13 YANKEES TAKE BEST We Are Portland Agents for McCall Patterns None Better rtf e Stoke 77atSa vsYbu, Women's Envelope Chemise with yokes of embroidery and lace, made of fine material. Very special, 59 f. Women's Corsets Troops Comfortably Quartered in Hun Cities. in medium or low bust models, some topics- Ftylea in ths lot. fl!tt and white, neatly trimmed with embroidery, sizes 15 to 30. -pe."ial x 9SC THE" SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 9. 1910. Albers jf Berkshire Hog M n Feed In aft . GERMANY CAN OFFER M WAR'S EFFECTS NOT SEEN Licutcnant-ColoncI George A. White Compares Frcncli Towns Willi Those in Fatherland. An interesting description of con ditions in Germany is contained in a letter just received in Portland from I-ieutenant-Colonel George A. White. It was written on February 5 at Koln, and contrasts the German cities and villages with the ruined towns of France and Belgium. Lieutenant Colonel White, wno has been serving on the staff ot General Pershing, gives no information as to when he expects to return to this country. The letter follows: "Left Chaumont late last month after two hurried trips to the peace confer ence at Paris, where I had business. .Started late and the first night got no further than Nancy. The next morning moved on up through the Port a Moris son country to the fortress city of Metz, crossing the Moselle river at that point. Metz Held bjr French. "Metz is held by the French and the only Americans there are a few mili tary police who keep an eye open for any Americans who ' might wander away A. W. O. L. (absence without leave.) This town struck me as more French than German in its outward aspects. It dates back beyond the Roman era and in comparatively re cent times has changed hands as be tween the Germans and French. Unlike Nancy, which shows the effects of many boche air raids. J.Ietz displayed few evidences of the numerous air raids our avions are supposed to have made upon it during the late summer. In fact there was nothing in Germany so far as 1 could see to suggest that the war had gone hard with them. "We stopped for lunch at a little German town held by the French the cafe was filled with French officers. The waiters, were Germans at least residents of Lorraine. The French are not especially tolerant of the German language in this area, which is part of old Lorraine which France now gets back. When I addressed a waiter in German and began ordering something to eat he looked about him in a startled way and responded in French. Later he leaned over my shoulder and spoke German in very low tones. He said he had just lately been released from the German army after four years of service. French . Cannot Forget. "No need for anti-fraternization or ders here, apparently. The French are not inclined to forget their ruined bor der lands in a hurry. There was no ovidence that they cared to fraternize with the German section of the popu lace. German stores were conspic uously placarded forbidding allied sol diers to enter. Inadverently I stepped into one and tho clerk nearly had a nervous chill ushering me out. "Next we stopped at Luxemburg, with its bristling fortifications dating back to mediaeval and ancient feuds back in the days when the French and Spaniards used to take Luxemburg when wanting something better to do. An elaboraten system of fortification is laid out. "We saw a few specimens of the Luxemburg army comic opera, soldiers with white epaulettes. The army num bers about 250 men and they could easily be assigned to the cast of the "Chocolate Soldier" without changing their habits or uniforms much. "At Trier or Treves wc spent a night this was the first German city in which we had a force and a headquar ters. We got accommodations at a lit tle German hotel and got our first taste of German comforts heat and a bath. Everywhere the Germans keep their houses and stores warm. The i'rench cither require little heat or can't afford it. Unless in an American barracks enjoyed by the few troops not in billets with the natives, I have yet to -find a warm place in France since the winter cet in. Bath Tab la Diaeovery. "We moved on to Wittlich for cupper and then to Cocheiiu, where we were put up for the night by an old Ger man couple whose only immediate in terest in life appeared to be that of making us comfortable (probably as per instructions). It was quite novel to find here a bath tub with, at least medieval plumbing. "The bath tub is not an institution In France it is probably not prohibited by statute, but restricted by custom. Perhaps there is truth in the report that the bath tub industry in France is throttled by the perfume industry. Next morning we proceeded up the wonderful Moselle valley to Comblenz, headquarters of the army of occirpation (American). The valley of the Moselle is rarely beautiful as it leads towards its point of confluence with the Rhine at Coblenz. It is plied with ancient appearing sailing craft hauling sup plies for the natives. The river is smaller than the Willamette at Port land. The cenery is like that between Oregon City and Salem, except that agriculture is intensified a hundred fold. "Kvery foot of land 13 cultivated, the steeper hillsides being terraced even where almost perpendicular. There are few farm houses, the farmers living in small towns and settlements, a survival of feudal days. Here and there a great castle sits atop a rocky hillside, harking back to the flays when might alone epelled local security. These old castles now would hardly survive a half dozen well-directed shots from a heavy field gun. But of course they are all intact only in France and Bel gium have castles, cities and towns been laid in waste. Troops Are Comfortable, "In Coblenz tho headquarters troops were quite at home. Here they have taken over the leading hotels and such comfortable homes as they pleased in which to billet troops. The army is entitled certainly to exact comforts from a people who have caused them so much suffering, and the Germans seem to be disciplined to this fact. "At Hohr, half a dozen miles the other side of the Rhine from Coblenz, I camo across the 148th field artil lery here the regimental headquarters had taken over tho mayor's residence. Taken over everything from tapestries to oervants and were quartered with all the comforts of luxury-loving million "res. The men were comfortably bil le'ted in the town. Jt was a hard place to leave (unless to go home) and the soldiers are surely entitled to its com forts for winter quarters, for the last time I saw them they were in the remnants' of Cunel in the Argonne forest." M The Quickest Road to Hog Profits. Albers fed hogs grow into profits rapidly Because AlSera Berkshire Hog Feed is a scientifically and properly prepared hog feed that is a complete pork-making ration easily digestible, palatable, health promoting, economical. Albers fed hog grow fast and keep healthy became Altera SerEsUr Hog Feed ia a molasses grain feed, containing CANE MOU"r' for palata bility, and an aid to digestion; grain auch as Oil, MEAL Ground Corn and Barley for fat, energy and flesh building properties. Albera Berkshire Hog Feed provides th proper food elements for the three las car tant factors in successful hog raising for growth for fattening for regulation. Altera fed hogs make rapid growth became dry relish their feed, eat more, waste less, keep la better health there ia less danger from disease. Albers Berkshire Hog Feed will do for yott what it ha done for many other hog raisers. Give it trial and watch results. Put up in 100-pound sacks order a ton from your dealer if he cannot supply you, write us direct. 74 eiBroxMniing Co. Albert CCRKSHIRS Portland Seattle Taeom San Francisco Los Angeles Bellingham Spokane I' iin iji uliTi'iifTiifiiiil'rf T ' 1'iiiii'iiiiiirrfii liiiiiiiiiTi r r iiM ,in mj- i HOC FEED is Alton BnsMiUiosC.: c I1WW s do this ! the instant a cold starts take a dose of essence Mentho-Laxene, then inhale and exhale the breath through the nostrils three times and "feel the medicine killing the germ." -in an hour do the same thing again. "s This should check and abort the cold but remember to do it instantly when a cold first starts. -Votei To relieve and correct a bad eold. eongh, ore throat, hoarseness or catarrh, follow the simple direction with each bottle ot essence Mentho-lVazene. a truly wonderful medicine, which you can obtain of any wide-awake dmgglst. Directions tell bow to mix with srup or honey to msk at fnll pint. A. million people use It. lour money back if not highly pleased. Beld by druggist everywhere. ELKS PREPARE FDR BALL INFORMAL AFFAIR TO USHER IN SEW ADMINISTRATION. Nature of Special grants for Which Prizes Will Be Awarded Are Now Kept Secret. Preparations for the annual taJl to be Kiven by Portland Lodge. No. 142, B. P. O. Elks, at the Multnomah hotel' on March 17. are well under way. The affair is exclusively for 12 Iks and their families, admittance being' by membership cards only. Each card will admit the lodge member and one part ner. Extra women will tie admitted by cards, which may 'be secured from Sec retary Spauldinir of Portland loose. The two spacious "ballrooms and. the tearoom have 'been secured for the af fair. Arrangements have beerttmade for the use of the lobbies in the event of an overflow. The dance, which marks the passing of the present administration from of fice, will be. strictly informal. Bur prises in the form of special features are being? arranged :by the committee. headed by Frank. V. Smith. The nature of the special stunts will not toe made known until the nlrht of the dance, although it has been announced that prizes have been secured to be awarded to the winner of the various' contest on the programme. Three orchestras wfll furnish music for the dancers, serpentine will rie used liberally, and the annual Elks ball this year will be in the nature of a anardi cjras without the costume or masks. All visiting Elks who are in the city at the time of the dance are invited by tile committee to attend. New Spring Merchandise Shown in Every Department Presenting larger assortments, finer qualities and greater money-saving op portunities than ever before offered. FARMERS PREPARE DRIVE Sulphuring of Alfalfa Land and the Killing of Squirrels Tasks. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, March 8. (Special.) That two main branches of co-operative work among' the farmers of Klamath county the promotion of sulphuring of the alfalfa lands and eradication of the squirrel, under the Ieadershi0 of the new county aprrieul tural agrfnt, E. H. Thomas, will be im mediately launched, was decided at t meeting here of the executive council of farmers at the agent's office Satur day afternoon. The fight against the frround ssquir rel is to be a strenuous one. Poison will be used in all sections of the county. It is probable that the strychnine will EVINRUDE ENGINES FOR ROW BOATS, CANOES AND MOTOR BOATS NEW IMPROVEMENTS 5 Avcsan i4 '' ft J f . x ' V Clamped to Any Row Boat in Two Minutes Improved Waterproof Magneto Hotter and Fatter Spark Patented Automatic Reverse More Speed More Power Special Salmon Trolling Wheel Best for Fishing, Pleasure, Service OVER 90,000 SOLD IN USE BY 24 GOVERNMENTS Write for Catalogue No. 10. Complete Stock Repair Parts at Portland Splendid Hosiery Values We want yena ta w the Special Value We Ilare, ' Ladies' Sijk Hose Ladies oillc boss, also silk and fiber, lisle foot and garter top, doubts sols and hlsh spllced heel, all sizes and colors, at only, per pair 81.25 Children's Silk Lisle Xflssee fine ribbed hose, black, r white, double heel and toe, slr.es 6 to 8. extra vaiue at, pair..-10' - Hose Feet Hos feet, black, double heel and toe, Bizea 9, 9 V, 10, special at, 3 for 25C Children's Play Suits and creepers, made of chambray and fine gingham, plain or striped materials, sailor collars or low neck styles, 1 to 8 years, special at 75c to $1.25 Children's white sateen bloomers. Fine grade of sateen, elastic at knee and band at waist. 3 to 14 years, special, each ............. ...59 New Silk Waists The extent f the assortment greatly surpasses all previous efforts, consisting of Georgette Taffeta and Crepe de Chine with round and square neck, in a full range of colors, including pink, flesh, white and yellow. All specially priced from $2.93 to $9.50. Silk Petticoats e New spring styles, excellent grade silk petticoats in all the leading shades, well made, tut on the slightly clinging lines. On sale Monday, at $2.08 to $6.05. Silk Dresses Spring Dresses in the latest prevailing models. The choice In ma terials of splendid quality, includes Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Messaline. On sale at very attractive prices. See Washington Street Window Display. Underwear Buying a pleas- Here resolres Itself tats ant tuk. AaaortmeaU sure lai-are Ladies Vests Ladies silk and wool mixed, ribbed Testa, htg-h neck, lone; slewvea, seamless, tuck stitch, special OSc I.AniKS' IUBBKD VESTS, plain and fancy yoke, low neck, sleeveless or ahort elesves. all sizes, at...25) Children's Union Suits Vnlon Suits for boys or frirla, whits and grray. high neck. Ions- sleeve, ankle lenirth. size 4 to IS years, special vaiue at. OSc New Wash Goods Dont miss seeing the largest and most beautiful display we have ever shown. Fine novelty crepe, in the new self-striped effects, prevailing colors, at only, per yard, 4o. Fancy Voiles, Dainty Lawns, Organdies and Batistes for sum mer waists and dresses. Very special, at, per yard, H5f and 33 Madras Suitings are shown in the newest plaid patterns and colorings, 32 inches wide, only, per yard, 35. We are showing a complete line of crepes in all wanted colors, such as pink, yellow, light blue and white, per yard, ;$9 to 45.' Lace Curtains Our showing includes all that i3 new. Nottingham Lace Curtains, plain and allover effects, with dainty borders; white and ecru. Large assortment from which to choose. Values up to $3.00 per pair on sale at, per pair . . . .$1.08 Curtain Madras In a wide rangre of colors, and a rood selection of patterns. 36 to 8-lnch wide, fast colors. Regular si.23, very special, per yard..75tt - Curtain Scrim Good quality scrim, floral de sierra. SOo values, on sale, the yartl . . 1 5 C New Floss Pillow Mad of extra qnality, specially priced at. each. $133 BUS, OOc. 7S and .................... ,65e Cotton Batts Good (trade cotton ' bafts, kIzs 72x34. reRularly worth S1.SO. Very special at Sl.OO Outing Flannel Plain whits ontlngr flannel, ft good, quality, on sale, per yd..l5 Towels and Toweling Ons lot of crash toweling1, on sale Monday at only, per yard. .. 12V4c 17x34 extra heavy huck towels. 33e values, only ..... Pillow Cases Extra heavy pillow cases. 4?x36 and 45x36, worth SOe. at only, each a9c Good quality pillow cases, 42x25, special, each .......... ......22 Good quality pillow eases, 4 3x36. ppeclal. each ............. ...23d New Wool Slipon Sweaters Some rs collarleFS and others have Bailor collars, wfth p-urltnf? at waistline with or without sleeves. Many beautiful shades to choose from turquoise, buff, peacock, niie, coral. American beauty andi color combinations. Specially priced S3.75 ts Stt.SO Silks and Dress Goods Onr 5 Ilk and Wool IVress Goods lTartent are fall af sew Bprtss; Brood, all msderatsly priced. Jt will ay yom to look them ovezw Silks 4 0-inch satin striped and printed voile, colors henna, pearl gray, maize, apple rreen, rose pink nnd. delph blue, very special, yd..T5c 4 4-inch silk voiles in plain and pin stripe, all new colors, extra spe cial, per yard .....91.25 36-inch chiffon eilks in a beautiful line of colors and designs, extra value, per yard iS 36-inrh plain and' fancy Shantung silk in all prevailing colors, your choice for. tho yard. ..9SC 36-inch silk mixed Georirlns and crepe de chine, full lino of colors, on sale Montio, special. yd...7SC Wool Dress Goods 36-inrh wool serjre. in colors of myrtle sreen, henna. Copenhagen blue and. burgundy, extra values at. per yard 03 be purchased by the county In bulk as heretofore. Tt will tie mixed at a few central points in the different districts. It was decided at tne meeting; xo ac- REPAIR DIRECTORY cept th offer of th Oregon -Aprlcul- conirress In tho county durlntr tho lat I draina?' and irripation will bf 3i? tuml collet for ft. throo-dftv Irrigation I wflc In March, at which problem rt cupped by mm from that Institution. EVINRUDE MOTOR CO. Wholesale and Retail Northwest Distributing Branch Office. 211 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Dealers and Agents Wanted Pianos and Talking Machines Ear Also All other Musical Tn- nrumentu Tt epi!rd. Polished, Ktc, by Expert "Workmen. Very reasonable Price. AH "'orit Guaranteed. E1LERS- Entrance 2S7 Whlne'n TUNING AND REPAIRING. Platioa and Playcr Piunos. Prices reason able for expert work. SLenrian.riay45b Go. Cor. With and Morriaow. ir a vnc Zmm-.J-l PI.AYK.R-PIANOH, C VTBettlcAsaWS niONO.KAPIlrt. reriniwnea uy a new nu bett.r process for lesa mony. Tunln aud ao- 5"" HAROLD H. GILBERT, M4 Tamhlll Mreet. Pianos Bought. Rented. Hold. WK CAN FIX IT FOR IOC. land and orehes . r a 1 Instruments, olanos. phobo- -rapha repaired. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth St. Peaeoned slaswuas ana inside wood, irreen stamps, for cash. Holmao Futl C.. Main 353, A 3363 Adv. CAM BE CURED Free Proof To You All I want is your name and addrens so I can send yoti a free trial muSsim treatment. I vrant you just to try this treatment that' all Jut try It. That's my only arcument. I've been in the Retail Drufr Business for 29 years. I am member of the Indiana State Board of Pharmacy and President of tiie Retail ruf!ists, Association. Nearly everyone in rort Wayne knows me and knows ahtout my successful treatment. Over slant thousand seven hundred Men. "Women and Children outride of Fort Wayne have, according to their own state ments, been cured by this treatment since I first made this offer public. If you have Eczems. Itch, Salt Rheum. Tsttsr never mind how bad my treatment lias cured the wont casrs I ever saw give me a chance to provs my claim. Send mr. your name and address on the ounon below and aft the trinl treatment I want to send you KltEli. The wonders accomplished in your own case will be proof. CUT AMD MAM. TODAY I J. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, 3142 West Main St., Fort Wayne Ind. Please send without cost or obligation to mc your Free Troof Treatment. Name- .Are- Tost Office. -State- Street and No.. QUEEN Incubators Hatch Chicks THAT LIVE AND GROW SOLD BY ROUTLEDGE SEED & FLORAL CO. 113 Second Street RHEUMATISM ItKCIPK. I will KlarHy imi.J any rTtoumatitm iuflrf a Simple Horb Itecip Absolutely Free that tomifltoly Cured mo f m. trrtblt Mttat-k ot muscular ana mimminaiory iineutntttiam of Ionic uixnitinif alter vverviiiln lo 1 tried had failed inc. I havo put-n it to niHiiy aufferery who brllcvrd: ihlr rab'd hopIes, : 't thry found relirf front thotr uf fen n k by taking thebii wt tuple herb.. 1 1 a loo relieve v iatica prompt ly an well nn Neuralgia, and 1 a wonderful blod purifier. Tou are Tnost Welcome to this Herb RN'(p If yon will send for tt at once. I believe vou will coumtler it a tioH -at-nd after you have put it to the test. There In nothtna injur lout contained in it, and you can nee for youreeir esary wnat you are iBKin. I will gladly hcn(i this Recipe absolutely free to any auf f ror who will Lend mnil and adnre, piaintv wrtften. II. 1. St TTON. 21 :0 MiirooM-i Are. tAuV.) lAn Angeles Cat lukll OUICKND ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION A FEATURE of Nash trucks -'is the automatic locldng dif ferential which practically pre vents loss of traction by the spinning of the truck's driving wheels. It lets Nash trucks make surer and safer deliveries. 'Although Nash trucks are less than two years old, they are already being used by such con cerns as: The American Steel Foundries, The Standard Oil Company, The Palmolive Com pany, Morris & Company, and others. Portland Motor Car Co. Distributers TENTH AND BURNSIDE 05 I One-Ton Qiuii, $1650 . Twb-Tob Quail, $2175 Nail Quad Qaisif, $3250