The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, Section One, Page 19, Image 19

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Timely Health Preservers for the Household
Recommended by Druggists of the West to Help You Keep Influenza and Pain Away
During this siege of Cold, Grippe, Infuenza, Pneumonia and Pain, the druggists are
prepared with the following valuable Purola Remedies and Preventives to help you keep
health and happiness in your home. Every household should be fortified with these:
ml ay
This powerful, yet pleasant zinc chloride antiseptic mouth wash
and gargle tends to prevent influenza and other contagion by
destroying disease germs that constantly lurk in the membranes
and tissues of every throat and mouth.
Also a deodorant and prophylactic, useful for Pyorrhea, Sore
Mouth, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, Catarrh and Bad Breath.
Keep the mouth and throat healthy and clean, thus more readily
avoiding many germs and infections.
BOTTLES 25S 50, $1.00
An admirable prevent
ive of Influenza, Pneu
monia, Grippe and other
dangerous developments.
Very effective if taken at
the first sign of a cold to
allay fever and reduce
congestion. Hundreds
have used it successfully
to break up the symptoms.
Easy to take 30 tablets
in a box.
Complete Treatment 50p
An absorbent poultice that "draws like a
magnet." To be used in case of Influenza,
Pneumonia, Grippe or a bad cold, to draw out
inflammation and allay congestion. Contains
silicious earth, boric acid, glycerine and anti
septics of known value. Like all other Purola
preparations, it is guaranteed by all druggists
to give satisfaction or money back.
Cans 35 and 65
"Warms But Does Not Blister."
An ointment to allay Congestion of the Lungs, Sore
Throat and the aches and pains in Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, Stiff Neck, Bruises and the innumerable calls
which arise in the household.
You can leave Purola Muster-Oint on the sore parts
for two or three hours without blistering. Use it once
and you'll never go back to the mustard can.
25e and 50c Jars
The regular Purola Guarantee appears on every Purola package.
It specifies: "If any Purola Preparation should not give satisfac
tion, return it to the druggist from whom it was purchased. He
will cheerfully refund the "price you paid for it. Purola Prepara
tions must satisfy."
Sold at All Drug