THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, 3IAKCII 0. 1019. IT OREGON PREPARES TO ASSIST NEEDY JEWS Campaign for $100,000 Opens in Portland Monday. CO-OPERATION IS URGED IVliolc Slate Is Organized and Lead ers Kxpeet That Fund Will Be Kaied in Short Time. M'ith a ko;l1 of $100,000 twice the amount set for lust vcht Jewish peo ple of Portland and Oregon Monday will launch a tampabn to help needy .lews in Palestine, eastern Kurope and with whicli $70,000 was raised last year, M. H. Hirsch, secretary of the commit tee, who is in charge of the local drive, is anticipating little trouble in rais the entire amount. -Many have already announced the loubling of their last year's subscrip tion, while others are increasing the amount by 50 per cent. "Workers and officers are to meet for dinner at the Multnomah hotel this evening, when final plans for the drive will be announced. Orpaniznl ion 1 Coiaplctr, The executive committee in genera charge of the campaign is Ben Selling, .Jonah ft. Wise, I. ljing, Nathan Strauss, -Sdolphe Wolfe, J. I.. Meier and Kred teller. Captains for the Portland drive arc Joseph ghemansky. Aaron Frank, "If. J. Ottenheimer, Abe Rosenstein, F. -M. Seller, Shonts, Pen M. Rubin, Alex Miller. E. 1. Neustadter, Arthur IJpstein. Mrs. Julius Louisson and Mrs. J. M. Ottenheimer. In charge of the state drive will be Sis: Lipman. who is a practiced hand. Assurances have been received that the state will come through handsomely with its share of the money. Headquarters for the. drive have been established on the mezzanine floor of the Multnomah hotel, from where the campaign will he launched Monday mornin?. All synagogues have been requested to have a special service Friday, March 11, to join in the prayer for the relief of the stricken Jews. Speakers for all congregations will be furnished by the speakers' bureau of the organization. Response of Workers Pleases. The following statement in regard to the drive lias been prepared by the executive committee: "The ready response to the call for workers is most gratifying and augurs success. Busy men, young and old, and aood women have volunteered their time and energy. "The ecrually gratifying response of The larger givers lor aaaeu suoscnp lions has assured the committee that Oregon will raise its quota within the prescribed time. "The committee urges all Jewish men and women to be ready to give without stint, as no gift can ever equal this one. It commends to their courtesy an unnecessary request the men and women who are soliciting. It asks for them a reception such as one would expect if on a similar mission of love and help. "It desires to remind all men and women that no people have deserved consideration more nor asksit less than that one which has suffered for con science since men knew of a living God. l,eter I re Co-operation. "Israel can live again if its sons and daughters will help their famished and dying brethren." The following letter has been sent in behalf of the campaign: "Freedom is coming to many people heretofore sorely persecuted. "Is freedom coming to those who have suffered most for conscience the Jews? "We American men and women can answer the question by making up our minus that the Jews of eastern LJurope. the Balkans, Palestine, etc, shall live, and not die. Bread alone can save them, and bread we have to superfluity. We must feed those 6.000,000 men. women and children, so that they may live to be free. "The time for help is now. .Never has Israel had so glorious a prospect for a realization of its dreams of freedom and justice. Crisis Declared at Hand. "Never have the Jews suffered such intolerable agony of the body, despite their great hopes. The Haman-like ferocity of their persecutors is unbe lievable in this land of justice. "Never have men given so liberally as in this great crisis. We cap no more afford to let those people die on th shores of the promised land than we can afford to be out of the wonderful spirit of the times that has given life. happiness and loves ones for justice. "In giving money we shall do less than the least of those; let us do it with a helpful generosity." i2 This Woman Knew Last summer a housekeeper we know of canned 85 quarts of tomatoes, 20 pints of chili sauce, 40 pints of green tomato mince meat, 8 quarts of tomatoes for soup, 20 quarts of beets, 28 pints of corn, 30 pints of string beans and 1 0 pints of pepper hash. She also put down 2 bushels of carrots, 2 bushels of parsnips, and 1 bushel of salsify. This crop and all the fresh tomatoes, corn, beans, beets, swiss-chard, spinach, . peas, cucumbers, onions, peppers, celery, rhubarb, radishes and lettuce that her family of four could eat she grew on two garden patches, one 40 ft. x 45 ft. on the place, the other 25 ft. x 20 ft. on a nearby vacant lot. She succeeded because she knew before she planted that quality and quantity yield depend on seed ancestry. FERRY'S Seeds are pedigreed seeds. They multiply the certainty of first quality vegetables and luxuriant beds of gay flowers because they are the progeny of plants that we know have produced abundantly for many generations. Moreover, each year's crops of Ferry's Seeds are tested by us before we offer them for sale. Now 's the time to plant your gar Jen. Write for the beautiful new 1919 Ferry "See J Annual," sent free on request. Ferry's Seeds are sold by dealers everywhere. D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. (and Windsor, Ontario) Iff E'S (' ft at ty j "-ir?T- I Bit' JT$ ' ffl't if CLOTHING NEEDED ABROAD APPEAL MADE TO PORTLAND WOMEN' TO "CARRY OX."' Red Cross to Send Many Garments to Women and' Children of France and Belgium. Seasoned siaswoud and Inside wood. green stamps, tor cash. Holman fuel Co- Main 353. A 3353 Adv. KIDNEYS NEVER - CAUSE BACKACHE ES Rub Pain. Soreness and Stiff ness Right Out With Old "St. Jacobs Liniment." Kidneys cause backache? No.' They have no nerves, therefore cannot cause pain. Listen! Your backache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, pene trating "St. Jacobs Liniment." Hub it right on the ache or tender spot, and instantly the pain, soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of "St. .lacobs Liniment" from your druggist and limber bp. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of ihe backache, sciatica or lumbago pain. "St. Jacobs Liniment" stops any pain at once. It is harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. It s tne only application to rub on a weak, lame or painful back, or for lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma tism, sprains or a strain. Adv. HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD TRY THIS Get a small package- of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take tablespoonful of this hamburg tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it. pour through a sieve and drink a teacupful at any time. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores. reavine conges tion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It is inexpensive and entirely, veg. able, therefore harmless, Adv.. Because of the fact that certain pro duction activities of the Portland chap ter of the American Red Cross have been discontinued, some of the work ers have assumed that the need for Red Cross services in sewing and knit ting is over. This is not true, however, and na tional leaders in Red Cross work, are urging all Red Cross branches and auxiliaries to "carry- on-' One of the important future activities of the American Red Cross is the pro duction of refugee garments, both knit ted and sewed. The Red Cross commis sioners in Europe report that thousands of men, women and children are suffer ing from the lack of clothing: rind con ditions are such that while the Red Cross is planning to send much of the material it has on hand, to be made up later by the women of Europe, at the present time it is necessary to sew many garments already made up. I am often asked -the question why the factories are not given this work in order to give employment to the un employed, and, alternatively, why the materials- and findings are not sent to Europe for the women to make -up themselves," said R. F. Prael, director of the workroom. My answer is that "both means are employed, and yet the need persists. "The present plan s to give the more difficult garments, such as boys suits, girls dresses and mens shirts, which require more time in the making, to the factories. At the present time, now ever, the factories are not able to take on very much of this work. 'In France and Belgium the women as well as the children are now work arly and late getting for the crops and re- mes. "Please, also, remember that many thousands of children in France and Belgium are now orphans. Because of the forehanded adminis tration of the Red Cross we have large stock of materials on hand, and we are asking all our women members to concentrate their energies for the next two months in helping the women of Europe to furnish garments to clothe themselves and the great num bers of children who have been left homeless and fatherless." between the academic and the mili tary ides of the programme. "The greater share of the responsi bility for this co-operation between the civilian and1 the military phases of the work rests with the school faculty and the students, because they are re sponsible for much the greater part of the student's time. In order to meet their obligations fully, they must make conecientlous effort to include in their courses materials that have a di rect and obvious connection with the needs of the country and must also do their best to handle the work in a man ner well qualified to develop those per sonal qualities of mind and will that are characteristic of American man hood, whether engaged in civil or in military pursuits. thorities had Intended making it part of a two-car shipment to be sent out of the state to some part of the coun try. This plan, however, was aban doned, and Sheriff Roberts secured court order authorizing him to smash his large stock of quarts. BEND WHISKY DESTROYED Sheriff Pours 198 Quarts, Valued at $3000, Into Sewer. BEND, Or.. March S. (Special.)One hundred and ninety-eight quarts of whisky, taken from bootleggers who attempted to smuggle liquid contra band through Bend, were destroyed to day by Sheriff S. E. Roberts. At cur rent prices in dry territory the value of the liquor which went down the gutter is approximately $3000. Most of the whisky was confiscated aooui six weeKs ago. ana federal au- PORTLAND MEN TO SPEAK State Chamber to He Topic Before! Oregon City Live Wires. OREGOX CITY. March 8. fSpeclal.) Frank McCrillis and judge J. If. Stevenson, representatives of the Ore gon State Chamber of Commerce, will attend the noon-day luncheon of the Lives AVires next Tuesday to outline the purposes of the chamber. A mem bership drive will be conducted throughout the state beginning March 17, and it 13 the desire of the officers to have a full representation from every town and city in the state Tues day. The speakers originally were rhed- uled to come Tuesday iiiaht, but it has been arranged to have them here to meet with the Live Wires, who are mtich interested In the chamber. A committee has been appointed for the county, L. Adams being chairman, and through its efforts many will receive invitations to attend the meeting. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instances A F'ree 1r-jfrrlntion Yn Can Filled and I e at Home. Philadelphia. Pa. Do vou wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewi3 there is real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pain dreadfully: now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used It says: "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after us Ing this prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can even read fine print without glasses." It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a rea sonable time, and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully neneinen oy loiio-ving tne simple rules. Here is the precription : Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet In & fourth of a glass or water and allow to dissolve: With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times dailv. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from trie start and inflammation will quickly disappear. If your eyes are bothering you. even a little, take eteps to save them now be fore it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been aved ii they bad cared for their eyes in time. Note: Another prominent "PhysiHan to whom the above article was submitted. ga!d: "Bon-Opto la a very remarkable remedy. Its constituent lnier(.dlnta are well known to eminent eye Kpecialieta and wMelv umcrihM by tlietn. The munufaclurera guarantee It to atrenKthen ayealclil .iO per cent in one week's time in many in-iaii-e or retunu tne money. It can be ubtalned 1 rom any good drutfKlst and is one of Uie very few preparations I feel should b kept on hand tor regular use In BlTTmt every family." Adv. COLLEGE NEEDS ARE TOLO MILITARY AXD rXITE IX EDUCATION AMERICA. TO Acid Stomach! Gases, President Kerr of Seattle Receives Letter "Urging Co-operation- In Boosting Nation's Future. Meals Don't Fit! Heartburn, lndigestior Instantly 1 Stomach feels fine. The momehi Pape's Diapepsin reaches the sick, upset, sour stom ach all distress ends. OREGON' AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, March S. (Special.) Mili tary training has linked- the educa tional institutions of the country to gether in a single bond which focueed their attention on training for national service, pointed out the committee on education and' special training in a let ter received by President W. J. Kerr. The mantle of the S. A. T. C. has now fallen upon the R. O. T. C, which therefore now has the opportunity of preserving that bond' of connection be tween the individual colleges and the nation, says the letter. "If the P.. O. T. C. is to render max- ' imum service to the must LI P S ET. "TV? Ma-V? "- --x -k--s. e tr-m You wonder what tecame of the indigestion, acidity, gases, flatuence, heartburn, sour risings, dyspepsia. Magic relief ! No waiting ! Hat without fear! Costs little Any "drug store. Lesley Den ta I Cream Tzvo Regular Q 20c Tabes for MOSDAYONlY Thousands of Owl Drug: Store customers know and appreciate this splendid- dentifrice a smooth, pleasant-tasting: cream which cleans the teeth thoroughly and invigorates and hard ens the gums. It also has valuable antiseptic qualities. Monday two of the regular 20c tubes will be sold for 29c. The Nation's Favorite Dentifrices arc to bo found in the Owl Drujj Stores, where a conhtant effort is being made to pive you "what you want when you want it." We mention some of the. leaders note the prices: Dental Floss 10c and 15c put up in Glass Viala on Spools on Reels ( for the pocket) Ribbon Dental Floss. i5r a Fpool. Colgate's Dental Powder.., Woodbury's Dental Cream Renetol Tooth Taste...... Dr. Grave's Tooth Towder Dr. Lyon's Tooth Towder. Dr. Lyon's Tooth Taste... Sheffield's Dentifrice S. S. White Tooth Taste. . . Teridixo Tooth Taste Colgate's Dental Cream... Kuthymot Tooth Taste.... 25c a Feature Price in Tooth Brushes All through the war period we succeeded in maintaining- our high value standards in tooth brushes particularly at 25c. We show a variety of shapes and ' sizes, all of which have clear-white bristles, so firmly set that they can't come out. Listerinc is a famously cood antiseptic mouth wash to use in conjunction with any dentifrice, H."?S -13c4 and 85 bottles. "There's Beauty in Every Jar" of Ingram's Milkweed Cream This cream is a concentrated com bination of emulsified healing and soothing oils, compounded with me dicinal substances. - It is always ef fective as a relief from all skin roughness and Irritation. It removes, rather than conceals, the imperfections. m l.V 23 ... .241 2;t 2.J 23 23 2T, 23 25c 23 '--23 9 1 Klenzo Dental Cream .....23 Revelation Tooth Towdcr 23 Red Feather Tooth Taste 23c Colgate's Rince Bouche.. ,;3c K. C. L. Tooth Taste 13 Tebeco Tooth Taste 43c Caldcr's Tooth Towder. ........ -1 of. Odol If Tepsodent Tooth Tatr 3 Or Gosnell's Cherry Tooth Taste... 3c Oriental Tooth Paste 73C Tyorrohocide Tooth Towdcr. .. .J).Se flllll JMitkwrtfl Vti mni it Talcum Powders The one you prefer is always ready for you at The Owl Drug; Stores and the right price. Red Feather Talcum Towdcr, 13 Colgate's Talcum Towdcr.... 18 Cashmere Bouquet Kclat La France Rose Dactyl is Monad Violet Violet Rexall Violet Talcum 20 Trailing Arbutus Talcum 20 Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum. .20 J. & J. Baby Towdcr 20 Mennen's Borated Talcum 23 Mennen's Violet Talcum 23 Talmolive Talcum Towdcr. .. .23 Hudnut's Violet Sec Talcum... 23 Melba Talcum Towder 23 Violet Dulce Talcum 23 Mavis Talcum Towder. ..... .23 Jontcel Talcum Towder 23 Leone Talcum Towder :S3c Djer Kiss Talcum Towder H)c .Vernice Talcum Towder. .... .30 Mary Garden Talcum tiO This splendid -cream is featured in all Owl Drug Stores at 45 and 90c a jar. All of the Popular Face Creams Red Feather Complexion Powder is first in the thought of thousands and thousands o f women. This popularity has been earned by quality nothing more. You get the desired effect without being in danger of appearing too "over powdered." Flesh, bru nette or white. In hinged-cover boxes, 50. are ready for you at Colgate's Charmis Cold Cream. .20 Colgate's Mirage Cream 20c Lanoline (tubes) 20 Vaseline Cold Cream 20c D. & R. Cold Cream (tubes) .. .2:1 Tond's Cold Cream 23 Tond's Vanishing Cream 2:J Armour's Luxor Cream 23 Brown's Wonder Cream 23 Espey's Fragrant Cream 23 Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Cream 23c Euthymol Cold Cream 23 Red Feather Cold Cream 23 Rexall Camphorated Cold Cream 23 Rexall Violet Dulce Cold Cream. 23 Roger & Gallet Tomade 23 Aubrey Sisters Beautifier :J3 Hazeline Snow- , Ji3 Orchard White 33 Red Feather Orange Flower Cream &" the following prices: Anyvo Cream 23 Ingram's Milkweed Cream 43 Vinolia Cream 43 Malvina Cream -i Tompeian Massage Cream 47 Hind's Honey & Almond Cream 4! Anita Cream 30 Cream de Camclia 30 Dickey's Cream de Lis 30 Mary Garden Cold Cream 30 Melba Cleanser 30 Melba Skin Cream 30 Raymond Complexion Cream... 30 Jonteel Combination Cream.... 30c Jonteel Cold Cream 30 Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream.. 30 Owl Theatrical Cold Cream (iOC Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream (!Oc Aycr's Luxuria Cold Cream ... .03 M eaa-3 ma BROADWAY AT WASHINGTON E. Struplere. Manager Marshall 2000 PHONE Home A 1333 J tea V S or GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers You, Drink Lots of Water. EASE THE PAINFUL RHEUMATIC TWINGE -1 recognize the - intimate Inter-relation j - "WILL" PUT YOU PN YOyRFEX. When your kidneys hurt and your back feela sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of druK3 that excite the kidneys and Irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a inild, harmless salts winch re moves the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of the kidneys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand th vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much: alsSo set from any pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablei-poonful In a class of wa ter before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of s-rapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithta. and has been used for generations to clean and stim ulate clogsed kidneys; also to neutral ize the acids in urine so It no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts la Inexpensive; cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. Adv. Sloan's Liniment Will Relieve It on One Application. It's the world's most popular counter-irritant tor the shooting, darting pains and aches of those numerous ex ternal attacks which every man. wom an and child suffers at one time or an other. Ity penetrating without ranking. It helps to scatter the congestion, result ing In a warm, tingling glow of comfort and ease. Takes little to turn the trick quick. Won't stain the skin. G-t a big bottle today for economy's sake. All druggists everywhere sell it. ac, 6uc, $1.0. Once Gray-Haired, Not Always So! 0 Phone your want ads to the Orego nlan. Phone Main 7070, A 09. Lady Buys Liberty Bond With Operation Money "I have been busy saving up money for an operation for gall stones, which my physician advised in my case. Since taking one bottle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy it looks as though I ran safely use this money to buy Liberty Bonds. I suffered four years with colic attack and bloating." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal niiicns (mm th Inl.stinsl Irui-t 11il al- lays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intes tinal ailments, including appendicitis, one dose will convince or money re funded. rrugc-ist .vyrywhPre. Adv. Phone your want ads to the Oreso nian. Phone Main 7070. A 609j No longer is it neccstary for men jr women to be held back Oil account of gray hair. The business world takes Keen notice of gray hair nowadays but why worry, when it can be easily restored to its natural color, with the wonderful Co-Lo Hair Restorer? .V scientific process discovered b;. Prof. John H. Austin, of Chicago, for developing the natural color of the hair in a similar manner to that of develop ing the photographic negative. It i- positively the only batisfactory and lasting treatment for restoring coior to the hair in a mild, healthful manner. Co-Lo Hair Restorer is absolutely harmlcss. and will not Injure either the hair or ca.Ip: is not a dye; contains no lead or iulphur: has no sediment, and is as clear as water a pleasing and simple remedy to apply. It will not wash or rub off, Co-Lo Hair Restorer comes In for Blitrk. and all Dark Shadea of Itroirn. 7 lixtra Strong for Jet Ttlack hair only. V . for nil Medium Hrown Shntlea. H fnr nil wry Light Brono, llrah nod Auhurn Miarfe. Co-Lo is on sale in ail Owl Drug Stores.