THE SUNDAY ORECOXIAN, PORTLASD, ' M.YTiCIT O, 1!)19. 1.1 in WANTED REAL FSTATE. Wanted to Rent Fgrnis. lif YOU WAXT to rent your farm, transfer your lease, sell yotir crop, slock and Im plements, send us description. We do not ask exclusive contract, and make no charge unless we gt you a dal. Iuedd mann Co., U13 Chamber of Commerce. W'AN'TKD To rent 1 or 2 acres with house, suitable for chirk ens ; will lease lor uu term. BC SSO, OreKonian. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER MEN, ATTENTION. "vYe can help jou raise- money through bond Issues. We also have choice timber tracts and sawmill propositions, from the largest to the smallest, on favorable terms; 25 years experience. See us if OU want to do business. TIMBEH-LAND bureau. Hoard of Trade Bitig., Portland, Or. I'OR SALE Stumpflgft and mlil lot-a U oris in good louthTri Oregon pine ; tracts of from 4,ou0, O'jO to 12.ooO.Ouu feet ; lumber haul to railroad. 4 to 10 miles. Cash or part cash and cutting contract. Address AV oregonian. loo ACKEa timber 3 miles from GU-nrtaie; S. P. K. R. ; spring water; when limber Is off will make fine home and stock ranch; line runs to public highway; $5i"J cash or 5.Vm" liberty bonds. Owner, AN V, Oregonlan. 1NVHSTM HSNT OPPORTUNITY. AL tie proposition; 16,000,000 feet, saw mill in operation; it1; miles good valley town; a wonderml opportunity for rignt party; only $4300 capn required. Hum me 11 and Kummell, 274 S tar k st. fcO ACRES o'd body fir, not la rge. good ground to log with team ; almost touches county road and river; gravel road almost entire distance to railroad ; four mil i ions, do per cent clear; $L5J per thousand. K. A. Put ton. Sweet Home, Or. !W'ANTED TO Bt7 V 5 to 10 million good tie timber; not over -4 miles from rail road ; must be on good wagon road; par ticulars first letter. A. 11. Brown, Cor vallis. Or. WANTED TO LEASE Mill, 15 to iiO M capacity, with timber tributary ; prefer to buy logs delivered at mill ; full particu lars first letter. A. 11. Brown, Corvalus, Or. ELABWOOD AND CORDWOOD WANTED. Will contract for 4-foot country slab wood and No. 1 first-growth fir cord wood; summer delivery; cash. AG 875, Orego nian. 1215 ACRES fine young timber in Lane county, Eugene sector; saw timber, piling and ties; good land; take some trade in city Income or equipped farm; an acre. H A. Cox, Multnomah Station, Or. SECTION timberiand in Douglas Co.. near river; cruine close to b.ouu.ouo; large growth fir and cedar; will sell rcasonable. DC W70. Oregonian. .WE have several million foot timber and can make a. very attractive proposition to parties to put in tie mills. 523 Kail way Exchange bidg. SAWMILL in thriving town, K. R. and river; plenty accessible limber; $:1000 will han dle; price Vij cost machinery. E. -305. 412 Fenton bl J k. FOR SALE rine 20M Russell mill, also jiixlt) Seattle donkey, full logging equip ment; bargain price and terms. F. E. Bow man & Co., -13 cnamoer oi commerce. WANTED Timber for cordwood or slump asce basis, 1000 to 50u0 cords old-growth fir; write or call T. G. II., 5012 77th su S. E. UIG tract fuel and tie timber adjoining elec tric lino near Portland ; estimated -5.mj0 cords wood. Price $17,500. Lueddemann Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD location for small sawmill, two miles of Columbia river. See F. M. Miles. 00U McKay bldg., Portland, Or. 80 ACRES conveniently located timber for groceries or residence equity. G 10, Ore- gonun. FOR SALE 60 to 80 million ft. fir timber. Owner. 1232 Missouri ave. Phone W din. -'549 evenings. 1U0 ACRES timber, between G and 7 million feet, to trade tor house and lot In Port- land. R .!.;. Oreg onl an. 402 ACRES and 14.000,000 merchantable lumber for sale, in Twp. 40, 1 West, Jack in Co.. Or. AV 001, Oregonlan. iUH SALE 1O0O cord3 first-growth fir wood, on paved boulevard, near Port land; owner. Main 25l, Marshall 82 SI FOR SALE 24,000-ft. capacity mill with 7.000,000 ft. finest Douglas Iir. Phone E 1719. T 6S, Oregonlan. fcO ACRES eood fir timber, southern Oregon, near K. K. ; sell or trade cheap. AR 3iiS. Oregonlan. GRUB OAK wood on car at Marion. Or., 5.50 per cord. C. Id. Smith, Jefferson, Oregon. FOR SALE 20,000.000 fir timber. 30 miles from Portland, $1.50 per m. ; one inne t. R. R. ; mill site on creek. R 538, oregonlan WANT cedar timber; short haul; pay as cut. Cons ("o. preferred. A R 341, Oregonian. OLD grov. th cordwood, 40 acres, near Scap poose. bargain. J. R. Sharp. 3d at. FO K R ENT FA RMS: GOOD FARMS FOR RENT. DOUGLAS COUNTY 360 acres. 130 !n cultivation, near lioscburg. Good build ings. Rent $t?o). LANE COUNTY KH acres, 65 in culti vation, near Eugene. Good buildings. Rent $250. CLACKAMAS COUNTY 25 acres. 20 In cultivation, good buildings; near Oregon City. Rent $150. CLARKE COUNTY, WASH. 16 acres, 35 in cultivation, 4 acres in prunes, near Vancouver. Rent $165, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. EQUIPPED DAIRY SACRIFICE. "Will lease this fine 02 acres, 1 mile from McMinnviUo; rent $40 per month ; personal property for sale as follows: 34 cows, bui 1, 4 horses, wagons, harness, end all farm machinery; good milk route, bottles, cases, cooler, etc. Price for quick sale. $3750. Must have $2000 cash. Act quicks DRYER A BLAIR. 'The Acreage Men." 510 Lewis Bldg. FARM for rent, 20 acres, 8 miles from Van couver, Wash. New 7-room house, fur nished all but dishes and bedding; good barn, hen and hog houses. Farm ma chinery goes with this deal. Young bear ing orchard, large strawberry bed and other small fruit. Price $125 per year. East 108. FARM for rent, 130 arres 4 miles north Washougal, Wash.; 100 acres cultivated. 4-afcre orchard, new fences, best soil; half mile school ; 12-room house; well ; barn tiOxlOO; spring; all necessary outbuildings; cash $500 per year. Address 365 lioufiion St., Portland. "WELL improved 10-acre tract with good buildings, on Southern Pacific Electric line, right at station. Rent $loo per year to good renters. OTTO & II ARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - FURNISHED ranch for lease. 40 cows, work team, wagon, harness; all necessary equipment; cheese factory on place; school nnH rwPtnffice 5 minutes; situated on const: 3-year lease tor sale, $350. AV 739, Oregonian. ONE, tliree, five acres, suitable for war gardens. Close in Oc carline. Cheap rent. Applv owner, corner biHli and E. Stark. Mt, Tabor iM T &&th) car to end, 4 blocks north, one east. 60 ACRES. S miles from Portland; good soil, Trt (iiitivated: house, barn and two acres of orchard. This place can be bought for $500 down and 500 per year. You can see the owner at 306 Corbett bldg. "WANTED by March IS, house with large grounds, fruit, cnicKen runs; r-ortiana suburbs; reasonable rent. Av 700, Ore gonian. 4b-ACRK ranch, all cultivated; fine build ings, fruits, city writer, electric lights, hard street; leaso. 5029 East 5d st. Tabor 4!5. a platk of 25 acres, owner retired. Call four blocks south of Errol station on the Estacada car line; can aiternoon. a. ju Derry. FARM for rent at once: near Dallas; give particulars in Iir3t leLLer. jl. r. x. Iallas. Or. FOR RENT 23 acres. 7 acres cleared, bal ance pasture; 12 miles to Portland; low rent. J. J. Cfthalen, :'." Chamber of Com. FOR RENT- About 15 acres under cultiva tlon. with buildings, near Estacada. AG 3, Oregonlan. WANTED Stocked dairy farm to rent on shares by experienced dairyman, married. 3703 6lHt E. mile from Council Crest. Phone Main 4&31 from 6 to P. M. TO EXCHANGE REATj ESTATE. 2000 EQUITY in 6 acres fine land; mort gage $1000; near station; for equity in 6 room house north of Sandy. D 137, Ore gonian. BEAUTIFUL ocean beach lot. near Los An geies, Cal., for motorcycle. AG 15, Ore gonian. $215 EQUITY 4-room furnisht-d bungalow, St. Johns. 3iaKe otter. J ojj, Oregonian FOR SALE or exchance, 320 acres eastern Oregon land. AG h.0. Oregonian. TO SWAP, 2 lo in Kent, Wash., near Seattle. East C52'.. CLEAR hniife and cash for improved farm. Call 3Q4 V. Oak st. lOR sale cheap or trade, 10 acres at Hood River. H. H. Suter, Milwaukie. Or. SO ACRFJS, under ditch. Eurley, Idaho, for city property. BD 137, Oregonian. 6-PASS. Studebaker, good condft Ion. for bu-llding lot; give phone. V S70, Oregonian. ONE acre at station. Oregon Electric; take lot; give phone. V bSO, Oregonian, to exchange: REAL estate. FOR SALE or exchange: IGO-acre stock, grain, alfalfa and dairy ranch, fully stocked and equipped. 75 acres cultivated and 15 more ready, 50 acres of alfaita, IB acres good, rich bottom land, ail well drained and best of alfalfa land. 20 feet deep; family orchard, tt acres fvne truck garden, hog pastures, clover and potato fields; fenced and cross fenced; balance in good fir timber. Hprings and creeks fur nish running water the year around and two good wells with pump. Good two story house on stone foundation, with front and back porches. Good barn. 4xkh. with extra sheds for wagons and machin ery, A good chicken houie with a lot of chickens, wood shed, smokehouse, cellar. . workshop, etc; L'.sou-lb. team, harness and. w ;i Kons, nacn, S:eigh, mower, plows, culti vators, harrows, disc, double spring tooth, cider press, spray outfit, cream separator, alfalfa cultivator and all kinds of small tools to operate the place. ii5 'head of cattle, mostly milk cowi, one young service bull, hogs, chickens, etc.. anu evcrytnmg Is included. This Is one of the best farms in the country and is located near the Columbia river, less than Joi) miles from Port land. and is adapted to farming, dairying, stock, garden, fruit and grain growing and there is plenty of free outranue for stock. Owner is along in years and wants to retire on small farm up to four or five thousand, some cash, balance time to-suit. Price $17.5oO. Here is a chance to get in right. Cali and let's talk it over. A. J. PRESTON, 422-423 Henry Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. BOAT SACRIFICE. SO-PASS ENOER (ENCLOSED) LAUNCH. NEW, 30 FT. BY 7B. 1S-H. P. ENGINE. ALL IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION Foil BUSINESS. FISHING (INSIDE THE BAR) OR PLEASURE. (CAPACITY 3 ToNSl. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND EQUIPMENT, HEADY FOR SERVICE. GREAT BARGAIN AT $750. DISC. ALL CASH. COST AND WoRTIl ABOUT 2500. EASY TERMS OR PART TRADE. I WANT GOOD AUTO), LIBERTY BONDS ETC. SEE THIS, MAKE OFFER. AM LEAVING THIS WEEK. ADDRESS "i'ATTIdO.V." PHONE MA. IN lttuO OR 1. O. BOX 222. 420-ACTIE DAIRY RANCH on the Columbia river, only 15 miles from Portland; all first-class pasture land; 300 acres cultivated; good house, barn and equipment, 60 milch cows and feO head of stock, cattle, seven horses, hops and chickens; the c-wne.r will tek good income or residence rroperty f.-r this ranch. 31-3U RALPH AC K LEY, SOG Corbett Bldg. SELECT INCOME PROPERTIES. $35,OUO Nets 3250; take clear residence properties for equity; mortgage 10.000. J30.000 Nets $4800; take $5000 cash, $27.- TiOO clear trade; mortgage $17.5u0. $70,000 Nets $1000; take $10,U00 cash, 33.- 000 clear trade; mortgaRe $22,000. $100,000 Nets $13,000; take $20,00o cash, $.-. ,000 clear trade; xnortguge $30,000. OTIS C. BECK, B25 Henry Bldg. Marshall 555S. WANT acreage near Vancouver; will give 80 acres Lin coxa county In exchange. Modern 7-rcom house, with fruit, ga rage, edge of Laurcluurst, for smaller v place. Fine lot near Broadway svnd 24th. for automobile. Three nice acres, close In, as payment on nouse. 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE. GREAT BARGAIN 7 ROOMS) DESIRABLE MODERN HOME. (ROSSMERE) NEAR R. C. P. CAR (ON 3STII ). H. W. FLOORS, FIREPLACE. SLEEPING PORCH, ETC. APPRAISED AT $t;S5O.u0 (CASH LOAN $3000.00. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. WANT SMALL BUNGALOW OR SUBURBAN. ADDRESS WM. PATTERSON, 212 SELLING BUILDING. 09 ACRES of good land, adjoining the city limits of Koseburg, between the city and Kdenbower; tits land is valuable from itrt location and all cleared ot incumbrances It has cost the oreent owner more than $10,000; will exchange It for clear Portland property, income bearing, in the shape of pouses or business property, and if busi ness property w a mania it will assume email mortgage. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 AB1NGTON BLDG. 4RA A PRF.S In Wtirn cotmtv: rood build ings; partly irrigated; completely equipped wan macninery anu siock; grain aim lt-pu on hand for season: a going proposition price 25.OO0, mtg. $5000 ; will exchange for city income. J. S. Sullivan. 40S Henry bldg. 'RA.VDKRRY LAND." $1000 PER ACRE POSSIBLE PROFIT. FOUR ACRES PROVEN DISTRICT -CRANBERRY LAND" NEAR OCEAN" PARK. WASH. ; SELLING NOW $300 TO -inO J'HK. ACRE. MY PRICE FOR FOUR ACRES (AND CHEAP AT) $1000, CLEAR. MAKE O r f tK. OWNER, P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. n.OR IN for FARTHER OUT. AO .. !-. nnim uroved land. 50 miles from Portland, near good town; will trade for cottape at Seaside, Manzanita or Newport hoHphPi "or tor land along the coast of nr,.-..n south of Marshfield. Ak lor Mr. Carlos. THE BRONO CO Vain 1743. 267 V Oak st. t.itmo i. ioA.It Dandv fruit and chicken tlvation 0-room house, bs th and electric lights good barn and chicken houses, ail nri berries: 3 blocks from i- v!(.v twn: trade for Portland h.m?ow. Phone Lawrence Duff, East 5101, evenings. 200-ACRE Baker county ranch; 400 acres ready for spring seeuin; Boou and water, all lenced, completely stocked 1 Hint,i.,i a(-t( and feed on hand ; everything up to date and ready to step right into; price $40,000, mtg. y00u; will exchange euulty for a clear valley farm. J. S. Sullivan. 403 Henry bldg. WANTED LIGHT CAR OR FORD TRUCK For enultv In S20 acres good Improved i., mnrtcnL'A 7 vears. 6 per cent. Pull Information F. F. box 323. Bend, Oregon. WANT PORTLAND PROPEKTr. 80 acres near good town on Pacific high way 05 acres in cultivation; 0-room house, barn, 3 acres in orchard, 2 acres prunes; want house in city. Sfee J. E. Musgrave, WltU G S SMITH & CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE ACREAGE, close to Mllwaukie, just 8 miles irom wornsoii i . . nients, but priced so that you can make a good deal for yourself; terms and can SCANDINAVMANAMERICAN REALTY CO.. FIVE ACKES IJl,"""-"" '.y,,7,d.h.: "m.rr.aT viriies; have Home .p. iuTfl "here lo show; has cost me SJToO; want ViiiSt8 Valley house or aereaKe and IVKie if priced right. Mi, lihode Marshall o4o4. of 55 and l.'.R A v ' . t town. to. trace lot Kolnu Block ranch of equal luj In rnuniy or eastern Oregon. 20,- 000. C. W. Vail. Carlton. Or. l0 ACKES of food land 1 mi.e ?Uthwest ?. r'.1.ythl yo-" have" in W lot. or FOK SA I.E 17li, acres near aiomnom n L1.v.v.;arii- ".r,'m.' tfad;T waVt 4ooo r: long time on balance, 0 per cent. orcKonmn. ton BAir. ,,.nr,-,rt for land lamette .'-' .,,,. Tabor 4jull Kastern Oregon; to -1 V. M. acre. o-. V, ' ,v.rn. ,ii,t sell modern, near stiii", . h in either or trade all lor imp. ir. L) 111, Oregonian. so s.. 5 million feet; will exchange even lor mort- ern o Stark. Marshall 12. ttz . , - i i-t trrain. aiUlia ana ua.1:1.-f -nn of the state; will rJ n Vn property. T. J. Robin son. Sllverton, Or. PARTY with $1000 equity in Pouth Portland iJ,Ln rP-menre desires trade for eact side property bame description. AL 14J, Cre gonian. . SAN FRANCISCO vicinity acreage or Pfop .wv umed for two Portland lotn; $1200 1.. w MMchior. 17 Dorland St., isan FOR SVLE i;r acres on Columbia highway close" to Portland: would take a good res-! idence in pood district on name, balance terms. E 5lS, Oregonian. . . . . r f iMa In srood dlst.. 4Md. Di vision St., for sale cheap or 7eBnge for income. Owner. J. H. McMahon, 'Jood East 4:ld St. Tabor a.tni. . -v .,-rn0 V u:oin NAWDfiri H 11(1 J .. 'n r-iar- r.rooin house. :;0 fruit trees, for or att tart payniHiit on modern o or t room house. Tabor 2500. 100x100 12 room. 2 sun porches, modern, near car. H. school, ex. vacant lots or lm proved acreage. A I' -iH. Oregonian. TIMBER claim to trade for house and lot will rtssume. hvans, jri front st. FOR F A LE or trade, my $1200 equity in 7-room noube. nooaiawa to exchange: REAL estate. FOR EXCHANGE 12&0-acre stock ranch. Lane County, Or., 2 miles from R. R. station; loo acres in cultivation. aL-out 5'") Slashed and seeded to grass; well watered, large houe and two barns. A fine stock proposition. Price $40,ov0. Trade for income property. -JhOu-acre wheat ranch. Alberta. 2300 in summer fallow ready to drill; 1000 acres to buirurier fallow this year, all fenced. Improved with good 7-room residence, bunk house, store building with 8 rooms, large barn, OOiio bu. elevator, with engine, blacksmith shop, hog pens, well and milt; rained ttu.Ooo bu, of grain 1117. 40.OO0 ll"4; price $r.n per am; consider ex change up to $ 120,ooO; balance carried on ranch; warns Income property. Timber Land Bureau, Board of Trade bldg., Port land, Or. LOOK! LOOK! Wanted A well-stocked. Improved farm for one of the finest hotel buildings and grounds' in the city for sale or trade; 3 fctorles, solid brick building. 52 rooms, fur nished throughout ; 5 stores, all rented ; large poolroom. with fruit and cigar stand; everything: goes as it stands; price iS-i.ooO. Aiho i lots, close In ou canine. My health is the reason. Give full par ticulars in answer. Owner. Hotel Newton, 2 2d and Ballard, Seattle. Wash. WANTS PORTLAND PROPERTY. v Have big southern Oregon farm, 140 acres in bearing orchard, loo acrs apples. bet varleiif-s, and 40 acres pears. 6 acres other land in cultivation. Good buildings stock anu equipment for operating. Price i.Oio. Trade for fortland property, iniprovtd or unimproved, and will aasume on good income property. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamoer of Commerce. 61 ACRES of river bottom and Tlley la ml. 2. miles from Portland. 4W A- cult., near Pacific highway; 75 bead of cattle, 6 horses and farm tools, owner will trade this farm snd some cash for a wheat or "Lock ranch in eastern Oregon, 2-5-30. Ralph Ackiey. 308 Corbet bldg. HAVE you city property or large Umber tracts to trade lor large improve ana well-equipped dairy ranch or other desir able tarm properties; or have you a good stock or dairy ranch, either fully or part ly equipped, to trade for good income bearing city property? If you have, be sure to call and kte us. for we have Just the thing you are looking for. TUCKER c tHKECK. 11U2 N. W. Bank Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSES TO TftADB. Brick apartments and flats on good SOoxllH) cormr; brings in about 50uO a year. Prico $27,500. 'lake trade to $15000. ioiaII amount of cash, balance mortgage. Modern brick apartments on went side, corner, nicely furnished; rentals over $7000 a year. Price $45.0jO. Take $25,0vt In trade, balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamoer of Commerce. EXCHANGE FOR MODERN HOME. 2 -FLAT BLDG. SHOW $60 INC 7 TH AND BROADWAY; VAU $G5u0. G. ('. GOLDEN RERG, ABING TON BLDG. "35 Tears in Portland." Main 4803, WANT CITY HOME FOR FARM. 14 ACRES AT CANBY. All In cultivation, level; 300 7-year-old trees, good, plastered j-room house, with water ; 60'i-hbl. cistern, good driven wel chicken house, barn ; ready for spring crop. This property belongs to a city niiin and be wants to sell. Price. $45ou. SMITi-W AGON ERf CO.. STOCK EX. W0-ACRB STOCK RANCH, Two hours from Portland: all fenced. woven wire; modern buildings, electric lights, etc.; orcnara; gooa roau; uniuniita out ranee, tine tc rass. rolling land, tfleaty for feed In cultivation. Price $41,000; in- ciimbrancA Xll.uitO. An ldekl stock propo anion, but 1 can't use ft. What ana 1 offered? AL 141, Oregonian. FARM TO EXCHANGE. WANT PORTLAND PKOPERTT. Have 230 acres irood land, 6 -room bouse barn, plenty outbldgs.. family orchard, live creek and spring, 25 miles from center of Portland ; clear or ueot. RITTER, I-OWE & CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WILL exchange a djirble and weil-localed six-room house, modern; 4Uxou corner tot with garage; property free from indebted ness: e-ood surroundlnirs. close in. east side; want a somewhat larger house in desirable location and will assume a moderate amount of incumbrance. Please describe your property fully, with price and amount of indebtedness. L 852, Oregonian. GRANTS PASS FARM. EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND. 10 ti acres on Savage creek, clear of debt; will take Portland property for all or part. RTTTER. LOWE A CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. APARTMENT FOR TRADE. Brick apartment house, furnished, atl full, paying about 7 net;good location, always full; price $37,Ouo, mortgage $14, OO0; will trado for clear property. What have you? Might assume some. E ttlo, Oregonian. 440-ACKE WHEAT RANCH. I have 440 acres In Gilliam Co.. Oregon; about 350 acres tillable; buildings, fences and water; 1 miles from station; price $30 per acre; Incumbrance $5300; will trade clear for clear or aaurue. What have you? AL 154, Oregonian. VALLEY FARM FOR TRADE. Highly Improved farm with new build ings in Willamette Valley. Price $12,000; clear. Trade for improved Port-land prop erty to full value. LUEDDEMANN COMPAXT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres, near Ft. Rock, Lake Co.. Oregon; good soil, about all cleared. homestead buildings, well- wind mil I. no incumbrance ; will consider good house and improvements on 2 or more acres near Portland. P. O. box 122, Hod River, Or. Vk-;T SlIiK APAKTMENT. a furnished auartmenta. always full; fine Income; good building, close in, fine locit 4n Iirii-A Sl.VOOU. IHOrL OOU will'trade and assume small amount. What have you? AG oregonian. 1 HAVE placed with me $50,000 worth of unimproved property, wen locaiea, n rtou town, eastern Oregon, no incumbrance. win pnniiiitr fxchutiC6 for Income prop erty In Portland, and will assume. L, K. Aloore, 11 xsoaru ot -i. 1 fcO ACltES. unincumbered. $40O0; 11 miles E. Vancouver, Wash, 5-room house, barn, well, creek, about R acres cleared. Trd for lots, house or close-in acreage. Owner after 5 P. M. MarsnaU 57b5, or write AC 477, Oregonlan. TMonnvrn f, r-m with stock and machin mrv amn Bom A rOOQ CI I V urouoiiJ, ' o.0oo; will offer equity of $2,0O0 in above for good vacant business corner that is clear of xntg I- K- Aioore. 317 Board of Trade. . t rirtu i''iO' AVE. Tt..iTioa And residence. 7-room bouse. SOxHi); all Improvements paid; ale or trade; big chance tor sumeuuw. bt h. 155 N I AM looking for n up-to-date farm not over oO miles irom niruanu n. "vuan.. for a line piece of Inside income property In Portland, value $35.M0. John K. How ard. K15 Chamber of Commerce. t.- - --u r: t." Two fi-roo m cottages. one in valuable property, for modern home, assume. Hawthorne district preferred, 13C 8M. Oregonian. CASH grocery and acre witn i -room riome, concrete wbiks, vn w.n. i kinds of fruit; clear; for J'OOO to $tOt0 runch all stocked, on good auto road. Owner. 145 rn st. WANT SMALL FARM FOR LARGE ONE. i7iu..rra nice valley farm, stocked snd equipped, value $12,500. Take small farm n:ir Portland as part payment. F. FUCHS, 42Q Chain, ot Com. S4VtO MODERN 7-room nouse. txrnanc" tor w-acre larm, ei. . miles Portland on good road. Address Owner, 42S Oregon st. SELL or exchange for fewer, lm acres ner Pacific highway. J mues ironi Vancouver. X'rice at which you will buy. Box 112. Con trails. Wash. MODERN HOUSE FOR LOIS. 5 rooms, modern, Kenton dlst.; price $2in0, clear, for lot. Alberta pre I erred, j. Mdiutr' 545 Union ave. N. W I LD trad for small farm, 1 fW acres 25 mllCS irom t.rsngevni-, i"o-nu. vwuiny road, with all improvements; value $000. Pn&p. t 10, Oregonian. . - EX CHANGE 120 seres unimproved land. W a SCO CO., aim .vv in "i uiwjcui . or 0-room bungalow. Will assume small amount. G 15, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE Brick building. Income $12.nOO year; price over iwo.,vj, r. cash and clear real estate. Y 151, Orego nian. SO ACRE5 of good land. 12 miles from Port land, price $45u0; will exchange for a 5 or O-rOom modern houne. E. J. GE1SER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. 50x100 S. E. corner fifct h snd Tillamook ; value $10(Hi; exchange for lot. acrtaca or auto. YV. C. Osboru, G212 2',th ave. i. E. Seattle. Wash. W A NT ED Slump land or unimproved suit stile for cultivation. In exchange for 10 r-i-iK with feet of timber. Yai hill county. Owner, 222 IT. 8. Dank bldg. CLE R Improved residence lots for Mult nomah or Clarke Co.. Washington acreage, Y 1:12, Oregonlan. M Y equity of -"on In a house a nd lot for nuto. dlnmonds or what have you? Phone Tabor 2ni. vor SALE or trade. 2 quarter sections good land, clear, Frsnkl In Co., Wash. Phone E. 2257. Address Hetle. 21 1 a Cherry rt ri.KAR lm Droved residence lots for euuit y in Portland or Vancouver modern home. Y iai. oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. IRRIGATED K1VEK BOTTOM RANCH. loo acres In Famous Roicue River Val ley, f ui ly fjul pped and ready to move right on and get results, Aoout one-naif under ditch; perpetual water right lui.y p-ild ; big supply water and low main tenance cost ; guod buildings and lots of f irsi -c lass equipment und some stork. P ace easily worth $l2v5ttO W'ill consider stock of merchandise or good income prop erty. For particulars cull . SCANDINAVIA. V-A M E K I CAN REALTY COM PAN Y. 212 l.umbermens Bldg. 1-3 ACREiS, highly Improved. 8-room I house, good repair, modern city conven iences, insurance 270o; close to suburban at a., .i. niinues out: vilua H: mort- gag $ Kxt; want house in city for e-uulty ur iota in Laurelhure-t or near lloed coi kge, or lots in lnivrsity district. Seattle, 3 acres. 8-room bungalow, garage, barn. cnirntn nouse. ele: cltv conveniences: modern; -value mH: vnnt mod-rn house I up 10 ikm'ii; balance Ion time; a ety cuoice suonrban home. It, M. (iATEWoOD CO.. ' 165 Fourth t. u6 ACRES. 1 mile of Barton. Or $ 1.800 1 acres, i niL of Barton on Clack amas river 3,200 t;o acres, 3 ml. of Estacada. house, 800 fruit trees, creek, good soil S.fvOO Good Portland, property 2.51K) Total $10,000 win sell or trade part or all for 200 or non-acre unimproved stock, ranch. 1L F. .!Uon. barton. Or. 100X100 pT,Drl. OX 4TH. 60. OOO. PART TRADE. This la a good place for jobblnc house or maaufrtrturing concern. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ISaCHANQH OR SALE Grocery; also 2-stoi-y building; 8 housekeeping rooms up stairs, living rooms m rear upper floor; brines stlo rnt h location, near park; value $5o0O; will take modern 6-room house In lrvlngton or any other good district In Portland. 310 v. etn. Vancouver. Wash. 0 LOTS on a 20ox210-ft. block, all clear, and most of It planted in bearing fruit trees; 0 blocks from Tremont station on 72d st. f- E.. JUAt OULald cltv limlfi Ir1 $1500. Wiil take tight automobile or de-I ivery car as iirst payment, rest to suit 1 o per cent interest. AL A, tic busier. 2 ntn st. N. -O ACRES. 4 miles of Newport. Or, good 7-ruom nnuse .i.xju, path, Dutch kitchen. Dig unfinished attic, two plows, one har row, one cultivator, other small tools; 4 1 acres Cleared, some ennd itAndlnr llmhor. lots of outrange; value $1500. will assume to c-vio. am chamber of Com merce. SO ACRES, 2 miles from railroad station; all good. ti:table land, except what is run- nine stream; no rock or gravel; county road, house, some clearing, bal. easliy ciearca; piece lor soo: will sell or ex change for property in city. AK 170, Oro- U H.N ISHED CotttiM a rnoma snd attle. lot ftoxloo, on bluff overlooking Ocean at Agate Beach, near road to Yaqulna Head lighthouse, for small property in or near Portland or as part pa v ment towards building a new house. Mrs. A, Ewatt. i-innton. tr.. it. jr. X-. 1. "our.u.N nouw, six finished and two tin finished roomrt, fuil cement basement, fur nace, lot fiOxlOO, garage, roses, hard-surface Street, best r Mrvlr In rllv (a v. change for S to & acres Improved, electric I lis nis, gooa rosa. t Oregon City lino pre- FOR SALE or exchange, new 4-rm. mod. uunsaiuw, near scnool, on Mt. Scott car line; lot 40xloO ft.; price $l5o0; will take lot In any good district In N. E. part of f urimuu up 10 aouu ana oo or more cash. oai a per teuu 440 lay lor at. Main .1 IO. $7000 EQUITY, fine farm. Lane county. Ore gon: good location, fine soil and good springs, fenced and cross fencnH. vnnri roada, situated on railroad; 7-room house I una oarn, otner DullUinga, Investigate. l&hO ACRES Mostly good land, with over thirty million feet timber, easy to log and on stream: value 35.0oO. clear of Incum brance; want apartment house or business property or stock of mdse. up to $50,000, ' ccnuiter. ancouver. Wash. 8-ROOM house, bungalow type; living room, 'Z bathrooma, a lota, 1 4 blks. from Mt. econ car, jiyrna putk; outbuildings, gar- uen, iruit, cnicKen run; want 0 or 6 rooms. paved dlst. Call at 5031 4 2d ave.. labor 1 evenings. CLEAR Hood River rMld-nca. aImo 1 A.air Hood River bearing orchard, small 6 per cent mortgage ; want one or two Portland houses or other property, will assume and aua ensn. owner, Est 1304 Sundays, .Main oi weeKanys. TAKE liberty bonds for mv eouitv In 2-flut nouse, tiura-surt ace street, s2hu; 10OO in- cumDranrp; 12m for my equity in 6-rm. house, $14(K. $550 mtg. ; $7no for equity. monthly rental $50. nr. Portsmouth school. Owner. Dwighr, Columbia 27H. loO A. WHEAT land. In Harney Co., Oregon, three miles north of Harney lake, no In cumbrance, to trade for Spokane property or land near Hpokane. Wash. sVank fellver. w 2 ii uroaoway ave., Spokane. CHOICE 1W acres. imlmDrovei level land. some timber, near good stream ; could be irrigated with email expense; might ex change for house or lots. What can you oner: r. o, uux .04, city. FOR TRADE Ten acres at Crewwreil. Or.. on nrst payment lor a nx or seven-room modern bungalow rn Portland. Phone isnor mul. oetween l ana 4 Sunday P. J. onjy, y owner. WANTED To exchange six-room house with large sieeprng porch, four lota set to cholcs xruit ana oerries. near utka W aahlngton. teattle, lor sin nil modern resilience, in I'oruana. aq. hoi !... bteven?on. Wash. 1LL exchange six lots In good town In xine 011 ana gas locality in Oklahoma, for residence property in Corvallia. or., or will sell for cash. A. H. Wright, 2000 Monroe st.. Cor vat Ms, Or. MoliERN 8-room house, lot 50x100, close In. East Side, near new post of lice, free snd clear; will consider 5-rooift bungs low ; prefer lot IGOxlOJ, or what have you ? &TRICTLY modern up-to-date InMntton home to exchange for good highly Im proved river-bottom farm that is wort h around $J0.o0o; will puy cash difference. r rv. oregonlan. 8-ROOM, full-basement house, large lot. value $l0(H. incum bra nee $ 1 000 ; on paved at., IO minutes out. Woodstock car; for Improved screage. K. 11, Oregonian. WILL trade clear eastern Oregon timber land for ciesr, vacant in or near Port land, or will arsume on a house. Owner. O 441, ur"nnninn. A PIN E targe home in lrvlngton to trade for farm, win give or take difference must be good land and Improved. Owner, Y 14', orenonian. WILL exchange 10 acres-wlth rurmlng wnter I on It near Anderson station, on the Esta- cana line, tor a nouse and lot in .Portland; win assume. Phone Oak Prove 4J. $5oo0 EWCITY In a 9-room house, closo in. east side, m on ern ; win exensnge I or cot tage at Newport of same value. T. S. Lawrence, Si 1 Larch at., city. Ko i t sale or trade. 5-room cottaca, gas, hot water. Dutch kitcnen. psnii-v. closet a bath, full cement basement; take acreage or Ford truck. Call at 17H Cnruthers, city. HAVE rt-KOOM MODERN HOI'S F.. also B lots. Saiem ; t rads for house In tell wood; difference CAiili. Aod. 74 East 1.1th su. cltv. CHOI ' E 7-roon home in the heart of Laurel hurst for stock of men's goods In northern California or Oregon; must be live town of 40.QOO or larger c.ii,urcgoniaa. WILL trade ItiO acres timber land In Skaslt Co., Wssh., for a late-mndel Bulck or I Dodge auto. O 4-i, oregonian. FOR sale or trade, house and lot at The! Dalies, nose in. ror iota in i'ortiacd. Ad- dress 1122 fa;, btn st. n. FOR SALE or trade. 2 acres In Grants Pass,! Or., witn puiiuings on it. Aiartm fallen. t'rimas. v ash. 160 ACRES wheat land, clear, near Hepp- ner. for lrnnaiea Tarm; oou. Owner, I 1b'2 Haven at., roriiana. PORTLAND property, trade for Oklahoma or Texas una. can or write V524 5aih avo. s. E. 8 A LE or trado, Lincoln comity goat or sheep rancu. gooa uuii'iiiign ana lenre. 1 in lien from R. R. station. Call at 1S14 Siskiyou. MODERN home, hs.f acre. 70th st. S. F... for house closer in; pay some vssU dif ference. UC b45. Oregonlan. IF YOIT are In the market to buv or to ex change realty send to Hox 275. Salem. Catalogue of property listing free. 11 AYE two unincumbered lots, corner 24th and Alberta streets, to trade for west aide acreage. H. Hraudt. care Buitrflld Rr.-s. WILL exchange arm st Woodstock, value $ l ni)0, for remodeling old house. AH 7 2, OrcKonlan. WANTED House or equity In Irvtngion In exchange for timber in Jackson county. East 4ul2. MY 250 equity In 7-rocrti houte In Laurel hurst for small bungalow. Tabor fdj5. PA Y cash f'r seller's nni ract, first and H-eonrt mortgages. nj, Henry bldg. WHAT iiave you for Colorado property free cf Inrum nrancer isunr e LODI. CAL.. fine home, for Oregon acrea AN 3. oregonian. 1 1-TON truck; Main 1540. will trade for real estate. GEARHART cottage to eschar for lot. Elltey. 1W 'j rounn. .'u:n j -..t. W HAT rtnve you to t rnde for my equity in Uu Ilue loisc tv, vrcawuwu. TO , EXCHAyOE RKA1 K STATE, A. B, C. EXCHANGE. V A. O sere-, sll In cutlvstlon In bst part of the Willamette Valley. 27 miles from Portland on a paved hi grim ay. Exrnange its appraised value for Portland res idence. B. 10 acres with beautiful lmorovements at Tigardvllie to exchange for a larger ranch or city property. Owner bat spnt $12.Km) on inis property. J uat tue yiac iwr city man. c. -room eottsice on Belmont at- Worth f4oto. clear of Incumbrance, to exchange fnr WlMnmette improved ranch. Will pay to $4000 cash, difference. i . We ran match anv exchange. If yon have city property for farms or farms for city, don't fall to see us. BT. CHARLES LAND CO., t Farm lir.l Prrin IIls. It Ft. TharU Hotel Lobby. 2o4 Morrison Ft. DANDT HOME AT "CNION. OR." ABOrT 2A ACRES, NT.AR CTTT f'HOOli. FAIR 5-KOOM HOUSE. B P.N. ET . WELL LOCATED. (UNION IS A DESIRABLE HME ITY IN "GRAND RON" DK" VALI.KY). TH IS PROPERTY OFFERED FOK $2"00. WHAT HAVE lOU TO Or FtH IN EXCHANGE WOKTli ABOUT 1000 (AND ASSUME I,rNG VI. MK A Ml TAJ A N SlOutlk? I ASSUME SIMILAR AMi'l'NT, MKillT PAY CASH IMKFERENCK. ADDRESS PATTISON, OWNER. 212 SELLING BLDG. GOOD farm and fxlr.i fine bii!ines building; income troni bnlidlng per month ; valued St $2SO.OOO; will trade for bumnfl building in Portland. Real money maker; 70 cows, horses hogs and implement ; 1113 acres; 70 acres river bottom. 4'.3 acrea upland, most all tillable; over two mil lion feet good timber: good buildings, extra fine water, well; located on mam line between satt le and Portland, 2. miles from Portland. Value $75,0O0; will tak good city properrv as part payment. J. B. Atkinson, 112 West 6th sc. Van coti v er. W as h. "HOOD RXVER.- M LOTS. RTHTTT rSf CTTT, NTtAR HOTEL. ASSESSED AT $2400. REALLY WORTH $5000. f CASH LOAN ON THIS 100. lXNO TIME. REAL EQUITY $4000. THESE ARE WELL- Lot' A T E D IjO TS IN DESIRABLE PART OF CITY. MAKR OFFER ON THIS BUY OR EXCHANGE WILL ASSUME OH PAT CASH DIFFERENCE. ADDRESS OWNERS, P. O. BOX 222. POKTLAND. WILL exchange nice 6-room modern Lnnga- low, inn size lot. cement retaininr wall. sidewalks, street graveied but not paved; cement oasement. lurnace. gooa pain fix tun-s, some built-in eaects, including nic buffet : near 24 1 h and A I herta. Mortgage or iwu. payaoie o per montn, a four or five-room house, modem, clear of incumoranr. WAKRFII7LD 1TTJSIC CO- Broadwsy 4'.2 weekdays. This afternoon and eA'cnlng. Wood awn 54."o. ACREAGE AND FARM TRAUta. 10 seres, all calti a led. and M-roem house for cltv. 3 1 acres, improved, for large city home ana rour lots. 1t0 acres, 1S3 cultivated, show place. stock and Implements. Including" new tractor, for city snd cash. THOMAS EST ES. 7 Oak St. TO TRADE FOR Bt'XOALOW. 160 acres on LewLs river. 4t arrM sreod bottom land, some genuine beaverdaxn. about 6 cleared, soma o4d po IM in ks, snorx a-.y from hard roarf. This will maJce an excellent farm. Will sail on good, terms or trade rua am emu 1 nc a.;2ov. STEWART BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. $4000. 8-rm. house on 14th. st.. In I rvinrton place in good condition; will exchange for 5-acre or larger place close to good town witn nign school racint tea, Mr. Mur.i with Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE farms and sereaere tracts of all aizes for sale and exchange, also have city property lor rarma; come in and w w ill match you on almost any kind of an ex change. Talimadge Realty Co.. 61d Henry Dldg. FOR TRADE 240 seres. 1 mile north of Monmouth: fine soil, well drained; priced ricm; possession can eurn st on will take good resuienre on :ime; small cash pamvnt. balance terms, owner, DD 10, oregonian. TWO ACRES, cultivated, level and on good open road half mile south or Ard-n waid station. Want good Portland house and will aasume some if priced right. My 2 acres worth $2250. MUa Rhode. Marshall 5454. v 320 ACRES of wheat land. Morrow county; bullvllngs, water. muchinery. horsi-s; owner unable to work It; for saTe or ex change Portland property, very reason able. McClure A Schiuauch Co., 30 lUtil way Exchange bldg. WESTERS PROPER"! Y WANTED FOR Kansas City house. $10.tHo, rental 50 per month. aUso 2'0 acres in nor tn ern Oklahoma in oil pert ion. IT. ti. HOKTUACiti St I XV. CO., COT Yean Didg. Main -118 HAVE screaga in town of Monroe, Southern Or., for sa e or exchange for Port land property ; will consider house equity or room l rig house ; value $2000. Malu 2274. Mr. Oustaff. 20-AC RE HOOD RIVER RANCH. 2 acres near Hrnul River. 0 seres In orchard, fair bulldit.RS. to exchar.xe f r Portland property. tiiifr in nty. S ee lr. Cannon, Derr 4k. King. ;i'4 Onk rt. WHAT have you to trade for $32HY equity In li0 acres in a good dry-rurrn uumct In southern Idaho? Mortgage $2100. that runs 7 years at 8 per cent, and is rented out for term of 3 yars. D 141. Oiegonian. 55 AT RES. river frontsge, and 2 city lots with some cash ; traae tor 6-room bun galow, close in. Main 6320. iiruadway 31W5. To EXCHANGE fr California property, lot txl 14. on car line; goi location ; c:ear ; all improvements In and paid to tiate. $1500. V y. .rt'onin. 40x100 LOT, clesr of incumbrance, will tra ie as pari payment on modern Dungai'tw ; give full details first answer. A t74. ore- pon lan. 13 CHOICE building iota, no mortr .irr. will trade for modern lm proved, and m Ik lit n hsu me. Mornings, Tabor v45; evening h. Main 3710. I SIX-FAMILY flat. IKK month income; cash price 1mhk; ii take part ncnaiiK city or country property at cash alue. 215 Lumbermt-ns bldg. LoTii l-'l-l 4. bhck 17. liurelhurst. low value $2vhj. and some d!ff-rence tor rmsll ranch. ParUculara to Hull, 313 23d N., I'ort land. BRICK liL'ILDIN'G Income $115 a month, U.oH, for al lev I arm. oldecumidt 1 Agen-y, iStook Exchange bldg. OARAOE building for sale or trade. 60x70 feet. Ground floor. .No. 10 Chamber of ommerce. V I LL trade 3 beach lots st Newport, Or., for what vnu have or sell cheap. Call Mirthall IG'K. S.N A P ; splend :d New berg farm, 217 seres. stock, implements, lor cn-h stia home city improved property. 21 Cham. Com. Al BUNGALOW, aeven-rom house, to apply on f trm lease and equipment : house was built for ci home. W 22. Oregonlan. bO A'RES, 55 bottom land, creek, on rock road, close to R. It. and tow n, for city property. BF .HI. Oregon an. 20 AR I f .nt t uncitereU fruit land in WuKtunxtna rear 1 - vie, for lot In Mount Scoi . Tel. East M. PROPERTY Portland. Seattle and California for property anv s'.nto Untied States. Give telephone. V t7t. orearonlRiv lo ARKS ttm fruit land. f'.Iumbia river Mithway, heiwen and Tne Dalles, for V Sl. Cregonin. RESIDENCE, eastern Kanssa lot. KnsMa Cliv. Mo., for Portland property. TaOor 27 K 52. Oregonian. W A NT ED eort land residence for en-roiti house snd two lots near uni erttv, Eu gene, Or. Address 814 W. eth. ancouver. ttJO At" RES. 120 cultlv.l; l-r, fern m. buildings. f-r cltv pr.r,Ttv; what have you? Stratum. 217 Ab.ngton bldg. rOR SALE or exchange. 110 acres of yellow pine in Wheeler county tclear. Call Wood) awn 25i. 4-STOUY bri.'k butldlnc ! trade tvr M. K., .MT, ;orttelt Dldg. Sl" HTLY corner lot. Ros City Park, and rash for hungaiow. East fcoJ TO KXCII AT.E MISCFI.IANOr. TRADE OR SA I.v; Wood and coal ranre with roll ; want kitchen heater, rug or furniture. Tabor 523. FKMINKNT piano and vocal teacher will exchange lesaous for dental work. A 41. oregonian. lu'lxKK) COR., VANCOl VFR. Wssh. ; ciesr, for good used car. Gay M. Anderson, 5 3 5 K ImvIs at. fciXC U A NGEFi rat -class dent u I tturk for tailoring or kalsoiulnlng. V 6uv, Orego- rian. DEAD horses taken quit kty; cash paid cows and crippled horse. Tabor 4"J WILL trade standard upright piano for F o rd car. Main 7-'4K. ..o VACl'l'M ciraner for Corona typewriter. I . Dnvls. boi ;i4i. Kalama, Wash Fi'R garK-. c-onrrelo rtrl-e, flotr!. walks and ret a in in g wsUsj, Hoxin Sell. 2'tit' FoR SALE 2-year-oid Jersey calf. Did son. Sell w-ood 25 12. 14 1 East :t!t h st . S-PASSWIER 8tud-haker rr piano. Sellwood i7 5i today. for fuuil LKELELE for what have you. Main 629. TO avXCHANGE MlSCFLXANOr. CANADIANS OR, OTHERS rIng to Can set ft : Have a patent wort ri thousands of liars. m:r. a!t'i 25 cent). slls lor 1.50. Fine tr irai order or exMtt. Tr ue for small h list s' rea se. a.ant ht , or what have you M. o. On. 4 .12 Chamber of ( nmni r. c l"rvie Main 25.V Suntisy. Marshall 5I'5. 5oxlHJ LOT. Whrat.and add . Portland, tiru Mt. Hood R. R. ; a uc -'0'; will tr.i fr lltM-rt v bonds r sum el htn g usef il : would iomitler mahogany Victroia. AM t.'re- WHAT tr.i'1 you trad for new matches, m us l . p 1 pew. sea rf pins, m- i ! e t s. p --r k t kiilven. pinchers or a $5 ro.dpiece. watcii ai d i h:iif 7 El Paree. 37o oih st. W rP.e wT-nt Nnii hrtve. uUxltO LOT. 5-ruoin shack house, water and In, berries and 6 bea rin g fruit trevs; ".0; will take team homes and was on. i73 E. 7Jth at N. Rose I'-ty ear. COFFEE null. chee cutter, typewriter. K .-it-key und Kawolino it Kb tin; system. I.r tent, .32 Colt's luionrntir, dinmonds or nryihtig I can u. 14"-s Frn st. TO TRADE I2i seres, over 2.ni0.iWM ft. timber. valu 1.Vmi; wsnt smm! autiiri'' Mle. will psy ! trrVrencr. Audrc.-S 71- . 1 n St., A Hnt'rtnvf r, AVah. TO TRADE Desirable lot for summer cot- tce, nenr o'Mn, at Ny H.-rh, Newport, tr.. for good ponv ten in. huptrv n nf Im r neK. Dr. if. J. Mtnthorn. Newport, Or. $1 .0 MOVlNii pieture machine. A I shnpe. i or saie or ira lor got hlycle. 120 Eswt Harrison st- Taoor 4ivs. WILL take rvid work horses or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith. 229 Alder st. ron PAi.r. II or ehlclee, I.I vetw-1r. "OR t-ALE D'O hend sD-purpose borne?, ni5Q irom l"'U to 1.5'. from 4 to 12 oiq. tn.s stuir is a.l from eastern ah ingtnn ana Oregon; not all fixed up there In rouch lust mm thev came In frum il-n winter's rouKhing, not ail pohahr a up. but i ii v iooi is tner rrt.iy to ko to work t mny ninu ot worit; all guaranteed represenrea. Liberty bonds mid a nnrov-,1 notes. Wsgons. harness of all klntis. luil ciienr. t-ront. Crown stabUi. 5 COW a, f. he,frs nd 1 bull calf, ail born since Derrmbf r 2 1. l:il S; one 2-year-o:d Iju.I; a.l thoroughbred reentered Is'.and of jersey stock; perfect condition. An oppor tunny lor a goo-l start fur someone who oe-ires thoroughbred i:ok. J. A. ttrow oriuaiM, ii ip-caing bldg.. 1'oruand, or. i nun ,l A I n A '. '.. TWO big log .r lumber teams mlth heavy iurnv. & general purpose team snd hr re..., ages to h: heavy snd light frm wagons, good rubber-tired buKT and ainn.e i'S- nots, C.uuruntei d ana it.'st ui lon d. This stuff must bo so id at one. Come and make offer. 5I t Northrup st. !' h st. or N and S car North. 7 lli-.AD of good yourg farm marcs, al b.ork y and fine bui it, cntle snd goo J orkers, eight from 1J te 100 ; :. each; also 3 extra good b g cows end" 1 heavy springer. 1 sinR.e m.ire snd n sets or harness, wil :i at bar rain. Wood -stock car to Powe.l st.. 3 blocks eat to M. or rati Setlwood 7 17. 1EN HEAD mar-j and homes, with harn: sees 7 ta 10 ears, WeU nt Hoo lo lt"' Its. You can pick a gooa ranch team, or ill seii any of t hee horsH iinsi'; i-o top bucrv and light top spring agnn n.l a .i1 running gear. :2 ivnoit St., a b k. of I ntun ave. IO FRESH COWS, some large Durhanm. some Inrg Jery.'j.i; 4 to 6 gai. pr d.v. Will sell or trudo for beef cows. lltiO cadam st-, outa Port land t ar to end f litis. 3 blocks south. 1 bioclc eat in pasture. FIVE head mules, with harness; fa4 and sound. 1J0O to 150O lbs.; mul kind, good niniAlf; harness, msgoi.s, ploa, pr;nc tooLb. harrow potato ti igger. near-new Ham wagon, 3 V -inch. Call Iulto tabe, 1'i'h and Jefter-on st. HOH.-KS WANTED. Just received a car.oad of good touhc horjvos anu mares. weiK ht from 1 o 17-nu; all oung and sound; all hor guar anteed as rprctKr.t. d. C. tables, 2iS Kront st. O. D. WiUiarr.s UA learn, weisht about 2550 H-a. 6 and M years o'd. and sound, which we hae been ur !r.g on our transfer wagons, but must sell. Portland Van A Storage Co., 1Mb, nd Kearney. Ask f.-r Mr Uncrr- Wl I-L arrive Carhind of horses ir.-iii Run le va.l.-y. Liue liori--s are v.. i ; : :. ,1 en : t-m hore. wel h in 1 I i i - to 17oo !h.-.; prices frmii 5 n i , -i ji.i.v O. K. M..y,ltt. K. tt li snd I'l.uio- i . ItN reKistere.l Jersey cow s and lred h-.f - er. one t'u.i. tr.e ery heat: thu lui'l j,--peclilly bred lor tins herd ; pr.c ej lor quu k k1. J. V. Exon. Wood o urn Or. r--uTe ;t. 1.1.1, cheap, 3 b. oung lea ma of farm marrs. g.-ntiw and hom-st uf'i everv where; wi l trade for tattle or light cr 2:ti n und re'.l Bt. Wo".i"iin k r $!. KL IS pair of chunk. Mookv. l and ft years. 22h il ; good harm, light farm wagon. MoutT St ott mr lo ith ave. In quu at Wcstpier grocery sttre. S5 HL'VS a nice f:it gray borne, wriKht 1J lbs. ; Work anyw acre; pintle, a I tig e l, nf-s and hiiKgy. Muuni Scot t cm r to ;. ave. I nnuli e a t V i.-.lovT k rnnrv To.".;EN III KG. .unen 1 grade buck Kale. l;Mjt. - kids t ro m choice mark r motit .Su-i Goatcry, lull East lrvii.B st. A DAIRY, cow s and route sell in r L'7 g.ii- Ions of milk a tiay. Call four blocks of Errol htmion on the Estacada car liie af lernootiM. A. E. lerr. NOTh'B Carload Eastern Oregon horse mures; weight 12otl. 1 400. uses 4. ail broke and 'guaranteed. tStablca Ea-t fit h and Clay sts. WANTKD Heavy team horses; must be oung witn trial allowed; liolstein cows or hvif-ra to ext hnK for v.,iue. J. Uramuall. nerw ood. ir. Po 1 1 SA LE said le in are, a'.l gai ; good King s unver. 12 enrs old. pretty m' for ehieriy ierson; cheap. 1'ml Quelle 2a Froill. Crow u i-' ta 1:. w A .N 1 ED 4 or 5-jtu: ion f t esh cow ; 5 p.-r ni or over; r-yitertd pi ,-uTeu re..s..ii. it.;- for cah. 41 4bth ave. E. l'Jione fe. . ,,o-t -i. SMALL black mare. 5 yara old; gentle to nutj or tirive: aj 12"u-ir. hois.-, ti jt-ats old ; Ko-mj ittid hub ran teed vno.i u.,ri...- Wo. i. arii. 4th ai.d t 'lay mn. 4 a . i h; v.M and hrnM,; 7 and yr,i- old. 2..u lbs.; work stngi or tluubte. Yood ni. 4th and ("lav M. bt.A D tK k removed quickly. Cuati paid for Heal cows siid crippled horses. Paon MUwauk:e 6jJ for ifuiis. FOR SAlTl-. 2 frchh Hcd;ein-J, rsex s. r.lce. gentle fair.i.y twwf. they nut lo Bold. 1 J5 'hai it ton st., St. Johns. A G00D Hoisieln cow. sIkjui 4 years old, coining fresh in April; a good family co! Call at 5o2 i;ajt lSth st. S. i-h'HT '..' EIGHT horse, h a mesa and ca 1 1 for deher purpo.-s; for sale t heap. Gt.jti s. i ave. . r. r'none 1 a t-or 4 .. LUriT team true pullers to trade for cow. in if 9 or chickens, or atiat ba: you. J D 1 1 am a iron. M il m aukie. .r. TWO small horses, true snd guaranteerl Iho uouhle harness snd farm hat k. lu.'li E.ut 1 atTihill. FoR SALE ik'ss. can 1 1 - a y team hoi ei. trurk. hr bt bouKi.t at fciuut barcatu. 1 ae ron REGIS1EKKD HolMcin Dull. k U moau, ;-r e. liul.nau Fuel Co. bat a. L. u;a and Don sta ONE luroc niontna. for Jersey blood ! ftD 1 .. sow. u t -re ion un. ;Al,i; A cow. I- itiiikiin. ti.2 Frankiiu. Last 2lth DEAD hordes snd smmnis hauled sway free. Portland :iiiJrrinwOtCail Uondiavn 20 FOR SALE hwrtieK.t. : -Alnios 'U I'm new n live f n rm w it 1 . -N. or K.. 1-OGG 4 1P' buck. 5 months onl. Phone li. Hetl-.ter. Card, n 2- E.Mi-oLl Jeisey r S. E 4b2J 5ai Ix I Oii I A i.k. jti '.2-!. Jn Pi--a . I - nlt.. l's 11 r: in h. u: .1 of Le WA r Itest bit ru Min in giod Ijr.n team ami outfit. 75 2'lh st. North. :t S LE You 1 e T.-tK'-nl'i 2:"l K. 7 2d td. M. . ii FR a.VLE 4 11. -Lxir h.te F.'R SALE rir-i , hooker si south i. ati-l (Sit. l et ,.! , h rtlund ur: Cow ON 1: 4-month-ol't New .ealai.d Led buck for in e. 4 1lii fllt.h sr. FKK.-H in. . k -nln. 1 J 4 ", i i .. 1 t. I'iunow, Ormu and Munirnl Instrument . I MAVB S g-xd uae.l pian for $17 " ear-17. C.tU mi? Mmii iy snd make Hriolntinn( M - How rd. M ntn 1 22. V E M KKT AGAIN 1 P.t h W A K EFI i:i.l MISli- 40.. 4 7 a S !' 1 1 . K I o 1 1 FINE Viet roi.i aiu New man. record s for 12 Fir-t. ne e r s o n able. 11 AVO CAlll. 1 Htited. I'av f-ah, but muM bo Msrehall 1517. klM HAI.!. or piano wanted. Call Mon ti u y. t a in Jl'. I. W ANTED t sh ft -A jc,Ml piano. pri reiontt hle litrt'ftlTi. CORN FT. ter'y n 'otm. S'iv er -plated. It w . A F I I. M egci SALU or trade, new cabinet phnncr ph ; pin ya all record ; bnntflin. M a r-hu It 5t7 1. 1'INh upright innno onlv $, Rrt.s. Did 10'h ft., near j FoR. REN T L'pr.ght piano. Luwy. Ins wagons at 'he riL-ht lro ... Mate l.aiin.iry Co . II .1 5 l; 1 v . . . - ""11 .inuut, iet- . rog st won. ht :n-:i.l.i cir. I FOR KALE. 1'Uno. Oniat snd si n irml lsntnuass is. . i A I, PR N h ; k A PH B A KO A I VS. . ;.e. M-'cp; ir..ay in case, liruns not liruuswick, nuhoracr, ! ; tl:'. I J 5 i J ."i he-- 4-i Prun.w-rit phonograph. tWV 4j''.: Phone, genuine Inlaid nt i"":'t'''. elegant mahogany case. 5 1 JO Ed:eon diamond disc, f O, " dl.n.or-j disc, $oO, J... i .:r.:a. oak um, $15. A: ii. o..a sound cbtmber, r' ali reconls. equa.s anything offered, lor as iviii-li mm -, $75 :ctro:a, t; pattern, msJiogsny ! Apirb. srrtTi rshlnet. mtK, t44. L.isy uriiii. We wnt to clean house, v e offer ih.s prt:il barcslna to make room for ho.ivy incoming shipinent. lib erty horses t.ikrn At f-ce ;ue WAKKKiia.o CO, 4 -' ahtr.:on st. LYRIC table 11 tt m """. p:a u.l rect.rda... .$ 1T.50 Con.-.-rt r.ibinct flionosrarh. the l-t value lu n.achnie snd tone fju.ihtv in ton for the money 49 00 Prutrnwi.-k table phonograph beautiful large-Mze cabinet. all wootl lirn. p.avs H records.... $2 50 Jirunswick plmncicraph height 43 Indies, width P.i lies, depth 21 iiulus, f-rong double spring iimtor. eavi'pptd with single dla I'lirscTn ti'tcna which plavs s H r--oias. ail ocd tone amplifier, tone HiNli.'liT. 12-lo'h turntable. BiitntnuiK- flop, t r-m m in s s nickle pl.ited. iieif n inic system. 1QP.0 PATH E RECORDS ALL THE LATE PoPVLA R NUMBERil C U,L .M PI A l:i:OORDs A PPECIAL A i&oUT MENT AT fcOQL EDWARDS CO. FIFTH AND OA.K. A iood 1 la co to Trade N'O Interest cha rged. SPKi'IAL PIANO BARGAIN'S. .-., t-hat(uk pirfyer p.ano, i75. $:.'! Ardrt-w Kohier player. $575. $J5 hat.uck. HrazlMin ma h. I2T8. Il.' i j-' atiuck. b .tutifui mah., li2J. i:.ii'c. nuhomny upncht, 1 2230. 5 ;7. Ne- Hav-n upriKht, lH-4. f.i'Hi h, ou.k cjjc. musio teacher TOO'fc!, ? J'. $ i"-o Remme & Long, ebonv. $135. JJ,. -f-wick As Co.. ebony. $12"i. Tlic.xe punn. s,.l In Rood condition. W wiU offer ry raeona(: terms ca tb.s lt ln they, as we- need ths room for heavy ir.eonuug shipments. Fianos for re:it- Liberty bonus taken at face w.ue. WAKEFITJI.n MVS1C CO. -U7 W ab!ntfton f. SECURITY FTORACE CO. e'oslng out nsrl Parlor tc,ini. f'. snd $55 cah; squara piunoa. $!," to rjfh; upright plants, Jij. $;.", $'.t5 (.mi, u;r Khto. good as new. !... $ lr.o. i ro cash, upHhts. rew, stored. J:', $.(7. c(h; plaver pianos, new, i t;... f. t. c.u'1. I'.in cash, tonds a rd KJruio sccep;ej. iManos bought snd ao 1 for c-ah on.y. storage 5uc n-omh. I'lnna M..1.1 5.;j.;. U'. 4t at., at Wash. It EC H DS. R FCO R OS. RECORDS. s snd r-corus exclusive. y; on Tursl.ty. Wednesd.iy and turdsy m TKR HFCORD PHOP. 10 Broad any iH-Uig Theater Blflf). Y innrj nd Taylor Ms. COl.l'M HI A T A LK 1 NO MACHINE in go den k. t he. $ ." si, a .most new. snti 1:0 selected records, mostiy re-1 and purple a.-. 1 1. Th record a Ion a cost over $7 5. and. are hardly pisyed at a-tl. V. i'I fr- !l this $ 1 'o outnt for 50. Call room Wrt, Hi::Tft H.u-l. tot era 11 and 1 or U and t r-un i .. B U'XIKI m tho: -ai cajV Chickering K rand piano. s:ze 7 feet ; jut the pian for unu Iiumu .r h.l. Has U en ued some, hut r. al-us-d. A vcrv attiactiv proioait in as to pru e and terms i.l b made. lour old rnu ..1 be Otcepted as part payment. K. .-d Pienrh Piano Mfj. t'o., 4.;5 " hinijt..n wl. Pro;idwy 7ftO. $175 Mi IKL liruusf. ivk phonograph, itrttbtx' fin:tin-d in mahogany, cabi net Msc; hetjrh t 41 Inches; widt h 22 tuchea; deptn 21 inches. three -spring motor. slnt;.e u'tona, alt wood amplifiei. record niouuis, etc. Machine used a short tun.. 1 .-. KDW A HPS CO.. HTlt AND OAK. UA.NO BARGAIN. Feeing Is believing, ho s' our many good tised pi. i no tar .mil, each one in goo! condition and a re.l bargain. l'rl-es front $155 u p. 1 ern; 9 given. Ponds accepted. Kiui:nu.ti &. LH'AS MLir CO.. 125 4thSt. Ity t. Mier und Wash. I'.E A I" 1 1 i 'l" 1 . o ik case (.'oiumNii phono pn, s . 1 c ht !y used but in A -1 conn it:on : ri'K i .1 r J1 st y ,e, now offered w ah 1 dou h e c. r"ctr-:s 20 se.ectlon and ;.o. n.w i. n i..r l.;7 r'; ca h or terms. i 1 . n .1 Pis no Mfg. Co.. 455 Waslt 111 ir ' on n M.nuy 7 " Di-'' rhi.n.;, m.:i. $10 and $1. eorh; I'.i In on iind.-r phunournpiis. large. $2' snd J it. t.r:i, n phonotfrapua, $0 to $115; 5 or $;o in ie;vros puichaerd nis home n v ni njoiir .. i'.i iii.-n,i 5oc, 75c. $ 1 and $1.25 week y t t:.e s-h-D 1'isno CoH 11L 4:h "-t . tit W.islj.iitftdii l. kuhl.i.ll ac i'A MI'iiKi.l. (unn, small site. 111 . lioK -t n 4-e. lias been used but still ban t- .iuti'ul totiu and la in good me cuani. ui ond 1 1 i..n. sp.-t ial $ 1 7;. cash or terms. Heed Pi-ench Piano Mfg. Co., ' . .- 11 n on ST. i:r-i:iu,iv "5i. 1'ATIIE KECiiKlS. THEY p!y :t 41 sai.phtie ball. NO NEEDLES o illAM.K, WAKEFIELD M1S1C CO.. 4-17 W asnirKton M. PIANO. $175. Mahoganv c,, s:anauid upright and la g-..d con d it Pn. Terms. si.Ilii-.KLl.xG .v H t'AS M I 8 1 C CO. 12 4Ui -St Det. Wash, snd Alder sts. PATHi: P.Kt'uUI'S. "We Don't Want the Bacon medley) WAKEFini.D MIslC CO., 4 2 7 rtPhlr.C'.on st. (dance tl: To $ saved buy ira pianos during factory t earan. o sale, cash or terms; $1 r $25 cue.'.. $ti. $n. $10 or more month. . se .lpla.v dv.rttsenient or call at S, Piano Co., Ill r.u:tn s.. at Wash. 1 1 1 A I E your old piano or orgsn on a new V lc irot.t und reounta. 1 !ei proposition of ail. Seibt rluiK a. Luca& Music Co.. 125 4ta bt. M.i.n hM(. ORG A N. Uarpa i ti, uprlc'il pin no style case, in fine iv.muil.m, iidMideti to family, t lnir. il r hutoi.iy a. hoid. Inspection ii- a '1 '.2l Last lir oail w ay. IT'S tuiirt to Bet Hint old piece of furni ture cow 11 ttud ti atio it ou a l'runsa K k plioinor a ph . ut E I U Ai.DS P.. 5TH AND OA K. AN'I ISill.U Kot-'d tone $17' Klr h T s:i. all upr;iit) $1S? St' O . k e i.eMt ......$ 45i HARoLD . GlLLEi;T. 3S4 Yamhill. PIANO just used short time, standard make. pi in . 1 at ha f price. Teimo. .... -rlir.g A Li.'as Mj;c Co., 123 4:h at., bit Aide.-. nd Uusli. FOR SA LE I Stella, pi mo mandalette. in KMtd coiul:ttoti. . or..ual price $2: one 1 it onto uu.o l;axp, 2. A 150. Ort- ni.n. l'..-x .. $ L,5. This piano i m good con-litlcn. upright. Tei in made. Seltriing Ac LUiSS MuttO i ... Uj 4h st. IN io I eon d 1 ; j 011. run noc an y pi no, M e h -iln. tltht-r iil'-rty Lo:;ia or cash. $a25. P. lone o.t k tirvo Li 1-W. e eiiitigs or writ route 1, l.t,, 14 7. M,!.iikio, Or. ,oi tr.iKu. tiful tl'lf, 1 tr t'i ms. t.r bid;. r pisnti. cti.til and erf; lesu- ood t'oni!;:ion; $l.t5 rah. bon1a i'.rokt ra g Co., 312 Worces- WILL PAY CASH Foil USLD 1'IANOS AM li AMi J NS K U M EN TS. SKI R E KLLNG LllS Ml SIC CO.. 4T14 SI. Lr.s.i v r.1.1; ..ui-.. bv nl M-ie ou r pt.i f their own honn k:c li tne beat ol. WANT TALKING MACHINES oil R E 0 -OKDS. l- FIRST. .MAI N 445. TAlioK Hi n -; i nU p Cle!S : I . A 1 1 '. m a h ; a n v ptA no. r.ce. i r niM-riy lion u a. Will ci 7 02 F 1 a r. - c n.i'M 1 ; l a i le, new r l r phonoruph, cnM ! and 4 -mm . '; aiso Phope io.,1 H 1 01 1 r "s sui .or-i. r. lt. I SED (" 1 1 r Hi 1: iijw i' k f.- h 11 ''i K taken in lull, or part, trnde photit'K t :t ph. Edwards Co., 1 U SALE. h ap for ih. one i lver p'.s tel li-l'al io-net. l..o 0,1. loW-p-.teli tiari r . . A .i - A I. 1". "e ton in n Ui;.Toi:l piMt-.n f.r ie eh!p c will 1 ei.t. 11 -'" Utiams a n e. 1'nune .T.'ood-U-kn 1 12- Tl n l, r t - tu i-lU'n. : 1 r ' ie 1 ri h e lid c"l'1--n ok Ft er iseil rrv lit !e. $JI0. iMl'l I W Tl 27 I 7. UD- Ki.NT --- r r- Tn n I'fo'n with recoran. 1'JANui tunej. $3. Geo 1 ace T. I'eca. fafrwC 4 Grsd. New Eng. Conservatory. liANo ut K..O-1 ', a l .ocain. 514 L. .1 ou for our od upright irvha.; T i'i Seeunty bioige l . at V ueli.nKtun. WANT vhd.nv. bnn.iob. gii;ara. mind)ln tpr a -4 t t allien In. Nihuud, 12 S 1 'irst. M tii 4 4 'V iTaTcash ior rsF.M pianos. l!.M.oLl S- GlLliEltT. Yamhill st. ' ft 'tisa sf ter 8 ; FVi-iner l' c 'i cm ri v rr Harold S. o-ititt i:Va . 54 Vatnruil, CABINET phonograph u---d en v few- months 1 N lj A I i I upr:g ht pi.ino viitap for ess a. Nil S A ' E ' ' Di.n', Tabor unibi oil. gtalouuia, saute as