21 CITY PLANNING BODY PASSENGERS DESCENDING FROM NEW CARS NOW OPERATED George K. Walker secretary-treasurer GIRLS! BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR WITH "DANDER1NE" of the Lewis County Pure Breeders Club here today. ON RUSSELL-SHAVER LINE. State Commissioner of 'Agriculture E. F. Benson. State Veterinarian R. J Donahue, Horticulture Superintendent M. L Dean, of Olympla; W. T. Mc Donald, livestock commissioner of British Columbia. Victoria: A. D. Mllll gan. of the Rural Spirit. Portland; H. N. Coleman; of Pullman State College, were on the programme. N. B. Coffman was toatmaster at a delightful noon day luncheon at the St. Helens. Will 's. Horn, who Is to be Lewis Election of Officers Will Take Place Wednesday. Get a Small Bottle! Freshen Your Scalp! Stop Falling Hair! Remove Dandruff! Grow Lots of Wavy, Glossy, Beautiful Hair-You Can! New Yorker to Aid Oregon Boys Opens Headquarters. County's new club leader, and Lieu-, tenant Frederick Roble, newly chosen fruit Inspector, were Introduced. INAUGURAL EVENT PLANNED McALPIN HOTEL CHOSEN THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 36, 1919. i rum innmiinrp lli i cn HnnHiibLu WELCOMING BODY APPOINTED BY MAYOR Selection of Commission Recom mended by C. B. Cheney, Who Is Making Survc;. The personnel of the new city plan ning commission, authorized by the City Council upon recommendation of the housing survey committee, was an nounced yesterday by "Mayor Baker. The commission Includes Mayor Baker, City Attorney LaRoche and City Engi neer Laaurgard as ex-officio members. The other members are Ira F. Powers, Ellis F. Lawrence, J. P. Newell, J. C. Ainsworth, E. B. MfXaughton, A. E. Doyle and B. F. Slefman. Election of officers of the commis sion will be held at a meeting to be held at the Benson Hotel Wednesday night at 5:45 o'clock, which is to be fol lowed at 6:30 o'clock by an inaugural dinner in the Tyrolean room of the Benson Hotel. Mayor Baker lias invited members of the City Council and the housing survey committee to meet with the members of the commission to dis cuss the problems which the commis sion, serving in an advisory capacity, will handle. Creation of the city planning com Taission was strongly urged by Charles B. Cheney, the city's consultant in housing and city planning. Mr. Cheney is working on a comprehensive survey, which will soon 4e completed and it is the plan that the commission will carry out many of the suggestions which will be embodied in this report. Important I'roblcms Ahead. "The appointment of a permanent city planning commission, with the high personnel and individual ability of the present group named by Mayor Baker, marks another definite step of progress in the municipal government of Portland." said Mr. Cheney. "Impor tant problems of housing, living and working conditions need to be solved. The splendid work of the Greater Port land Plans Association, and the Bennett plans adopted by the city in 1912, form ideals that were largely responsible for and led up to the establishment of this new arm of the city government. "Largely for the lack of proper or ganization, real city planning and housing results have only begun to be obtained during the past five years in the more progressive cities and states of this country and Canada. Before that time, while splendid studies of cities were made, their effect was largely the same as shooting into the air, most of them being so far over the heads, or beyond the grasp, of existing city authority and legislation that these splendid early civic efforts went beside the mark, and were largely waste. "We are learning now. however, defi nite steps of procedure that can be taken: we know how to develop data that will prove that proper planning will save, instead of spend, the public funds, and that unrelated, haphazard efforts of city development are not only' wasteful of public funds, but result in the depreciation of rents, property values and taxa.ble return to the city, jib has litcn brought out in Massachu setts and elsewhere. Economy Ik Shown. "Proper planning will stabilize values, pave much of the cost of necessary im provements, and bring much needed revenue to the public treasury: it will promote public convenience and give greater safety from accident and fire, and save thousands of dollars by ef fecting economies in transit and trans portation; will promote health and make life more wholesome and the city more beautiful. "How to go about taking care of the future is the first concern of a city planning commission. Obviously, it is not good business to attempt to plan for better housing, for railroad read justments, school park, playground and boulevard systems, or to lay out a paving programme for the next 10 years, until the city has decided defi nitely the appropriate districts for resi dences, for business and for industry, and has, with a reasonable allowance for future growth, established those districts so that one use of buildings may not Intrude upon another and thus destroy not only the desirability of neighborhoods, but actually impede the growth of the city. The unlimited scat tering of industries into retail busi ness sections, and even into residence districts, the intrusion of the garage, laundry and apartments into home neighborhoods, is not only unnecessary, but actually causes the depreciation of millions of dollars of adjoining prop erty in the cities of this country annually. Zone Regulation! IVot .New. "Zoning regulations are not new in this country. Height limits have for many years been established in Bos ton, Baltimore. Los Angeles and a great many, other cities of the United States. Los Angeles in 1909 established use dis tricts for residence, business and in- LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSUEVERISH Hurry, Mother! Remove Poisons From Little Stomach. Liver, Bowels. Give "California Syrup of Figs'" at Once ir Bilious Constipated. or Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, it is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver -nd bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale. jesnt sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally or is feverish, stomach sour, treat.: bad; ha3 stomach ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative"; they love Its delicious taste, and it always makes them leel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get Me genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other felc4 with, contempt. Adv. SPECIMES OF BIRNEY SAFETY CARS, 25 OF WHICH SHORTLY WILL BE OPERATED I PORTLAND. Two new one-man streetcars are in operation on the Russell-Shaver line. They are specimens of 25 which the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company will use in Portland in the near future. Each of the cars Is operated by one man. They are light, mounted on single trucks, and have seating capacity for 32 persons. The axles have ball bearings. The operator serves'in the dual capacity of conductor and motorman. dustry, in an ordinance which has been upheld several times by the United States Supreme Court. Such regula tions in large European cities date back to Napoleon's time. One of the rea sons why Europeans characterize Amer ica as the most wasteful country on earth is because of our lack of such protection of property investments. "The next 150,000 people to come to Portland (and we believe they may be expected in less than 10 years), must settle here to the benefit of those al ready here, and not to their detriment. Strange as it may seem, it is.found in most cities that the newcomers are liable, unless properly guided" by such regulations, to intrude stables, garages and small stores in residence districts, to congest the buildings unsuited for additional tenants, and thereby to fien ace the health and safety of the com munity, as well as to depreciate the surrounding property values. New York City stopped that in 1916 and St. Louis in June. 1918, by the passage of protective rone ordinances. Irving ton and several other fine residence neighborhoods of Portland seem to need the city's help to properly protect themselves. "The housing survey committee that was largely responsible .for the estab lishment of the new city planning com mission recommended its appointment to the Council to study out these mat ters for the benefit of the more modest home neighborhoods, particularly for the better housing and protection of industrial wage earners." 30-ODD CASES PR,0BABLE Actions Against Finnish Paper and " J. Al Pattison on Dock-. "When the Federal grand jury comes into session Monday afternoon it will face a grist of some 30-odd cases, the most important being those against the Toveri, Finnish newspaper .of Astoria, for the alleged spreading of seditious publications, and J. Al Pattison, under arrest on the charge of obtaining ap proximately 120,000 on spurious bills of lading. Mr. Pattison's bond was reduced last night and he was released on a J10.O00 bond. The former bond was $50,000, which Mr. Pattison was unable to ob tain. The bondsmen are W. H. Mc Monies, of the McMonies Saddlery Company; H. C- Hanson, of the East Side Planing Mill, and H. E. Jacket. Nlsqualiy Destroys Hatchery. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 25. Flood waters in the Nisqually River destroyed the state fish hatchery near Roy, with the loss of 1,200,000 salmon eggs. State Fish Commissioner L. H. Darwin re ported today. Other state hatcheries were also badly damaged by high waters, he saio. Captain Blain Issues Denial. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 26. In a telegram received today by D. M. Callis, assistant district manager of the United States Shipping Board, from Captain John F. Blain, district man ager, now in Philadelphia. Captain Blain denied reports that he had re signed his post. I WIFE OF FLORENCE MAYOR DIES OF INFLUENZA. Mrs. Harvey L. McKee. Funeral services for Mrs. Grace N. Holden McKee. wife of Harvev L. McKee. Mayor of Florence. J Or., were held January 21 In Eu- ; gene. Mrs. McKee died on, January S at her home in Florence after a three days' illness of pneumonia, which followed influenza. She is survived by her husband, a 5-year-old daughter, Mary Newton: her father, W. S. Holden. of Eu gene, and two brothers, A. G. Holden and Harry M. Holden, both of Portland. Mrs. Holden was an accom plished violinist. She studied first in Portland and later in Massa chusetts, where she attended the Boston Conservatory of Music. She took a prominent Part In war drives. She was born in Fort Worth, Tex., but spent most of her life on the Pacific Coast. Her father built the first street rail way in Eugene. J -- JJ-AJ.J VALUE OF BILL SET FORTH miss McGregor speaks of do mestic RELATIONS COURT. K-liibllshment Would Mean Saving in Time, Work and Money, Says Sponsor for Measure. That the proposed bill for the estab lishment of a Domestic Relations Court in Multnomah County will save time, work and money, was pointed out yes terday by Miss Jessie D. McGregor, of the Grade Teachers' Association, which is fostering the bill. She based her as sertions on figures from county rec ords and a statement of District At torney Evans. "So far the only opposition to the bill which has developed has been from the deputies in the present Juve nile Court," said one of the members of the teachers' association yesterday. Miss McGregor showed by figures that the salaries for the Juvenile Court work last year totaled $26,C44.75. She then pointed out that the budget for 1919 allowed $88,250 to the Juve nile Court, $5000 more than was spent last. year. She made then a salary esti mate on the work of the proposed court which totaled 127.124, which would be less than $1000 in excess of the salaries paid last year, and would not need any extra appropriation for this year if the bill was passed. A saving to the state of time and ex pense by eliminating duplication of case it was referred to by District At torney Evans. He showed that the Juvenile Court cannot try adults, while the Domestic Relations Court, could, thus making unnecessary two hearings in cases of contributing to the delin quency of minors. At present the caM has U be tried in the Circuit Court first and then handled by the Juvenile Court witli reference to the child. The child has to go over the sordid details twice, making an impression on a young mind that is unwholesome, said Mltm Mc Gregor. Quite a large delegation is planned rom Multnomah County at the hearing at the State Capitol tomorrow night. COOS BAY PROTESTS LOUDLY Senator Smith Gets Vigorous Reply for Crab Information. MARSH FIELD, Or., Jan. 25. (Spe cial.) The attempt to open Coos Bay to commercial shipping of crabs met with a prompt and general protest'and Senator I. H. Smith, who called for ad vice wnen a petition with 70 names was presented to him for inaugurating a law has received counter petitions, telegrams, resolutions and telephone messages in countless numbers, all pro testing. The Marshfield Chamber of Com merce discussed the question and de clared against it by resolution. One pe tition from Jorth Bend contained 119 names. Deputy Game Warden J. M Thomas was pronounced against the proposed bill and said harbors in this section of the state where, shipments have been allowed have had their sup plies depleted until there is no com mercial value in crab fishing any longer. Survivor to Tell Kxpcriences. Melvin W. Metcalf, a survivor of the wrecked steamer Dumaru, will give an address Monday morning at Hill Mill tary Academy. Mr. Metcalf. when the steamer was wrecked off the coast of Guam, escaped In a boat containing 32 persons only 14 of whom lived through the 21 days of privation in which the open boat was lost at sea. The young man is in Portland visit Ing relatives. The meeting will be at I A. M. and will be open to the public. Member.-' Forum to Meet. For the Members' Forum of the Chamber of Commerce. at the noon luncheon tomorrow, a programme of interest to Portland has been arranged. W. D. Fenton. for many years general attorney for the Southern Pacific Com pany in Oregon and a student of traffic and transportation subjects, will speak on "The Railroads." Isaac D. Hunt will speak on "Meeting Water Competition and Water Transportation." C. W. Hod son also will be a speaker. Two Men Sentenced. Earl Petrain, charged with violat ing the Idlers' ordinance, was sen tenced to 30 days in Jail yesterday by Municipal Judge Rossman. George Sal- valainer. charged with distributing handbills without a license, was sen tenced to 30 days in Jail and. to pay a fine of $100. Both men were ar rested for distributing Incendiary lit erature, which, police say, is calculated to foster Bolshevism In the United States. North Bend Property Sold. NORTH BEND. Or., Jan. 25. (Spe cial.) The purchase of the Johnson estate property by the Hazer Hardware Company was announced here today. The property la situated in the estab lished business center of the city and will be used as a new location by the firm. It is improved by a two-story building which will be remodeled and made modern throughout, . Parents of Returning Soldiers and Sailors May Send Messages or Otherwise Aid Committee. Organization or a committee to wel come Oregon boys who are in New Yrk and other Eastern ports from overseas has been completed by O. C. Letter, chairman, according to informa tion received yesterday by Mayor Baker. Headquarters of the commit tee have been opened in the McAlpin Hotel. Thirty-fourth street and Broad way. where parents may send messages to their boys and where Oregonlans who are East are urged to visit and give all possible assistance to the com mittee. ' The executive committee which is handling the work of receiving the home-coming boys is composed of O. C. Leiter. chairman; Judge Thomas C rick Burke, as treasurer, and Miss Evelyn P. Curtis, the latter a former Portland newspaper woman, secretary; Lloyd W. McDowell, and one other person yet to be named. The scope of the work of the com mittee is outlined by Mr. Letter In nis leucr as ionows. Plan of ('Uipaln Set. 'First To Investigate the condition of Oregon troops and their necessities on their return and during their stay in the various camps. "Second To provide for the recep tion at the various transports on ar rival in the harbor. "Third To provide for the entertain ment of Oregon men in the camps who lack funds for paying their railway expenses to New York City and their expenses for a short stay in New York City. We are trying to work this out by a recommendation for a budget and hope to devise a plan whereby small advances, not to exceed $2.50 a man. ly be made from a loan fund, and the soldiers receiving these advances to reimburse this fund when able later to do so. 'Fourth To expend such funds as shall be necessary for the investigation of conditions In the camps adjacent to New York City consisting of traveling expenses to these camps. Visits to Hospitals Planned. 'Fifth To arrange for sub-commits tees to visit all hospitals and look after the needs and necessities of Ore gon wounded men." Arrangements have been made by the Oregon committee in New York with Senator Chamberlain for notifica tion prior to wie ?rnw Ul a.i "n.iiKrttna jury yesterday which include Oregon boys. Quarters for the headquarters of the committee have been secured in the McAlpin Hotel without cost, and the only sal aried person attached to the committee is one stenographer Mayor Baker has forwarded $00 to the Oregon committee in New York This money was from proceeds donated to the Oregon soldiers' and sailors' ir emergency fund through boxing shows held In Portland under the aus pices and direction of the Portland Boxing Commission. Kurther approp riation from the same source will be forwarded to New York as the money Is -needed. Word was received yesterday by the Lrtland committee for the reception or soldiers and sailors from Senator McNary that arrangements had not yet been perfected for the routing of re turning Oregon mtfri through Portland en route to Camp wwls. This plan has been presented to the War Depart ment and it is believed that the ar rangement will be approved. LEWIS BREEDERS ELECT Many Men of Prominence in State Assembly at Chehalis. CHEHALIS, Wash.. Jan. 25. (Special.) J. A. Scollard was elected president. V. L. Bevington vice-president, and "Tell Me How To Be Beautiful" Get Rid of All Pimples, Blackheads and Skin Eruptions Purify the Blood With Stuart's Calcium Wafers. TIIIAL PACKAGE MAILED FREE. Stuart's Calcines Wafers Surely Da Give a Lovely Complexion. The reason why Stuart's Calcium Wafers beautify the skin is their nat ural r. r . to seek the surface. The wonderful calcium sulfide is one of the natural constituents of the hu man body. You must have It to be healthy. It enrlcheB the blood, invig orates skin health, dries up the pim ples and bolls, eczema and blotches, enables new ekln of fine texture lo form and become clear, pinkish, smooth as velvet and refined to the point of loveliness and beauty. This is "how to be beautiful." Stop using creams, lo tions, powders and bleaches which merely hide for the moment. Get a 00-cent box of Stuart's Calcium Wafers at any drug store today. And if you wish to give them a trial send the coupon below. Free Trial Coupon V. A. Stuart o.. 777 Stuart Bid.. Marshall. Mich. Send me at once. by return mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Name Street. City State " KEYMEN ENTER PROTEST Potmaler-Gerral Charged With Failure to Keep Word. Organised commercial telegraphers of the United States will begin today a vigorous protest against Postmaster General Burleson and. the J telegraph and telephone administration, accord ing to C. H. Preston. Sr., secretary treasurer of Portland Council No. 92. Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America. One of the big grievances, accord ing to Mr. Preston, is that Mr. Burle son has not kept his word in forcing reinstatement yt discharged employes. Two new cases of dismissals, cited as unjustified, have been placed before Secretary Preston by the discharged employes themselves in the put two days. MORE MARINES ARE WANTED Reerulting Restored to Pre-Wur Ba sis. According fo Order-. Recruiting for the United States Ma rine Corps has been restored to the pre war basis, according to orders received at the Portland marine recruiting sta tion. 304 i'anama building. New sta tions out in the state will be opened, this being authorized in the orders. Numbers of men recently discharged from the Army are now appearing to enlist in the marines, reported Lieu tenant H. E. Potter yesterday. The advantages of foreign travel, with service in such places as the Orient. Philippine and Hawaiian Islands, prove an attractive lure to these men, it is found. MOTLEY HEARD TOMORROW Miempted Burglary Charge lo Be Answered by Man Thought Amateur. E. L Motley, who was arrested Fri day in the Jerferson apartments by Mrs. Etta Farrow, landlady. and charged with attempted burglary, will have a preliminary hearing in the Municipal Court tomorrow. Motley was till in Jail yesterday. Bertillon Expert Hunter yesterday found no record of the alleged burglar In the rogues' gallery, and police be lieve he Is an amateur. Mrs. Farrow met Motley in the hall and held him with an empty revolver until police came and arrested him. Young Couple Bound Over. Howard Manning, 22 and Larke over to the by Municipal Judge Rossman after the young men had waived a preliminary hearing on the charge that they atempted bur glary Friday night In the home of Chester G. Murphy. 251 King street. In spectors Niles and Graves, who have chaige of the case, say Manning is a parole violator from Monroe. Wash.. Reformatory, where he was sent from Seattle for burglary in September. 1914. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyone Who Drinks Hot Water J Says an Inside bath, before break- fast helps us look and feel dean, sweet, fresh. Spark line and vivacious merry. bright, alert a good, clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood. If only every man and woman could be induced to adopt the morning inside batn. wnat a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls, with pasty or muddy complexions: In stead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, opti mistic throng o rosy-cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking each morning, before brea4cfast. a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in It to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's in digestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, before putting more-food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store, which will cost but a trifle, but Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change lo-both health and appearance, awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. Adv. : Great Medicine : Made From Corn Silk Excites Favorable Comment. Kidney and Bladder Ailments Banished by Few Doses. Corn Silk! The same "silk" you see protruding from the husk of corn, pro duces a fine medicine for kidney and bladder Irregularities, when compound ed with other simple drugs as in Balm wort Tablets. Balmwort Tablets contain a powerful extract of corn silk, which quickly re lieves the Inflammation and congestion that causes such distress as pains In back and hips, rheumatic twinges, nerv ousness, severe headaches, accompanied rfy frequent desire to eliminate, fol lowed by scalding, burning sensation. The patient is compelled to arise fre quently to relieve painful pressure, even though a scanty flow follows. The eyes appear "bloodshot." the sleep Is rest less, and sometimes fever, followed by chills, cause great unrest. It Is unwise to nerlectsuch symptoms, when a few doses of Balmwort Tablets can be tak en for relief. Alice Trobough, 52? South . Twenty-fourth street, Omaha. Neb. writes: "I have used one tube of your Balmwort Tablets and find that they are th best I have ever used for kidney and bladder trouble." Ask any leading druggist for a tube of Balmwort Tablets. Price, 11.00. Adv, , i easssssnissssssssssH9sasssBssLssssK S l "DANDERINE" GROWS HAIR Besides doubling the beauty of your hair at once, you will shortly find new hair, fine and downy at first, but really new hair growing all over the scalp. Costs little. GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS if Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers You, Drink Lots of Water. When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinarv tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep 1 your bowels clean, by flushing them ' witli a mild, harmless salts which re moves thu body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal ac tiv ity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It SOD grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much: also get from any pharma cist about four ounces of Jad talts: take a ta blespoonf ul In a glass of wa ter before breakfast euch morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla. and has been used for generations to clean and stim ulate clogged kidneys; also to neutral ize the acids in urine so It no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus' ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive: cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which everyone should take now and then lo keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. Adv. GRAY HAIR DARKENED I cinsrr Necessary to Hate Gray. Faded. Lifeless Hair. "I.a Creole" Darkens It Kvenly. Tou can have a full head of beautiful, evenly dark, soft and lustrous hair again, no matter if you are middle aged and your hair is now gray, streaked with gray, faded and "worn out." All you have tb do is to comb "L Creole" Hair Dressing into all your hair once a day as per simple direc tions on the bottle, anil In a few weeks the beautiful, dark color your hair used to have will come back without a par ticle of gray showing any more. It is no trouble whatever and perfectly safe. "La. Creole" Hair Dressing will do what many others fail to accomplish, because it is made according to scientific prin ciples, which guarantee that the orig inal dark color of your hair will be restored if you will Just use it as direct ed. Try It at our risk. For sale by Owl Drug Co and all good drug stores every where. Mall orders promptly filled upon receipt of regular price. SI. 00. "La Cre ole" Hair Dressing is guaranteed. Adv. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Saj-s Cream Applied in Nostrils Relieves Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils nr clogged and your nead Is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a coll or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream Into your nostrils and let It penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the Inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you get Instant relief. Ah! how good It feels. Tour nos trils are open, your head Is clear, ao more hawking, snuffling, blowing; to more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what sufferers from head colds and ca tarrh need. It's a delight, Adv, NEW TREATMENT THAT KNOCKS RHEUMATISM v no i ki;k to any m fi crcil in Syracuse. N. Y.. a treatment for rheumatism has been found thai hundreds of users mv a wumlrr, 'ftmrtmc cases that Msjsal Hit it- short of miraculous. Just a fsav t r. ,i i nit nt in i he very worst ensea sra I o .i i-rompMsit w ondcrs fvm after other remedlvs have filled entirely. It seems to neutral ire thu uric acid and lime aalt do posits in the blood, driving all the poisonous clorflnK astcf mm t he system. Sorsps, pa in, stiffness, swell ins just seem to mall away and vanish. The treatment first Introduced by Mr Dr lane is so pood that Its owner wants every body tli at suffers i rom rheumatism or who has a friend so afflicted, to get s free 7eo package front bint to prove Just what it will do In every case before- a penny is spent. Mr. D tutio says: "To prov that the Delano treatment will positively overcome rheuma tism, no ma iter how severe, stubborn or Ions standing the a-. and rven after all other treatments have failed. I will. If you have never previously used t be treatment, send you a full -else 73c package free If you mill just cut out this notice- and send It with your name and address with IOc to help pay PpstaKc and distribution expense to me per sonally. JF. H. Delano. l:M-I Wood Bids' . Syracuse, N. Y. I can send only unu Free Puckaffe- to an address. Adv. JUST USE SLOAN'S LINIMENT ONCE Then You'll Understand Why It's the World's Greatest Pain Relief. Sloan's I.lnimcnt does exactly what Is claimed for it relieves quickly, with out ruhhlng. It penetratex. Cseful in relieving external pains, soreness and stiffness, such as follow exposure, ovcr- exerclsa or unusual exertion. A big bottle Kept handy will last long ami pay for lticlf In eomfortable relief the first application. Clean, convenient. eemouUcsU. Can be bought at any drug store. ltt it today. 30c. 6oc. $1.20. Half of French Army Lost 1.500,000 killed in battle and an equal number seriously wounded is the enor mous sacrifice of France In the world war. This constituted about half of the men she put Into the field a larger ratio of her 36.ooo.ooo population than any other ration gave. America owes France a large debt of gratitude for this heroic outpouring of her life's , blood that liberty m'ght live, and also to the peasants of France who discov ered a perfect remedy, for stomach, liver and intestinal ailments which is reported to have relieved Incalculable suffering, prevented many surgical op erations and saved thousands of lives. Geo. H. Mayr, a leading Chicago chem ist, imports the ingredients and sells this remedy under the name of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy. It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all .stomach, liver and intestinal ailments Including ap pendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Druggists everywhere, Adv. .