The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 09, 1919, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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J30 was secured from this 100 per cent
The speakers" bureau, under the
management of George1 L. Itauch, is
continuing its educational campaign,
addressing crowds at the theaters,
churches, schools, club and fraternal
meetings, noonday gatherings of in
dustrial workers etc.
Speakers Carry Measasre.
Among these speakers are Dr. Fred
erick Coan, Dr. V. Willard, John T.
Dougall, L. R. Bailey, Elton Watkins,
John H. Stevenson, J. D. Lee. H. O.
Cartozian, S. S. Bruce. Edward Con
stant, A. F. Flegel, M E. Lee, Dr E. H.
Pence, T. G. Ryan, George Caldwell,
Lieutenant R. S. Gill, Marshall Dana,
Lieutenant J. Hodges, John Callahan,
Captain D. E. Nease. Judge R. H. Mor-
Hear the Great Masters
on the Cheney
Jag Sale Expected to Raise
$2000 for Armenians.
THE Cheney is the "open sesame" to- the
enchanted realm of music
Every theme and thought of the great masters
of music finds in the Cheney a perfect medium
of expression.
Speakers Cover City and Committee
Predicts City Will Go Over the
Top by Monday Xight.
Contributions of more than $100
not previously reported for Ar
menian L id Syrian relief secured
up to 6 o'clock March 8:
Employes of Portland Rail
way. Light & Power Co.. $650.00
A. G. Long 500.00
Employes of Marshal 1-
Wells Hardware Co 275.00
Bethlehem Norwegian Lu
theran church 255.00
Olds, Wortman & King.. 250.00-Mason-Khrman
company.. 200.00
St. James Evangelical Lu
theran church 161.49
Mrs. Caroline Kanim...... 100.00
Mrs. Charles Kamm 100.00
A. O. Ritau ' 100.00
Emerson Hardware Co 100.00
Blake-McFall .. . . 100.00
Vaughn Motor Works.... 100.00
With yesterday's returns incomplete
and several important districts uncan
vassed, no estimate could be given at a
late hour last night of the funds re
ceived at Armenian relief campaign
headquarters As was announced yes
terday morning approximately half the
city's quota of ?73,2O0 had been secured
at that time.
General John Dougall and his forces
worked diligently all day yesterday in
ihe effort to swell the fund to the high
est possible percentage of the Portland
allotment, as the drive is scheduled to
close Monday night.
"We would have had our quota raised
by this time," said Mr. Dougall last
night, "had a sufficient number of
workers responded. We have been com
pelled to leave many districts, includ
ing Council Crest and the close-in sec
tion south of Jefferson, practically un
canvassed. Our canvassers have worked
hard since last Monday, and they have
been compelled to return several times
to solicit those who were not at home.
More Workers Are Needed.
"We need more workers in all parts
of the city, and anyone who is willing
to help uphold Portland's fine record
in all previous patriotic and philan
thropical drives will be welcomed at
headquarters Monday morning."
At 6 o'clock last night the returns
from yesterday's tag sale amounted to
about $1500. and Mrs. Sadie Orr Dun
bar, in charge of the sale, predicted
that the returns would exceed $2000.
A contribution from which the drive
officals hope to net as much as $500 is
a beautiful brooch set with diamonds
and pearls, given by a Portland woman
yesterday. The contributor has
traveled through Syria and Armenia,
and because of her sympathy for the
sufferers there has been caring for two
Armenian orphans whose parents were
Roosters Swell Relief Fond.
A pretty holly tree, the gift of T. A.
Flint, of 675 Quimby street, was an
other of yesterday's donations. It will
be sold to the highest bidder at head
quarters in the Unitarian church, Yarn
ing and Broadway streets.
The two pedigreed roosters donated
by P. M. Dick of Oswego, on Friday,
have already netted the fund $25 and
are still in the custody of Mrs. A. R.
lnnes, office superintendent, for sale
to the highest bidder. Mrs. Innes
started the bidding yesterday at $5 and
Frank Creasy of the Kiwanis club fly
ing squadron raised the bid to $20. A
few minutes later Frank C. Jackson, of
Seattle, national field organizer for
the Armenian-Syrian relief committee,
ame in and bought the birds for $25,
returning them to Mrs. Innes for re
sale. Again Mrs. Innes started the bidding
fit $5 and late yesterday afternoon
Frank Creasy came in and repeated his
former bid for $20, at which figure the
bidding now rests. Chicken fanciers are
invnea to view tnese class birds at
Children Donate to Cause.
Two little girls. Evalyn Jensen and
Dorothy Turney, aged 12 and 9, yes
terday visited headquarters and contrib
uted $2.35 in dimes, nickels and pen
nies which they had earned, with the
aid of two little neighbors, Hortense
and Bob Campbell, by giving "shows."
for which they charge a penny admis
sion. A pleasing incident, following a
series of discouraging experiences, was
reported by two workers on Captain H.
O. Cartozian's team yesterday morning.
When these canvassers, depressed by
the lack of interest and small contribu
tions secured in the two hours pre
vious, entered the Pacific Coast Cone
company's factory on East Eighth they
were given a cordial welcome and
found that every one of the 20 em
ployes had contributions ready. About
You Can Make at Home a Better Gray
Hair Remedy Than You Can Buy.
Gray streaked or faded hair is not
only unbecoming, but unnecessary.
1 ou can aarsen it witnout using a
dye. '
"Anyone can prepare a simple mix'
ture at home, at very little cost, that
will darken gray hair and make it soft
and glossy. To a half pint of water
add 1 ounce of bay rum, a small box
of Barbo Compound and ounce of
glycerine. These ingredients can be
hought at any drug store at very little
cost, or the druggist will put it up for
you. Apply to the hair twice a week
until the desired shade is obtained.
inis win make a gray-naired person
jooic twenty years younger. It is not
a dye, it does not color the most deli
cate scalp: is not sticky or greasy and
does not rub off."
Humphreys "Seventy-seven
break 3 up Coughs, Colds,
Influenza, Cold in the Head,
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Quinsy,
Tonsilitis and Grip. Jit all Druggist
if ff
X - "
Miss Evelyn Yoanffs. . J
Miss Evelyn Toungs has re-
ceived word from Washington,
D. C, of her advancement to the
rank of chief yeoman. Miss J
Toungs is the daughter of Fred 4
M. Youngs, superintendent of the I
pressrooms of The Oregonian. She
enlisted as a yeomanette in the f
United States Navy soon after t
war was declared and was as- J
signed to duty in the disbursing I
office at Bremerton. Wash., with i
a rating of first-class yeoman.
She was formerly employed in J
the Portland office of the Un- T
derwood Typewriter company.
row, M. E. Crumpacker, James P. Sta
pleton. Dr. John H. Boyd and George
Arthur Brown.
Included in the returns already so
licited but yet uncounted is a huge
envelope . filled with coins and cur
rency, ranging from 1 cent to $10. It
represents the gifts of Lincoln high
school students. The Tri-L club of
' the Lincoln high school took charge
of the Armenian campaign for that
building and, assisted by the faculty
organized teams which canvassed the
entire school.
It is estimated that the envelope
brought to Armenian headquarters
yesterday afternoon by Miss Mildred
Peterson of the Tri-L club contains
several hundred dollars.
Expenses and Overhead Charge Show
Increase Since 1912; Statis
tics Are Prepared.
Tlfrrna bp a in t r-n f fin a net innnmA frwr
five years ended with 1917, with
marked increases in operating ex-
pe rises and overhead charges, in con
rast with large gains for the pre
ceding semi-decade from 1907 to 1912,
are shown in preliminary figures of
the forthcoming quinquennial report
of the electric railways of the state
of Oregon, given out by Director Sam
L. Rogers of the bureau of census
department of commerce.
The statistics relate to the years
ending December 31, 1917, 1912 and
1907. The totals include electric light
plants operated in connection with
electric railways and not separable
therefrom, but do not include mixed
steam and electric railroads nor rail
ways under construction.
The number of operating companies
was eight in 1917, six in 1912 and eight
in 1907, the figures show. The com
panies operated 59C.23 males of single
track in 1917, as compared with 544.64
miles in 1912 and 253.41 miles in 1907,
n increase of 9.5 per cent for the
period of 1912-1917 and of 135.3 per
cent for the decade.
Persons employed numbered 3057 in
1917, as compared with 3041 in 1912
or an increase of but one-half of 1
per cent, but salaries and wages in
1917 aggregated $2,976,798 as compared
with $2,641,897 in 1912, an increase of
17.1 per cent.
The power consumption was 233,152.
742 kilowatt hours in 1917, of which
218,086,315 was generated and 15,066.
427 was purchased, as compared with
182,546,743 kilowatt hours in 1912, of
which 169,609,004 was generated and
12.937,739 was purchased. -
The revenue passengers carried num
bered 67.222.935 in 1917, as compared
with 75.842,324 Ui 1912, a decrease of
11.4 per cent, though the 1917 figure
exceeded that for 1907 by 36.7 per cent.
The income from all sources aggre
gated $7,287,144 in 1917, as compared
with $7,856,471 in 1912, a decrease of
7.2 per cent. The revenues from rail
way operations decreased from $5,322
901 in 1912 to $4,999,601 in 1917
Marshfield Elks Elect.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. March g. (Spe
cial.) Annual election of the local
Elks' lodge No. 1160 was held Wednes
day night. The election resulted in the
choice of the following officers: Ex
alted ruler. T. S. Harvey; esteemed lead
ing Knight, L. A. Liljequist; esteemed
loyal knight. F. D. Cohan; esteemed lec
turing knight, P. R. Bue; secretary,
w. H. Kennedy; treasurer, Joe Will
iams; tyler, w. J. Murphy; trustee,
George uoodrum: delegate to grand
lodge, w. u. t-ttandler.
Finley's take pride in looking after
professional details, many of which
are often unthought of and some
times unnoticed by the public, yet
they add tremendously to the last
ing satisfaction of a complete
funeral service.
J. P. Finley & Son
Progressive Funeral Directors
Montgomery at Fifth
Person Under 2 0 Years Required to
Render Return if Income for
1918 Exceeds $1000.
Bad debts cannot be deducted from
the income tax statement if the bad
debt was recognized as such prior to'urer.
the taxable vear 1918. according to the I
internal revenue oifice. Only sucn
debts as have been charged off as
worthless within the year may be
claimed. Bankruptcy is not necessarily
an indication of the worthlessness of a
debt. The difference between the
amount received by a creditor in distri
bution of a decedent's estate and the
amount of the creditor's claim may be
considered a worthless debt.
A "head of a family" is a person who
actually supports in one household one
or more persons closely connected with
him by blood relationship, by marriage
or by adoption. If the benefactor is
absent temporarily, but a common home
is maintained, the exemption of $2000
applies. If a husband continuously and
voluntarily makes his home at one
place and the wife at another, each
must file an individual return of net
income of $1000 or more. A person
under 20 years is required to render a
return if he had a net income for 1918
of $1000 or more, or a guardian may
render the return for him. The earn
ings of minor children dependent upon
parent should be included in the
parent's return of income.
Weather Bureau Predicts Tempera
ture Below Normal During Week.
WASHINGTON", March 8. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Monday, issued by the weather bureau
today are:
Pacific states Frequent rams prob
able in Washington. Oregon and north-
Am l""-"Tifi-iTT-ii'j nnri fair In Hniithprn
Caiifornia. Temperature will average
somewhat below normal.
KOgue stiver vancy fanners Atiena
Sessions at Med ford.
MEDFORD, Or.. March 8. (Special.)
The farmers of the Rogue river val
ley are attending a practical school
in dairying in the city hall at Ash-
m y
Avoid crowds,' coughs and eow-i
rds, but fear neither germs nor
Germans ! Keep the system in good
order, take plenty of exercise in the
fresh air and practise cleanliness.
Remember a ofean mouth, a clean
8kin, and clean bowels are a protect
ing armor against disease. lo
keep the liver and bowels regular
and to carry away the poisons within,
it is best to take a vegetable pill
every other day, made up of May
apple, aloes, jalap, and sugar-coated,
to be had at most drug stores, known
as Dr. Pieroe'B Pleasant Pellets. II
there is a sudden onset of what ap
pears like a hard cold, one should
go to bed, wrap warm, take a hot
mustard foot-bath and drink copi
ously of hot lemonade. If pain de
velories in head or back, ask the
druggist tor Anuric (anti-uric) tab-
' ' ' :"
land. The school is held under the
auspices of the newly organized county
farm bureau and in co-operation with
the extension service of the Oregon
Agricultural college. E. B. Fitts and
E. L. Westover of the agricultural col
lege are the instructors. Among the
subjects being studied are the breed
ing and feeding of dairy cattle, calf
raising, silos and silage and the herd
As a direct result of the farmers get
ting together at this school there has
been organized a Jersey breeders' as
sociation, to be known as the Rogue
River Valley Jersey Breeders' associa
tion. R. D. Sanford was elected pres
ident, William J. Ferns vice-president,
and F. C. Ilolibaugh secretary-treas-
C. C. Cate. the county agricul
agent, was active in promoting
the school and assisting the breeders
in organizing.
Tribute Paid to Character of Young
Soldier by Commander In Let
ter to His Parents.
Confirmation of the news of the
death of their son. Hollo, has been re
ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Hough N. Frazer
of the Brker apartments. Investiga
tion by the war department and a spe
cial cable message have made certain
the first report of his death, which oc
cured in the Champagne sector October
Tribute to the character of Sergeant
Hollo N. Frazer is paid in a letter of
condolence from Captain James McB
Seller, in command of the 78th com
pany, 6th regiment of Marines, as fol
lows: "It is my good fortune to have
known Rollo from the time he joined
the company at Quantico, Va., until he
was carried off the field, and I wish it
were in my power to express to you in
what esteem and regard he was held
by his comrades, and how keenly they
feel his loss.
"It was indeed a privilege to have
known Rollo as intimately as I did;
and the few- members of the company
left after six months of severe fighting
unite in saying that they never knew
a truer comrade or better soldier. In
the dark days of June, 1918, when the
name U. S. Marines was immortalized
at Belleau Wood, it required men. real
men, of the stern, determined type to
withstand the hardships and dangers
I eta. These will flush the bladder
and kidneys and carry off poisonous
matter. To control the pains and
aches take one Anuric tablet every
two hours, with frequent drinks of
lemonade. The pneumonia appears
ia a most treacherous way, when
the influenza victim is ' apparently
recovering; and anxious to leave his
bed. In recovering; from a bad at
tack of influenza or pneumonia the
system should be built up with a
herbal tonic, such as Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, made
without alcohol from the roots and
bark3 of American forest trees, or
his " Irontie " ( iron tonic) tablets,
which can be obtained at most drug
stores, or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., for
trial package. " Irontie " is just as
good as Dr. Pierce's other medicines.
S - vv t y ---J
-w 1 i- m -.1 . jtv i : n w. .
You hear Paderewski, the greatest living
of the piano, and you realize that tl
iraderewski is at the keyboard.
So it is with all that brilliant company of musi'
cal artists, assembled in your very presence
through the magic of the Cheney. Its ren
ditions are vivid, vital, real.
Inventive genius has added more wonderful features to the Cheney
than are found in any other phonograph. Chief among these is
i i ii i i i 1 1
j! aim,., m ' r . - "
T-.rami -jw--i-:' 1 1
1 : &?.M
Exclusive Cheney Representatives
of the awful Inferno, and such a man
was your son. He was ever an inspir
ation to his companions, and the name
'Marines' gained added luster and glory
for his being there. 1 will always cher
ish the memory of Rollo as a clean, up
right, manly American youth of high
Oregon May Be Asked lo Bujr $10,-
000,000 War Stamps.
Oregon's quota in war savings titamps
will be about H0, 000.000. according: to
A Distinctive Religious System
Of the Council of the Twelve. Church
Kolei For free eonlra of other article of
In the popular classification of rell
plous bodies the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints If included at all Is
generally given mention apart from
churches and sectarian Institutions in
general. The segrea-ation is eminently
proper for this Church .is strictly
No well informed commentator, no
capable critic In either friendly or hos
tile mood, has classed "Mormonism" as
the sectarian offspring of any mother
church nor as any mere variation ot
a preexisting body. No church on earth
claims, acknowledges or adnfit. any
community of origin with the common
ly known but mis-called "Mormon"
Church. Nor does the Church of Jesus
Christ of l-atter-day Saints assert any
such relationship with other bodies.
At this point It Is well to consider the
fact that toleration in religious belief
and practise is a fundamental tenet of
Mormonism." This is set forth in one
of the formulated Articles of Faith:
-W claim the privilege of norahlpins
Almlarhtr od according to the dic
tate of our own conscience and allow
all men the same privilege let them
worship bow where or what they may.
We demand no prerogatives,
privileges beyond what we readily ac
cede to be the common rights of man
kind. Our distinctive teachings and the
claims of the Church as to its commis
sion to preach the Oospel of Jesus
Christ and administer tne saving orai-
nances thereof must be Judged on their
merits, and in the spirit of testimony.
which we believe the honest-hearted
Inquirer may gain for himself in the
course of unbiased Investigation.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Jatter-
day Saints is unique in that It sol
emnly affirms to the world that the
new dispensation, foretold in prophecy
as a characteristic of the last days
precedent to the second advent of
Christ, is established and that th,e Holy
Priesthood, with all Its ancient uutnor
ity and power, has been restored to
"Mormonism" affirms that such resto
ration was a necessity, Inasmuch as
mankind had fallen away from the
Gospel of Christ during the dark ages
of history, with the inevitable, conse
quence that the Holy Priesthootl had
been taken from the earth, and the au
thority to administer the essential and
saving ordinances of the Gospel had
been lost. The condition of spiritual
darkness was foretold by prophets who
lived prior to the meridian of time, as
also by Jesus Christ while in the flesh,
and by His Apostles, who were left to
continue the ministry after the Lord's
Furthermore, the fact of the great
falling away or general apostasy Is
admitted, and indeed affirmed, by high
ecclesiastical authority. Consider the
forceful declaration of the Church of
Kngland, embodied in her official
"Homily Against Peril of Idolatry"
first published about the middle of the
the Cheney 1 onal System an entirely
new principle of sound reproduction,
covered by new basic patents.
Cheney "console or Art Models are ex
ceptionally fine examples of cabinet artistry.
The various period designs are available
in Biltmore Mahogany and Newby
147-149 Sixth St
G. F. Johnson Piano
unofficial Information reaching- the war
saving stamp headquarters yesterday.
Henry K. Iteed. associate state director,
says the estimate is low. judKine from
expressions he heard at the conference
of various state executives at tfan
Francisco in January.
Numerous calls are beinc made for
the J100 and the $1000 units of war sav
ings certificates of the 1919 series. The
certificates were scheduled to reach
Orepon on February 15.
Announcement was made at head
quarters yesterday that only 1919
.stamps can be exchanged for 1919 cer
tificate of the J100 and $1000 issues.
The treasury department announced
that a certificate srom will h issued
of JcNnn Chrltt of L.I
itfrr-day Saintst
thla serira, send riutl to the author
16th century, and still in force as "ap
pointed to be read in churches."
"So that laity and clergy, learned and
unlearned, all agea. rrt, and degrees
of men. women and children off whole
Chriwtendoan an horrible and moat
dreadful thing to think have been at
once drowned in abominable Idolatry;
of all other vices moat deteated of (.ad.
and momt damnable to man; and that
bjr the apaec of eiaht hundred yearn
and more.
Prophets of olden times were permit
ted to look beyond the black night of
apostasy and to behold the glorious
dawn of the restoration. John, the
Apostle and Kevelator. having seen the
events in vision wrote of the realization
as then already attained:
"Aid I saw another angel fly In the
mldat off heaven, havins: the everlaatlng
iconpel to preach unto them that dwell
on the earth, and to every nation, nnd
kindred, and tongue, nnd people, lay
ing with a loud voice. Fear t,od, and
give glory to him; for the hour of hla
judsrment la comet and worahlp him
that made heaven and earth nnd the
Hen. and the fountaina of watera.' (Rev.
We affirm the literal fulfillment of
this gladsome promise through the
ministration of angels in these latter
days, by which the Holy I'riesthood
has been renewed to man. Thus, in
18-3. an angelic personace ministered
to Joseph Smith, and delivered to the
mortal prophet the ancient record from
which the Hook of Mormon has been
translated. This record contains "the
fullness of the everlasting Gospel" as
delivered by the Savior to the ancient
inhabitants of the Western Continent.
Then, on May 15, 1829. John the Jtap
tist. who held the keys of the Lesser
or Aaronic I'riesthood in the earlier
dispensation, appeared in his resurrect
ed state and ordained Joseph Smith and
Oliver Cowdery to that order of Priest
hood, comprising "the keys of the min
istering angels, and of the gospel of
repentance, and of baptism by immer
sion for the remissitjii of sins." (Ijoc
trine & Covenants 131.
Later, the presiding three of the
ancient Twelve Apostles ordained these
men to the holy apostleship. conferring
upon them the Higher or Melchizedek
Priesthooo. whlcli comprises all author
ity for th administration of the pre
scribed ordinances of the Gospel, mid
for the building up of the Church of
Jesus Christ In the current dispensa
tion, preparatory to the coming of the
Christ to reign on earth.
This is the distinctive claim of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. IJcing under Divine commission
so to do, the Church proclaims these
solemn truths, with full recognition
of the individual riirhts of men to be
lieve accordtng to their choice.
Kor the Hook of Mormon, etc apply
to bookaellera or write direct to North
western Male .Mlaalon. IO Fast Madi
aon St., Portland, Ore or to Kureuu off
Information. Salt Lake City. Itah.
Bet. Alder and Morrison
for which 1918 stamps may be ex
Portland Man Enjoys Best of
Health Since Taking
"One by one my troubles have grad
ually disappeared since I began taking
Tanlac," said Henry Smith, a well
known carpenter who lives at filo
Kighty-second street. Portland, whilo
in conversation with a Tanlac repre
sentative the other day.
"About two ears ago." continued
Mr. Smith, "my health seemed to break
down all at once. Prior to that ttm
I had always been full ot life and
energy, but it all seemed to leave me.
and I had a tired, draggirur feeling
all the time. 1 suffered terribly from
indicestion. and every time I ate any
thing my food would sour on my stom
ach and cause gas to form, which would
make me perfectly miserable for two or
threo hours after meals. My appetite
was very poor, and for a year or more
before I commenced taking Tanlac I
couldn't eat a bite of breakfast. My
stomach was In such a bad condition
thai if I ate the lightest kind of supper
1 would not sleep at all and would get
up in the morninc feeling awful. In
spite of the f.ict that I took a ' great
many different kinds of medicine, the
condition of my stomach kept getting
worse all the time.
"I read iu tho papers where Tanlac
had reliovcti a good many people of
the same kind of trouble that I hail,
and I saw no reason why it wouldn't
help me must say that I didn't pet
any relief from th first bottle, but by
the time 1 had finished the second bot
tle 1 was fcelinc: a great deal better
and could see that Tanlac was going
to do the work for me. Well, sir, I
stuck to Tanlac until I had taken seven
bottles, and now I am in first-class
condition. I sleep like a rock every
night, and when I get up In tho morn
ing I am actually hungry and go t
the table and eat a hearty breakfast,
and when the other meal times roll
around I am right there, ready to eat
anything that is put before me. I never
suffer from indicestion or sour stom
ach now, and I eat all kinds of meats
and vegetables. I am as full of life and
energy as I ever was and can do my
work without the least trouble. I am
telling all my friends about Tanlac,
and am ready to speak a good word for
it nnv time."
Tanlac is sold in Portland by the Owl
Drug Co. Adv.
Teeth Care Is Taught Chil
dren Smith Long Service
Illustrates This Need to
While doing the general dentistrv
there is given the patient a practical
knowledge of how to prevent pyorrhea
and decay. The modern methods of
prevention are known only to a com
paratively few. with the result that
nir.cty pe-r cent of adults suffer from
son;c mouth disease, or decay. Lxani
in:Uinn flee.
liroldvi) Uuildiac
.aiaiaij.i.iajijMnMaam n.i ... -
- .- -.. v