r m 1 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JANUARY 96, 1919. income examples' ASK INDEPENDENCE eeepticnaile Principle of Self.Determina tion to Be Applied. NOW SHOWING CZECHO-SLOVAKS SCORED Present Political Position Declared Intolerable and Allied Sol diers Are Desired. GERMAN BOHEMIA TO m i 1 ST BEATRICE BASKERVILLE. CopyriSb :. IPin by the New York World. Published by Arrangement.) VIENNA, Jan. 25. (Special, by Wire less.) Protest against the absorption or German Bohemia by the Czecho slovak government will be made to the entente powers, and the right of self determination win be invoked in order to enable the people of that district to elect how they snail be governed. Dr. Lodgrrfann. who has been active in pub lic affairs in the district, is about to go to Switzerland in the hope of laying the case before the entente authorities and obtaining relief through them. In an interview with the World corre spondent concerning his mission, he said: "The Wilsonian principle of self determination is not applied to German Bohemia, and we ask that it shall be. So far the Czechs alone have been ad vising the entente in regard to condi tions there. We Germans constitute an overwhelming majority in German Bohemia and Moravia. We do not wish to be annexed to the Czecho-Slovak republic and we ask to be allowed to exerciEe the right of self-determination. People Are Oppreaaed. "1Czecho-Slovaks have been occupying one commune after another in our coun try. They have oppressed the people unceasingly, pillaging our homes, at tacking peaceful people with bayonets and rifle butts and abusing our women and children. They hope to annex our land by terrorizing us and to pass it over to Czecho-Slovania. "We have sent protests to President Wilson against the treatment to which we are continually subjected, asking ' him to save us from new sufferings and new massacres and demanding that we be permitted by plebiscite to choose our political affiliations. "Our present political position is in tolerable The Czechs have refused to let us participate in the impending elections in German-Austria, e&ying tney win punish as traitors those of us who try to hold elections. The terms of the German Bohemian Deputies in the National Assembly will expire in February, and thereafter German Bo hemia. wlh a population of 3,500,000. win be lert entirely without Parlia naentary representation. Allied Troops Desired. "Czech troops now overrunning the country are so undisciplined that we earnestly desire the presence of Ameri can or British troops to maintain order. "Our industrial wealth furnishes one of the chief reasons why the Czechs wish to anex our country. German dis tricts in Bohemia contribute, two-thirds of the' total taxes raised in the crown land. A large class that may be styled as intellectual proletariat has been produced under the enormous Czech educational impulse of the last 20. years. This class has been turning out politicians, who wish to extend the Czech boundaries to the utmost, and they hope to make us subjects of a Czecho-Slovak state in order to pro vide some political jobs for themselves, i They are wholly heedless of the Wil sonian principle of self-determination, i "We shall work until we can regain ( our liberty, no matter at what cost. At present we are too weak to form an ; army. We can nave immediate recourse i to armed bands, which will increase in strength as 'our youths grow up. Never will be consent to live under a Czecho slovak republic." (v Tivrn nn nnnr uinnu COMMITTEES REORGANIZE AND DUTIES ARE READJUSTED. Special Atention Being Devoted to Reconstructs nand Returned Soldier Problems. With its committees and secretarial forces fully reorganized, the Portland x". M. C. A. now is operating all of its departrr nts on a peace-time basis and many of the problems of the day are receiving attention. Readjustmet mat ters, such as are furnished by the re turned military man, are beinu cared for particularly, says H. W. Stone, local general secretary. "With the close of the war," explained Air. Stone, "the Portland association tirorriptly reorganized its start and Its work, and, whereas we were busily en gaged all through the war in war work, doing our part to help win the war, we no-..' have taken up peace-time re adjustment problems and all of our efforts will be directed to this end. A number of the "T" workers who were engaged in special lines of duty during the war, have returned, among them being A. M. Grilley. who was general secretary at Camp Lewis. He had charge of the physical deprrtment here for years and is again directing that work, but in addition he is execu tive secretary and al."?j has supervision of the service department, including features for military men. In this he is assisted by F. J. Meyer, who for months was attached to the Army in France as a "Y" secretary. Eugene Reports 110 New Loans. EUGENE. Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) One hundred and ten new loans, aggre gating $256,8015 w-ere made through the First National Farm Loan Association of EugeSe during 191S. according to the report of W. A. Ayers, secretary of the association, made at the annual meeting of the stockholders. The as sociation has elected the following of ficers for the coming year: F. H. Need ham. president; O. L Dunlap, vice president; W. A. Ayers, secretary treasurer. Oh (he new board of di rectors are J. E. Stout, Eugene; C. M. Emery. Eusene: F. IfffNeedham, Eu gene: H. L Edmunson, Goshen; O. K. Aldrich. Coburg; R. E. Brabham. Eu gene; F. B. Chase. Eugene; O. L. Dun lap, Junction City: T. C. Devaney, Elmlra. The loan comfnlttee is com posed of Mr. Brabham, Mr. Emery and U. B. Kletzing. Dallas National Bank Elects. DALLAS, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) At a meeting of the stockholders and di rectors, of the Dallas National Bank this week the following officers were elected for the nauing year: President R. EjWilllams; vice-president, Eugene Hayter; cashier," Walter Williams; as sistant cashier, August P. Risser; bookkeeper. Miss Pearl Smith. Dr. B H. McCallon was elected as chairman I of the board of directors. Km REGULATION" OF MEAT TRUST IS ADVOCATED. Millions Could Be Saved by Project, Declares Magnate Committee Hearing. Ml" I I at WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. J. Ogden Armour today suggested a monopoly under Government supervision of the entire meat industry of the country as best for producer and consumer. Testifying before the Senate agricul ture committee, he declared that by this plan millions of dollars could be saved, which would increase the profits of producers of livestock and at the same time cut down the cost of meat to consumers. '. The necessity of close Government supervision was emphasized, however, by Mr. Armour in connection with hi proposa'l. "Suchija concern must be regulated by the Government," he told the com mittee, "'because; few men with such' enormous power would use it prop erly." There was no discussion of Mr. Armour's plan, which he proposed dur ing; cross-examination by Francis J. Heney, who conducted the Federal Trade Commission's packing-house in quiry. The questioning then touched upon the alleged existence of a com bination among the leading packers, which Mr. Armour denied. v Mr. Armour explained that the pack ers contributed to a general fund to be used in joint legislative action, and safd he believed this was a common practice among industries. Payments were made -on a percentage basis, which, followed, he added, the basis adopted during a. pool by these con cerns many years ago "to prevent an over-supplied market." Each of the companies, he testified, now tried to maintain about the same share of business as at that time, but he denied that there was any actual agreement to that effect. "Don't you think there is a decided tendency," Mr. eney asked, "toward!! eventual growth of only three big packing companies Armour & Co., Swift & Co. and Morris & Co.T' "I have heard some such statement before," Mr. Armour replied. Mr. Heney contended that the coun try would benefit if the business were conducted by more small packing houses, widely distributed. He accused the packers of wasteful methods, made possible by their great volume of business. Mr. Armour contended that the pack ers acquired no advantage from their relationships with banks an drailroads. He gave the committee a full list of all banks and railroads, of which he is director, and of smaller companies in which he holds stock. Mr. Armour will continue his tes timony Monday and' prdbably Will be followed by his counsel, Levy Mayer, who will discuss the validity of the Kendrick bill to regulate the meat in terests. MT. ANGEL ASKS STATE AID Paved Road to Woodburn and Paul Is Desired. St. MOUNT ANGEL. Or., cial. ) Last Tuesday : Jan. 25. (Spe delegation of IT IS ALMOST CRIMINAL Dr. B. K. V right when you are constantly told of the danger from infected t e e't h and gums and neglect them. At this office dentistry is an exact science, with the old bugaboo of pain banished. I guarantee the best work, gen tleness and very moderate cost. Falnleaa Extraction of Teeth 20 Yearn' Active Practice. Dr. B.E. WRIGHT IS'ortbweat Corner of Sixth and WMhlngton, Raleigh Bids. Phone v.. In 2119. Office Hours i 8 A. M. to P. SI. Conanltatlon Free. Open r: v en I ii hk. Sundnya lO to IS A. M. Jar : , Mount Angel business men, with dele gations from Woodburn. West Wood burn and St. Paul, met with the County Court, the Marion County legislative delegation, including Senators Lach mund and Lafollette and Representa tives Looney and Hughes, and State Highway Commissioners Thompson and Booth, relative to getting some state aid in constructing a paved road from Aount Angel to Woodburn, and on through to St. Paul. Altnough they were given much en couragement In words, no assurance was had that funds would be forth coming Crom the State Highway Com mission, and the delegation went away feeling that the only solution would be a county road-bonding proposition, with a trunk road across the north end of the county from Scot's mills to the New-berg bridge, via Woodburn and St. Paul, on the county paved road map. WHEAT PRICE IS PROBLEM SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE DISCUSSES OUTLOOK. Reason Given for Not Urging Farm ers to Plant Larger Acreage Xext Spring. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 25. David F. Hous ton, Secretary of Agriculture, today. In explaining why the Government is not urging farmers to plant larger crops of wheat next Spring, pointed out that c rops planted in the Spring will not be available for the market until next Fall, when food conditions will be changed. "The question is," he said, "can the crop be disposed of at the guaranteed price of $2.26 a bushel on No. 1 Win ter heat? "The prospects are that the yield will be at least 1.000,000,000 bushels, of which amount about 650,000,000 will be needed at home. Will Europe take the surplus after a season of producing on her own account and with Australia and Argentina in the market? Aus tralia has been guaranteed fl.lS foi ls output, and, of course, the Euro- The Last Opportunity To Purchase Our Laundry Team at This Special Price Solve the Laundry Question with the Apex Electric Washing Machine and the Simplex Elec tric Ironer. You should save a tremendous amount of wear and tear on clothes, tpsay nothing of laun dry bills. You may even be able to do without a maid. This is the Last Week that this Laundry Team can be purchased at a pet n nations will seek their supply where they can get It at the lowett price." HUN SUBMARINE LOSS HUGE Estimates Show ISO Divers Sunk With All on Board. LONDON. Jan. 25. (British Wireless Service.) Of the 203 German subma rines lost during the war, it Is esti mated here semi-of f iclally, 120 were sunk with all on board, and In the others on the average half of the crews perished. The complements of the German sub marines varied. Some small boats had only 30 on board, while the crew of a boat of the cruiser type averaged be tween 50 and 60. The British navy during the war lost 52 submarines. 39 of which were de stroyed by the enemy. Of the remainder four were interned by neutrals and some were blown up in the Baltic Sea. Four were sunk by accident on trial cruises and five were wrecked In col lisions. FIGHT NOT YET FINISHED California's Action on Prohibition Displeasing to Some. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 25. Dismissal of the action here to prevent Governor W. D. Stephens or his agents from cer tifying the National prohibition amend ment "In no way affects the referen dum." and "steps will be duly taken to protect same." according to a message sent to this city from Sacramento by Theodore A. Bell and made public to day. Harvard Committee Chosen. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Jan. 35. rDean Henry A. Teomans, Lieutenant-Colonel Roger I. Lee and Assistant Professor Dunham Jackson were named today as facnlty members of the committee on regulation of athletics at Harvard. The committee will have supervision of all sports until next September, and It is understood that Dean Yeomans will act as chairman in the absence of Dean Lebaron R. Brlggs, recently named as Special 10 Together with the Low Balance on Easy Monthly Payments. Harvard exchange professor to Franca. The graduate members of the commit tee are Henry Pennypacker, Benjamin Loring Young and Lawrence Curtis, and the undergraduate members David B. Arnold, Henry H. Faxon and Robert E. Gross. Read The OreR-onlan classified ads. Victrolas and itf&tk Records The Victrola will give you great pleasure. It will flood your home with the best music the world has. Order your pho nograph records sent via parcel post if you live out of town. Whatever your wants in Phonographs, Records, Ukuleles, Violins or Pianos, we are pre pared to serve you well. CJJohnsonPianoCo. 149 Sixth Street . Bet. Alder and Morrison Discount Initial Payment of $15. IP Visit our Model Laundry. If you will bring us a soiled blanket or garment, we wjjl show you the ease of Washing Electrically. J.C. English Co. Everything Electrical 148 Fifth Street, Second Floor Between Morrison and Alder m m ALL THE WORLD TO NOTHING IIIIMimiUTlRHHMUII!llli.l muuif wiTrTtv vyjwai rw lil I liMiS lllrfc. V sKIIIIIIIIrll WILD BILL RUSSELL If you were a pretty girl and had your choice of marrying an alleged burglar or losing $50,000, what would you do? BILL PARSONS in YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN Old Herbal Remedy Used For 40 Years in Relieving Diabetes The most satisfactory results have been obtained In combating IMabetes by observing certain dietary rules and the judicious use of Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy, an herbal preparation of 40 years successful sale. Following ia a letter from a grateful user: "Thin letter Is the best proof that I am still alive. Your medicine is a mir acle to me. My weight was reduced from 157 to 114 pounds when I left the hospital. I left there Aug. th In des pair. Hundreds of people that knew me said I would never live to return to ray studio. After leaving the hospital. I saw you "Ad." In the paper. I peg.-it: Its use and at once commenced to im prove, and now everybody ii saying to PARAMOUNT PICTOGRAPHS mo that I look better than ever before. I tip the scales at 132 pounds and I ant back working again to the astonish ment of all. I feel splendid and peoplo say I am looking better every day. I must tell you that every word I have written Is true, and I can prove It by hundreds that knew of my condition. Jules Frlquet. 511 West First Street. Los Angeles. Cal." Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy iif made from herbs and other beneficial Ingredients and has been n the marl 'i 40 years, a true indication of Its volut. Get a bottle today. - Sold by leading druggists every teher Sample sent on receipt of ten cVnt.v. Wnrr.er' .Safe Itemelici Co.. Lept. "JCi. Kocheafcr. K. Y. acv.