The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Transport Maui Brings 2283
Sick and Wounded.
Clroat Britain and United States
EMh to Get 130,000 Tons for
Transport of Troops.
NEW YORK, Jan. 23. The transport
Maui, tarrying 95 officers and 2945 men,
of wliom 52 officers and 2231 men
are listed at sii k or wounded and two
civilian casuals, arrived hero today
from Bordeaux. Only 47 of the patients
were designated as requiring special
Among the arrivals were Companies
A. B. C and Medical Detachment, 814th
Pioneer Infantry (colored) consisting
of Bevcn officers and 601 men, assigned
to Camp Upton: casual company IS,
Virginia, comprising two officers and
113 men assigned to Camp Merritt and
84 casual officers.
HALIFAX, Jan. 25. The Cunard
1Ane Steamship Aquitania with more
than 5000 returned Canadian soldiers
arrived here today.
NEW YORK. Jan. 25. The transport
Atenas arrived today from Bordeaux
with 119 passengers, including 82 of
ficers, 17 privates, two naval officers,
one French officer and two French en
listed men, and 15 civilian. Major
General C. C. Ballou was the ranking
officer aboard. The others were large
ly casuals.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. The trans
port Minnekahda is due at New York
February 1 with about 200 officers and
2500 men, the War Department an
nounced today. On board are units of
the 328th Infantry (82d Division), 83d
Division Cadre, consisting of seven of
ficers and 132 men and 142 casual of
ficers. The transport Plattsburg, due at New
York January 30. is bringing about 50
officers and 1500 men, including the
323d Machine Gun Battalion, complete;
330th, Infantry's (83d Division) Ma
chine Gun Company, casual companies
and six officers and 222 men in the
pick and wounded class.
NEW YORK, Jan. 25. German ships
allotted to the United States for trans
portation of troops aggregate a total
of 450,000 tons, including the giant
Hamburg-American liner Iraperator, It
was authoritatively learned today.
The Imperator, 51,969 gross tons,
. which is a sister ship of the Leviathan,
and has been laid up at Hamburg
since her arrival in July, 1914, is ex
pected here with several thousand
Yankee soldiers.
Great Britain also will receive 450,
000 tons, the total representing virtu
ally all the tonnage held in German
ports during the war. The United
States, it is understood, however, will
receive the larger vessels.
tion than could be obtained through
any excess profits tax.
Privilege of free export and -ale to
manufacturers would stimulate produc
tion and aid gold mining, says the com
mittee, and might also be a safeguard
against inflation. The Government
might increase production by assisting
in improving methods of mining.
Possible methods of maintaining the
visible gold reserve would be in the
curtailment of the use of the metal for
manufactures and making a call on
the public to turn in hoarded gold. In
France voluntary contributions by the
people since the war began have
amounted to more than 2,000,000,000
francs (about $400,000,000). Further re
lief might be obtained, the committee
says, by amending the war minerals
bill to include gold and voting an ap
propriation to be used in directing the
search for new deposits.
The committee declares that the fu
ture of gold mining in the world is
problematical; that the gold output of
the world seems to have passed Its
zenith and to be on the decline.
'Virtually all economists agree that
the gold standard sould be-matntained,"
says the committee. "Eve nthose who
have profound Ideas as to 'the advisa
bility of a different standard concur
that it would be dangerous to attempt
any drastic changes during the read
justment period. The gold standard is
of vital necessity in the regulation of
foreign exchange and shipments of gold
to neutral countries should be encour
aged to stabilize the value of our dol
lar, to insure confidence and to promote
business relations."
Individual Discharge Course
Held Impracticable.
Intelligent Co-operation Aids in Car
ing for All Soldiers Who
May Return.
I January Clearance Sale!
Revolutionaries at Punta Arenas
Try Unsuccessfully to Liberate
Anarchist in Penitentiary.
BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 25. Five hun
dred Maximalists, after a battle with
frontier police at Port Is'atales, Chile,
have penetrated Argentine territory
toward Rio Gallegos, in Patagonia, ac
cording to information received by the
Warships and troops have been sent
to meet-them.
It is reported from Puenta Arenas
that Maximalists tried unsuccessfully
to fight their way into the penitentiary
there to liberate the anarchist Barrera,
convicted of responsibility for the es
cape of the anarchist Radiowsky, who
was sentenced to life 'Imprisonment in
1910 for the assassination of Chief of
Police Falcon of Buenos Aires.
The Governor of Santa Cruz terri
tory has sent police and civilian vol
unteers to meet the Maximalists before
they reach Rio Gallegos.
A dispatch from Puenta Arenas refers
to the disturbance as a revolutionary
movement." It says the situation Is
grave because the revolutionists are
well armed.
The populace is reported in panic.
Special Probe Discloses That De
crease Is Seroius.
WASHINGTON. The special commit
tee headed by Hennen Jennings, gold
mining engineer, which was appointed
by Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the
Interior, to Investigate gold production
In the United States, has made a report
that indicates a decline in production.
The committee was appointed several
months ago when the secretary's atten
tion was called to the increasing cost
of gold mining and a consequent de
cline of output.
The report just made says "gold min
ing has been seriously injured by the
war and has been discriminated against
for the benefit of the Treasury in that
the exporting of gold and even the in
ternal free trade in the metal was in
leruppted." Stating that prices of all commodi
ties have advanced in terms of the Gov
ernment's paper money except that of
an once of gold, which has a fixed price
of $20.67, the committee says:
"The purchasing power of gold has
decreased in proportion to the increase
of other commodities which in one way
or another are factors in the obtaining
of new gold.
"The present decrease in gold produc
tion is serious, as the maintenance of
a sufficient gold reserve is essential to
the security of our National finances
and credits. The United States is the
most favored Nation In regar dto gold
reserves, holding more than $3,000,000,
000, or nearly one-third of that of the
world, but it has contracted debts on
a gold basis many times that existing
before the war.
The committee gives as the principal
reason for the decline In gold produc
tion the increase ui operating costs in
the most favored quartz mines of from
57 cents to produce a dollar's worth of
gold In 1917 to 70 celts in 1318.
Various means of stimulating the
production of gold were considered by
the committee. Payment of a bonus on
newly mined gold, advocated by many,
is frowned upon by the committee. The
elimination of excess profits ta on gold
mining ana tne encouragement oi
larger outputs thereby is advocated,
and the statement is made that larger
dividends paid to shareholders will
mean greater revenue for general taxi-
Recognition of the "own-your-home"
camDaitrn plan put into effect in Port
land, which recently resulted In faui
C. Murphy, prominent realtor, being
named chairman of the Na'ional "own-your-home"
committee and bringing
the headquarters of the organization
to this city, now has been accorded
by the Federal Government. Mr.
Murphy has accepted an Invitation to
go to Washington, D. C, and assist
United States Department of Labor
officials in mapping out a plan to
further home ownership. He plans on
leaving for the East this week.
Chairman Murphy's committee of
members of the National Association
of Real Estate Boards and a commit
tee of the National Federation of Con
struction Industries will meet in Wash
ington in the near future to plan a
National "own-your-home campaign
to continue three u'ears. It is ex
pected tht the Portland plan will be
put Into operation throughout the
The initial "own-your-home" cam
paign was launched three years ago
under the direction of the National As
sociation of Real Estate Boards. The
work was conducted In some 300 cities,
such satisfactory results being obtained
that it will be carried on for another
three years.
Murphy Appointed Chairman.
It was while Mr. Murphy was attend
ing the recent executive committee
meeting of the National Association of
Rpal Estate Boards in Chicago In the
capacity of chairman of the Nation
i-itv nlannina committee, that he was
annointed to head the "own-your-home"
movement. A few aays later, ai me
request of Ernest T. Trigg, presiaem
of the Philadelphia Chamber of Com
merce, he met in Chicago with the ex
ecutive committee of the National Fed-
f construction Industries.
MomberK of this committee." Mr.
Murphy said yesterday, "represent the
hia-eest manufacturers of building ma
terial in the United states. iney are
ready to co-operate in any way they
can in the 'own-your-home' campaign.
"These men expect to do a large
amount of business in construction
materials thisyear. There was no ele
ment of doubt about the future as far
as they were concerned.
"The concensus of opinion in the
East was that there will be no early
reduction in the price of building ma
terials. The reductions could not come,
it is agreed, without disturbing laoor
conditions, and as labor constitutes
about 9 per cent of the cost of bulld-
ine materials It is eviaent mat pnueo
will be maintained."
Minnesota Men Organize.
Mr. Murphy also attended the Min
nesota state convention of property
owners and brokers at Minneapolis,
January 0, when a state association
wu organized. N. J. Upham, of Min
neapolis, who will be remembered by
Portland realty men as having visited
this citv as a representative of the Na
tlonal Association, was chosen presi
Thf- convention speakers were unan
imous in predicting a bright future in
the business world," Mr. Murphy said.
A $60,000,000 road bond issue proposed
In Minnesota met with their approval.
nther Middle Western and Eastern
states also have large highway pro
Tin. nt the best- addresses at th
convention was delivered by S. A.
Thompson, of the National Rivers and
Harhors Conuress, Washington, D. C,
who spoke on waterway development.
He indicated that an extensive im-n-nvement
Droeramme was planned,
mentioning the Columbia River among
other projects.
Plan Adopted Safeguards Military
Situation and Hastens Return to
Peace-Time Conditions.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. Republican
Leader Mann read to the House today
a letter fronj General March explaining
why the War Department adopted the
plan of demobilizing by disbanding
units instead of by discharging sol
diers in accordance with the need of
men in Industries. The chief of staff
said the latter plan had been discarded
as impracticable after consideration
because it would have involved the task
of appjaisine the case of each Individ
ual soldier.
"On the other hand." he said, "dis
bandment of the complete military
units could be and was immediately
begun. In this way the military situ
ation was safeguarded and at the same
time demobilization was accelerated."
General March urged that legislation
be passed permitting the resumption of
voluntary enlistments and re-enllst-ments
in the Army, saying that demo
bilization of overseas forces was being
retarded to an extent by the fact that
there are practically no troops to re
place them. He said there are many
men at every camp wno wouia enlist
in the regular Army if it were not for
the fact that all definite period enlist
ments were suspended by the act of
May 18, 1918.
Commenting on the American oe-
mobilization figures, the General's let
ter said:
"Such results would have been
simply Impossible had it been at
tempted to discharge immediately
every soldier who made application on
individual grounds. There are hun
dreds of thousands of men now re
turned to their families, home com
munities and industrial employment
who might not have been relased for
months if the ar Department had at
tempted to Inaugurate a scheme of de
mobilization based largely upon indi
vidual requests for individual dis
charge. "The absorption of these men Into
the general life of the country their
return to productive employment has
assisted in the permanent revitallza
tton of industrial life and has expedited
the return of the country to ita normal
peace-time condition." -
While he conceded that there might
be a few minor cases of Injustice done
in the demobilization. General March
declared the best Interests of the coun
try had been safeguarded, and equal
treatment to the individuals of the
Army secured.
Regular $29.50 Seamless Brussels Rugs$22M
Size S.oxii reet un aaie 1 ms w eex ai
There's a Particular Rug Here to . Make That Gold, Bare Floor Warm and Inviting
8.6x11 feet? Oh. yes! That's large enough for the ma
jority of rooms. As Cor designs, don't worry. There are
SEVEN to select from; they're In splendid color combina
tions, too; principally browns and tans, blended with blue,
green and red.
That's the Idea, put the old rug in the dining-room or
bedroom and the new one In the living-room: the majority
of people do it that way. Beside making good use of the
old rug. you'll save $6.66 In cash. Worth while, isn't It?
Sieht Difficulties in V. S. Army
Reported Below Average.
NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Eye trouble
in the American Army abroad has not
increased, but, on the contrary. Is be
low the average, .Lieutenant-Colonel
Allen Greenwood, of Boston, who has
been senior consulting oculist with the
American expeditionary forces, said
upon his arrival here today on the
steamship Rochambeau.
"At Savenay we have a hospital.
which is also a school, saia Loionei
Greenwood, "and a New York teacher
named Baker, who, I understand, has
been blind since he was 6 years old.
was brought to France and, with other
teachers, has been doing wonaeriui
r,.r-o had been only 110 cases ot
hiinHness. he said, and 70 of these had
been returned to the United States.
My Special $50 and $100
Diamond Rings Have No Equal
Make This Your
Jewelry Store
for 1919
This is a compact, efficiently
organized store, rendering an in
telligent, personal service.
Each employe is an authority
and in charge of some particular
department. .
Your wants will be carefully
attended to and your inquiries
greatly appreciated.
If you are not already familiar
wirn my store, call, let's get ac
quainted, it will be to our mutual
Credit Accommodations
Without Extra Charge
LargeHt Diamond Dealer in Oregon.
334 Washington Street
Opp. Owl Drug Co.
$125.00 Tapestry Overstuffed
Davenport With Three Loose Cushions
They're big and luxurious, possess noticeable distinction in ap
pearance and every detail in construction was carefully looked
after. Another Ilia Feature for this week will be
The Famous Lauzon
Tapestry Overstuffed Davenports at
These are tapestry overatuffed and sold regularly at $105 and
$110: thev have no loose cushions, but have the three--ushlon
Your home should be all the word means attractive and com
fortable. Here la an elaborate copy of the style that prevailed In
the 16th and 17th centuries; either finish, hand-rubbed 'Wax" or
William and Mary 8-Piece Dining Suite
No Interest, Even Though You Buy on Terms of
$15 Cash
lml 3jh-"fl T i i2rl
lfn In tfce Fifth-Street W l-dow. Von Caa Have It at the Reduced Irlee on the Ka-y Ter of
$25 Cash $3 Week No Interest
ln the Absence of Doctor Nobly Gone
to War, After Inlinensa. the urip
Those wonderfully useful medicines.
Hood's Sarsaparilla, Peptiron and
Hood's Fills comprising the new com
bination family treatment are warmly
If taken regularly, Hood's Sarsapa
rilla before meals, Peptiron after meals
and Hood's Pills at night as needed.
they are reasonably sure to Keep a
family in health and prove to be relia
ble and always ready frienda They
purify the blood, build up strength and
regulate tne system.
Get all. or any one, as you think you
need, from your druggist today. Adv.
These Durable Soles Cut
Shoe Bills Down
"For use around cement plants and
similar places where rough materials
grind down soles quickly, I recommend
Nealin Soles. They resist wear sur
prisingly. After working around the
clinker department long enough to
wear out two pairs of ordinary soles,
my Neolin Soles are still as good as
new," writes A. F. Miller, superintend
ent of The Peninsular Portland Cement
Company plant in Jackson, Michigan.
It is remarkable how tough and dur
able Neslin Soles are. They are made
so by Science comfortable and water
proof, too. They come on new shoes
in many styles for men, women, and
children, and are available everywhere
for re-soling. Wear them, and cut
your shoe bills down.
Neolin Soles are made by The Good
year Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio,
who also make Wingfoot Heels, guar
anteed to outwear all other heels.
Ileolin Soles
Tr Ha bt. U.I. P.t. OS.
Big! Commodious! Conven
ient! Complete!
Kitchen Cabinets
Priced for This Week at Only
$5 Cash$1 Week No
Organize your kitchen work like a modern
busineas office. This "Master-Model" Kitchen
Cabinet will bring to you unconfined kitchen
jov. Needless moves and wasted moments will
be" saved. YES. INDEED, this "Master Model"
will be In your kitchen
A Much Appreciated Servant
White enamel upper Interior.
Top flour bin with alfter.
Glass sugar, coffee, tea and spice jars with
aluminum screw cape
Aluminum top extension work table.
Metal-lined cake and bread drawer.
Two spacious linen and silver drawers.
Cooking utensil compartment with center
Oh. yes; roll open front and metal door and
drawer grips.
Stands 58 inches high and 40 inches wide.
Golden polished, front and sides, finish.
bbubct omt -im.i.k racca or ovsbpuix
"Panama" Cast Iron Heaters that
are splendidly trimmed with
heavy nickel. Have duplex
grates for wood and coal (coal,
however, is more satisfactory, as
the wood must be fed through the
top). Large two - lid top and
mica front door.
?e50 $24.50
size . .
The entire stock has been
searched: wherever only one or
two pairs of each remained they
were thrown Into thlB sale.
Charming Laces and Exquieite
Scrims and Marquisettes in white,
cream white and ecru. All are
on one big table for you to select
Rrfcnlar. Sale.
WJtS SI .69
gxoo S2.25
jh S2.63
no. S3.00
94.50 S3.3S
B.VOO S3. 75 M.SO 5.25
SjM S6.00
There Is a
Dr. Scholl
Appliance or Remedy for Every Foot
Do they cramp?
Are they cal
loused? Have you
pain ln the heel.
In the arch, in
the toes? Why
suffer with tired,
aching, burning
and tender feet?
Area Supports
Foot Comfort
24 WASH. ST.
Bet. -d and 3d.
Y. M. C. A.
College Preparatory
Small classes and intensive in
struction permit unusually rapid
Accredited to all colleges and
Universities on the Pacific Coast.
New term opens February 1st.
Fifty per cent discount to re
turned soldiers.
Enroll now. Call or write.
DIV. C, ROOM 416
Y. ML C. A- Portland
We pay cash for Bonds in little or large amounts.
We pay cash for Bonos partially paid for.
We are investing local funds, no deductions for
telegraph fees or similar extras no delays.
A square deal for all. See us if you must sell
your bonds or in case you cannot pay out for some
you have signed for.
Oregon Eilers Music House
2d Floor, Entrance 287 Washington, Below Fifth