The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Even Anti-Liquor Forces Doubt
That World Will Be Dry.
Peajco Conference May Hearken to
.'.Plea to Save Chinese and e
groes l-'rorii Exploitation.
(Oopyrlshc. 1010. by the .New York "World.
Published by Arrangement.)
LONDON. Jan. 24. (Special by wire
less.) The ambitions of the American
Anti-Saloon League to create a dry
world by 1930 caused, h. smile today
even among the anti-liquor forces here,
who cannot imagine Great Britain fall
ing into line with such a policy. Even
its agent here, William. R. Johnston,
formerly chlel officer of the' United
States Indian- Service, smiled when
a.-ked about this rosy prospect painted
by Edwin C. Dinwiddle In America.
"Britain is conservative," was his
Until the passport restrictions are'
relaxed and transportation facilities
are greater, t will be impossible for
the Anti-Saloon League to establish
its' chain. of headquarters in European
and African sections, which it intends
doing. 'In tire -meanwhile, its peace
conference committee, .composed Sot
Bishop. James Cannon, of Richmond,
V.j ; L. B. Musgrove. of Birmingham,
Ala., and Rev. II. B. Carr, of Nashville,
Tenn., after- a short stay in England,
ape seeking the car of President Wil
son and others' In Paris to try to pre
vent the liquor interests from exploit
ing the African negroes, the Polynesian
natives and the Chinese.
Some EnrouragemeDt Given.
In this latter connection they have
received much encouragement here.
They also want to prevent any eco
nomic agreements made whereby for
eign wines might be Imported o
Mr. Johnston, the Anti-Saloon League
agent here, said to the World corre
spondent tqday: .... .
"We are doing nothing-to force our
opinion upon the British. I am here
at their invitation, and am only trying
to assist them along lines suggested
by their anti-liquor forces. It will be
unfortunate to have it misunderstood
that we are here under any other
Mr. Johnston has been speaking in
Scotland, and he said many boroughs
will vote for local option by 1930. He
divulged no roseate views about quick
results in this country.-
In a letter to Ben Willett, a labor
leader. Food Controller Roberts prom
ised today a 25 per cent increase in
beer and there would have been more
if Herbert Hoover had not refused a
permit" to export barley -for brewing
British Views Divergent.
Although many people believe that
the American prohibition experiment
will have some effect in this country,
tbjere is a wide divergence of opinion
iibout it. Bernard Shaw said to the
World correspondent today:
"Vef. it will have a very consider
able influence. We are, or sbould be.
infinitely obliged to America for mak
ing the experiment."
Arnold Bennett took exactly the op
posite view, saying: "I do not think
that America's prohibition experiment
will have any influence on the work for
social welfare in England.'
Father Vatlgljan sides with Mr. Ben
nett, saying:
"1 do not think that the going dry
of America will influence the drink
question in England."
W. A. Appleton, secretary erf the
General Federation of Trade Unions,
"Let the working man have his drink
of beer, which may go to his head,
but it does not destroy his liver and
his good nature."
Proposed $10,000,000 State Bond
ing Measure Is Championed.
PENDLETON, Or.. Jan. .26 (Spe
cial.) Enthusiastic and unanimous in
dorsement for the proposed $10,000,000
state road bonding measure and for the
proposed SI, 000, 000 bonding measure in
this county was given this afternoon
by the Umatilla County Good Roads
Association, composed principally of
farmers in various sections of the
county. ,
The State Highway Commission was
commended and the association will
ask that the present membership be
maintained. At another good roads
meeting here this afternoon in execu
tive committee to handle the proposed
county campaign Por $1,500,000 road
bond issue was organized, with Thomas
Campbell. of Hermiston, chairman;
M. R. Chessman, of Pendleton, secre
tary and Assessor C. P. Strain as ex
ecutive secretary and. campaign man
Church Organisation Plans Aid for
Worthy ex-Soldiers.
Jan. 23. (Special.). One or more
scholarships are open to University of
Oregon students from the fund of the
Methodist Episcopal Church organiza
tion, with headquarters in New York,
which is giving reconstruction scholar
ships to students returning from the
service who. would not. be able without
this help to continue their university
The executive secretary of the
church's committee on reconstruction
at home has written Earl Onthank, sec
retary to President Campbell, that the
church has raised a fund for the ex
press purpose of assisting men return
ing from the service and also women
who have been doing Government war
New Diking District Organized.
KELSO. Wash.. Jan. 25. (Special.)
Diking district No. 6. Including West
Kelso and the lowlands north of Fow
ler's Lake, was organized by the Cow
litz County Commissioners at their
meeting yesterday. No one appeared
to object to diking. At the time of
the hearing almost the entire district
was flooded by the Cowlitz River
freshet. The dike will be built along
the Cowlitz River from the northern
limits of West Kelso to connect with
the dike of district No'. 4. G. J. Roy
sky is engineer. The project will be
.completed to protect against the June
WIhi. Salmon River Rising.
WHITE SALMON. Wash., Jan. 2.'.
(Special.) The continued rains Jiave
caused a rise in the White Salmon
River, flooding the power plant of the
Pacific Power & Light . Company at
JTusum and putting it temporarily out
of commission. Service is being given
by their connection with the plant of
the Northwestern Electric Company.
The wagon bridge, near the mouth of
the river and connecting Skamania and
Klickitat counties, is reported to be
held by a single cable and closed to
all ' travel.
Movement Believed on at Mar-lifield
to Reorganize Four-Li Body.
MARSHFIELD. Or., Jan. 25. (Spe
cial.) What is believed to be an at
tempt to take over the Loyal Legion
of Loggers and Lumbermen- and- re
organize them on a strictly union
bail's, is'sraen" Jn the presence . on Coos
Bay of J. S. McDonald, of Portland
'dislri: organizer' for the union of tim-
bcrworkers, a branch of, the Ameri
can Federation of Labor."
Mr. McDonald does not " make any
claims regarding the Loyal Legion, but
says he is -here to organize the. loggers
and millworkers so that they will par
ticipate in the benefits of the Federa
tion -of Labor. Recently, at a public
meeting of the local shipworkers'
union, the status of the Loyal Legion
was questioned and It was declared the
organization, waj. not affiliated with
the Federation of Labor.
Several 5000-Ton Machines Reach
Taconia but Guns Not on Hand.
TACOMA, Wash.. Jan. 25. (Special.)
Several 5000-ton tractors of the regu
lation Government type used in the
motorized heavy artillery, have, been
received by the 39th Field Artillery at
Camp Lewis. The six-inch guns and
caissons for which the tractors are to
be the mStive . power have tiot arrived
so far, although they were requisitioned
some time ago.
The tractors are of the caterpillar
type and are distinctive for their size
and comypactness. They are not over
ten feet long and arc constructed in
proportion " to their length. They are
speedy and can be handled with the
ease ef a touring car. . .
Important Town Captured by Re
publicans in Portugal.
MADRID, Jan. 25. The Republicans
have captured Monsanto. 43 miles
southeast of Guarda, with a large num
ber of monarchist prisoners, according
to dispatches from Lisbon. The re
mainder of the monarchists are in
flight, leaving thei rartillery behind.
Among the prisoners was Ayres Ornel
las, representative of ex-K'-ilng Man
uel. Count Monsuras. chief of the
"integralists." vis killed. ..
Republican forces at Coimbra have
marched northward and defetated the
monarchists at Veiro. ,
C. V. J. Reckers to Make Tour.
WHITE SALMON, Wash.. J$i. 25-
(Special.) C. W. J. Reckers, proprietor
of "the Eyrie" resort at White Salman,
has left for California,' whsjre he' will
spend .several weeks touring the state
and visiting the leading resorts. -
See us if you want a player piano or piano. We have
some good values in slightly used players. We -handle
pianos of .well-known reputation pianos that are guar
anteed to give lasting satisfaction.
G. F. Johnson Piano Ql
147-149 6th, Bet. Alder and Morrison
Dealers in
Pianos Player Pianos Victrolas Records.
Musical Merchandise .
;.' ' '.'.'A '
In Making Your Plans for Sunday
Dinner at The Hazelwood
We have prepared several special dinners that you
are sure to enjoy. One at 35c, one at 60c and one
atl.OO. That is surely a range of prices that
should meet all demands. Everything served is
cooked in the Hazelwood's own style that is more
than popular in Portland.
127 Broadway 388 Washington St.
Our J$50 to $100 Diamond Rings continue to be the standard by
J which ail others similarly priced are judged.
Convenient Terms
32 Per Cent Get Commissions and
2 6 Per Cent Are Sergeants or
Corporals for V. S. A.
LEGE, Corvallits, Jan. 26. (Special.)
Sixty-one per cent of the men of O. A;
C. who went into the tjervice were
commissioned or non-commissioned of-,
ficers- This fact has been secured
from the office of H. M. Tennant, reg
istrar. The percentages of various of
fices for present and past students of
the college shows that 4 ger cent were
Captains. 11 per cent FirsL,lcu tenants,
17 per cent Second Lieutenants, 16 per
cent sergeants. 10 per cent corporals.
Three per cent were classified as mis
cellaneous 'and 39 per cent as privates.
The branches of service attracting
the men were varied, but Infantry and
engineering proved most popular, each
claiming 23 per cent of the total num
ber. Other branches and percentages
are artillery, 13 per cent: aviation, 13
per cent; Navy, 12 per cent; hospital.
3 per cent; medical, 5 per cent; miscel
laneous, S per cent.
Six men who cfaim O. A. C. ae their
alma mater won commissions as Ma
jors. They are Sereno Brett. Port
land: John R. Brooke. Portland; Ar
thur Hughes. Twin Falls, Ida.; Charles
A. French, Corvallis; Lester Hum
phreys. Portland; Fred McCabe. Port
land: James McCausland .Spokane.
Records to date show that 1850 O.
A. C. students were in the service,
10 of the number being women. The
girls engaged in various kinds of re
construction work and some of them
are now overseas. Others are work
ing In big hospitals of this country.
Soldiers in France 3Iust Send Me
(ages to Home Folks.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Failure of
relatives . and friends at home to hear
from many raombers of the expedition
ary forces .has led General Pershing
to order that every man in the Amer
ican Army in France mail to his near
est relative a postcard giving the pres
ent Jocat.fon. state of health and nfll
itary urvjt of the writer.
General March, announcing the or
der tojday, said special postcards were
being supplied.
Lewis River Valley Branch Elects.
WOODLAND. Wash., Jan. 25. (Spe
cial.) The directors of the Lewis
River Valley branch of the National
Farm Loan Association met this week
and A. L. Bozarth was named presi
dent, George F. McCorkle vice-presi
dent, and Godfrey Ehman secretary. A
L. Bozarth. Abel Steph and George Mc
Corkle were named as the loan com
mittee with F. E. Hamilton and W. H.
Burke, Jr., as alternates.
Phone your want ads to the Orego
nian. Phone Main 7070. A 6095.
.- ''?..'-"'" ''V.''. " -, V-.'-"
Establ tubed 1870.
310 Washington Street
Between Fifth and Sixth
Special Noon Concert
12:30 P. M. Today I
. on the $50,000 Organ l
Popular Medley "Mummy Mine,"
"Oriental" Vincent Rose
- .
"To Spring" Grieg
(By Request)
"Serenade" Drigo
(By Request)
"Dear Old Girl" Morse
e (By Request)
"Ride of the Valkyries" Wagner
1 HENRY B. MURTAGH, Organist 1 1
"the. SbshBS-
mm mmwrnmrnmoz. m. wmmmmmm mmmmwrnmrnmr m vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m i
... i ....Mt: JKCS-
J come go?"y.
Starts This Morning
at 11 o'Clock
for One Entire Week
od in i jva
low of
inner tear,
.,r if .ti
W!fl TIriIhT