t 12 tttt: stjxpat outtg oxtat?", totitlaxu, mat: err o, iota. - REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. $2700. 100x100 with 5-room house; hard -surface street; EUst 2lHt st, . $25UM. Corner lot with 5-room house; East 31st and East Ankeny ets.; cash. $2Hu. 120x100. two small houses and small barn; near carline. $7uo TO $2500. Several good buys in Woodstock dis trict; good houses and largq lots. 1HV1.NOTON HOL'rfKS. $3500 Good 7-rooin house in fine con dition, near Tillamook st., on E. 15th at. $25uO luOxlou with model ft-room bun galow; full basement, wash trays; good barn and chicken house; 19 choice as sorted fruit t.ees; berries; $1000 cash, baiance like rent. SUuOO luxtiu with 6-room house, full basement and wash trays, furnfshed; $1UU0 cash ; Kaxt 22d st., near Clinton. A. W. LAMBERT & SOX. S. E. Corner Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. Portland, Oregon. BRAND XKW. BRAND N E XV. $335rt$;i;ir(o $3350. $H3ru $3.'50. ArtlHtic bungalow with 5 large, well Arranged rooms. cla?Fy scAtins, fine attic, 2 blocks WK car. Walks and sewer. FI REP LACK. HARDWOOD FLOORS. C E M E N T B A S E M K N T. BUILT-1 XS. COMPLETE. GAKAGE- XEVEH OCCUPIED. $500 CASH. $5UO CASH. G. C. (iOLDHNBERG, 215-18 Ablnpton bid;.. I0614 3d et. "35 Years in Portland." $:1250 ROSE CITY BARGAIN" $3250. Hare la the barin you have been look In? for: 0-rooni, v.ry substantial home, in the heart of iose City park, below the hill; 1 block to the car; has reception hall, living-room with fireplace, dining--room with plate-rail and built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen; full cement basement, fur nace and laundry tray a ; ;i bedrooms up and white enamel plumbing- fixtures; paved street with only $100- liens. This lot is worth $IOQO. and you could not build the house for $.1500; $50o will handle. tJee FRANK L McUUlItE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bid. Main 10GS. Main 6156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $4250 VACANT ROSE CITY $4250. BUNGALOW. 6-room, very attractive 1 H -tory bun s;a low type home ; large living-room with artistic fireplace ; bookcases ; hardwood floors; paneled dinlnjr-ropm ; built-in buf fet ; beamed veiling-; white enamel Dutch kitchen; 4 bedrooms up wifh larffe closets; whl.e enamel plumbing:; electric lights arid pas; on paved street. $5oo down, balance f equity like rent. 4b E. G5th st., N., below the hill. See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ablns-ton bids. Main lu;x, Mr.ln 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. UNUSUALLY CLASSY. Dandy biff bungalow, built three years si fro on the most modern and artistic architectural lines; 6 big rooms and mu- f ale room; mahogany mantel, handsome built-in features with fine fixtures throughout ; bit? garage with solid con- j crete runway, fine lawn with pretty trees i and ornamental fence. To people who want the oest along ten sib le, substantial lines this hp me will appeal; situated in he best part of Rossmere. Snap for $5250. KASER & RAINES 823-6 Gs?o bldg. Marshall S125. $4000 ROSE CITY PARK $4000. ; i ( Absolutely classy, modern throughout. entire lower floor, including kitchen, has J hardwood floors, fine large living and , dining room, buffet across entire room ; exceptionally fine basement and furnace. 1 bedroom and sleeping porch on second floor; you should see this at once as it will surely sell ; $1 OuO cash, baiance $35 per month, including Interest. Call at 1314 Sandy bivd. "MODERN 7-room bungalow, in perfect con dition, located in Grove land Park, pro tected from east wind by Mt. Tabor; on paved street, between 2 car lines ; hard wood floors In living and dining room, fireplace, French doors, built-in buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, bathroom and all built-in conveniences; full cement basement, beautiful lawn and sh rubbers' ; a complete home, attractive, sightly, and at a price for which you could not dupli cate it today. For particulars call Tabor tiH12, or see it at 44S East 52d st. SNAP ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow on East oTst st. X. ; "built-in features, fireplace, furnace, Bleep ing porch, hardwood floors, lot 50x It mi ; thoroughly modern ; price $3500, $1000 cash, $:t0 mo.; 2 blks. from Rose City car. Call and see LAMoNTE. at Suti Swetland bldg., Sunday bet. 11 and 12, and I will take you out In my automobile, or phone Main 74o5. Don't pass this up, If you do you will mies something. VERY ATTRACTIVE. Exceptionally choice property, 100x145, n paved street (Mt. Tabor). Fine as sortment large fruit trees, in good condi tion; comfortable ti-room house located on this trace; owner offers for price less than value of land alone, and will make satis factory terms to responsible purchasers. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 X. "W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114, A 4118. UNION AVENUE. 33 1-3x80 lot, all street and other Im provements in and paid; with 6-room house, full concrete basement, furnace and fireplace, gas, electricity, good bathroom fixture. Price $2S"0, good terms. A. H. 131 RR ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. ROSE CITY BARGATX. Attractive IVj-story bungalow, 6 h!g rooms, artistic fireplace, cabinet kitchen; other built-ins, laundry trays, large front porch, big garage, flowers, etc. Improve ments paid. The best buy In this district for $o500. KASER. & RAINEY, 823-6 Gasoo bldg. Marshall 8125. L AU R EL HURST BUNGALOW. $5750. $050 caph, then 925 per mo. very attractive 0 rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, every built-in convenience; Jot 50x125, flowers and fruit, imp. paid. Owner leaving, makes sacrifice. KASER & RAINEY. 823-26 Gasco bldg. Mar. S125. $2600. 6-room house, full basement, corner 50x100. paved street, gas. electric, etc Only one block from Sandy bivd. at E. 25th. $350 cah ill handle. KASER & RAINEY. 823-6 Gas;o bldg. Marshall 3125. 1RV1NGTON SPECIAL. Beautiful modern 7 -room home, hard wood floors throughout. In first-class shape. 5K4 E. loth N.. between Knott and Stanton. Owner, Robert B. .Beat. East 535. A TTO RNEY instruct s us to sell modern 6 room home on large lot, 75xlno, in Ar ista Park, close to Union avenue car, at the ridiculously low price of $2500 to close estate. Terms $5tm cash and $20 per month. Sec Atchison. 404 Piatt bldg. $2350 2 BLOC K SR. C. PA RKCA R. Attractive, modern 5-room bungalow, vacant, Just like new ; elec, gas, bath, but lt-lns; full basement ; 2 fine, large porches ; dandy corn or lot ; assessments paid; terms. Tabor 559. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME, near 21st and Tillamook; center hall, artistic recep tion room, handsome living room, finest of finish and workmanship, oak floors, fire places, garage; beautiful grounds; consid er small house. Ncuhausen A Co. VEST SIDE bargain Beautiful 8-roora home, with finished attic, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, built-in conveniences; bargain at $5500. O. W. Bryan, Main lft:t. 600 Cham, of Com. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, nice high lot 50x1 on. Dutch kitchen, bath and bedrms. finished in white enamel; basement, wash travs, sarae, f ims garden spot ; $2350. 4708 4th st. S. E. SNAP 2 BLOCKS R. C. PARK CAR. Modern 4 -room bungalow, electricity, gas, bath. bul It-Ins; fine lot 75x100; terms ; partly furnished ; move right in. Tabor 6550. "WANT contractor to erect bungalow in Rose City Park or Broadway district: total cost hnus and lot not to exceid $375t; will pay $ioO cash and $:5 per month, includ ing Interest. BP ir.f,, Qregonlan. IKVINGTON'H SWELL BUNGALOW; beau tifully, finished In ivory and mahogany; expensive and artistic interior decoration. Looking for .SOMETHING CHOICE. SEE THIS. Neuhausen & Co. IRVINGTON DISTRICT PXAP, $3750. easy terms; comfortahle little home, near 2 car lines. Ncuhausen & Co., N. W. Bank building. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, $7500, terms; fine home, all Ivory finish, center hall, lovely rooms. SEE THIS SURE. Neuhausen & Co. IdlJERN 5-room bungalow, good district; fine view, lull lot. enrage; $32O0, $00 rash, bal. monthly. The Brong Co., 207 V Oak pt. See Mr. Austin. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL, $000, terms ; all ivory finish, oh k floors. 2 fire places, tiled bathroom. SEE THIS SURE. Neuhausen A- Co. IRVINGTON HOME SACRIFICED. $4Sn0, terms ; 6 rooms, oak floors, fireplace. Neuhausen St Co. IRVINGTON SNAP A ttrart ive bungalow, all large rooms; $4700, easy terms. Neu hausen & Co. IRVINGTON SNAP. $5750; 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, oak floors, fireplace. Neu hsusen Sc Co. 4-ROOM house near Kenton, $700; on ly "0 cash. eil. $15 per month. The Bronj; "o.. 2J74 oak Ft. See Mr. Austin. STRICTLY modern, attractive 5-room bun galow. See SunHay and evening, 550 E. 4Qth X. v $:,r00 6-ROOM modern. Laurelhurst. $10O0 cash. Owner, Tabor 3073. REAt ESTATE. For Sale -House. CHARACTER. $2500 REAL PENINSULA HOME BARGAIX. Every house listed in this office I per sonally 'nspt-ct and appraise, and it must be a. bargain, before w e advertise it us such. Here Is a 6-room. very attractive, 1 t bungalow type home; built Just pre vious to the war, and has been newly painted and tinted throughout, and looks as ne as the day it was built There Is a. living-room with fireplace, dining-room with windoflr ecat and built-in buffet; puioh. kitchen; electric .lights and teas; 1 bedroom down; good cement bayeintiit; 2 bedrooms and sleeping perch up with whita enamel plumbing; on a full lot; only 1 blocic to St. Julius ear on Gloucester st. Thts oungalow hr.s a homelike atmo sphere that will appeal to you. A home with character $500 will handle. See FUANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Arlington bldg. Main lotw. Main 5156. Onice Opeu. Evenings and Sundays. $1375 READ THIS $1375. 3 blocks to Jefferson high. 2 blocks to Public library. 4 blocks to Piedmont-car barns. 4 blocks to Peninsula piirk. 100 feet paving in and paid. Good, substantial 4 -room bungalow cottage; cement basement; bath, toilet, electricity and gas. Total price only $1375; terms. A wonderrul bargain a chance to make a good profit; act quick ly. Autos ad your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Successor to H. D. McGuire Co., Est. 1880. To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. $3150 EASY TERMS $3150. 6-room bungalow. 1 chamber downstairs, 2 up; oak floors, fire place, cement basement, built-ins. standard plumbing, cement porch, liens and sewer paid. 5uxloo. three blocks car. X. E. sect. Never oc cupied. Key at office. G. C. Golden berg. Ablngton bids;. "55 Y'ears in Portland." Main 4&yJ. 2.O0 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $2000. Very attractive, typical 5-room bunga low on corner, lot 55x100; reception-hall, clothe3 closet, full beveled mirror; living room with fireplace ; window seat ; book cases; hardwood floors; paneled dining room with plate-rail; buffet; white enamel Dutch kitchen good cement basement; screened-in back porch; beet white enamel plumbing fixtures; c ntral hall lined with linen closets; 2. bedrooms. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablmrton bldg. Main 1008. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 1 $500 CASrT tfxy NEVER OCCUPIED. MODER X R. C. P. B U N G A LOW. 5 rms., oak firs., fireplace, bit. ins, well-built, artistic home; OOxHh). OWNER GETS NOTHINO FROM SALE. SOLD TO SATISFY DEBT CON TRACTED. G. C. GOLDENBKRG. ABTXGTOX Bids. "35 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. $2800 TYPICAL BUNGALOW $-800. Attractive bungalow of 5 rooms with music room, large living room with fire place and bookcases, paneled dining room with plate rail and buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, white porce lain bath fixtures, cement basement with laundry trays; on Division street, near 35th ; terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Building. Main 10GS. Main 6156. Office open evenings and Sundays. $2150 HOME ROSE CITY DIPT. $2150." $2oo DOWN. $25 PER MONTH. On account rt business reasons will of fer .ny 6-room modern home at a sacri fice; livin-f-room, dining-room and kitchen; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; 3 bedrooms. Act quickly. See my agent, FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablntrton bldg. Main 100$. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 2300 MODERN BI7XGALOW $2300. C-room bungalow, full cement basement, wash trays, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas, 40112 lot; E. Kelly street, near SOtu. Could not build the house for $2oo. Unusual bargain. We also have a ti-room bungalow across the street from thts house for $2700. tiee FRANK L. McGUIKE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Building. Main 1008. Main 5156. Office open evenings and Sundays. $1500 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW $1500. Here is a neat bungalow home, full lot. Rose City Park district; haa living room with fireplace and bedroom with fireplace, combination kitchen and dining room, electric lights and gas, whits enadfbl plumbing; terms. See. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Building. Main IOCS, Main 5156. orrice open evenings and Sundays. OLD COUPLE'S SACRIFICE. $375o buys a $5500, 8-roorn modern-to-t he-minute, hardwood floor house. Walnut Park district; fireplace, furnace, 2 bed rooms downstairs, 3 upstairs; large liv ing room, dining room and eplenuid kit chen; 8-foot full cemented basement. This Is the biggest value of the year; no trade; no phone Information : terms. J. D. KENNEDY, 32Q Salmon St. Main 478D. $2250 FURNISHED ALBERTA HOME. 5- room substantial home, newly tinted and painted, built-in conveniences, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, full cement basement, laundry trays, com pletely furnished; easy terms; fruit and flowers; Emerson, near East 10th. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. AMngton Building. Main 1008. Main 5156. Office Open Evenlngsand Sundays. $2600 SUNNYSIDE HOME $2600. 6- room attractive home; 3 bedrooms; electricity and gas; white enamel plumb ing; 3 blocks south of Laurelhurst park; terms; photo in office. See FRANK L, McGUIRE, Successor to H. D. McGuire Co., Est. 1880. To Buy Your Horn. Ablngton Bldg. Main lor.S. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROPE CITY. 2-etory, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, glassed-in sleeping porch. This is a beauti ful home, nicely arranged and thoroughly modern; vacant; possession at once. J4oOO, $750 cash, balance $;W) per month. If you want a snap, let us show vou this Derr A King. ::Q4Vs Oak st. Broadway 2O0. ONLY $4750 for the mobt perfect home In Ladd's addition, close In to the J3th. where you can get a car every 3 minutes; this place is perfect in every detail; a beauti ful home, no better to be found; It Is new, strintly up to date, it should sell for $6t0O; about half cash is all you heed M J CLOIIKSSY, 415 ABINGTOX BLDG. $395' -ha W rHORXE RUN OA LOW$3050. Very artistic, rt-rooin, strictly modern bumra'ow ; every bull t-iti convenience ; va cant; Immediate possession. E, 4Stli. near Hawthorne. Seo FRANK Tm. McGUIRB t To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bid. Main 1068. Ms!n 5156L Office Open Evenings ajid Sundays. $ 1 2 60 A LB E R T A B UNO A LO WQ 1 260 Here is a good 4-room plastered bun galow, electric lights and gas. white en amel plumbing; on Emerson street; easy terms. See FRANK I McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abmgton Building. Main 1068, Main B159. IRVINGTON PARK $2800. 6 rms., bath, fireplace, full cement base ment, beautiful 50x100 lot, faces east; can sell lot adjoining if desired; $600 down, balance easy. GEO T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon Bldg. ALAMEDA DRIVE. My beautiful colonial HOME of 6 rooms and glassed-in sleeping porch, thoroughly modern, large and airy rooms. Must be sold. 1650 Alameda drive. Come out to riay and make offer. Owner. ALL MODERN 5 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, fireplace and furnace, best section Richmond district, 2 bJocks to car; don't owe a dollar; need larger house reason for selling; price $:;5m. 750 cash. 502 Buchanan bldg. Main 2712. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, furnac, full basement; lot 44xloo on a good street, west of E. 40th. $3750. All improvements in and paid. Derr & Kins 304 H Oak st. Broadway 260. ONLY $3300 for a 6-room modem house with a full lot on E. 34th St.; this house has a full basement, furnace, wash travs J irepiacs and all other built-in effects ' $500 or $'i00 cash will handle it M J CLOHESSY, 415 A RING TON BLDG $1575 BUYS THIS LITTLE HOME Furnished 3-room cmtage at less than half; must sell quick. Take F car to Ver mont st., walk two blocks east First house to right across 6. P. tracks. Allen, owner. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. ' If you want to build a new home we can serve you to the very best advantage We can furnish you with a loan and have a crew of the best mechanics. Rice Construction Co. Can East 4545. HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow, close to school, all Im provements in and paid; for a quick sale $25oo. $5K cash. This is . 7n-v ii.n home and stand investigation. Derr &. ONLY $S(M for a 5-room housfe with tw lot?; this place Is north of Lombard st -i.o cash is all you need. M. J. CLO- 5-ROOM bungalow, furnished $2SO0; terms; , ;IX , iufunure noi wanted. B lo9, Oregoni&n, HEAL ESTATE. For Sal Houkm, PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Magnificent 14-room residence: one of the Lnet homes in Portland; $35. OuO. Beautiful home. 10 rooms and sleeping porch, quarter block; worth $20,0o0: will take $15. ouo. Very desirable 10 room, and attic; new, with every modern device and arrange ment; $JJ,500. Fine home, 11 rooms; modern house keeping devices; $11,500. Good desirable 7-room modern house, $70O0. 7-room modern bungalow, $5000. 5- room bungalow on corner lot 62V4xl23, $40oo. 7-room, modern ; foreclosure; $3500. 6- room, modern ; foreclosure; $J00. These are a few samples; have many others. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Elm. Mar. 4827, A 383'.. WEST SIDE. A Magnificent Home Quarter Block. Unquestionably the greatest bargnln ever offered on west side, ground worth $oo0, house cost $15,000, cannot be dupli cated today for $2,000. To close estate at once we are Instructed to sell this at $12.50O. W. B. STREETEU At J. H. KEATING, t17 Board of Trade, Main 103. IRVINGTOX HOME. A real home; home right in finest part of Irvmgton ; nice large living-room with cplendid fireplace, cheerful uining. built in buffet, Dutch kitchen. 3 nice bedrooms, inclosed sleeping porch, bath and toliet up; bedrooms finished in white; oak floors oown and fmlshed in natural wood; full cement basement, Al furnace; a substan tial new double garage; paved street, all paid; close to Knott St.. and was built for home, and owner is going east. This l au exceptional buy at $ti5id. THE LAWRENCE CO., 25 Corbet t Bldg. Main 0015. A 215. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. ONLY" $3K0O. Cutest little 5-room houre on west side; dandy view from sun porch and sleeping porch; buiit-ins; oniy one block from car; no hills to climb. This is a big snap and will go fat at the price and terms. We have only 3 days in which to sell this. W. B STREETER AND J. H. KEATING. 017 Board of Trade. Main 113. KE THIS BEFORE BUYING. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. 5 rooms first floor, cement basement, trays, fur nace, u. w. fioors, fireplace, built-ins, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, large liv ing room across front of house; French doors between dining room; whole interior white enamel, just newly painted and tint ed; h. s. street;- wiil build garage. Total price, including bonded liens. $;tsL'5; very easy terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 6!:;; week day. Main 7007. hJO chamber of Commerce bldg. Marlels or Williams. WONDERFUL LAURELHURST BARGAIX. BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms on one floor, large living room with fireplace, kitchen and 3 fino bedrooms, built-ins of every kind, fine base-merit, furnace, h. w. floors; this is modern to tho last point and is different from your neighbor's house; if you see it you will buy. Price Is $4 ;.",. which Is less thaa house alone cost; liberal terms. Sun day and evenings. Mar. 5103; week days. Main .700 . b2j Chamber of Commerce Plug. Marlels or Wiiiiams. $ 44 5 0- ROOM HOI'S E $ 4 4 5 0. This is certainly worth viewing. The house Is practically new and is ivory fin ish ; 3 nice bedrooms and sleeping porch ; cement porch, living room, dining room and Dutch kitchen, full basement with Boynton furnace; convenient to Rone City car; It is a good home at a low valuation and on easy terms. Glad to show It. R. T. STREET. K. 15th and Broadwav. Phone East 8'4. or Residence East 42S0. THE BEST BUY IX IRVINGTON. 6 rooms, large glassed-in sieeplng porch with heat, hall, tiled bath, large floored attic; front and back stairs, plate glass windows, real mahogany finish, oak fioors throughout, wide concrete porch, fireplace. 50x100, abundance of flowers and shrubbery; on East 24th st. We are offering this place for $0500, Including all street improvements. J. C. CORB1.N CO 3' 5-6-7 Lewis bldg. KENTON " INDUSTRIAL CENTER. New 3 and 4-room houses, only 1 to 2 blocks from Kenton or St. Johns cars; street Improvements paid; 50x100 lot. Prices. $050 to $700; $115 cash. $10 per mo.. Int., r. McDonald 6c Son. Office 304 Lombard st. ; res. Tabor 17U4. Office open Sunday. SXAP $2000. E. 4th and Gladstone avo., fall corner lot. on carline, neat fc-room modern home, newly painted and In fine shape ; has bui It-Ins. fuil basement, wash trays. Cash $VOO, bal. like rent- East 2871, or call Dove & Gardner. $450U ALAMEDA COLONIAL $4500. THIS IS SOME SNAP. 7 rooms, strictly modern, large light rooms, h. w. fioors, all built-ins, furnace, fireplace, h. s. street, paid; very eaey terms; a wonderful buy at price. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5uC3; week days. Main 7i07. b20 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Marie Is or Williams. FINE BARGAIX IN HAWTHORNE. 8 rooms, strictly modern. C rooms first floor, fino basement, furnace, trays, fire place. H. W. floors, built-ins of every kind, lot 40x00; H. S. street, all paid; a really fine buy- at $4000, on very easy terms. Sunday and even in s Mar. 5'jk1; weekdays Main 7!':7. Cham, of Com. bldg. Marlels A Williams. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2200. 5 rooms, bath, paved st. and sewer, close to school and car ; street improve ments paid; it will take $1000 to handle this proposition. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. loo7 Teon Bldg. MT. SCOTT CAR, $1400. 6 rooms, 4 nicely finished rooms down stairs. 2 partly finished upstairs ; water, gas. electricity, plumbing; faces east; $100 down, easy terms. GEO. T. MOOR E CO., 1007 Teon Bldg. BEAUTIFUL R. C. BUNOALOW. 6 rooms on one floor, strictly mdem. fine basement, furnace, trays, fireplace, H. W. fioors, all bullt-ins.-corner lot. 50x TOO; II. S. street, ail paid. An exceptional buy st $42.V; liberal terms. Sundas and evenlngH, Mar. 51m;3; weekdays. Main 7!G7. 820 Cham, of Com. bldg. Marlels or W tll I a m s ROSE CITY" BUNGALOW. Below the hill. 8 rooms, mrictly mod ern. 5 rooms first floor, fine basement, trays, furnace, f ireplare, H. W. floors, all built-ins; street H. S. and paid. Price $42oO: terms. Sunday and evenln es. Mar. 5903; weekdays. Main 7ot7. 820 Cham, of Com. bldg. Marlels or imams. PIEDMONT. New. modern, 7 -room bungalow. Thin ts a beauty: finished right up to the minute. Lot, &oxlb4. lli- Vancouver avo. Jut north of Kllllngsworth. Open for in spection today. Owner. Robert B. Beat East 535. $2250 5-ROOM house on 45th it, one block irom rtunnysiae car; .uu ruo, bai. $20 per month and Interest. M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay Bldg. ' Main 1300. $265i HAWTHORNE PAVED DISTRICT. Five rooms, attic, full basement; full lot; near Franklin high: one-half b!or to car; asy terms. Sunday, Tabor 8743. STILES & WELLER. Main 3429. IF ITS a novelty In & 3-room, well-con structed tent house on wheels, furnished: en ideal place for garden, chickens) and cow, investigate at ti..th and Hancock sts, or address AG 820, Oregonutn. $3350 HAWTHORN E DISTRICT. Five-room modern bungalow ; all pav ing, etc, paid ; owner has best reason for selling; better investigate. STILES A WELLER, Main 3420. SPECIAL. Mut be sold this week. 7-room house foil lot; $5ihu; Nob Hi II. Goldschmldt Agency. e-tocK r:xcnange Mflg. $4o00 BblS beautiful up-to-date G-roorn house on 10th St., in Irvington dib- inci; icrniB. M. BILLINGS, SOP McKay Bldg. Msln 1300. FLATS FOREOLOSTTR w 4 flats; 100x100, corner Vancouver end rnaver: uow. ;oiascumldt a Agency, Stock Exchange bldg. $24.U WEST SIDE bargain; 6 rooms anoV Bleeping purcn; paveu street all paid ; part terms. A. H. Akerson, 605 Stock Ex- cnange- ning. BY owner. Decided to still my all-modern 6-rooin bungalow, block to car. Rose City Park; no incumbrance. Price $400u. Mar- p n n. . i to'oo. 5-ROOM bungalow. modern. lot 80x128, $2700; $1450 cash, for this week nnlv near Franklin high school. Phone Tabor IRVINGTON Moderate priced home; $5500: large lot. joth end Thompson. Gold- R-nniiui s Agency. LAKE GROVE 1 W, acres and neat 3-room cottsee, near car; only $1075. Phone " i. x . s, owner. STRICTLY modem 8-room house, restricted district. In Los Angeles; no agents. A 5-ROOM bungalow by owner. 755 E. st., near Francis ave. Reasonable. IRVINGTON Will sell my ddtchtful 7-room $250 Equity, 5-room bungalow, garage. $150 cash, Sellwood 3127. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -lions. $3200 6-ROOM NEW MODERN BUNGA LOW Just complfd; ready to move In. Terms, $500 cash, baUnc month ly pay men ts. Liberty bonds taken at uar tirst payment. $4000 LARGE MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. with furnace, fireplace, wash trays, electricity, full cement basement, ga rage; lot 60 loo ; Improved street, sewer connections all in and paid for; on car. Terms. $1000 cash, balance monthly. SEVERAL SMALL 2 AND S-ROOM HOUSES, Prices $iuo to $1300. Vacant Lots, 5oxlHi. $3uu to $800. 3m 11 Payments Down. $70 Per Acre, 20 and 40 Acres. WILLIAM G. BECK Real Estate. Loans and Fire Insurance. 213-210 Failing Building, Southeast Cur. Third and Washington 8ta, REAL BARGAINS. $1000. Montavllla cottage, three rooms; lot 5 Ox 10O; fine soli for gardening; close to car lines, school and busiuesa section; $J00 cash, balance monthly. $130O. Montavllla houa, seven rooms; lot 60x 10o; fine garden noil; close to car lines, school ana business center; $2wtl cash; monthly payments. $1600. Lerge barn, well constructed, good foundation, room for 40 stalls: lot lOOx lou; in Montavllla, close to Base lie road ; $300 cash, balance monthly. inquire in grocery, corner 75th st, and Base Lino road. Take Mount Tabor-fabth st. car. $10O KENTON DISTRICT $2100. Five-room bungalow; excellent condi tion ; good buy; ay terms; cash talks. $3650 HAWTHORNE PAVED DISTRICT. Modern six-room bungalow, large attic and basement, furnace, ureplace, etc; full lot and excellent buy, but requires a larg cash payment. $3l5u ROSE CITY PARK $3130. Six-room bungalow, furnace and fire place; best buy in Rose, City; terms. $4050 ROSE CITY PARK. Six-room bungalow, strictly modern; oak floors throughout; hot water heat owner leaving city; Investigate STILES He WELLER. Main 3421. Tabor 8743. LEA D E Rs. . Tn Sine Homes: $5V0 Nob Hill home; full lot. $4't:o 7-rooii house, Irving mt. $0oo larff lot. 8 rooms, modern, near 3d and Hall. ' I-m I roo,n-. modern; 2d and Lincoln. .',-V 9-rtm house, corner on 3d U $.iiiO 8-room house, 6th near Hall. 2O0 7-roo:n iioutM.-, Broauwny. $3150 6-room house. Broadway $05uo cor. on btu et.; trude for smaller house. $4300 7-room modern home. College St, $32o0 nice cottage on Lincoln st UOLDSCklMiDTS AGEXCV. Stock Exchange B.dg. A LA M E DA T'A I? V This attractive house has every feature to make it a real horn; nicety located near the Broadway car and wuh a fine view, the house is modern and compara tively new and finished in old Ivory; the first floor contains a good-sizou living room, a cheerful dining room, den ana Luth kitchen; the back porch had lava tory and toilet; fuil cement baeement with a good furnace ; the upper lloor has 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout; this house is only $Ouou, with giod terms. Glad to show it R. T. STREET, E. 15th and Broadway. Phone K:ut sh. or Residence East 42a4. ST. JOHNS. 5-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED, PRICE ONLY $-:uov. Good 5-room plastered house, less than 5 blocks from the St. Johns bank. Com pletely furnished with good new furniture. Along with this Is a J50 Victrola and records. The whole thing gutis at the price mentioned. The property alone Is worth this money; Jturniture com. over $900. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak St. Broadway 4133. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. ARTISTIC HOME. 7 ROOMS. On carline, level with street, unobstruct ed view; one of those homelike place so hard to find; cheap at $0ooo. 10 uaj oniy. W. B. STREETER AND J. H. KEATING, 017 Board o f Tra de. Main 1 03. $55m VACANT $5500. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 8 rooms, strictly modern, full b.isement, fine furnace, fireplace, finest H. W. fioors throughout; fine light kitchen with every kind of built-in, beautiful buffet, fine plumbing, just newly tinted and Cecorated. This is a decided snap, as house would cost $-HHM to build. II. S. streets paid. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5lG3; week day. Main 7007. bo Chamber of Com merce bldg., Marlels or William. $io50 PART CASH $1850. Party leaving city. 6-room house, plastered, papered, stained and varnished; but It-Ill bui fet ; Dane led with beamed cei 1- iug, full basement, fuil view of Tualatin valley. 10 minutes walking distance south west from end of Council Crest car ; fine iiueu io aecp cow ana cnicnens. OWNER. LEWIS THE1DERMAN, Phone Marshall 5450 for directions. 4300 1 R V I NGTON $430O. $120O LESS THAN REAL VALUE. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, 50x1 oO lot. H. S. street, large living room, all kinds of bull t-Ins, fine basenv-nt. furnace, fire place, ii. w . i;oors tnrougnout ; an ex ceptional buy on very liberal terms. Fun day and evenings. Mar. 5iC3: week days. Main -7 i07. b2u Chamber of Commerce otdg. Marleia or Williams. COUNCI L CREST $3000. A dandy 7-room house, new and mod ern : arranged for 2 families If deslri : ln i v uuw oiueu ai m per monm; lino view ; house ulone can not be built for $35ou; built by owner for home, cir cumstances rorce sale ; photo at the of fice: Mono cash. J. C. COKB1N CO, S05-6-7 Lewis bldg. BEAUTIFUL modern home. Laurel burnt bath, sleeping porch, etc, hardwood floors OJLCfiien i lurnace. uuuuie concrete sura go, price $4750 and balance street assessment; $1000 cash, bal. monthly payment. Prop- ; .j win iciu iui pwr Jiiu. tltiaillS Loan & Investment Co., 422 Chamber of ommerce, jtiitin fii. ONE OF THE FEW remaining bargains In beautiful Rose City Park ; house, 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, sleeping porch, corner lot, both st reels ha rd surface, paid ; non- resiuent owner oners at very cioa price. t-ee us rnr terms. A. H. BIRREL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bids;. M r. rn li a 1 1 4114. A 4118. A HE UT1 FULL BU NG A I -O W, OPEN TODAY. 1 TO 3 O'CLOCK. See this handsome 7-room bungalow; strictly j no tier n ; very bui it-t-i con venlen:'e: big dinlng-roorn, big fireplace; oak floors. The Interior Is beautliuL The price is $4300; $2uo cash required. 5o4 E. 43d North, 2 blocks north Sandy bivd. I R VI NGTON BUNG A LOW, $5J5h. Strictly modern living room. dtnlng room, den. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, batu, sleepin g porch. Space for - more rooms. Splondid buy. Immediate popes?don. $50 cash, balance $5u per month, including interest. E. J. Mautz. Mar. lhKtt, E. 5"31. IRVINGTON. A choice home of 11 rooms with 2 bath rooms, 8 toilets. Hardwood floors on 3 stories: lot 6"xl00, on carline; price $10. 000, $4500 cash will handle. For appoint ment address E 512. oregonlan. 5-ROOM home, full attic and basement, modern convenience, close in, at a bargain. For sale by owner. Must sell at once. Near Shaver and Mississippi car lines. 671 Min nesota ave. BARGAIN 6-room -house, basement. sTR. plumbing, corner of 7tth and East Ash. Owner leaving town. Tabor 6052. $300 cash, terms. LAST CHANCE. Must be sold this week; equity in northwest corner of 12th and Main. $100 can. Call Immediately. Wa--.li. st. 6-RO0M modern home. .:th and Main: fur nlnhed. $1000; furnished bungalow. 7-rm, Overlook. $35no. Goldschmidt s Agency, Stock Exchange bldg. $o5u 1 olocks R. C. Park car; 2 -room tent-house, fine 5x1 no lot; assessment all paid. Terms. Tabor 6559. 5-ROOM house, $1600. $5Q down, $15 month. HM)tf 4lbt ave.. s. B. Soborban Home. WONDERFUL SUBURBAN O P PO P. TU N I T Y. 15 acres In high state of cultivation, with fair 4-rm. house, large barn, wood shed, chicken houses, hog houses, etc : sit well fenced and has long frontage on main county road. With this place goee com plete equipment, including plows, harrows, separator, spring wagon, etc., too numerous to mention; also 2 fine Jersey cows. 1 fine horse, sow with fi pigs, 4 dor., chfrkens. lots of wire, posts and cord wood; about 50 full -bearing fruit trees and plenty small fruits; the very beet black soil. LISTEN, this place is located right near Greenburg station on Oregon Electric, only mile from paved highway to Portland. Rig snap for $0800. $3m0 cash; worth easiiy $5u0. Hurry, it won't last. McCORMIC, 418 Fenton Bldg., 84 6th st $3504V 2-3 ACRE. BUNGALOW $3500. Very attractive typical bungalow; good basement; living room with f irepluce; dlningroom; Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms; on two-thirds of an acre; 1 block to car; on Lanse ; In the city limits; $50y will handle; house in Al condition; houne could not be built for "the money. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Country Home. Ablrirton Bldg. Main luK. Main 5156. Offme Open Evenings and Sundays. GARDEN tracts for $350; $25 cash, balance $5 per month. U. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bids. RFAL F ST AT IS. Suburban Home. SUBURBAN HOMES, $1000 to $51W. $ 1600 5 acres, 7-room house, near Wil son vil le. 1800 1 1-8 acre, all In cultivation, near Wiisonvtlle, smalt house. 1000-;-2 acres, all in cultivation, near Gilbert stat ton. small house. 20003 acres, log bungalow, near Oak Grove. 2000 acre, 6-room house, near Bell station. J100 1 ecre. 4-room house, near Jen nings Lodge. 23B0 34 acre. 3-room house, near Rl eria; land slopes. 2300 4 acre, nouse. bam. rood well, near Base Line and Rock wood. ?50O 2 acres, bungalow, fruit, berries. Green berg station. 26501.13 acres. 5-room p'astered house, fin garden soli, garage. Ruber elation. 28001 acre, dandy It-room house, Buck ley, near Powell. S0O0 2S acres, house, bam, chicken house, fruit. Kendall station. 1 S250 1 acre. 0- room Cal. bungalow. Park rose. 48001 acre, biincalow, elty water, g as, fruit, just ouis.de Portland. CO I ' X T R Y 1 1 0 M Eri. J.MWW tO $2tl,0JU 6000 Jennings Lodge. 1 acre, fine Im provements, compression water rvstem. 6000 B-averton, 10 acres commercial orchard, modern buildings. 500 Oak Grove, 2 acit tuu state of tiilt i vat I on. 7000 4 ilver s ;rl n gs. 1 acre, beau tl f ut home. Bull Run water. 7000 Tigard, 4 ;g cres rignt at station, highly improved. 7500 O11 Base Line road. 6 acres. 6 roorn house. furnace, t -replace, fruit and aiirubberv. 7500 Island station, about H acxe, swell bungu low, Riverview. 8500 Jennings Lodge. 4 acres. 5-roora house, grapes, fruit and berries. 90OO Near '1 Heard. S Acres. luouern houne. beautifully improved. 30000 Garden Home. 5 acre. 12-room buncalow. Kewaunee water s)e tetn; a regular place. 15000 Palatine Hill, snout m acres, beautiful view, highly improved. 10000 H'.ilHboro. right at station, 35 acres commercial orchard, io acres bea verdatn. 2O00O Milwaukie Heights. 6 acres run ning from paved road to lake shore ; fruit, sn rubbery, 1 a-roorn coH.mal houe; this is A gentle man's home; 20 minutes drive from town. We have photos of most of the above places. Term can be arranged on any of the artnve. Call and e u. WATCH OT-R Abi. WE GET RESULTS. R ITT E K. LOWE A CO. 2Q3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. Fit A N IC L. MrOriUE, country Homes. $2300 3 acres, clot-e 111. large bam and houae. $3000 5 acre at Beaverton, finely Ira proved. $12mi Bontta station, small house and chicken house; 2 acres. $1200 one acre at Bryant station. 5- room house. 1 urn it hed. $5ooo Columbia highway, 20 acres, high ly improved. $1400 Brentwood. 1 acre. f 1 000 Base Line road. 1 acre. lino. 1 acre. Evergreen station, nice house, near st at 1011. 25ni 2 acres lkowa;i valley road. s.tono 5 acres, Ben station, garage. $1450 Boring station. 10 acres, chicken house ; eaey term. $3000 3 acres. Errol station, on Estacada line; small house, good roads. tie FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Country Home. Ablnrton Building. Main lhC4. Main 5156. Office- Open Evening and. Sundays. 8L'Bl:nHA' HOME 2 acres In high state of cultivation, good i-nwim piH stereo nu w un large porch. outbuildinKs and chicken houfe. about 40 young fruit trees, part In bearina. anrub- bery and flowers; cement wa.k. gai. t.-.e-phone and near to water main ; graled sen 001 located about 3 blks. I mm station, store and Pacific highway (contrail i.ow let for paving, good car service. Fourth- st. electric red cars, about 35 mln. from 4'h and Washington sts.; majority of peo ple living here work In the ciiy; price $-T750. $ l0f cash. bal. terms. Address owner, K. E. Brltch. room 211, city hall, VERY PRFTTT SUBURBAN HOME ON PAVED STREET AND RIGHT AT CAR. 24 acres, all cleared, a perfect tract practically new six-room bungalow, pi as trred; full basement, bath, electric Hants, etc ; good bearing orchard : on 81' J. a paved street, two blocks from car; owner moving aw ay ; price only $4OO0. Har grove Realty Co., 122 N. OtU su Broad way 43SL SUBURBAN HOME $600 DOWN. Five acres of good land, all cultivated; near Portland and one-fourth mile from the cars; five-room ptsstered house, barn. chicken house, orchard ; all fenced ; on oou naru-surraced road; price J35oO. RALPH ACKLEY. 128-5 3J Corbett Bldg. I SPECIALIZE In homes and home sites et Multnomah station; 15 minutes' ride on the Oregon Electric. City water, gas and electric lights available. Have several .1. 4. 5 and 7-room modern homes for sale at mis time at attractive prices. A iso quarter acres Irom $4.5 up. No choicer suburban rctddence district on tho west siue. cee .n. i. Atcimon Fund ay after noon at Multnomah Development Com pany's real estate office on the. boulevard, or week days at 404 Piatt bldg. BUNGALOW FN A P at Multnomah station, on ma in street corner. block from sta tion. I rent room could be used for store, balance for living-rooms. City water, gas. electric lights, modern plumbing. Oniv $10u0. terms to suit Purchaser. An llu'l location for millinery, dressmaking or similar purpose. eee Alctmon Sunday afternoon at office of Multnomah Develop ment Co., on the bouievard, or 4o4 Plait uiug. wee a a ays. ONE) ACRE ON EAPT FTDF SrX-CENT FARE. FOR ONLY $1000. One acre, all cleared except few nice firs; 05 bearing trees, small house and Darn ; price iwu; convenient to Mt. Fcott car. Hargrove Kealy Co., 122 N, otu st. uroauway 431. $3750 MODEX RUNG A LOW AND ACRE. 5-room attractive bungaJow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, electric lightH and ga-s, cement banement. , ' " ui giuuim, an ciear; i'ara iou. Terms. S"- FRANK I McGUIRE To Buy Your llorre Ablngton Building. Main lo0. Main 51K6. v'i 1 ice open e eningu ami unUa s. COUNTRY HOME IN CITY ONE ACRE. PRICE $4 0oo. One acre, all improved, wi-h fm 1 room modern house having two toilets and sleeping porch, doubly rontrructd; barn, chit ken house, etc; all kino's of irult and brrie.: cement walk to car line; gas and RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak si. Broadway 415. $2500 155x208 HOMT S?!nn Here is an ecre tract on K. 73d etree-t, cloite to ML Scott car. with a 5-room nouie, rnu win ntndie. tee FRANK L McGUIRE To Buv Ton r Kntn, Ablngton Building. Main 10G. Main 5156, -mice open evenings and Sundays. MR. HOMBSEEKER. "Wooldn t you like to own a nice little suburban home, where you can enjoy the m-u.iv 'i iu loun iry 111 ana raise your own vegetable, fruit, rhukpn, .n,i I have to 1110 aice suburban home for sale au ex' nan ve. J. B. HO LR ROOK. 214-218 Panama Bldg. 40 ACRES with equipment, only 10 miles from center rorimna ana Close to pvei hlrbway half In Cultivation, building inrln I bearing orchard, fully eat.iDied w . urn ' plow, gas engine. Rem ruber. $15o per " V " " T i hiiii. oou Loacora oiag., 2d and btark. $50 down and $'0 per month. Located In the beautiful Tuh latin valley, close to electric line, within K-mi!e circle or 1 ortland. Lies level, open pasture. Splen did chicken or berry ranch. Owner, 600 Concord bldg.. 2d and Ma rk. HIGH-CLAPS suburban magnificent home site. 200 feet on paved rod. All conveni ences, water, gas. Bull Run water. Beau tiful view of mountains and river. You will delight In showing this to your friends. Priced at $ 1 5J5. Owner, &60 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. 3Mt A ORE 3. cleared, with wrnall house end barn; about fruit trees; wen with pump: about nuie from Rlveru. station Oswego hue; blopcs toward south and weat; good soil. Price $250. bee owner 416 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 5c rar Oregon Electric. Cement basement, laundry rrays fireplace, city water, ga and electric llg hts. $300 cash, monthiy payment. Hem Atchison. 404 Piatt bldg. IF YOU want the most modern up-to-date suburban home I have It. furnlshd or un furnished, close to car, reasonable orice 11 nd term. Place located 4ioi W2d at. k E. Tabor 4ft4S. Owner. HOMESITE PXAP, $40 down, for lSo-Ciao. cultivated and fenced, balance $lo per month. Conven ient for X. W. tit eel shipyard workers Owner. 5hQ Concord bldg., 2d and Stark 10 ACRES. H-room house; 3 acres cleared $22"0: $50U down, rest to suit; on car lino 14 45 Fern st. BRYANT acres, at Osweso lake, $250 for an acre; Ilea level, open, close to station. 500 Concord bldg-., 2d and b tar it. REAL ESTATE. Hnhnrban Home. CHOICE SELECTIONS. 2 acres at Metseer eta . fan.ilv or chard, 7-rm. house, modern. Price.. $200 Sk acre, Ardenw a.d sta.. house 6 rms. Price $2100 1.1ft acres rn Nea berg. 5-rm. hunc. moa-rn: lurge cl.hken bouse. Prirv $25iK 5 act ee. Koit er road. 4-rm. houso. clilckrn h-Mi(e. barn, fruit. Prve. . . $25O0 2'j acres. Ixothe ta., barn, chicken housf. fruiL Price $2750 6-rm. houf. modem, with lot lOox in GlartKtone. Price $2S50 8-nn. bungalow . si rlc ! y tn derr. lot liMixliui, carng". chicken houe. fruit trees. Trire ....$31M 2 a'-rea on Capitot lnghway. a!l In K-vr. or bard, modvrn 5-rm. bun galow, prue $3500 2. 1 acres, M-luruin eta., family or chard. 5-rm. buncalow. modern chM ken bouse, gi eeiinoiiee. Price . . . $3700 M em 0-riu. rt-sMence. c noire shrubbery and flow. re. pa race at.d chick.-11 houe. ii,t lu"xl"H. jn Gladstone. I' rice $3750 2 acrea in fruit trwe. with 7-rm. h-uee. on Powell Yal ley road near 74iii st. Prl.-e $3SOO 4 acres at Jcnnirci Lodge; good 5 riTi. Iioum, cood barn, a I no --rm. boufe; all in 1 "uncord g rapes and chuici ben ring f ru : t t res. with cbewtnut and Kng;isii walnut Utn In front of property. Price $550 cr will cii are or more a desired. 3.7'. a. -re on paved road. 4 ml. from ferry; 2 acres tn choice fru:t. bear In, bal. r.ch bouom land : 3 springs; house ,;2x.iJ. 4 rms. on flrt floor. ra e for 4 rms. on r-ottd floor; cement fruit house, rt-.icken houHe. raraice anl hirr.. l'rle $5' 54 OOUhAHn A: WlKDItiCK. 24.; Stark M HERE is a pretty place and it I -itu:.i.i the most favorably of itnv plate on th-i Oregon City car line; 2 big arris of land, every inch of it hichlv 1mproed and pro ducing, fruit of all kinus saiore. A big grape vineyard, w hl-h pavs a good in come, 011 this two acres of land la a ti r 00 in modern enoiiK h house f ,,r anv per son ; it even has hardwoud floors and all 01 her neieftary acquisitions. Th's houe stands oa that part of the land w hih ci. s a commanding view of the other tow ns along the Or.eon i'lty car line. Ms wril s the riv. r. ou nnlit say t he place s practically located on a hard -surfai e street, being jus: of. There is a garage 011 this place, as e!l .,s fine rhuk-ii-house and other nwMrv Improveiueiii. It shntud sell f,tr $ln.n-ii. but all we want ts i.:.o o. half cash ui'i h.-indN- It M J Cl.oHESSV. 415 ABINGTO.N BLDG. CARPKV HOME. H er n is Something goop. IV, acres of er y f . rt 1 ;o loamy soli, all In h.u e b. -erinc fruit . tipple. pear, r hemes and all Kinia .f b- rrie!-. Io. at-d only 4 blocks from the btaticn. ut minuter from the l.u.in-.H.s (.-rt ot lunhn, ; haa a sod 5-re. in cotu.cp. ntv liKhts and water, Kood barn and htca.en house. We d.ui t know wny anyone would buy a liou-e ou small lot when thla can be had at the fame price, owner w.il trad thin plae on a farm up to toou nr ..uuu or win fell f..r $.vo.. Ilouu d..wn. No 4-5 iCaiph Ackley, 3O0 Corbett bid:. TIic:RE Is that 2S acres of land, no better iun aiai 01 urvK.ui. tmj.roxed to the smallest detail. All klnas of trui fruus of stanoard variety. .l kinds of rare siiruobery Ttus land lies ih, most fa vorao.y of any along n.e ore 1:0.1 i'uy car line; t hei e are barns, chic ken - nous-s. electric water s stem and a Kood t urn f or tab, 6-room nous with a cood base meut on the p. nee. This p.ace has a m view, only '2. b.ocks from the station, close to th river and on paved street. It wuu.d 1 very hard to buy a p.ace of tins de scription for l-s t han iL.uun. A.l we war.l is $5-T.O. iJ.jOu .ash you must have. M. J. CLoHESSV, 415 A li 1 .NG To N IU.DG ACRE TRACT 72 REARING K.iUI 1 TRET? :-l:uUM liuLSL G A It AO K Parkrose. 4 blocks south of Pandv bled and car tu.e; prtMiie water, jr.ts at.d eier tricit in hous.-; ctn. aen p. n aiui house, ad kn ia or berriea, sround in Hue :ate or cultivation; the hu 1a only temporary, but the k round and li.prv rmruli a:i undervaiuej. Prl e $;:.o aown. Jj in on 1 h. lit 1 crest Inr 1 ,.ti t j at rtr. J . 1. HAKTMAS i'.iMI'a.W, No. 7 (.LnmLer ol Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 20N A o5'i. OX THE RASE LINE ROAD, on a paved street a: 1 ibe way from 1 ho business cen ter to the :ates. Hix acres of land erv hiKhly uiiprov.-u. every inch of this l.md lies hicu with icood drainage and at lbs same time level. on thta land is a 5 room house with a full concrete basement. There sre fruits In full bearinic. plenty of them. Thla place is not omy on tJ.- h'.cn wsy, but it la on tne electric car line, also backing up acaiiist the station. The pi h e i t this place Is on y 4.".on. 1 , land aione is cheap at i:ttio half t as h will handle this. M. J. Cl.oHt.-aV, 415 A 151 NG I OX Li-DG. HOW does this sound to you ? A 7-room modern buns alow oti p acres of In tin v improved land on the p:ved street n-ur to the Oregon City mr linn. Tins bunga low tins a fine cement basement, w aah trays, e let trie 11k ht. rus. but n and toilet On the land Is a lare variety of all kinds of standard fruits In full bearing This place is a beautiful home place and every lhit4K desired la there. The reason for s.-lims; is tli owner ts lenvinc the state. It is reasonably worth ?mhi. Vou can buy It all lor $..25o. one-haif cash. M. J. i T. 'H :sY. 4 i : A Hi ng T lu.i c;. HKKE la another one of six acres of highly improve. i land on the R.ih Line nad, the main road to the Columbia highway, on t his six acres in a 7 - room house with a full basement. This house Is a tond sub stantial home. There 1 re barns, rhlcken houses and other build in as. There is a line orchard on this pla. e. All of it Is in cultivation. There Is g.is. electric light and ciiy w .iter If a person w is ties it. Tin place can be hot-phi for $;50ti. it is cheap enough for $ti..vo, ha:f cash will be re quired. M. J. cLOHES.iV, 415 ABING 1 ON PLUG. 5 ACHES only five b.01 ka from Orenco d--pot; ;t acres c'oartd, '2 acres pasture, with evw-ruur.niff npilr.g water, tine houae, nice lutle barn. cuU ken bulluinsa. etci; tuy water In house, electric hfchL, and can have gas It desired; bargain if sold this month; any resonx oie pr.ient down ac-cept.-i; tvrins 10 auit 011 balance. bee It. A. M;tcheli, owner, orenco. Or. on Ore jton Eiccinc R. K.. 14 miles fro-n l'crt land. A iso have another nice bungalow here with three lots to eel. bra.u and Kooii terms also. Sl'lU RliA X home, on Oregon Ciy cariine, eight mlt.uiea wik from Hereford sta tion. eiQe a a 1 k to l he p.ace ; a 1-3 acres of good lat.d a.l 1:1 cu ti at ion. mod era o-room house with Kren.h ooora and hard wood floors, bath, cement iMci-iru'tit, city wan-r, gt.od bam arid p. ru house, a good J.-rey cow. U cliii Kene two l:c, 4 0 b-a rin a: fruit t r ; price tloo. $j:.oo w i' hanJe It. ba.anif to s nu Herman X'lsou, oladhtoiic. lh one Oregon City 41HR. A VERY ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME Or" H ACUti O.N A PA LD 11IGUWAV. Pufflrlentiv nesr to the elty for a home for a buiines man; ia:.practiry price and terms can be a rr.i n c'i. S--- Mr Hewev at J. L. HARTMAX co.VPAXY. o. 7 Cham ber of Commerce b.ug. EEAUT1PLL COUNTRY HOME. acres in Grcsham, ail In cult.; fam ily orchard ; fronts on m a-art am St.. sur rounded by rood homes, t-nn. bunralnw with bt lawn in front; hardwood fioors. fireplace, a bedrooms and bath. "good sep arate iiiet; guriK. P-i- and rice A beau tiful h-ne. i'rl- e $:oron. GODDAKD Ai WIEPR1CK. 2 I J fc-tnr it- L" YOU want something rlsht on the carline close to Mtlwauki station here is 4 acres of land high'y improved w it h a 4 -room house and ot her bu linings. Th price la such as to ltisire the purchaser of a big profit. Call and Inquire as to the particu lars. M. J. CLOHL6V, 415 AElNG'luN PLDO. HKAUTI PCL Sl'lU'RHAS HOME. 1 acre. enly IO mlnuteM thla office; 44 bearlnc fruit 1 reea, 7-rooT niodru house, furnatt. f.iepife. built-in stuff. raras;e, etc. On hard-'irf aee road. Act .isliy '(.t owner $Mmmi. Taa ? Ho for an luimerliste sale. ge od n nua. Ruuimcil de Rum-r!-l, 274 M.irK at. GA-.T a home and Independence for the youtif.trs, tby will hmm you 10 pay for thla city block by t adi ing on ao tact tit (i f I in ks : y-room liouf e, ha t h, eicct ric lights, two electric hn station b!m Ic from hui-; garden, bearing tr -f. berriea Priee ?:i i; itiiih. i- or.-Roni.in. WCICK. action end "") given y,.u p.,ss( ton of my u 1 1 a r and pretty riiFt Ic bun it a -low. wl'.ii fio pla. e. one of Laae Grove's niost beautiful site, overlooking: Onwego Lake: furnished coin p. etc. reaiiy to move In; $21on. e-y terms. Home phone. iJ tl'n. Mr. Layn. RE A D THIS ONE! At $15 montn. whole acre; bis; harraln at $r..n, Oregon City hue. ::o minutes' ri3e. one for $s month, price $4ift. owner w i! make terms to eult: aiao 5 -at; re tract. 216 A I isky t dg . tor. Sd and Morrison. CHOICE SCDURBAX HOMES and at reuse, well located, near car line, from 1sik up. Inqulrw third houae north of Klaley station, on Oregon City car Una. sm "Alder P. rook." MOUNT TAimu bun ..: w. betw een bot h carlines. $.;aoo, $ I .".u down ; dandy, n :ce and clean, 5-room hunralow. nice attic. f:ne location, on E. 50 th et. II. It. Sti.ub. 1 "27 Pel niont. Week, phone Tabor "1 ' RAISE chlekena. parden. fruit, one acre. 7 rooms, have m en t, Woodstock car, $3250. $5oo cash. Tabor 777. VERY choice one acre at Garden Home! S L N. Gilman. box 43, Main h4iO. Garden Home. TWO acres. 12 " mile out on Salem elec"; ell cheap. Owner, fcc.lwoo J.0JL htihurhan Home. A HIH-"LA&ii suburban home well a city home, only 1 block from the car line, paved streets .1 the way to the Kate; not out a Ur as 35; h st. Here are two tic acres of land of the richest soti, II of it in p.trden. with finest Quality and be!t sel.tted orchard .11 full b'ann:, the truit. both UiKe and small, on Uui tlce will net the owner hand.ome re turna cxery year; there is a new 7-rootu houe with a full cement basement, this is a very fine house, the rooms are ail la rue and nothing can diiut out the sun litcht. Us !catJ 1 i superb, etandins on an eminence overlooking th city: there Is a t ine Kara ce and rhlcken houee and runs n this p. .ire; a pretty and substan tial fence Im-lnKin this 2 acrea; line im provements a1) around the place. No per 1011 wuud sell this place ex:ept for the reason the present owner haa; It Is a cleun-cut. very attractive home, walking distance to the buKinesa center, and what do on thine of 11 ? You can buy 11 all for $rt'to. You must have $;5oO cash. It la simplv worth $ 1 J."' o of anv person's money. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABl.NG TON BLDG. "la ACRES, ail in cultivation, rich black roil, 1 viol from Beaertoa, 6-room house, tears re. woodshed, fruit and ber riei. Price S.OOn. Term a. A nice lo-acre tract, under cult., some pasture, wood f r 5 years' use. Nice orchard In bearing, on sidewalk to Beaver ton. ti-room houi-e, fine view from houe. 1'rtce $35oo. 13 acres. all under cultivation, on Walker road. 10 mi. Portland, near O. K. station. Mouern 6-room bungalow, the ery best of f.oi. A lare new dairy barn and silo, younu orchard. Price $bOOO. MlUt trade f.r larcer place. 13 acres. V4 mile Beaverton. all hieh state cult.. bes.t of oll, fin Timiiv orchard. Pine 1 1 -room modern house, fme b;rn and outbuildings. A REAL COUN TRY 1HAIE st a HA KG A I N. Price $.ooo. TLCKEil a: MliiK'.'K, N. W. Ban bide. Main hM. ON THE Columbia hlKhway. overlook.1 n jc the rlv,-r 111 the town of Troutdale. right at the car line, ia a bp quarter acre or land with a tl-room hu-e, ery substantia 1. This house 1 hard finished, porches and out.sii.ie hutluins; there la rut, nun; water In the house and barn, there U gas and ele t no II c ht. t bet a is an ahuna.nre of iruil in full befiimn. chone ehrubb.-ry. U Is erido&cd with a good fence, school snt diuretics within 2 t locks, sll of the fjr nlt ure goes wuh lie pi a e : you Can ha e t ne w ho t lung' lor 1 000. and nil you ne.d is $20 cash. Now if you want a home on the Lot iimbi .1 h'ahwav. litre 1i our ilianuv M. J. CLOliLSSY, 4I. A HI V G I - N RL1G UVKli otie a. -re. with ;wo-:orv 7-roorri boiise, ha : h. a: so ti e build tn .oi.'m, f xtunv. no.v'Ms. iilne. ci fee lion ery stock at I tivoue, io w areri ims. gas-wire' llRht m i em, f. d bam iotx.'.o. j.od as now ; large 1 rame w tuni house with ".4 rick dry f.r and oaic w vo1. h: ken. smoke and hs bouit. a:l in g Kd ondiiion. Jerry co, mare. c..t. J h-gs. waon. hack. harre-. 25 stacks pn!a;oes. ha. grain. ,i bearing t rees. inr'ud ng u acres of iea?' d land 1a w 11 at. li ice $ J-'"'0, terms. lxn-at ed I 1 o:! of t tie richest farm in a d letrict in c unt. (k. r.er iost wife; mtit : i qjoK. u. K. Kre..(E, Gladstone, or. I'hore Oregon City ji-J. l0 H'l want a hlch- laes suburban home of i'iu one ac 1 e of Ktixl. im proved l o the guii-n' taste? i:vrrilnnj that iirows cau l found on the p'.a. e , t here 1 a modem up-to-date iWrontn bunKalow; baae nient. fireplace, furnace, city water and a water stem oi ls own bestdett. ou can hue a Karaite, it Is right at the at a -lion. cloe In, every city convenience; this hout-e contains a l bu!'t-ln e!fecta and the price la on.v $55tn. Tire Hawthorne hed.e a It-110 l w .11 t li t he price ; $ 1 2'HI cash. M. J CLOli bV, 415 A LI NG TOX BLDG. fcooo m:ihh." hom e $a:oo. Good, subatantiai 7-room mo.iern bon-Tulo-.v type home; with a tract of land 1 4'&:l35. wit h :55 feet of pa vine; In and paid; over $5'wi paid on street liens: on the X. W. corner of 7th and E. G hsau, $5o0 wi!'. handie. Pee ERA N K L. Mcr.riRE, To liuy Your Home. Ab-rrTon lildi;. Main lou. Main Mf , oftue Open Evenings and undaa. ON I. Y $25on for one of he finest 5- acre traets :n Multnomah county. Thla land ia located at Kuirxtew. the Troutdale car line runs alrn; ttt 1de of It; you fta on a hard- at face road ail th way 10 the plae; now if ou want a beautiful sub urt.m home and wi?h to build your own buiv.'hw. this Is tne place for you. It has a 1 ommar.d intf view . $15oo in caU w I 1 handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 AIGNGTOX PLIwl. ln)'T PAS! PHIS IP It Is a wonderful L-urcaln. Seven rooms mo,iern. with ce ment biLsement. furnace. f;rep.ace and ail buiU-i:i8. located In he best reidence dla tr:, t of GARDEN HoME restrict ed 1 on Oi eKon 1 :!: trie. with raa. ctririt y, wuier and irlvate a ut d n e. N ; on-rei-der. l owner a s hu-rif.ee for quick a e at $4nh. Don t botuer unions jou hae 1.m f.uh. Mcn'ORMIC, 419 Fenton Bldg.. 84 ftth St. OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL t'OI.I MHU RIVER. 15 A'KKS. R!rh. level and pentle sloping land, has renttul i;roe of ntie w-ood. many ex Pvi.mve and beautiful bomes In netuhor hood, conxenlent and delightful auto drle fiom city; price $5on. A. K. HILL, 214 Lumbermen bld. Bdwy. 421. ON LY $H"tl for a bite half acre of land In fine !tj'4 of cultivation, fruit trees and shrubbery; on this half acre la a new neat 4-rooni bnnKMinw, u thla bungalow Is city water, k. and you can have elect rl.: Itsht if jou want to. this place Is only. 5. l lot ks from a cltv school and 2 bloekn from the station, with 5c car fare. Lav terms mven. M J. CLOHESSY. 4 15 A IU NC.TON BLThJ. HLRE is one you cun have for the claims aK-nnt It: 1 i acres of land, hlnhly im proved with a (rood rt-room hue and other buildtnKs; there ! on this land fruit and prapea in abundance: the preaent owner la unaMe to pay the mortae, tiierefore haa to let go. Come In and buy I for the mortece rlaiMi. M. J. CLO HESSY, 415 AUIN'GTOX ItLDG. $2500 BUYS 2 acres Juat outside city limits with Rood 4 rooms and attic lartee enough for 2 more room; nicely fin ished interior, all plumbina; rouphed in but no fixtures. Houae n-eds paint ing, but is a bare win ; $.bM down, balance to suit. Let us shnw vou. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 2t4 Ry. Exch. BUltf. Main 53. Stark, between 3d and 4th. HoW would you Ilka to have this? Five Moat-res of land, all of It on the Oregon City car line, richt at the station. This la seml-beaver dam bind;' on this five acres la a new- 5-room bun pa'ow. a choice va rtet v of fruits onmuiB into 1 11U bea rim;; $4000 takes It all. and all you need is $Timi cash. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ALINO- lov I ' 1. 1 G . . A REAL BARGAIN. yj ve-room t-unaralow ; lull cement has rnent. fireplace, larure attic, all well fur nished, in' l ud in a piano player, with "it nt 1 o ; mar et jun ; good term a. lnuuiro third houae) north of Kbloy t ttou. Sinn Alder-lirook, on Orecon Cit y car line. WiJA'l li-e. inat'er with lhi? Three bis acres of land, about S n 01 e hard In full t.ea nr. tf. with t-r'ni modern up-to-d ate l'intiti'ivr, a paratfe. barn, chicken house, dnvc on a paved street all the wav t the place and t!ie price is only $4-j0o. aU'Mjt ii'if ci!h is a 1 you nee-j. M. J. i l.t H ESS Y, 415 API NG TOX B LPO. 3 A R ES of choir cardeniner a-round; totut orchard nd s:nal I fruit : 3-room house, with Iull Run water and electric Ilsrhta: rlo5e to Muitnomah. at the intervectlon of two im proved count y roads; 2ti5t. Will se 1 ha.f of the place at a pro Dortion a 1 pr-re For partleu'.ars call 44 Piatt bldg. o i-Y IIJ.'U for on bin W ecre of land, all In cultivation, four blocks from the station on the ore iron City car line; there 1 a new 5-room house, not entirely rem -plated, on thla place; u is chean for twu- t price ; vou must b a v $ Vh canh. M J i-LOHKNtf, 41 ABINGTOX BLDG. ON LY $J5oo for alnioat 1 H acre of land, ail In orchard and garden; there Is a 5-rm. b ouve on One nd, it baa such con v en I -Piifn as cltv water, aas and electric llaht. rd eU.se to sv ri'y hool : oo eNsh will bandie thla. V. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Ml NGTON BT.rG. ON LY $ H'"t' f -r of an acre of land, all in cultivation, all on the car line, all fenced; on this lard la a neat "j- room house, also a cod sortment of fruit In full bermr; vou mui have $.".ou cash. M. J. 1 LoMKSV. 415 ABINGTOX BLDG. A S N A P. By ewner. rov 5-room horralow. sleep !n xz porch, cars re ; small payment a nd $ :." per mont h. Fijrnitute fr saie. MT I J 5'iih ave. s. E. Mt, Scott car to Archer 1'lace. Mll.TNOMAH STATION modern buncalow, with garHKe and chlcktn-house. B marine fruit teeea. Ciose to station: $.lm caati and mont tily payments. See Atchison, 4o4 l'iatt bldg. foiiTl.Vi FEET al Multnomah on O. E. Ry., ov owner. Small house and barn, electric ltchta. Bull Run water, gas and tele ph on ?rv!(f, corner lots, beautiful view. Price !l5n. terms. Phone Main lt57. ON E. 27T'l ST. clove in. a fine location, between E. Alder and Washington Is a new S-room huki,e, niodfri. with a full lot. and the prhe la oniv $-mm. half rash. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTOX BLDG. CHOICE acres in full bearing fruit; chick en houe and abed: get a tent and camp at ?th and E. Market sta; $7.50 mont h. Tabor W.V FOR K KM isub urban cottaere, electricity, naa and 2 1 acres (rood soil, ateo am a it amount f urnitiu' fur sale. Phone luJ, -a k Grove. y ; S M'To and modern biir.ftsiow. carac;, ':. -ken hus-. fruit, fenced, a blocks from Mni'.noiTiiiii station, on paved road. Main 4 1 Irt. 1 l-r. A'lU:s. I..K. Grovo cottH,e; K&rtl(n. ri-iricity; tHuu. McFarl&nO. ftoj Ywa bide (J