' 19 IN U. S. PREDICTED R. M. Gray, Back From East, Says Prices to Stay High. INDUSTRIAL CENTERS BUSY. Work of Oregon "Welcome Committee in New York Landed by Portland Clothier. THE SUNDAY OHEGONTANV PORTLAND. 5IARCII 2, 1010. " El OF PROSPERITY ' The. United States is about to enter the most prosperous period in its his tory, is the word brought back from eastern business centers by R. M. Gray, clothier, who returned yesterday from a eeveral weeks' trip. New York, Chi cago and Washing-ton are like great carnivals by day and night, says Mr. Gray, who predicts that prices will remain high through the reconstruc tion period. "The world lacks food, clothes and materials in amounts up to billions of Collars, said Air. Gray yesterday. "This country alona can supply these materials and has the capacity for production. Because lumber Is to be one of the greatest factors In the re building, the northwest should get its chare of the prosperity that is open ing up. Foreign Trade Leaps TJp. "In January -Just one months our foreign trade amounted to $410,000,000, as against a total of $470,000,000 for the entire year of 1914. "In New York last week were men from France, who are to buy $40,000, 000 worth of machine tools, the same in machinery, $100,000,000 worth of raw materials, 800 locomotives and 69,000 railway cars. American bankers last week arranged credit for Belgium to $50,000,000, the entire amount to be used in purchase of raw materials. The eame amount has been arranged be tween Berlin and New York bankers for credit of Germany in purchase of materials. Eastern Cities Crowded. AI1 eastern cities are thronged with people. New York papers estimate that 100,000 persons leave New York each night to find sleeping accommo dations, returning for business the next day. "New York has built 13 big hotels two of them housing 2000 persons each In the past year, but still can't take care of the 2,600.000 transients, which, it is estimated, she has every day. "Broadway and her 25-foot sidewalks can't hold the crowds who overflow into the streets. Theaters good, bad and indifferent are filled to capacity and standing room every night. The best shows can be seen only by reserv ing seats three to five weeks ahead of time. Hotel rooms must be secured ten days in advance in most cases. Prices to Stay High Is View. "Prices of commodities are likely to remain high. Blight decreases are ex pected in cost of raw woolen and cot ton goods, but 25 to 40 per cent in crease in labor costs will more than balance this and make the cost of clothes slightly higher than at present." Radical changes in women's styles axe on deck for this season, according to Mr. Gray. More than 90 per cent of the women's coats being cold in New York are capes and dolmans, he says. an women a suits, loose belted ef fects will rule," he says. "Snits will be smart for street and outing wear. No plain tailored or fitted garments will be made. Fancy embroidered vests will go with these suits. .Men in general will wear the same conservative styles, but young men al most universally will have the waist, line coat with the English effect." Welcome Committee Landed. Tribute to the work of the Oregon soldiers' welcome committee In New York was paid by Mr. Gray. "O. C. Letter, Judge Burke, Walter Whittlesey and Peggy Curtis are work ing night and day at their headquar ters at the Hotel McAlpln. Besides . doing their regular tasks, they meet all incoming transports, inquiring if there are any Oregon boys aboard. It has become a religion with them they are working every night till after mid night and seemingly never grow tired. " "We couldn't stop now,' Miss Curtis told me. 'It is pathetic to eee those - boys when we ask for Oregon troops. They are struck dumb at first they can't realize they are seeing some one from Oregon after a year or year and a half overseas. They are simply vawfully homesick. If Oregon people could realize how lonely and forsaken the boys feel back here among stran gers, they would hasten to support the work we are trying to do.' " CENTENARY M AT HAND J-EXDLETOX ODD FEIiIXTVS TO CELEBRATE WITH PICNIC. Order Strong in Umatilla County. Xiodges to Assemble at Bound- Vp Grounds April 2 6. Perfected Valve-In-Head Motor has unusual power When first shown nineteen months ago the Nash Six with Perfected Valve-In-Head Motor was accepted generally as mark ing a far step forward in motor construction. Since then in actual performance it has proved to be powerful, "economical and quiet. In every respect it is now acknowl edged to be an uncommonly good motor car. Tomriag Cr, $1490 Fomr Pamumnfm .Roadster . . $140 Car. . eeea'er . $1640 S - J ' ' a g r Sedan $22SO Fomr-Pmmm mm gr Camp ..... 42350 rifaiftlfssti PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. TENTH AND BURNSIDE STS. Phone Broadway 521 VALUE PCt UdLLIME PRICES Home D" The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs ot Umatilla county, Oregon, will celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Pendleton, April 26. The membership of the order in Uma tilla county alone exceeds 3000 mem bers. All lodges will unite in a joint picnic at the roundup grounds. The committee in charge of the celebra tion includes S. F. Bowman, grand warden; Henry J. Taylor, past grand master: R. Alexander, past grand mas ter. Mrs. Nettie Whetetone, grand in ner guard of the Rebekah assembly. will have Ncharge of the Rebekah branch of the entertainment. Henry S. Westbrook, past grand master, of Portland will be the orator of the day, and will deliver the one hundredth anniversary address. This order is of American origin and or ganization: it has grown in 100 years from an association of five members to a vast army of 3,000.000, the largest and wealthiest fraternal organization in the world. In all branches of the order in Oregon the membership totals S0.000. The members maintain a home for the old and indigent members in Oregon, located at Portland, of the value of $50,000. EAR FRIENDS Many of our gar dens have a few fruit trees, and nearly all have some small fruits. especially strawberries. Today I want to write to you briefly on the care of this garden fruit at this season. It is now time for pruning and al most past time for spraying some fruits, but much depends on location, altitude, etc, and it is so very impor tant that fruit trees should be sprayed that we will discuss it as fully as our space permits. If you are an amateur gardener and have "never seen fruit sprayed, it will be much better to hire someone who is spraying in the neighborhood to come and spray and prune your trees. But it sometimes happens that those who are doing this don't really under stand themselves what they are doing as well as they think they do, and it is well to oversee what they, do and how they do it. unless It is someone of well-established authority. Tfeeeaslty for Spraying. Fruit growing is said never to have the base of the tree before applying the spray. On the ether hand, the green apple aphis lives over winter in the egg. These shiny black eggs may be found on the young shoots or twigs clustered around the terminals and are ' mostly killed by a strong and late spring ap plication of lime-sulphur. But in general the Idea of spraying should be to prevent infestation, rather than to kill the insects already on the tree, so the clean young trees need the spray as well as the old and diseased ones. The dormant spray should be given to all orchard trees except possibly sour cherries, which are not attacked by San Jose scale. Spray from two or more sides of the tree with the lime-sulphur solution, spraying with the wind, and returning to the same tree on different- days when the wind changes in order to cover it from all sides. Tour power must be sufficient and your hose long enough to reach all parts of the tree. wind reinforces the driving power .KOTED MCSICTAW TO APPEAR. MARCH IS IS RECITAL, Kalama Defeats Kelso. KELSO, "Wash., March 1. (Special.) In a hard-fought basketball game on the Kelso floor last night Kalama tri umphed over Kelso high school, 40 to 24. Hogrgatt, at center for Kalama, overshadowed other players, scoring 26 of his team's points. Kalama defeated Castle Rock last week, 40 to 20, and eems to have the best aggregation in Cowlitz county this year. The line-ups tonight were: Kalama Taylor and Gloor, forwards: Hoggatt, center; Bei gle and Tunstall, guards. Kelso Pat terson and Chowning, forwards; Med lock, center; Wade and Bradley, guards. Phone your want ads to the" Orego- boa Main 7070, A eoa. been profitable or useful anywhere n-1 of your spray pump to force the spray cept as war has been systematically waged against the insect and fungus enemies of the orchard and garden. Here in Portland and vicinity we have all noticed the prevalence of mammoth old fruit trees, gnarled and ill-shaped and often covered with a mossy growth, which is the -fungus of which we hear. These trees bear frnit from year to year without any care or attention, yet if it pays the orchardists and garden ers of Hood River amd Rogue river to spray and prune their fruit trees and keep them in perfect condition, it will also pay us. Correct spraying will more than dou ble the yield, of perfect fruit and in crease the total yield of each tree enor mously. Even if we have only one tree we should make it bear all it possibly can this year, when all food is so need ed by the world, for fruit is the most natural and wholesome dessert for the year around, and so used releases much fats and sweets for export. The Lime-Sulphur Spray. As we are not writing for orchardists but for gardeners, who have a small amount of fruit in the garden ' and dooryard, we will not discuss the for mula for spray solutions. It is not prof itable to make these yourself in such small quantities. Tou can buy what you need at any of our seed houses and depend on their figures on quantity required and the general information you get there as to spraying equip ment, etc The main spray at this time Is the llme-sufphur solution. a dormant spray, applied In the spring as late as possible before the buds begin to burst open. It la a fungicide, killing this mossy and other growths, and making trunk and stems clean and glossy; and it- is also an insecticide, killing many of the insect enemies that infest our fruit. The spring application controls San Jose scale, peach moth, pear-leaf blis ter mite and peach-leaf curl perfectly, but it is not a sure cure for woody aphis, green aphis, red spider and apple mildew. As the woolly aphis lives in the roots of apple trees, it is hard to get at. However, if the spray is applied when the wintered-over lice are migrating and are not yet covered with their waxy coat, they may be destroyed in large numbers if the lime-sulphur is applied heavily to the body and crown of the tree. It is also a good plan to bare the roots at soma distance from I ' U r f 1 ' n A " - x X'- ' ? i t s I ; H Into cracks and under a thick crust ef scales and bark. If ths work is not done thoroughly you might almost as well not do it at alL spray when the air temperature Is SO degrees or warmer and the bark of the. tree is dry. A tree 15 feet high and with an equal spread of top will need two to five gallons of diluted lime- sulphur spray. Wfcea Spray. Spray as late in the spring as pos sibls, whlch is just before the buds begin to burst open, but when delay is unavoidable it is better to spray even when the bloom 1s showing pink than to omit this application on trees that are infested with scale, as almost all trees are. Bince San Jose scale attacks practi cally all varieties ot cultivated orchard frnita, many ornamental shrubs, vines, roses, etc, llroe-snlphur could be used on all these at this time. The Sam Jose Scale. The San Jose scale came to us in re cent years from Japan, and is very de structive. It is a minute circular scale one-sixteenth of an Inch or less In diameter, one scale overlapping anoth er thickly, and of a brownish-black color. There are several other scales that resemble this, one closely, but no other increases so rapidly, and when trees are thickly covered with small scale insects of a circular form It may safe ly be concluded that it is the San Jose pest. For an insect so prolific as the San Jose scale, nothing but absolute con trol can be considered, and the best re sults are always secured by spring spraying with this wash. By an appli cation of it once a year, just before the bnds open in spring, trees, etc, will be kept clean and healthy, many insect pests and fungus diseases will be eradicated and it will a led rid the trees of moss, lichens and other cling ing growths. F rvalue tTnit Tre arad Shi-aba-. While it may be possible to grow fruit successfully In some places with out pruning, tt Is absolutely impossible here in the west. The essential thing Is that young fruit make strong, rapid growth, so It Pablo Casals. Pablo Casals, who will play In recital "March 12 at the Helllg theater, is a native of Spain and occupies much the same position in his native country that Pad erewskl does in Portland, that of being its most honored artist and at the same time one of its most active patriots. Casajs came to America in 1914, creating a sensation, but this is his first extensive tour. He is acclaimed as the king of his in strument and one of the most musjeianly interpreters before the public His fellow artists pay the highest tributes to his art. Yea ye said: "He is the greatest interpretive artist I have ever heard." And Josef Hoffman said: "When the Russians speak of Casals they speak of him as of god." He appears In Portland as the fourth event in the Ellison-White "artists' course." .jm in w hi mm.' g 'Wj-TS M4a wjaiaasasiaaasj)aassi hi i mil . jminn .n .n-.-i'P' . m. .hi inniiiiim.i isuas mnm wimii i si im i i'i im i a, ky:i-f?' -''"' v--;vry-r:--f-;- - ,- V-W Z - '.. ' -1 B--': "-f?": ,vr ," -i .-.--"-. J --.-1- .t j -.i-. - T-:-J " - SVr-e -."". -..-.'J,..- v. . "-.... -.J- T...J r;. t..-. - -i ! 1 h vaVv (J i tr. pJ ." " i"1"?," 1 yiC - .-"- - : -" " -. l --iv .t . . ...... ,i How Science M Has mm Bettered ymM cord jrmK yS rK'frw ,?ww r 1 tv 1 vc-m.mmZiy KWfim mm -tNEVELOPMENT of tKa "Radne Atsortin SKocV Strip by Racine Rubber J J Company cbemists perfects the cord tire. Racine Rubber Company is justly proud of its achievement. The' Racine Absorbing Shoclc Strip puts the Racine Multi-Mile Cord Tire in a class all its own. More mileage results smoother riding "less gasoline consumption. This exclusive Racine develop'ment is an extra strip of blended rubber, grad uated in resiliency. It is so compounded (a manufacturing secret) as to completely neutralize road shocks. It prevents carcass and tread separation by reason of the perfect welding of flexible cord carcass arid toug,h rubber tread. A Tire that Won't Skid Notice the tread of the non-skid Racine Multi-Mile Cord. The bevelled edg.es hold to the road or pavement, whether wet or dry. Fear of side slipping can be dropped from your thoughts the moment you equip your car with Racine Multi-Mile Cords. Absorbing SliocliStrxp Those Racine Extra. Tests Racine Rutrr Company applies itiany extra rnanuf sctnrin precantions to make snre of extra quality. These extra safeguards are the Racine Extra Tests. Hack one of them adds definite extra value. The real worth of these Extra Tests is shown in actual service. . For Your Omtn Protctin Be Ctriatn Eay Radna TVs Ymm Bag Bean tU Kami m Racine Rubber Company. Racine. Wisconsin " SOLD BY DEALERS EVERTAVIIZRE Distributed in Northwest by Ballou & Wright SEATTLE, WASH. PORTLAND, ORE. should be pruned durins the dormant winter season to induce this growth, and our bush fruits, ornamental shrubs, etc should also be pruned now at any time before growth starts in the springr. When absolutely Inexperienced It is best to hire this done. We will have a brief discussion of this subject toon. Tour garden neighbor. INEZGAGE HAPEU. ESTACADA WOMAN IS 91 Celebrates Mrs. A rtf mf Snline- Anniverary. ESTACADA. Or, March 1. fSpecial. Probably the oldest Inhabitant in this neighborhood reached tbe age of II this week. She is Mrs. Artemesia Saling. the mother of C. C. and E. IX. Saling of F-stacada. To celebrate the event, her daugbter-in-law. Mr a. C. C Saline, gave her a birthday dinner party. Mrs. Puling was born ITebruary S5. 1828, in Bartholomew county, Indiana, and crossed the plains in 1S63. settling near Heppner. Morrow county, this state. September 6, 1865. she was united in marriage to Edmund 3. Saling at Walla Walla. Wash., who died in 1884. Tn spite of her extreme age. Mrs. Saling retains all her faculties and is able to care for herself. he is quite active and only last year did valiant work In picking berries and fruit. KEEP LOOKING YOUNG Juice of . Lemons Creates .A Clear, Soft, Rosy Skin Tells women how to make a leman beauty cream cheaply for the face, neck, arms and hands At the cost of a email Jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifler by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem ons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should he taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon palp gets in. then this lo tion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach, and remove such, blemishes as sallownees, freckles and tan and 1a the Ideal skin softener and beautifler. Just try It! Get three ounces of orchard white at anypharmacy or toilet counter ami two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and mas sage it dally into the face. neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is wonderful to smoothen rough, red hands. Adv. . . It's Easy If You Know Dr.' Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel young to do this j oa must watch your liver and bowels there' no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your taoe dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from in active bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physidxn !n Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he cave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always elective. They bring about that exuberance ot Spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clear in? the system of impurities. You will know UT. fedwardr UUve Tab lets by their olive color 10c and 25c pex box. AH drossist& NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Pas saxes. LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Use Grandma's Sire Tea sad Sulphur Becipe snd Nobody Will Know. . The use of Sace and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray bair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, slossy and attractive. Whenever ber hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance this swn- ?le mixture was applied with wonder ul effect. But brewing- at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a . bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.' you will get this famous old prepara tion, improved by the addition of other ingredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beau ty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It ha been applied. Tou simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two it becomes beaulifall dark and glosy. Adv. Ah! Want reiiell iuur clugfcvu. oim trils open right up. the air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe (reely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discbarge, headache, dryness no struggling for breatji at niht. your cold or catarrh Is gone. Don't slay stuSed-up! Get a small bottle of i-iy's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nos trils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and beal the swollen, inflamed mucous mem brane, giving you Instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer baa been seeking. It's lust splendid. Adv. IfenraMa Rob Omega Oil rently orsr the achiu Bcm cover with flannel soaked in the Oil. put dry flannel over this and bn4 tichtly sgainmt the face. This simple treatment has brooch t peaceful rest la peepie who hare kuncred mi i agoates.