE IN THE ClTr OK FURNITURE. CAKt'ETS. ETC. lOUit CALL WILL iiKi.u THE BUT ER VMTU MuNt.1'. KLINrl'S FURNITURE STORE. 1 iivT ST.. NEAR TAVLUlw MAIN o'J. AEL luU OOINCS LAST ? Con.Hu.i u about reduced freicht rata on imun; ioid Kooia i' a.i points; f ut, throutli aer ice. I'aci lie Coast i'urwaru hi-; i. i.th and Iloyt Riiwy. 7mS. I WANT umw furniture; cash will ba pai-1 lor stovca and ra rni'i uud ail kinds of huuitho.U souda. Call us for on aruci or a Uuust-iat and a cuinpr t tnt, court itua bu r w i4 1 cj.il. Marsh d I'ti'.M. Crown. 1 WANT utt-d furniture; v lit pay as rau'h a an d. alt-r can pay. Eat 641 AL xL CiiL-L drair. Mo W't'.llama ave. WOCLD liKtf t i buy uk. plat--. r. I: .v or E tt 177 . t-1 nix. pa:i Cail i ncra vor. WE Ht. ill) MCCUNU-HAM) FURNITUKcJ ot any aescrlptmn, hv tha rcauy cash. I'hone tou ay M -i ! n 4 J7. ur HO 1 Kirgt at. CASH IUU r.-LD FUR N IT C I: K. 14 ici.ctt iriu in city. Main I ir;.. WAN I ED H. w i : ' c-r n : fT ;;n jiT u'cT -.1- en ti j hvn.it l"v uble-de, k" Ct't;, te parties W ANTED - Fui n:t hi M un ; jay as muca aa to buy, i hair r..ijr Y I Hi. r bT. - and 3 jn'-'.n. iiOL.-LlHU.U r URN i TU KE WA. I bU WILL PAY CASH LiN H1I I W ANTED M M.I. TOL .iri''l. ot.. w 1 t hor C.ic 4N -.VarbilH ion u W iUN'".E;; ina'i ;r. Vrr.d. 1' .nd KvrfM. M 4 tit i vpi none d man Launury Co.. E. lutu c c U'..Ti:NT i.ii.'-r l nsi :i mis a i rintf H 1 A: C. tin I la iics 'n-iUeiuy cuut&. Apply LAD1E" t.n.or ttjulit I'HUK'i; b i. k. tiiauy ork. LA DI ES TAILOI.-M L L.-ne b (!k.. .id y -AO!k. iiro.td uy . Hail. A l tier. WANTED A hoy 11 h. t"ha:-T- H Flo.ver Miop. ; '! Sunday. Morrison. MAN to o; ra t I "urt: m rid y ., rd : lam:cr pi . f'-rn d. t I A-h t V1 .'o.. Vancouver. t r M KN I" wri;. ! w. ud f.r v-m nt work. V 1 1 a ue" ei k. 4-' IL-nrv b-i-;. a N T E i 1' Miry io.ih, g i u phone. AU ". ir' Ci'i:;:!!). W ANT to I' l con f ra t for la hr to bur.d '..iat :.- : a1 T'a'i : i ;c I f i rn t sn.-d. E. ".'HI-. "w A V T E D S k I r t m.k r. f irvl - --lass, S' - h v e; r A- K it; n. . .' J Wa inpt-m. A NT E D Dt'tcr Uy ir ci.t..e a. 1SJ W AM u.i I'iaUa i-'iv