The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 09, 1919, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till: SUNDAY OREGON 1 AX. FOKTLAND, 3IAKC1I ?. 1919.
339th and 336th field artillery com-J
ITfcln Store Chances
NEW YORK. MaTch S. The steam
ship Plattsburg arrived from Brest to-
i day with 2175 American troops, 23
', wives of soldiers. 20 wives of sailors
and 130 naval officers and men. The
Attention, to This
sick and wounded numbered 54J. a ma
jority of them being convalescents. The
units included the following: Three
officers and 145 men of the 5th ma-
,' chine gun battalion of the first division
57 Lives Lost in Camps and
Trenches Abroad.
Offer of McCormick Theolog
ical Seminary Received.
(regular army) for amps Wheeler, Lee
and Sherman; 49th aero squadron;
casual companies 921 of Ohio, 923 of
Wyominir. 925 of Illinois. 926 of
Idaho. 927 of New Jersey. 928 of New
York and 930 of Connecticut. There
were about 300 other casuals, includ
ing ..egroes.
With 46 officers and 1000 men of the
3'Sth infantry of the 87th division
'national army, Arkansas, Louisiana,
Mississippi), the steamship Chicago ar
rived today from Uordeaux. These
troops comprise the 348th field and
staff, headquarters of first and third
battalions, headquarters and supply
companies, sanitary detachment and
seven companies. They are assigned
to Camp Dix. I
This Four-Room Outfit
WHIUe Sent o Your Home on the Small Caah Parmeat of
Many Xon-I'ntal Casualties Also Kc-
lortcd High Tribute I'aiil to
Service of V. M. C. A.
Wider Field Which Proffered Tobl
lion Affords Leads Friends to
Think Tastor May Accept.
Balaare Arranged I'lt Your Individual Reanlrcaaeat.
NEW YORK. March 8. Tlic Toung
Men's Christian association carried the
red triancle into the camps and
Trenches abroad at a cost of 57 lives,
a sacrifice proportionately one-quarter
as great as tnat in the American army,
according: to a statement issued today
iy the national war work council of
the Y. M. C. A. Of these fatalities C9
were due to disease, and the remainder
to shell fire, bombs, gas fever, drown
inpr and wounds. Ten of these were
-women, one of whom was killed for
shell fire and another in a German air
There were also 55 non-fatal casual
ties. These were due principally to
inauliine-jcun fire. gas. shell fire and
motor transport accidents. Numerous!
cases of slight wounds and .passings, I
which were attended at dressing sta
tions, but were not reported to head
quarters, are not included.
These casualties occurred in a force
which at no time exceeded 9000 work
ers, of whom it is reckoned that more
ihan one-half were never sent to the
Iront, beinwr employed in the hundreds
of huts maintained throughout the
training areas and the "leave areas."
6it "V Workers Decern ted.
Sixty-three " Y" workers were deco-,
rated, while in all more than 152 re
ceived official recognition for distin
guished service. Thirteen of these were
decorated with the Croix de CJuerre,
while 50 received other decorations.
Of these, three received the distin
guished service cross; three the Order
of St. Stanislaus; five the Italian Cava
Jiere del Corona; 38 the Italian war
cross, and -one the French decoration
of the Corps d'Armee. Seven were cited
lor the Croix de Guerre, and seven for
other decorations, six commended for
meritorious conduct and 29 received
honorable mention in dispatches. Sev
eral units were cited in their entirety,
those serving with the third division
being cited twice. -More than a score
more reported- decorations have not
jet been confirmed.
Not one of these men under 30 was
fit for military duty but the citations
show that they carried on with the
same courage and spirit that identi
fied Americans throughout the war.
These records show that they went
that they exposed themselves under
over the top with the assaulting waves,
machine gun and shell fire to minister
latigably as stretcher bearers and that
to the wounded, that they worked inde
Ihey drove ambulances into the midst
of battle to rescue the wounded.
Woman Killed by Bomb.
Others were sacrificed in the less
rieroic but no less necessary work be-
Jiind the lines. Among these stands
out Miss Winona Martin of Rockville
Center. L. I., a Y. M. C. A. secretary,
who was the first American woman
killed in the war. She was killed by a
bomb during a. German air raid, and
her death made a deep impression on
American minds. i
Miss Martin had been in Paris only
a month, but had already done valu
ble work in stimulating an interest
among the soldiers in the Y. M. C. A.
in Paris.
Miss Marion G. Crandal of Alameda,
Cal., killed by shell fire near. Chalons
March 26, 1918, was another of the
women sacrificed in helping the sol
The citation of the units attached
to the third division, consisting of 34
men and six women, by Major-General
Hickman, reads in partt
"The commanding general desires to
make of record in the general orders
of this division his appreciation of the
part taken by the members of the
Y. M. C. A. who have been attached to
this division and actively carried on
iheir work in all its phases during the
time that this division was in con
tact with the enemy.
"While the men of the Y. M. C. A.
were with the troops in the front line.
Hie young women of the Y. M. C. A.
were detailed with the hospitals, and
The medical staff of this division bears
testimony of their most efficient help
during these two weeks of great
WASHINGTON, March 8 Assign
ment of the following organizations to
early convov was announced today:
Kate hospital Nos. 81 and 96: 376th
and 646th aero squadrons; cxacuation
hospital No. 6; Kaker company No. 9;
302d tank renter and 317th replace
ment and salvage company.
Announcement was made at the same
time that the following organizations
had been removed from the list of
those assigned to early convoy: 108th
mobile veterinary section; 11th. 12th,
13th and 14th companies of the 4th
motor mechanics' regiment, 227th aero
Republicans Complete Personnel of
Three More Committees of 'cxt
House or Representatives.
WASHINGTON", March 8. With se
lection of members of the foreign af
fairs, the naval and the postoffice com
mittee, the republican committee on
committees today completed the organi
zation of the principal committees, ex
cepting rules and merchant marine of
the next house of representatives. The
republican personnel of three commit
tees selected today follows:
Postoffice New members. Sanders,
New York; Dunbar, Indiana; Hardy,
Coiorado; Hoch, Kansas: Moore, Ohio;
Newton, Missouri, and Kendall, Penn
sylvania; holdover members. Chairman
Steenerson, Minnesota: Madden, Illinois;
Grist, Pennsylvania; Paige, Massachu
setts: Woodyard, West Virginia, and
Ramseyer, Iowa.
Naval New members, Kraus, In
diana; Lufkin, Alassachusetts ; Darrow,
Pennsylvania; Stephens, Ohio, and Mc
pherson, Missouri: holdover members.
Chairman Butler, Pennsylvania; Brown
ing. New Jersey; Rrltton, Illinois;
Kelley, Michigan, Mudd. Maryland:
Peters, Maine; Hicks, New York, and
McArthur, Oregon.
Nine vacancies in the house foreign
affairs committee were filled today.
The new members are Representatives
Ackerman, New Jersey; Begg, Ohio;
Browne, Wisconsin: Houghton, New
York; Mason, Illinois; Newton. Minne
sota; Smith, Illinois; Dickinson, Iowa,
and Moores, Indiana, to the committee
membership. Holdover republican mem
bers include Chairman Porter, Pennsyl
vania; Rogers, Massachusetts: Temple.
Pennsylvania, and Kennedy, Rhode
Dr. John IT. Hoyd, elected to fill the
position of professor of homiletios and
missions at the McCormick Theological
seminary in Chicago, has not yet de
cided to accept the offer. This was his
reply yesterday to reports that he had
made up his mind to leave Portland
for the eastern work.
"I have made no public announcement
of my plans." said Ir. Boyd, who for
the past eight years has been pastor of
the l-'irst Presbyterian church, "and I
shall not announce my decision for
some time yet. Any report to the con
trary is unauthorized."
The McCormick school Is regarded as
one of the leading Presbyterian schools.
Dr. Boyd, while a minister in Evans
ton. Chicago suburb, taught at the In
stitution. -
Dr. Boyd'a Activities Extensive.
Dr. Boyd has not confined his activi
ties to the church. He has been active
in every form of civic and social enter
prise and has assumed leadership in
many of these enterprises. In patriotic
work he has also taken more than his
share, while he has brought the aid of
the church to every worthy undertaking.
Establishment of a workingman'i
home mission in the north end has
grown into a wide field of endeavor.
He has neglected no opportunity to
widen the social horizon of the church
and has preached the gospel of social
democracy. During the past year he
has interested himself in a movement
to bring closer together the various
protestant denominations.
Dr. Hill Taken 12 Years As.
Dr. Edgar P. Hill, formerly pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, went to
fill the same position 12 years ago. He
now is- secretary of the board of edu
cation of the Presbyterian church.
With the wider field which the prof
fered position offers and with the
chance to train numbers of young men
in the ministry, friends of Dr. Boyd are
expecting that he will finally decide to
accept the eastern call.
Dr. Boyd during his Portland pas
torate has built up the church into one
of the leading institutions of the city.
The. membership has increased from
1400 to 2300. while the church debt has
been reduced by $36,000. Building of
the church house adjoining the main
building is another achievement of his
work here.
There is believed to be nothing In
local conditions that would warrant
Dr. Boyd in leaving hi present work.
but the opportunity for wider service,
together with the feeling that he soon
may be forced to lay down his active
ministry work, is expected to have a
big part In his decision.
in' ;
III: i
Killed, Wounded, Missing and Pris
oners Total 240,197.
WASHINGTON. March 8. Battle cas
ualties of the American army in France,
as shown by revised divisional records
announced today by General March,
totaled 240,197. These include killed in
action, wounded, missing in action and
The 91st (Alaska, Washington, Ore
gon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Mon
tana, Wyoming. Utah), were 583S.
The 2d regular division showed the
greatest losses in the revised list, .with
24,429. The first division came next,
with 23.973. The 28th (Pennsylvania
troops) led national guard and national
army divisions, being fourth in the list.
with 14.41 . The 32d (Michigan and
Wisconsin) was fifth, with 14.268.
The 42d division ( Rainbow ) i reported
a total of battle casualties of 12,252.
Continued Prom First Pape.
6 00 0 Americans Wed French Girls.
PARIS, March 8. (Havas.) Within
the past year 6000 Americans in France
have married French women, accord
ing to the Petit Journal.
' Seasoned slabwood and Inside wood,
green stamps, for cash. Holmu Full
t r- Main 3S3. A 3363. Adv.
Man Who Raised Red Flag In At
tempt to Introduce Bolshevism
3 Is Promptly Shot.
LONDON, March 8. General Colqu-
rioun. in the course or a statement on
the rioting of Canadian soldiers at
Kinmel, said that no attack was made
on the officers, who were treated with
"I myself went in and out among
the men freely," he added, "and some of
them actually put down loot in order to
salute me then they picked up the
Joot again.
"The -report of the damage to the
camp are greatly exaggerated.
"Some 50 or 60 men got out of hand
and attacked some canteens. The men
in one camp. anticipating danger,
armed themselves, and, contrary to
t-xpresa orders, fired. That was on
Wednesday, when the fatalities oc
curred. "The girls' camp was not attacked.
As a matter of fact, the girls were
treated with the utmost chi'alry. No
man entered the girls' rooms while
they were occupied.
"One man raised the red flag in an
attempt to introduce bolsheviem. He
was shot."
however, feeling certain' that the final
peace treaty cannot be agreed upon
before May. at the earliest. This will
extend the enlistment period of the
draft contingents to September, before
which, they feel certain, congress will
have acted to relieve the situation.
Fire Prevention Film Shown. .
Five hundred pupils from the Lents
grammar school attended a lecture and
motion picture Aow on fire prevention
in a theater at Lents yesterday. The af
fair was staged by Fire Marshal Gren
fell and Captain Roberts. Educational
and comedy reels were exhibited from
10:30 A. M. until 12:45 P. M.
Sofa Pillows Presented.
Six sofa pillows were yesterday pre
sented to the American Red Cross can
teen at the union station by the auxili
ary of company E, 162d regiment, in
fantry. They have been, placed in the
canteen's reception room. Mrs. Ferdi
nand E. Reed, captain of the local
chapter, heartily thanked the auxiliary.
War Department Announces Names
of More Units Assigned for Early
. Return to America.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. March 8.
After a rough voyage, occasioning sev
eral days' delay, the transport Martha
"Washington arrived here today from
r'rancc. bringing detachments of the
S7th division, made up of middle-western-troops.
They include 307-officers
snd men of the 49th coast artillery.
Tramping 18 miles a day, Mr. H. M.
Foreman, a mail carrier of Allentown,
Pa., found that shoes with ordinary
soles last about one month. But he
says a pair of Neslin-soled shoes gave
him more than nine months of service,
in which time he walked over 4,000
His experience shows how you may
save shoe money by providing your
iamuy witn fNeoiin-soied shoes, wrucn
give extra wear where other shoes wear
out quickest.
You can get Neolin-soled shoes in
any type of shoe you want. Prices
are about the same as for shoes that
give only ordinary wear, sometimes
they are even less If your dealer
hasn't the style you want, he can get
it for you quickly. Remember, Neolin
Soles are created by science to be what
soles should be. They are available
everywhere for re-soling as well as on
new shoes. ' They are made by The
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company,
Akron, Ohio, who also make W'ingfoot
Heels guaranteed to; outwear any
other heels.
Heo!in Soles
White Jap and
Made to Order
Very heavy (16 mome) (J" O
White Jap Silk Shirts for D-L
Extra quality Shan- QO pTfk
tung Pongee Silk Shirts 30 eOl
No charge accounts, no bad bills.
No solicitors, no commissions to
pay. THAT'S WHY.
Jacobs Shirt Co.
327 Washington St., Cor. 6th.
Icw&m Mark Urs.-i'. S. Tat. Off.
A complete line of rebuilt type
writers all makes, including wide
carriages. Sold on terms If desired.
We rent maehlnea alsa.
Retail Department'
The -Wholesale
Typewriter Co., Inc.
SI Waahlntrton St., Near Sixth.
Main M81.
Ore. Eilers Music House
287 WaaBlaartOB St Ellers Manic Bid.
Steel Guitars
Genuine Hawaiian Km Wood 02O.OO
I'nr I.mnoni on All inairumeuia.
323 Aider St., Near Broadway,
Ti ...
I ' aT- .I1 T I .. 1. T I I - I m 1 K W . I r - -"J""" an.-, . . f
Solid Oak Living-Room Suite
The two Upholstered Rockers have been replaced by a
beautiful Arm Chair and Arm Rocker, with genuine leather
auto cushion seats. Table has underneath shelf and mapaxlne
ends. Roundlng-Arm Saddle-Seated Rocker Is as illustrated..
Tnls etore chfcrtres no Interest,
whether you select one pleco or
a housetun.
.. - MM'
Principally Wilton Velvets
Size 9x12 Worth Up to $5Za
Pome ir reamed and come are seamless. The best tnat ran a
said is: IK YOt WAT A GOOD III i AT A" lT:KB.snMi
I'HICE. don't tarry on the way, as there, is oniy one of each of
most of them.
Naturally, vou wonder why such a noise about 30 rugs. Here'as
the whole thing: in a nutshell: These particular runs have not
moved (probably becauae the buylna; publico attention has not
been called to them), so you're ajoing to be the winner. Reducing
the price is the quickest way to cell 'em. and is the most Interest
Ing time for you to buy. Art you goinn to have a new rus!
Solid Oak- Dining -Room Suite
Table is 45 Inches in diameter and opens to six feet: five
straight Chairs and Carver (Arm Chair) have genuine
leather slip seats, broad top.s and tbre,e-slat backs. Are as
illustrated. See 'em in the window.
Z- n , "k l
Note the Moderateness of Price
on These W ond erf till y Good
Sleepwell Mattresses
$1950 $245 $31
TES, all SLEEPWEI.LS are T?fIT,T entlrelv of cotton Inside of
flower-nrewn art ticks. YBS. K I " 1 L.T NOT STUKHKD! Every
Sleepwell Mattress t made in layers l like so many small comfort
ers); that's why they hold their shape so well. Only all new and
sanitary materials are used In their construction, too. Try one for
6U nights; if not satisfied, return it at Edwards expense.
Hand -Decorated Ivory Enamel Suite
Here's the ruite they all admire. All pieces are well fin
ished and have an exclusive touch of tone and refinement,
from the delicate epray of moss roses and foliage that is all
" Hand - Laid."
11 Ff
White Enamel Windsor Kitchen Set
It's left to vou to decide If this is not the cleverest ever at
the price. F.'nglish Hreakfaat Table has white and enamel
bade and golden polished top. The four chairs, as illustrated.
&re also in white enamel.
$115 Tapestry Ov
erstuffed Davenports
$10 Cash $2 Week No Interest .
They're bin and luxurious, possess noticeable distinction in
appearance, und every detail in construction was carefully looked
Tapestry Overstuffed Rockers at this store priced 50
TKo'SUjf SotisfActorRar$
Equipment? Yes, Monarch
are complete, even to Huplcx
Drafts under firebox and
pin-front water heater.
Monarchs can he had In dif
ferent circs in letr or cabinet
base styles, with mall,
medium or large sue gas attachment.
. WisriSSiireifll rsn
Your Credit Is Good as
-majui is av asOD ft.n.C tPT TO
Exchange Your Old
Furniture for New
How about that discarded
furniture? Edwards will al
low you a fair value and you
can pay for the new on easy
terms. Edwards' exchanpe de
partment has a number of
rare values in good second
hand furniture that has been
put in good condition by our
ebop experts.
Out -of -Town Folks,
Your Credit Is Good
If you liva out of town you
can use your credit at
Edwards and enjoy the same
service as the city patron.
Any article advertised above
promptly ahlpped upon re
ceipt of order. If you are
dissatisfied, return the goods
at Edwards' expense.
The house or office can be cleaned in
half the time if you have Linoleum or
Cork Tile Floors.
Materials of distinctive designs for
any room in any building; at greatly
reduced prices. A few remnants very
Cork Floor Products Co.
v ' 901 Rrnarlwav. Near Tavlor.
Qj -W "tS5 Phone Main 90.
Thousands of Spruce Corporation's Handled
Axes for Dealers of the Northwest
We have bought axes used in trettini? out the spruce of air
planes and offer them to dealers at money-making prices.
Buy them from us and keep them in the, proper channels.
Many are like new and all are good. Write us about them or
order samples on approval. We can quote you on anything
in Spruce Company warehouse, as we are next door.
Bennett Hardware Co.
413 Main Street
Vancouver. Wash.
I ' i
I ..I
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