THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POETLAXD, MATtCII 2, 1910. 5 KLAL ESTATE. 130x181 FT. ON SANDY BLVD. P A R K. R O S E Magnificent view of valley and mts., Taved Btteet. cement side walks, pressure w atef, gas, electricity; just outside city limits, where taxes are very low; no st. assessments to assume. This beautiful knoll will give you a south facing; ground slopes to bank, where chlckn pen and garden will be practically hidden from Columbia highway. A small house Is al ready started, frame partly up, a lot of lumber on the job roh with the place. Price $'2ooO, eas trms to rifht party. Close to car. We are the owners. J. L. 1IAKTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids., 4th and Stark. Main -OS. A 2u5u. 1 1 NE. level lots, all sizes and prices. Geo. V. McCoy, end of Mt. Tabor carline. For Sale Beach Property. SACRIFICE OX NEW BEACH BUNGALOW. 7-room fine bungalow, with a beautiful fireplace: stands on large lot, with a nice little garden and chicken corral; close to ocean, store, postoffice and hotel; located at one of Oregon's finest beach resorts; worth $1000 more than price asked; good reason for sacrifice. Also 1 lot 50x100 ciose to and a splendid view of ocean, $300 cash or liberty bonds takes this lot. Writs A V Ct4. Oregonian. SEASIDE Modern, 5 large rooms, fireplace, bath; block from ocean; large porch; very attractive. 5703 71st st. S. E. Flut and Apartment Property. WILL sell my elegant brick apartment house, including furnishings, for $3y,0'0; pay ins handsome returns: wish to deal directly with purchaser. I 47, Qregonian, 11 PER C'KN'T INVESTMENT. Two-flat building, west side, five rooms each ; fireplaces, furnaces; price bargain. Phono East 2021. For Sale Houses. FIN K.ST HOME IN ALBERTA DIST. GROUND IO0X105 ONLY $6500. Swell 7-room home, strictly modern, with hardwood floors, full cement base ment, furnace. garage. Has lo5 feet f j outage on carline. Cement driveway to garage. Ground ail in highest state of cultivation ; has fine full bearing fruit trees and all kinds of small fruits. Finest of lighting and bath fixtures; two toilets; fine large kitchen, with pantry equipped with extra sink and built-ins. House is double constructed. Finished in white enamel and mahogany; newly tinted and everything in first -class condition. Owner leaving lor California and will sacrifice lor $ti500; don't need the cash, so you can make the terms. This place ought to sell for $eo00; it's nearly new. There's nothing cheap about it but the price. MeCORMIO. 418 FKNTON BLDG.. Phone Broadway 151 d. 84 Sixth st. ALAMEDA PARK. This attractive house has every feature to make it a reat home; nicely locate near the Broadway car and with a fine view, the house is modern and compara tively new and finished in old Ivory; the first floor contains a good-sized living loom, a cheerful dining room, den and Lmtch kitchen; the back porch has lava tory and toilet; full cement basement with a good furnace; the u-pper floor has bedrooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout. This house is only fiXmo with good terms. Glad to show it. Ii. T. STREET, E. 15th and Broadway. Phone East 894, or Residence East 420. SEE MY ADV. FOR IRVING-TON HOMES. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. If vou want to buy on Portland Heights, why not come to one who deals only in that district and who has EVERY BAR GAIN LISTED?" About 80 per cent of the Portland Heights property sold during the last 5 years has been through me, and EV ERY CUSTOMER IS A REFERENCE. It is impossible to advertise everything for sale in a district. Call me up, toll me what you arc looking for, and I will tell you If T have it. 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Elm. SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. BEAUT I FUL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. T rooms and sleeping-porch, 5 rooms first floor, cement basement, trays, fur nace, h. w. floors, fireplace, bu tit-ins, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, large liv ing room across front of house; French doors between dining room; whole interior white enamel, just newly painted and tint ed; h. s. street; will build garage. Total price, including bonded liens, $3825; very easv terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 51)63; week day. Main 7007. S2i Cham, of Commerce bldg. Mariels or Williams. WONDERFUL LAURELHUKST BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW, ti large rooms on one floor, large living room with fireplace, kitchen and 3 fine bedrooms, built-ins of every kind, fine basement, furnace, h. w. floors; this Is modern to the last po and is different from your neighbor's house; if you see it you will buy. Price Is .S450. which Is less than house alone cost: liberal terms. Sun day and evenings. Mar. 563: week days. Main 7P67. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mariels or Williams. $4450 6-ROOM HOUSE $4450. This is certainly worth viewing. The house is practleallv new and in ivory fin ish; 3 nice bedrooms and sleeping porch; cement porch, living room, dining room and Dutch kitchen, full basement with Boynton furnace; convenient to Rose City car: it is a good home at a low valuation and on eapv terms. Glad to show it. R. T. STREET. E. 15th and Broadway. Phone East 8J4, or Residence East 4280. SEE MY ADV. IN "NEW TODAY." MODERN R. C. BUNGALOW. SAVE RENT. BUY A HOME. 5 rooms, strictly modern, large living room, built-ins of every kind, fine large basement, furnace, fireplace, whole house finished In white enamel, nice billiard room with table and everything complete in basement; corner, hard-surfaced st. Price $4100; very easy terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5063; week days. Main 7ft67. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marirls or Williams. HO SELLWOOD HOMES. We have over 30 homes for sale in Sell wood on easy payments. Photogra phs of each house in the office. Come in and look them over. Autos at your service- fct FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. lain 1008, Main 5156. Office open evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE CAR $2500. 3 rooms, bath, fireplace, cement base ment, extra large lot. ? block Hawthorne car, no mortgages against this property ; $:J00 down. bal. monthly. Might consider cheap lot as part paj inent. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. H7 Yeon Bldg. SAoQO ALAMEDA COLONIAL $4500. THIS IS SOME SNAP. 7 rooms, strictly modern, large light rooms, h. w. floors, all built-ins. furnace, fireplace; h. s. street, paid; very easy terms; a wonderful buy at price. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5ti3.; week days. Main 7!67. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mariels or Williams. COUNCIL CREST SACRIFICE. Large living room and dining room, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet : beautiful view porch, library, hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch ; 0 years old; $450. including all street as sessments. This is about two -third a real value. BROOKE. Mar. 4827. A 3830. $2000 $5UU OA S H. 35TH AND LINCOLN. 5-RM. MODERN BUNGALOW. VACANT: PAVING PO. ; MOVE IX. G. C. GOLDEN B ERG. A RINGTON BLDG. "35 Vrs. in Portland." Main 4 803. $100 CASH $985. Neat 2-room ceiled home; gas and water; 60 2-3x109; snap; near Lombard and Wabash. See us quickly. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Ablngton bldg. "35 Years in Portland." SPECIALLY" attractive 7-room house; ex tra deep lot; fine fruit trees and shrub bery ; good location ; furnished or unfur- owners are leaving crty ; easy terms., 715 I'j. Asn. -t:iiH NICE 5-room bungalow In Iadd addition, near Hawthorne. Lot 50x328 to p.ived allv. very easy terms, wouiu con sider clear vacant lot as part payment, M. Billings. 5Qr McKay bldg. Main i:;;u. A RTISTTC e.x tra well constructed 6-room bungaiOW, Wlin nan, ueu, iuiun niicnen, filppiiine norch. and all kinds of built-in features; near Killingsworth-ave. car, for 92600; terms. v tun. i4j. HOME from your plan; payments to suit: in Arlington Heights and Capttol Hill acreage. Williams . & Williams, 311 Panama bldg. PORTION D HEIGHTS. Comfortable 5-room bungalow; 2 level lots. trees. good outlook ; near car. BROOKE. Mar. 4827. A 3839. fcOxlOO LOT, old house, on S3d, only $450; $75 cash. Inquire 6927 S3d. Get off Mt; Scott car 82dt go south to oth ave., block east. $100 CASH $2200; artistic modern bunga low; great snap: go look; 1524 Vancouver ave. Ct. c. Cioiaennerg. ADington bldg. Main 4So3. "KENTON BUNGALOW. " $260(. Modern. 5-room bungalow, with large attic; near car ami school. M. BillingH. 5"9 McKiiy bldg. Main 1390. HAWTHORNE DISTR I C T. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow, with garage; $40Q: terms. Tabor 42Q7. j." OR SALE M y eo u i t y for ? 250 : balance of $h7" on time : four-room house; two lots. 6425 85th st. S. E. ; Mt. Scott car. SEE CHAS. RINGLER & CO. For Bungalows Houses Big Listing. 225 H E N R Y H L D G. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow; $250 down; price S2250; i block ST. V. car. 112 E. SUh st. N., Sunday fdODE RN. nearly new 5-room bungaJow with sleeping porch; west of Piedmont; .eac school; $2000 terms. Wdln, Jji3 REAL KSTATK. For Sale llmi. O W .V Y O V R O W N H O M E QUI T P A YIN G li E N T. $2100 EASY TERMS $2100. A 4-room bungalow, good basement, laundry trays, .Dutch kitchen, bath, etc., garage; 1 bJk. car; $3uo down. bal. like rent, tf per cent. $1200 A REAL BUY $1200 4-roorn bungalow, bath, basement, e'e . house is plastered and in Al shape; this Is a real buy on easy terms. $ 2 500 C LOS E-1 N IIOM E $ 2500. A -room house, full basement, bath, etc., in good condition, on E. Main st ; $200 down, bal. like rent. $2200 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $2200. 6-room bungalow, good basement, laun dry trays, built-in features. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, garage, etc.; a .dandy Tittle home on easy terms. $3000 HAWTHORNE BUNG. $nn00. A 5-room bungalow, tine basement, laundry trays, all built-in features, fire place, hand-decorated walls; a real nifty little home, in fine condition; terms. $4750 ROSMERE HOME $4750. A tt-room house, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, every built in convenience ; furnace, fireplace, etc. ; . hardwood floors throughout house; this place is in first-class condition and can be handled on terras. See our list of houses and bungalows before buying. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. In BUNGALOWS. $1S50 University Park; modern 5-room bungalow, with many built-in ef fects; full basement, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, etc ; one block from St. Johns car line; $350 cash, balance terms. $3000 Piedmont district; modern 6-roora bungalow, with fireplace, electric lights and gas fixtures, large liv ing room, full basement and ga rage; comer lot, on Cleveland ave., near Union; terms. J. L. KAKNOPP & CO.. 319 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675. BEAUTIFUL HOME. $ 18.&00. Plenty play grounds for the children, over ri block, located among fino homes. 2 blocks from club house and beautiful park; house has large living room, dining room, sun room, breakfast room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms on 2d floor, 2 rooms on 3d floor. If you are looking for a good home ttee this one. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GKT RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE Vfe CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade BJdff. SIX-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW just east of Laurel hurst, one block from Gllsan st.; living room, den or library, dining room. fireplace. handy kitchen, two bedrooms and bath ; fine lot. 48x1 16 feet : garage ; good neighborhood ; full basement, wash trays; price only $260i; $400 cash will handle; it's hard to get homes like this for that monev. THE CROSSLEY-VIG ARS CO., Specialists in Home Properties. 270 Stark St. Main :;52. Sunday call East 2725 or Main 5073. IK YOU PAY' $1000 DOWN we'll show you a beautiful Rose City Park home of 6 rms.. oak floors, fireplace, fur nace, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, bedrooms finished in white, 2 bedrooms down and large dormitory bedroom upper floor; there is no prettier home in Rose City Park for the price, $400. We'll deem it a pleasure to show you. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 4522. 82 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. $1680 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $1680. Here is a real bargain In a 5-room bun galow on full lot ; - block from Fulton car; white enamel plumbing fixtures, elec tric lights and gas; fruit and flowers: on Idaho street, near Virginia ; small down payment, balance $15 per mouth; no mort gage or street liens to assume. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main inS, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. NOW VACANT. Well-built 7-room concrete house, full basement, furnace. fireplace. concrete garage, about mo ft. from K. C. car. 651 E. 63d st. N. Take a peep.' Price $360O. Terms. Move right In. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade BM-g. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR $2000 $200 DOWN. This house has all of the modern con veniences; is near Killings worth ave. on a good street and a fine neighborhood; 50x100 foot lot: is a snap at $20O0; $20tf down. Come in and see about this at xo Corbett bldg. WHAT WILL TOU GIVE For a $1250 equity In a 7-room modem home, east side, close to school? Must Bell, Make offer. Phone Wood. 6008. NEAR S. P. SHOPS. " 4 rooms and bath, full cement basement n diock irmn paved st., 24th near viaduct. $2000, $4QO cash, balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A splendid-paying 20-acre Medford or charge. Owner away; must sell. Mini mum crop estimate 1919, $2000. $1000 casii, uaiauce :rom crops. SEA-WOOD REALTY CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $4ono for a new S-room. un-to-date house; this house is modern in every re spect, tne lot is a run lot and the loca tion is on E. C'7th street, close in. Half cash will handle the deal. M. J. CLO H ESSY. 415 AB1NGTON BLDG. FfN E 6-room house in Walnut Park ; roms largs, light and cheerful; tine furnace and ouiU-ins-, on nard-surtaceu street, near Jeffersjn hiuh school: it-rms as low as $450 cah, balance monthly. .JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLIXi. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. E. 46th st., nr. Sandy.. 6-rm.. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor, good built-in features; lot 5 Ox 100; extra good buy at $tWK. terras. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. MODERN home, 5 rooms, sun partor large attic, - toilets, narawooa iloors, cove ceil ing. 3 mirror doors, fine fireplace, lot 50 100, paved street ; dealings direct with owner. 1514 Thompson St., Rose City Park. Tabor 4318. ON L Y $ 1200 for a comfortable four-room house 1 - blocks from the ML Tabor car on 85th st.; this house is In first-class re pair and very cheap. $400 cash vou will have to have. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABLNGTON BLDG. MODERN bungalow for sal1; fine fireplace. nuiit-in oooKcases ana Duiret. white Dutch kitchen, best plumbing fixtures, new elec tric; fixtures; convenient to Vancouver and Woodlawn cara ; easy terms. 1480 E. 7th N. Phone Woodlawn 3524. FOR SALE Cheap or trade for small farm, an up-to-date 7-room house, lOoxlOO cor ner lot, full basement, built-in conve niences, a very fine home ; must be seen to be appreciated. 1320 Omaha ave. Tel ephone Woodlawn 22SS. ONE ACRE with 5-room house, near Going st.; chicken house. fruit trees. berry bushes, etc.; $3U cash will handle. V. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. MODERN 6-room bungalow; full cement basement. - furnace, wash trays. l(Mxlot corner lot, fruit trees, rows, shrubbery ; smaM cash payment Call Hun-day or even ings: big bargain. 3727 54th st. S. E. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Oak floors, fire place, cement basement, Dutch kitchen; paved street; all assessments paid: $3100. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce Main 1955. 4-ROOM bungalow, good district; newer In and paid ; usual plumbing, bull t-fn kitch en, lot 50x100; price $14o. 500 cash, $25 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. $2201 THREE-ROOM house in good con dition, corner lot. 50x75, one block from Union ave. No. 3G2 Going, corner Gar field; will give terms. $2750 Seven-room on Flsk st. ; two Kits, fruit and garden ; one block from car: a bargain. Owner, 1345 Tillamook st. Ta bor 1638. TWO houses. 4 and 8 rooms, all modern: sidewalk and st. paved ; 3 blocks to M V car. Oall at 43 E. 60th. sL N. Phone Ta bor 4082. $20M $50 CASH, terms to suit: 6-room furnished house. 3 blocks north Woodlawn school, by owner. AL 43. Oregoniaru BY OWNER 6-room modern house and ca ra?e. on Lombard, near AJbina ave. AL 42. Uregonjan. $2 1 on 6-room house, cement basement, gas and electricity, all Improvements in: rents for y'j. terms. owner. 246 Yamhill. 7-ROOM modern house, hardwood fiooTTi furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch. Tabor PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern house. Mvr jle st., sacrificed for cash. Morgan. Main l4 i H- mj.m moueru nouive on fiawtnorne u v a 100x120, all improvements paid; $7O0O buys It. owner. iaoor mi FOR SALE For cash, $1200 erjuity in a bungalow: $15 per mo. payment at 6 per renl. Call Sell wood 12.73. KLAMATH FALLS. modern houire, lot looxioti; 6 blks. to P. Q. ; also 6o acres. ra?h or trade. F 818, Oregonion. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. yUHAU&KH t UO,-,N OAiNK. KKAL KSTATR. I TRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of S rooms, modern in all its appointments and nearly new ; hardwood floors, t iled fireplace in living rooms and front bedroom, tiled bath, with shower; also bath for maid's room: conservatory, extra large sleeping porch, burglar alarm system and double flee trie lighting and heating systems; located in the very best district of Irvlngton. on lOOxlOO corner, burrounded by beautiful homes. This house has cost the owner between $18.00 and 20,000. but an attractive price will be made in selling, or would accept desirable vacant or improved Portland property for the equity. SAME R. NORTON. C10 Henry Bldg. FREE KXHIRIT 50-1 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HUMES FOR MALE. Each home is personally inspected and . appraised by an expert appraiser and photograph arranged in its respective dis trict, with price, term, etc.. on the walls of our display room. You are invited to call and Inspect theae photograph; some wonderful bargains; compare them with other houses that have been offered you before making a derision. Six automobile at your service should you tare to see any of these homes. We sold over 50 homes last month and over million dollars worth in 1018, because we have the bar gains. Office open evenings and Sun days. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abbgton Bldg. Ma in10rts. Main 515$. TWO GOOD BUYS IN It OSET' 1 1 YP AUK. . BOTH BELOW THE HILL. 5-room bungalow, full lot, improvements In and paid, 2 blocks Rose City carline. on 4oth st. It Is a well-built bungiila. mod ern eon venlencen. very pretty lot, UghtlJ above grade: price $275o. 7-room house, we think the best buv In Rose City Park: you will think so when you see it. Fully up to date. Exception ally well built and practically new ; il re place, furnace, hard wood floors. ef, full corner lot: improvements In and paid; Just block from2Rose City car and below the hill. Owner forced to go east. Price $4500. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North t h St. Broadway 431. YOU CAN MOVE RIGHT IN. Modern 6-room. two-story house In ex -cellent condition; fine district. nar public and high school. No. 289 Wygant st., bet. Williams ave. and Cleveland ave.; this Is a splendid opportunity for someone who wants a nice home. it will pay you (o Investigate. Price $3000; terms $50u cash. J. F. HILL, 69 Williams ave. East 268. IRVING TON. Fine modern K-roora bungalow In th heart of Irvington; hardwood floors, bookcases, fireplace and other built-in conveniences ; large enclosed sleeping porch ; good full cement basement and furnace heat: lot 5xl00. with large fir trees; an ideal home. $4?H0. All improvements paid. J. L. K A RNul'P & CO.. 310 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 75. 4l ALBERTA Hu.M ES FOR SALE. We have over 40 homes in Alberta dis trict for sale, all prices and terms. Photo graphs of each hout"? m the office; come in and look over the photographs. We will help you make the first payment if neces sary. Autos at jour service. See -x. FRANK 1 McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main lO. Main 5156. Oft ice Open Evenings and Sundays. EAST 'AXKENV HOME. REAL SACRIFICE. Corner lot and well-built 7-room house full basement, furnace. :ill hard surface in and paid, close in, walking distance. Price $40o. Term. C A. WARRINER. BITTER, LOWE & CO., 2A3-&-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room bungalow, with fine jrarage, oak floors, furnace, fireplace. built-in effects, large attic. rooms finished in white enamel ; this bungalow is less t han two years old and is located In best part of Rose City Park ' below the hill." two blocks from car. F. Vanduyn, 515 . namoer or ( ommerce. Main 1955. ONLY $2000 for a five-room modern house; with this house goes a quarter of an acre of land, highly improved; this is a prettv place, practically on a paved street: all kinds oT fruit and a garage on the place; it is at Evergreen station, only three blocks from the car. Mono rash Is all you need. M. J. CLOHESdY, 415 ABING TON BLDG. FINE 6-room home in Piedmont; high-grade plumbing, nice built-in bookcases and buf fet, fireplace, furnace, oak floors, bedrooms finished In white enamel; lot 50x100. with alley. street paved and paid: near three carlines: price only $4noo. 750 cash, balance to suit. JO HN SON-DO D SON CO.. 634 N. VV. RANK BLDG. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. $245). 5 rooms, bath, full cement basement, pared srta., 1 blk. from car; terms. Ganten bein near Cook ave. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2Q3-5-7 Board of i nie Bids'. BEAUTIFUL COUNCIL CREST PARK. 6-r. modern; hdw. fi.. firepl., fur., hard surface sis., etc.. $400. A dandy home with a splendid view, at a sacrifice. Terms. CLE V EL AND-B A R R-H EN DEP. RON CO J212 KY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 0031. 6 ROOMS and sewing room, cement hate ment, full plumbing. Including laundry trays, furnace, 5hx Iimj lot. 1 'r blocks to car. 3 blocks to grade school, walking dis tance to high sclwol; an opportunity to get a good home at a very low price. $54 0 cash, balance like rent. JullXSON DUDSON CO.. 634 N. W. HANK HLIm;. FINE WEST SI DE P.UNGALo W $4,l0 $1501 DOWN. This place is strictly modern and a per fect bungalow inside and out; located on Portland Heights, two blocks from the car: has fine view, jrood neighbors and a bargain at $480O; come In and see about this at aort Corbett bldg. ONLY $2900 for an up-to-date five-room ounsaiow. mis price includes all Improve ments which are now in; it is in a rtew district; everything around it is new bun galows, and it is only 100 feet from the carline. $1000 In cash. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABTNGTON BLDG. MODERN RESIDENCE CLOSE IN LOT .Vx.V $3300. 2-story. 6-rm. residence: furnace, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen: both streets paved and paid ; good condition. Terms $HO cash. Jio DpARD& WMEDJRICKI.l Stark st. ATTORNEY instructs us to sell modern 6-room home on large lot, 75xloo, hi Arleia Park, close to Union-ave. car, at the ridic ulously low price of $25oo io rlose estate terms $500 cash and $20 per month. See Atchison. 4Q4 Piatt bldg. $300 CASH $10 PER MONTH $.lUOO u-room bungalow, good district; tire place, full basement, some line bearinc fruit trees; an opportunity to get a nice home on reasonable terras. JuHNSun'. DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. EAST SIDE. CLOFK TO SHIPYARD tt-room houe. near Cook ave : bath brick basement; streets paved. A man at $24 no. te-ms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Sfark rt. BEAUTIFUL Mount Tabor 5-room hunsaiow practically new; corner lot SOxKtfi- hard surfaced stre t. ail paid for; full base ment, fine lawn, beautiful view widow must sell. Monday. Broadway 95 PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME! On 19th st.; exceptional view; 0 roon large grwnda. Price low and terms. SEA-WOOD REALTY CO 8 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE HOUSE Modern. 8 rooms snd sleeping porch, one of the finest view homes in city, communit v hat. garstre priced right. Hitchcock. 80 4th st. Phone . I a in j 1 -. HOUSES AND l,OT ROSB CITY PARK DISTRICT HL'BUKLL SON. Tabor lilBI. andr ONLY fir an 8-room moj.rn hnun close In on :17th elrerl. .".oo cash Is al toVbldg'' J' ci-oheksv- 15 ABINU- STRICTLY MODERN 5-room bungalow good district; full plumbing, buffer, fireplace furnace; price $3250; reasonable terms' JOHNSON-DODSON CO., o34 N. W. BANK PORTLAND HEIGHTS 0-room modem house and H -block, with Fplendld view fine roses and shrubbery; offered at price to Kae you much money. Main 2471 FOR SALE Nice lot. good 6-room house - 4711 70th sL S. E.. block from Mt KcoTt car. See party in house. O. D. Eby Ore gon City. Or. FOR SALE Mt. Tabor. $3300, dandv n-rnnm modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace riei attic; $1200 down. H. H. Staub! m27 Bel mont. Week, phone Tabor 219. ONLY $S50 for a five-room house with Iwn lots on t he St. Johns car line. $350 caii is all vou hpH. What's the matter with tliU M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 APING TO N RLDG. IRVINGTON 8-room house, completely fur nished, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace terms. East V-748. MODERN six-room bungalow, corner, loox 10O. for tile on easy terms. A K 4S. Ore gottlan. fOR SA LE $2000. 5-room modern bunga low. 401 E. 37th Ef. Owner. s:.5 Haight ave. I j-ROOM bungalow by owner. 75ft E. .'7th xL UfMJi JbxuiCia svva CeaAOiuiUla. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 1R VINGTOX. If you are lu ih $15.ouO home class we wish to show you one of the finest in Portland and save you $Kou to $JrtOo. This home is rltuated on corner lot 70xlMj wit h A 1 garage, streets paved and pa id for. This horn- is situated in the finetit home center of Irvington. Has 7 room", larfce living room that is d.i'ferent. with fireplace and music mum; a most charm ing dining room with a real finished breakfast, room. All in ol- ivory. Dutch k lichen : on the ld floor t here are t hree de; lg ht f ul bed mom, plate giass mirrors and larKe c'osets. maid's room, bath and toi ,et, tile f .oor with most modern plum bing ; hard wood po : is he d floors through out; has large nttlc. This was built for a home ana is tl.e last creation. We offer this for a few davs st $13 5oo. THE LAWRENCE CO., 2QA Corbett Bldg. Main OJ'IS. A 2815. A REAL SNAP. Artistic 8-rowm modern house, newly finished; solid hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, with cement floor, wash trays, end furnace heut to all rooms; massive, richly I urn is lied colonnade ; ex travagant chandeliers, beautiful fireplace, triple windows to east and south. Dutch kitchen, white enamel, inlaid linoleum, solid brass curtain rods, toilet downntatrs ami up, b:it h and 1 via tor y. bea utlf ut re ception hall. even clothes ctoi, mag nificent dining room, beautiful wide porch full width, garage 142U. solid concrete driveway; one block from stieet csr, four blocks from school ; bordering on Rose fit y Park ; pa ved streets included ; for only $55O0 '..n) cash, balance $40 per month. Including Interest. Phone Sell. 189. HIGH-CLASS BUNG ALOW ROSE CITY PARK Occupied by owner. Exceptionally mod ern in every respect. Hard w ood 1 ioors throughout. LarKe rooms with large sleep ing porch, glassed and screened. Lovely lnrt,-e bedruom with large closets, en trance hail with wrap closet. Charming but ft t :ind booki-n". Cosy fireplace. Built in eiiecLa in kitchen. Cement basement and a real furnace. Lot level with street. Natural trees in yard. Extra i-ep lot. Little over block to car. HtEh-cias dis trict near Rose City Park ciub. No. 6-4 E. 57lu iL N. Terms, half cash. TWO REAL BARGAIN'S. 4- room house on psved wtreet. no as se&iments to pay ; price $7JO;- terms $ do n and $10 a month. 5- roora house. a acre of land, several bearing fruit trees and berries. price $14ot; terms $175 cash, balance monthly pavments. WILLIAMS REALTY CO. Grays Crossing Phone Tabor 434. MODERN 12-room. Irvington residence, fin ished In finest selected mahogany and osk. hardwood floors throughout. 3 artistic fireplaces, walls beautifully decorated. tis bathrooms, expensive plumbing fixtures, sun room, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large finished attic, spacious grounds., rare siirubbsry: all materials and workmanship guaranteed f irst-c lass; closest inspection Invited; reasonable terms by owner. R S3S, urcgonlan. i62 MT. ADAM SltH IV E. COUNCIL CREST. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW $8280. F.esidene of 8 rooms, lucluuiug larse II v. rm. and li n. rm with mag" If lorn t i-w : 4 bedrooms, sleeping por. h. 4 f ire placea, gas-beating system. Lot 52x150, running through to Fuirmount blvd. own er lives cau Will be thown by appoint ment. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark-St. " C I .OSE TO JEFF E RSON HIGH. A spiendld. substantia! 6-room home on corner lot Ouxloo, paved street in and paid ; nice re eption hall, living, dining and kitchen down. 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet up : cement basement ; a real nice borne with lovely homes adjoining; $:i5UO; $500 cash. bal. like rent. Move right in. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6H15. A 2815. A FAMILY HOME. Large 6-room bun ga lou , 3 large bed rooms, built-in bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, wash tra a. furnace, extra gas heater in basement, eiectric liirht. gas. large attic, sleeping porch, a washstand upstairs; all fenced, flowers, all kinds of berries and fruit t rn-a. chicken house, garage. $4500; 3 lots. 50x1 OO. Apply at Doc's bariier shop. 641 Alberta Ht. IRVINGTON SACR1I-TCE. PRICE $4500. $15H CASH. Beautiful 6-room bungalow ; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. ; also garage, east front, 5nxlO0 loL This is except tonally well built and a real sacrifice ot at least SIUOO on the cost price. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Ilroud way 4133. 'CHOI E HOM E WA LK 1 NO DIST A N "E." 11 rooms, strictly modern In every way; hardwood floors in every room : furnace, fireplace, 2 sleeping porches, ground 11.5O0 sq. ft., 1 block car; paved street. Price $1 2,500; terms; house could not be built for this price. R. M. GATE WOOD A- CO. 1 65 H 4th St. LA URELH U RST BUNGALOW. $5500 Six large rooms, oak floors, fin ished in mahoKany, white enamel wood work, large built-in buffet and bookcases, large fireplace and good furnace. Thin bungalow is near Laurelhurst park and In a line district. Call Tabor 515. 1232 East Burnsice. after 6 P. M .. Owner. THAT VAJANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into in corns We design and build apartments, garagss. residences anything. Furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. W offr fcECUKITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects. 624 N. W. Bank bldg. FORCED SALE. 7-room modern house, double construc tion, cement basement. flrt-class fur nace' 10O feet from Hawthorne ave. west of 36: h St.. $3250; $1250 cash, balance straight mortgage due 3 years. 7 per cent. This is a real snap; Investigate. R. M. GATEWQt D jt- CO., 165 4th St. FOR SA L E 6-room plastered house ; elec tric lip his. toilet, bath, hoi and cold wa tor, fuil cement ba!-inent: on E. Kuwrt st 100 feet from Vancouver ave.. 4 blocks from car, 210 ; $rtOi cash, bal. $ 1 5 per month. per cent. Call owner, Woodlawn f.S48. COUNCIL CREST SACRI F 1 C E. ytt .tn.iiBtM house, large livin it-room and dlnine-room. fireplace, built-in bookcases na buffet: beautiful new porch, libra: hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms and sleeping norch. About two-thirds actual value for q ,j ir k sale. BROOKE. Mar. 4VJ7. A 33, PI EDMt NT. 6-room modern house In heart of this detdrabie district ; ivory enamei iinian, walls papered, sliding plate gtass doors, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc near Jef ferson rttgn scnooi. z uwn church. 1213 Rodney ave. library and r.-ROOM nlastered house, nearly new. and lot 50x120: on same street as Reed college, i .i, Lr from Sell wood cur. near river; at saurlfic on account of sirkne. Pree l".s5: $7"0 cssh and $v5 . ry easy terms. CaH on owners af On 6 TWday. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, floors ViAi-riwood flnlfh. woodwork old Ivory. larze attic, lot 50x I JO ; 71S E. Madison near 20th; all Improvements paid: no rea sonable offer refund, owner, v.. . rseni, . Msin 245. 227 'aWashlngtoq s. l.AirKELHURST SACRIFICE. Non-rexldent owner wants qutetc disposal of splendid two-story, ail modern house, like new. on Davis st. 1'hone Tabor 166 1 or B 224. ft-TtOOM tip-to-date bungalow, everything r,.Tiritt ion : lot iox IO". fine garden mot fruit ttvs: cannot be duplicated for pri.e; furnished or unfurnished, tern Tabor 41MH. Owner. BY OWNER Beautiful 10 room modern house, sunny side: lot tjoxiai ; mortgage 4 500- will tae smaiier nouee tor equily- kl. nff.F f- flluoH f -.,, . no rraio""-" w--. - v wuv. vrs Konlan. BY OWNER. 7-room bungalow, modern, ex cept furnace, Dutch kitchen and garage $ 300, $300 cash, balance easy terms. See at once. Also some furniture, 3 feherett ave. gen wooq. COSV 2-rooni cottage, furnished complete; electric fixtures, cai. sink, store house, ,,-H.n tt- linen and wood inpimi.H Price $14m; terms. l.Soo Siskiyou st. near 70th. K. :. car. NEW 3-room bungalow, near Union ave.. hard surface ana mnewaiKs paid; price $l'.75. $ioo nown. iu per month. phone owner, w i in. .... to. onTTy $70O takes my home, located at o'i st. S. E. A-l shape and worth $Iom T.iMi ft. of sta. at tith ave. S. ml.. cuick action necessary. i - i. J-itts. MODERN S-room house, concrete fnunda IOOyIOO corner. fine Vlw: rari one block c:ir; splendid home; $40oy, pa.rt terms. BJ --i. orrBoiiian. t,. for sale, by owner, on easv tfrm. 5 rooms. ba"th. pantry and basement; on E. Pine, near t n. ojocks xrom tar line. price f)vU- in-or jjelIj my 7-room. modern home thi week, furnished complete, piano, near car line and cnoo. tome casn. terms Tabor 80 6-ROOM house, hatf lot. concrete basement and side wa ik. e.e i nc ngiiM. rirst-c:as piumbtng: cost $1no0; for sale at $luuo; piot-ks from carline. tprj I-;. lith tl. 8-ROOM house, lot lOOxlOO. chicken houses. fi large cherry tres; close to car. Snap ffor2.W. terms. 200 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1 i 5 s S-ROOM bungalow, lot 75x100. sme fruti trees, all fr $150. terms. 203 Oregon Broadway 115 Ping. "HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 35th St.$2V.0 5 rooms, large, light, room for garage vacant., owner. Tabor R24. FOR SALE 5-room hung.ilow. moderrr fun basenient. large attic. 2 blocks Woodstock - car. Phone owner. S-l!wood 3733. 5- K oM bungalow ; cement basement, fur nace, attic, central east siae. wu'king fi;M tauc W Juaat cor, Oajt. 2tii9. RKAL DSTATK. For Sale -House. "CLASSY" IRVINGTON HOME, w- e offer one f the "c:aplei " homes In Irvington. on beautiful louxl'aJ turner, ry best home environment, very iarce living room wiih fireplace and built-in feu tures. large reception hall, com mod i ou dining room, ail plute-glas windows, kitchen with eterv buiii-in convenience, etf. ; on 2d floor, 4 fine bedrooms .large tl'td bat h room with nhower, tr.; serv ants' quarters and biliiard room; hot water heating sybienn k even the g a rase i heatei. lots of flowers snd shrubbery, beaut if ul lawn. etc. One must see lots but ii ul big home to appreciate Its e ceilence. IMco $!5.0oO: - worth $21.000. Owner mlht tako sinair property iu part payment. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., Sp- lalista in Home I'rop'-rt les. -70 Stitrk st. Main 502. LAURELHURST. One of the must delightfully arranged and most artistically f ,u;hrd t-room houses in Laure. hurnt; large living room With lovely f. replace, clevtr dining roini with solid ni.thoj;.. ny but. t -in buriet. full Dutfh kuciit n. tht-erful break f a t room, 3 charming bedrooms and s eeping port n. tie floor in bath and lofet. hard w ood polieht-d floors throughout, finished In old bor, lare t.'in-nt basement. A 1 furnace. Th;s is une of t!r mot pUslitg and at traitlve homes uu will evrr step Into snd priced for ft-w dits much t).o lis actus i Vj : ne ; $TOo rani. THE I . A C K E LI l U R S T CO., 25 Coroett Bldg. Main 6915. A 21 V BEAUTIFUL IloMK. CLOSE TO ALAMEDA DRIVE. Most beautiful large . iving room, cheer ful dining, delightful sun parlor, kitchen and breakfast room. I very large. 2 lrxe bedroom, bath, toilet and shower bath, hardwood poll? hed f oor a up sud down; bus nur f .replace, fine e",ectrlc fixtures, fuil cement basement. Al furnace, large lot. large gar: kp. cement f ioor. liea'. ly a gntlemun's home ud the best buy In Portland. Oniy-$il0o. reasonable terms if des.ied. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 2V Bid. Main ts.15; A VERY NICE 5-ROOM slI'NtiAl.OW. -loe in." 1 bio.k otf frandy bou'e vsrd ; living room, dinin room and den. hard wood f loots. 2 lit'.- bfurooma and bath, bi,; fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, light, airy kitchen, nice teriaced lot ; quick pos-lon. Prico $:io0 on terms ot $ looo casn, balance like rent. THE CROKSLK Y-VIG ARS CO., Specialists in Home lropertl-s 27 Stark vL Main 552. We g.-t what buyers want, t hat's U e reason we are seiiir.g the tla' bun galow. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. AND FLEETING POUCH. $ '.500. Located on Woodward ave., near 3ht h st.. 2 bloc ks from car. Restrict ions have made Oils .i vry dPirb:i retd-ni-e district, with inanv niou horn k. Ban hardwood floors, f ;repuce snd all buili 1ns; wJho furnace. Lot 4uxlo. with amp' room for garage; ST50 ium snd tcium. Binke Realty Co.. I"'.'. over Clttaens bnk. Kiut 85!2. Tabor evenings. NEARLY NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. (1 rooms, living room. larRe den or li brary, dining room with fireplace, beamed ceulng. handy, roomy kitt-imn, 2 bed rooms and butli. full basement, stationary tub. 4. lot 40 x 1 lli feet, good g.irape; this iSf located Just beyond I .aure m ur t nesr G!ltan St.. good neighborhood; pru e $2MK. $5oo nun, balance hke rent. Ttiti Is a nn-e niouern littl.- home snd a good buy. THE "ROSSLE -VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark St. Main "032. ROSE CITY IA R K J LT COM PLETED. 434 E. 4I ST. NORTH. BRAND NEW REAL CLASSY. VERY ARTISTIC RlNGALoW. ONE-HALF BLOCK NORTH CARLINE. Here is the bent arranged and sweilcst -room home In district. Large living room Mxliti, finished in old Ivory, trimmed mahogany. "wcll levei'd buffet. piste gl.t-Kt w indow breakfast room, easL-rn oak floor?, solid br.isi hardware: for qual ity. Investigate; owner. Tabor 1l'Hi. GET ONE WHILE. THE OBTTIMi IS GOOD. We have 50 beaut if ul lots In Kenton that we are offering on easy terms at less than one-third their former value. This pro perl y was ta ken In on foreclosure of mortgage and is being sold accrn mp!y. erv eusr terms. See M. BILLINGS. 5t' McKay bldg.. Main 3 3!0; or MH. foWERS. at I'ittclien hotel. Kenton, evenings and Sundays ; or PEA RL t ' N EI L, 11 West Kilpatrick. Woedlawn 4'3S. SEE THIS SNAP. We have a property that cannot be duplicated for flo.iHH). It will rent for more than $100 per month: lot 5'txlOn. paved street, good district. Price $ 7 500; $2oOt) rash : $40 per niont h and inieres't. After paying the $2oOo down the rent will care for future painents and leave a nice I ucome bet ides. M. HILLINGS. 5O0 McKay HM g. Main 1390. BE AUTI KL' L site on Willamette boule v ard. St. Johns; J lots, good 7-room houe; MUST BE SOLD. River view can not be obstructed. A splendid home or Ideal a part incut house sn e. M ust be seen to kiow it can be pur based at a bargain A. W. LA M HE RT & SON, S. E. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Alder SL Portland. Oregon. East 640. SELL WOOD. NEAR GOLF LINKS. Owner Is offering 7-room furnished house, full basement. stationary tubs, bath. 2 toilets, cement fruit room, elec tric it y, gas. lot 5ok1i0. garage. t bearing walnut t-eH. ornameiiial Hbrubhery. ninali fruits, $25o0: $50u ah. balance like rent, lo years. Call Saturdays and Sundays. 1 734 K. 16th Bt., corner Clatsop ave. 145 E. LOM B ARD ST. By owner. Kenton carline, story and a half, double budt. nw. 5 rooms on on floor. Dutch kitchen. pam-1 dining-room, ball sent, mirror door, buffet, bookca ie. oa k floor, furnace, spate for 3 rooms upstairs, floored, lot 5x I ix: 10 fruit w-es. ih ic ken- house, place for garage, full cerui-nt basement ; $3.o. Tor nis. 4 LuTS, corner lo; ; houe and pan try, all plastered. v oo.lnh. ti and tool houe. 142l: cbnken hoti- and runs: a. I f. n-ed wiiti chick. -n wire. u0 ft-et: berries, pieltlnnt. rtirrntP. Roote r r les, r!p berries. loganberries, bi.n-k berries. graps. gas and cny wali-r; $ 1 "On; j.'.o ch nd tnns. 4V45 4th at, S. E. Mt. Scott car, tff Mt Ients 6 ROOMS $125 CASH BALANCE (ONLY $11V $15 month: no unciiy moHern but good plastered houite and In good, re aper table ne,ghtorhood ; has electric I.ghta, gas. toilet, sink and connected wltn swer. This won't take all your wages to kep up interest. Call N. E. Corner 55i tj and E. Oak. Mt. Tabor car. (Owner. Ta bor V.4 FOR AL: OR TRAD E Corner lot 114x2A. woven wire fence, fi-room house, concrete cellar; all improvement, in good con dition: 15 mm. cr snice. Boise. Idaho, for deeded land or homestead relinquish ment, western Oregon or Washlnnon. Kor further Information apply Ch.-s. W". Hsdlk. 1 h E. 51st street south. Portinnd. fr. PORTLAND H EIGHTS UMiO. We have lust been uuthorlzel to sell No. 1 St. H-lens Ct.. pear Mnlkomery drive, for $40o0. .Vpotti bungshiw and attic, white enamel f Ininh. furnace, f rpla--e; lot 5oxl0. 2 blks. from car. T-rms. $5oi down. M ik :i ppeint mni to inspect. iOlfARI WIEDRH K. 243 Stark L PIEDMONT SA'RIFH" S-room reftdnce. garag. bearing fmilt trees. 2 ft rp ' a'B ; lot lOOxlOO. Ix-Itjjc prem ises 12-'t Mai lory ave. 1 1 1 be shown by appointment. Price xniito. GPDUD A WIV;PRICK. 243 Stark st. BUNG A IX) W. 5 rooms, f i replace. Iuten kitchen in white, beamed leihngs. full baxf-ment. laumlry trays, fine aitiu. paved street. garag. vacant and In Al condi tion; price $2.M and 5140 on street: key on risnt door fscing 2u0 Gliran. Owner, Tabor 54. forenoons. V I S E V I E W t F MOUNTAINS. 5 rooms, bath, big floored attic, full basement, aplfttdblly onsit rue ted bunga low and in Al condition and appeals to your n"e of the beautiful; price only '2300. $250 cash. 1454 E. Couch. MV car to 53d. 4 S. (Owner. Tabor S54 . A SNAP. By owner, cosy five -room bungalow, lee pin g porch. full b.tjifment. garage, newly painted and lintel. $l!m. amsil pay ment and $25 per month; furniture for sale. &712 3Ci h ae. S. K. Mi. Scott car to Achr Plae 6-ROOM houw for sale at a bargain; chick en hotie. cherry trees and a fine lot of raspberries : for sale by owner. Mrs. B. M. Tjerstad, &10 Fiandera at. Broadway 1 1 4 Oil 5-room bungalow, comer lot. near car line, location and price stated: Irvington distrlc: preferred: sleeping porch and fire place. N 3'.v. Oreroniin. KOR SALE Lakegro 1 acres and nat 3-room cottag. near car; pri only $1075. Phone Last 2725 or B GlCIs local exchange 412. READY cut and portable houses of aJlde srrlptions; garages. Millmade Const rm tion Co.. lni Union ae. North. Phone Wood lawn 2113. SMALL house, fruit and garden, rhhken house and garc: part cash, balance like rfnt. Main 4 S75. S"-H(t' M bouse, electric lights and gs. lot 41130 feet. See owner. 5J2S 45th ave. . E : $150'. ea?v terms. Some furniture. 0 ROOMS ani sisepmg porch, ex'ra lava tory firt f.oor. $:'.Oimi; jaraen, irtt 50x111 Rose i'I'v Park. ' ncr, Tabor 5277 MODERN 5-room bungalow. , block from $250; your own car; real bargain n terms. Marshall 447 OWNER will sell pretty new bungalow on rasv tenna and save you monev Office 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 325: open Sun. BY owner, modern 5-room bouse, ha rd wood floors, with or without furniture. Sellwood 14 HO. 5-ROOM bunrnlow. with cars c. In Ladd's Hlditln. .: Et'lott nve JV.II It A Til : 1 1 V ."..i.M.m l,L.. t i joonuo. i iUa U RKAL " STATE. l tr hale -Houe. ROSE CITY PARK. Ii L N G A Lo W HTTTTES. $3200 5-room bungalow; oak floors, f-ar-nace, fireplace. sleeping porih. cement basement. $3500 5-roiu butigalow. modern In every part if ular ; !oe to sc hool. $3 TOO ti r-KniB. oak floor. Unpiace, fine built-in effects. $4300 5 rooms; ornrr lot ; sleeping port h. k floors in all room. shttw-r baih. tt'.t floor in bath. $4000 riMtTio. :reptcc. funai ; mod ern t nroughout ; a r: homo in the heart of Rose City Far' bs reMdn sctiitn. $3350 H rooms, with fuu room: all rooms ftmrhed tn w htte e?iaml. ak I ltrt. furnace, fireplace, bultt-lns. or niftit basement ; on paveti street. I-t niH fitiow you around Rose City Park; auto at your seri-u. F. VANDUYN. MB Chamber of Commerfe. 1955 HAWTHORNE Hl'Nu AI. WS. $J250 5 rooms, st rh tly nitdem except heat, Mreet. imp. a!l pa.d. no uiort- gagc to suiiie. eaiv terms. $35O0 o-riHni but: kn in . it rlf t ly modern in v ery detail: h urd w ood f ioi s. furnace, firp.ufe. n st. irup. all pud. .vt thlM curt. $ I20O akt-l. makw an !f!-: a perfectly wor.uerful tioiie li'.-lo.. you wou'.-l neer think it lul LtrKe. inii en lent tooiiim. luinacc. lnp'.e; imp. all paid; terms. Let us how i ou. J. A. WICK MA N CO, Main 553. :oi i; . Kxch Bldg. ua. Call Tabor ilM. Tabor 2 or Woodlawn 31. LAURULI! CRST. Ont of the mo-t diight ful'y arranged and mot srti.flrt'iy finished 6-rom houes In Lmu rt.nart. la:se lining ro.:n wiui lovf ty f irep:a.e, clevrr dim :. g too-n with solid tiuliuRaiiv butl:-tn bif.'t. lull Duuh kitchen. hrerul hr-ak'sl r jsj a h arm ii. g bed -ionii nd n.r ping pvt. c h, tll rio'jr in otn and toilet. luriUwl polished floors i hrou ichoui. rmihlifd in old ivory; iMJTffe onuril ni-nirtit. A I turns e. This Is one of the niwl p.t asli.g and at tractive hotiK4 y . u wi.l e er et ep tr t and priced lor !w d.ts mutli below it Actual Val ue ; $Tol THE LAWRENCE CO, 205 Corbett bldg. Main 61M5. A LV BEAUMONT e-u 1 M II CSE OA RAGE Kntrsnce hall. Ms. comfortable 'tirB and dining room.-, huge butf:. li bdroo;i) upF!tin. with extra Lrse tl'ct. b:g batti with imen ruoui, a tu.l 2c temem ..e-lii'-nt furrsct ; clc- to r. I'rlce $4 .. J. U IIAHTMAN CoMl'ANY. No C! n, ber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stui k. Mala 20. A 200. Vf O p E R N 4 - P. OO M B I N G A I -O W. Tuh little bupi:tlow Mrutlv modem n;ui o:n ot the bs-f-built hornet tt I'ortlmnd: Is located at the rorn-r of Van couver ae. and --haert . one bl ic from tlllami-a e. :ir tine. If you r- o.k -Ing for a sniaii home, don't fail to look this up: it w ill pay "ii J F. HILL. 6'. Williams arc. Kits I 2. MODERN 7-room buncaiow in petf.-t con dition, located in Ornvla;! Prk. pro tected from east wind by Mt . Tabor, on pacd mrt, iMtweu tw -.rltti. w ood floors In IivIhk rii cirnriK room, fire place. Prenc h tioor,. Lji ; t -! n h ul .'-1. U)K -case. Dutch kit. hn. iw: hrntttti ami ll built-in convenient-.-: toil c hkiu bas -meiit. beautiful Uw n and t-iiMibbet ; a complete home, att ructj e. BiKiitly snd at a price for w-hi h you could tnt It today. For particulars call Tabor l-il or pe it st 44S East 52-1 M. ROSE CITY PARK. $i:00 Beautiful California bungalow on corner l"t. Imp. ull p -d. near ; 0 rooms and breakfast room, all on one floor; fireplace. h.irdvd 1 lof?. ujuhI bui't-ins; will install furnace ; prlei low tor j u l c k sate. Let us show you. J. A. W ICK M AN CO.. Main 53. 2" Ry. Exch. Bldg. Sun. Call Tabor Kvst . 1'abor 207,5, or W ood law n " 1 v $,(;,.M IRVINGTON HUM E $55K 6 rooms and a lciinK port h. brf-akfsst alcove. 2 fireplaces. 3 b. i rooms, full cr mnl baseint-ni. furnace, fruit room, every built-in con veni-nre, garwge. houe iiko new; an unutua;iy atlictic home, i'erni-s. See FRANK L. McGl'IRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main Hitis. Main M 56. Cf f ice open even i ngs and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. Owner Leaving for Ca It t orn ia. $3 "5 00 5 roouin and den. wilii irso foord at tic, fireplace. bookcKs. buffet. lunch kitchen, hardwood floors. furnace, fuil cement baaement. st. imp. all pd. Terms. This should ltd today, so hurry. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 By. Kich. bldg. Main 53 Sun. call Wdln. 31. $15ot NEAR CAIt Good 7-room house, concrete wall base ment, good plumbing, electric lights, sas. etc.. corner lot. sidewalks, curbs, tret.- graded. one macadamised. A ynap for someone. $250 cash nandcs it. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Itank Bldg. Marshall 41M. A 41IP ST. JOHNS CAR $ 1 50 DOWN. A dandy 5-room bungalow-style home with buitt-in features, cment basement. 50xP0 lot. half block from csr; this is a nice Utile home and the price. $2L. l low. Let us show JiMI, COE A. M--KE.NNA & CO.. Mmiii 4.22. 2 Fotirt h st.. Hoard of Trade Bide 1 1 W TIB CINE BUNG A LOW. cj.M'O KI RN l.-H El rooms, floored ailic. I u . 1 seiiierit. fireplace. I blk. from car. .l f.c in ar.d paid. T rm-. A. WAP.RINER. niTTER. LOW E A.- CO 23-5-7 I'.oard of Trade B hard lur- iff- BAhTMORKLAND HOM E. Near municipal ao'.f link, "-room mod ern hotvso; fir place. ste;itn heat and uioisl bull t- ins ; It 75s I OA; fire native tre-v. ail street improvements in and paid lor. price $150. P. B. VAN MCF. 4fI Ccmcord bide. Marshall :4-M for terms. $ 2500 A V E RL Y. 5 rooms an I afic. gaa. electric lights, good plumbing. baacrnent, sewer. bard surface street, near car. good location; will arrange cfpmh'" terms. A. H. F.IKRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4 11. IRVINGTON 7 roma. steeping porch, f! re place. Dutch kitchen, cement bawemenu furna:e. 5k 1 25 lot. alley. S bearing fruit trees. 'grape. ra.'pbrrriea. gooseberries, currants, garden ; .e!nt neis h I'orbcMvi . pavement I m proven i e?n ta paid ; $4o. half down. I-ot alone worth $L0. Sll Clacji amsa st. $5immi R VINGTON. T rooms, full concrete basement, hot wter heat. fireplace. h rd w ood Poors, built-in effct: city improvement all in; choice location, ur; $1000 ca.h, bal ance ea;y terms. A. If. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwest Bank bldg. Mam-ball 4 114. A 41 IS. nOSK CITY PARK. Six-room bungalow, with sun room, oak floors, -fireplace, furnace, puut-in eriectr. w hite enamel w om1 -a ork in all rooms ; paed street; $3.v. F. VANDUYN. MX Chamber of "oni m-r Main !1Vi. ROSE CITY PARK. S It -room modern bur it a low. hardwrod floors. 0. replace. Dutch kitchen; lot 50xlo5. with b ui;ftj lawn, fruit and nhade trre. flow-erinic shruba. -tc. : em nt ba.-em tit. f urn cc . K;ton. free from innimiTanr-H; terms. 114 E 57th st. North. Tnbor 3ti'2. DA LIN EY IN V ESTM EN T C M PA N V, Roftn 1 Worcester Build in jc. 4-ROOM ctiane. $U. $l"i down. $20 per tuontn. at 7'e l?teret ; V Ood stock ; bath and to:et; 50xlw-ft. lt. If A B N E Y I XV ES T M E N T CO M P A N Y. Koom 1 W.-rcrMer ButMmc. Cl.tiMi W ILL HANDI E ti ItOnMS. BATH AND TMREB ATTIC ROOMS. Klt.L BASEMENT. FURNACE, LArbKY TUBS, Kl REPLACE. GAS AND ELEC TRIC. 23im i. BAL. LIKE RENT; A HOME. 2-" MINUTES WALK To WEST SID E. BY OWN Kit, 705 E. SALMON ST. ONK acre at Metxarer; ail in eulti at ion ; larce. modern hutiiralow. 5 rooms, bath, kleepins; por h and basement; garage nd rlilrkon bouse; on rock road, mile from pavement. $32on. i.j cash. H. E. Ieedy, Nerx(er, Or nn. LAUP.ELHl RST. 7-room weil-c:onst ru-ied house on Liu -relhurst ae. ; modem in every reTect ; In Ii rtt -cias condition; fine lawn and shrub berv. i:eplie f rnni agents nut desirel. Phone Tabor 30:2 BY OWNER -Modern 5-room bungalow, on corner 5x 1 On; centrnl east Port imd ; ail built-in conveniences: fu'l erment bare men t ; furnace, f irt-place. h:i rdw ood floors. p:at?-Elas windows: $3'i, Cdh : po a pen t s. Phone Sunday. Ta bor ',:: 4-ROOM. platrtered. aouble--onsi ructwi bun -caiow-sty lc, not quite finish-!, on 4jlI0 cornrr, fenced; R'wi tot'et at-d sink, hot and cold water, icas : 2m. $25t down, or bargain for cash, by owner, north w ctt corner of fr 't h st. and t5t h n c. s. K " K'tR SA1.E B YC W N E R. MODERN 8-KOOM HoUSE: VULL PSBMKNT. r.ARAGF.: BETWEEN E Hill AND E. leTH STS.; EX 'ELLEN F I. -CATION, W A L K I N G 1MSTANCE. PHONE MAIN 7145.' FOR SALE by owner: price :;ooo, r.-room modern bungalow, cement garage : lot 5x 100. on Montana ave. and near Aint-wortit. No. 1255 Montana ave. STRICT LY modem bungalow- for aio Roe .lt v Pa rk . Phone Tabor 1:721 ru FOR S VLF it-room bungalow. I blk.. of Ii. R E A L ES r iTE. fror Snlr lloiaea. Gv.OD Hi CUE Ll'S -room mod rn M-.,r y new. in r:j:-c.M coii...:or.. romp:e,y furnished witi k.m1 :u.'i t:u:u mo junk; two iot; "'-e. l-rrits. c;a . far ami t.ilikvii h.-ufs. . T u i m uai homv ai.i h irjiti ,,i ::2o. terms H r.ionifc. In h. (rt or lrvmK'.n. btrlcCy up-to-dtc. 'j tiri ac.a; mri arire i.t i-.nisn. I at lie; Lara woo i (.our t urouho jt ; g-.rae. in f .. i. i-Mry(hiiih' coTtip Pro c ;750. ea.:y worth IMMi tttut ou wi.! n, too N t 3-room i-otta!e. . eciric Mghta. gns. sera: fru.t t . c!;ickn houc. etc. a Kood ittle ho ne , un.y I20o. $ i taa, L. nn. e to su.i. 7-room miit rn houw. fuil cement base ni'nt. lunu.'i, iou o ton: ruction. 1 fe.-; off H. w t torn.-, west of ;itth St. $.1250; $ 1 '.'. ca? h. t i . .i 1,,-e o vr.(rn T per c I. ;. l: M c TK . m .p A. -o . i..-. 4:h s. 3-ROO M U FOR $1000. 5-roorn old houe on Cleveland aven u-. near Fremont Mrect: lot 5oitMi; hji'i pjttd Mrct m and raiJ; wi:n.; IntU- Cx l;i th:- a cotnlor table LlCo ho-tic. the lot alone is worth more mom . I'M. c lMHt. .-oth.. I. r-Ti J. K. liil.L, 0t Williams a La;', rCV HI RRY: HI KRT! HI KUY! It win pay you to hurr. i'riis is a real en ap in a ltrut;fi!l 6-room ban.'i 'ew. wi;h modem plumbing-. as :,. In-:", f;i 1 1 i..rii, in. f.nci cor.r lot l)xli'. w it h a;. Ktrn of 1 1 uu. berrtrs aaid g.wi garvleiw rl: icken bonw. and ar-1 . fern n;1 Milnikiks an. I cirlMtC: bandy To cr. N ho., and c.Vje. . w rer lcv 5 n z cit and In In a hurry to ?e!i. Price o.i.v JfViMo. '" 1 ' P'!t'"e "i in ba:Mn. o line rent. M auto at our a-riic. e. w . iu i;;iKs. 5Q7 Journal b tic Phone Msin C5. - DEAI'V ONT -OLD IVul.V FINISH A'l hJrdw.v.d tVnrs d w ito low KYcr.t h do-r. w nstatrs. den. hi n.m e i ro. ; u 2 toilet?., on mem. : urt.a n- v v..-- . mil, i mi:m, w ; r co nuir., i ul 1 t emoni La . .' i 1 1 i . f t 'o ; hon-e new ."in.l out. Picr J . 1 pa it d mni- nn,l out 1 1 UlTM N t'oiiiTii'Tie b'. J A 2o..o. MPANY. No. 7 bomber . 4Ui aiid S'-ark. Ma;a 2 UNlU.N AVENUE AND KII l.IV'ISWoKiH. 5- Ko. )M ItrxiJA l.o -H.'m.u. To c ,oie mii iM no, wc are c 1 1, nr.f a h solutely our of t.;e brM lrciins in Port Juvl think of :e.ii alic lo buy A liioc m 5-rotii buiiit.ilow iti th? locaijo'i. near Union n e. and Kii.msnwortti. for jotO Keiis $1om, ,,,nn no tirre. ou mtist lui' . Sv,:ii. li:v w pick ui a wonu.tliii t nr-Kain. The fTTt t.n- to p.t UP the !. .p,.. : K , t a Hum bar ga.ii. lVrfr 1 title g uaran : !. A. ti. TEEPE CO . -:i stark . near :il. !:in 5ii. R.-E CITY PARK. 5 loom'.ow rC- ept Ion hall, f .r-p!ace, pan. I, i d initio beamed rf.linjr, harowoo! loon. J 'lit . h K : tchen. a llnuU-Jiu on floor. can f!mh two rooms In at:u ; modern. ga. furnace, ro coal or wood to liancle. t li.'-4peiii fin-, oi-t aina h.e ; pi . e.l r-i a ll paid; biotk to ;ir, conven.etit t schools and church?: $Inu) if j,:d iu-n week, i '.i I f i e moons, pit asa Owner, ilj'J Last &4ta it North. Rv S I : ITV PA P. K $4o,.0. A bungn low of rooms atui sleeping porch, 2 t ilrooinn down, nak floors In ail room u-iw n. :i: pac.'. a ocautiful bu -tel. Inn -air h .!. mirror door in bel -ro'ima ; uu i i& pret horn -; owner a 1n 4lOiM -:i?-h and will sue I :n me Ji to pojf. ihii. Lot un ll'A mi t'oK A. M.KENV.V CO., Mam C2J. 52 Fourth St.. It am of Trade Hlrig ;o hawthukm: hum es kuk sa le We have about 7't hornet for iale m the Hm w t horn-- diMri.l; all pricea Unl utl I' rms; .-oiii'- . r good ba rg tr.s ; photo -g rji ph & of eat h liuii.M mi t tie oil ice. Come in and looK .w r ihe photogt ai-h. Autos at our t-.rvn-c Se 1 UAMC L. M'C,l!i;E. To l-iuy Your Home. Ahlneton;. M.titi 1 . Main 5155. Office ipt-n EvfiiitiK ami Sun-1as. 705 EAST SALMON ST. Six rooms, bath w:nl 3 attic rooms, fu'l bii?ineni. laumiry tubn. furnace. f;replace. gas and elv : rn i i y. 25 tum uie walk t - west side; 1 ;:(.! c:uih, $2.'biO. $100 every tnree months, 7 per rent on deferred pav. ment.s ; our rt nt bu s t h in home, li v owner. NORTHS EST turner 11th and Schuyler. : room houe with cn ter r.-rept h-n hall, s'.eepins porch, fruit room, fumat-e. 2 f replace-. bul!t-lns. jme rome enameled; aliO llard room and ?torwe rom, cei'e-i in attic; lot 5o .! 4iil naraso. Thia prtp erty tn only 1 block f ro.o Hmadwa,y. 1 1 if offered at a greatly redyei price, pnlv $;rnM. All assessments paid. p H Vnn M c 4QI C.ijc.Td bldg. Martha!l 5454 5J54I. In Wa'nut Park, choice residence dis trict of Portland, within 2 blocks of five curlin.-. ur lor a!.s a 0-room bunga.low. living and dm in g nons. 2 baths. 2 lava -t oriej-, hot water heat, fu'l emetit base ment ; this property is ciear of all n cu mora tice and Is an exceptionally good buv for t!M r:cht part ; no agents need ft n sw t r. A L 0-e.oii lan. R. iSE CITY PA R K. $1500 Peiuiiful new no..rn butigaJow. at;lc, ry uiirarim. insirio and out; garage; i ti: provemen t a paid; every: hin tne vcrv best and strict ly modern. S-e this tiiire. .1. A. I "K M A N Ct . Main :.s :. :t i; . i:ch. P.ldg. Sun. Call Tiibor i-.'!. T.iWr 2fT5, or V .M.iia v. n T.l s. ALRKKTA SACRIFICE. Vroom bur-.i.ow with lot water beat, hot 4i nd cod wati-r iu bedroom, full 'ot. Iwrge g.irace; ncf l.w-n tir1 fru,; trecp. Price casv t .-rms. WATCH OL U ADS TO GET RKM'LTS. C. A. W" A R I : I NIC R. R I l.lW" E A- t - A . 7 Ho.ird of n ra.le Hl.ig. mu.v r,1 i i . i tt I'Oh l l.a.m. $17oo Ncbruttka. ft; i rooms, furnished; elect i ic light. $1600 corbeti ?l. 4 rooms; bath. rv4 street. $1300 Dakot-i sr.; re-oma. F. VANDVVN. MS Chsrrber of 'rTn mre. Taln 4-ROOM COTTACi; $1 )". Htttch Mrehen. closet, cas. water, imt'l bSffemant : 5. ln5-f l. lot. fenced ; rte. lirri-s ; I'h t. s. E. I!) consider lt iiiod'! F'.-'l Sf part payment, hmm c e c-t term. W rue owner. L, A. Ha. I. Ktu gr field. Wa-h.. Route 1. $l.Ko Aibcrta. diirirt; a no;n and at o room : modern con vcnl n re-; 4"xlOt-L 'o; . Including large shed; 1t -h and $.'' per mnth. wit:i inter! at "-. See iur list of farms and houses be fore vou buv PAHNEY INVESTMENT COM PA NY. Kom 1 Wore-. .r It'ill'lmp FOR SALE b owner. mi"ifn 5 room hour: eleepirc porch, hardwood flooe. renter i basement, laundry tr.nii. block from Pose, "itv car. Inqu:"e Purunr 776 L 7lth N . w er k da s; Rl vd Market. 72-1 and Soidy bid. Keasonab terms. Prlc j:;too. A PEAL PVP.GA1N. j-rooT nimi.rn mirno on Cook ave.. rt" IT Williams axe.; f I ur lrr-i t toll wnl a dandv littl. h"us. Tri'-e $2Uni; terms. J. 1'. HILL Wftllnms ave Kast C $22of A HE A ITI 1 "V L half cottace. tAlf bungalow, or.e and one-haif b'ockf from Richmond st hool. ful r-aetnci.t. concrete f:or. I'MLlt. ton t. hot and coil watrr. electric i.tihts. rtnih'-d plate..'i. ail done over, .ium liKe new; no cciil. Owner. 4"4 E. 4oth st South. M T. TKOR Ni f 4-room cot ! age ; gav e.t -iricitj. full cemevt bar-m.-.-n . . ltt-C park; bargain. $r.t"u, $:;5 do n. Mik at., near 55th. 5-room oiittwre; e.c-tri'-P.v. K: loi 75t1'Mi; g:trac; $1:.5). $: d.Twii. V. H. aw ll. Tabor 1M1. 2 la"TS and rrnvkm 5-room bouse, jiin:':, aoine fruit t ees. berrlea. etc. ; no inc m -hram ; cent rai 1 loca t d ; over look h o bay. in Santa rttx. Cal. Will tra1e for Improved Prt?aid woburban property. S-e H. G. E--ter. r.'s Park st. SPEC1 KL FoK gl U K SALE. o-rton ottace. 51:imii, $ioo dtwn. Kl -ance st $2' p-r month, with Interest at 7r'ri good liBh. toilet, w-.-iter. bas'-mctit. i lots, everajl fruit t r--d and garden spot, iu M t. Scott district. EAST BROADWAY Coed 7-room bous n a. quarter block, non hw et corner E. 17th Ht. and Broadway, in t:.e heart of Irv ington; a bargain at r7r.O. II. J. O'.lci, owner. 717 Hoard of Trade bldg. $5Kk FRANKLIN ST. RCNGALOW ;;. al. Tou cannot equal th'.a If ou wa-tt a strict" y modern. a:tr.ictie home in a cplendid bwiation. Fora partu EAST 414. I rvin;ton Hi Vi K. Ptrirt:v modem n::. and s!ee;llng pon h. gara gc. bu i t - in fi-aiurr. fine to -ciition. in good coniit;on. reasonable, l-.n-t 2Mb N. Ry appointment miiy. E,'iit T.J!. il SALE SlnrCv iho(!.tii, In; 1, -fius. . loom r- Ftdence. Mt. Tiibor; hit. i.-v. Si---i ial rrl- c a ud te-ms. Nor t snint owt.-r. Sco Mrs n. S Wright. 1 t'l E. M , or Lrtman A: Tciurvon. '. of GIN t- buiid or repair? C,- p oiei's and estimate. T4. T- Aliyp. 243 Siark t Office linurs :l to 5 P. M. Phone Mam Res. phone. Tabor 104. Fi R S A I- E V. h t land s. stock ranch. . timber lads and orchards large nd small trwrt?. at enticing pri--es. or d-1r-able trader. .e. A. Si l lr. L 1". Wa- i IRYIN'-.TON HOMES. Eft t .4. R T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. dOl'KKN bun i: alow. Kcjit.-n. barg.twt XvU ftlrccu LUci, 100 U i'-U- Aiam l.o.