The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 37

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i The farmer has the money today ; we
( have what he needs; if you will ihow It
i to him 1 out of 10 will buy: our Aladdin
i kerosene mantle lamp create a sensation
I wherever introduced; Ave times aa bright
1 a electric saves one-half on oil ; 4 sales
.lav varlv Inrnmn for VOU of VOVUl
no experience needed; overnight UjI OMt
Wnees; rig or auto necessary; NO CAPI
TAL REyClRKD; we furnish goods on
time to reliable men; sample sent for 10
da3 trial, given free when you take up
the work; exclusive territory, particulars
Mutititt Lamp Co., ucpi. uio. j-uv uuu
3th al., Portland. Or.
(STOP here Sell Ktaen Regulator for Ford
hiadlights. Going like wildfire- Gives
1 splendid driving llsht at low bpeedKeeps
I bulbs from burning out, operates automat
I 1 ally. Wanted lor every Ford, Big prof
Its quick. Listen: Slier. Okla.. sells 12
daily, profit McFarland, Neb., made
', s:: j jij in 17 weeks. No experience neces-
saiv, we show you how. Not sold in
, stores. Hales guaranteed. No capital ncces
! my Write today for special offer. Ad
dress Kisen Instrument Co., TU Valentine
bldg.. Toledo, O. t
3vuisi;vKira life and war history.
12 day easily made selling History
j World War. 7."0 pagae. illustrated; aver
i age profit tl.UtJ copy. Valuable un worked
I territory. Thousands waiting to buy. Life
of Roosevelt. IntroducUi-ti by Hon. Tart.
; New. illustrated. Big profits. Credit.
' Freight paid. Free outfit. Wonderful op
portunity. Men making good records ap
v pointed general agf-nts. Big salaries.
H M ITHSONIAN CO.. Oakland. Cal.
SgENTS Get in on the big money line.
Ho-Ro-Co rroducts sell fast and repeat
often: full line of Kuaranteed toilet artl-
i -n nnnn nH household specialties; es
tablished demand; quality and co-operation
is our policy; free sample case offer;
you make a start at once; profits from
3 00 to 140 ler cent: exclusive territory.
Write for particulars at once. HO-RO-CU.
117 Locust at.. St. Louis. Mo.
E VLESMEN Get fixed right for the big
new year. We ha e the biggest, easiest
seller in tho market; every merchant,
miihII denier, rancher, doctor, lawyer of
J wage earner needs this; profit: se-
i cure territory at once; can make from
gr.OOO to $10,000 next few months ; col-
innsuj newspaper publicity creating great
demand. Address Income Tax Record Co.,
I0i 17th st.. Denver, Colo.
9" WO great sellers: "Life of Roosevelt." me
morial edition, and "Complete History of
t he World War." Big 00-pae books.
L beautifully illustrated. Millions of fam
y Hies are waiting for these books: $20 to $50
p r day can be made. You get M per cent
and freight paid. Credit if desired. Out
fits of both books sent prepaid for J5
' cents. Geo. G. Clows Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
fel A K S -?:10 nr xt Saturday. Sell the Speed -erator
for Ford cars. I'sed by Ford motor
officials. Makes a Ford run like a Pack
ard. Put on quick, no tools, no holes to
1 bore. Instant satisfaction. Sell 10 to 1
: a day easily. Rig profits and fine ter
. litorv. Write quick for special offer. Ad-
drrsB Perrin Mfg. Co.. 000 Woodward ave.,
Detroit. Mich. ... -
'AGENTS at once. Sell 60c per month hos
pital tickets. 206 Corbett bids;.
EOS TblR DAY paid one lady in each town
to distribute free circulars and take orders
for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Per
manent position. F. 3. Barr Co.. Chicago.
IIS ANTED A thoroughly experienced
stenographer, one good at figures, with
some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred.
Simon's Store. First and Alder.
V ANTED Kind, strong, sensible girl or wo
man to ca.e for aged woman partly para
lvzed; week. M08 O-'nd St. S. E.
Mt. Scott car). Tabor 1279. (
' A NTBD Lady that understands beauty
work and hair'TfoodK. to manage store.
Good wages. Best reference required. F
778. Orcgoian.
!WA NTED Position by young lady, expe
rienced in genera. clerical office work,
checking, filing, stock books; best of ref
erences. Main 7005.
grocery Apply, stating age, experience and
salary expected, to BP StH. Qregonlan.
IWANTBD Experienced workers and sorter.-'.
Also other experienced help wanted.
National Laundry Co., E. Mth and Clay.
THOROUGHLY experienced overall button
machine operator. Alt. Hood Factory. 2o
'ouch st.
ANTED Girls for dramatic road show;
experience not neoogsary. Answer by let
ter. Addrcsa 8U0 E. bth St. N. City.
.A Y girl hi need of a friend apply to the
Salvation Army Kescue Home. 202 East
lZt h at. N or phone Kast 123.
ANTKD Lady housekeeper for young
widower in small town. Add. AV 000, Ore
gonian. a-ADY to assist with housework, be com
panion to wife and appreciate tho privi
lege of a good home. AO 848. Oregonian.
Ill E old, original home remedy Viavia pre-
vents operations; competent woman needed.
I-" Pllln,.l. V.11.- Oma ri ta T-.A1 R
S XTED Some young ladies to train for
nu rsin g ; good pa y while lea rn i ng. Oregon
' Surgical Hospital, '..-O Montgomery st.
W A NT ED A congenial woman for house
keeper in family of four; $5 week; refer
ence. AN "ho, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady pressers. Apply in
person to Mr. Franks at Broadway Dye
Wks., 15. tirand and Taylor st.
WAN and wife to do janitor work In small
apartment house for unfurnished apart
ment and $20 salary. 804 Morgan bldg.
fCA PA RLE, experienced stenographer for
permanent position in law office. 1. o. box
Ol, Corvallis. Or.
ANTED High school girl for light house
work; no children; no washing, ironing
ETOfjNG lady for office work and stenogra
phetr. $10 week to start, give phone Ne
AO 777. Oregon i a it.
"V A NTED A couple of women to answer
phfrtie and do some cleaning ttrv apt. Call
7;;o Everett st.
tV ASH INGTON High or business college stu
dent to assist housework, fatu ily of t hree.
for excellent home, wages. East 2726.
J IITV willing to give me private book
keeping lessons in their home. AK 75$,
A NT ED Vnu ue girl to learn manicuring
it ud p ham poojng ; must live at home. Y
I Oregonian. m
5 ANTED To correspond with widow over
-to who can manago rooming house. Ad
dress P. O. box 641, Portland, Or.
JV A NTED Strong w hfte woman for janitor
work. Apply aftrr o P. M, Netherlands
Hotel. l'Jd 1.1th st.
!V ANT experienced Iega 1 and insurance
stenographer; state experience and ref
erences. BD 8Sl, Oregonia n.
ANTED Competent nurse to take care of
1 '--year-old baby boy. Call 785 Marshall
i .. or phone AUuu
R ANTED High school girl mho wants good
home and will nssist with general house
work. Call East 4224.
Bi'MKuMS reliable i- care for little eirl and
do light housework afternoons excepting
nunaay. k . oregonian.
LiIOH school girl required for small family;
room, board and wages. 10U4 E. 17th St.
Sell wood 2051
RANTED Woman to take wash home.
Call Sunday or after 6. evenings. Call
M. 4SM.
A NTKU Experienced salespeople in all
department. Apply Monday a t 9 A. M.
Shauaiian's, cor. lid and Washington sts.
y' A NTED Sales woman to take orders from
nouse to house, tail b-i. .ioi Oregon mag
JiitiH school girl to assist with light house-
work. Woodlawn 5.
y ANTED Capable, motherly woman to
rare for invalid. Tabor 424.
LADY to sell toilet articles or would con
slder partner. O 836, Oregonian.
V ANTED Maternity nurse : references ex
changed. X'hone East 1 407.
EXPERIENCED girl on soft drinks. 8 hours
a day, ai'j a week, ins'fe rV. 30th st.
! ANTED Exp. operator on power machine
:05 Tilford bide.
CHORUS GIRLS Highest waves, lone en-
Kagementa, no traveling. Casino Theatsr.
W ANTED Young girl or high school girl
to assist with work: good home. E. 5211.
JtM.N of refinement as co-worker for old
established business. B 712.
adICH SCHOOL girl to hp with housework
Marshall M0& 70S Market.
EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be
obtained by calling Main 102. A 2967.
V ANTED A dining-room girl.
St., "Wdln. 2915.
1751 Derby
t N DEROR ADUATES and caretakers wanted
for Influenza patients. 404 Spalding bldg.
PRACTICAL woman to help care for in
valid. Wdln. 5461.
A NTED Kirat -class cook for country
lubhouse. Apply room 4. Oregon bldg.
WANTED Children's nurse; must have
Portland references. East 5005. '
"WANTED Milliners, makers and ap-
prentices. A pply Lowengart Co.
J A N I TRESS, experienced, rail Marshall i73
between 8 and 11 A. BC Sunday.
fw a lTRi:ss wanted at 2li) Burnside st7.
T. S. Restaurant.
'I'NG girl apprentije button pleating shop.
;,oa Royal Bld.
EXPERIENCED marker: steady position.
'.-ooa wages. Apply irpgon l.jj unary o.
W A NTED An experienced lady pressor.
Opera House Laundry, 245 Everett.
WANTED First-class finishers on gowna
N. w. Bant: T3Mg.
W A NTED Salesman to take orders for
soap. Apply 371 E. Morrison.
LADY barber wanted at once. 30 H N. 6th.
WANTED Experienced housekeeper (no ob
jection to woman with one child) by two
adults residing near New berg, within walk
ing distance to cars. Will furnish comfort
able 3-room cottage with running water,
electric light and fuel, aviso garden space
and pay (-5 per month. Splendid oppor
tunity for right party. State age, na
tionality, references and full particulars.
Address AV 528. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED saleswomen for gloves,
hosiery and waists ; very good salaries,
permanent positions. Lennon's 300 Mor
rison st.
services of 10 women to assist in their
general office doing Inventory work. Those
having office experience will be given pref
erence. Apply superintendent's office. 7th
floor, between 9 and 10 Monday morning.
WE WISH to hear from young woman or
lady interested in literary workfsend us a
story, article or poem for examination,
either typed or handwritten; If acceptable
we will pay yon cash, if appointed on our
staff will pay salary. Sumblt your MS. to
Editor. Woman's National Magazine, desk
40. Washington, D. C.
W.VNTED Experienced saleslady to sell our
new income Insurance to business and pro
fessional women, stenographers, bookkeep
ers, cashiers, teachers, etc. ; this la the
kind of Insurance that sells and we have a
very attractive proposition to offer the
right party; in answering give reference
and phone number. B Oregonian.
THREE ladies for special htld welfare
work; should he between 26 and 45, well
educated, of good appearance and in posi
tion to travel; we Instruct in -requirement ;
guaranteed expenses; position pays $40 per
week to those qualified. It Is tho oppor
tune time for this work. 714 Couch bldg.
U. S. GOVERNMENT wants women, IS or
over; hundreds permanent positions open.
$90 to $12." month; short hours; common
education sufficient. Write for list posi
tions. Franklin Institute. Dept. 704L,
Rochester, N. T. '
Must be thoroughly experienced in de
signing, cutting, fitting gowns. Most ex
clusive shop, only most capable person
need apply. BD t86, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl or woman for cooking and
housework In small private maternity hos
pital; sleep home If preferred; or some
one to learn maternity nursing; and ssaist
with work. Good salary while learning.
Tabor 771.
WOM EN'S Protective Division, located at
room 30o Police Headquarters, 2d and
Oak sts.. will furnish information, gtv
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
WANTED Young woman with some knowl
edge of invoicing, bookkeeping and type
writing: must be accurate ana not atraid
of work ; salary $00 per month. BJ Uu,
LADI ES $1 an bour for spare time, sell
complete line of guaranteed hosiery,
bought before prices doubled; free samples
to start you. Newstyle Hosiery Co., 3237
Cotton st.. Dayton, O.
WANTED A teacher of violin and piano;
out-of-town work; good opening Rnr right
party; give phone number. AO S17, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED fitter and alteration lady
wanted. No other need apply. Steady po
sition to the right parry. Fashion Cloak
and Suit Company, 10th and Washington.
POSITION open with large, well-known
firm; applicant must he well educated: not
office work ; state education, experience,
phone No. T 823, Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class 2-needle Union Spe
cial machine operator: steady work; good
pay. Apply at once. Waterproof Garment
i-o.. wmyk otn st.
WANT h o u sekeeper under ."0 years for
widower, no objections to one small child;
must be In good health. O. M. Smith,
Oregon City, Or., gen, del.
WILL take an inexperienced girl as helper
for general housework ; no wash itf ; $20.
Tabor 3487 or 1 j7." Alameda drive, one
block south of Sandy blvd.
WANTED Woman to act as housekeeper
for two girls entirely recovered from
tuberculosis; doctor's references. Call Sun
day before 3 P. M. Sellweod 2717.
WANTED -4 girls for marking and sorting
department; also 2 girls for mangle dept.
Crystal Laundry, 21st and Sandy road.
Rose City car.
THKEE experienced primary teachers
wanted now ; high salaries. Write or cal 1.
"Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agency, Oil Broad
way bldg.
WANTED An office girl; light bookkeep
ing; good penman. Answer, state exper
ience and salary expected. BJ 102, Orego
nian. GIRL to merd gloves. $10 per week for
Htarter. Lennon's. 300 Morrison st.
UJ RL WANTED $12 per week. Liberty
Restaurant. 28 Burnuide.
Wanted Domestic.
A YOUNG man with his own comfortable
home wants a housekeeper. State par
ticulars in first letter. AK 880, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED girl, do cooking and house
work; no washing, no ironing; no small
children. 314 Albemarle Terrace, West
ovcr, half block to carljne. Main ;,;.
YOUNG woman for general housework ;
homelike, permanent place; no heavy
washing. Call 300 Cook ave. or phone
East 1703.
WANTED -Competent girl for cooking and
housework; Z in family. Phene Main SUi,
44 Ella between 20th and 2lat, near
A GIRL for general housework; no upstairs
work, two in family; must be good plain
cook. Apply mornings, 01 Marshall, cor
ner 24th st.
A MIDDLE-AGED lady for housework In
country; 1 in family ; good wages. Apply
C. G. Morris, Aurora, Or., Route 1
EXPERIENCED nurse maid "wanted for two
small children; highest wagfh paid, refer
ences required. D 755. Oregonian.
GIRL to assit U cooking and general house
work, 2 In family, good wages, all mod
ern conveniences. 3til E. 12th. North.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, 2 in family; no Sunday dinner,
good wages. West Side. Phone Main 5217.
WOM AN or girl for housework, modem
home in the country. Apply 62b East
10th North, city. Irvlngton car.
WANTED Girl to assist with general
housework; no objection to high school
girl. 3S1 10th st.
WANTED Competent woman for general
housework; good home and good wages.
Apply at 407 14th.
GOOD wages for experienced girl for gen
eral housework. 438 E. 14th North. East
WANTED Capable girl for second work,
private family, no children, good wages.
Mrs. E. C tShevlln. Bdwy. 070.
EXPERIENCED girl for genera! house
work; 2 in family; references. 770 Flan
ders st.
WANTED Competent girl to do second
work. 420 Vista ave., cor. Csrter Lane,
Pt. Hts. Good wages. Main 2412.
WANTED Working girl to help with lffcht
housework evenings for room and board,
good home. Tabor 6070 before noon.
WANTED Girl for general housework, good
wages. Phone after 10 A. M. Main 3tttio.
Address 562 Myrtle st.
WANTED Washington High School girl
to work for room and board and wages.
Phone Tabor 1207.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Good salary.
Phone Main 7668.
GOOD dining-room girl,
13th st.
family hotel, 261
WANTED A competent girl for housework,
no washing. Phone Tabor 12&7.
WANTED A maid to assist with general
housework. 680 Hancock. East 1414.
GIRL wanted for general housework and
cooking. 505 Vista ave. Mar. 3022.
GIRL cook for private family, Irvlngton dis
trict. Phone Broadway 1 180, room 337.
MIDDLE AGED woman to cook and keep
house for small family. Call East 4092.
WANTED -An experienced second maid;
good wages. 04 N. 21st. cor. Flanders.
GIRL for general housework; no washing;
$35 per month. Main 0283 mornings.
WANTED By widower, lady housekeeper.
BF 787, Oregonian.
GIRL for housework; good wages. Phone
Tabor 1044.
GIRL or woman for housework: small house.
Phone Tabor 17C1
WANTED Girl for general housework, small
family. East 4745.
WANTED Girl for general housework
Main SIM. Mrs. J. B. Wise.
GOOD girl for general housework. Phone
East 6971. 526 E. 18th North.
GIRL for general housework. Inquire 181
23d t. N-, or call Marshall 566.
WANTED Experienced general housework
girl : w.ipps $45. A 7521.
WIDOWER wishes a housekeeper that
wants a good home. B ol. Oregonian. -
GIRL for general housework, good home and
good wages. Sell. 1S2.V
WANTED Maid 'or scleral housework ;
good wages. Call Ma rshall 15S4.
WAN" TED- Girl for housework. Call at Tef
E. 15th st. So. bet. Belmont and Taylor.
WANTED Girl for general housework
good salary. Tabor 3201.
GIRL for general housework,
nor upstairs work. Esst 8.
no washing
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
good wages- Main 3106.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to care for
and manage a modern home where there
are father and son and 3 little girls, aged
4, G and 10. Good salary to competent
person. Call at Woman's Protective Dlvi
sion Monday between 4:30 and 0:30.
HOUSEKEE PER Middle-age preferred.
Protestant only, four In family, some
washing, good home and wages. Call Co
lumbia 699 after 0 o'clock, or Saturday and
S undity. 175:1 Haven s t.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for, family cook,
where second girl Is kept; must be neat
and first-clasa plain cook; fine position,
wage $50 per month. See Mr. Bowman
at Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, or call
at residence, 645 Knott M.. in Irving-ton.
WOMAN to care for small boy and 4 rooms,
cook 2 plain meals and do light washing.
Kight wages to right party. M. H. Erx,
8 E. Jerrett sL Take St. Johns car to
Patton ave.
WANTED A good girl for cooking and
downstairs work; Fwinlsh or German girl
preferred; evening off. Call Monday, 710
rlande rs, n ear 2 2d.
W A NTED A high school girl to help with
light housework; near Washington High;
for room and board. East 8;i0O.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 510
E. 21st N. Phono East SUA,
PEACE, means hundreds railway mail clerks,
city mail carriers, postofftce clerks, clerks
In cu&toms. internal revenue service now
needed by U. S. Government; men. women,
$90 to $125 month. Life position; experience
unnecessary. Common education auf flclent,
list positions obtainable free. Write Frank
lin Institute, dept. 376 L. Rochester. N. Y.
GOOD proposition for man and wife if man
is working; a saving of $.. month ;
woman can maka extra about $40 If
wining1 to work spare time. Inquire 203
Morrison st.
FIRST-CLAfcS commercial artist. Applv In
person. Room B0 7, 45th 4th st.
$5000 to $10,000 A YEAR.
The chiropractic profession offers the
biggest field In the world today to the
ambitious man or woman who has a de
sire for that higher, better, dignified pro
fessional life. There Is an immediate de
mand In the United States today for IOO..
000 chiropractic doctors, with less than
0000 to supply the demand.
who are thinking men and women, seri
ously considering that important step In
life, the entering upon a professional ca
reer, and to others, both men and women,
who are dally tolling with nothlns; in tho
fc future for you, or engaged In some voca
p tion that has not proved successful or as
pleasant as ygm would, have it in other
words, to the man or woman who Is de
pendent on someone else for your pay
check Investigate the chiropractic pro
Corner Park and Yamhill,
Portland, Or.
For full particulars, address DR. OSCAR
W. ELLIOTT, President, or telephone
Main 1014.
In the largest and best trade school In
the West. 5000 successful graduates.
Established 14 years. We offer practical
courses m auto and truck repairing and
driving, ad vanced ignition, lighting and
starting, tractor engineering. machine
work, ovy-acetylene welding, vulcanizing.
A short term course will qualify you for
a bigger Job and better pay. We help
students earn living while learning. Write
for free catalog.
Figueroa at 8th, Los Angeles. Cal.
ARE you mechanically Inclined? Learn a
trade. Learn auto, tractor, truck and air
plane business; big pay; wonderful oppor
tunities. Learn by Sweeney system prac
tical Instruction In S weeks ; Army school
now open to you; same Instructors, equip
ment and met hods used In training 5000
soldier mechanics for Government. Write
for big freo catalogue; tells who?e story.
Sweeney Auto School, Department 921.
Sweeney building. Kansas City. Mo.
A railroad official writes us. "The em
ployes recruited from your school have
almost, without exception, given excel
lent service and give evidence of careful
and intelligent training." Operators are
needed. Enroll now in day or evening
classes. Free booklet upon request. Kail
way Telegraph Institute, 2IS Ry. Ex. Bldg.,
Portland. Or.
Successful composer publishes new book
that will help you. Contents: Writing
melodies, directing ambitious composers,
correcting faults, placing songs before the
public, lists over f0i must: publishers.
Price $1 postpaid. Money back if you say
so. Union Music Co., 442 Sycamore St..
Cincinnati, O,
WANTED Demobilised soldiers to qualify
quick ly for successful careers, rapid ad
ancrnent and high salaries in their cho
sen lines of work through spare time
study of practical, efficiency incrcaseing
courses taught by Intemat lonal Corre
spondence Schools. For full particulars call
Monday, 0 A. M. to P. M.. 101 Broad
way, ilellig bldg., and ask for Mr. Wood
head, specialist in salary raising iduc;itjen.
Shorthand, typewriting, spelling. busl
rsjUs English, office training, filing, book
keeping. New equipment. Also our EX
PERIENCE COURSE "It eliminates the
5th and Stark. Phon Bdwy, 8464. Mies
F. Burse II, principal.
WANTED lOO men at once to learn to
operate and repair gas tractors in a spe
cial $23 course now starting. Apply Hemp
hill's Grade. Schools. 124 N. Bt h at., 3
blocks from Union Depot, or 707 Haw
lhorne ave., at 20th st. Branches at Win
nipeg. Regtna, Saskatoon. Lethbridgc, Ed
monton, Calgary and Vancouver, B. C.
Business College, Portland. Enroll any
time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking,
bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog.
Technical and practical training, autos,
tractors, gas snglnes, tuts electrical work.
Write at once for big 100 -page catalogue.
Adcox euio A Tractor School. Dept. K,
Union ave. snd Wasco St.. Portland. Or.
Madame Colette Dureaux Hamilton gives
lessons in conversational French and
grsmmar at her studio at 304 Eiiers Music
building, Washington st. Phone Main 112$
(day). Main 1125 (trunk line, evening).
Learn to use a transit and level; tran
tdtmen and levellers always wanted; prac
tical and theoretical Instruction by ex
perienced civil engineer. G. Carveth Wells,
17 Carlola Apt.. 14th and Market sts.
pays you while learning, gives you a set
of tools, guarantees you a position; send
fer catalogue. 284 Burnside. Bdwy. M0L
Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison.
403 Hippodrome bldg. A thorough, care
ful training makes you a success. DAI
GRADUATE piano teacher with experience,
lessons at your home, 7&c. Call Tabor
TEACHING positions secured, free registra
tion. Phone Main 433. Flsk Teachers'
trade In $ weeks; pay while learning; po
sition guaranteed. U34 Couch st.
MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade free;
wages while learning; position guaranteed.
Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st.
YOUNG man. experienced tutor, has time
for a lew more pupils In grammar grade
work. Terms reasonable. Main 7095.
TA Y LOR F AITH Business College and
School of Languages; Eng., Span.. French.
204 Stevens bldg., W. Park and Was h.
SHORTHAND, typewriting school. Private.
Wn. 1424. Union ave. cars. UJL Garfield
MISS M ATTINGLY'3 Shorthand, Typewrit
ing School, day, evening. $6 month. 269
14th. near Jefferson. Main 3P3.
DRAMATIC ART Pupils prepared for the
stage; vaudeville acts arranged and
coached. Call Marshall 2510.
PIANO lcssoos, best style classical music;
moderate terms. Mrs. Lethatry, Mar. 1U64.
LEARN French; simple conversational
method. 301 Corbett bldg. Main 33S6.
SHORTHAND. 3 months' course. Mrs. Htu
num's School luast iitto. Z30 Tillamook.
EXPERIENCED music teacher wants a few
. more pupils. Phone B 2139. East 2712.
THE I it ter national Correspondence Schools
can raise your salary. I'M Broadway.
Free reglst'n 911 Bdwy. bldg. M. 6274.
YOUNG man, experienced e levator operator,
wants position at once. Phone Main l'J3'J.
. O. Potter.
EXPERIENCED stationary engineer would
like position with some firm: can do
own repair work. F 565. Oregonian.
PLUMBER wants work; expert on repairs;
city references; reasonable. Marshall 788.
HAVE two-ton truck and trailer; want
hauling: cfontract. M 838. Oregonian.
PA I'KHllA NTiI M i iinfl p.iiming; good work;
right prices. Marshall 2493.
GOOD stableman: understands care of good
horses; married. BF 768. Oregonian.
TREES and shrubs pruned by the hour. East
Portland Landscape Co.. Woodlawn 294 L
O. A. C. nen with orchard cxp rlenc- open
for pruning contracts. Y 43. Orvgonlaa.
To the boys of UNCLE
SAM desiring employment
The Oregonian will, for a
limited time, publish free
for three days the adver
tisement of any soldier in
uniform or those showing
credentials that they have
been honorably discharged
from the service,
REFINED, responsible voung man of 34,
healthy, active and wide awake, capable
of doing any work that requires Intelli
gence, diligence and giving efficient, faith
ful service, operate typewri ter. graduated
local Y. M. C. A. business school, one
year commercial law. at present studying
Jaw In evenings, desires position with com
mercial or manufacturing concern com
mensurate with results produced. AO 866
I WANT o:k and will take sny respectable
joh offered. I am 18 and have had 1 year
experience in garage and auto supplies.
Also have experience In cream and produce.
Lowell Peairs, New Houston Hotel.
WANTED By experienced couple. Job on
large ranch; man competent with all bTlnds
of stock: place preferred where wife can
either keep house or cook for extra men.
2J0 Park st.
BY an A-l carpenter, capable of handling
crew of men. O. K. on blue prints; years
of experience at mlllwrtghllng and wood-
swsjgi macninery. woodiawn mW2m,
EXPERIENCED Bulck driver would like
position w iih some firm ; can do own re
pair work; well experienced In city. F
o6fl, Oregonian.
YOUNG man 7 years' experience in shipping
can handle warehouse and men. good ac
countant; beat of references. BF 76J. Ore
gonlan. MIDDLE-AGED man wants to work on farm;
has good experience; state wages. Address
P. Ouranoff, 73 N. 3d st.
CEMENT finisher; work bv day or labor
contract; 20 years' practical experience.
Tabor HIM.
DISCHARGED soldier wants any kind of
work during- day or for 4 or ft hours;
small wages. What have you? Main 8212.
FACTORY owners, attention; want contract
for ;:-ton truck, haul to 5-ton contract $18
per day. Woodlawn 7U7. 8;i3 Mallory ave.
SHOW'CARD writer, ahle to assist window
trimmer, desires permanent position. AO
Mr.. Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced Ford driver, tl
hours' work a day, 8 till 2 P. M. X 3I7.
CONSCIENTIOUS young man. 29. would ac
cept any kind of employment; small wages;
make good anywhere. X 388. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN with Ford car wants deliver
ing, collections or some Inside work. P 722,
Oregon Ian.
SINGLE man wants work of some kind: Is
flrst-rlass farmer and milker. Olson, 309
M st. s.
FYuit, shade and ornamental trees; roses
a specialty. Tabor Sti'.H).
WANTED By Al salesmen. position as
automublle or truk salesman ; salary or
commission. X 3M. Oregonian.
PAINTER and paperhanger. first class; will
work reasonably, have tools. L 780, Ore-
JAIWNESE school hoy wants work In sma!'.
family. Call H. Tnha, care 41!'-, N. 6th st
Tel. Brotlway 2612.
FAUMKR. years of experience, is open for
engagement dairy, grain or stock farming.
H 838. Oregonian.
ALL-A ROCN D printer, cylinder and platen
pressmsn. wants position ; union man. C
IIS. Oregnnian.
HIGH school boy desires position after
school and Saturdays; has wheel. Main
1 209.
.WANTED i;ird-n vork by day or contract;
Ens Huh gardener; experienced In all
bran' hes. Marshall 11704. K 8T6. Oregonlsn.
YOUNG man seek position auto driving or
In shop: some experience; small wages ex
pected to start. T 811, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants kitchen work, veg
etable or dishwashing ; no pay. AN 776,
WHAT can yon offr man, 26, who has 4
hourn daily and lata model auto ? Call
Tabor 788.
W A NTED Dragaaw contract; from 1 to 5
M. cords; also would consider good clear-
Ing proposition. V 6, Oregonian.
11 1 ; II schawl boy wishes position after 12
o'clock noon and all day Saturdays. Call
MarMhall 3848.
A MAN who can get you the business wants
a position as advertising manager on in
try dally. P 76. Oregonian.-
WOULD like to get In touch it h parties
wishing to bulla or carpenter work to do.
Tahor 8131.
GENTS furnishings and shoe salesman and
window decorator wants position; can fur
nish best of reference. P 727, Oregonian.
FLORIST and gardener a ants position m
private place or greenhouses; 20 years ex
perience and married. V 4. Oregonian.
EX PE KIENCED darkroom msn needs po
sition: good references. Sam. room 329 Al
der Hotel.
ELDE RLY couple. active, want work on
farm, orchard preferred. D 38, Orego
nlan. MARRIED milker wants work on a dairy :
has one small child ; must be close to
school. AN 701, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position as Jfenltor: ex
perienced In heating, plumbing, wiring
and repairs. Broadway 3289. room 7.
MIDDLE-At; ED man wants work as watch
man or any Inside work; best f refer
enca. AN 710. Oregonian.
POSITION us night watchman, mc usternsd
to such work, steady and reliable; best
references. Main 7352.
SHINGLER. leaky roofs patched, chimneys
reflashed. reshlngltng done. Marshall 1072.
WANTED Good Job with gasoline saw. a
I. Cornish. Barton. Or.
GARAGE built, carpenter repairs, brick and
cement work. Tabor 7204.
WOOD to cut in large quantities, rick or
cord. Box 236. Clatskanle. Or.
BA RB ER for suburban shop, good opening
for business; living rooms. Tabor 1281.
E. HENDERSON, carpenter and Jobber. 603
Miiwaukm ft Phone Seliwood 1673.
COMPETENT young man wants Wjrk nights.
Garage preferred. Phone Main 3617.
YOU NG man, Filipino, desires employment
In hotel or club. AK 924. Oregonian.
CONTRACT steady hauling. 3-ton truck.
Main 5147 or apply 243i Grant st.
COLORED man as porter or Janitor; ref
erences. Main 6301. 332 Market st. ,
CARPENTER, Al mechanic, wants any kind
repairing or nsw work. Phom Bdwy. 660.
COLORED man. all-around cook, wants Job.
hotel or restaurant. East 5703.
GOOD garage man or driver wants work,
understands all makes of cars. East 6838.
BB INGLE RS When you want shingling
done, call Woodlawn 5206.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wanted. Janitor or
porter work. Good ref. AR 161. Oregonian.
WOR K wanted for 3-ton truck ; contract
preferred. East 2123.
FOR window cleaning and kalsomining ear.
Woodlawn 4403.
ELDERLY baker wants position. C 119. Ore-
MAN with auto would like position where
could use same. AO 822, Oregonian.
ENERGETIC middle-aged married man.
strong and healthy, wishes position; han
dy with tools, experienced house engi
neer, electrlo wiring and repairing oil
plant, heating, machinist, plumbing, in
fact, general utility man ; also have ex
perience In grocery, shipping department,
filling and packing orders ; I am not
afraid of hard work, have good refer
ences; state wages in first letter. Would
accept position In apartment house or ho
tel. AN 793. Oregonian.
IK YOU need a manager to build up your
business and put the pep Into your house
and programme, correspond with me; 1
want the management of a theater where
the possibilities are there I will do the
rest. C 121. Oregonian.
DAIRYMAN Stop changing milkers and
hire experienced dairyman and wife with
successful milking machine; will handle
any number of cows. Address Box 377,
Route l. Portland. Or.
STOREKEEPER, married man with fam
lly, wants position, lumber co. preferred ;
knows the game and will get results.
Would consider other positions In store
with opportunities for advancement. Best
of references. AM 853. Ortganian.
LIVE WIRE. 29 years old. graduate of 1
I. C. S. school of selling, wants connec
tion with reliable concern where hard
work and intelligent application are de
manded. Will start anywhere. AR 1P3.
810 TO PERSON getting me position; prar-
-ww wit i mm vvuri iiiurni in i - i
counting: out of noxillnn icniunt i 'o.-.i: c
of shipyard; best of references; married
man, age 80. East 3848.
AN ELDERLY man wants work In hotel or
restaurant a.s dishwasher and cook's
helper, can cook; will go out of city; room
and board and reasonable wages, L 764.
MARRIED man wants work on Tito. Raised
on farm. Can handle gas tractor, capable
of taking charge. Wife will cook; refer
nce; give particulars in first lettei. l !
703. Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper, with 12 yra. varied
business experience, desires position . col
lege education, alive and adaptible: fnlr
Monographer; a high-grade man. C 107.
AN ACCOUNTANT whoae time Is not fullv
occupied would like one or two small
sets of books to keep or will help you
untangle your present ones; charges rea
sonable. BD 86.'. Oregonian.
BY all-around mechanic, blacksmith and
millwright; 7 years master mechanic of
mine; understands all kinds of general
repair and construction work. M 833,
AM looking fOV a trucking job for the com
ing season; have new 4-ton truck! am
experienced in general hauling lumber,
ties, gravel, road material, ate Address
788 Ovtrton M.
RELIABLE stsndardized salesman wishes
to lino up with an established firm on
commission basis; would consider a side
line ; A l references. G 813, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, established! will open and
close books, prepare financial reports, tax
returns, keep small sets; reasonable rales.
K SOh. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes position as a cook as
sistant or as baker helper where there la
a chance for advancement. Addresa L. E..
Box 601. ruy,
WA NTED- Man well acquainted In city to
sell real estate ; must have own machine.
Call Monday after 10 A. M . 309 McKay
OR H A RDIBT would plant and take care
of orchard or berry ranch 'or non-resident
owner; will batch : shack only required.
A ddres for one week. X 36 J, Oregon ia B
JAPANESE hoy wants a position ss school
boy In family or elsewhere, but it Is neces
sary that place be near high school. AR
204. Oregonian.
PRINTER-OPERATOR now open for situa
tion in Wlliamette Valley ; experienced;
references furnished. Write or wire X 334,
situation: moderate speed: fair proofs. Can
romn on short notice. Write C. G. Marts,
Auburn, Wash.
SALESMAN with ten years" road experience,
wants place with lubricating oil or queens
ware company ; would consider any repu
table line. AO 82U, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as window decorator
and showcard mriter, can give the lest of
reference and show samples. 1 728, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man with experience wants Job
driving enr for wholesale house: knows
tho city and can give good references. Call
Tabor S.':t8.
EXPERT In handling apartment houses
wants position as manager and Janitor,
thoroughly understands all requirements ;
best of service. L 762 Oregonian.
MAN and wife, cooks, want large camp or
mill, A 1 In aork and management ; have
own help; beat refs. Sell. 3674, Percy.
TINTING and varnishing. 4 rooms.
rooms, S30. Anything In the paint line ;
quality work only. O 318. Oregonian.
TWO men want situations as Janitors
city; reliable. Phone East 4433.
Cherry at.
PORTER wants 2 or 3 hours' work clean
ing offices or barber shops. Tabor 2146.
YOUNG man wants posit Ion as clock and
watch repairing. AO 820. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers, wtrnographera. Office.
LUMBER bookkeeper, now employed, desires
to make change; have had eherge of some
of the largest offices In business; married,
clear record and able to give bend. Ad
dress AV 317, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and effUo man,
15 years In the machine-shot? and foundry
line, at present employed, desires a change,
willing to leave city if good poaitlon is
offered. B 60. Oregonian.
LAW stenographer young: man. 5V,j'ears.
Just discharged from hervue. law tu-
mmnl . three year experience ia.w ana
lumber. Prefer law. sei
Call East sSSA Sunday.
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and
general office man, lumber and manu
facturing experience, capable of taking
full charge; highest references, moderate
salary. Tabor 4314.
WANTED Position of trut
man married, aeven vears
by a young
as chif ac
countant, office manager and cridtt man
In a big department store. BF 771, Ore
gonlan. Ht'OKKEEPER. 8 years experience In of
fice work, good at auditing and check
ing; can furnish references and bond
Bf 761. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, and married, 15 years exper
ience railroad and commercial senograph
er. clerk, etc., employed day, would like
extra work nights. AN 772. Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper, 32. desires position.
Wide business experience, collage educa
tion; active and adaptable, boud and reler
erences. AR 154. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman. Just returned
from service, wants position. G 824, Ore
goiruan. WANTED Position by experienced account
ant. BF 769, Oregonian.
Soldier, and Mallor.
TOUNG married discharged soldier return
ing from France wishes a position on his
arrival here, something In the Una of
farming where there la a good opportun
ity for him. Can furnish the beat of ref
erences. Write AL 16, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 23. honorably discharged Lieut.
U. 8. A., college education, has had execu
tive experience, desires position with large
firm demandtng executive ability and with
opportunity for advancement; best of ref
erences furnished. D 7. Oregonian.
MARRIED discharged soldier wishes to gat
job of running ranch, preferably in West
ern Oregon. Address A. M. Rich man.
1145 Everard St.. 8. E., Portland. Or.
DISCHARGED soldier, 26 years of age,
wants Job with a first-class stockman:
permanent; I am familiar with horses and
other stock. AN 787. Oregonian
DIHCHARG ED soldier desires work even
ings or early mornings: will take any
kind but prefer driving a private car
evenings. P 72U. Oregonian.
EX PER IENCED. s'.i-avound office man . 13
years experience In cost, time, commis
sary and payrolls; must .have position;
salary no object. R 63. Oregonian.
DISCHARGED soldier. bsing experienced
auto mac. wishes work In garace or re
pair ahop. Henry Kllnke. R. A. Gresham.
Or. Home phone D 61. aak for 29J1.
DISCHARGED soldier wishes to learn dental
laboratory work; opportunity or informa
tion regarding aame appreciated. AO 834.
DISCHARGED aoldier has 2-ton truck,
wishes employment for self and truck.
A M 868. Oregonian.
DISCHARGED soldier, delivery Job for
wholesale housvr'acquatnted with city and
can furnish references. K 806. Oregonian.
A DISCHARGED soldier would like Job as
cookg helper. Call Main 4861 and ask for
George Hogan.
YOUNG discharged soldier withes employ
ment with firm where rhancee for ad
vancement are good. G 842. Oregonian.
WANTED Permanent poeitlon and chanca
toilrtrn business; discharged soldier. Aj
1 6Q. Oragonlan.
DISCHARGED SOLDIER wants position as
all around butcher. Write K 801, Orego
nian. EX-SOLDIER wants wortc as cook's helper
or aalad man; good worker. Phone Broad
way UOQ3. room 8.
laarJOb running
Xj 5. Oregonian.
gas beat.
handy man.
..ldier and Sailor.
U 62. OR
POSITION as salesman or sales manager:
have had broad experience and can fur
nish beat of references; am willing to
demonatrate ability before making per
manent arrangements and later work on
commission or profit-sharing baala with
reliable concern only. BD 884. Oregonian.
YOUNG man (discharged . has experience
in garage managing and auto salesman,
desires position In or out of city. Can
show excellent discharge and plenty mC
references. l.04 E. Ullsan St., Portland.
Or. Tahor f.2.'.
MANUAL training position for balance this
year or neat, in Northwest school by well
prepared teacher; in Army a year; hon
orably discharged; references. D 9, Ote
gontan. MTl'ATIONM slUHl II Mm
fill well a po
ucsa and good
good buslneaa
He graciously.
edut etc d, responsible
; not a typist. Can
requiring trust wort hi
nent. Can compose a
- and meet the pub
196, Oregonian.
JAPANESE girl, refined, seeks position in
fine family or C. S. home without babies
preferred, aa assistant or second girl ;
wishes time to study in evenings; best ref- !
ereucea. K 805, Oregonian.
WORK of any kind ; neat. consclentloua
young woman, unincumbered not domes
tic. Call Hotel Imperial, botween 2 and
4 1. M ., Monday, aak for Margaret Gra
ham. or address Gen. Pel.
YOUNG refined woman wants work in re
fined family few hours day except Sun
day; can do mending, ironing, assist with
work or care of children ; no v ashing
BF 772. Oregonian.
EN PERI ENCED girl wants upstairs work
or care of child February t ; good mender,
trustworthy; best wages; good references.
HP 773. Oregonian.
RKPI N ED young u oman wishes place to
artist with housework In exchange for
home; employed part of day. BF 702,
LADY of refinement will care for children
evenings. Tactful a 1th the aged and ex
perienced and dependable with the sick.
Ref. Mar. 34P.
PRACTICAL womitn. good education, me
chanically Inclined ; can do anything, de
sire posltlun; give me a chance. AN 766.
EXPERIENCED lady wants place 1n C. S.
home to care for children; references. AB
.:;. Oregonian.
MuTIIKK and daughter, with wide expert
rncr, wish to manage hotel or apt. houae;
best of references. AR i!0J. Oregonian.
EXP i5S ENCED lady wants place In C- S.
home to care for children ; references.
AB 33, oregonian.
LADY vanlj houae cleaning, other work,
hour, d i ; satisfaction guaranteed. Broad
way 3Mk
WANTED Day work not less than elx
hours: price 40c hour and carfare. Call
B 1237.
CA PA HLE young woman wishes to be an
assistant In the home mornings: those
desiring maids nc-d not reply. BF 777.
WANTED -Place to work by, woman with
ona child In an apartment or rooming
house. Phone Main 4170.
WOMAN with girl 4 years wishes work In
private family, city or country. Tabor
337P. Write Route A. Box 1QO. Portland.
LA D V desires position to take charga of
hotl or rcomlng-house ; thoroughly ex
perienced. Phone East .1634.
WANTED Place to work for room and
board; 1 have mornings off. F 364, Ore
gonian. EXPBR
'EI w oman w ants curtains to
std care of children evenings.
oVawn 1372.
M 1 1-LINE It V Any hat made, covered, or
trimmed with customer's own material for
$1. at 7M Weiiicr at.
POSITION wanted by practlcnl young
-w on i an. ncai, auapituiv mum ui kic""'u
personality. X Jiu6. Oregonian.
7ED girl wants position for
use work i West Side preferred.
COMPT 'METER operator wants position;
g'-neral office experience. Phone East
REPINED young lady washes position In
dental ofllce; 2 years experience; best
of references. Msin r4lJs. apt. T14.
EX l'i:;;iENCED saleslady wants afternoon
work ; will do other work; state wages.
P. O. Box 467. .
high SCHOOh girl desires position after
school and Saturdays, very dependable.
A 661. Oregonian.
woman wants management of
ouae or apartment-house; best
re. X 'i'V. Oregonian.
lenced woman wants alt round
expert laundress. Apartment S
flay work ins;
WOMAN wants day work,
tng: "55c hour, carfare,
mornings. Main 1 Mt.
washing. iron
Call after lu
Wo.MAN wants da work, o: a ill take care
of house. Phone oodlaw n 4224.
idv desires board and room. C S.
West Hide. BJ 175. Oregonian.
vis lies straight copy work. Call
WOMAN wants day work . Call between 5
and 7 evenings East 2QK.
EX PERI ENCED telephone operator wishes
position after 2:J. Mar. 14l.
YOING lady wishes employment after
.' :to Mar. 14.V.
l.A D V w ill address vour buhineaH envelopes,
etc.; stale pay. P. 1 1 . Box 467.
WANTED Housework by day. Phone Wood
lawn 27T2.
with a reliable rear
74. Oregonlsn.
1 . A D V wants work In florist shop. A M
H6I. Oregonian. .
AN experienced saleslady deirc work in
millinery shop. B 47. Oregonian.
GOOD pastry cook want position. K Sol,
COM PE TENT woman wants day work ; no
half-days. Phone Woodlawn 440S
WANTED -Position as assistant bookkeeper.
' . ii io typing. Phone W ood ! a w n 4 .
EEDEREY lady will care for Invalid and
do some housekeeping. Sell. 34.
COMPETENT Japanese girl wants work in
high-ties hot at, Y 13. Oregonian.
TELEPHONE operator or cashier desires
ork. part or lull time. Mar H
ERIEN"EI telephone operator
w ants
prlvata exchange work
Mar. 45P.
w oman will work for 1
ing riiomi. Oak Grove "0-.I
CEP cashier wants position
larshall 2100.
liUST-CEAHS laundress wanta work. Phone
East 606C-
PEACE to do light housework
colored woman. East &702.
by young
EA DY wiahes position aa paatry rook In cafe
or hotel. Address Box 601. City.
WoMAN wishes housework for adults only.
Main T.7N3. Cai 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.
W ('MA N v. urtains t" :.unler A KjO.
GIRl. wants day work. AN 7 HO. Oregonian.
" flash-It ee pete. IWlasgraphern. Office.
EXPERIENCED young lady wishes position
In general office work. BK 766. Oregonian-
YOUNG lady comptometer operator, typist
and general off tea experience would like
poaitlon. I 7hQ. Oregomsn.
LADV wishes post .Ion aa cook for ama:i
crew of men on ranch in Eastern Oregon,
ti 849, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY, good education, head of
office, wishes change of position. Phone
Woodlawn 4376.
GtKJD reliable woman cook wants position
lunchroom, reataurant or hotel. AL 13,
HER with 7 years' experience
od position; references. Sell-
THOROUGHLY experleaeed stenographer.
ran furnish boat
Tabor 4680 or Ma
stenographer deslri
or other responsibl
bookkeeper and
ioti as secretary,
Woodlawn 36.VK
YOUNG LADT wishes position In doctor's
office, some clerical w
nod on type-
writer. vagea
reliable and trustwortl
terview please call Ma
?ed efficient,
r personal In
667 POSITION by competent, experienced bookkeeper-stenographer.
References. Main
LADY of business ability wants bookkeep
ing or general office work, pert time.
BJ 189, Oregonian.
ss stenogrspher;
office, have had
d 2022.
r and stanogrsT
Msln 2817.
statistical work.
her desires poai -
Call Tabor 8 1 OS.
tion. Call Tabor
YOUNG girl wishes poaitlon aa typist. Mar
shall 2S84.
Hjkk rpet a. t eitog rapbert. Office.
Do you waat a bookkeeper and office
nanager who knows her business, with
nt of initiative; that can take reapon
ibiuty, systematize your books so you.:
mow where yqtTre at all the time. At
end to your correspondence la a way
in fact, a top-noteher. I am all of that.
resident and taxpayer of Portland, ana I
believe there Is a place for me where my
ability will be recognised. Let me talk
M over with ou. will yon? All right.
Btl : V confidential. Addresa BD SWT,
HIGH school and collerv graduate, abso
lutely accurate stenographer, also ex pen -need
in record work, deslsea position.
preferably as private secretary. Call room
US, Hotel Blackstone.
POS ITIO N w an t ed by oman with of fi co
and buslnes experience and thorough
knowledge of shorthand and typing; can
afford to start with moderate salary
where there is good chance for advance
ment. Call Tabor 234. '
YOUNG lsdy wishes general office work, five
years' experience with an Eastern firm, fa
miliar with bookkeeping, typewriting and
dictaphone. Best of references. Tabor
EXPERIENCED. a molt hunt young lady
wishes office position; clerical, typing, or
assistant bookkeeper; moderate salao
with char.ce of ad ancement ; excellent
reference. P 7-.. Oregonian.
M r Emplo er -- Why not call The Noiseless
Tvpewiiter Employment Department. Main
6344. whan in need of stenographers er
bookkeepers? Wa are In a position to fur-
nish competent help.
NG imd it!i knowledge of Stenography
desires position w here sincere application
to business will be appreciated; 3 years'
office experience with public and han -dling
sales. AJ 122, Oregonian. ,
Ston.igr.iphom Register at THsX NOISK
I.KSS. Ml 4th st. Wa fill postttODS dally on
The Noiseless or any other make of typo
writer. Employment Department. Main
ST E NOG RAPHE It and office woman desires
position, not afraid of any line of work.
Especially experienced in Insurance and
m ercantllo lines. Phone Tabor CTHk
S T E N OG R A I'll EK and assistant bookkeeper. I
i o ears' ex pert once, capable and erf i -ctent.
desires position; salary $7i- Phone
Sell wood 1020.
WANTED At once by competent stenog
rapher, permanent position; three yarn
sigaclonra with best firms. Marshall 606U.
Miss Holgate. .
neatness snd accuracy a
than speed; small wages 1
for advancement : refrre
loi t iSjn where
desired rather
begin if chance
ics Main 9&7A
STENOGR APHER desires position a
secretary or nei mnuiinci .
1 1 -.T A R 16. Oregonian.'
RAPUKR- with six months' ex peri -ants
position with opportunity for
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion. Woodlawn 1446.
1 AM now prepared to take ordera fer mak
ing your coat, suit, skirt, or gown- If pre
ferred will cut snd fit and pin preparatory
W Ot k Make UWTS II i'd lall At OUr
home. &Oc an hour. 02 Goodnough Blag.
Mrs. J. F. O'Gara.
WANTVD Engagements bv the day; axpo-
jienced In suits and gowns; will rcmodei
reasonable. P road way 1 T67.
)K1S.MAK1M! by the day, or take horn.
Woodlawn 23. .
SEWING Children! work a specialty.
Prices reasonab.e. Phone Tabor 44SU!
liressmaker. SJ per day.
and sir. a' garments up to
PRESS MA K ER. children's sewing a spe
cialty. $:.."o per day. ao STiU. oregonian.
SE I N G bv The day. Reference. Phone
Marshall 5478 after & P. M. .
HEWING, -."c per hour. Main 071.
hAI'V of refinement will care for children
evenings. Tactful with the ased and ex
perienced and dependable with the sick
Ref. Mar. 349.
Wl 1-1. do nursing In my home; care for In
valids, old people or convalcscenta Ta
bor ."'7 UP .
CVROI.1NA Convalescent Home, also boaixl
snd nurse old people. 472 tfellwood blvd..
... v Dth Sell wood 3694
inpany invalid te
ncea, O 14. Ore-
non ave. Woodlawn 472. Nita Eng.ia.
Anna K. Fletchar.
NTRSK. quiet home. Invalids, tinfortunntes:
references eihanged. Grcshsm. Ur , R. A.,
ho 111.
Wll.l. take mental patients In my modero.
home; & 8. G b-1. Oregonian.
finementx 6rtO:. r.Il
wanta con-
I :
WANTED Hv nuir-". Influonsa patient, gen-
ileman preferred. AH 874. Oregonian.
pit AC TIC A I. nurse will take care of any
k'.nit mi rase. Seli wood 7 7S.
Al, nurse will lake influenas
res. Phone Marshall U028.
CAL. nurse will take mfluenaa cases.
awn :.t.i:.. -
ready to go" on flu cases sgonday
N I l :
Tir waae.
limW mi'lclie age. want.- position la
widowers homo In good circumstances.
wiih 1 or -J children: no outers neeu
: no o. iers neea an -a
in one home; hishent
write K. at C. 75'x
swer. Ws 12 lears
references. Call or
LE- G K D widow, encaged at preaant
- m u , tun AM T K 111
country treks position as housekeeper tor
niosperous farmer. Indefinitely if suitable,
and itar good school In good commun4v.
AV 5.M. Oregonlsn. ,
WANTED by a refinefl. mirtrl !e-aged lady.
7 noil tion ss housekeeper for a widower
or bachelor's club or as matron In soma
institution must be ftrst-iss place; no
time for ttiflers. Addresa 7J1 1st st. South.
REPINED oung woman with small daugh
iVr wishes place as housekeeper In gn
tletnan'n home- will not ionsider a home
where there are children, references r
quired. AM 865. Oregonian. ,
CN lift TNHK RE D widow. middle eg,
wishes a h. k. position on a ranch or in
city neat snd clean, sunn v disposition .
good home more than big wages. BD MS,
-By a respectable mlddle-agod
-ma!l boy housekeeping for na
or more rf
need answ
gentlemen; no tritierK
1. BD 867. Oregonlsn.
s housekeeper for wld-
WANTED Position
ower or bachelor,
nnlv thilF-1 With fiOO-1
i newer. Farm preferred.
home if
;lKD woman wants manaemal
neTtt-house: only .mall salary rep
eat of city references. l"hone Esst
.' i . -
C&LVAJtUC neat. ,j??,k2ff 23S2
llhl work oulld Port.aml. -
and ood hom. Address Mrs. Hattie
llncr, Woodburn. Or.
y dsairrs position as II. -n.
hotel, roomlni gr apari-
Tperienra and good manage
WIDOW with two little lrls wnhu pasi-
lly on ranch In Ks
p.. SZ l-th St.. I'o
WANTED By rellaS
position aa houae
home, or to talc
liou'-. AO j.'-t. urti
UKKINK1) with 1
keeper's position in
lata. Mrs. R.
mtddle-a set lsdy.
wr In widower's
args of rooming-
BL el
elderly lady, house
widower's homV. X
wanta housekeeping poaitlon
people. No children. P T2S.
MIDDI.K-Af.UD lady wu
RK1.IAI11.K neat, middle-
light houae
S, Oregonian-
-lady wishes
HOME war.ted bv middle-aged woman. H. K.
for elderly widower. I i-1. Pregonlan.
TOUMQ u ,,i.,w of desires position aa
housekeeper. M 844. Oregonlsn.
I.ADY with daugliter 15 wishes position as
housekeeper for widower. Sell wood
DAY work
by esmpstaat woman; good
Call after 10 A ML. Se'.lwood
wanta general housework
mlly of adults; Protestant. O
for i
WOMAN wn-i llttlo girl 2'4 yearg old wart.
placo for light housework, good noma mora
ige.. A M Rn. Oregonian.
WO 3
w a:
wlsbe. work bv tl.o day. V'-
work, maud-
for sTenl
man t ho