The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, Section One, Page 7, Image 7

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.TAXCARY 26, 1910.
Nearly Every County in State
to Be Represented.
State Ofriclals Seek Higher Remun
eration for Services Four
teen Bills Introduced.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Jan. 25
(Special.) Salaries to the right of 'em,
Salaries to the left of 'em legislators
are fairly swamped in salary increases
at this session, and from what can be
heard in lobby talk, the starting point
has only just been passed and the
Worst is yet to come.
Representative Dodd, chairman of the
I salaries committee in the House, had
a vague idea that when he dropped
Into that chairmanship he was hitting
a graveyard committee, but if work
means anything in the committee line,
he has about as valuable a Job as any
chairman in the entire legislative
Salary bills are fairly choking the
drawers of his desk, lying around in
plies on top of It, and sticking out of
his pockets.
So far 14 counties have either of
fered bills for rises in the salaries of
their county officers or will the first
of the week, and enough promises have
been made to Mr. Dodd to make him
1 feel assured that every county in the
I state but two or three will be in before
! the session is many days older.
State Officers In Line.
The county officers are not the only
needy ones, either. A number of state
officials are sitting at the doors of
the publietr easury awaiting the higher
Here are some of them:
I Justices of the Supreme Court, from
$4500 to $6000 a year.
) Seven Justices at $1500 apiece total
$10,500 rise.
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
from $3000 to $4300. a $1300 increase.
Insurance Commissioner, from $3000
to $4200; a $1200 increase.
Daihy Commissioner, from $2000 to
$3500; a $1500 increase.
Suggestion also are made that the
Corporation Commissioner will be the
subject of a bill, probably increasing
his salary from $3000 to $4000, and
Circuit Judges of Multnomah County
also will probably be singled out for
benefactions In the shape of increases
from $4000 to $5000 a year.
Many Bills Filed.
The following Representatives and
delegations have sent in salary bills:
Edwards, officers of Tillamook Coun
ty; Wright, officers of Sherman County;
"Woodson, officers of Morrow County;
Crawford, officer of Yamhill County;
Douglas County delegation, several
bills covering various officers of that
county; Ballagh, Columbia County;
Thrift, Coos County; Cross, Clackamas
County; Burdick, Deschutes and Crook
countieB, and Supreme Court rises;
Stewart, Wheeler County; Gallagher,
Harney County; Wasco County delega
tion. School Superintendent of Wasco
County; Smith of Baker, State Superin
tendent's increase, and Martin, Insur
ance Commissioner's increase.
Another bill is expected soon from
Curry County, Representative Stannard
having planned to introduced a bill of
this kind, but death intervened and pre
vented it.
The House committee on salaries will
submit these bills to the respective
delegations in the Senate and House
for their approval and if they receive
such approval, they will be indorsed
by the committee.
All references to deputy county of
ficials will be eliminated, however and
probably a blanket bill will be pre
pared to provide for county courts
designating deputies salaries.
Bill Introduced to Require Assess
ors to Take Horticultural Census.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Jan. 25.
(Special.) Representative Weeks, of
Marion County, has secured figures
showing the progress of the fruit in
dustry of this county during the past
year. Mr. Weeks has a bill in the House
to' require Assessors to take a census
of horticultural and agricultural prod
ucts, and cites these figures as an ex
ample of what publicity of this sort
would mean to Oregon.
The figures procured by him show
that the biggest walnut orchard in the
world, that of Churchill Matthews, is
within 15 miles of Salem, and includes
800 acres: that there are 7000 acres of
prunes and 1000 acres of walnuts in
Marion County. They further show
that there were 1000 tons of evergreen
blackberries, 1000 tons of Bartlett
pears, 1250 tons of cherries and 18,000,
000 pounds of dried prunes produced in
the county last year. To handle these,
he states there are four dried fruit
packing-houses, two canneries, two pre
serving plants, one dehydrator, three
cider and vinegar plants and three
loganbeny Juice factories.
Request for Better Train Connec
tions Will Be Granted.
VALE, Or., Jan. 25. 'Special.)
Better train connections between the
main line trains at Ontario and the
Crane Branch line will be given, ac
cording to word received by Engineer-
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Jan. 25. (Special.) During; the first
two weeks of the legislative session In the Senate there have been
introduced 80 bills and in the House 191. In the Senate there have
been Introduced 27 Senate resolutions, three Senate concurrent resolu
tions nine Senate joint resolutions and ten Senate joint memorials.
There are now pending in the Senate eight House bills.
Besides its 191 bills, the House has received 30 House resolutions,
four House concurrent resolutions, ten House Joint memorials, and
there are now 22 Senate bills pending In the House.
Progress of legislation so far Is as follows:
H. B. 43, by Gordon Creating soldiers' and sailors' relief commls-
sion and appropriating $10. "uO for such relief
H. B. 79, by Gordon Correctln
g defect in soldiers' and sailors' relief
H. B. 138. by Joint Ways and Means Committee Appropriating
$25,000 as part of current expenses of legislative assembly.
H. B. 4, by Lewis Providing for annexation of strip to Portland
school district.
H. B. 27, by Schuebel Providing what shall constitute road fund of
cities and towns.
H. B. 29, by Eurdick .-Relating to salaries of Crook County officials.
H. B. 33. by Burdick Relating to salaries of officials of Deschutes
H. B. 74. by Wasco County Delegation Relating to salary and
traveling expenses of School Superintendent of Wasco County.
S. B. 2. by Dlmick Defining criminal syndicalism and providing
penalties for those advocating Bolshevism and sabotage.
S. B, 3, by Huston Giving returned soldiers and sailors preference
in public employment.
S. B. 29. by Banks Providing for compulsory physical training In
public schools.
S. B. 7. by Norblad Prohibiting District Attorneys from using
official stationery for transaction of private legal business.
S. B. 22, by Pierce Allowing public to make use of state-owned
S. B. 25, by Strayer Providing that service may be had on either
state corporation or attorney, in fact, when suits are filed against
foreign corporations doing business In Oregon.
S. B. 19, by Baldwin Eliminating duplicate reserves now required
of state banks.
S. B. 10, by Norblad Prohibiting District Attorneys from receiving
fees for prosecution of fish law violations.
S. by Bell Authorising administrators or executors to borrow
money on property belonging to estates.
S. B. 23, by Norblad Permitting consolidation of school districts
within corporate limits of municipalities.
S. B. 20, by Baldwin Requiring state bank members of Federal
reserve to submit reports to State Bank Examiner.
S. B. 61. by Judiciary Committee Withdrawing state aid from
industrial accident fund.
S. B. 84, by Roads and Highways Committee Permitting counties
and highways commission to enter upon property as soon as condemna
tion proceedings are instituted.
S. B. 32, by Eberhard Authorizing Circuit Judges to confirm sale
of property in chambers as well as In open court.
S. B. 6. by Norblad Giving defendant equal rights with plaintiff
in attachment suits.
S. B. 24, by Jones Extending fishing season in Siuslaw River during
Spring months.
S. B.39, by Eddy Allowing attorney fees in suits for collection of
S. B. 36, by Pierce Increasing board of prisoners from 4 2 to 63
cents per day In counties having less than 100.000 population.
S. B. 42, by Eddy Requiring municipalities to become parties to
suits foreclosing tax Hens.
.S. B. 43, by Howell Creating Oregon Volunteer Guard.
S. B. 40, by Baldwin Authorising drainage districts to construct
and maintain irrigation systems. '
Carlyon oRad Measure to Be
Presented Soon.
Manager John H. Lewis, of the Warm
Springs irrigation district, from C. F.
W. Hallister, of the Oregon Portland
Cement Company.
Appearing before the Portland dis
trict traffic committee, Mr. Hallister
called their attention to the fact that
the main line train No. 4 arrived in
Ontario at 10:20 and the Crane branch
train left at 10 o'clock, missing the
main line by 20 minutes.
Portland Student Honored.
Corvallis, Jan. 25. (Special.) Lloyd
Carter, of Portland, has been elected
manager of the junior week-end fes
tivities for the class of 1920. Junior
week-end is the biggest celebration
which the class wlU hold and arrange
ments are being made for many at
tractive events.
Allen McComb Barometer Editor.
Corvallis, Jan. 25. (Special.) Allan
McComb, of Klamath Falls, has been
appointed editor-in-chief of the Baro
meter, the student paper, by the execu
tive committee of the student body.
McComb takes the place of Bernard
Mainwaring. who was elected last year,
but who will not return to college this
term. The ne wedltor Is a member of
the Junior class and a member of Sig
ma Phi Epsllon fraternity.
Fugltlv eto Fight Extradition.
THE DALLES, Or., Jan. 25. (Spe
cial.) F. M. Coe, who was arrested in
Crescent City, Nev., this week on a
charge of having passed worthless
checks here, will resist extradition, ac
cording, to a telegra mrecelved from
the Sheriff at that place. Coe escaped
from local officers after he had been
arrested in Fendleton in 1914 and the
police have been looking for him ever
since. Sheriff Chrisman. of this coun
ty, went to Salem to obtain extradition
Pavement of 2000 Miles In Six
fears Is Contemplated ; Recla
mation Projects Loom.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 25. (Spe
cial.) With organisation preliminaries
out of the way, the Washington Legis
lature Is about ready for. an aviation
trip Into the realms of finance far be
yond any altitude ever before contem
plated in the state. The Carlyon plan
to bond auto license and other road
revenues for $30,000,000 with which to
pave- 2000 miles of highways In six
years is rapidly taking shape for pre
sentation to formal legislative consid
eration, and the necessary bills to
establish ground work for actual en
actment will shortly appear.
In addition to this, the Washing
ton, State Land Settlement Association
will have ready for Introduction be
fore the week ends an appropriation of
$2,400,000 as a revolving fund to oper
ate from In carrying out Its state-wide
reclamation project to recover logged
off, swamp and arid lands. If the
association plan is established tracts
to be reclaimed will be purchased by
the state, improved and cut into farms
and improved to the point where sett
lers can make a living. They will
then be sold on small initial payments
and long terms for the balance.
Commission la Proposed.
The revised land settlement bill will
provide for a commission of three mem
bers who will administer the act. It
does not provide for their salaries,
this and other details being left to the
Legislature, but a comprehensive
scheme for getting people onto the
land and keeping them there Is worked
out as the result of a study carried
on particularly in the past year.
The finished measure Is the work of
association executive members. Includ
ing State Commissioner E. F. Benson,
R. K, Tiffany, United States Reclama
tion engineer; Howard A. Hanson, at
torney for the association; Thomas B.
Hill, executive secretary; Dr. C. A.
Short, and Senator Ralph Metcalf. Sen
ator D. V. Morthland, of Yakima, is also
at work on the final draft.
Representative John D. Bassett, of
Spokane, already has introduced an ap
propriation of $100,000 for preliminary
work on the proposed Columbia Basin
irrigation project, which is estimated
to eventually cost more than $200,000,
000 in Federal funds the project sup
porters hope to get through state co
operation. Other Pro.peet. Pending.
Meanwhile there are other logged-off
land propositions working out on vari
ous angles, but the" expenditures defi
nitely defined begin to approximate so
close to the $50,000,000 mark for the
state alone that the present session is
beginning to grow dlzsy over the pros
pect. Ther oad-Improvement programme Is
believed to be the ona-certain project
that reflect good
judgment on your part
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Suits and Overcoats for Men and
Young Men
They're here for you,
plenty of them, styles
that are new, fabrics
that are all wooL or
wool and silk, workman
ship that is unequaled
in ready-to-wear clothes.
Just what you want will
be found here, in this
exclusive men's store.
Prices Range From
$25, $30, $35, $40 and Up
Copyright 1918 But Schaffner & ILin.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service
Gasco Bldg.
Fifth and Alder
at this time, although it in no wise
is vertaln yet that the bonding plan
will be adopted. It will have to go to
a vote of the state for final indorse
ment two years hence.
Increase in Annual License Fee la
Amendment Desired.
'A bill to amend the state dental law
by Increasing the annual license free
from $1.50 to $5. to create a fund for
educational purposes, will be introduced
in the House this week by Dr. E. C.
McFarland. The bill is sponsored by
the Oregon Stale Dental Association
and the Portland District Dental So
ciety. The extra $3.50. members of the asso
ciation explained yesterday, would go
into a fund to educate the public in
caring for their teeth. There are some
800 dentists in the state and it is
pointed out that $3.50 from each one
would make the fund ample for the
Mrs. Oora Kllborn succeeded her hus
band as Sheriff of Harper County. Tex
as, following his death recently.
pmphonp (rchesitra
Eighth Season First Concert
Carl Denton, Director.
Winifred Lugrin Fahey, Soloist.
EHebnefifoa j bemng, 3 ai utarp 29
Heilig Theater.
Seats now on sale $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c
Kerosnif In the answer to the uncertainties
of roat and wood. It plentiful, cheap, easy
to set, and furthermore its practical. With
a Manning Gas Maker you can use kerosene
for a reliable and Inexpensive day-ln-and-day-out
fuel all Winter. Fits any cooking
iiove, range or heating stove.
Daily demon t ration.
63 and 63 v- 6th St.
Cork Tilings and
202 Broadway, Near Taylor.
asssrw. Jsrfe' ' m- -t'f
P"3 ,1 4
a Bfl I The very first night she cam. B I
BS. I down In a daring French creation. Peoples News Pictorial MERDBBBr mm
Ba BBBBBBa Wo! But Puritan husband and
3Jk -jfi B "in-laws" were horrified! Wore BB .
a BBa shock, yet to come: You will get ii , ( OMFDY
Ba BBBB even a bigger idea of Elsie Per- mm BBBBB BBj ' '
k aga bbbbbj gu&on's
KaH her drewed In the., .tunning M MM "SCHOLL" THE GREAT BBSS' AmW
I avaavfl Paris aaaS bbbf MBW
bbh rr
11 to 11
Admission 20
Children lOc
HEl':.H, it---: