The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 02, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 38

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ZtfAITCIT 2, 1019.
YOUNCJ women, high school or college
graduates, preferably nurses, or young
Tvoitif n with v nurse's train in jj, to become
X-Ray Teclna jiuns. Realizing the great
demand for eVi.iienred technicians, one of
l t ne largest X i lay laboratories in the
northwest wil'.iyive individual instruction
to a, limited imbcr of pupils, as individ-
i tial lnstruti' only is iKsaibIe. This ia
k strip " -LikV proposition und we guar
antee I Jf!iiiig more than to give you a
Thoroffi course of Instruction in X-llay
oualifyinK you to become an
K--jtZay Technician. (See article pace 1111.
ruary Ladici Home journal.) in re-
nng, Ft ate education and qualifications
or iurtner particulars address al
62, Oregonian.
In the largest and best trade school In
1 he West. EOOO succesef ul graduates.
Established 14 ytars. We offer practical
courses in auto and truck repairing and
driving, advanced ignition, lighting and
starting, tractor engineering, machine
work, cay-acetylene w eiuing, vulcanizing;.
A short term course wiil quality you for
t bigger job and batter pay. We help
students earn living while learning. Writ
lor free catalog.
Figueroa. at 8th. Los Angeles. Cal.
OjO you say "ain't," "between you and 1" or
"bursted"? it not, you probably butcher
the EnIih laniia g in nrae other way,
to the embarrassment of your friends and
, the detriment ot hot h your social and
t business progress. A few minutes daily
i spent in studying the good English course
taught by the International Corre.spon
floncu schools will quickly give you a com
mand of English. See H. F. Wood head,
specialist in &;i la ry-raitdns education, at
l'.'l Broad day. Monday. a. M. to P. M.
ARE you mechanically inclined? Learn a
trade. Learn auto, tractor, truck and air
p'une business; big pay; wonderful oppor
tunities. Learn by Sweeney system prac
; tical instruction in 8 weeks; Army Bchool
n6w open to you; same Instructors, equip
ment and methods used In training 5uu0
soldier mechanics for Government. Write
3 or big tree catalogue; tells who) stiy.
Sweeney Auto facnool, .Department 121,
fcweenoy building. Kansas City. Mo. ;
Will teach you automobile, gas tractrJr, ,
automobile electrical engineering and bat
, tery rebuilding; special tt weeks course
liow starting. Call or write Hemphill's
Trade School. Main office 124 N. Gth st.
, Branches at Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton,
Itegma. Lethbridge, Vancouver. B. C,
Moosejaw, Portland. Or.
Successful composer publisher new book i
that wUl help you; contents: Writing mel
odies, directing ambitious composers, cor
' recting faults, placing songs before the
. public, lists over 50u music publishers;
price $1 postpaid; money back if you say
to. Send for circular. Union Music Co.,
442 Sycamore et., Cincinnati, O.
Sharthand, typewriting, spelling, busi
ness English, office training, filing, book
Keeping. New equipment. . Also our EX
PERIENCE COU ItSE "It eliminates the
Mh and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 34G4. Miss
f P. Bursell. principal.
! , We teach Auto. Tractor, Gas Engine
, nndAuto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PAGE
CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Auto &
Tractor School, Dept. K, Union ave. and
"Wasco St.. Portland. Or. Phone East 7445.
from a native teacher, licensed from Lin
coln night school, and you will be able to
converse in French in is weeks by con
a ertational method. 301 Corbett bldg.
Main 335.
3'HOTOPLAY writing taught by mail, com
- plete course; 1 alpo assist you in mar
keting your plays after yon have learned;
natistaetlon and results guaranteed. Those
Jiving in the city write for appointment.
.' Address P. O. box 41u0. Portland, Or.
EBusiness College, Portland. Enroll any
time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking,
bookkeepiug. secretarial. Free catalog.
TAYLOR-FAITH Business College Best be
cause completest. Spanish, French and
English, commercial courses ; comptome
ters and adding machines. 204 Stevens
bldg.. West Park and Washington.
j New York School of Expression. Colum
bia bldg. Studio 410, Wednesdays and
Saturdays, 2-6 P. M.
FRENCH lessons by . Parisian lady. Sat.,
lor teachfcr3 aitd school children. Call
afternoons. J50S Alder St., apt. 1. Phone
Broadway 2672.
Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison.
pays you while learning; gives you a set
ot tools, i csiuonn secure a. bena tor catalogue-
234 Burnside. Brdwy. 1731.
1 -COMPETENT office man of 33. well edu
cated, operates typewriter, good habits.
active, desires .to become associated with
: manufacturing concern where conscientious
work and ability to learn rapidly will
' count; opportunity, not pay, object at
first; will invest if business is paying and
nea r investigation. AC 4iii. Oregonian.
CONCRETE engineer, design and construe
tion, lO years railway, highway. Industrial,
concrete structures: want to live in iJort
land: would like to connect with large
t contractor or arcnitect needing competent
iieia executive; interview in city any
nine, ij aui, uregonian.
AlAN, 4', 10 years photo experimental work.
understands lenses, photo chemical proc
esses, good talker, would like position
with firm sei 1 ing photo supplies or any
hoik in tnat line, iv .s, oregonian.
M A H RIED man, 4. handy building trades
tools. wishes steady employment near
Portland : understands heating, plumbing.
wiring, gardening, spraying. 4Z, ore
.I'OL'.N'G married man, 5 years' experience
chauffeur; understands Pierce. Packard
of Cadillac; can do his own repair work
furnish best of references. Marshall 1738.
T 84. Oregonian.
T "WANTED Position as superintendent or ea
timator of woodworking factory, by thor
oughly competent man who is familiar
with detail work. Best of references.
AY o7, Oregonian.
i 1MAN and wife cooks want position in board
ing house or camp, state wages and num
ber or men : good references. v rite C
1 2. Oregonian.
i X. UMBER MEN. listen Man and wife, ex
pert cooks; we know our business, do you
want. us? Address K. M. Garvin, 181 Ham
, lit on ave., Portland.
fc-JTUATION on farm by man and wife with
2-yeax-old son: wife as housekeeper and
Tnan as tractor engineer and handy man.
41, oregonian.
ti'OUXG man recently from X. T. C. and
desiring to stay in Portland, wishes em
ployment, college education, active, ca
pable and strong. Main 0l.
TOUXG man would like to learn auto trade
willing to work without pay while learn
ing trade. Sell. 334'.
3dULL and mechanical draftsman, with
varied experience, open for a position. AG
Sy. Oregonian.
EX PERT estimator and architeot wishes to
represent some contractor or building ma
'terial company. AG bsS. Oregonian.
TOUXG man attending Reed college desires
to drive Ford during afternoon or even-
ing: best of C 1M, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want position on a farm
experienced in raising hay, horses, cattle,
hogs and chickens. Phone Main 4240.
.MAN and wife want Job on ranch; two chil
dren. Add. 1U4 Grant U Phone 554 Y
Vancouver, Wash.
2 'LUMBER; repair tanks, toilets, stopped
Pipes, gas; notir. Mcuurdy. Mar. 224o,
JANITOR, mill watchman, wide experience
an lines; city rei. .nam ;tu.
SOY, 17, wants work on farm: has
exp-'-nence, AR 276, Oregonian.
CA RD writer and poster artist wants po
sition, ua-u w ooaiawn j urv
3'AINTING, paierhanging. tinting; day or
contract. rnone ftasi :k.
"EXPERT tree pruner. ready for business.
Address Frank K. -Martin. 4,:i s. 6th et
GENERAL housecleaning and job work. Call
VanBuren. Broadway S.0.
6H INGLERS When you want
done call Wood lawn 5206.
"EXPERIENCED salesman wants position.
T 4- oregonian.
EXPERIENCED retail cigar clerk,
let Morris.
214 Ho
.ALL-AROUND sash and door machine man
CARPENTER, jobbing, any kind, first-class
CARPENTER will takf merchandise or lib
erty ponua tt pay. rnone t-ast 754.
HAULING contracts wanted, 3-ton truck.
t-none rs ..:. or at ; tL.. ii:tn. st. N.
.WORK wanted for two- 3-ton trucks; con
iracr. prcn:iu-u. an v eener. ia& t
EXPERT paperhanging, high-class decorat
ing; reasonanie prices. labor 4594.
RELIABLE janitor wants steady position
reteretices given. rroan way 4( ;t.
WANTED Work as janitor in hotel and
cleaning nouse. a k 4i. Oregonian.
Wdln. y.v.
and repair worker.
MAN with Ford car wants position; know
town well. Phone Tabor 2348.
TAINTING, papering and tinting; reason
Hble. Main
STUDENT would like place to work for
buaru. a. xsa, vregonian.
FIRST-CLASS farm hand, good with stock
of any kind; an A-l horseman and can
handle truck or tractor, wishes steady
work on general farm or ranch ; best
wages and ciean, comfortable living con
ditions with room to imyself; able to take
charge, hut single; vree by middle of
month. W Oregonian.
We clean wall paper and kalsomine with
new process; makes yvur old jiaper look
like new. $T per room and up. 'All work
a bsolutely guaranteed. A Iso kaomlning.
paper hanging and painting. Our prices
are right. Call East e-223. ask for Heath
for demonstration and references.
SALESMAN, sales manager, Al specialty
man, wants new connect ion ; varied suc
cessful experience; commission basin;
t ravel any wliwo; could make Investment
If satisfied; Al credentials. X 404, Ore
gonian. SL 'CESSKUL orchard it-t and farmer of sev
eral years experience in Oregon will con
Eider management of H . Ft.. White C. or
Yakima property; first-class ret".; mar
ried. Address HD 93. Oregon lan.
COMPETENT, enerjgetic accountant, book
keeper and credit man, 31. now with large
manufacturing concern going out of busi
ness, desires position. Phone cashier, Mar
shall J310.
MAX 37. with 11 years' office and building
experience, desires permanent position with
mf g. or construction company, listing,
estimating, correspondence, etc. Johnson,
SelJwood 1!GL
A MARRIED man with tfamiiy. wants to take
charge of a small faarm near city: have
full experience of farm work. K. Spring,
14t7 E. Glisan St., cor. 5."ith st.
MILLWRIGHT will build pr repair rotary
mills up to 50M. capacity, ny nay or con
tract; will go anywhere. "White, 708 4th
et. Marshall 44U1.
WANTED A position as foreman or me
chanic in garage, capable or taking cnarge
of repair work or vulcanizing plant; best
of references. Call East 4'.t2.
MAX and wife, experienced in farming and
stock raising, age 'Jit, can orive auto; wue
good cook, capable of taking full charge.
V 106. Oregonian.
TWO weeks' work wanted by young man
"0 years old ; night manager u. to. new s
stand 7 months; can do plain show card
work; best references. AO 16. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dairyman In every line
w ants position near cuy r -ri-uu jicv
tric railway. Glen wood hotel, 20 6th st.
C. A. Hudson.
REGISTERED pharmacist desires position
with reliable Xirm; country preierrea; j
years of age; best references. AG S78,
t regon!an.
POSITION by a young married man; seven
years as accountant onice manager bhu
credit man. big department store. AE
eOti. Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED woodsman, take full
charge or will accept position as scaler,
head bucker and taller or tiling.. T 32,
EXPERIENCED salesman, furniture or gen
eral house xurnisnings ; country preierreu ;
references. W. 534 High St.. Klamath
Falls. Or.
JANITOR wants contract in big office build
ing; I can show you wnere i can bh
you from $50 to $100 per month. Aj 180,
PILE DRIVER, derrick, dredge (orange peel
or clamshell), crane engineer; iu years
with last company; splicing. Phone Main
YOUNG man wishes employment with mar
ble or tile company; is an experiences
helper; will work in or out of town, AN
825. Oregonian.
MARRIED MAN wants work on ranch, by
on r -'I venr experience: can take full
charge; can. give references. AK 78, Ore
YOUNG man with some experience in auto
shop. Write S. P.. 28 4th st, room 26,
or phone A 1931.
SWISS cheese maker wants job as helper to
make American cheese or to run smau iac
tory making Swiss cheese. H. Linder, 309
12th st.. city.
AUTO MECHAXIC and electrical engineer
for 15 years; can give best of references.
G S53. Oregonian.
SAWYER, 15 years' experience ft small cir
cular mill and a rustler, wants steady
work, day, month or contract. AO 25,
COMPETENT credit man. broad experience.
best local references, now employee large
wholesale house, desires change. S 328,
MAX with team wants work In country;
would take use of house and lew acres in
p.trt payment. T 34. Oregonian.
SINGLE man with la years' experience
wants management oi grain or siock raatu.
AO 400, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, wife cook, man helper; long
experience; logging camp preierrea. a
354, Oregonian.
SAW-FILER'S helper wants job; will take
part pay in lumoer; can give reierences.
X 407, Oregonian.
WANTED By first-class meat cutter, a few
hours evening worn, in noiei or reBiaurauu
Phone Tabor 30VU.
MARRIED man wants work on ranch by
year; 30 years experience, rtt. x, uox io,
Portland, Or.
EXPERIENCED young man wants work.
garage, as nignt man. au oouiaw u
EXPERIENCED crew manager and demon
strating ; 1111.11, 'I'"" ' ' 4 .
no trif iers considered. P 7 76, Oregonian.
WANTED A position as gardener; private
place; can mine ana nanay arouna nouse.
T 38. Oregonian.
WANTED By middle-aged man, light work
in country ; wages no oujeuv. coi,
Oregonian '
EXPERIENCED young man wants position
Oregonian. .
BAKER A good, clean, ail-around man
past 50 wants a small jod. j uio, uie
HOTEL clerk desires position in tirst-class
place; experiencea m i.iso --
luO, Oregonian.
VVAXTED Position as caretaker of mill or
other vacant property; anywhere. X 41H
i i . v. r K" in store or office, timekeeping, book
keeninc or snipping; aty or touiiu . o
Y. M. C. A.
DRAUGHTSMAN and field man wants posi
tion; 4 years experience in irrigation ana
r.tii AN S22. Oregonian.
MARRIED man. age 40, having 7 years' x
n.ricnNA raahipr life insurance codiduv.
Hpir..i t nhnne-c. AM 87. Oreconian.
BAKER'S helper wants sit., city.or conntry;
oaah hnhman. bread or cake : ion ir ex
irinrf Hfiiirv E. Havev. 61 2d st.
YOUNG married man wants saJesmanship
position; salary no ooject to start; rei
erences. Address 727 Savier.
YOUNG man of experience desires position
256. oregonian.
HAVE new truck, want monthly contract
hauling for wholesale nouse; win work
reasonably. Marshall 5210.
MAN past middle age wishes position, any
Kind or iignt worii. in couuiry or town, or
janitor s helper. AK r:i. oregonian.
CHIMNEYS RE r L A S 11 L. K. E. 11 1 s. -
EXPERIENCED man. 35 years, wants po
sition, elevator or hen man in notei ; ref
erences. A J 10. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and competent timekeeper
desires position; ready to start. X. 41 j,
YOUNG man of no bad habits wants any
kind of work in or out of city. D 43.
WANTED Janitor work by man past mid
dle age; understands hotel work, also
kitchen work ; reliable. C 152, Oregonian.
WOULD like to get in touch with parties
w ishing to build or having carpenter work
to do. Tabor SI 51.
JAPANESE cook wants position In family.
A H 43, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
WH O needs good office man ? Experience
correspondence, claims, traffic, bookkeep
ing, etc.; can do almost anything along
these lines. F 816, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT will keep set of books dur
ing spare time, day or night; financial
and income tax statements; low rates;
best references. AJ 183, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, 3J, country bank and gen
eral business -experience, wan' bank or
other bookkeeping work. F M5, Orego
nian. BOOKS opened, closed or audited: have an
expert accountant assist you with your
income tax report ; rates reasonable. BE
107. O re gonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, not fully oc
cupied, will keep your books, make audits
or income tax returns; reasonable charges.
K 37. Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper with wide business ex
perience desires position. College educa
tion, alive and adaptable. Fair stenogra
pher. K 22. Oregonian.
A THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper
ann all-around office man. with highest
references; moderate salary. Tabor 4514.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man
seeks steady position; familiar with secre
tarial duties. S 355. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT will write up your books,
make government reports, etc. E 52(5,
A YOUN'O man, expert stenographer, wishes
position, rnone ,ast i'o, apt. 11.
TBookkeeprm, Slenograpliers. Office.
WANTED Executive position with strong
country bank, have 13 years' experience,
gili-etige references; am hard worker and
u nderstand InMuranco. foreign exchange,
notary work aud all departments. A V
76, regonian.
EXPERIENCED lumberman and expert cost
accountant, last two years on government
contracts, work about completed, would
like work with firm of public accountants
r lumhpr company. AK 46. Oregonian.
EX t'EKI ENCED bookkeeper, doing account
ant work, good office man. married and
high ed ucation. set-ks posit ion with a re
liable firm; first-class references. A E 7'J8.
BoOK K EE PR R. stenographer and rapid -touch
typist with 12 years experience de
sires position; can handle full set of books;
Intelligent, industrious and well educated.
A M 77. Oregon Ian.
fcoldlrr and Sailors.
DISCHARGED SOLDIER. 35. with 6 years'
experience us railway telegrapher, cashier,
biller and on freight tariffs and claims
and with 3 years' experience fire insur
ance clerk and solicitor, wanta position,
preferably office, work ; good typist and
rapid at figures ; neat, ciean and sec ur
ate; large salary not necessary at start but
chance of promotion desired : am also a
printer and multigraph operator. R. A. D.,
H74 Cleveland ne. Woodlawn 2236.
FIRST-CLASS dairyman, single. 35. expert
In ra ising all kinus of vegetables.- beets
and kale, desires position on dairy and hay
farm which can be rented later. Don't
answer this unless you are in need of
a thoroughly experienced man and have
lots of work and Improvements to do.
S 32. Oregonian.
in mail-order business and claim adjusting,
bookkeeper and cashier. capable taking
full charge of office; now employed, but
good reason for making change. If you
wish high -class results, phone Marshall
DISCHAKC ED officer desires position as
traffic manager with some reliable Port
land house; several years' railway traffic
experience; prof b-ient in handling freight
rates. bookx'-eping. typewriting. corre
spondence and general office work ; best
of references. AR 255. Oregonian.
fWAXT A JOB What have you for a dis
charged officer? Member Oregon Bar as
sociation, graduate U. of O. law school:
ex perienced in stenography, bookkeeping
and general clerical work; ability to grasa
situations and mfghty willing to learn.
AP 844. Oregonian.
EX PERIENCED gas tractor operator and
repairman w.mti position with gas tractor
or auto truck company. Phone East 31 o2,
or write L. F. Gray. ".7' Hawthorne ave.
EXPERIENCED army aviator, graduate in-
as pilot and flying instructor; exhibitions
a specialty. -t-i. oregonian.
DISCHARGED soldier who has had 8 years
experience In grocery business and drives
Ford, wants work. Marshall 223'.'. apt. 411.
YOUNG MAN released from service, lomt
selling experience, wants position with re
liable firm. AO 53. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN released from navy wants po
sition as auto salesman. AO 3. Oregon'an
MARRIED uischarged soldier wants per
manent position. H 112. Oregonian.
DISCHARGED sailor wants truck or other
type of car to drive. AL 63. Oregonian
EXPERIENCED office girl desires position
as bookkeeper; can run typewriter and
adding machine; good reference. Main
7 1 55. .
MOTHER, with healthy baby, experi
enced with babies, will give day or even
ing care to babies vnder 18 months; near
business enter. Broadway 20f2.
MIDDLE-AGED woman of excellent charac
ter would like to keep house for refined
gentlemen, west side preferred. C 175,
COMPETENT, unincumbered middle-aged
widow would share in business with lady
or gentleman alike. T 29. Oregonian.
REFINED, competent girl wants position as
clerk, grocery preferred; good references.
Phone East 4760.
LADY wants house cleaning or other work,
hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Broad
way 501. ,
TWO yoking ladiea attending business- col
lege want work evenings and Saturdays.
AF 153. O regonian.
WANTED By an et perienced mother, to
care for children afternoons or evenings.
AK 77, Oregonian. -
RELIAP.LE and capable woman wanta
cleaning and laundry work. 40c hour.
Tabor 7071. .
WOMAN", with child, wishes place as cook
for a small crew of men. eastern Oregon
preferred. AL 41. Oregonian
MEN'S laundry, ladies' fine waists, ailk
underwear, lace curtains, called for and
delivered. oooiiawn
WANTED A place to take care or cinmren
evenings while mother la away; refer
ences. Woodlawn 161 L
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants Job as house
keeper in rooming house. AB 103, Orego
rdan. W A XT place to stay with children evenings
while parents are out. 25c an hour. BC
7 SO. Oregonian.
EXPERIEXCED laundress wants day work;
'irvlngton preferred. Call Sunday eve.. Ta
bor 3 PUS.
WANTED Situation cooking or general
housework. Phone Marshall 5iGf. Mon
day nTorn 1 n g-
EXPERIENCED waitress wants position In
"American plan hotel, city. Main 655.
room 33i. -
GOOD laundress wants day work, ironing
only. or 1 hours. Call Sunday eve, Ta
bor 1014. m
WOMN wants work evenings taking care
of children; also experienced laundress.
I'.F 1 1 . Oregonian.
LADY wishes position as collector and office
work. Can give reference. AR 2i7. Ore
DO YOU need an experieced office assistant
clerk, switchboard operator, or pianist 1
Call Main 70ii5.
EXPERIENCED timekeeper and payroll
clerk, desires permanent position ; good
references. F 8lt. Oregonian.
REFINED young woman, going to Colorado,
would assist with children for fare. Tabor
T 3 or F 824. Oregon iaji.
YOUNG woman deelre place to aseist morn
ings and evenings In exchange for home;
employed part of day. D 45. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman desires position where
meeting the public and salesmanship abil
ity Is .n essential. in ho. urrnuiinn.
HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes place in private
family, west elde preferred. Marshall
after 2:30. Inquire for Miss Burger.
CARE of one or two small children by girl
of 17; nice home preferred. "Woodlawn
YOUNG lady, experienced, wants position as
cashier or In candy store. T 35, Ore
gon I aiv
YOUNG lady wishes position as usher in
theater or picture show. Call Main 4133.
EXPERIENCED woman desires act as com
panion to lady or child traveling east.
B. S.. Box 307. R. A.
take care of widower's or
bachelor's apts. by the day or hour. a
852. Oregonian.
WANTED Cooking for parties only.
Call E.
TWO women want positions In hotel as
chambermaids, a urcnumit.
WoM AN wants position as chambermaid.
AN fe2W, oregonian.
LADY wants position playing piano In a
store. AC' VJ. Oregonian.
TWO women want housewerk by the day;
best of references. AO 18. Oregonian.
GOOD cook, will do general work In small
family; reference. E 527, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS colored laundress wishes
work, laundry only. Broadway 1C4.
LADY wants work for Thursday and Sat
day. Marshall US2.
WANT to take care of small child.
East Salmon st.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
4c an hour. Phone Main 752S.
EXPERIENCED operator wou-ld like private
exchange; references. A K 38, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone East 2015,
between 5 and G evenings.
LADY to sell toilet articles or its partner
with another lady. C 15?, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wisnes chamber work
in a nice hotel. V 104, Oregonian.
POSITION in dental office or clerical work.
Woodlawn 1017.
MIDDLE-AGED mother will care for children
or mend by the hour. East nutt.
LAUNDRY work and cleaning, housework
by the day: references. Marshall 3u2S.
LADY will do cooking and some house
work. AN Ktl. Oreponian.
GRADUATE piano teacher will give pians
lessons. 75 cts. Phone Main lo:t!.
LADY MANTCURIST wishes position in bar
ber shop. East 4170.
PIANO PLAYER would like to play in or
chestra for dances, etc. E. 3977.
VERY experienced woman wants day work;
expert laundress. East IT6 7.
EX PERI ENCED woman wants day work.
Main 1132.
WOMAN, with 2 children, wants work in
country: small wages. Main l'.3f.
LACE curtains hand laundered, called for.
iciivered. by expert. East tillHi.
AN EXPERIENCED young woman with high
school, normal school aud university train
ing desires position as teacher, governess
or companion; would travel: would accept
executt v position ; best references. Ad
dress B. s., Box Go 7. K. A., I'ortland.
Phone Grcsham 484.
WANTED Full charge of widower or bach
elors modern home, close in. by middle
aed widow, cultured and refined. 1'ro
feHsionMlly employed from 7:30 to 5, 'ex
cept Saturday and Sunday. Have child,
fi hooi age. A sister employed mould board.
S 363. Oregonian.
TH E "household machinery" will be kept in
order,- your children conscientiously cared
fur by a competent person during your ab
sence evenings or afternoons. Kefs. Mar
ahnll 34!.
A THOROUGH and reliable woman wants
to furnish board and cook for a crew of
men lor a mill or camp; best of refer
ences. Address 207 N. lath St., Portland.
AX EX PERI E N C E D saleswoman, who Ts
also very reliable and conscientious in
her work, w ishes position as milliner
(-ilea woman ; u Wo has some know ledge
of making. C 16S Prvgonian.
Vol NJ woman wants dishwashing In email
restaurant. Main 2585, Room 3
WiiMAX wants day work. Phone Wood
Uiv.n 233 .
W "MAN w h n t s day work. Woodlawn 213.
liook eepeis. fUenocrapber. Office.
MR. EMPLOYER: If your business does not
warrant your keeping a stenographer all
the time or you are ever rushed, phone
our office and we will immed lately come
and ta ke your dictation. returning It
promptly. Dictaphone operators are hard
to g-t and luirder to keep. See us about
transcribing your dictaphone rolii. Im
portant letters and telegrams ran be taken
over the phone tn shorthand. Ail business
absolutely confidential. EXPERT SERV
ICE GUARANTEED. Luella Ross. 12
C ham her of Commerce bldg (IX THE
I.OKKY). Telephone Main 75hO.
W A NT ED By ex-perlenced stenographer
bookkeeper, position, preferably In lumber
office; mldd!e-aged single woman with va
ried of fiee experience: last 3's years In
general office of line yard lumber company,
handling stenographic work invoicing ma
terial to yards, and assistant book work.
'nn handle routine work without dlctatbm
and do not object to responsibility. Salary
110 per month. Address Mies K. V. Patch.
U. F. D. No. 3. Weiser. Idaho.
COMPETENT woman bookkeeper and ac
countant, thoroughly experienced In auto
mobile business, desires position as head
bookkeeper or office man a ger with large
growing automobile concern where effic
iency is demanded and suitably recom
pensecL, Address AL 55, Oregonian.
EX PE Ul ENCED book keeper and stenog
rapher, executive ability. 3 years' uni
versity training; business college graduate,
ft years business experience; excellent ref
erences, desires permanent position with
reliable firm. Address P. O. box S. city.
MH. EMPLOYER Why not call The Noise
less Typewriter Employment Department.
Main ti344, when In need of stenographers
or bookkeepers? We are In a position t
Jturn ish competent help,
GEN ERA L office work and assistant book-ke--p;r,
rtvs years experience, where there
ts i hauce for advancement; best references.
'. H. I'hone Main 4I6J. ,
EXPERT stenographer, accurate and rapid,
with office and reporting experience, de
sires position. References; slate salary and
details. AG 8, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer
and office clerk, bank preferred, tem
porary or permanent. Woodlawn 4662.
apartment 3.
Ell ST-C LASS stenographer desires position.
5 years' experience; best of references;
capable hanuling big correspondence. Sell-
w ood 1 020.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced In insurance
and general office work, competent, best
of references. AH 40, Oregonian.
EX PERI ENC ED comptometer operator
wishes position; can furnish references.
Call East 5247.
WANTED General office work by girl of
it; gooa typist, penman and also good at
figures. Main 6S15.
WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper.
by young lady; can operate Burroughs
aaumg mac nine. Miin Ho. 7.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher desires position; references. Call
East H:t2.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and genera
office work; fire insurance preferred. 3
327, Oregonian.
BILLING or clerical position wanted by
young lady with five yeara experience ;
best of rererence-s. Phono East 4 1 20.
YOUNG lady wishes position as typist or
general onice worn; know or boOKkeeping.
1135 First at.. Hlllsboro, Or. -
Llt'TAI'IiONK operator with some steno
graphic experience desires position. Tabor
STENOGRAPHER employed would like
er ra stenographic work. Phone Main
4 556.
VoL'NO woman with Hght offie experience
w is nes position jn doctor s office or small
business establishment. Broadway 2637.
YOUNG lady, experienced In office and cler
leal work, wishes position; also experienced
telephone operator. Phone Main 7023.
BOOKKEEPER 15 years experience, wants
small ttet or oookb to Keep on side; Al
reference, reliable, reasonable. Main n3S3.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 6 years
experience, bst of referenc-s. Main 2.S17
PUBLIC stenographer opening office; rea
sonable rates. 320 Henry bldg. Main 26:0.
YOUNG lady, experienced cashier, wishes po
sition; reuao.e. ia.i .Marsnun lot.i.
YOUNG LADY wishes position In dentist or
optician s office. AG 626, oregonian.
SMALL amount stenographic work desired
fvemngi alter a;Ju. s 3t4. Oregonian.
AN experienced snd competent stenographer
nesires permanent position. Marshall ;i.2i
GIItL wants office work: some experience;
uf tou-n system, a ." .,o. iiregonian.
EX PEKi ENCE D stenographer wants post
YOUNG lady w Ishes clerical position, ex
perienced. G 67a, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants position: some x-
perience: im weeK. AO i, Oregonian.
-AfKKiKXtTiD, capabje woman wants
plain sewing or mending by the day or
i. 'tui . .tiarsnao i o i .
DR E SS MAKING by the day; aatlafaetion
-uitranieea. irs it. j. Shaw: I'hone Mar
shall 547S. after 5 P. M.
Till t'WCVI A I." I V". 7 . ...
..j ... A w u vj at u rm or wiil go
out. reasonable. Mrs. Bowden, 624 Flan-
GOOD plain sewer wishes work as dress
maker s helper or apprentice. Phone E.
REI,IABLE. up-to-date dressmaker will do
your dressmakrng in her home, allowing
jju w a Mr i tt . jiarsnaji evenings.
WANTED Engagements by the day. exnerl
eucw in auits and gowns. Will remodel.
LA I m wants pialn sewing by the hour
rapid worker., prices reasonable. AG 87o
V I " U C t ll A T"T- L- V." TtJ-.M
Nurses' uniforms made to order; worlt
guaranteed. Phone East l3L
EXPERIENCED dvesinHker and tailoress;
will lew by the day. East 60' 17.
DRESSMAKER, exp.. tailoring, make-over.
2.5 dy. Main 1310.
E.X PERI ENCED dressmaker.
Titbor Hl'o5.
f 2.50 a day.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable.
5d Hot st. Broadway 3I5S.
FJH.ST-ri.ASd dressmaker;
b.r 87tii.
referencea Ta-
HI;H-CLASS dressmaker wishes work by
t he day. Phone Marshall 44oo. apt. 25.
BY young woman, work In doctor's or den
tist's office or business office where she
can make herself generally useful. Can
meet the public and use typewriter. Main
GRADUATE male nurse wishes steady em
ployment In hospital or office. K 34,
Nl'KSE. quiet home, invalids, unfortunates;
elderly; private; references. G res ham. Or..
R. A. box 111.
GRA DL'ATE nurse wishes position, doc tor 1
office or hospital.
References. B 15 Z.
WILL do nursing In my home: care for In
valids, old people or convalescents. Tabor
PR A ('TIC A L nurse with hospital training
wants invalid or general nursing. - Sell
wood 233.
PKAfTlCA L nurse with hospital tralnln g
wishes engagements; best references, o. B.
Mnin 4162.
PRACTICAL nurse will csre for sick and
do the housework; references. Marshall
TRAINED nurse wishes engagements, ma
ternity preferred. Some, housework, rea
sonable. Broadway ti2o.
non ave. Woodlawn 4272. Nit Er.glin.
Anna K. Fletcher.
A "RELIEF" nurse, ready for another case;
conscientious and dependable ; convales
cent s preferred. Refs. Marshall 3-11.
A NURSE in her home will take a con
valescent or pa ra lysis rase ; doctor's refc
erenees. Call Tabor 2oS7.
GRADUATE nurse would csre for patient In
own home or board children. Tabor 6743.
Gor-D practical
nurse wants work. Tabof
EXPERIENCED. practical nurse,
wurk by day. AL 4b, oregonian.
situations wanted female.
TRAINED mas-euae and medical gymnast.
graduated from Christlama. Norway.
v ishes position;
Dr. recommendation.
V". Oregonian.
POSITION by nurse. 17 vesrs' experience; in
or out of city. MsrshHil 65.
EXPERIENCED prurttcal nurse will tk
confinement case. Phne Sei.wood 241 S.
NEAT young lady u isnes housekeeping for
one or two gentlemen: one with own
home preferred : do not want to leave
rtty. Address Wilms. Whlttrm. On. Del.
HOPS E KEEP E R wants position In elderly
widower's home. No objection to one
child. Call East 4571. Ask for house-
keeper, from Hi to p. M.
MIDDLE-AGED worn lh wants to keep house
for 1 or 2 gentlemen In city, more for good
home than high wages. AB 143. Ore
gon lan.
REFINED, elderly lady desjres to keep
house, for rciined and church-attending
widower or bachelor. Address O. A. B.,
Sf . Helens. Or., lock box 251.
HOl'SKK KKI'BR w ishes position w here neat
Intel it cent woman to be one of f mtt v is
desired; good cook, middle-aged. $40. Mar
shal! 01 .V
HOUSE KEEPJ Ml or farm w ork by com
petent, reliable woman wtth boy of 13;
state wages and particulars. Box 34. tt.
Helens. Or.
Ml DDlSE-AGED woman wishes house keep
Inr position; adults, email wages. Taoor
WIDOW wants position housekeeping, can
go any place, city or country. BJ 260,
REFINED young woman, neat and capable,
small daughter, school are, would tike sit
uatlon as housekeeper. B 14s, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER wishes posNtlon for wtrtow-
r; no objection tc 1 child. Address or
call Mrs- sterns. 35Q Colnmhla.
WA NT ED By youn g woman as a com
panion, the care of a home, AO 4, Ore
gonian. WOMAN, with little girl. 4 yrs. old. wishes
INTELLIGENT woman, good housekeeper.
good cook, wants position for party w 1 1 1
Ing to pay good wages. F S20. Orejrontan.
WANTED Position ns housekcei-er, prefer
rooming house, widow. A K v,2, Orego
nian. POSITION as housekeeper by mldd;e-aged
widow. V PW. Oregonian.
UNINCUMBERED widow wishes housekeep
ing on rant-h. AE l.s. Oreconian.
WOMAN with boy 3 years old wishes house
work in town. T f40. Oregonian.
WANTED A place as cook.
country. Seil-
wood iit
Reliable, up-to-date lists ot deslrabTe
vacant houses, apartments snd fats with
definite Information pertaining to each.
Newcomers la Portland will find th'e
bureau of great value in helping them get
properly and quickly located.
WANTED To rent unfurnished five or six
room modern houso with garage, not over
20 minutes to P. c. by earline; might buy
some t urniture ; possession by March 1 .".
Answer Sunday or Monday only. T 4H.
UNFURNISHED 6-room comfortable ecttare:
electric lights, gas. w ater. phone. 4 no
bath) vines, roses, all kinds berriet. fruit
treea. lOuxlOo for garden. Col. 5a 1. M2
North Kellogg st., St. Johns car.
desires to lease strictly modern 6 or 7
room house with garage; bungalow pre
ferred ; must be clean and w ill keep it
so. Call Marshall 1241.
6 OR 7-room house, strictly modern. Will
allow owner to reserve room or two. Must
have garden, lawn, t rees. References. Irv
1 net on or Mt. Tabor preferred. Tabor
WANTED By responsible tenants, unfur
, nished buncalnw or flat; must be close in;
east side preferred, in desirable location.
Phone Tabor SuS, morning or evenings.
RE S PO N SIB LE part y wan t to rent about
May 1, modern 5 or ti-room unfurnished
house, bungalow or apartment ; no chil
dren: best of care; rent rea.on.ib, state
location and price. 1 1 43, 1 ircconian.
It ELI A HLE party wishes to rent 7-
housH vith garax-e. lrvington. l.aur ! hurst
or Ladd tract addition preferred, but out
ers considered If Htiituble: Hate price and
length of lase possible V 1 o.t. Oregonian.
W A N T E D To rent unfurnished 5 - room
house ; modern, permanent. 3 adults : wiil
pay SHO; 6 years in present location; pref
erably in Aiuerta or Hawthorne districts.
Tabor 7dls.
CHEAP A 4 -room modern house. electric
lights, bath and toilet; '2 acres of ground,
good burn and chicken house. Main 6-105
Monday after M.3Q; ask for Geo. Rock.
WANTKD Furnished bouse, by family of
three. In nice neighborhood. Will pay any
reasonable rent ; must have a garage.
1'liore Vosburgh Sunday at Seward hotel.
W A N T E 1 T o rent for April. May a rid
June, s or It-room furnished house in Nob
Hill district. f.ill Main 4031 or write
UK liu. r-gonlan.
FURNISH ED suburban home of 5 or 6 rm.,
not more than 30 minutes from the clry.
wanted by 3 adults: state particulars and
terms. BJ "J9l. Oregonian.
TO RENT or buy If right pnre. modern, or
semi-moaern nouse. u to o rooms, garage;
2 or more lota preferred; c t aide. P. o.
box 20Io.
WELL funnsheil 7 or 8-room modern house
ny responsible party t four adult ; w 1,1
care for same as their ok n. AF 15H. Ore
gonian. FIRST half of April. 5 or 6-room bunsalow
or rtoue. Turn is lied or unfurnished ; oung
cou pie. excellent references : state locality
and rent. AO 20. Oregonian.
WANTED A to x-room furnished apart
nient, or a 6 to J -room furmsned, house, on
w est aide: would consider bu ing. I'hone
Marshall l..!i or Broadway 4's.
5- OR H-ROOM modern residence, wi.l lease
for period of year or more : occupancy
desired after M arch 15. AG bi. ure-
gin lan.
UNFURNISHED modem, clean 5- or ft-room.
house; deMrablo location. Call Marshall
WANTED April 1. 6 or 7-room house fur
nishea ; on y ear or longer, references.
i .. Oreconian.
STEADY, careful tenant wants a modern
5 -room house; have you one? Please pat-
ticu 1 a ra to it a a i.creg on 1 an.
WANTED Large. modern unfurnished
bouse, suitable for housekeeping rooms,
close in. A P H-4V, Ort'Koniitn.
WANTED To rent 5 or rt-room house or
bungalow, unfurnished ; w ill take lease.
Call E. 41 4 or A. '.. oregonien.
WANTED Mderti house or buniraiow on
East Side to f:500 ; please Kl e decrlp-
tion una location. am (.'regonian.
WANTED By responsible coup's, with three
children. -room modern home: will pay
up to jtiii rem. a ' i.i. (iregonian.
W A NT K IK By young couple with baby,
modern furnished 4 or 5-room flat, apart
ment or houw. an xaoor
WANTED 5 or rt-room strictly modern, we.l-
furnish house, close to school; good els
tnet. I'hone Tabor 53ti7.
BY couple with 2 children, modern 4 or 5
roorn furnished hou.e. Yacouver or East
Vancouver, i'hone .Main 43m. Portland.
WANTED 5 or rt-room strictly modern.
ell-furnished house, ciose to school; good
FOUR or 5-room modern house or f :t.
or partly furnished, with garage if poS-
sinie: no rrmoren. (-none r.ast
COUPLE with one child wish sm.a.l 4 or
5-room f urn i shea nouse in good location,
I'hone room f'" Multnomah hotel.
WANTED 10 rent monern or 7-room
house and garage by responsible party; do
small cnnoren. mono innor -!:;.
W A.T(-.I lo ren t ny r-sponsin; cou pie.
- or i-mcni 1 urnu nea or uni urn is lied
mo'Tem no use. 1 aoor
3 TO 5-room furnished bouse, lower flat or
apartment ; w . sine. Marsrsii 'in
4 lt i-rwm furnlshel house with yard and
nesr senooi. .nanna-i ;.4j.
BY APR. 1 Six room bungalow, Sunnystde.
win lease. i r. ireonian.
MODERN rot tag by owner.
Broadway 3125.
Mr. Morris.
5 OR 6-room furnished bungalow. Rose City
I'arK oesireu t no cnnaren . t-H K.
WANTED Small furnished house or apt. AB
144, regonian.
WANTED Bungalow in good locality for
1 io city 101 ana caa. r,at t.-j.
W A N TE ! Good modern cottage, or hnu
w ith 5 to 7 rotrns. furnished preferred.
lufit have m-f rn convenience n-l re -nbly
near -ireet :r line. Prefer to take
t tie ame on bse. I'hone Sun da v between
i and 11 A. M. Mini 4660. Monday after
t: 3 A. M. Main 21 1 .
WANTED To rent modern furnished Im -galjw
with garden fpace. east side: mtl.t
buy If plai-e miI;; can furni. h h-st r. Ter
ences : no children. Phone Est i.;7 Sun
il.ty or M'ii.1iy before noun. A ddrcs A K
65. Oregon ma.
MOTHER and grow n son desire w e.l -furnished,
clean, cheerful, four or five-room
cnuacrt or a;nAll apartment in de-:raole
neigiiborhood ; referem es and good .jro o
property. Phone Tstnr HI 42.
RESPONSIBLE parti- want for period of
6 months or Ion c r 5 or 6- rorm modern
snd com plet e !y f n rn is b eI : pa rt men t , t nt
or bnnc il'i ; wiil give substanliH', ref
erence and bso'u guarantee as to ra re
of your piopcrty if desired. AO 15. trt
gon!.i n.
Ttrot lier and sister would like to rent
a 3-room a pi., either on west aide or east
suie, fan furnish best of references. Give
full particulars and state price in first
1 1 1 r r . V. 52 4. Oregonian;
H' KMSHKO apartment. 3 or 4 rwnus. no
i b i Id re ii ; ra u f urn ih own linen. bed --lolhes
dlshen, cooking utensils, etc. ; bc.-tt
of care taken; references- Tabor M34.
WANTED Furnished 2 or 3-roetin apart
ment, flat or house, cioae. in. wIlIi garage
Tiea r by ; responsible party; perma nt tit if
reasonalile. A 24. Oregon. n.
WANTED Nice i'-ronni aparnienr for a
lady and her daughter. AH 2M. Ore
gon'an. WANTED Furnished apt., fat or ama.l
house, by coup e wit tx 3-year-o.d chl.d.
T i tor 77 '.5 .
ol"NG coup.e want 2 or 3-room unfurnished
apart men t . permanent . no child.-vn . rct
errnces. Mam 153.
WANTED by ltth of Marcti, 5 to 7-room
unfurnished flat, close In. Phone E :
after J 'clock.
WA NTI3" A pt, or flat on west side ; must
be reasonable and permanent; no cuti
tdren. Call ii;.i5. 12 to 2.
WANTED Nl'c!y furmsned 3 -room apa: t-
m-n 1 by couple, no children : Nob Hi'.
fiiMilct iirfrrf. Jtroadvi ,iv 4o5,. room ;;
AN'TKl) H - competent woman, apart
ment for f-w riinirj.' work a day. on st
side. A K 41. rronmTi.
ROOMS, ui.fu.-r.isin-.i. 12. lor houkcet
Ing; buth, toilet, 1.4 -g c'oset room. 2"V
Knott St.. corner nm m err: a I .
SMALL furnifciitd ap.rtmrnt for two adult
AR 2i I. tircgonian.
C K N'T I.EM A N. h way great deal. w.r.t.' rm.
inotbTn ronventenres : permanent; break
fist if desired ; please stale paxtU ulars.
X 4H. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman withes clean, comfortable
room in apartment or home near 11th and
Harrison. I'hone Main 0315 Sunday af ;-r-noun.
YOUNG WOMAN wishes room, refined pri
vate i.imiiy; irvlngton: with or without
board. T 33, Oreconian.
LL'SiVK.SS girl jr5ir.-s ro n
pi;vate famit
cose in. rcas.riiih.e. F
W A N TE)" Good room wild private garage.
nr i in. t,re gonian.
Kooma With Board.
lOl'N't man. employed in machine shop.
wants board and room in t'linnilan home,
private family ; best of references and
character and want a p!aoe as a r a I
"home"; must have plenty hot water;
prefer west si rl o and will want It by
March l.Y AF 14", urTon!.in.
YoUNG woman, employed, desires pleas
ant room and good board tn private fam
ily; walking distance, or convenient car
hrvice to Kat Tin and Burnside ; wi 1 It ng
to pay food price for suitable place. CU
i0, for Miss Bart."
SllIPYAKD worker wants board and rtom
with family who wiii take tare of two
small children during day. age j and 4
ears ; i.l iay Sij a mn: h. v 'all ood
lawn 3764 between 2 and 3 today.
CP.OTHKR and sister want room and board
in private family, w hero homo pri vi leges
are ohtainn hie. "" n furnish best of re: -erences.
State price and give full par
ticulars. G eM. Cregttitan.
II I If school student wouiU like board at: 1
room in private family, near Washington
high school. Caii Taoor 4 v,".
A YOUNG lady employed desires room and
board in a priviUe. :amu. B lis, Ore
gonian. WANTED Board and room by man und-r
30; clean habits; plain home cooking de
sired. F Sll. oregonian.
WANT room and board for enupli? employed.
w .tn care during ray Tor healthy six-nunths-old
baby. W P.I'., Or iron an.
Room and board with mother's care for
l'-ear-oid girl, near good school. AG
s?7. oregonian.
DESIRE pleasant room nr sleeping porch
a nd board in modern home. Br 123. Orv
gonian. W A NTEI lioom and board in private fani-
I y by working man. Alt 2-'.s.
LAl'V wants housekeeping room, west &ide.
out ail day. K rJl. Oregonian.
W A NT ED Room and boa rd by marred
CiAi pie ; we.t side. A It 1 (?. Oregonian.
Iiulne Places.
1'KU K. A K NH3. OKEGO.N 1 AN.
WHAT space have ou
offer for .glt
ni;nn" iriurlri' T.vo'"
Ilouekeepinc Rooms.
ulTI.K with baby 2 wants II. K. or
board and room with garage. I'hone Main
"i 1 . K. Bruba k t
WANTKP 2 or 3 furnished H. K. rooms by
3 adults m or near Overlook add. Phone
Wdln. 2475.
WANTED 3 or 4 light housekeeping roon..
a "ksnjT distance from town. lauor T.4.
M i-ellaneou.
reasonable prices rull Instructions free.
l:ke & O'Neill. 'The Shop With the Green
T:le Front." Washlncton. bet. Broadway
and Park.
for rent mr 711. north of Sandv blvd.:
state priee per menth. AN S27. regor.ian.
W A NTB1 I room and kitchenette, or 2 or
3 11 K . rooms; state price, location. K
MM. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent f-r month or t wo. tent.
a bout 12vln. C. Robinson. 33 Lombard
WANTED C a rage near Was h:ngton and
2th sts. Phone Mvrha!! 1 1 Ii.
W AXTKH To rent
party. East 12TC.
a piano from private
Cil KaTKIU'.LT.Y B OTEI. 20i h and Kear
ne iu. Kuom with board. ver' attractive
Kum tabbed Rooms.
Moderate- Priced Hotel of Merit.
Fast Morrison and East Slxth
Hotel Clifford is the principal East Fide
Hotel and la a bote of dignity and re
f. nement. Dat.y rate $1.23 up; two la
room. $l.7J; weekly rates. 11 and u p,
NORTON I A HOTEL Portland's downtown
high-claas family hotel; rooms en suits or
single, with or without board, for families
and business men and women. Ws sl vs
you all the com! or is of a horns. Reason
able rates.
134 14th at- at Washintrton.
Rates. per week up. 7c day. Fire
proof; large, attractive spotless rooms,
cloae to amusement and shopping center;
catering especially to thte ueairitur quiet.
Fifth and Washington Streets.
Right In center of Portland s activities.
Let us show you our accommodations.
Rates $5 per week up.
GORDON MOTE I West I'ark and Yamhi:i.
md. conveniences, convenient to theater
and shopping district. W et-kly or monthly
rat a
PA LACE HOTEL. 445 Wami. st.; downtown
loca t Ion ; re-pectahie and stricily modem ;
a earn hat ; rooms larice. ciean.
U 'TEL -oCKLEY. Morrison at., at lOth
Rates 91 per day up ; w eek'.y. (4.50 up;
running water: free i'hone and bath.
LA R' IE, p!i'.iMn t room, w i: li pr.vate fam :-.
close in. suitable for working mun or lady;
b ren k fast if des'red. B II'. Ore k on i. m.
hoi and cold water, detach,
cadia Apts. 7n Evereri st K
i'ii ; running
1 hnth. Ar
fert net s.
W ELL fum ished room for gent ie man ; rn
trai:y located. tV.ll 312 FUcdner bldg.
1 K Washington st.
ROOMS strictly modern, down town, day or
w ek. 3'.'."i ATder. Main 727.
WALDA Hotel, 4'.3 Ankeny St.. downtown
location, steam heat; ri 3''c dav up.
DE.ENDORF APTS Uoom for one or two
ladles. Marshall 222. between i and l.
I nf umished H"oms.
BEFORE rentiiiK sve lare rooms.
1st, near Morr:son.
157 V,
4 ROOMS, unfurnished. walking distance,
$22 50 per mouth. 620 Haw Ihurao ava.
Iirniwhed Room in Private 1 smily.
1 O t ; E N T I . E M E X - - B v aunfj! v lui nlMic-1
front ronn, op. ning n p..rch. b'-t water
in ji, sttufent " Hin library tattle eas
h irs. Ime ha t h. iu,ih hoi w air . t hr-
;vduiis In l.mi: y. no ot.'ter ruMiprrs. l'hudi
or a ? 5 "J ." " - M o n ! g o m e t 3 1 .
Fo It RENT To one Kent lemaii. large. al"
1 00m. good mow. iriipiumr, i,ot and iJd
w .! ter. two In 1 rm j . w t ! king tl iiljnc
home-conkd iti.m! ,1 cross s:reei. ("ail
ex.nitipa or Sund.t. 5;: Last Main. La si
DF'SI UAIlLE lare front room, l ay ln-
low s, 1 lottie i l.wi. furnace l-.-s-t. rl"'trif
1 ghts, bath and phone; 1 mm. walk i
1 ' . to an a t prt ci.i 1 1 e rty em ployori
during iii'y. ilcii. erchangd 415 BruaU-
.iv e.t Side.
5 s A M
Ni'H. , rmali front room. Iat;"
is. ccc. lich;j. pnone. buth. 15 b:ocks
to old P
r-t f .il p. a
1 ' e .1nv 4 !nie; dMT.tWe, uict.
to p . rty emp;of 4 t hrug b
W. H:o.dviay
cc.i K( i; r.viii.i:
!inp rent, ! st
n:ng water in t
A i'-rti ur to
roorn n prt nte f ami .
car service :n c:t : run
00 rn. 1 o04 E. 5iT4 Nori h.
5 11 . li si. I .mm cd use o'
LA t:
. E
elegant Jrcnt bedroom. running
2 c'oset. ,n s:e.-irn hta;el part
prefer . A y or n .s .1 and wife. Main
1''R RENT li'tiooni. furnished, m whit
n.nie . in love y home; riniio tparloua
grgnus; gentlemen ouiv. SI.' Marsha:; :.
M 1 ; n (Kn '1
N h'KI.Y furt' f bed front rcom with alcove,
two hei hath, bent and light, kitchen
privileges f ir brea kf ast ; priv ate board in 5
In u-c in a r. Ka t 4 1 '.' I .
PEE A SA NT lar Ke front room in Irvipgton
home, a'1 conveniences, hot nat'r. beat
and phone: iQ Broadway ia;, res- t-J.
Itl.'M TIKll.l.Y furni-hed single loom, bet
ard f.r bii.i-nh3 man; ref. requne.i.
ih I nion ave. North, near Beat li . $3 i r
Wil.L share my beautiful room w i n a
tear her or a lady who speaks Kr.nrlv
1 -at m or undersT ands Pitman s; St. 111 of
t-h-rthand. K 7o. t'rrsonlan.
1' ' li i'.KNT N ice f rout bedroo-n in ir 1 v :i te
T a m I ly. good home fr n:hi par: v. I n -rjinre
t'.KO M..R.-Ippt SC. V 7. Monroe
i--' r el.
1 " 1 1 N T a ' co v e room. Wrge private
poi r h. Hairr, ui: ..;ile for two gen i -tit- n
of nca; ha,bit. wa king (H.-umic.
lio t.
L.l;r;i-; front roo-i
a k .ti 3 d lt r n.'
1 1 lid t I - I p. a r.'.s .
M.i-i.. , l;i
'. u !t a ;i !e io i - i . mr n .
iowti. Soi.ih i'n't -1
a : t. hr.i. pho:.- . fB .,
CxM Ft r.T PLY furn.shcd room rear bath
in in . t family ; lu.tuc pri vi. ceres ; break
1 -ht it tioirod. F:mne NVr
n ana Mini.
IX "P. BENT One furnished iront room,
UiLlb.. lor gentbnan. Al:-o oii't single
rorn. M.d-sha.l l."-il. 53$ lmm. a. iu.m
trom Multuum.ih viub.
"LOVELY room, fireplace, electricity. bath.
t o bed.-. S; week ; near Columbia bh i p
y.ird : board ne-a r. TtT Kfliy, .Main o4.
EKY fine modern room for gentleman,
oniv Those who are particular incd apply.
' 'a .1 M am fil'.'.t.
Bv LLADA Y ADDITION Pleasant front
ruiiu modern home. 15 minutes to Third
un 1 Washington. Call East 4411.
TWo plea.-ant bedrooms with breakfast priv
ilege, walking utstnnce; business ladies.
Phone Marshall 4."i.'.
I.OY ELY sleapins
get; t .emen. S 1 4
3Jj' 13 h.
rooms with par. or. fie
eat ti . private residence.
TKST-CLASS b-iroin. suitable for one or
two BciitU-tncn. walking distau' c. 4ao Mar-k-t.
Main 1?-"7.
NICKL Y furnished, larye front bedroom.
ner Broadway bridge. 334 S Larrabce st.
East .H3.
LAI:i:E well-furnished mom with board In
private lamily. reasonable; walking dis-
I m-e : hi n.e pri vile g-. 1:hh 7 1 2 1 .
Nb'LLY furnit-hed r.uun. private family,
wa King distance; mea-is if deeircd. I'hone
East o.TT.
W ELL-FUR NISB Et room . steam he:.
bth. In wst sitle apartimnt, walking du--t.ime.
llromlwav 47-4.V
NT " EL Y f ui n ifhed room In private fanil'.v;
no ot her roomers; gentlemen only. 400
'l.i y st
, LoVELY front room, hot and cold
g'-ntleman w 1th reference.
d sired. East 237.
Breakfast if
W 1 ILL furnished room, steam beat. bath.
In west si tie apaxtment. walking distance.
Broadway 4 74.V
Fl UMSHKli room for two men: clean aod
quite modern; $3 SO per week. 3SI Broad -vvfiv.
corner alont gomery.
LAKCE. modern front room. reaj.or.aoie.
suiuilde for two; i-oven blocks aoula of
post of: tee. MarshsM ?:;!.
XirKLV fmnshed front room with break
fast. PJ Hawthorne. cor. 19th. East
ATTR ACTIVE front room, rood location.
walking d i t a nee ; term s roscno n :ib le. 27 4
College, cor. of 4:h Main 32S0.
LA HUE nicely furnished front room In I r -ington
home. Pnone Kas 274-T. Call 6.
Weidler st.
YOl"N"; lady, employed, to share 4-roo.n
h-me with mother and daughter. wet sifle.
waliitr.g disrance. T ttregonian.
BKAUTIFl'L large front rom. heat and
elect riei t v. clone in private family, cen -t
em.-n. Marshall 3214
LNNY rooms. ht waier heat, lieht hous -kea-pltig
pntlK-s. on wet t,lrie. beautiful
homo for oung Indies. Main 2-11.
Mi'KI.V (uriiihed room, suitable for tw
laotes., rhse in. w-nt sde. wlkinc dm 2i7 11th St., near Jefferson.
SLKEPIN'i room, nicelv furiiifhed in modern
borne, vv all, Ing dsstsnc wej.t aide. 434
Mill t. Phone Main 4oI.t.
LAKHK front room, wit h alcove : suitable
for two; steam heat- 414 Market St.. cor.
1Mb et.
"VERY plea ant room for gentleman; 10.
Call after 12 410 S-almon.
WANTED 4;irl to share heauttfua room In
prlv-ate family. $to. Tabor 2!2.
T WO l o v el y roo mm In ref ined home; very
rrasonabl. 'I aoor ".T2-
C v Y hou.e keeping suites. Si 4 per month.
.". 1et t grvv e. Broad way 34 '- 3 .
NICK f urr.ish-d leerinc rooms for gentle
men only Hoyt st-
MC ELY furnished room, walking distance.
;entlemen preferred. 21 N. 10th st.
Koo M for one gentleman. tU7 Flanders.
Braiw ,iv 4(t;T.
CO.Y. large, lieht front room, connected
with bat h. phone. M rs h :u! 1 J3 1 7 .
i conveniences; board if
PLEASANT room W ith bath. oJS Dav is.
Brttadvt a V 431 7.
COM PORTA UI.B room in lrvington. 1 bioca
from tar line. K.ut T J.H)
LAKG1-; room mith si'cove, two beiis. suit
aiv'e for .neri. .too E. Broad ay.
I MoI'ERN furn'shed room for rent; handy
to shipyards; 74i Mich. lv., W. A. car.
KCItNlSBED room, walkinic diatanre; suit
able for g-ntleman: phone Mar. 231.
tent. K
nt room.
close tn. reasonable
;tW 14TH STREET Choir furnished rooms,
walking fti-rance Mam 33.
IviXM. board private home. 4 1 o-l aveH
near E. 1 2th and Hawthorne. K. P- 4.V
Fl N E roin for rent, c'.ose In . hot water
Rhm in private family for on rn'iman.
Near Park and Alder. 711 RUs hotel.
A l.AKCK sleeping room in private family;
771 Kearney st.
LAR'iH clean room at
22d at.
70S Everett St., cor.
GOOD clean bed tn a well-lighted attic,
per week- Phone Tabor 5Q2,
NKELY furnished front room reasonable;
Main X3rtt. 321 Mot go ier st-
KUKN1SHKD room . suitable for small fam
ily. Call Kast 141.
ATTRACTI VB room with every convenience,
price yiO. East rtMQ.
S LEE! I NO room for rent reasonable ; close
Mis K. Oak st.
FU i : N I s H ED be d room for ren t. CS Co-
I u m b 1 a.
FU KM SH KD room, steam heat, hot an1
rold water. 4 33 Yamhiil. Mar. 2tilS.
ROOM for gentleman. $2.30 per week. 3.". 1 -4,
Stark st.
LAURIE, clean front room, suitable for tws
men. I'hone 12H 16th St. N.
Fl'HNISB ED room with privHege of kitch
en. T 1 bor .rj.
LA IG E front room for rent. $13.
st. Main 7V'V
Rooms With Board.
R(h iM and board for men. home-M le cook -ir:;;
rMoti,l'lo rates Orand Ave. hotel.
n:t Orand av e., 3 blocks south of Ha w -
t horne av ".
S0 loth at. For business gtr.s and atn
oVnts: reasona'oi( rates. Marsha l 131.
4..J M OKUISOV. or. 1 3th, chow - rooms
and board. Walking distance. Modern con-
efi ienrm.
KuoM and boat d tor business cir.a; a; mod
ern conveniences; wating distance; 4
pi-r week.
E. 4732 12 E. 7th St.
K00M and board for centleman. $7
Home pnvi ges Wdln. M'-'o.
per wk.
Rooms Mith Board In Private Family.
II A V E a be a u: ;f il west side home ; wou'd
1 : ke a few bitfh-clasa boarders. Broadway