The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, SECTION THREE, Image 41

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Editorial and News
of Social Circles
NO. 4.
New Shipment of Fleisher's Knitting Yarns in a Full Assortment of All Desirable Colors Just Opened Up in Art Department Second Floor Look to Your Needs
Take Luncheon Tomorrow in Our Tea Room on the Fourth Floor Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement Public Telephones, Writing Rooms, Retiring Rooms, Second Floor
$1.25 Veils Special 69c
On Sale Monday Only
Main Floor Women's Drape Veils in circular and
oblong styles with scroll designs in black and colors.
Special assortment, formerly selling up to f!(Jkf
$1.25. Priced special for Monday's sale, at 0C
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Grand Opera
Municipal Auditorium, week of
February 3. This store is head
quarters for evening apparel of
all kinds. Make selections at once.
Just In-New Motor Veils
10c to 35c Each
Mam Floor Some women call these elastic veils.
They are shown in plain hexagon mesh or with
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
chenille dots. Good values. Priced lOc to ;t5c each.
All CHARGE Purchases Made Monday Will Go On February Accounts Payable March 1!
devoted to readjusting stocks
preparatory to inventory. Hun
dreds of special offerings on dis
play throughout the entire store.
5 DAYS 5
of bargain-giving that will make
it well worth your while to
visit the store every day dur
ing the great Month-End Sales.
$6.50 to $8.50
Gossard Corsets
At $1.98
Second Floor Monday will be another great day in
the Corset Store, the occasion being a sensational
disposal of 579 high-grade Gossard Corsets at the
above price. No telephone orders accepted no ex
changes; no returns, and none sent C. O. D. The
chart below gives the 6izes and quantity of each.
Is Your Size Here?,
I I 1 1 1 I I 1 9 2C -Zl ZZ Z3 3tf
Quanrffy 1 tzs ?3 239 3 f
1 Unparalleled Offerings in This Our Greatest Sale of g
Women's Winter Coats
IO f
The Garment Store announces a great month-end sale of several hundred Women's and Misses' Coats at
sacrifice prices. This is an annual event that is always largely attended because of the extraordinary savings,
and this sale will be no exception, for no such Coat values have been shown in Portland this season.
$20.00 Coats
$4.50 to $6 Wool Coatings
Priced Special the Yard
Main Floor Beautiful high-grade Coatings
from our regular stock. Novelty mixtures,
plain weaves, and checks in a good assort
ment of colors. Very desirable for Spring
coats. $4.50 to $6.00 fabrics at $2.98 yard.
Q Mostly Sizes for Misses
and Ltttle Women
Our $2
$1.75 Yd.
Lace Department, First Floor
Dependable quality Georgette Silk
Crepe for dresses and waists. 25
good desirable colors to select
from. These Crepes are ex
ceptional values at $2.00 yard.
On sale Monday only.
Priced special, the yard D-L. I t
$125 Dress Nets
$1 Yard
Main Floor 72 inches wide and
very fine quality for dresses.
Shown in white or cream. Nets
such as these are standard $1.25
values at any store. P" AA
Monday special, yard BxlU
72-Inch Cotton Nets
At 69c
Main Floor These are much in
demand for lining purposes and
are unusually good values at
sale price. Full 72 inches (ICkg
wide. Monday special, yd. "J
$10 and $1.65 Nets
$1.25 Yd.
Main Floor Extra fine quality
White Net imported beautiful
finish. Ordinarily these would
sell at $1.50 to $1.65 a Or
yard. Special, the yard wJL.O
72-Inch Lining Nets
89c Yard
Mam Floor Splendid, firm qual
ity Nets, especially adapted for
lining purposes. 72 inches DQ
wide. Priced at, the yard OJ7L
Odd Lines
Girls' Coats
Second Floor Only one or two
of a kind and size; 1918 Winter
models made up in best of ma
terials. Sizes for girls 8 to 14
years. Mothers will do well to
see these excellent garments on
sale Monday at HALF PRICE.
Girls' Dresses
lz Price
These are also odd lines. At
tractive frocks for school wear.
Made up in wool serges or silks.
Only one or two of a size and
style. Sizes for girls 8 to 14
years of age. Second Floor.
Second Floor This lot of Coats is com
posed of many garments remaining
from former sales all at much higher
prices. As stated above, the styles and
sizes are especially adapted for little
women and misses. Some are shown in
the full loose effects so useful for mo
toring and utility wear, also many
handsome belted models with large col
lars and pockets. The materials are
principally homespuns, tweeds and nov
elty mixtures, although there are some
plaids and checks. Coats for- fl?Q AA
merly selling up to $20.00 at 5.UU
$29.75 Coats
Month-End Sale
Center Circle, First Floor Disposing of odd
lines and makers' "imperfects" in Women's
Union Suits, Vests and Pants. Wool, silk and
wool, lisle and wool, cotton. Look to your needs
U nderzvea
Women's $1.50
Women's $2.50
Women's $3.50
Women's, $3.75
Women's $6.00
Women's $6.50
11 67c
Underwear at
Underwear at
Underwear at
Underwear at
Underwear at
Underwear at
tSLS i
I I '55,
Attractive Models in a q
km nod Kange of Colors
Second Floor Sizes in this special lot
range from 14, misses' size, up to 44,
women's Bize. Beautiful Coats every
one of them all this season's models,
and thoroughly desirable in every way.
Many are of high-grade wool velour,
others of burella. Colors include taupe,
blue, green, brown and wisteria. Some
have large collars of plush or self
material and have wide or narrow belts.
Nearly all are lined full length. The
material alone in these Coats would
cosi you more man tne sale price.
Coats formerly selling up (J- A A A
to $29.75 in the sale at tD.L'fr.UU
Ask for Your S. & H. Stamps
Women's Stamped Night Gowns
Special $1.65 and $1.75
Bargain Circle, Main Floor The Art Needlework department will fea
ture a special sale of Women's Stamped Night Gowns tomorrow at
$1.65 and $1.75 each. Attractive designs and fine grade material.
Stamped Articles xt Price
ODDS AND ENDS of Stamped Goods, such as children's dresses,
centerpieces, pillow tops, scarfs, etc., grouped into one big lot and
out on the Bargain Circle Monday at ONE-HALF regular prices.
$38.50 Coats
Second Floor Women's Coats in a
representative showing of the sea
son's best styles. Full, loose styles,
high waist and novelty belted mod
els, with collars of plush or self
material. Cheviot, melton, velour,
kersey, burella, corduroy and
lupine fabrics in a wide range of
the most desirable colors. Coats
formerly selling up to (PI AA
$38.50. Priced special DJL I .UU
$47.50 Coats
Second Floor Coats for dressy
wear and also the more serviceable
models for motoring and general
purposes. Novelty belted, high
waist, plaited and semi-fitting
styles. Made up in caracul, bo
livia, silvertone, Yosemite cloth,
velour, cheviot and zibeline. Some
have collars of fur or plush, others
of self -material. Val- POl A A
ial fifi.UU
$55.00 Coats
ues to $41
Second Floor Coats of wool velour,
silvertone, bolivia and pompom
cloth. Belted and full styles, also
a number in plaited effects. One
attractive Mandarin model in also
included in this sale. All arc Coats
from our regular stock, and there
is practically all sizes and every
wanted color in the assortment.
Garments formerly
priced to $55; choice
Save Money by Taking Advantage of This Sale of
Kitchen Furnishings
Sale of Wash Boilers
$3.25 Wash Boilers PO f5A
nriced snecial at onlv tOi.O
$3.65 Wash Boilers
priced special at only
$5.00 Wash Boilers at only $3.98
.25 Lipped Kettles now ft3
90c Lipped Kettles now 45?
80c Lipped Kettles now 40
68c Coffee Pots now at 34
40c Measures now at only 20c
35c Bread Pans now at 18c
85c Cake Molds now at 43$
65c Milk Pans now at only 33e
$1.10 Muffin Pans now at 55
20c Coffee Strainers now 10
85c Deep Covered Pots at 430
50c Silver Polish now at 250
25c Punch Cedar Polish at 1 30
50c Punch Cedar Polish at 250
$1.00 House Brooms, each, 590
Many other needed articles for
the kitchen at special low prices.
We give S. & H. Green Stamps.
Demonstration L YKNU Polish Third Floor
Casseroles $4.75
Third Floor Silver-plated Casser
oles in round or oval shapes. Gurn
sey, brown and white lining. Reg
ular $6.75 Casseroles. SfA JPi
Priced special Monday wrr. I eJ
Boudoir Lamps
$4.00 Boudoir Lamps now $3.20
$4.50 Boudoir Lamps now $3.75
$5.80 Boudoir Lamps now $4.39
All Marble Figures at price.
Month-End Sale
Canned Goods
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor
We carry the largest stock of
quality canned goods -in the city.
Now is a good time to lay in a
supply to last you until fresh
vegetables arrive in local market.
Peas, $1.75 dozen; can
DEL MONTE canned
Peas, $2.00 dozen; can
Peas, $3.25 dozen; can
Tomatoes, dozen, $2; can
Marshall 4800 A 6231
Good Savings in the Month -End Sale of
Table Linens
WE HAVE many odd lines and
small lots in Linens, Towels, Spreads
and various other articles needed in
the home, which will be closed out at
SPECIAL LOW PRICES in this sale.
$20.00 Napkins
$15.00 Dozen
Main Floor Richardson's finest qual
ity Double Damask Irish Linen Nap
kins; 27x27 inches; full size. No cloths
to match these. Regular (P" (T AA
$20.00 Napkins at. dozen uJlD.lU
Soiled Napkins
All-Linen Scalloped Tra P A AA
Napkins. Special, a dozen tDrr.vFvF
Finest quality All - Linen Hem
stitched Napkins. Priced J- O (T A
special, dozen, JRIO and
Sale of Richardson's Table Cloths
PATTERN CLOTHS of all pure
linen, on sale at special prices:
Cloths 2V yards, each $8.25
Cloths 2x3 yards, each $9.75
full bleached; special, yard
bric, for handkerchiefs and lin
gerie almost as cheap as cotton.
650, 75c, 85c. 90c, $1 yard.
PURE LINEN Huck Toweling,
18-inch, 7O0 yard; 20-inch, 78c
Pillow Cases Special 25c
3-Lb. Cotton Batts at $1.75
of good
at each
Pillow 09n
Pillow Cases
quality; special
Linen - Finish
Cases; special at, each
Bleached Muslin of good
Quality; special, the yard
$5.00 Bed Spread. fl A AA
priced special, at only WW
Quilted Cotton Batts, P-j rjr
pure white; special only I J
Extra large pure P" A A
white Cotton Batt at WJLeVU
Wool Batts these are of very-
fine quality and are for full sixe
comforters. Put up one
in a box. Special at
u -
Sample Pieces High-
Dining Chairs, Rockers, Dressing Tables, Breakfast
Nest of Tables
At $17.00
Third Floor Jacobean Oak Nest of
Tables similar to above, d- fy AA
$34.00 set, Monday only ' "U
MAHOGANY Nest of Tables in
pleasing design. These are standard
$28.00 values. Priced for A AA
Monday's sale, special, at wlUv
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps.
3Q 30001 31
Here is a good opportunity to select a handsome piece
of high-grade furniture and pay just half. Necessarily,
the quantity is limited, so don't delay first comers will
get best choosing. Trading Stamps given with purchases.
Sample Furniture
SOLID OAK SETTEE in attractive design. (PPT fTjr
Regular price $15.50. Priced special for Monday D I I J
SOLID OAK ARM Chair selling in the regh- P Or
lar way at $12.50 priced special for this sale at WvaO
BREAKFAST TABLE ivory; hand-deco- (P- O PA
rated. Regular price $25.00 priced special at Dx.OV
REED LIBRARY TABLE in attractive de
sign. Regular price $18.00 priced special at
REED DESK selling in the regular way at P- n AA
$32.00 priced special for this sale at only wAO.UU
MAHOGANY FERNERY formerly priced P- e fr A
at $25.00 priced special for Monday's sale, at 5A.OU
formerly marked at $8JM) Monday's sale price wrx.vFvF
MAHOGANY SEWING STAND, regular sell- d0 Or
ing price $16.50 priced special for Monday, at DO.At
Grade Furniture at Half Price
Tables, Sewing Tables, Ferneries, Desks One Piece of a Kind
Dining Chairs Half Price
Solid Oak Standard Designs
$4.50 Sample
$5.00 Sample
$5.50 Sample
$6.50 Sample
$7.00 Sample
$9.00 Sample
Chairs priced
Chairs priced
Chairs priced
Chairs priced
Chairs priced
Chairs priced
Monday at only --"
Monday at only $2..50
Monday at only $2.75
Monday at only $.'t.25
Monday at only JiW.50
Monday at only S4..50
MAHOGANY TEA TABLE with remova- 1 AA
ble tray; regular $22.00 kind. Priced special DA J-.VV
DRESSING TABLE of quartered oak; reg- O rjr
ular price $27.50. Buy it in Monday's sale at AO. I O
DRESSING TABLE of quartered oak, reg- fT AA
ular price $30.00, priced special now at only WM'U
pretty, regular price $5.00, priced Monday at D.Jvf
FANCY gold-enameled Boxes for flowers, (Pi CA
regular $9.00 values; priced special Monday at U.tfVF-
High -Grade Wilton Rugs
At Special Prices
Third Floor The sale includes all high-grade lines such
as Herate, Anglo-Persians, Empress, Imperial Ispehans,
Karmacks, etc. Wonderful assortment patterns, colorings.
9xl2-FT. WILTON RUGS in a choice ringe of newest
patterns. Priced SPECIAL now at $85.50 to $09.00
8:3x10:6 WILTON RUGS, in many beautiful designs.
Priced SPECIAL in this sale at $40.50 to $58.50
6x9-FT. WILTON RUGS in patterns to please every
fancy. Priced SPECIAL for this sale at only $31. 50
$77.00 Velour Upholstered Chairs
and Rockers. Handsome pieces for
library or living-room. CQQ Oft
Priced special Monday OOeUU
$34.75 Mahogany Rocker, uphol
stered in silk tapestry. P " FT O T
A beautiful gift piece 00
& II. Trading Stamps,
aonoc IOE
We give S
IvTMliri Hit 111 IT TMTnf TTlnni ITl r TTIr Tlfflfl iiv ' ft'1! I