THE SUNDAY O K KG ON IAN, PORTLAND. JAM ARV !0B, 1919. TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS IF YOU CAN'T COME TO THE STORE MARSH ALL 4600 OR A 6101 5 Welcome Home the Boys As a convenience to patrons our New Yorfc or ganization will dVliver letters, packages, etc., sent from here to Oregon and Northwest boys imme diately on their return from overseas. Mail in tended for soldiers known to have been wounded should be so marked. Relatives and friends who go to New York to meet the boys are invited to call on our New York Office, 212 Fifth Avenue. "Under Four Flags" See this remarkable U. S. Gov ernment war picture portraying America's part up to the final episodes of the great struggle, Majestic Theater, now showing. Symphony Orchestra The first of the season's ron :erts by the Portland Symphony Orchestra will be given at the Heilig, Wednesday evening, January 29. Tickets 35c-Sl. Mail Orders Filled by expert personal shoppers from this and all our ads while quantities remain, if received within three days of date of publication. Order today. 1 Grocery Specials Butter. Roval Banquet, fresh creamery, finest quality. 2-lb. roll $1.19. Soap. Crystal White, 10 bars (limit) 59. Matches, Birdscye or Searchlight, dozen 70, box c. Tomatoes, new pack, well filled cans, large cans priced at 15. Meier Frank's: Ninth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) TV QjjuurrV Sto 4 Two Great Sales Tomorrow Double Savings j Either of these sales would be of itself alone a most noteworthy accomplishment. The combination of both is an event of the rarest magnitude. Each is store-wide. Each !s rich in money-saving opportunities for our patrons. Reconstruction and Readjustment Sales enter on their fifth week tomorrow. There is no let-up in value-giving rather some of the most important of these monumental sales are scheduled for this week. Their purpose is known to all we are putting such prices on many of our lines as will mean an early and radical lessening of stocks and quick re-orders from us to "keep the wheels of industry turning." Great 5-Days Before-Stock-Taking-Sales begin at 9 A. M. tomorrow. The objective of these sales is a great clearing away of merchandise preliminary to inventory, to reduce stocks to the minimum and facilitate stock-taking, where there are broken assortments, odd lots, etc. These sales will continue until 6 P. M. Friday, while quantities remain. There will be new lots each day. See later announcements. Lovely French Voiles, Batistes, Organdies Of Such High-Grade Materials Are These $15 to $22.50 Blouses Beautiful hand-work distinguishes these models some are hand - made through out. Many exquisitely h a njd e m br oidered, tome trim'd with real Filet and Val laces, hand-tuckings enhance the distinction of others. A number of the models have dainty frills edged with knife pleating. Three illustrated. $122 Flesh and white. Round and square neck models, slipover and regulation styles. A surpassingly fine as sortment at an un precedented low price. Fifth Street window See our display today. Limited number come early. None on approval. No ex changes. 1 Meier &. Frank's: Fourth Floor. Sale of Drapery and Upholstery Samples 2 and Less Wonderful values while any of a limited number remain. Drapery and upholstery samples mostly l1 yards in length, some longer enough for many chairs, cushions, table runners, pillows, etc. Included are the following: Wool and cotton tapestries. Plain and figured silk velours. Silk damasks and brocades. English linens and cretonnes. A great variety of colors and patterns something in this lot that will harmonize with the decorative scheme of any room. 1 Meier &. Frank's: Drapery Shop. Seventh Floor. Congoleum Square Yard, Special 78c Congoleum "Gold Seal" floor coverings for bedroom, dining-room and kitchen. Water-proof, sanitary, washable -'no fastening needed. Many colors and pat terns. 9 feet wide. Square yard 78c in stead of $1.25. -Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) $2.00 Bath Sheets at $1.25 Good quality bath sheets of heavy bleached Terry cloth. These sheets are slightly imperfect- in most cases only a soiled spot or a dropped thread. Size 45x70 inches. Turkish Bath Towels $1-$1.25 Limited number of fine quality Turkish bath towels that usually sell for $1.50 and $2. Seconds. No phone orders. Meier Remnants Table Damask, Yd. 50 Short lengths of mercerized table damask lVfc to 2xAs yards the regular 75c quality on special sale at 50c yard. & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street. Open Stock Dinner Sets Substantially Reduced Nippon china hand-painted dinner ware in three very desirable open stock patterns. Specially priced as follows: 60-Piece Set $29,75 100-Piece Set $43.25 Pretty green border design with pink roses. Gold edge and handle. Illustrated at top. 60- -piece set, regularly $38.25, at $29.75. The 100 piece set, regularly $55.35, at $43.25. 60-Piece Set $29.98 100-Piece Set $44.52 Pink rose decoration with gilt edge handles and leaf. Illustrated in center. 60-piece set, regularly $37.70, at $29.98. The 100-piece set, regularly $56.90, at $44.52. 60-Piece Set $39.98 100-Piece Set $63.92 Blue tint border design with pink roses. Gold edges and handles. Illustrated at bottom. 60 piece set, regularly $49.50, at $39.98. The 100 piece set, regularly $79.90, at $63.92. Meier &. Frank's: Basement. Mail Orders Filled.) T"I71VTf 15c-20c Lawn A Limited .Number on Sale While Any Remain A great Imal disposal of odds and ends of men's fine lawn handkerchiefs in white and colored initialed styles. Small, medium and long block and script initials em broidered on medium-weight and mer cerized finishx lawn. Narrow hemstitched hems. Extra special values while any re main at yc eacn, or six for 5Uc. 9c -Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) NEW! Lining Satin $1.49 About 300 yards of this fine new lining satin in pretty com binations of colors in conventional effects. Two patterns in gray and two in tan. Full yard-wide material for coats and underskirts. An excellent value at $1.49 yard. Sale of White Outing 27c White twilled outing in short lengths from 2' to 7 yards. 27 inches wide. This quality is su perior to many grades sold in the bolt at 35c a yard. Sale of Cream Outing 28c Cream twilled outing in full bolt lengths. Fleecy outing that is 27 inches wide. This material is regu larly priced at 40c yard. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mailorders Killed.) -I 125 Suits on Sale Tomorrow This assortment of 125 suits embraces prac tically every wanted material, every style, every color, every trimming effect. Every suit is taken from our regular stocks and reduced for this sale to exactly half the original price. Among the especially important half-price groups are: $25.00 Suits at $12.50 $35.00 Suits at $17.50 $45.00 Suits at $22.50 and so on. by easy stages, up to the $98.50 suits at $49.25. A half price sale of suits at this store is the wore remarkable in that our original pric ings were, as is well known, of a most con sistent moderateness. Meier A- Frank's: Fourth Floor. 1M.11! Orders F illed.) Wash Goods 19c An odd lot of wash goods, in cluding 32-inch ginghams, 32-inch heavy suitings and 36-inch voiles reduced to 19c for quick disposal. The regular 35c and 40c a yard materials. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Needlework A great half - price sale of stamped needlework, including centers, pillow tops, bed spreads, scarfs, etc. Regularly $1.00 to ?7.00 now 50c to $3.50. Hand-Embroidered Models $l-$4 Regardless of former prices. Some slightly soiled. One of a kind. $4.00 values, $1. The $10.00 values $4. No phone or C. O. D. orders taken. Meier & Frank's: Needlework Shop. Second Floor. J Sale of Famous "Frolaset" Corsets Regularly $4.00-$6.50 $2.98 Discontinued models of the famous "Frolaset" front-lacing corsets. Made of serviceable coutil and fancy cotton materials in de sirable styles. Not all sizes in each model, but all sizes in the lot. Other special values in standard makes corsets at $1.59, $1.95 and $2.59. Cotton Petticoats $i:95-$2.47-$3.45 Many "Eppo" Petticoats Included A very special sale of women's petticoats made of serviceable quality sateen, heather bloom and Hydegrade materials. All popular colors and designs, also plain black. Broken lots many of the well-known Eppo petticoats are included. All sizes. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled. ) Laces, Embroideries Four good offerings in our Lace and Embroidery Sections tomorrow : Laces 10-450 Filet crochet laces, edges and bands a splendid reproduction of the real laces. For camisoles and art work. l' to 6 inches wide. Flouncing 49c Embroidery flouncing on Swiss and cambric. A variety of designs in eyelet and floral patterns. Large and small scallops, ruffled edges. Nets, Yard 79c "No - Tare" nets for evening gowns. Twenty shades light, me dium and dark, also black and white. 1)6 inches wide. Cluny Motifs 25 Hand-made Cluny motifs in cres cent shape. Very much in demand for lingerie and art work. Regu larly 50c-$l. -M.-ier & Krink'h. Main Floor. (Mail OrderM Filled.) Jackets 29C Infants' crochet jackets dainty pink and blue borders. ularly priced 49c to 75c special at 29c. with Reg- Infants' Wear Reduced Here are a few of the many special values to be found in our Infants' Shop tomorrow: Vests Wool and cotton, all wool, silk and linen and all silk vests Ru bens and other well-known brands. Wrapper and double-breasted style. Broken assortment of sizes in fants' to 4 years. Regularly 65c to $'2.00 special at 49c and 98c. Bibs Only 15 Infants' fine white table bibs of heavy cambric. Neatly trimmed with hemstitching and machine em broidered designs. 20c values. Caps Only 29? Foundation forms for infants' and little girls' caps. White net forms that are well finished and rein forced with white tape. Regularly priced at 50c. 9 Doz. Bibs 25 "Throw-away" bibs made of Ly-Ka-Kloth paper. Absorbent front, water-proof back. Prevent dresses from being stained or soiled. 9 dozen for 25c. Arnold Knit Wear Reduced , Very special prices on- the well known Arnold gowns, aprons, sleep ing garments, bands, vests, crib sheets, wash cloths and bath towels. -Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Jackets $1.79 A small lot of heavy white knit jackets with dainty pink border. These jackets were regularly priced at $2.59. Silk Hose 35 Infants' all white silk half-hose with ribbed tops. Sizes 4 to 6. Regularly priced at 75c. Limited number at, pair 35c. Hose, Pair 29 Infants' white silk plated hose, alsq heavy unbleached ribbed cot ton hose with mercerized heel and toe. Sizes 4, 4 Ms and 5. Hose, Pair 35 A broken assortment of infants' fine white cashmere hose in sizes 5, hVz and 6. Regularly priced at 50c special at pair 35c. Kerchiefs Here are eight good offer ings in women's and chil dren's handkerchiefs. No phone or C. O. D. orders taken, none exchanged at these prices. 'Kerchiefs Ac Women's and misses' sheer lawn handkerchiefs in white and col ored embroidered corner and ini tial styles. Hemstitched and rolled edges. Dozen 45c. 'Kerchiefs He Women's embroidered corner and initial style handkerchiefs on sheer and soft finish Shamrock lawn. White and colored floral and figured styles. 6 for 35c. 'Kerchiefs 10c Women's sheer Shamrock lawn and linen kerchiefs in embroidered corner designs, also white and colored initial handkerchiefs. 'Kerchiefs 13 Women's wide hem border hand kerchiefs embroidered in pretty designs on fine sheer lawn. 'Kerchiefs 15 Women's handkerchiefs, mostly pure LINEN, a few sheer lawn and silk handkerchiefs. Plain and fancy initial styles. Hand-loom scalloped edges. . Sale Children's handkerchiefs novelty silk hand kerchiefs with printed embroid ered and initial designs. Special at 6 for 10c, each 4c (dozen 45c) and each 9c (6 for 50c). Meier & Frank's: Handkerchief Shop. Ma. a Floor. 'Kerchiefs lawn embroidered 99 100 "Oregon City Auto Robes Grades That Sell Regularly for $7.95 to $9.75 100 in an Unparalleled Sale Tomorrow at $4.95 This Price Is Less Than Wholesale Cost Genuine Oregon City robes for automobile use, bed coverings, camp blankets, etc. Excellent quality wool-mixed robes in heavy weights Average size 60x72. Firmly lxund edges. Handsome shades of brown, gray and blue. At $4.95 this is the best value we've ever offered in a robe! Sec Sixth Street window display. MflT & Frank: Si (Mail Orders Filled. You Will Be Sure of a Warm kitchen on Chilly Mornings if You Own a Universal Combination Range There is no delay no need of waiting for the furnace to get warm. All you have to do is to put some fuel, wood or coal, in the firebox, light the gas self starter no kindling required and it won't be long until you have a warm kitchen. With a Universal Combination in your home you have two complete stoves a complete wood and coal range and a complete gas range all in 40 inches of space. Use wood and joal for Winter days and an abundance of hot water; use ga for warmer days and for instant service. Your old range taken as part pay ment and on the balance you can, if desired Make Your Own Terms in Reason Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) 4 2 A rA onHHHHHK;;:: v:.: mm imm mini : :v:. l 1 Hi I'llii llll'li1 li'ilMii 1 i 1 ill1'1 1 i In I1 -mamml mStmKmM m 8 iu Jllflill i4fri HdU ... ' 1 iu n mm :tlr.utfils m .1 .