The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Only Six of Fourteen Big Ap
propriations Bills Passed.
rood Administration in Bad Odor in
Senate From Beglunlg
of War.
Ington, Jan. 115. An extra session of
Congress now seems inevitable, with
only six of the 14 big appropriation
bills reported to the House and four
Many of the Democratic leaders in
Congress are opposed to an extra ses
sion, but they do not seem to be able
to put legislation through rapidly
enough to avoid it. Besides the .gen
eral appropriation bills yet to be con
Bidered and passed, therS is the census
bill, one of the most important meas
ures before this Congress, which will
provide for the Nation-wide enumera
tion next year not only of every hu
man being in the United States, but
also for gathering complete statistics
as to every human, industrial or busi
ness activity in the country.
Still another bill to be disposed of is
the one providing for the purchase of
the 1919 crop of wheat by the Gov
ernment, a measure certain to arouse
long and heated discussion, especially
In the Senate, where the Food Admin
istration has been in bad odor from
the beginning' of the war.
There are many surer signs of an
extra session, however, than the con
gested state of legislation. Both houses
of Congress are now in the hands of the
Democrats. The next House is Re
publican by a large margin and it ap
pears certain that the Republicans also
will organize the Senate. One indi
cation of an extra session therefore in
that connection is that the present
Democratic employes in both the Sen
ate and House arc now looking for
other employment.
A difference of opinion seems to exist
between the public health service and
the Army school as to the efficacy of
the vaccine serum treatment as a pre
ventative for influenza and pneumonia.
This becomes apparent in the attitude
of the two bureaus toward a request
for the distribution of some of the
serum among physicians in Idaho,
made by Representative Addison T.
timith. In reply to a request for a
quantity of this serum the public health
service responded that it was not pos
sible to respond to the request, but
added that investigations regarding the
serum treatment as a pneumonia de
terrent had been unsatisfactory. The
Army school, on the other hand, ex
pressed pleasure at being able to send a
quantity of the serum.
At memorial services to be held in
the chamber of the House of Represen
tatives next Sunday, tribute will be
paid to the life and public service of
the late James H. Brady, of Idaho. Rep
resentatives Smith and French, of
Idaho, will deliver the opening eulo
gies, and will be followed by Repre
entatives Little, of Kansas; McArthur
and Hawley, of Oregon; Baker, of Cali
fornia; Johnson, of Washington; Well
ing, of Utah; Austin, of Tennessee;
Mondell. of Wyoming; B. L. Fairchild,
of New York; "Baylor, of Colorado, and
Evans, of Montana.
Some of the California members of
Congress who have tummcr play
grounds and other spots worth a "once
over," from the tourist in their dis
tricts, find themselves in an awful
mess, a really, truly embarrassing pre
dicament. Representative Nicholas J.
Sinnott, of the Third Oregon district.
Is responsible for their troubles.
Mr. Slnnott, in a speech on the water
power bill in the House, digressed for
a moment from the subject under dis
cussion to tell the House of Represen
tatives and the world about the beauty
spots of Oregon in general and Crater
Lake in particular. During his flight
the Oregon Representative was wafted
off into poetry and the nature of his
inspiration can best be interpreted by
quoting his own language. Among
Other things, are these:
Crater Lake, cauldron-Uk. and circular,
7000 feet high, is perched amid the peaks.
Perpendicular sides of slassy lava rise over
a thousand feet from waters of indigo blue
lx miles across and two thousand fet deep.
To the scientist, a mighty volcano col
lapsed within itself. Mount Maz&ma. 15,000
feet high, telescoped.
To the poet, "the sea of silence," "a lake
of mystery."
To me, a shell hole of a war of worlds
who knows?
Could the great blind poet have seen this
marvel ere his pen had Lucifer and his
host of rebel angels
"Hurled headlong flaming from the etheral
"With hideous ruin and combustion, down
in Miltonic imagery here he'd have found
the impact.
vlsts, the reverse to the Russian and
Czecho-Slovak forces there being said
to be chiefly due to failure of arms t
arrive from Vladivostok.
Troops Retreat 14 Mllf m.
The troops which defended the city
have fallen back to Zlatoust, 140 miles
to the northeast, where they are mak
ing a courageous stand in the gorges
of the Ural country. Thousands of
rifles have arrived at .the front and
have been rushed to Cheliabinsk, which
is not believed to be in danger.
Military experts here realize that the
weak points on the Ural front are be
tween Ufa and Cheliabinsk and- further
south at Orenburg, where General Du
toff's Cossacks are reported to be worn
out by constant pressure from- superior
forces of Bolshevists. Negotiations for
the dispatch of allied contingents to
Orenburg are now going on, but have
not as yet been brought to a successful
conclusion. The capture of Orenburg
would give the Bolshevists oontrol of
the railroad running into a rich sec
tion of Turkestan and would ' increase
their ability to resist allied and Rus
sian forces. (Unconfirmed reports re
ceived in London, January 23, stated
that Orenburg had been taken by the
Reds Are Reorganized.
Farther north Bolshevist forces driv
en back from Perm when General Gal
da's Siberian and Czecho-Slovak troops
took that city, have 'been reorganized
and are reported fighting desperately
along the Kama River. The Bolshev
ists are reported to be attempting an
advance to the southeast of Perm in
the direction of Ekaterinberg. In spite
of the fact that the Russian troops and
their comrades are without sufficient
clothing and have suffered great hard
ships, it is believed here that with Gen
eral Jules Janin, commander of the
Czecho-Slovak army, in charge of mil
itary affairs, and with General Knox
of the British army, looking after the
equipment of the forces, the situation
in this section is favorable.
I . ... . 1 1
lion. ii ib expeciua liisi inu uim m i
oe startva in me nexi lew ai;s.
French, of Idaho, Says Epidemic
Proves Soldiers Would Not Ben
efit by Employment.
ington, Jan. 25. Notwithstanding the
fact that their districts will benefit
from the decision of the House commit
tee on public buildings and ground to
pass a public buildings bill before
Congress adjourns. Northwest Repre
sentatives showed no enthusiasm today.
The committee announces its pur-
Tales of battles fought, of
wounds received In action, of dar
ing deeds in this and other wars,
of skill in the use of arms and of
years spent in service.
All this and more, is recorded
in the uniform of a fighter In
the stripes on his sleeve and the
ribbons on his coat.
The Oregonlan offers to each
of its readers a free copy of
"What the Uniform Tells," a
booklet, illustrated in color, which
explains all of these Insignia and
Write your name and address
plainly. Inclose a 2-cent stamp
for return postage. Direct your
letter to The Portland Oregonian
Information Bureau, Frederic J.
Haskln. director, Washington.
D. C. Ask for the Insignia Book.
Allowances on Credits This Month
Said to Be Smallest Since
Nation Entered War.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. America's
job as banker for the allies has been
lighter this month than at any time
since the Nation entered the war. Only
$170,000,000 has been paid out as allied
loans since January 1, tlje Treasury re
ported today, although payments on
this account have been nearly J400,
000,000 a month. The reduction is
caused principally by the curtailment
of shipments of food, for payment of
which American credits had been large
ly used.
Total credits extended by the Treas
ury now amount to J8.588.773.000. but
only $7,854,816,000 has been actually
paid out under these credits.
Credits established and payments
made up to today were reported as follows:
Great Britain .
France ........
Russia ........
Cuba .........
.14.lS.-i.9S 1.000
. 2.43B.427.000
. 1.310,000.000
39,554. 43S
2,09t5. 47.000
pose as being to provide employment
for returning soldiers and the other
surplus labor but Representatives Sin
nott, of Oregon, and French of Idaho,
declined to take this excuse seriously.
Representative Sinnott said he doubted
the advisability of appropriating large
sums for public buildings at this time
although the bill will give his district
$60,000 for a building at Hood RfVer
and $10,000 for a postoffice site at
Klamath Falls.
Representative French sent a letter
to Chairman Clark of the committee
protesting against a building pro
gramme in which he said:
"This cannot be done on the plea
that it will be a means of furnishing
employment for labor or a market for
materials because experience tells us
that it requires two or three years
after a bill is approved before work
on buildings actually can begin."
The building bill which is revived
by this direction includes the following
Northwest building projects besides
those at Hood River and Klamath
Falls: Oregon City, $75,000 for building;
Corvallis, $10,000 for building " site;
Hoquiam, Wash., $70,000 for building.
Malin Mill to Start Up Soon.
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Jan. 25.
(Special.) The new flour mill, which
has been Installed as a cooperative
enterprise by a number of the promi
nent Malin residents, to tnk f,r r.t
the needs of that community, is now
-............. o.v.v, mug hi, x. u. vreer,
who left this morning for Ashland for
the remaining part of the winter- m-
Greer has had charge of the installa-
3Iother Receives Word Son Will Re
turn to Her Alive.
NEW YORK. A modest home at No.
462 Second avenue was turned from a
desolate house of mourning last Friday
to one of joy, when news was received
by Mrs. Mary Lynch that her son. Pri
vate William F. Lynch, of I Company.
308th Infantry, was living and would
soon return to her. He had been re
ported killed in action at Chateau
Thierry and a solemn high requiem
mass had been said for him at St. Car
mellate Church.
He left for France on April 6, 1917.
and for several months his mother had
not heard from him. On September 24
last she received the dreaded ofTlclal
telegram from Washington announcing
that he had been killed in action on
August 22 in the battle of the Vesle
River near Fisme.
Mrs. Lynch aged from her grief, and
than came a letter from a fellow sol
dier In her son's company. George Mc
eGe, giving the details of the soldier's
death as this friend had been told by
another. In the letter McGee said that
"Bill and three others, had Post No. 3
and I had Post No. 1, and on August
22. at a quarter of 5 in the morning the
Hoc ho put over a barlge which lasted
25 minutes. The infantry advanced on
us. but the boys all stuck to their posts.
Bill was operating a big machine gun
on his post when he received a bullet
right through his head, and he just
said 'My Ood,' and died."
Later a friend of Mrs. Lynch saw her
son's name reported in the casualty
lists as "previously reported killed in
action" and then reported as a prisoner
In Germany. Mrs. Lynch at once com
municated with the War Department in
Washington and received a reply on
Friday notifying her he was alive. That
same day she received a letter from
him, in which he said he was gassed
and taken prisoner at Chateaur Thierry
and that he was coming home soon.
"Don't have any soup ofr me when I
get home." he write.
The Last Week of Our January
Pre-Inventory Sate
All Departments Included.
With the closing days of this great sale every section of the store has been
searched in the endeavor to find all odd lots, broken lines, remnants and surplus
lots. All such goods have been repriced for immediate disposal. The saving
possibilities thus placed before our patrons are far and beyond the ordinary. Sav
ings that will not be possible for another twelve-month. Don't you fail to take
advantage of these offerings.
St. Louis Too Poor to Remove Snow.
ST. LOUIS. The snow flurries here
cause much worry to Director of Streets
and Sewers Talbert. The removal of
enow In the downtown streets costs the
city approximately $1000 an inch, and
there are no city funds available this
year for snow removal, Talbert said.
Talbert said that becausecmf wypjpu
He said that because of the lack of
funds this Winter the snow must lay
on the streets until it melts, if the
snowfall is too heavy to be carted
away by the regular street-cleaning
force. In previous year It has cost the
city approximately $25,000 to clean the
streets each Winter in the business district.
For Your Own Benefit Come See the
Handsome Coats
Which We Have
Repriced to Sell
This Sale for
They are the seasons choicest models in fashionable Velours
and Wool Cheviots, coats selling regularly to double the
above figures.
Truly, the creations of Fashion, saved from the price cutter's attention
until the last handsome coats of fine quality velours and wool cheviots
in styles with or without fur collars. Sizes from 16 to 48 in black, green,
navy, brown and taupe. For your benefit come and see them if you
do you'll not leave without purchasing one the unusual price reduction
will prove a temptation few women will be able to resist.
England to Rebuild Roads.
LONDON. Announcement is made
here that the government has set aside
$50,000,000 to be used in road building
and in the reconstruction of bridges al
lowed to fall into decay during the
war. It estimated that 2,500 miles of
roads will be constructed, and that the
work will give employment to fully
100,000 men, many of whom will be dis
charged soldiers.
Indians Wear Modern Dress.
CHEYENNE, Wyo. Broad-brimmed
sombreros, high-heeled boots fcnd mack-
naws have replaced the picturesque
blankets and native headgear of the
Wyoming Indians. It was only a few
years ago that slgt of the Indian In
trblal garb on Cheyenne streets was
an attraction to visitors from the East.
(Continued From First Face.)
dent before the war, which set out
the maximum sentences wihch would
be approved for military offenses in
time of peace.
The new order does hot apply to
troops in France, Siberia or Italy, and
does not mean commutation of sen
tences already imposed at home.
General March said that men dis
charged from the Army will be permit
ted to retain the divisional insignia
which they wore while in service. A
recent order of the department pre
scribed that the wearing of these lnslg
nia would be permitted up to the date
of discharge. So far as the men re
maining in the regular Army are con
cerned, the regulations concerning uni
forms will be maintained and they do
not permit soldiers to wear insignia of
the divisions with which they for
merly served.
OMSK, Jan. 20. (By the Associated
Press.) Ufa has fallen to the Bolshe-
323 Washington tt. Near Sixth,
South African Kpidcmic Cosily.
CAPE TOWN. It Is authoritatively
stated here that the epidemic of in
fluenza in South Africa has resulted In
a financial loss to the leading insur
ance companies of approximately
$7,500,000. One insurance manager said
it was a starting fact that in the course
of a few weeks the epidemic had cost
the companies more than they, had been
called upon to pay for all of their war
Indian Bill Passes Hjpusc.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. The annual
Indian appropriation bill carrying $10,
800.000 was passed today by the House
and sent to the Senate.
" W- rst & ?w" "y zr tS? w w -t& tr E 5
(f ... -.
bkiiled Optical Service
Will Quickly Profit
by These -
Underpriced Items
Seamless Sheets 1.48 Each
Durable quality, 72x90 inches.
Fringed Towels 11c Each
They come 16x36 inches
Unbleached and Honeycomb
18-in. Toweling 39c Yd.
Heavy All-Linen Crash
Toweling in plain white
White Bed Spreads '$3.48
Extra heavy and large
Cotton Blankets $2.48 Pr.
Gray Blankets 64x76 inches
Your Choice at
25c a YARD
Best Standard Quality
All Desirable Styles and Colors.
Cotton Suitings
Plain and Stripe Styles.
Muslin Cambric
Of Fine Soft Finish.
White Nainsook
36-inch, fine soft finish. All to go at,
yard 25
Road Cost' Limit Raised.
WASHINGTON, Jan. ,25. Increase of
the limit of cost of roads to be built
with Federal aid from $10,000 to $15,000
a mile is provided by a .bill ordered
favorably reported today by the House
roads committee. Higher costs of ma
terials made the change necessary.
Minister to Bolivia Appointed.
MEXICO CITT. Alfonso Siller, ac
cording to a semi-official organ of the
government, has been appointed Mexi
can Minister to Bolivia.
The pay offered harvesters by the
Holdenrnerr, England. Agricultural
Club was $16.80 a week, with beer
and tea.
Lxtrai UCJ
j r
C-) Extra! f
'vri' W
'For Anything Musical, See McDaag.U Firt"
C. G. Conn, Ltd. Bund Instrument, Vrira
Ta-ba-jhonr and Why te-1-.ajdle Banjos,
Vega Mandolins and Guitars.
S25 Aider St., near Broadway, Portland. Or.
Ladies $2.50
Gentlemen $5
At IeHoney Beautiful
Academy. 23d end
start Monday, Thursday and Friday
evenings this week. Advanced class
for fancy steps, etc., Tuesday evening,
8 to 11:30.
One-step, Fox Trot, Sehottische,
Three-Step and Waltz taught in 8 les
sons. "Ladies, . $2.50; gentlemen, $5. This
guarantee term is worth $15, and If you
ever Intend to learn dancing, secure
your tickets this week. You can take
one or four lessons a week. Tickets are
good until used. Start with new begin
The Only School teaching each les
son the entire evening, 8 to 11, where
you receive the proper amount of
practice. The Only School with a sep
arate step room and extra teachers,
where backward pupils receive special
attention. xae only scnool with a
system where you dance with dozens
of different partners, teaching the
gentleman to lead and lady to follow
correctly (the only way to become a
practical dancer). The Only School
where each pupil receives a printed
description of all dances free. We do
not teach before dancing parties be
gin, or give short one-hour lessons,
and I conscientiously believe one les
son from us is worth six in the aver
age school. The most backward pupil
will not feel embarrassed and will
meet refined people. Secure your
tickets this week. Use them when you
all hours. Call afternoon or evening.
Lear from professional dancers who
teach the people to dance correctly.
Meet refined people in the leading
school in the best residence location.
Uuin 765. Tell lour Friends.
. . : '
tj Our Uphthalmoscope and Ketinoscope is one of
the most scientific eye-testing instruments in the
world. With it we can detect error of vision instantly
J That sound maxim, "Practice makes perfect," is
particularly true in optical work.
You want perfect eyeglass service and the one way
you can always be sure of getting it is to entrust
your eyes to a firm whose goods and methods have
been proven perfect by a long and reliable record.
f Perfection in designing and grinding Kryptok
glasses the invisible bifocals has been attained
by us as the result of just such a record.
J Every pair of Kryptok glasses worn by one of our
customers, fitted as we fit them, is certain to give
unqualified satisfaction.
J We design and grind these glasses on the premises
to meet your individual requirements for near and
far vision.
tj You are sure of the genuine when you come to us.
Portland's Largest, Most Modem, Best Equipped
Exclusive Optical Establishment.
209-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison
Since 1908.
Here's Another One of Our
Justly Famous
Half -Price Sales of
Silk Velvet and
Woolen Dress Goods
One-Half the Marked Regular
Remnant Prices'
We do not need to tell you at length about the wonderful saving possi
bilities of this great Remnant Sale! Those who are familiar with our
store know the elegance of oar extensive silk and velvet and dress
goods stocks fabrics of fashionable weaves colors and patterns and
thoroughly reliable in qualities. A most successful season has left us
with several hundred remnants and short lengths, and such we place
on sale for final clearance before inventory at one-half the marked
regularly low remnant prices.
All We Have to Say Is That You'll Have to Buy
Early, for This Wonderful Price Reduction
Will clear them out quickly. Included are both plain and fancy silks.
All weaves and all colors. Woolen dress goods in all weights. Waist
ings, Suitings and Coatings. Velvets in most all wanted colors. One
to five-yard lengths. No phone or mail orders. None sent C. 0. D.
and none reserved.
A Wonderful Lot of
Embroideries at 25c Yd.
Both imported and domestic Longcloth
and Cambric Embroideries ; 17-inch Corset
Cover and Flouncings; 9 to 12-inch Skirt
ings, Allovers, Bands, Galloons, Beadings,
etc., etc.
Beautiful and Dainty
Laces at 25c Yd.
Included in this assortment are Gold and
Silver Bands and Edges; 34-inch Shadow
Allovers; 12 to 17-inch Flouncings; also
Bands and Net Top Laces.
Don't Overlook These Offerings
All Underpriced.
Khaki Shirts at $1.49
Heavy Cotton Khaki Shirts in styles with
military or turn-down collar.
Flannel Shirts at $2.49
Navy Blue Wool Mixed Flannel Shirts with
tur-down collar.
Wool Shirts at $3.49
Navy Blue Wool-Mixed Flannel Shirts with
turn-down collar and two pockets.
5 TJr tf
Qv TaP 3
Well-known and Reliable Makes of
Guaranteed Corsets at 95c Pr.
A Sensational Underpricing!
Henderson R. & G. and Merito Corsets Selling Regu
larly at Double or More Than the Above Price
Fashionable Models for Stout Average and Slight
Figures In Sizes 18 to 36 In Pink and in White
All Models With Rust Proof Boning and Supporters
It is the season's final disposal of all discontinued numbers and
broken lines. A sale long to be remembered as an extraordinary
opportunity to purchase perfect-fitting Corsets of reliability at an
out-of-the-ordinary saving.
Attend in the Morning Hours if Possible and Avoid the
Afternoon Crowd That Is Sure to Be Here
NO woman can afford to have a bad
kin'. There is nothing that de
Mtroys beauty uo absolutely as an oily,
potted, pimply complexion or a sallow,
uninviting skin. Today It Is unneces
sary to suffer from such disfigure
ments. A simple, easy treatment that Is
within the reach of every pocketbook
has been perfected and Its results are
little short of marvelous. This Is Santl
septlc, a delightful lotion. If the person
with a bad skin will follow directions
given, the results will be simply amas
Ing. It Is a skin bleach and puririer
that is perfectly harmless and can be
used on the most delicate skin.
SanUsaptlc is easily procured at drug
and department stores. .Adv.
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Valtte The Best in Quality
el iy i
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.