THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 26, 1919. 7 REAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Houses. SUPERB TV EST SIDE RESIDENCE. NOB HILL QUARTER BLOCK. TO CLOSU ESTATE PRICED AT $12. 300. Greatest value ever offered for the money; could not be duplicated today for less than 922. OoO. A charming home, commodious, excep tlonally well built, artistically arranged and finished In imported hardwood, etc. Living room, dining room, library and very complete kitchen, 6 bedrooms, fire places, fine heating plant, garage, quar ter block of ground. This will sell to anyone who knows values; $12,000 is only half Us value. Act quickly. V. B. STREETER & J. H. KEATING, til 7 Board of Trade. Main 163. TWO SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS. NO. 1 TO CLOSE ESTATE. Alameda Park, $3000 home for $4230, $750 cash, bal. terms. Two-story, 0 rooms, rec. hall and sleeping porch, hardwood fl., flrepl., bookcases, furnace, garage, line IH I loll, surrounded by high -class homes, iir trees in front and rear of house ; an ideal home spot; a rare opportunity to get in this location for such a price and terms. NO. 2, BUNGALOW, DEN AND SUN PARLOR. Fireplace, bookcases, furnace, panel din ing room, beam ceilings, beautiful lawn, east front. 49th st. N., near the Alameda Drive. Quick sale at $3330; $1000 cash, bal. very easy. Call Mr. Barr, Main 0967. with Lueddemann Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE HOL'S E B. $ 350 ft-room, on lot 30x100; half cash. $2500 ft-room, close in; $900 cash, balance like rent. $1000 4 rooms. lot 30x100; $400 cash. 920O0 5 rooms, lot 34x110; $200 cash. $3000 5 rooms on Fremont st. ; $500 cash. 916S0 5 rooms, lot 75x00; $400 cash. $2200 5 rooms, lot 30x100; $200 cash. $1850 3 rooms, lot 50x100; $900 cash. $2050 rooms, lot 50x100; $650 cash. $2600 S, rooms. 407 Sumner st. N. E. ; 9o00 cash. 903OO R rooms. 244 Alberta Ft.; $3000 rash. HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES. 1 WILL HELP YOU MAKE FIRST PAT M ENT. JOHN BROWN. 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. Marshall 3331. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Five rooms with breakfast room, large living, fireplace, built-ins in dining room. 2 large bedrooms, hardwood polished f loot-, Al furnace, nice lot. Has a ga rage; a real home. Price $3750 $1000 cash HAWTHORNE HOME. Six rooms on corner lot, paved streets, all paid ; lovely, cheerful rooms, sleeping porch, modern-to-the -minute and in Al repair ; like new ; worth $4000; for quick sale $3600; half cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 2815. $3500 100X135 AND HOUSE $3300 6-room very substantial home. very sightly location, on Mt. Tabor, electric lights and gas, w h Ite enamel plumbing, grounds are 100x135, on E. 70th St.. near E. Morrison. Plenty of room for garden, fruit and chickens, high -class neighbor hood. We have several other homes for sale In this district. I will help you make jour first payment, if necessary. See FRAtfK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. iN ROSE CITY PARK. A modern seven -room house ; splendid view of city, close to car and schools; garage, space for two machines; 2 fire places ; a comfortable, well-built home, v ith every modern convenience. Com pared with other offerings, this place at $57511, with terms. $500 below market. SEE MR. BROWN, 39th and Glisan. Laurelhurst Tract Office. Tabor 3433 or Evo. and Sun. Tabor 39. $2000 FURNISHED PENINSULA HOME. Here is a 0-room substantial home, on a full Int. on Sumner street, close to Den ver avenue; electric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing. This price includes furniture; terms. We have several other homes in the district. Come in and see photographs. Pee FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINOTON BLDG. to Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Offices open evenings and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL HOME. IMMENSE SACRIFICE. Close In on East Side; lot 100x100 on cor ner and street improvements paid for; modern 7 -room residence with sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, expensive decorations and light fixtures; fine lawn with imported shrubbery. Price has been $7300. Will submit any offer from $5500 up. GODDAKD jfc W1EDR1CK. 243 Stark si. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW This is an ideal home; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, modern from A to Z, ground 75x1 0O, wit h abundance of good bearing fruit trees and nice lawn, 3 blks. from car; quick possession. Price $4800, terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODISH N ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. SEE THIS AT ONCE. B-room, st rictly modern bungalow, on one floor, f ul 1 basement, furnace, trays fireplace, H. W. floors, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, buffet, etc.: very large living room, lot 50x100. near car; H. S. street paid; house is nearly new and in fine con dition; price $4150; liberal terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 59G3. weekdays Main Main 7067." 820 Cham, of Com. bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW SNAT Nice 5-room bungalow, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, nice bat h, ce ment basement, paved street Included in price; lot 50x65. 1080 Arnold St., near Marguerite ave. Price $2650. some terms. Cost owner 93250 besides the street im provements. J. W. GRUSSI, 316 Board of Trade. Main 74.V. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. $1800. Cosy 5-room bungalow ; gas, electric lights, good plumbing; modern In every respect; three blocks to Union ave.; Rod-ney-ave. corner lot, 65x80; all assessments paid ; assorted fruit trees and berry bushes. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 319 Ry. Exeh. bldg. Main 675. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $3150. Nifty 5 -room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, etc. Lots of class. Built 2 years. On paved street. Splendid bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near Third. Main 3516. Sunday, phone Mr. Hiller, Tabor 9527; Mr. CI ay tor. Tabor 9321. $S50. $854X $S50 4 -Room plastered house : perfect condi tion: lot 50x10-); houpi. alone could not be built for $10v)0; lot worth $300; $20O down. $15 per month; one mile from car. Location 520 East 88th St. North. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 3th Street. Main WOO. IVY ST.. NEAR UNION AVE. SNAP. Good 6-room 2-story house, elect., bath, cement basement, laundry trays, et e. ; fine lot, 52xlOO; paved street, all paid ; fine location. 357 ivy st., near Union are. ; va cant. Price $2260, on easy terms. J. W. GRUSSI. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452 SOME SNAPS SURE. $750 buys 4-room house, full lot; lots of fruit, near car; terms. $5000 Full Broadway lot. near Jeffer son. $2000 -Splendid 6-room house. 30th st. $2450 Fine bungalow, Irvington Park. See Kennedy & Miller, 329 Salmon. LAURELHURST. 8-room colonial home, fine corner lot, built at a cost of $9000. I want an offer t his week anything reasonable. Place never occupied; garage, everything com plete. Phone today. East 2086; during week. Main 1 700. MR. DELAHUNTY. TRVINGTON BUYERS. Note Street's column of Irvington bar sra ins advertised in "New Today" space. Many other "buys." too. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON AGENT. EAST 894. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. 7-room bungalow, fine corner lot. only 2 blocks from car; all improvements in and paid. Price $3950. Be quick; owner in France needs money. MR. DELAHUNTY. Main 1700 or East 2086 Eves. FOR SALE Five-room bungalow and sleep ing porch in the Hawthorne district; mod ern in every respect; fine lawn; street im provements all in and paid. Terms $1500 emsli, baktnoe like i cut. J. C. Corbin Co., 3Q5-0-7 Lewis bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. 5-rm. bungalow with attic, all finished In white enamel; furnace, fireplace, on St. Helens Court, close to Mr. Cobb's beau tiful home. Price $4250; terms $500 down. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. MODERN bungalow, new, at Multnomah Station on the Oregon Electric. lO min utes' ride from South Portland shipyards, for $1700, on terms. Sec Atchison at 404 Piatt bldg. $3250 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Modern, li'iw. f I., fire pi., fur., garage ; a II built-in features. See photo. CLEVELAND. 272 Stark. Main ROM. A HALLENGE The best buy in Laurel hurst. 1 1 block, residence with 5 bed rooms. $20 liens paid up. Price $920O. dress BJ 1S7. Oregonian. S. VR SA LE Three-room cottage. $looo. tormB. J. C Corbin Co., 305-6-7 Lewis em bide. HOTEL of 42 rooms, modern, with good furniture, on the West Side. Y S9C. Ore gonian. - -ROOM modern bungalow. Hawthorne dis trict; paved street; reasonable terms. East :;29. TRY us for a home, any place. Hatfield & Crabiree. Main 932 J. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK $4800. TALK ABOUT CLASS. Folks, we have here one of the classiest, smartest, best built, most homelike bun galows In Rose City Park. Just drive out for yourself and see. Located 1651 Sandy lou!evard. Don't disturb tenant, but if It appeals to you and it will call at Branch Office, 50th and Sandy, and we will show you through. Finished In white throughout, hardwood floors In every room, beautifully papered, full cement basement. You couldn't Imagine a more beautiful home. It's Just as new and modern as tomorrow's sunrise It couldn't be more modern, could it ? It will be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark. near Third. Main 3510. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) HOMES MODERN SACRIFICE PRICES. $45,000 Portland Hgts., 9 rooms, large grounds. $10,500 Portland Hgts., 8 rooms, elegant view. $11.500 King's Add., lower hgts., 8 r., mod ern. $20.000 Westover Terrace, new, modem house, view entire city. $16,000 Irvington, Knott St.. 100x100. 5000 Irvington, C-r. bungalow, garage, etc. $7500 Laurelhurst. 8-r.. sleeping porch. breakfast room, library, etc., garage. J5R00 Laurelhurst, 7 -r. house. $4950 Laurelhurst. 7-r. house. $4950 Rose City bungalow, 7-r., garage. CHARLES RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry bldg. $1800 CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND $18O0 $290 DOWN. Here Is a wonderful bargain; good sub stantial 6-room house; good plumbing, electric lights and gas; on a good ma cadam street. Sewer and sidewalk in and all paid for. Close to 16th and K. Pine street. This house could not be built today for $2500 and we will sell it to you at the appraised value of the land which is $1800 on the above terms. This is walking distance. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office open Sunday and evenings. "VACANT $2900 REAL HOME BARGAIN $2900. Six-room very substantial home, close In on paved street, all liens paid, full ce ment basement. laundry trays, white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and ga.i. Cleveland avenue, near Failing, 1 block to Williams avenue car. No mortgage or liens. Couldn't build a house for the money. 1 will help you make your first payment. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. $2950 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $2950. Here Is a real bargain in a a -room ar tistic bungalow on E. 40th street, near Hawthorne. Reception-hall, large living room with fireplace and bookcases, hard wood floors, paneled dining-room with plate rail and built-in buffet, whlteenamel Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with laundry trays ; terms. See FRANK L McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. This bungalow home is different. The ar rangement of the rooms will please you. There is a splendid fireplace, hardwood floors are in all rooms. The bedrooms and bath are finished In white. There is a fine garage. The lot is a corner, 5Oxl00, close to car. The price is $4250 and you need pay only $1000 cash. Let us show you this pretty home. Coe A. McKenna & Co.. Main 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. Sunday phone Tabor SI 59. SNAPS. $2750 H - Acre, modern bungalow, fruit, garden. 6th sL $3250 Rose City Park. $3250. Sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, garage, 63d St., nr. Boule vard. $3500 5-room bungalow, hardwood floor, full basement, beauty. Yamhill nr39th. CHARLES RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bidg. $1450 PENINSULA HOME $1450. Here is a 6-room bargain; electric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing; large lot, 2 blocks from Fisk and Lombard; $2O0 will handle. We have 400 photographs of houses for sale in our office : all prices, all terms, all parts of the city; some real bargains. Autos at vour service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. 6-RM. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. $2350 $2350 $2350 $2350 $2350. $350 CASH $350. WORTH $3250 This Is a real home; just the place you have been hoping to find; finest interior finish ; large rms., well-kept grounds, standard plumbing, best bas't you ever saw, built-ins; nr. 7th and Mason. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. "33 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. ST. JOHNS. Modern bungalow, shingled, very large living-room, artistic, white enameled kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms, built-in effects, fine sideboard, fruit storage, handsome front, concrete porch and col umns, wide steps. A perfect beauty for people of taste. Only $2900, on terms. Call Cozy home Construct. Co., cor. Lom bard and Buchanan. SUN NY SIDE BUNGALOW SNAP. Good 5-room bungalow ; fireplace, buf fet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, attic, laun dry trays, etc.; city liens all paid; cost owner $330O. will sacrifice for $2900, some terms. 240 E. 35th, bet. Main and Madi son; give possession April 1. Rented $22.50. J. W. GRUSSI, 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. A roal California tungalow. Well built. "Will bear closest inspection; 7 rooms on one floor; lot 100x100; beautiful tree; Cirat, and a bargain at $6000. See Bat tin. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 Qth Street. Main 6869. MOVE RIGHT IN." Brand new, just being completed, classy bungalow, 5-room. attic and sleeping porch, strictly modern, full cement basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen and French windows. You will not regret seeing this home. Price $2875, $500 down. Phone Woodlawn 3340. ST. JOHNS. Chance to make $500 by my leaving ; will sell my new modern $$000 bungalow for $2475 if taken at once. Kitchen white enameled, breakfast-room. French doors, large porch, garage. Call this afternoon or tomorrow at J 000 Lombard, corner of Buchanan. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN $2100. Call today ( Sunday), between 1 and 3 o'clock, 211 East 52 d St., 2 blocks north Hawthorne, and I'll show my 5-room bungalow, with fireplace, big basement, good attic, etc. If you can pay $350 down you'll get a bargain. Phone Monday. Main 4522. " 37TH ST. BUNGALOW. $250 DOWN. Paved street, block to car, 5-room bun galow with big living room, fireplace, full lot. A nice little home for only $31 00. For quick sale the owner will accept $250 down. Let us show you. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. TO SETTLE ESTATE. Reduced to $2500, quick sale; 6-rtn. mod ern bungalow, 50x100 lot, 25th, near Ore gon, close in ; some terms. This property Is cheap at $325o hurry. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yrs. in Portland.' Main 4803. $ 1 600 A L BI N A B A RG A I N $ 1 6O0. 5-room modem home, white enamel plumbing, etc.. on corner, paved St.. liens paid; forced sale: terms. See FRANK U McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ALBERTA SNAP. $2500 $300 CASH. 5-rm. bungalow; classy, like new; enamel plumbing, cement bas't. targe floored at tic; nr. 25th and Prescott. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington Bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. $950 KENTON BUNGALOW -COTTAGE. 4-room plastered cottage, electric lights and gas; neat little home; terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To buy your home. Main 1068. Office open Sunday and Evenings. $2000 5- ROO M BUNG A LOW $ 2OO0. Modern 5-room bungalow, cement base ment, 40x100 lot. One block to car and hard surface street; $2000, $350 cash. bal. $23 per month. Owner. 304 Oak st. MODERN LAURELHURST HOME. On Floral ave., near car. Neat, nifty and up-to-date, including new garage, 6750 ; reasonable cash payment. R. F. Bryan. 509 Cham, of Com. Main 1903. 6-ROOM house, on paved street, cement basement and walks, 2 lavatories, nice yard; block to car; vacant; $2900; small payment down, rest like rent. Owner, Woodlawn 426. 6-ROOM house, close in, corner lot. $1250. 5-room house. $2000; 7-room house, strictly modern, $30O0; 8-room house, 2 fireplaces, garage, with 2 lots, $5500. Westengard Realty Co., 312 Worcester bldg. A GOOD. 7-room. furnished house for sale. East 28th. near Belmont. Price $3500. or will sell without furniture. $50o down, balance $35 per month. Phone Tabor 7248 for appointment. SIX ROOMS. $210O. 6 rms., fireplace. 50x100 lot. North Mt. Tabor; a splendid buy for the money; easy terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington Bldg. fOOO PATS for 100x100 3-room cabin. ement sidewalks, garden soil. Small 1st payment, BOO Concord Bldg.. 2d and Stark. 6-ROOM house near 22d and Powell, close to car shops and lumber yards. Price rea sonable. Inquire owner, 207 Oak st., room 2. NEW 3-room bungalow, near Piedmont dis trict ; all improvements paid ; price $1070 up, $100 down. Phone owner. Woodlawn 3340. SIX ROOMS. HAWTHORNE DIST. 6 rms., hd wd. floors, fine bath, street paved and paid for: $2$oo; terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington Bldg. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Houses. YOU OWE IT TO YOUR FAMILT TO OWN YOUR HOME. Don't nay you cannot afford to buy a home because you haven't enough to make your first payment. 1 WILL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR. FIRST PAYMENT, if necessary. Do you know that we have over 400 photographs in our office of houses we have to sell? Some for $200 to $300 down, all prices, all terms, all parts of the city. Many modern, attractive bungalows. Come in and look over the photographs before you buy. 7 experi enced real estate salesmen with autos to show you homes. Start the new year right; stop paying rent on a house that may be sold any day. Buy a home. See FRANK L. MeUUTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office open Sundays and evenings. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Magnificent large residence. $40,000. Beautiful residence, best section. $20,000. Fine home, large grounds, $25,000. Up-to-date house, quarter block, $15,000. Beautiful home, flue location. $11,500. Fine 0 rooms, large grounds. $9500. Perfect, 6 rooms, garage. $6000. Prettv 6-room home. $5250. 5-room bungalow. 3 lots, $5000. 5 rooms, attic, s. porch. $4250. Modern 5 rooms, attic. $3500. 4 rooms, bath, nearly new, $2750. Have others, some great bargains, all on Portland Heights. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery drive. Elm at. Marshall 4827. A 3830. $2200 BY MONDA Y NIGHT $2200. I appraised over 1000 houses last year and I know a bargain when I see it. This house will be sold by Monday night. Act quickly: a 55x100 corner lot; with 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, elect, and gas, white enamel plumbing. 3 blocks to car, 6 blocks to Jefferson High, close to li brary, park. etc. Can arrange terms. We have 400 photographs of houses for sale in our office. Come in, look thenty over. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $1400 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $1400. Here Is a 5-room modern bungalow in Al condition, being newly painted and tinted throughout. Has electric lights and gas; white enamel plumbing, large liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom down stairs; combination sleep ing porch and bedroom upstairs; this Is a real good bargain. $375 will handle, bal ance $15 per month. No. 5803 50th ave.. I 6 blocks to Woodstock car. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Sunday and Evenings. $2400 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW $2400. 6-room very attractive bungalow. Urge porch across entire front of houae, elec tric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing, built-in conveniences, 1 block -to Wood stock car, convenient to S. P. shops and Central Door a: Lumber Company. We have several good bargains In homes In the Woodstock district from $1150 up. easy terms. Will help you make your first payment If necessary. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To buy your home. Main 1068. Office open Sunday and Evenings. BEST BUY IN PIEDMONT. Here is positively the best buy in this beautiful district, living room. dining room, kitchen and den. lower floor, three bedrooms and bath upper. Brick fireplace. A splendid furnace. Good garage, 50x1 00 lot, street paved, sewer In and paid for. All for $4000, with $1000 down. See this by ail means. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. MAIN 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. 71 R US SETT ST. KENTON SPECIAL. Mahogany and silver-gray finish: espe cially fine home. large living-room, fire place, attractive dining and breakf ast-rm.. 3 spacious bedrooms and si. porch; strictly modern; all Improvements in and paid. $5O00; terms will suit you; investigate. Geo. E. Engiehart, 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266. I $750 SMALL HOME BARGAIN $750. $100 DOWN. Here is a good, substantial little home with 2 rooms and an attic. Large living room, 12x14. Kitchen with sink and gas. Patent toilet. I m mediate possession. E. 38th street, near Raymond. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Offices Open Sunday and Evenings. FOR SALE LAURELHURST. $5000 Swell, new, modern S-room; one third cash, or for rent. $50 per month. $24 on Swell 5-room new bungalow. East Washington m.. Sunnyslde. $1850 Good 5-room house, 45th and Haw thorne; terms. $3200 Swell 5-room and attic, very choice finish all t h rough. Cash r nd terms. 6 per cent. Call 1207 East Bumside. Phone Tabor 9495. $3150 VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME $3150. A real bargain; 6-room house. Al condi tion, hot water heating svstem. electric lights and gas, white enamel plumblnc. 75 xl 10 corner lot: on E. 9th st.. east of Piedmont. Practically new carpets go at this price. Very easy terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. offices Open Evenings and Sunda y $3 7 50 H A WTHORNE BUNGAIXW $3750 If you are looking for a real bungalow in Hawthorne district see this $4500 very modern, attractive bungalow, reduced to $3io0. Owner leaving city. On Glenn avenue, near Hawthorne. See FRANK L, McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG To buy your home. Main 1068. Office open Sundays and Evenings. $2500 TERMS $2500. FIREPLACE. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGAUOW GARAGE. Buffet and elegant built-in features white enamel plumbing, full cement base ment. jOxlOO lot; near 7th and Jarrett f!- GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg la lenrs in Portland." Main 4803. AMONG ROSE CITY PARK'S BEST sSS wner over $6000. Will sell for S4a00. 6 rooms, den tand sleeping porch Automatic steam-heating system Llsrht fixtures cost over $100. Everything else to match. Close in sheltered location Na tural tree?:. J- C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. . 2 Good 6-room houses: No. Pl-I14 F Alder st. cor. 30th. full basement, gas! xi?.rlC Dath "tC- Price for Oth. $4O0O Will sell separate at $2250 each; terms , J. W. GRUSSI. 316 Board of Trade. Main 745" ROSE CITY PARK. $3000 . 0X-rm bungalow, furnace, fireplace. non"n: " HKa.l-6,Ht St LB blk- car line interest Pei" month Including ln- T. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. 6-room bungalow, brand new. Just be ing completed, hardwood floors through out, private bathroom, furnace, fireplace garage, price and terms are right. Owner "nd builder. Tabor 680. COMPLETE MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE Hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-ins JESS0 fuM 2fJ basement. on" - paid I? ' 3?w olt. c"y. WlU sell for ?-'". rtft..nn.tb!p term. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 3Q.V6-7 Iwl. Bldr. FOUR ROOM l.ARr:P I at m '"'. MmewnHM bath. Dutch kitchen, lot (OTxlSa. fruit trees, fruit i'M v payments. C.rX). T. MOORE CO.. Abington BMr. FINE 7-room house, sacrifice. 1004 3"d at N.; MftOBl Make nfr.r r ' rL 0400 cask i all you need. M. j! CI oh easy. 415 Abington bldg. - Si TT01 B?e Llne road- Ova miles from Portland, close to electric line ata tlon. 4 acres, clear. In berries, fruit 5- room bungalow, chicken run; prif 0.1 500. i nonr iMitujay, Main Broadway MSB. ween days. ONLY $1200 for one acre of land, no rlch-r in Orecon ThiR land lies on the paved highway. There is a comfortable 5-room house, gas and electric light, water In the house; half caih will buy this place M J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. CITY block, 0-room house, bath electric lights, two electric lines, station block from house; convenient to golf links gar den, bearing trees, berries. For r.-t -t -n lurs. terms, address Y .IS. Oregonian. MUST SELL, rt-room plastered house and sleeping porch, city oter, one block from Ryan Station, for 110O. lot lOOx.on fine place for chickens. Terms. Se Atchison at 404 Piatt Bldg. cni?oa 5 ACRES, fully cultivated. 5-room house good poultry house, on Pacific Highwav i mile V. of Bertha, very prettv place Ad dress S. L. N. Oilman, Garden Home. Main FOR the best suburban homes and acreags out of Portland come to Alderbrook on Oregon City car. third house north of Rlsley Station. 4 ACRES at Newberc. $-J.".n; pood buildings SO bearing prunes, pears, apples, ber-ies nil cult.. K cash, dandy place.. Main 367'" r ii Mini, i -ivj - i eon Din g. $4:,0i BEAUTIKl'L home, near Oswego Lake, 1-acre garden, modern, complete elec. water. Main :;672. McKarland, 1408 Taon bldg. " fiLEN ECHO STATION. - acres, all In cult., with good 6-room house. Price 04250. OQDPARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark at. FOR SALE Half acre, three-room house, at Garden Home. Price 01300 00. Small cash payment, balance easy. Close to depot : fine ear service. K 505, Oregonian. MULTNOM AH STATION SNAP 3-Room house with city water. 2 lots, close to sta tion, only $S0O. easy terms. See Atchison at 404 Piatt Bldg. $11 no RCNGAI.OW. Rardcn. T fTH arrvs; Oswego Lake. McFarlaad, 140S Veon bid,:. . Suburban tlomea. ONLY t;400 Almost of an acre, highly ,; fu" bar'ne fruit, lots of It On LrfSS. hnS. ,s. ?, .very, sood 4-room house. v 4th bath, toilet, electric light. K and --, "Ull-I. H IS 00 n fti r.ar4...., HEAL ESTATE. Suburban Ho IDEAL AND SUPERB COUNTRY HOME ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY AT A SACRIFICE. A banker paid OH.OOO for this elegant 52-acre tract bare; he then expended 020. 00O In improvements; widow offers the property at 020,000; you are Invited to submit offer; best of land, all In cultiva tion, on Columbia Highway and bay; one hour's ride out of Portland by auto; new 8-room colonial mansion, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, double furnace, water system, lights, full cement basement, one of the best barns in the state, garage, etc., all desirable features; station at place; best of land, unsurpassed buildings, beautiful view, waterfront, perfect roads; will be shown by appointment. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 0th st. Broadway 4381. DESIRABLE SUBURBAN" HOME. A ' MO.M'-t-JlAM.n. COMFORTABLE HOUSE, BARN, ETC., CITY CONVENIENCES. FIREPLACE, BATH, H. AND C WATER; NEAR CAR AND HIGHWAY. ETC. SACRIFICE ACCOUNT ILLNESS. INCLUDE SEED POTATOES, GOOD 03050? o'nlXC05OO CASH REQUIRED, BALANCE LONG TIME. 6 PfCR CENT. (THIS PLACE WORTH 0C5O0). ADDRESS BI RLE Y, OWNER. P. Q. DUX 222. ONLY 01 100 for one big acre of land. No prettier acre In all of Multnomah county; on a hard-surface street. There is a prac tically new 0-room house, with such con veniences as city water, gas. electric light In the house. There Is a barn and a ga rage on the place: chicken-house and a large varietv or fruit In full bearing. It is cloac to a new city school and on a , jo carfare 05OO cash, with easy monthly payments, will provide any person with a homo In which the land alone will aup ply more than half the living and at the same time you will have all the cltv con veniences. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABING- ONLY 0525O for the finest suburban home on the canine and two blocks from the sta tion. With this home goea 2Vr acre of th most highly Improved land. with oceajvt of fruit of standard variety, all In fult tearing. It has lta own water sys tem, and on a ned street almost to the rate. The land lies the most favorably of any at Oak Grove. This plac has cost tha prevent owner almost S10.0OO. 09000 cash do n. three years time on the bal ance. Thl place will pay for UseTf If the right psrty buya it. M. J. CLOHESSY. 4 15 ABINGTON BLPQ. m ON THE Columbia Highway; no more com manding view of the Columbia River than this affords-. Here Is a good substantial 0-room house with -acre of land, abun dance of fruit in full bearing, barn, chicken-house, woodshed, running water Into the houi. on a paved highway, close to the electric carllne. close to the O.-W. R. & N. depot, close to school, churches and stores. Right at Troutdale. The house is mostly furnished. Take the whole thing for 01000. All you need Is 0200. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ONE ACRE. OOZY 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. 0700 WIXL HANDLE. This nwe.ll little suburban bungalow home on ono acre with several fruit trees, on paved road, 12 miles out from Port land on the Oregon City Electric. Can be bought, within the next ten days for 027)0 ; 0700 down, balance like rent; 3 blocks to car line. See Taylor. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th Street. Main tf60. ONLY 04500 for the most perfect, up-to-date suburban home, right on the caxline. The house alone cost more than the price asked. There is) one aero of land, first class, with chicken-house and parks; a large variety of small and large fruit trees In full bearing. The owner Is obliged to sell this place at a loss on account of leav ing the city. It is on the Oregon City carllne. 89000 cash Is all vou need. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. lO ACRES ,4 PRICE. Only 14 miles city limits. 10 blocks to carllne ; on paved road ; all In cultivation ; large 0-room house. good barn, well water, young orchard. This place will sell for twice price asked within a year. Only 0375O. $15O0 down. Msny other bar gains. See Ott. G. S. Smith &. Co.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 20 acres on electric line and paved high way. 17 miles out. Fine modern house, electric lights, water pressure system, con crete floor in barn, chicken and hog house; fine soli, small stream, home orchard. 07000, terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 315 fha mber of Commerce. IF YOU want a suburban home of one acre to five, closo Into the business center of Portland, all of them on a good carllne. close to schools and on paved streets, from prices ranging from $1000 up to 00000. we can supply you and give you easy terms of payment. Our list of these prop erties Is very large and varied. M - J CI oh easy, 415 Abington bldg. 10 ACRES. HIGHLY IMPROVED. ACROSS STREET FROM VENTURA PARK. Good 7-room house, concrete basement, city water, barn, other outbldgs., 5 acres in cultivation, family orchard, berries, flowers: price K7000. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. MR. HOMESEEKER. wouldn't you like to own a nice little sub urban homo, where you can enjoy the beauties of country life and raise your own vegetables, fruit, chickens and eggs? I have some nice suburban homes for sale and exchange. J. B. HOLHROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. ONLY 04000 for a six-room, up-to-date bun galow, with one big acre of land, highly Improved, with all kinds of fruit In full bearing. This place is on a paved street and close to carllne : close to schools and churches. It Is a corner acre; the house contains all modern conveniences. M. J. i'I)HKSSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. SUBURBAN homesite, 035O. Nice grove of dogwood, evergreens, water, lights, tele phone ; 225x15". if you love outdoor life thl will appeal tojyou. Only 0.15 down. Owner, 500 Concord Bldg., 2d and Stark. For Sale Business Property. 310-ACRE RANCH. In Molalla district, on macadam road; 160 acres In cultlvatloln. 150 acres in pas ture. Fine act of buildings, excellent soil. Over 00000 worth of horses, cattle, hogs, goats and farm machinery'. All goes for 031,000. terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 315 Chamber of Commerce. "AQUA DULCE." Sweetwater; unequaled site for sanitarium or suburban residence, especially fine scenic feat urea; living spring of wonderfully healthful water; good roads, only short distance from Port land. Sacrifice if sold this month. Twenty acres. AR 107. Oregonian. 0 17.500 MUST BE SOLD ; two-story brick building, near Yamhill st- market, rents for 0150 a month. Price reduced 02 per day from April 1. 101 S. until sold. In quire 202 Ger linger bldg.. or phone Main 480S. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS FOR SALE. Stock of millinery, furniture and fix tures. In good location ; price 025OU. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHtLL 210 Lumbermen Bldg.. 5th and Stark Sta. FOR SALE or trade, warehouse or factory site; Ta-acre ground. Industry spur serving yard. .O.-W. R. A. N., buildings, office, etc. BJ 170, Oregonian. FOR SALE, or leaae, abstract plant In Port band. B 07. Oregonhxn. APARTMENT site, best In city, near Wash tngton at. Wolfstein. 114 First st. Homesteads. Kellnculshmeata HURRAH FOR CENTRAL OREGON AND A FINE FREE RANCH HOME NOW. Nearly 2OO0 homestead entries made here past few months and now behold some 74.000' acres open for entry within the Deschutes Valley Irrigation project of the finest homestead land on earth, lo cated within 17 miles of Bend and rural mall deliveries, fine auto roads, telephones, good schools, stores, etc., available now, land rich and level, with pure shallow well water; fine rainfall; Irrigation for alfalfa, etc., assured; 15 customers of ml filed on early 50OO acres near my claim here last week on our first excursion; peo ple leaving to inspect land every day; go now; land going very fast; mild Winters permit thorough inspection now; little or no frost last week ; large party leaving again today; lifetime opportunity; see my returning customers for references; have many One bunch gross 040-acre : . ick rais ing 'homesteads near by also. Write for free circulars giving full details or see me at home any afternoon or evening on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. Take Mt. Tabor or Mt. Scott car. G. 8. Ehle. Govt, land cruiser. 227 East 41th st. South. $1000 CASH or good trade for relinquish ment on IGO-acre homestead, unimproved, 1 miles from railroad and Merlin. Oregon; good fruit land. Y 002. Oregonian. EASTERN ORE. homestead relinquishment for sale or trade for Portland lots. 7512 64 th ave. S. B. CASH for homestead, or relinquishment wanted. 207 '.a Hancock st. FOR HALE My .TJO-acre homestead In Crook Co. Ira Wertz. Oakdale, Cat. For Sale Fruit Lands! A NICE. PROFITABLE LITTLE HOME. 20 acres, 10 In prunes, also other fruit, prune dryer and equipment, small house, good barn, well located. 2 ml lea front two towns; price for a short time, 03.700, terms. Particulars, Henry Ambler, Philo math. Or. ACCOUNT of sickness and old age must sell my fruit ranch adjoining city of Vancou ver. Wash.; a tlrst-class home and a money maker; 22 acres ; terms. Box 58, Route 4. For Sale Acreage. IF looking for acreage, see Hatfield & Crab tree. 231 V Morrison. BUY an acre and live like a lord. 38th st". N. fai titulars. Main ITbV. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. S acres. 5 miles weat of Courthouse. 5- room house, barn and garage. 5 hen houses, paved road, 70 fruit trees; 0300. 03OOO cash. 15 acres, 0-room bouse, nice white bun galow, all under cultivation; 14 miles to town, west of Portland on HUlsboro road; barn and chicken-houses. Price 0 02500 cash. 4S acrea. 4 miles east of Gresham. 07 00. 050o cash, in good neighborhood, - mile achool ; no buildings. 10 acres, 2 blocks from Banton Station; 6- reom house, barn, good well, 4 acres in cultivation; 020O0. 05OO caah. 5 acres unimproved, but very choice; Bellros Station; 025OO. half caah. 5 acrea. Be 11 rose Station. 0-room house, outbuildings, half acre orchard. 0 acres, hi mile from Dayton 1 acre stood onion land, 6-room houae, ' garage, chlcken-houaea, good barn; 033OO, terras. 3 0O acrea, 5 acrea cleared, 10 acres In Trass. 4-room houae and barn, some fruit. 1 mile to achool; $Hw. half cash; 0 miles from Reed, Oregon. Lane Count) . 80 acres, 25 acres in cultivation, 2 liv ing springs, 75 acrea can be cultivated. No. 1 land, easily cleared; some fruit trees; 035OO, 01000 caah; 3 miles from Cape Horn, Wash. 20 acrea, water frontage, Yaqulna Bay; industrial property or subdivision; 04OOO. terms. 2 acres. A miles from Albany. Oregon : all fenced; 5-room house, good well, barn and outbuildings ; all plowed ; 012OO, half cash. 5 acrea, l ' : mllea from New berg and Dundee. Oregon ; 5-room houae. woven wire fence; well 22 feet deep; 2 acrea or chard, including 25 extra-fine Royal Ann 12-year-old cherries; land lies well, no rock; price Olo0. terms. 10 acres. Middleton Station; 4 acres pure land; 3 acrea plowed, fine well of water; 02650. 01654) caah. 10 acrea all clear, 4-room house, near True store; 025OO. half caah. 1 acre, fini garden land. 25 English walnuta 4 years old; out near Plate Ice Coal Company; 02OO0. 03oO cash. 10 acrea, 3Vi miles south of Salem, 0 acrea loganberries, all wired and ready to be trained; good well, but no buildings . $2050. 01400 caah. acrea mile east of Trece Station on Oregon Electric; some beaverdam land; 75 trees family orchard, alt aorta of small fruit; new barn and colony chlcken houses; well and pump; 4 -room houae; price 043oo. 02 loo cash. 5 acrea, i . under cultivation; 2 -room shack, level land, black aoil. good for garden; small barn; price 0"o. 0i"' mort gage ; 0556 caah; h mile from Boring. 21 acrea 8 miles from Vancouver. Wash ington; all under cultivation ; no build ings; S mile of Deer Station on electric railway, price 03OO0. 0O6 cash. 80 acrea walnut land above Fruit dale, adjoining the city of Grants Paaa, Oregon, ideal homesite and above the frost line; red loam virgin soil, good for English walnuts and flaming Tokay grapes; price Oiooo, 06oO cash, 10 acrea 4 miles from Courthouse on Beaverton road ; small house, half mile north of Shattuck Station. This U In neighborhood of exclusive country homes, not over three blocks from the Wilcox country home; price 018(H) an acre, half cash. 1414 acres, barn, granary and 5-room house. 7 Vi acrea In field, 6 acrea prunea. 30 apples and some small berriea; 1 mile from DUley, Or., ;; miles from Forest Grove, or. Price 04200. 02400 caah. CLAUDE G. W A TYSON COMPANY. Main T4SS, 506 Swetland Bldg. THE PLACE FOR A REAL FARMER. Z ACRES AT H1LLSBORO. Real soil for the farmer who wants re sults and at the same time a splendid lo cation ; 3 minutes by auto out ot HUls boro. right at station, in nice open coun try; 02 acres, 70 cleared. 15 bottom, 3 beaverdam; living water, small bunch nice timber; lies just right ; 6-room house. 2 barns, outbuildings. Personal : 12 cows. 4 heifers (.milk check now X -" per month), 4 splendid horses. full set good ma chinery, lota feed ; price 010,000; eaty terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th st. I'.ruadnay 4"S1. FOUR acres, three miles from Vancouver, on paved Pacific Highway. Extra good soil; would make fine home. Price 0700. 040O cash. 5 acres, just outside city limits of Van couver, not far from Capitol Hill carllne. 01OO0, 025O cash, balance 010 per month with Interest at 7 per cent. 10 acres, 0 acres In cultivation; good new. plastered bungalow, concrete base ment, good barn and other buildings ; fine water, good road; some fruit; near R. R. station and store, one mile from school. 030OO. one-ha If cash. J. B. At kinson 112 W. 6th st.. Vancouver. Wash. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. 025o; 010 down, 05 per month buya five acres of land between Portland and Central!., on the main line of three railroads; 1 to i3 milea from rood little town: sawmills and logcin camps in Immediate vicinity. Some of thla land is partly cleared. Running stream ; some bottom and some bench. This acreage priced from (25 to $75 per acre. Can. give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 31 Railway Exchange bldg. 7 -ACRE IMPROVED RANCH ON RED ELECTRIC. N EAR BEAVERTON. 02350. All in cultivation, the best of soil, faces on the electric. 10 minutes" walk from sta tion, good water at dour, can pipe water Into place from pipe line in front of ranch If desired, also gas. family orchard, ber ries, 7-room house, barn, big chicken house, farm Implements, good cow. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg 20 ACRES NEAR TUALATIN. Enough timber to pay for place; only 02 500 . 05OO cash; 11 acres adjoining, house, barn, tools, etc., 021O0. 06OO caah; 40 acres nearby 05000. ! down; 10 acrea near Gresham, cult., house, barn, fruit. 02500. 075O caah; 50 acres Woodburn. all In cult., worth 07 500. for only fMMb 01500 cash. For bargains, see Oil. with G. S. Smith &. Co.. 4:12 Chamber of Commerce. 3 ACRES, good house and bam: all culti vated: on Base Line. Just east Mt. Tabor. Great snap at 03250; terms. 40 acres, east Gresham. partly improved, small house and barn. Terms. 35 acres, near Cottrell: li cultivated, bal. slashed and burned. Good house and barn: C150 per acre; terms. Miller, owner. 412 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 1733. 40 ACRES. 0105O. 24 miles from Portland. 0sj miles from town and electric line. Ilea good, right be tween two good farms, all seeded to pasture, fine for clover, oats, vetch, po tatoes, prunes and walnuts; on county road, half mile to school. 055O cash or liberty bonds; bal. to suit, 0 per cent in-t.-re t MI NDY. 4 1 1 Henry Hid I OWN a little farm. 0 acres. 4 acres In matured, growing orchard of all varieties, largo house, spring piped Into honee. near rood town on the Columbia River, which r I wilt sell at a low figure, or Made for Portland prop' -v. 1- or particulars bsjbj ownr at 404 Piatt Bids;. 10 A'RES. 4-room house. large bern. on Oregon Electric. 15 miles out. mile to station ; U acrea clear, orchard, feneed ; good well; no Incumbrance; H mile school. A nice, convenient home. Price O45o0; terms on 025OO. RITCHIE & RIORDEN. R33 Morgan Bldg. lO'i ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. Fine soil, level, fenced, buildings: 2 acrea nice orchard, good roads. In sight of Portland ; this week only 02S5O. and few hundred will handle. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. VERY desirable acre and fraction. I0OO ft, from Base Line road. 1000 ft. from Crals; road, at depot Mt. Hpod R. R. Or will trade as part payment on modern bunga low. Call owner evenings. Main 8583. X 352, Oregonian. SARI FICE Hua sick wife. lsh to go South : my four-acre home and furnish ings, 9 miles to Portland, close to paved highway und electric car; fruit of all kinds; bargain; investigate. Owner, box 44. Tigard. Or. BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE. 3.12 ac r ea. bea u 1 1 f u 1 view. In res trlcted district, on hard-aurfaced road, close to city; no cheap homes can be erected; this Is something choice. W. R. KASK1'.. S23-26 Gas, o Bldg. FIVE acres, by owner, on paved road. Joins cltv limits, near city, school and 2 car lines fenced. 4 acres In cultivation, several fruit trees, city water In. telephone, light wires and gas In street; liberty bonds taken. Call Tabor aS3. :;0 CHKS 12 miles from Portland. 2 miles on the other aide of Tigard. on the Tua latin River; 20 acrea under cultivation. 4 acrea In orchard; modern house, barn chicken-house; paved road to gtj. Phone E. 55R7. . 20 At'RES. 4 hour's drive from center of " Portland, good houae and bam. 3 years old. 15 acres clear, balance fine big tim ber, for the low price of 045O0. G. A. K as per. Panama Bldg. TWO acres for a home, on carline. 25 min utes out; buildings, running stream all year: 01500, easy paymenta. AK 7. Ore aronian. pO R 1ALI Sm.ill. well -Improved ranch on Pacific Highway, good live community, near cannery, for OL'uo :i!i. easy terms on 02OO0 balance. Tabor 6522. 760 ACRES stock ranch for sale, creek and springs: only 3 miles to R. R.; all fenced. No trade; easy terms. Will be In i.lly Monday only. B 44. Oregonla n. Oloo CASH md 01 a month buys fine acre near Multnmah Station. See Atchison at 404 Piatt Bids;-, cr phon" Main 1 1 U ACRES on Clackamas R.: part culti vated; fine location, auto road; good house. 0 1 500. Marsh. 340;;. 4LS Hall. 80 ACRES under ditch. Burley. Idaho, for City property. BP 137. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade. 40 acres near HUlsboro. by owner. '1415 East Ash st.. city. 40 ACRES level unimproved land, take lots or car. Y 41. Oretronlan. FIVE acrea, paid 01300; wfll t.tke rf;n eis.h or iiood autu. Rvom 1. 030 Mala it. RI AL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. BAROALNS in acreage In and near Glad atone, convenient to Oregon City carllne: Sis acres, deep garden 'soli; 2l3 culti vated, easy to ciear; running water, fine pasture; wood; small house. You would be poultryroan. see this. 91100. O"0o cash. Another chance for beginner 12Va acres fine garden land; 5 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture ; w ood ; water piped to 3 rooxu huutec. barn, from spring; gas en, Cine, running water; land fenced with woven wire. The thing for fruit and poul try 1 arm. 025OO. easy terma. 4 H acres, nearly cleared ; deep, rich solL 050. terms. I acre, all in cultivation, fruit, berries. 0-room house, barn, woodshed, city water. 1 block Oregon City carllne. 92100. terms. Farm la rignt in town; extra line soli. II acres, all cultivated; 7-room plastered house, bath, hot, cold water, barn, hen house, bearing orchard. Located In im proved district; fine red ahot soil; auto road: choice place. Price 93750. terms. O. E. FREYTAG. GLADSTONE, OR. Phone Oregon City, 209-J. 03000 ACREAGE HOME 92500. 1 acre, all under cultivation: 30 bearing fruit trees, lots ot berries: well fenced, on hard-aurface road, city water. 5-room houae and outbldga. ; on Oregon Electric. R VAN STATION. Easy terma. 9110O A REAL BUY 911O0. Iw acres, all cleared and fenced: good well. 2-rm. house ; lays beautifully ; at Garden Home, near station; 02OO caah. bal. like rant. J RUMMELL & RUM M ELL , 274 Stark at, AN IDEAL PLACE FOR GENTLEltAK! COUNTRY HOME OR A SANATORIUM. Seven acres on high bank of Clackamas River, with several buildings of different kinds and sixes; garages, chlcken-huuses with runs, water piped from a aprlng to buildings and different places on the premlaes, an all-year overflowing mineral spring, shrubbery and shade trees and an Ideal place for swimming and a good place for fishing; this place cost the own er only a few years ago oer 0 20. 000. but la now offered for unly OTO00. This ought to appeal to you. E, A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 035 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. r.O-aere Florida home. 5 acres In old orange grove. 5 acres In yellow pine tim ber, balance in cultivation ; situated in Plnallas Co., 3 miles from St. Peters burg, the greatest Winter resort In the South. lj mile from A. C L. R. R. sta tlon. 1 mile from paved state highway; good farm houae and other buildings; thla Is an old-settled place and has many line points In the way of location, etc. 1 would like to trade thta Florida home for Wil lamette Valley ranch of equal value or would, sell outright. There is no incum brance on property and titles are good. Prl'-e OOOOO. AO S3. Oreymian A PERFECT tJO-Ai.RE TRACT AT NEWBERO. Look a long time and then you will coma to the conclusion, as w have, that thla ts one of the best farms In the coun try ; 60 acres, perfect lying land, very best soil. 4 acres onion land. 3 miles out of Newberg, on good road ; hovse. splen did barn, outbuildings, orchard: all In cultlv ation. except 3-acre grov e ; price 0150 per acre. D. McCHESNEY. 12i! North 6th st. Broadway 4381. 10 ACRES S A. under cult., ether very eaally cleared ; 0-1L bungmlow, good barn, chicken houses, woodshed, IS bearing fruit trees consisting of apples, pears, peaches. Italian and petite prunea and cherries; berriea, logan. blackcap, lawton blackber ries and rod raspberries. On good macad amised road. 10 ml. from Portland. ml. from Or. Electric station. 1 mi. from S. P. station. i ml. from grade school. 024OO. Part cash. Reason for selling, owner's health ia falling. Wdl. 0O5. 5' A'RES, all in tult.. paved road. n-.i: 6c carllne ; good, large barn, water, gas, elec. lights. 04500. good terms. 5 a., improved; 5-r. bouse, 2 barns, ga rage: paved road: 34 a. bearing fruit; 5 ml. Courthouse. 035OO, terms. 10 a.. 5 a. improved, bal. pasture; ne;ir Clackamas River and near Clackamas Sta.; paved road. 032OO, terms. 5 a., 4 a. Improved ; small house, barn ; well water; at Ry. Sta. $11.00. easy terms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 105 1 4th St. THIS PRUNE ORCHARD PRODI' " E 1 015. OOO CROP LAST 1 BAA. 35 miles south of Portland; 120 acre. On acres bearing prunes; over 915.000 real ized last year from prunes alone; an ele gant orchard, in splendid condition ; usual farm buildings. 2 prune driers, also stock In new modern drier and packing plant, paying good Interest; price 9-5.000, 910. 000 cash, 5 per cent. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4391. 40 ACRES, within r.O minutes of heart of city, near hard surfaced pavement, half in cultivation and orchard, balance partly cleared ; amall corner good 1 1 mber; fair house, fine drilled w ell with permanent water. To close an estate, 9200 per acre; no trade and no reduction In price. If you want a suburban place, here Is your chance. Hart. 010 Ch. of Com. Phono Mar shall 1585. i:0 ACRES HARD TO BEAT AT HILLS BORO. A perfect lying tract: beat of land, all In cultivation: 13 acres In Fall wheat, good 0-room house, fine large barn, bear ing orchard. lu very best ,-art Washington County; price 936O0. 01000 cash, balance yearly. TX McCHESNEY. 122 North 0th st. Broadway 4W1. FOR SALE SO acres level timber land, first growth fir. fine soli, running water, no rocka or gravel. 15 miles from Portland. 13 from car. V? mile from achool: thickly aettled neighborhood. Sell In 10. 20. 40 or SO acres. Man with family can pay for land from cord wood. Terms. Will trade for Oakland, Cal.. property. G Sin. Ore gontan 10 ACRES P- m. east of Courthouse. Large hnuae. barn and outhouaes. Fruit trees. cranes and berries: It In cultivation. Fine soil. Just the place for loganberries or would make dandy cnicKen rancn. 1 bought this for my home but owing to family affairs must sell and will sacrifice my equity. Bdwy. 14S. AJ 102. Oregonian. BEST OF BUY. 5 acres, ail under high state of culti vation, eight miles from Postofflce. on excellent road. 3 minutes' walk to Esta cada carllne station. Price 01 Sou: 0200 down, balance at 6 per cent from lO to 15 years. Call 005 Yeon bldg. 900O ACRES In Southwest Washington fee sale to aet tiers only; easy terms. law prices. 05 par acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Waits tor map showing location, t rma. etc WEYERHAECSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tact. ma. Bldg.. Tacoma. Waafe. ONI-:-ACRK MAC, 91500. Make yout 0 acres on Dlvh cultivated. 500 grapes, amall hoi fn acrea or lots, on Stone. s-J4 Taylor 50th st.. 5 2d ave.. 1 terma. C. Oregon City: all and peach trees, nd barn. Will sell r own terma. W. M. Oregon City. Oregon. NORTH T1GARDVILLE. 21.9 acres, fronting 011 Walnut ave.. op posite Mr. Sellwood's place, being Iota 24. 25. 26. 27. and part of 31. Price 9450 per acre. GODDARD W1EPRICK. 243 Stark St. ASH offer wanted . 0 acres of fine land, near Tigard; will be sold to the party making beat cash offer; t live in Ohio and have to part with thla land at once. For full directions, call F. W. Clifford. 330 East 56th st. Phone Tabor 5273. 01275 ltt Yri 2 seres, new bungalow ami furniture, new barn, city water, gaa: & minutes' walk to station on good walk : located on 4th-st. electric, 35 minutes out. 13c commutation fare. See owner. Huber Station. Howard Kimball. 10 ACRES 23 miles east of Eugene, en running stream, part In cultivation, old house and other buildings on place; pric v.-" or will trade for farm equipment with rent of place. AO 823. Oregonian . I H A V K over 2500 acres of wheat land In provt n wheat bolt: I need some capital to put thla land Into crop and raise some 02 wheat. Will give you an even break. B 56. Oregonian. WANTED To buy or rent with intention of buying, 2 to G acrea east of Portland; give price and terma; must be reasonable . Write or call evenings after 6 or Sunday. H. P. McCullough. 7 E. 64th at. 10O ACRES, lurt acres irrigated; rich, pro ductive aotl, suitable for potatoes, grain, and alfalfa; 6 miles from Redmond. Price O.'Ooo. or will take some city property . 4214 07th st. S. K. PARK ROSE ACRE. One acre with four-room house with bathroom, built-in china closet, Dutch kitchen, garage, for 02830; terms. Phone Tabor 3726. BIG money In prunes; buy my 1 8 -acre Ital ian prune orchard, nearly of bearing age; fine location. 40 miles of Portland ; price Q550Q. Box 433, Carlton. Or. 916 PER A.. ST A. Near Vader. main line N. P.. Cowllts Co.; a bargain : small payment down. Owner. Tabor 8S24. 10u ACRES for 910 per acre, near Yaqulna Bay. on good road, near ocean Sum mer reports; will make fine ranch. W. H. Bur ley. 6 k 5 Irving st. Mar. 2063. FOR SA LE by owner, one acre 8 miles out on paved highway, few steps from carllne: terms or will sacrifice for cash. Phone Bdwy. 41 Ml 5-ACRE chicken ranch in a amall town . f i rat -class bldg. ; very easy terms; don't ;mswer unless you mean business. M. II.. .".OS Willlaina ave. 10 ACRES, cleared; good buildings, good road, only 5 4 miles from Portland's busi ness center. BD Mitt. Oregonian. UNIMPROVED 0 acre rr.. : on ruiiw rock road; terms. Oarner, W. K. Moshv Wheeldon Annex, city. 18 1-5 ACRES of fine, level acreage near several cood tnwns, all in cultivation, for sale cheap from owner. AV 536. Oregonian TWO acres, clear, mitstd city Htnlt tare. Call at Harness Shop, Lv-nia. RIAL ESTATE. 4 -ACRE at Clackamas. good bull dinars 91SOO. easy terma. acrea at Greenburff station, all la cultivation, full set of buildings. Only 9250U 5 acres near Rockwood station, modern 5 -room house; 3 a. in cultivation; 93500, terms. 10 acres near Newberg. good buildings; acrea In cultivation; 9300O, terma. 10 acrea near Middleton, bui"dinr; 4 acre,, in cultivation; 92100. terras. -S acrea near Monmouth. 13 arms, ta cultivatioin; very rich bottom land, fuiiy equipped; 0500. terma. JOHN E. HOWARD. 99 Chamber of Commerce. BACK TO THB SOIL. Acreage on S2d at- near carllne, paved street, 10 per cent cash, balance reason able. Term. Only 9350 to 9650 per arra. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Leslie Bldar. TEN ACRES. 01 Portland. J a Oregon Electr large barn an er. 221 12th a 3d road. 10 mllea front cleared; Si mile from, id store: S-room house, lcken-houaa. See own Acres all In cultivation. Good five-room houae completely furnished, good barn, chickens and cow. Close in. good car service. 931MHI. part cash. 5oy Cham, of Com. Main 1003. FOR RENT Place with good building cose to Town. 15 acres mostly apple or chard l: -liable parties only need apply. Room . Lnlon block. McMinnvllle, Ore. lOO ACRES f..r tt ulfl M R. eta., good land Mail 140s Ycon Bldg. ily 4 mllea R. 2. McKarland. aie -Tar 1:.' 10 acres, all cultivation, nlc land: 0 acres la crma. mn. all la high need and cro&s vcry good -arn. tool house, chicken houses .hard that 1 mi. from ver. Price acrea la d: good t- year: loci ii. from V TH( 3d For a limited time a modern 15U-acre macadam road, l )f at res under cultl va tlcally level ; deep gravel; well dralnec in good fertile con room plastered hous men 1, water on pore OO w ill purchase roved farm on t from town; PO 80 acres prac loamy soli, no has been kept large new 7 h concrete base arc, well-painted. hiproof irn ; lurgo spring in pasture, unlimited out range tor Summer paaturc, good lances, outbuildings, orchard and otner modern improvements; K. F. D. and telephone, schools, stores and churches near by; railroad runs past this property; farm "is situated in center of rich farming district. Terms One-half cash, balance on terma to suit purchaser. Owner wishes to ;o East to live. For further Information, address owner. JBox 41, Stayton. Or; 67 ACRES. 2' M ILLS FROM PORTLAND. Rl?ht in the heart of the Tualatin val ley; right on the electric line; 60 acrea In cultivation. Good house, barn, large straw and tool sheds. Flue orchard; 16 acres sowed to Winter wheat; 1 fine team. 1 4 - car -oli mare, l fine 2 -year -old colt. 0 fino heifers. 17 goats. 1 brood sow. 5 shoats. 1O0 chickens. Silo with soma en silage, lots of hay. soma w heat, plenty of seed corn and potatoes. Good hames. wagon. bugg. binder, mower, r.ike, plows, disc harrow and all kinds of small tools. W;itor piped Into the house. Close ta school, telephone, milk and mall route. This is one of tho finest farms In Wash ington County. Price 91 '1.506; half cash; balance 6 per cent. UL'NDV. 411 HENRY BLDG. GOOD 00-ACRi: sTQTJIPPSD FARM. NEAR FOSTER ROAD, 15 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 42 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; family orchard, fine soli. 3 . springs, well. tulle to school; 0-room house, good barn, hay fork, loft holds 6 tons of hay. all necessary farm Imple ments, 1 good cow; pi 9M2 an acre. See Sam Hewey at J. U HARTMAN COM l'.VNY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Sldg. THIS WON'T LAST LONG. Beau 1 1 1 u I cou ntry home. 130 acres ; 00 acres in cultivation. 5 acres walnut or chard. 4 acrea commercial orchard ; best ot land, com m unit y unsurpassed ; spa -ctoua modern buildlnajs. electric light plant, w .-iter system ; you can't beat thla for a farm home; bargain at 914.000. 306. oregonian. 40-AORE SNAP 96000. Only 20 miles from Portland on county road close 10 paved highway. Over half cultivated, buildings, spring, all fenced, bearing orchard, fully equipped, wagons, plows, cultivators, gas engine, separator. Remember. 96006 takes vveryt hlng and you only need 92506 cash. 50O Conoord bldg., 21 and Stark. SSO-.M'K E CATTLE RANCH About "OO acres level. 666 acres under ditch ; creek runs through place; good outrange, plenty of feed, 406 head of stock and all equip ment Included ; clear of incumbrance; price. 9b5,ouu; some caah. aomc trade, bal ance long-time mortgairf . Main 1663. O. W. Hryan. 3O8-0 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE A coromi Wenatchee. Wash., vi slrting of about 12 ties of apples, all I peaches, pears, plumi complete improvroien tlculars Inquire D 13, fruit ranch at ut 922.O0O, con- 23 AtKKS. S culL; 5-irce orchard. 5-rm. garden, poultry and hog farm; 2 V mL off down. bal. long terms. 6". Write Le Roy Hotchktsa, owi-r 220 N. Independence ave.. Rock ford. Ill, off market March 1. OWNER will take 9106 for equity In good 40-acre farm, Clarke County. Washington. acres In cultivation, good wood lot and pasture. This price for this month only. AR 1T0, OroaTPP-isn. SMALL, WHEAT FARM. 320 acres In Washington, near railroad, all In cultivation, fair set buildings, stork and equipment included: price 965 a. t, take trade to S I 'MM i, balance mortgage Luedde- 60 ACRES, 6 miles west of Wlllamlna. Or., about 10 acres In cultlv a tlon. balance pas ture and good timber, plenty of ship knees. Price S120O; terma. Address R. N. Stevenson. Wil lamina. Or. PiTh" SALE 100 acres. one mile froaa Berenice. Uutte County. Idaho. 106 aharea water paid for. 40 acres alfalfa. 40 acres plow, all fenced and Improvements, good well: for quick sale. 95uoO. Write Walter J. H-Mger. Honanaa. Colo. SA- R IFI' K 24 acre Valley farm; gX-I land, all 'In cultivation; modern house, barn, excellent community ; money-maker for an vone operating same; makes Ideal dairy; other interest compel sale; a Mg bargain at 915.-Q- N 3M. Oregonian. FVLLY STOCKED AND EQCIPPED. 100 acre, half cleared, bottom land, good buildings, stock, furniture, everything; goes, outrange plenty ; extra good and 93306 handles it. B. F. K ELLY. 71" Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE 1H aorSSj lO cleared, r. st tin- house, spring water; no rocks or gravel; 35 miles from Portland; price 9l0n. Joha D. Leech. Linnton, or. 130 ACRES, 'splendid dairy farm. 900. with 2S cows, hoes. team, farm tools, 6-rm. house, new barn, orchard, school, saw mill, near town. Main :i672. M c Far land. 14QS Yeon bldg. 32o c;ES in Morrow County, all in culti vation; good hous... barn and outbuild- the place; price 923 per acre, terms. Call, address l'"-' N. W. Hank hide. Portland. 33 ACRES, house, barn, team. cow. ch ckens all fenced, all goes for 9"in: 91000 wll handle. Wcstengaid Realty Co.. 312 v or ceater bldg. Main 3S64. FOR SALE 135 aeres, 41 cul., 14 mile; from electric carline and store, 8 mile. Oregon City, 906 per acre. Address owner R. Junor. llulf. Or. ACMES' rich so . acrea In cull i-ood tlmrer. WISER. 417 CI n Portland fine cord rms. E. . FOR Hi law or ex. for farm near Portland improved land, 160. clear; orchard. 1 acres alfalla, buildings, running water Sno a - re ' 1 ; 00. ) ne:-, Laneaster. ' "a l. FARM SI acres, all in cultivation, on goo road, eiose to Woodburn ; excellent land no buildings; by owner. A J 112. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE or rent. II acres 6 miles fror H,od River. srnrll house and rn . quire M. A. Folley, 5SO E. Ankcn. Ens 0134 . 220 .vria'.S; $..".000 . Mttoo down, remainder in lO years. 3 per cent Interest, owner, ."61 CUsan t. 40 ACRES, .--oil worth consideration: near electric, east of Portland. You set the t ermr. 412 Fei 1 1 on UJdg. CASH or trade for equity. Ideal Newberg farm. 247 acre. 173 acres cultivated. Val- s j. no. BH cnamoer or commerce. FOR SALE One sere, on Base Line road and AscoL X303. Oregonian. So PER ACRE. OO acres, near ReedvHi. Main 3672. McFnrland. una Yeon hMe 11 CM:. lit 1. r . leeel cleaicd. MvFartaud. MM Vcvn blda..'