TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, 3IAKCII 2, 1919, 8 REAL ESTATE. 1- or Sale Farms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM I-ANDS, KEAU COKVA-LlS, BENTON COUNTY. CATTLE, SHEEP OR GRAIN. C04 acres. 8 miles from Corvallis. near main highway, Sou acres in cultivation. 1 25 in crop, 20 acres now fine pasture, can bo put in this spring if desired; in fact, all but 50 acres can be plowed now; place well fenced and cross-fenced; the beat buy in this part of the valley. Price 425,000, $ofm cash will handle. WHO SAID DAIRY FARM ? 3o0 acres located in Folk county, only 4 miles from good town, lu miles from Sa lem, on good jjravel road, near all city ad vantages. The whole place is under culti vation and has been in clover lime and again, soil is built up. as the place has been used as a dairy for 20 years, natural drainage and tiled, too; two good houses, hot and cold water, toilet and bath. Large hursu barn, granary, etc.; largo cow barn, room for 4U cows, cement floor, litter carrier, 380-ton silo and otherwise modern, water system to all farm build ings, engine and tank; with place goes full equipment of farm machinery. I'rice S125 per acre. Can you beat it? RIGHT ON PAClFs! HIGHWAY. A section of land suitable for a stock or dairy and grain farm, 340 acres in cultivation and the other 000 can easily be put in cultivation. This is good land, part being river uot torn and now in tim ber pasture. Anyone going into pure- bred livestock could not get a better loca tion in the valley. The road past the ul ace is fine now and will be paved in ide of two years; not far from Corvallis; Hundreds of auloa pass daily. This is not lill land ; has two old sets of buildings, . ichool across the road. Price $40,oyo and vill take one-half trade in good propr , r rty it desired. DAIRY RANCH BARGAIN. 145 acres. 3 miles from Corvallis, on fine graveled road, near school; H0 acres n cultivation, balance open pasture. Fine taarm home. Good dairy barn. A Teal farm omo. J you are looking for a farm see Mr. Kinney at the imperial hotel Sunday or ilondav or write KINNEY & CO., CORVALLIS, OR. ACRES, half mile from Yamhill, all in cultivation and good land; some fine black bottom land, some fine prune land, fine homes and orchards adjoining; $ 1 10 per cm; $1000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. 100 acres, 1 miles from Yamhill. 40 Ocrea in cultivation, 75 acres in pasture, aluncu small oak; beautiful small apring frcek through place, good M-room house. barns, water piped to house from finc -spriYig. good graveled road to plUce; $7w0, gialf cash, balance to suit. 17o acres, o miles from Yamhill, on food grave! road, 100 acres In cultivation, ft ice mountain stream, passes place, good iarge house, good barn and fences. 75 acres tine creek bottom, all wood land and & fine. ome place; $12.miu; half cash. bal. to suit. u-2 acres, on West Side highway, which all graded and ready for hard surface ,. withrn 4 miles of place. 40 acres in high , ,:ato of cultivation, balance partly cleared, fco acres fine, onion land, two good springs Smd good buildings, good orchard, good road, 4 miles from two good towns, one miie from station, on West Side line of 5. P.; $75oo, on easy terms. E. F. MAGOO.V, Yamhill. Or. STOP! and read some great bargains. LOOK! the prices are slaughtered. LliiTKN! to the terms you can get; also location, roads. pchool. ear service. :;o acres. ba!f mile from station, running "water; only Jp;5 per acre. 20 acres, one mile from station, running water; only $t5 per acre. IO acres, highly improved: $5XKK; cash discount. 4t0 acres, stock range; $5.50 per acre. i:;2 acreft, all improved, on highway, modern, electric light p. good view, best la-nd in Oregon; only $250 per acre. Hundreds of othcr bargains. Call and see us. Open Sundays also. J3l:OWN &. CLEVKLAND, Gresham. Phono FIN 15 FARM HOME AT A BARGAIN. 25 acres, all fine level land, no rock or gravel and well drained ; all in cultiva tion, large family orchard of assorted Ctuits ; dandy ti-room house, barn and all itltids of outbuildings ; 5 first-class Jersey .ow's, team, wagon, harness, hogs, chick ens and all kinds of tools and machinery, 4epd, etc., and all household furniture ; 4 me running stream and well ; this place An located right in a fine town, with high -hooI, bank, stores, etc., 22 miles from rortland on railroad and is a great bar gain at $To00 ; very easy terms, must be .old at once. THOMPSON. SWAN & THOMPSON. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. FOREST UKOVK DAIRY FARM. " 21'. acres on rock road, close to Forest Crovc, 150 acres in cultivation, watered by creek and springs; ti-room house, bath, .ollet; 2 barns, 1 52x70, stanchions for id cows, 1 4Ox50-; several outbuildings. 5o :owj and 2-year-old heifers, 10 heifer ;alt.s. 2 registered Jersey bulls, registered Berkshire boar and sow, shouts, 4 horses; nw tractor. Empire milking machine and -mplete line of farm machinery and tools, ricj S46.0U0. reasonable terms : w ill con- eider wheat ranch in exclia nge. CLEVELAND, BARR. HEN DERSON CO.. - 212 Railway Exchange Ridg. "NEA R New berg and Cue Willamette, river : perfect OU-acre larm in this highly devel oped section ; paved roiol to New berg, macadam to the farm. :; miles out: ail this property is in lilyh state cultivation sxcept small wood loi and the trups are n and looKing line; 5 acres finest coin 'and for spring planting; school across ?oad ; family orchard, fine barn and si to : .louse small but comfortable; mile to Willamette river, above any overflow; thi is best free-working soil that has heei w ell farmed; $l5oO. D. McChosney. 122 North tith bt., near Oiisan, limajwav 4:;M. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. GO acres, with new 5-room modern .bun galow, fine new barn, all tillable, .some timber. 10 acres in cultivation, 20 acres lashed and seeded to pasture, Cery best of loam soil, fenced and cross fenced; per sonal property consists of 8 high-grade cows, good horses and all necessary imple ments to run an up-to-date farm; only 2' miles from good railroad town, good gravel road; has all rural advantages, in thickly settled community; price $75oo. cash. THOMPSON, SWAN Ac THOMPSON. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. 32" ACRES Montana wheat land in the Jud ith Basin, where land yields 50 bushels to the acre; highly improved; good buiUl- . ng. good water, windmill; all fenced; ifyO acres Iti cultivation, balance pasture; $ miles to town and R. R. station. Price m ith coming crop, $70 per acre ; $15,000 cash, balance on time. Will take for part ipaymen-t 10 acres, improved, with family orchard bearing fruit. Must be close to Portland and close to car station. For particulars write Frank J. wager, box Denton, Montana. A COOD PRUNE ORCHARD NEAR FOREST UllOVE. 20 acres best deep red soil, 24 miles town, on good road; there are 7 acres In prunes, just coming into good bearing; crop was $1050 last year; about an acr; f apples, some grapes and berries. 30 teres garden land and the rest should be et to prunes; good 5-room bungalow, karn and outbuildings; In the heart of a in no prune district; 3n.i00. D. M cChesney.. 122 North tith st., near OiUa.ii. iidwy. 4;; SI. 1" 1 FT Y ACRE S IN' CLA R K E CO. . WA S 1 L SO acres, 3' acres near ready for plow, lots more easy to clear; enough good tim ber on place to pay for it; 2 fine springs, mall family orchard of assorted fruits. 1 utile from R. R. town and less than 25 n lies from Portland ; over half good, till able la-nd when cleared; rest good pasture; -$ota of wood outrange adjoininsr place. Price $1500; $750 cash; all the time you sant on balance at 0 per cent. Address owner, T. McBneny, Beaver. Tillamook County. Oregon. " DAIRY FARM FOR EXCHANGE SO acres, all in cultivation, mile to Oregon Electric; 45-acre crop in, on gravel road, mile to school, 0-room house, large dairy barn. SO-ton silo, garage and tuLuuiiuiijj, waier pipeu to DUlidingS ; J 4 Jersey and Hoist ein cows, Holstein bull, rood sow, 3 horees, full line farm ma chinery and tools. Price $12,500; will sell mi easy terms, will take Portland home for part. CLEVELAND, BARR. HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. fcO ACRErf. 0 COWS AND IMPLEMENTS FOR JtOOOr $1000 DOWN. Cheaper than homesteading. SO acres, 4 miles out. 4 miles station, rock road to town, 1 mile to school; 5 acres cleared, 20 slashed, (io level, living water, bet soil ; 4-room house, barn :;5x40, outbuildings. Personal; 6 cows. 2 yearling calves, mare, colt, 2 hogs, chickens, wacon, implements, ti tons hav: priee $:n00; $1000 down. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 0th St. Broadway 43S1. dandy little dairy farm. SO acres, 15 cleared and in wh'.-at, 23 slashed and burnt over, bal. good timber, -room house, barn 40x40. chicken houses family orchard, on county road and milk route, near school ; 3 miles north of Lin coln station and United Elec; 22 miles from Portland; land lies rolling, very good soil and will make fine dairy farm. Price $;J50i; $sno cash, bal. tl per cent int. Ask lor Mr. j-iurala. M. BILLTNGS, 5rt McKay Bldg. Main 1300. 1A RM. ,120 acres. 0 acres cleared, balance timber and pasture, good house and barn, water piped to ali buildings. Ten acres in bearing prunes ; brought income of $2000 net last year. Over $204H worth of stock and imple ments on place. Price $15 per acre, with 'Implements and stock, or $135 without fdork and implements. This is a money maker and a good buy. C. I. CA LK1 NS, Sherwood Oregon. FI N E40r""R EF ARM NEAR HLLLSBORO. There is no better land or location for a farmer in the Willy rnette valley ; 35 acres In cultivation, crops wheat, oats and clover; 5 acres In pasture: gently roll ing land: r.cw house, new bam. plenty srood fruit: 4 miles out; dally milkwaKon: price $((500. with immediate possession, or $S750 October 1. D. Mc"hesnev. 122 North' 0th st.. near Glisan. Bdwy. 43S1. 150 ACRE oi land cheao, partly in culti- vruon. rten r .ewDerg, i amniu jo.. Or. 15 151, Orefionian. REAL ESTATE. For JSale Farms. :0 ACRES, ail in cultivation; 13 acres hops, hop house, 7-room dweling, barn, etc.; at electric ry. station. Price $4000; terms ; this is a real bargain. 35 acres, all in cultivation, level land, black soil; at railway station. $100 per acre: terms. 101 acres; CS acres cultivated, 18 acres slashed and seeded, balance timber and pasture, creek, no waste ; 7-room house, barn, outbuildings; 23 miles from Portland on Willamette river; sand .beach and boat landing; 3 miles electric car. Price 125 per acre; terms. 40 acres, all cultivated, near Dundee and Dayton ; high land, "red shot." $4500; &5oo cash, bal. Hi years, tt per cent; snap. 55 acres; f0 acres in cultivation, 5 acres timber; 110 fruit trees, choice rolling land; 10 acres hops, first-class condition, hop house, 10-room dwelling, 4 years ; barn, outbuildings; electric lights ; 2 horses. 2 cows, 2 hogs, all necessary machinery and tools complete go with place; paved road, 17 miles Portland, close electric railway station and town. $10,500; terms; "some farm." 42 acres; 3S acres under cultivation, 4 acres timber, level land; 11 acres 6-year-old prunes. Hi acres wheat; nice, neat bungalow, good barn, etc., $25oo Insur . ance; heavy team horses, 1 Jersev cow, 5 pigs, nil kinds tools, etc.; 50 miles Port land, 3 milts good valley town. $75o0; $3000 cash, bal. mortgage. i'ou cannot beat this. 80 acres; 20 acres cultivated, fhmily or chard ; 40 acres slashed and burned ; 20 acres rough, makes pasture; GO acres till able; fenced, house, barn, running water, some farm equipment, buggy, some fur niture; near river and rail; iiO miles Port land. $3500; $2000 cash. 87 acres; 42 acres cultivated, bal. timber and pasture, family orchard; 5-room good house, barn and outbldgs.; fully equipped and 2 horses, 1 colt, 7 cows, 3 heifers, 1 heifer calf, 1 brood sow, Chester white; 5 shoats. lot of chickens and turkeys, all kinds tools and implements. Price, In eluding everything. $11. Odd; without per sonal. $lxtOo; terms. This is worth, in vestigating. TL M. GATEWOQD & CO., ll.T,i 4th st. 160-ACRE irrigated alfalfa farm, a well-built ti-room plastered houe, garage, tool shop, machine shed, chicken house anil large barn; ISO acres under water right, about 40 acres set to alfalfa. balance in grain; In a thickly populated neigh borhood, close to town and school; price $7 per acre. P. 12. KO-acre alfalfa ranch; has farm buildings; 17 acres in alfalfa, bal ance under water right; all good volcanic soil, adapted to alfalfa; price J 50 per acre; we are in a po sition to sell these places on very liberal terms to responsible buvers. P. 12. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO 287 Washington St. FINE. "WELL-EQUIPPED 3 30-ACRE FARM n..i ifcWbLKG, ON HARD ROAD. 100 acre in cultivation, most of It seed eo to wheat, oats, vetch; some plowing done for spring crops; the best of soil, .lies well; about 30 acres pasture and tim ber, family orchard, some tine land fr berries and prunes, abundance of good water piped to house, barn, furnishes power lor electric lights, ensilage cutter, washing machine; barn loft holds 150 tons of hay. mi stanchior.s for cows, stails for i horses, granary, machine shed, 150-ton fIIo, B-room house, other out bid gs. Per sonal property: 15 cows, 17 hogs, 4 horses, hay and ensilage for feed, complete set of farm implements. Price for all $150 an acre. Se Sam Hwy at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHOTCB DAIRY PROPOSITION tributary to Portland down the Coumbla rivor, consisting of the follow ing per sonal property: 4i cows, 12 heifers, 5 yearling heifers, 1 Kolutein bull, 1 heavy team, 1 light team, 1 good mule, 1 yinare, 3 colts, 1 grain drill, 2 harrows, a cultivators, 4 wagons and racks. 2 buggies, 1 hay rake. 2 mowers, 1 kale planter, 2 plows, 2 sets harness, 2 saddles and necessary tools and u tenslls, hay and straw in barn and about 8 acres of kale; all the above can be bought for $0000 and ranch leased at $H0 per month; ranch, consisting of 350 acres, can oe Dough u ir or lurLher par ticulars, can at OTTO & HARKSON' REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEE THIS 220-ACRE FARM 40 MILES FROM PORTLAND. ONLY $75 AN ACRE. Splendid soil, 145 acres in cultivation, 1 00 acres of this rich bottom land, bal ance open pasture and timber, part of it sown to fall grain, some plowing done (or' spring crops; watereu uy a springs, creeK and well, fenced with woven wire; orchard and berries, big barn, new outbldgs., fair house, o in lies irom good town ; admlnis i rator is making this low price in order to settle an esiate. See Sam He wey at .1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber oi commerce oiag. DAYTON. 51 ACRES $1000 DOWN. Money-making ranch with fruit, cows, hogs and chickens; 51 acres, near Dayton and Newberg; black loam 'soil; has 20 acres cultivated and "-yi acres of pas ture. 7 acres bearing apple and cherry orchard ; S-room, 2-story house, barn 4ox 5n feet; several other, outbuildings; all fenced ; two horses, four cows, two hogs, 3it chickens and farm tools ; two miles to railroad station and town. No. 17tJ-8. Price $o500 $lO00 down. RALPH ACKLEY, Corbett Bldg. rOO-ACRE STOCK RANCH .T MILES FROM ELECTRIC LINK, SOUTH OF PORT LAND, $20 AN ACRE. 150 acres can be plowed now, 500 acres can be plowed vhen -cleared ; good soil watered by creek and springs; 4 or o mil Hon feet of good tie timber, some hard wood; fenced with wire and board; price $20 an acre. See Sam liewcy at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. THIS IS A FINE FARM. 125 acres within yo miles of Portland, close to H. P. and electric stations; all finest river bottom soil, does not over flow; 90 acres in crops; good house, barn, silo, machine shed und other buildings; fruit and berries for family use ; stocked and fully equipped ; w e have inspected this farm, and it Is a good one ; price for everything, $lS,0u0; one-third cash, or could use houso to $50oo. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. YAMHILL RANCHES. 80 acres, close to Sheridan, county road; fenced, running water; some cleared, some fino timber, all fine land; $50 per acre, or sell one-half of it terms. 70 acres at Wil lamina; running water; part cultivation, fine soil, fenced ; 3,500, 000 feet of timber; $3o00; $500 down, balance as you sell the timber; take lib erty bends. SEAWOOD REALTY CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce. FARM NEAR OREGON CITY. 35 acres, nearly all in cultivation; good buildings, with water piped to them; good water system, concrete walks around buildings; owner has made good money raising fine hogs on this place: price $7o(0; will consider house to $3000 as part pay, or give easy terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, f13 Chamber of commerce. FARM, 40 A., best soil, high state cultiva tion ; new 8-R. plastered house, bane merit lireolaee and bathroom, barn and other outbuildings; all kinds fruit, living spring creek, close to good town on s. r R. R. and hkhway. 30 mi. from Portland. Can't beat this place In valley. If you see thiB you will buy it. fart casn, Dai. easy terms. Address boac 575, Portland, Or. Main 1700. , CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Cheao land, remarkably easy terms. Land seekers' party leaves Portland for Calirarv. Alberta. Saturday. March 8 ; re duced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Railway Company. 2oS Railway Exchange idiig. I, if. inornton, district representative. MARION COUNTY FARM. 132 acres in heart of Willamette valley, near good town; 100 acres in cultivation; fine soil; sood new buildings with watet piped to them; a bargain at $10,000. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY, i13 Chamber of Commerce. FARM for sale, 129 acres, located at Batter son station on the Tillamook road; acres in cultivation, new barn, lo-room hYmse, spring water piped to house and barn, good family orchard, railroad sta tion on ranch; fine summer resort for fishing. Phone Bdwy. 54J Monday. S ACRES, close to Clackamas river and S. P. railroad, good auto road, farm implements, horse, joins Chautauqua park on the east side, 8-roora house, city water, fruit trees, berries. J. N. Anderson, Gladstone, Or., box 237. 4(X-ACRE wheat and alfalfa ranch rn Wasco Co.; owners returning to old country and will sacrifice for quick sale. fcO acres at 1 0 per acre : all under ditch within two vears. Tucker &. Shreck. 1 102 X. W. Bnnk bldg. FOR SALE 100 acres. Eastern Oregon wheat ranch, near R. R. and station; good Improvements ; good spring on place : !o acres In fall wheat; leased this year; price $:. per acre, terms casn, oai at ti Phone East 2340. 35 AC K fc.: liv acres ricn river oottom, can be planted to crop this spring; buildines: 2 hours from Portland; part cash, balance on terms. Address owner, w et0, Orego rtlan. 10 A. 14 MILES N. E. of Spokane, an Im proved, good soil, house, barn, good well and windmill; 4 acres strawberries. 6 In orchard. Rt. 1. box 4 Id, Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE. TUALATIN RIVER FARM. Here is a wonderful farm bargain; this is positively the greatest bargain to be had in the state, because this fine farm can be had not at what It is worth, but tor the amount of the mortgage ; a Portland bank tips taken this place and must sell It; they do not ask a profit; it consists of 200 acres, about 120 acres - under plow; it is located on the famous Tualatin river bottom ; therw is no bet ter soli in the state; about 50 acres now In crops; the whole place is practically level, all fenced with wire and rail ; is exceedingly well watered with fine spring, piped to all build ings, which consist of fine new dairy barn, fully equipped, site 4Oxi0; two luo-ton silos, straw . shed, horse barn, hog barn, X room fair house, with bath and toilet, hot and cold water; only 27 miles from Portland, on A I road; pried J25.UOO; terms can be had to suit; it is completely equipped with fine dairy herd of 24 cows, 1 heifers, 5 horses, bull. 5 calves, all farm ma chinery and tractor, etc : price of personal property $7500; sell with or without stock. A. G. PENDER. RTTTER. LOWE c CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Hid. FARM, Ki MONEY RIGHT MAN WANTED. 4S0 acres, best irrigated farm in Eastern Oregon, in "t ho Vale country"; 200 acres in alfalfa, 15m acres sowed to fall grain; owner making money; buyer can make more. This is a real farm aud has plenty of water; all water rights paid up; good 1 2-room modern house with furnace heat and modern improvements, spring water piped to house and barns; is a nuie from town, schools and railroad ; unlimited stoek range adjoining; splendid stock farm; big demand for hay ami grain on the place; big spring in feeding yard; barn and all necessary outbuildings, plentv of stock and equipment goes with the place; this farm has made money for other, is making money lor jreen; own er and will make money for tne buyer. A splendid farm and priced right, owner lias Iot his wife, has 2 boys in France, is getting oid and wants to retire. Hat mauu enough to retire on, so can you. You cannot, buy a better place In a good irrigated district than this. 1 . nri. mork. fn u foment. household goods all go for S75.UOO. or will sell the land alone for $120 per are. Price include water right paid up: half cash, balanc long tinie at ov. W. S. BADI.EY, 404 Northwestern Bank Bldg. DAIRY FARM $SKrf. S2.M1L.H OF RIVER FRONTAGE. lO acres, cm graveled rd. and on Cow- m river, with stock, tools ana impie ments; 20 acre farm land, 40 acrs level. .bal. rol ling; 25 acres in cult.. 4v acres timber, bal. in bruah; 65 acres seeded to rasture. fenced mostly with wire; 2 creeks, t-rm. house, water piped by hydraulic power: barn &uxo. ;s enicKen nouses ano outbuildings. Personal property: Team lance black mares. 5 milch cows. 1 2-yr. old Jersey bull. 2 yearling heifers, 1 heifer calf, cream separator, incubator, gaa en gine. sii-ge cutter, disc harrow, plow, mowing machine, rake, shovel. 5-tooth cul tivator, low-wheel farm wagon, covered hack. cart, cable blocks fnr clearing land, good boat IS ft. long, and all small tools. Terms, r,(oo cash, bal. S per cent. CrODDARD & WIEDR1CK. 24;S tark Ft. RIVER BOTTOM farm 2O0 acres In Clackamas county ; HO acres in cul tivation, lot more slashed and stumps rotted, could clear eaeily. ,Ail in fair pasture, good 8-room house, scaled and papered inside ; closet in every room. Fine largo, pew barn, other outbuild nigs, fam ily orchard. Fenced wit h 5 wires all around, turns sheep: $75 per acre if taken at on re; $5o00 down, bal anco at 6. Will sell 150 acres with improvements for $S per acre. Don't forget. 120 of this is- bottom land and on hard-surfaced road, only 10 miles from Portland. . STEWART & PUCK. C15 Northwestern bank Rldg. FAR.M FOR LEASE, PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. r.O acres, about 20 acres In cultivation, balance In pasture; 5-rm. house itnd 2-rm. house, good barn, necessary outbuildings, fenced and cross fenced, family orchard in full bearing ; extra good soil ; the fol lowing personal property for sale: 3 horse?, 2 sets double harness, 2 wagons and wood rack, 1 hack, cream separator, all sniail tools, 1 plow, 2 hog. 1 good cow; price of personal property $1000, ?12." per year rent for farm; located 5 mJles from good Columbia river town, macadam road to within 1 mile of place; all rural ad van la gey. In thickly settled community. THOMPSON. SWAN Ac THOMPSON. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, "Wash. DAIRY AND FRUIT FARM. W acres of rich, deep loam soil, exeel lent drainage, located about mi Us south of Portland, a m lies from fine valley town, mile to station on electric line. mile school ; good gravel roads; 4 acres in cultivation. 20 acres fall wheat, 8 acres oats, ti acres Italian prunes in full bearing. 1 A. Royal Annie cherrlee, famliy orchard and email fruit; good B-room painted house, painted barn ox.Vi ft., 1 old b-room house, milk house, sirs'-v shed, chicken houses and other outbuildings; 4 horse. 2 cows, Od hens: farm macniuery and orchard tools. Price $S2.0, $:;."h)0 cash; will take home in Portland for part. CLEVELAND, BARR. HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. BUSINESS MAN'S COUNTRY HOME. Can develop unlimited water power, ample water for irrigation on farm, 120 acres, 4 acres In high state of cultiva tion, two sets of buildings, one 5-room modern bungalow, woodshed, cellar, barn, chicken house and park; one 7-room plas tered house with fireplace, woodshed, chicken house and park and large dairy barn: lar free family orchard, place feuced and cross fenced, plenty of timber for family use. rich bottom iana, county roaa and all rural advantages ; 2 miles from main line railroad and good town ; pave ment to the dour;' price, for short time only- $S500 ; any reasonable terms. THOMPSON, SWAN THOMPSON, Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Or trade for Portland or Seattle property: eo acres irrigated potato aim ai falfa ranch, situated mile of Terra bonne Station. Deschutes Co., Or.; high school, fctor.-s and P. O. ; 6 miles to Red morn!. Or.; fine roads and neighborhood about 45 acr In cultivation; 04 acres water right, all paid up; trees pulled on balance, ready for clearing; 4-room bun galow, good water system, good barn and outbuildings, well fenced, young family orchard and small fruits. This in an Ideal ranch and a money maker. Want strictly modern residence in good district up to $35oo; terms on balance: price $"0OO. Ad drs H. O. Fawcett, owner. Terrebonne, Oregon. 13t ACRES, 70 cultivated, baL pasture; 10 acres wheat, 4 acres vetch, acre rye, balance oats; 0-room house, furnished, with telephone in house, rural delivery ; team horses, weight 3OO0; drivin g horse, 3 milk cows, h tiler. 1 brood sow. 5 shoats, 45 chickens, 1 sulky plow, 1 plow, 1 3 sec. dra, 1 disc, 1 seeder, 1 cultivator, 1 wagon, 1 surry, 1 top bug try, 1 spring tooth harrow, 2 sets of single harneaa; mile to school and church, 4 mile to sawmill, 10 miles from Portland, on good, roads. Price 10.00O, $3000) cash, balance to suit.. Mr. Mtllership, Alder hotel. ALFALFA RANCH. A MONEY MAKER. 40 acres. 4 miles from good R. R. town. -i mile to school, fair buildings, all fenced, f ul ly paid up Water right, 25 acres in alfalfa at this time, and all equipped ready to more onto and go to making money; two crops will more than pay for the place. Price only $3Si0. Terms $100 down, balance to suit at 6. Cullison Co., 20a y Morrison st. & ACRES, all level and in hih state of cultivation, 3 4 acres In bearing prune orchard, good 4-room plastered bungalow good nam, line cnicgen nouse end ot ner outbuildings; located only miles from Vancouver on main auto road and mile from electric line; it sold by March & will take the sacrifice price of $2400, $100 casn. t.niance s.'o per montn. THOMPSON, SWAN As THOMPSON. Third and Mala Sts. Vancouver, Wash. JOSEPHINE COCNTY IRRIGATED FARM. APPLECiATE RIVER BOTTOM. Six miles south Grants Pass, on main county road ; S3 acres. 00 under cultiva- t Ion. 40 under ditch: perpetual water right; rich clay-loam soil; alfalfa, sugar beets, corn, grain, etc. ; good buildings, 7 room house, large, new barn; all kinds equipment, some stock. Sacrifice $OoOO, terms. JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermens bldg. 800-ACRE Sherman county wheat ranch ; good buildings, several wells and springs, some in grain; price $45 per acre, which la lower than anything for miles around consider $4000 to $5000 in good property 5ooo cash, balance one-hitlf crop pay ments if you want It. L. K. Moore, 317 Bourd of Trade nldg. ijo-ACRE wheat ranch, close to railroad fair buildings, good well, 1800 cultivated some in crop; .i per acre; will con sider $20,000 to $25,000 In clear property the balance on your own terms. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade bldjr. GARDENERS AND TRUCK FARMERS. 25 acres diked. Columbia river bottom riicht next to Kenton, only $5b.0, terms to suit owner; part can run 2u yrs. McDonald A Son. 304 Lombard. Tabor 17!4 HIGHLY improved farm of 400 acres w 111 he sacrliicei at so per acre, part verms. Moult on. 711 Lewis bldg. Marshall 24 H. 40 ACRES, partly cleared, wonderful soli bldKS. Near two electric lines, auto high way , terms easy. 412 r enton Ding. REAL ESTATE. for Sale ALFALFA. ALFALFA A LF A LFA- You no doubt are tired of trying to make a living on a farm located In a dis trict nere climatic conditions render it impossible to assure a crop every year. We can prove to yot- that good soil with abundance of water for irrigation pur poses. If located to. a proper cilmate. will produce any kind o crop you desire to grow every year. This land for the last three years has paid better than -O pet cent on a valuation of $5o0 per acre, pro ducing alfalfa only. If you will grow po tatoes, celery and other garden truck along with stock and alfalfa, tills land will pay for Itself in two years. Over 12.O0O acre has been sold to satisfied settlers. We are selling asms at $ 150 to $250 per acre. including perma nent water right, on terms of $;to per acre down and the balance in 10 annual installments with Interest at 6 per cen t on deferred payments. The Federal Farm I-oau .Bank whl loan high as Ko per acre on this land and have already Jooned approximately $:MH,000 on this project. If you want a productive farm, on that will make you money from the start, lo cated in a beautiful valley In northern Cat ifomia. on main line of Southern Pa cific R. It., u will pay you to cat! and let us explain the iruirlt of tills wonderful farming opportunity. For particulars call on or write. 404 Northwestern Uank bldg., Portland. Or. 500 ACRES CAN PE IRRIGATED FROM Am r..j,A.-s t-.lA. ; NATURAL FLOW bOO GALLONS PER MINUTE. During the irrigation season is Increased to 15oo gallons per minute by uv valveieas pump and an b-horsepuwer engine at a cost of $2 a day; loot! acres in the ranch, about all in cultivation; uep rich soil; 5t" acres In fail wheat; can irrigate most ot It, which should produce from Im.ooo to J5.0O0 bushels this ytar; iln f f al f a ; can grow o to 4 crops a year under irriga tion; new modern ti-room house with hath, sleeping porch and large screened-! n porch, new barn, buildings lighted by acetylene lighting plant; ranch well stocked and equipped. Including good 4 bottom tractor plow; located in Estc-rn Or., I'JO miles from Portland; elevation about 1 4O0 ft.; price for all $ot an acre; reason T abie cash payment, terms on balance. Se iam licwey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. toTOCKED AND EQUIPPED OREGON FARMS. r.S acres. Polk county 4 Too 4! acres. .Benton rnuntv $ 5.oo0 1j i acres, lower t otumoia . s . VI acres, 2 mi. McMinn!' 1u,im 77 acres, 4 Vjj mi. Oregon City lo.5H 4Vacres,2 mi. OrenuQ City 11 .hmj 317 acre, near Lyons Af..... $ 12.T.1M 11 acre, a ml. Oregon City $15.uj So acres, a ml. Oregon City ..... 14, mm ltto acres. Jackson county ....... . ,$Hi.oo 20 acres. Linn county . ... ........ $18. Tmw 247 acres, near Hrownsvlllo ....... .$Ju.mi 242 acres, near Donald $25,00 Every one of the above farms are worthy f farm buyer" Investigation. For full details as to stock, buildings, fences. Im plements, number of acres under culti vation, please call on or write to E. A. L1NDGREN. PA VON LAND CO.. IK to N. V, Bank bid. Cl-ACRE RANCH. STOCKED AND LQl IPP E L, WITH 12-ACRE PltUNE ORCHARD. v Located In the famous prune belt. Clarke county. Wash., on good road, not lar from Vancouver; 41 acres Jn cultivation, good soil, with 12 acres. In Italian prunes, just comlng into bearing; tr'-s In tine condl- tooihouse and good well with steel casing, j caa encine. com mete set farm Implement. 2 cows, nogs, chicken. Prune crops ought to nay for this ftirm in a lew years. in: S'.tooo. Se Sam Hewry at .T. L HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. KNAP. 20 acres. 12 acres in cultivation : Al soil, on pood macadam road ; 1 mile school, 2 V miles to car line. 20 miles to Portland; new 7-room house, xood f rams barn, tiew wood shed ami dairy, double deck chicken house, family orchard, br rici, team of mares, wagon, hat k. liwrow. Plow, d isc. se Lara tor. small tools, hay. straw, harness, 1 pLg, 3 doz. heaiK. all for SMH'O. terms. You can t beat thla buv. It. F. D., cream, grocery, butcher wagon at door; daily truck to Portland, tee us at once. A LI-EN & ALLEN. 4VS Stock Exchange. 40 acres- for '4 "whar it has a: 20 acres alfalfa land. 7 acres mixed fruits. 5 acres Inclosed in 6-foot chicken fence. 3 chicken houses. 6-room bungaJow, hot and cold water, bath, gus lights and full base ment, fine barn and up-to-date place in every particular. Will rake Portland prop erty for part purchase price. F. E. Manchester. 1540 Macadam road. city. - GOOD BUY AND SAfcE INVESTMENT. 443 acres, S miles from Koseburg, on good auto road : about 203 acres culti- ated ; good 7-room house with brick foundation, bam and other outbuildings; good-uized, a !l-ycax-runiiing cretik ; land elopes enoUKh for perfect drainage; un cleared land In small oak. easy to clear and good tor pasture In Its present state. This farm is suitable for dairy, stock. grain and fruit. Absolutely the lowest priced farm Iti that neinliborhood. Price oniy aio.uou, terms. v orth tuvtaUlgatiiiK E. A. UNDO REN. PAVON LAND CO.. 035 N. W. Bank bldg. WELL-IMPROVED 27-ACRE FARM. $3500. All In Cultivation fln Aarlr tnam ,n. lies well, no rock, fenced with woven wire fence, on gravel road. mile to school; good C-room house, barn, other outbldgs. ; a. i to swu 6iiu.pt-; line umiiy orchard. oernes or an Klaus, good water, S til Hewey at J. L. H A RTM A N COM PAN Y, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PRUNE RANCH. 04 acres. Si in ties east of Vancouver. ash., I v. miles from fisheries, a railroad and shipping point, half hour's motor ride to city ; 30 acrH fn prunes, )at year's crop bringing taovo; drier capacity IJ tons, with packing house connecting ; 10 acres grain. 2. acres good timber, resi dence, barn and other outbuildings, amnle water supply; whole property or part tor saie at a bargain, good terms; Immediate possession. DONALD MACLEOD. 1002 Spalding bMg. 820-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. HALF PRICE, 4lt A . AtKt. Located 4 miles from R. R., In Eastern Or. wheat belt ; TOO acres n ruitlt athm. balance Rood pasture, line soil, tnonly north slope; fenced witn wire, cedar posts. line wi ll, fair house and barn ; (arm ad joining this at $30 to $40 an acre; one good crop win pay ior ranrn; cuhii, balance 0, no trade. See Sam liewcy at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber ol Commerce bldg. I OWN end want to Ml IO acres of fine garden land near Tacoma, wash, f OO will handle. 100 acren of timber land ia Yakima Co.. Wash.; $2000 will handle. 16 acres near Tillamook, Or on paved road; iuu casn buys it. J. M. O'ROTTRKE. E. Wash st. Piione East o7A. CLOSI.M ESTATE. We. offer this Odd acres with 500 acres In cultivation and 30O more that can b : cultivated ; good buildings and plenty of good water; located one mile from Con don. Or., at this to price of 1 5.000; $7o0O cash, baiance easy terms. i'U is an A-No. 1 wheat ranch, und is offered at thla low price for a few days oniy. DRYER BLAIR. M0 Lewis bldg. "The Acrea Re Men." LOOKING FOR BARGAIN? HERE'S ONE. I 10 acres, all llnu land and cultivated; gntod house, barn and chicken house , all fenced and cross-fenced ; good well and inrine water: only 17 miles from Portland and 1 miles from station und pxved highway. Price 2..n; reasonanie terms. 1,1'EPDEMANN CO M PA N Y, 113 Chamber of Commerce. OU A-nw, cuao.uu... sxi o... 35 cultivation ; Al soil : jrood. large 4arn. o-rrsim nouse. otner outouim- ings; Al orchard, good well and windmill. on good macadam road. R, F. D.. emery. cream, buu r.er wagon at door. Price xinly xK5oO. eood terms. 4S STOCK EXCHANGE. STOCK RANCH fer quick sale, cheap, or trade ior r'ortiana property; acres, 4U acres In cultivation; 2.000.O00 feet saw timber: 7 miles east of Yoncalla. 12 miles south of Cottage Grove, mile from coun ty road. 2 m lies from post oft ice : Sell wood district preferred. l'honc Sell wood 23'.2. 33 1-3 ACRES, 20 cleared, baiance matured timber; spring watr; fine place for snwiil dairy, orchard, trucking and poultry ; houses, barn and sheds ; small cash pay ment, balance 5 years, 6 per cent: dccrip t ion upon request. C. H. Carson, Grants Pas. Or. 320-AC RE wheat ranch in bout heas tern Idaho, for sale, trade or lease. What have youT Part down in trade or cash, balance crop payment. Phone Main r.51d. Mr. U. P. Groble. 14th and Clay sts. Imperial Arm apt a. SACRIFICE Ranch near Grants Pass, nice bungalow, lartre barn. Tokay and Malaga vineyard, grain and pasture land, some timber, creek, good hunting, fishing, good roads, daily mall, good nelRhbors: with stock and tools. Wm. Jeffcrs. Murphy. Or. BEACTIFUL 20 seres, good house and barn, fruit and berries; close to Forest Grove. Price $25O0; $1000 cash, balance long time. Owner. 732 Pat ton road. 320-ACRB irrigated dairy farm, adjoining Iethbridge. Alberta. anada. Apt- , &14 liancock tt. Phone East 1S34. RKAL ESTATE, For 8a le Farms. ACREAGE FARMS. Highly Improved 5 acres, new house, barn, chicken house, well with pump, all fenced with woven wire, variety of fruit, berries and all in cultivation; price 175 terms; located 11 miles from Portland. Partly Improved 15 acres. 32 miles from Portland, close to electric-line station ; price $2400, good terms. Highly improved 20 acres, 4-room house, good barn, chicken house, hoghouse. va riety of fruit and berries, cows, horses, pigs and chickens, farm Implements and tools: 37 miles from Portland, right by electric line; price $:i25, terms; the whole tract is under cultivation. Highly Improved 15 acres, good 6-room houe. barn, chicken house, hoghouse, woodshed and fruit drier: ten acres in bearing fruit trees, also English walnut trees, variety of berries: 5 acres seeded to clover; team of horses, farm imple ments and tools, phone in house and lo cated Id miles irom Portland. 20 acres In Roseburg, home-orchardi tracts; ft miles south of Rveeburg on good road; lo acres In 7-year-otd peach und apple trees and 10 acres used foi grain; cost owner $tino. now offered foi $4000, terms; good reasons for selling. K. A- LINDOREN. -Pavon Land Co.. I:t5 N. W. Rank Bldg. SMALL DAIRY FARM. LOWER COLUMBIA AND PACIFIC HUiHWAY. MODERN 7-ROOM RESIDENCE. BARN i'HAUMINO VIEW. 18 acres, of uhtch lo acres front n Columbia river to defD ster; ao ti. P. A.- S. R IU. hAvLix frontage 6h ft iew rmnot be obstructed as elevation Is r0 ft. above river; the S acrs is ttue Kind and can be tiikd at emaU expense. Th o nr refused .5m lor raw land and the entire property has cost htm over Sld.OOU. The It. K. and oeei-watcr ipmu ase makm It a desirable location for fac tory sues. The fo;Kwlng personal prop eiry goes with the place: cows, mostly Jersey, of which are now ml. king, and more w U be soon: Duroc-Jersey sow, f. pigs, old black, horse, feci cutter, cream eiarator: ail the X- ed In barn : about :i tons of cnolce alfalfa hay and othr fcraln; a lot of small tool. Price $t0oO, terms $.K cah. bal. . per cent. i.ObDAKl) A: W1ELHUCK. 243 turk it. FllKTTY lo-ACRE TRACT YOU ' "WILL WANT WHEN Tui; SEE IT. FOR I T 1 A V 1 1 I : A 1 , II OM E Decidedly one of the mot homelike little farms wo wero ever on. tf you wmiiI a tract of this sixe. you cunnot r sit this one: 10 acre, very best eay-orking soil ail in cultivation and in crop; spirnuia -room bungalow, hot and cold mater, bath, sink, etc, spl-ndid water system: modern chicken houxi and runs for 4o hens: cuud burn and outbuilding, nice fruit and berrien; no mud about the premise; about 25 miles out. 2 ini;t s good tow n, paved road, free auto bus to high school and 40 rods to flue fishing stream; pri e $50u. You thought It would be much more. It ought to be, but it isn't. We have score of pmall. w ell-tmpro ed tracts aud at (ho right pric. Wo know wo ha a Just the on you want. HARGROVE REALTT CO., 122 North tith hit. Broadway 43M. 100-ACRE YAMH1T.L COUNTY FARM AT KllillT FIUCE. Located 3 miles from good town and electric line; 0O acris in cultivation. 05 res bottom land, very rich. balanre lightly rolling; 10 acres of pasture, lam ilv orchard, assorted berry patch, woven wire lmei, 20 acres in lall wheat. omo clover, plowing done for spring crops; run ning water, goodweil. 7-room house, good lirepiace, big now barn and iio. other out bidK., in good condition; you will notU most all of this f.trm is ia cultivation and the price only $ lou on acre. Owner will s-ll all or part of stock and equipment now on pla.'e, w hicu is ia tine condition. Se Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE OE WASHINGTON COl'NTY'S BEST FARMS. HIGHLY IMPROVED, r'Lbbi EOUiPPED AND RIGHT AT STATION. Th M,ai fmi' rfct lvins land, rich Mghly developed soil, best of buildings, prosperous and attractive eu iroum -m . mi nrr.- lo cultivation. 7 acres ni grove', splendid S-room house, lin. barn 4 Ox GO, outbuildings, large idio. choice or chard, woven wire icntt .v, house, barn and lots: everything In order. I-f-rhona.1: 11 cows. 100 hens. 4 horses, ve - nnrf full Kt of implements; prlc i tr.oO In heart of best farming section VaUm'rfAn countv and just few hundred feet from electric station;; we have scores of jrood paying lanns in tms imichuw w Of 40 acre and up. HARGROVE RE A LTV CO., 122 North ti:h St. Broadway 4tS1. (iVK of the best aif.Cf a and grain larms vation. 25o in aifalfa. ot more ready to h mnkin? 3io acres In alfalfa; prsc t ical'lv all of oiace t i Labia and paid-up -, ru-ht tnr of it an-1 plenty .. . .11 , 1 fenced and cross fenced ; abnut'l- mles of fencep, 2 sets of buiid i ti.,. u 1 Bif :fa. land and will stand rigid Investigation and w ill be priced - H or ran. m'Kht take some cay income in part ex h-ilte. Realty Co., fil'. H"nry b.aK. Taiitiiadge SO ACRES. 7 or 8 cultivated, oal. cui-o-r, i......ti ,v. ni 11 or 1 acres, ne 3-room house, spring water piped in, barn to hold toa ny nu o nrau , .v ...A soil, no rock. nil . . nL.tni.-A ili'hwiiv. 8 ml. west ol Rainier, r. ml. eai of ciatskanie; church and school, on highway, telephone past door; prico $oo. $1mm cash. J. S. KNALSS. 410 Stock Kxch. Pldg. Portlind. Or. , . - i, Ti i!l V V A KV. 15MM. no rriiir- w'est'of Portland. i nule from Station; . - , - . -.i . aoU crooa in. orchard and rmi! r-room house. 2 barm, out i .. - l mm, 1 heifer. 1 buil. brood sow i-7. J !. . rr, und wMirnn. farm impie ...r,t- tools. I'rice S.HKrt. will sell on easy terms or trade for well-Improved , .. .... ,,f line alue. CLEVELAND HARR? HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange n.'ic- IRRIGATED At.KALKA FARM. IrtO acres in Lcchutes district. Rend; 150 acres irrigated and ir . . u t r nil uid for: oO near cul acres i -ir-.ifa 15 more ready to seed to alfalfa ... hi. nro mm ro(i barn and other buiiniiiga, iu . " , hood ; fr.e mall dvrr . price $80 lill handle. LFF.DDEM ANN C Ml'AN Y, a 1.1 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU are looking ior a n n a'Z no nicer place or niu ..... . - . i ii i ittvr valley. acres, about 10 acres In bearing orchard, the best varieties for commercial sales. the nicest pi arts in to M-y lays fine, no main ronl. good house and well and a splendid pla. e for a tt ln1.riHtPi . CUll interested, call aoor & mvui A. C. Cass. HPQ'l Iviver. t. iritlN nearly a 1 cuitivatea: gooi vn.wit tinose. nam. ir.nn. nuiu-. - hck. cow. chickens, farm inipleiuents, a a for $3,100. lerma. io -,.. riANA In. over half clear: 43 . i , t , iP.ini hs mesa, wtron, Implements, chickens, on good gravel road. 'WisTKNOARD REALTY CO Main 304. 312 Worcester bldg. vv.viiEK RANCH. -ftO mrr rl one t o New be rg. Or., 1 Ofl mrrrn In cultivation; 3U acres in orchard. . -..m tt, nr easily clsarel: ia.am tlnrber; 3 spring; ti-room bungalow screened large seeping porch, hut .rtld water plpeu io noUPe. new Cam and garaice: $loO per acre. This VPpv 'xnioMPSON CO.. 32 Oak. AruVL in hlsh state Of cultivation, level. " " l vr hif In crop, new 4-room . v. m .mil hidffs.. mile to sta, tore.' school and church. 3 miles to Esta "ada 2H mile to Portland, hard-surfaced road, best land In state; oai- . , . i,v to 4 tons: worth $oii0 pe J' ,,',- 17.V 4500 cash, balance easy. Wd!n. 4'"C5. "iv TRU1GATEO LANDS. In best district of eastern Oregon, near . ' " m n..m railroad line; water v..- . ..1 i lnds Pfod uce 7 ,on- nltalia to ncre ; elevation 600 feet fine climate: easy terms - I . X E 1 D E Vi A N N C O M P A M , ftll hamber of Commerc. - rTTTT, it v VC1I at Dundee. ia 3jtA-nr- 1 ; ,.... ". -'0 r ioi high slate of ru that on .0 mxrm log berries, beautiful nwdrn .-nmm bun low. W mile from p i"d liig hj ay logan tiga v hen - revenue f n is year irom ir.oi. price $13.0tHt. w. H. Bur- ley. Cj Irving st. Marshall 213. "THE BEST BARGAIN AROUND i'i 1 n 1 i.A rs u. o hiirhlv improved, bnlldinga worth 3O00: 12 miles from courthouse good auto rosd. only 4f.oo. 11 u casi n ne For farms of all kin. L,i .ies see F. Fuchs. 420 Ch. of Com 40 ACRES with equipment, only 20 m . ...nt e of 1 'ortland and close n.ved highway; half In cultivation, build 1 .nrinir fenced, bearlna" orchard. lu ...7,"i,v, uiv.tnii. nlows. ic.ts engine. Ke member "$ 1 3 per acre t.ih everything f oO Concord bldg.. 2d and StarK. IHRUUTKI) FARM. 160 acres. 30 minutes liom Bend. the crow ing city, on county road, te.epnone. school etc., $50O cash will handle. John road D. Wilcox. 4T PtttocK mors:, 5-v ACKES near Tualatin, bottom land, for stie or rent: good house, barn and small orchard. John Wch. Tun 1st In. Or. CHOICE Newberg farm. 247 acres, implements. $25,000. terms. 821 stoc k. Cham. Com ; .vp 11 acres. bou. barn, fruit, spring; ?1150. T 27. hregonlan. li ACRE3, $1250; house, barn, wood; mi. sta. MeFailand, fi"2 Yeon bldg. iTsTaCRE farm, stot ked. equippd. cioae in, hnrd road. W olfstcin. 1 14 First. REAL ESTATE. lor eaie -Far in YAMHILL COUNTY ST'K RANCH. 2O0-Acre Stock and Dairy Ranch. New 7-room piaatered bungalow, 2 large barns, all buildings In No. 1 condition, has good water. line running stream on one end of larm which Is boundary line; luu acres In cultivation and tH) acres in crop. 100 acres in timber and rture- lot of good timber on this: all new fences and the land lies fine; the 10 acres in timber can be farmed when cleared, enough tim ber to pay lor the land. This larm l sit uated 0 -J miles from McMlnnvil.e on good graveled road; you can have etectric lights and water in th house if you like; tha owner will sell at a sacrlclce. as he has too much land; will take 2..mj r-r a re; mile Irom school. R- F. D.. phone; terms are $5o00 casn, balance long time at ti per cent. See this t my ex pense and ou w .11 buy. J. C. GILBERT. McMlnnvtile, Or. I. O. O. F. Bide Phone White 2 STOCK RANCH FOR BALL. Excellent ranch of 1MJ acres in the well-know n Umpuua Valley, in Suthet n Oregon, where climate Is moderate ana Winter Is mild; this Is an attractive prop erty, mostiy cleared land. with some good scattering oak and fir timber; t: is aituated on the Pacific Highway close to a good town on the Southern Pacific Railroad; the buildings are u!ftcient and In good condition; the property is welt fenced aud there ia plenty of water; about one-half of the property is tillable and there is sufficient now In cultivation to oroduce all the teed necsaary; this place could siso be conveniently sub divided intj smaller holding; It would make two or I hree good tock ranches For further particular. rit to WM. MacMASTEK. 331 U. S, Nauoi.al Bank Bldg. Portland. Or. 200-ACRE IRRIGATED ALFALFA RANCH WITH A BUN DANCE OF W ATfc.lt. Treated on R. R., nr coxl town In U mutt i la county. Or: t his i an h has one of the bept m a ter rich t in Kant or n r that will he de. Ied with the run. h fre t- you. 4l or 50 act-: In alfalfa, some moi e can be rdd t riis sprin g. I "inw soil. Ilea wl.; cut 2 and 4 crops of atnlto. a year. Splendid for clover, wheat, oat. vetch, potato-, meions and cheap lTn r..rinti(in hv ColumtUA rler aud K. K l Port land : 5-rooiu hoiite. barn and ot h-r outbldgs. Pnee only 25.iou. irn-'.uding m ui.-r ri irh t : 1 -:t rash, balance :on z Mrar 11-, Srr Sam Hewev at J. L. HARTMAN roMI'ASY, No. i Chamber of Commerce bid g. 167 ACRES, all in cultivation, ad new t midl ines, modern, in crop, level, m mue irom a lent. crw on ft? II vert on road ; Central Howell, at school, near rt. it. ana ware house. This is one of the bept grain farm In Oregon. Price 16d per acre. Easy pay ments. 6 per cent. oO acrea in tne i laxica ro. pront num. 1 acres prunes. 2' cri grain, acres pastuae. cross-fenced; sn Ideal home and a -arood Investment; brougttt 32ot pr-uns alone last yar; buildlnss cood. houae. barn. silo, chicken ana nog nousea. nvins water piped in bouso; muat be sen to te appreciated; io mucs ancouver on e"" road, i'rice $15,nou. Easy payments, 6 rr cent. Address l&ox ltu, Vancouver. "Sasn, IL l. No. 3. 461-ACRE IRRIGATED ALFALFA RANCH. Located ISO miles eat of Portland: al titude only 3VJ left : 2 miles from roo town. Umatilla county, or.; both water and rail transportation; rate on oaieta t- alfa 3.J0 per t on to fori 1 ano . excellent water riKht that will l-e oen'-o. lr-e with ranch: 4 to -o m ai.... more csn be seeded in is spring. i crops of l:Ua Manually: fine soil; lie;. Well for in IC-lllon . ..-100111 im-wp- . and o. her outbldgs. ; price cash, balance long time. ' e. Y or f ud particulars write .Tn jiemey v ... HARTMAN COMPANY. 1'ortUn. Or. LANDS FOR SALE IN LEWIS COUNTY, WASH. n Mt.tr imriK. housfS. brns. good rorid. clos. iln; nice for two families to locate close together. . 40 acres, part cleared, coot house, part), running water, ciose in. hogs and cows. "0 2-3 acres, cleared, house, barn, running water, some bcaverdam; and 11 head of rattle. Improved farm;, larce and small. Logged -off lands on racy term-. For prices and other infornatton call on or address E. F. COULSON. Napavtne, Wash. BKAl'TlKrii 32-acre Improved. leet lnn. lth fin modern in-room noif-. en outbuildings, very largo barn. ; bin id inns com about Simm; all goea iTh th land. This piuce Is goirit to be sold at a bar gain; price will soon go up. Thi is the fmes-t und bet bargain. We ure going lo leave the city, or it would pot be on .!e. Very fine soil, fine water. There In nothing equal lo thin place between Port. and and tiresham on the sMi'h side nf lection Line rod. corn r of ItsrKer road. tt'Tow from school. Tabor 3'..:7 HEAUTIKI L 40 NEAR CARLTON All in cultivation. 3t a res in crop; black rich soil, good drainage ; fi-room house, large barn, si lo; farm implement,, crew tn separator, fresh Jersey cow: 5 tons hay: - mile electric station; adjoining l.tfid held at $2UO acre, our price $150 acre, $2o(M ra.h: consider some clear property lu exchange. ttt. with O. S. SMITH A CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. 12 ACRES. 45 acres In cu.rlvstion. 2 acres In pasture. Daance secona growtn i;r. n. two 5-room houses, la 1 ge ba m : 4 nrri bearing pruno iree. al drier. This place Is a snap for anyone w Sshing to engage In dairy butss in connection with fruit; will Include 2 fine mares. 2 cows, sep arator. p'os and ail farming implements, inupt se.l on account of s. knufi. Price $c,ooO ; easy term. lxuis Sohmitlt, ow n. r, .tile Ro.'k. Wash. All'I.K orchard. 25 acres In trees, part coming into Peanng; 1 - acres p.-.tn nnr potato Und. alo Al strawberry land; red shot soil; 45 acres timber and pasture land ; two rk'1 houses, barn and im pie ments. bean thresher, etc.. go wnh place; ideal plaeo for ir hardist. Situated t lluhum, Washington. H miles from white Salmon. I'rice a big ba.rg.ttn. Term, lart cash, balance to suit. AV uro gnlnii. ILLAMKTTE VALLEY FA KM. 112 acr-. 1 m!s near goo' i,wn en county ro;ul, '.d acres in cu.tivation. a .es of f:n oak Kruli, balance p.-: ure. mad rreeK. runs a tom the l inn the ei? around. A, I fenced wnh woven wire. 4tt acres fa'l erots. good 7 - Som hour. fine barn, be.-trlng orchard; one-iia.f c id. lji ance five t4ti id 6 per cent. This !s a barg.-im A o seven! o'. her good f .rma t : . Tl'UNKY. 2 " " M K a y pile. $25.ihh) DAIRY farm of 0O acrea cleared. alfallM. btlan clover and grain; Itnd Mt uuted 2 nuli north of White Salmon. Wash. : l-t -clasj buildir gs ; 3 miles frun tram in Trout 1 ke valley : pb my free water; part cash v III handle this. bl- anco pa vinents to iuit; iu;pemms ami miuiptix-nt included in pri, e. w ner in Portland now. AV ft- I. oregoian. N1ET 41 -acre farm in Willamette valley. in high at-ite ot -uitivation. own water svstem. new bungalow, hot and cold water, bath and laundry trays, can have elec tricity; 24 miles Portland on river. 1 miles to Oregon Electric on fine road: t nus. Ptr interview addrcas owner, S S7, Oreconian. t'liEE gov ernment land Our official 1 12- riage booa. vacant iovtnimrni ania. isis and describes every acre In every county In L. K Tels location, piac to apply how secured KKFK. ltIU diagran:s and tab.es. new laws, l -s. etc Pri-e 2J centa postpaid. Webb Publishing Co.. PepL l;t. rl. Paul. !lfl7K lol ACUKS close to highway. $2 per acre; 3l acres wnh Ftock. and farming- Imp.e nients, $ 4 2t. $ 1 :imi dow n : ." acres 1 h stew k and f.irming impleuienls. 12 J.-tKM down; l'J a res. hu worth :i5ox. for tiHKt. w ill txk house in Portland as part. J. H dodf rey, St. Helens. 'i 6 A "It ES of excellent la ml in Douglas couniv. 4li mtb-s from good town; afut 1.1 acres cultivated and under irrigation; approximately a more mostly clear" ; bal ance umbo Hi; price $12im; part cash and the balance mortgago one or two year. Luse, no;4 Selling bldg. 17 1 ACUES. 14 nnea east of Portland, near .;ae Lino road; 13 cleared. 2 timber, bui ance stump pasture, sm.tll house. lar.- t'arn. wuodiiousc, mi;kboj.e and hruho.!-. all kinds fruit ar.d berries. Price t-0 per acre. Mark N irkerson. w nr, I'orl Innd. route A. Phone Oresham 155. jjKl.I. or trade for cheap land. Id acres, building", fruit, berries, on mail and railk route, school 4 mile. 2H miles R. H town, title perfect, no Incumbrance: value 4J500; young team. Jersey cow and to-; for sale. O. M. Crimm. t.asion. Or. CLIENT must sell tsrm of about 42 acres, all In cultivation, near Eugene; Al land; one mile from station ; ail fenced ; good buildings. Pur particulars, w rite D 4l. Oregon! an. WE have a largo lst of wheat an mltel farms for sale on easy terms In the taraea Ktllam district. I.arsow MacCuiiOca, Ltd . Kl'lam. Alberta. f,u.i-KK Ninh. near Itoseburg. s provements. f.ne prune land. Sj acre: teims. --- lt'..er. to; lortt:nd. r I'n per CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN P.ANCHES Near Portland. $7 to $2M per acie. easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale. ai. si sea. alcFarland. 00 2 leon bldg. Portland, 34d-'EE f.trm for sale by ow.n Deep, black loam soli. If Interested call at 111 E. v-d ti. N" . Port 'and. Or. yiVK acres, near Willam !na. Ie ei. e:eard. fenced, house. 'ta. ehleken house. Sloo down, yio montn. J. tt. fnarp. 4 r.d t. ACRES. 5-room home, brn : ad joining cil v limit, for .m. Address box lhi Seiitide. Cr. ltW ACRES In Central Oregon. Address for in.'orniatiou. 2602 Lombard, Everett, W n. ILEAL ESTATE. WrALL FARMS. BARGAINS. H acres, all In cult:atmn. 4-r-m huse, fruit and err! esi i mUo from McM.nnvii ic. t'r. Pnee 1 . 7 a-re. city wnter. running water, elec tric lurh ts. hot and coli water m Jiua Price J.i.'MHt. 10 a-res. 7-room house, bam. outb-illrt-lrijt. alJ kinds of fru:t and berrtes. prto V."h1. Two m:lts oik. s acre, tt-room iiuse. barn, outbuilds Ings, young barine orchard. Price J1U. This ts a. big barcun. 11 acres ad.iour.? t?ie city. a!1 In cultl viitiou. ti-rvKtm house, barn, outbuildiivga Pr-e flMm. Good boy. 2 acre-, ail m cultivation except 2 acres in limb-. N builoios; 1 m:Ie out. No 1 land. Price $;;ho. This is a t4g bargain. J. C. GILRKHT, M cM mri : ; .e, r. l. . v. f. R:ng. lO-ACRE FARM at Tonguin. near Tual atin Station; 6 terra Improved; irnr-iit boarlng: ril or trad-. Appiy 1.2I Ctiaiit br of Comtntrv bi-ig. WANTKD RKAL ESTATE. WANTKh 2 to fl-room t hcr coitge and bunualous frotn $oii to .umhi. mere is a Ihk demand no v ; jive get ro?u!i!. as hou4'-Kt'l.ing has lufn our specialty for lti jtr, Hm your house iow a hllo selling 1 Rood. G K USSl A- B EN N ETT. 1 'on rd of Trud. Ridg. Main T ? VA 'T 11 to 4 r"s lmpro , d acrcgc. not too far out. not ov-r J."ihmi. well lo- , iRinl, have room moirn Nuso, aiuc I ". inortf atr $ 1 . lonsr ti mr , eiuii $27ou; ni'i t m.tr -r r-?id-nvc. iiir. u a bout $2'Mhi : mis h t Ksum 'iil : r n -1 14 Is f Llice Iiou 'H it r. $i!0 pi-r moil t li wtendy. AM PI. orrcoTHin. o.VK-KOl'KTll Mo1K in Vaver1e)Ch. fit ray men t toward. hom of a:out $ l.'.oo. ance cash. ioT. worth $1000. ha.iun or bur. ca ow to $.VtHt. RojMi-re. fitrner bungalovv and cash for lar;(r hiur Ma'n 4 ;s. I BUY l'Ol . E KiU IT ilS. I will fonmd'T iVsirbi. proper t-s ftim g:;:.o do n. un-k action if our price in r(ght tfrc Mr. P'vnip'mi, with R. F. KKEMSTl.i:. ;:f' Abirgtn 1? fig. WANTDl) To lojy modern ." or H-r-wn bun galow, tiot t 00 cloe other ln t UJ 1 iijtj. f: mid big lot. Suti n nule. li.o 1 hornn or Mi. Tabor; give low.st pro-, i.-rm-; rio ttscnts; mul be bargain. Adtirea A J 1 . 'rri: oniBM. W A N I 11-room b oose, h d ronis u T ; would like Lose t ity. LaureihurM or in ingn-n. biit mil consider ot!tT good ditri-ts. m-a 1 no-f f. lot ; give hou5i no. tind stale of repair; price 1 rem $3500 to $5-mo. " i5. t treg-ontun. W'K are having a great many cal.s for im proved acre tracts from 1 to 20 acrea. If you viii list your property with us e will sure find the buyer. Also hs ve demand for cheap houses. Jordan At Gar bade. 421 Chamber of Commerce. $j-"o CASH and f dd monthly. Including In terest, for bungalow In hlgh-r la.ss U.stricl up to $."0ou. responsible people; want omethlng good; also I nve property which could go in as part of first payment. dn. 4 .(. WAN'TV.D 1 or mre acres. 3d mln. from Port land, close to sohool and nterur:au line; prefer 1-1 7s. sopio wai.ii and in pro etner. is : will pa v not more than, $5' oown and $Jh a ear. Phone Tjr 2.i2i. rr write J. WniRcr. oOl tolling bid;. HANG C ASl J I I V I- ft Vol t M D E 1 iN' HOME WiKTIl T 35o.i Pale ran b closel immediately If your houe is -a t si factor v. CALL AT ONCE t 5 CHAMBER OF OM M KI'K 11 ,PC WANTEi 5 to 15 acres productive land. 6 to IO cleared, under plow, tav .rably f-it-uated: house. Ien e.l. water, near tUta. imiueillaie possession; state lull fact, par ticularly and lowest terms hiM letter. T -V regonian. K H A K a customer who w :ntf a o-rootn bungalow, modern. fT'.ooo; $5imj cm1. bal ance good inontli'y 1'nvmcnts. Aio on tor $'.'. .'Hi; ntout Cash. JOIiPAN .v tiAKRADE. 4'l Cham, of Com. A N T ED Max e customers for 2. .: s nd ft-acre Improved traits, tienr Portland, on good auto roads, moderately pri-cd and terms of abovit i.'.no first pameiu. .. M. KNAl'N. Stoek Kxch. Pldg. Portl-md. Or WANTED for cash, st.burban acreage. 1 to j acres. 1 m proved w 1 1 'i modem jsoue n bungalow. 4 or 5 rooms. cUs 10 I'oi 1 t.i n-1, near electric carlme. Value atiouL j5oo. Call P4I E. lilisan. WANT improved 15 to 3d acres ner Port land, have 1 t'.O an es K lick i' it couii : ; liouse and ti lots, and bouse and lot. P01 1 land for same. i'nrn oniy. C Itvo. O re g o n i a n . WANTED To buy t.iodern H or 7 - to m houti wit h ff re place, f iirnur mid buiit-ui buffet, prefer corn r. Sunnyside ir-f -m ; give lowest price, ternin and locution; wil. not give over 1 000. AJ ISs. rgon1att. WANT 7 or 8-room Pert ' mi Iteig lit . . 1 1 y view, bouse, have jooo iasli. will hs- tinie; give full partivuiars. .VP 151. Ot gonian. t'ASH 1 'KM Up to $2rtOd for &- room modern bungs low, Hawthorne or Surn :de u.ruu T Tegoruan. WANT modern 5, 0 and 7-ro-.m 1 igU. have c lent s waiting Tor su me at o:i e. JUMVSON-pObSu.N ".. tl'.i N. . HA.Nu 1 1 LD. W ANT from 2 to 5 hit. i. sm...l house, ether buiidins. partly cleared, oil goo-i i.-au r.oi over lo mles out . deal with uw 'ir. inn: be reiisonable for cli. ei nr.' j'UM.-n. WANT suitable piece of timber for tilling -ordwtod ; muft le at lea.t so f er ul f rf l grow th. Williams Ave. 1 uel Co. E.tft 357i. W A N T 5-room Itso '(tv bun lw have larc living tooni and I'tcn! to ooo and pay e-',m ca.-!. MEAN il SIN K i r. ; mupi l f.ook. HA E you got Irvington or v an u.g. at li. a good houe for km .c in Aiivnieda? Many iuyera T. Mrrt't'i lrvmgton luu-l- qiuru l J W a NTT D To buy in Haw t hot ne. Sunny ude. Tabor weM of .r.mh ! mn who wants home . must bo rvasoiial'.c priv e. T t 45. tregoniun. I W A NT or 7-room mo'.ci"i 1 us. g.io-i Cow n payment, and ulet - i I I moml.lv parniil: give iu:i uri:cu..irx fu:i 1 1 iretm1ati. 5-HO t.M but.iaow-. lnMde u li.n lio:tuwsy. E 1 5ih. I"remon t T : l-'t us first payment; n-H over. s,.. tireonl.io. ITdVATK rarty has :S b l'ortnoutb statjop. on pnl cash to fxihm.ce f r low r if d 01st ri- U A 1- ! pi.'i at i . John car, tn odr :i I'unca- 7. onfi'iimn. V A NTi:n liut.gaiow m the H a t m n e d . trut, a i-ut J too, $ 1 c. - n s- " ui at ton e J i il NSoN-I'i.'l'i'UN c ., t.-4 N. W. HANK KLIk;. Ii E T r: r. N 5 and 1 O trcs f-i : . ,.n prov ed i.ni near c-1 . :w ood or unlm prov rd hnd on g--- d 1 'o-t.and . muit ba n-.t swi.a :.e p.;i. HAVE tans for 2 to & er. ; lllut be priced right and easy ti rms . Imh imj-nnoi and ii:iiintrto.-l . clients wM-ing. I.uc.ldcTiia nn o . :15 "h:mh-r of '"ini.x-ri '- 1 AM lti tnu grocery bi:t.:ie t.n Wc.-t side and want a ivti r ninS 111 r.-r-oom l.oi';w, r bs m. on east Side. unris utiii. HI 1t. Orcgonian. CI-1ENT winu from l? TO 2 acre, -aiih family onlunl T.d pioderp li-ro-'Mi bun galow ; c .'te m on r rc i road ; up to $.Vay, i;ul) KJ A WlEDKiCK. - I'i stm WILL pay tafli Ior bungalow in Irvington; must t. bargain; ait ciuk..lv. Mar snail Si..V Ali't"T lod cres ianii wanted within 20 in ues of cit. ancouver d::r.ct prelvrred. Pome l. itot rum-1 . t. it y. W A N TE I mail modern bun; a iown. 25 month, my .r sutoirbai h.iNe you? AN S21. Cregon:.-n- P What V A N T good 4-0- room house with aout an aiTf g:ound. can make i'-jU moiitniy merits. 411 STeiinis bit: g. W A NT to buy dead ruble church property, well located to car service ; all r pxt rash. AC Oregonian. W A N T E 1 5 or r.-room house in Irvington or Alameca Park. Prue 5oo0 tr leaa. E J tiElsEl;. 41T Chamber of Com. STILL se.l.ng west aid. yours. iio;d Schmidt's change b;dg. homes; Agency, let us .-u! Mock E v - W A N TED To buy about R-romn hfluw ; we. 1 side preferred. Phone Main 7o 14. wnersi oriyj W ANT gtmd lot. Rossmere or Rose City l'rlc live lot and block ; must te br gatn. A.l 1 . regontan. UN E or n. ore a res at b'.ock number and pr 1 1 7, Or. c.iMn. lmg r ; fiii' lot co flrt ie; ter. ki.d H WANT lo bu v a sitia i I iium- 1 u Iiuum-. 5 r tl roms. ;.o1imi lot. not 100 lar out; ha e ( mIi: no ageiit. K R?2. On Koniiiti. WILL TKADE linpi'oved city proper' v for cottage Mt SeaMde or Carh.rt. P r g.'iii:in. 1 AM in the mik.-l for a Ti, C. P. home; give full particulars. Owners only. 1UJ S2. t regor .nn. WANT Htrb'tly modern Portland Height residence up to $15,000. all ca-.li. D TH, Oregnian W ANT ! he bed 5-roorn w ith 25 ash. ba'anc ep!-. S ;. reg.nisn. housv I c m on th.y. n Oijv wne; s HOCfS'i-; in ATbe-ta 1 North : Cm0 to : M on da. itrict cn 1'nion a oo. Call Mniu 6" I WANT TO 11 Y sn lrington iot, or Ala meda. XD l'i, Orej-onian.