The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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Complete Exhibit Is Arranged
at Bungalow.
Houses Range in Size From Three to
Seven Rooms and Arc of One
and Two Stories.
Hundreds of Portland people have
Visited the bungalow headquarters of
the "own-your-home" campaign. Fourth
and Stark streets, to study the archi
tectural display arranged by the Ore
gon chapter of the American Institute
of Architects as the initial step in the
bousing movement.
C. J. Hogue, district secretary for tha
West Coast Lumbermen's Association,
has made a close study of the exhibit,
which will close in two weeks. The ex
hibit of drawings and photographs of
houses now being shown in the bun
galow headquarters of the "own-your-liome"
movement covers the range of
domestic architecture from a three
room bungalow to a country estate,"
Hr. Hogue said yesterday.
"The exhibit is made by members of
the Oregon chapter of the American In
stitute of Architects, who, recognizing
the need of additional housing in Port
land, were instrumental in stimulating
the survey of the housing situation and
of the plans for industrial housing,
which were modified, by the close o
the war.
Thirty-three TypM Shown.
"A feature of tha, exhibit is the show
ing of drawings for war . emergency
housing in the west wing of the bun
galow. At the lime the housing plan
was in preparation sketches for 33
types of houses were prepared by
various members of the Chapter of
Architects. II was the intention to pro
vide working plans of these houses for
the use of any prospective builder for
practically the cost of reproduction,
while material men and contractors
proposed to demonstrate their interest
in the matter by furnishing materials
and doing the work almost at cost.
"Working plans for some of the
bouses are prepared and can he ob
tained for a very nominal cost, while
those' for any not completed can be
made available very reasonably.
"These houses range in size from
three to seven rooms. Some are of one
story and some of two, and, while
largely of a modified English type, ex
amples are shown of Dutch Colonial,
Swiss and the true bungalow type. Par
ticular attention was paid in the design
of these houses to their placing with
relation to the points of the compass,
so types can be selected for a lot facing
in any direction, for it makes a great
deal of difference in 'the enjoyment of
a house whether or not the living-room
has a pleasant outlook, the kitchen a
cool corner, the dining-room the morn
ing sun perhaps, the sleeping porch
the evening breeze and not the morning
sun. and so on for practically every
room in the house.
V Architectural Style Varied.
"In he main room and east wing of
the bungalow many styles of archi
tecture are shown In sketches for
houses and photographs of completed
"Among them, and as demonstrating
the variety in style and size, may be
mentioned interiors and exteriors of
houses in Colonial, Georgian and vari
ous English styles designed by Jacco
berger & Smith; the McDougall resi-
deuces on Thurman street, handsome
examples of half-timbered work de
signed by Lawrence & Holford; the
Italian Renaissance as applied to a city
block in the residence designed for R.
F. Lytle by D. L. Williams; the Italian
villa designed by Whitehouse & Fouil
houx for C. S. Jacobson on the Colum
bia River Highway; the industrial
housing plans made by Sutton & Whit
ney for the Todd Dry Dock & Con
struction Company of Tacoma; ex
amples of typical English houses in
cement plaster as shown in the houses
designed for Dr. R. A. Fenton and T. H.
Sherrard by Wade Pipes, and the
adaptation of the English-thatched
roof type shown in the residences de
signed by Lawrence & Holford for Paul
Murphy and F. E. Taylor.
rpACOMA, Wash., Jan. 23. (Special.)
Jt Alexander S. Farquharson, scion
I of a family of Scottish nobles, at one
time worth $1,000,000 and one of the
early settlers of Washington, died this
week at the State Soldiers' and Sailors'
Home at Orting. He named the town
of Puyallup, where ho built a sawmill
and general wood working factory be
fore there was a building on the pres
ent townsite. He built the Green River
Springs Hotel, a health resort, also.
Farquharson was the great-grandson
of Sir Alexander Farquharson, a Scot-
tish nobleman.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Jan. 25.
(Special.) At the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. I. Willets, at Dorena, on
Wednesday, January 22, occurred 'the
death of Mrs. Nicy Jane Whorton, at
the age of S6 years 1 month and 16
days. Nicy Jane Veatch was born in
White County, Illinois, December 6,
1832. She removed with her parents to
. Iowa at the age of 13, remaining there
until her marriage to L. B. Wharton
October 17, 1851, when they went to
Missouri. They left Missouri in April,
1864, crossed the plains by team, and
arrived in Oregon in October of that
COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Jan. 25.
(Special.) The funeral of Mrs. Charles
S. Cochran, who died at lios Angeles
January 15, was held in this city Tues
day afternoon at the Methodist Church,
Rev. Joseph Knotts having charge of
the services. Mrs. Cochran was a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Orpurd.
of this city, and is survived by her hus
- band, parents, one sister, Mrs. Larry
Hart, two daughters and one son.
BAKER, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.)
Stephen V. Laam died yesterday at his
farm home on Big Lookout Mountain,
from pneumonia following influenza,
according to advices received from
Richland. Mr. Laam was a prominent
sheepgrower of Eagle Valley. He was
45 years old and leaveB a widow and
four children, all of whom are seriously
ill from the same disease.
Wallace Mauzay. a pioneer Columbia
River steamboat owner, who died Jan
uary 23 at his home, 1069 East Thir
tieth street North, will be buried this
afternoon at Riverview Cemetery, fol
lowing funeral services at Holman's
Mr. Mauzay was 72 years of age, and
was a native of New Orleans. He came
West when still a young man, and in
1889 married Miss Millie E. Ray. of
Ray's Farms. Oregon. As a stock
holder of the old White Collar line he
was associated with Captain U. B.
Scott in the construction and operation
of the fast steamer Telephone, and
later moved to Seattle, where he was
interested in the operation of steamers.
When the P'lyer was removed from
the Seattle-Tacoma run Mr. Mauzey re
tired from active business and re
turned to Portland, where he had since
resided. Before entering the steam
boat business Mr. Mauzay was a
printer on The Oregonian, when the
paper was published at Front and
Stark streets.
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
Nancy J. Hubbard Foster, an early pio
neer of Oregon who died January 19,
were held from Holman's undertaking
rooms on January 20. Interment was in
Rose City Park Cemetery. Mrs. Fos
ter's nephews acted as pallbearers. She
was born February 6, 1847, at Fairfield.
Pike County, Illinois. She crossed the
plains with her parents in 1853, when
they settled at Silierton, Or. In Sep
tember, 1865, she was married to Will
iam A. Foster, who, with seven chil
dren of the ten born to them, survives
her. The children are: Mrs. Margaret
Van Blaricon, of Hood River; Mrs. Del
phia A. Kyser, Mrs. Jennie E. Kyser,
Mrs. Inez C. Kittrell, all of Portland;
Newton E. Foster, of Monmouth; Eli E.
Foster, of Jewell, and Norman W. Fos
ter, who is In France with the 56th
m m
KELSO. Wash., Jan. 25. (Special.)
L. Vogel, who operated the Vogel &
Moses hardwood mill and the Fidler &
Vogel sawmill here for many years, but
for the last few years has been a farm
er in diking district No. 2, died this
week of paralysis. He was 60 years of
age and was a native of Ohio. He had
resided in Kelso since 1904, coming here
from Chehalis. Besides his widow, he
is survived by a son. Professor Sher
man Vogel, of Connell, Wash.; a daugh
ter, Mrs. Marian Petrick, of Washtuc
na. Wash.; a mother, three sisters and
three brothers, in Ohio.
Funeral services for Miss Zerita Yo-
der, daughter of Theodore M. Yoder,
515 East Seventeenth street North, will
be postponed until Wednesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock because of the ill
ness of her brother. Miss Yoder died
on January 9. She was a member of the
National high school sorority. Phi Delta
Sigma, and an elumni of Washington
High School. Since last July she has
been employed at the , United States
National Bank. Funeral services will be
at the Finley undertaking parlors.
. .
Richard Carson Dolph, Jr., son of R.
C. Dolph, manager of the Ban Noy In
terstate Company, died January 14 at
his home, 675 Glisan street. Funeral
services were held January 18, and in
terment was in Mount Scott Cemetery.
Mr. Dolph was 15 years old, was a
graduate of the Couch school, and was
attending Commercial High School
when stricken. He was president of
the Christian Endeavor Society of the
Marshall street Presbyterian church.
Aside from his parents, he is survived
by three sisters, Opal, Mignonette and
Mary Belle.
Funeral services for William E.
Brooks, motorman employed by the
Portland Railway, Light & Power Com
pany, who died of influenza followed
by pneumonia, were held Friday at the
undertaking parlors of F. S. Dunning
Mr. Brooks lived at 7 East Thirtieth
street North. He is survived by his
widow. He had been a resident of
Portland for 28 years, coming here from
Campville, N. Y. He was a member of
the Modern Woodmen of the World and
the Artisans, and was 48 years of age.
CENTRALIA, Wash.. Jan. 25. (Spe
cials) Frank Reisinger, aged 57 years,
died last night at his home on Fords
Prairie. Mr. Reisinger had been a resi
dent of this vicinity for the past 20
years. His widow and five children
survive. They are Mrs. Mabel Maxon,
Edward, William, Clifford and Allen
Reisinger. The latter is on duty with
the Navy at Newport News, Va.
TACOMA. Jan. 25. Dr. Henry A.
Wall, 53, a native of Vancouver Bar
racks, died suddenly last evening. He
was a member of the American Medi
cal Association and the State Medical
Society, and formerly city health offi
cer. DALLAS, Tex., Jan. 25. Colonel
Christopher C. Slaughter, pioneer cat
tleman, Indian fighter, banker and
philanthropist, died here today.
PENDLETON, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.)
Perry A. Myrick, aged 50, a farmer
of Umatilla County for 35 years, died
today at St. George Hotel as a result
of a paralytic stroke. He is survived
by a widow and one son.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 25. W. C. Hill
man, for many years prominent in the
petroleum industry, died at his home
here early today, aged SO.
SOMERSET. Pa.. Jan. 25. Represen
tative Edward Bobbins, of Greensburg,
died here today of influenza.
Values Extraordinary!
in Our
348 Washington Street
A Revolution in Prices, for Quick Disposal
of Over $50,000 Worth of Ready-to-Wear
Before Inventory
If You Will Take Our Advice You Will Be Here as Soon as You
Can After the Doors OpenTomorrow Morning, for This Is Some
January Clearance Sale Specials in Silk
Crepe and Georgette Waists
350 Tailored and Embroidered Models to pick from ; white, flesh, also
some blacks originally priced at $5.00 and $5.75 Clearance Sale price
while any remain
Worth Up to $23
You can not appreciate what won
derfully fine Winter Garments we
are giving you at this ridiculously
low price. Fine Kerseys and Fur
Trimmed; all these are now i
$35, $40 and $45
Genuine Silvertones
Wool Velours Pom Poms
Sealette Plushes
Kerseys Bolivias
To $75 Value
Silvertone Coats, Beaver
Coats, Yukon Seal Coats, val
ues to $T5, at
FIFTY SKIRTS Black and Navy Sicilian, Plaited. Plain
Button-Trimmed : Scotch Mixtures, Checks and J "J rr
Stripes, all going in our sale at pOmJ O
See these values and you will understand why our Dress
Department is always crowded no matter how large our
sales force is. Another glaring example of grand value
giving power in this Dress Sale tomorrow.
$15.00 Dresses $10.00
$20.00 Dresses $15.00
$25.00 Dresses $18.75
$30.00 Dresses $22.50
In This Sale You Will Find Splendid Dresses of Serge, Wool
Velour, Jersey and Taffeta.
Highest -Grade Furs
y3 to y2 Off!
$18 to S20
Fur Scarfs
and Muffs,
on sale at
$40 to $45 Opos
.50sums' Raccoon. Red
rox, foiret hearts
or Muffs, on sale at
348 Washington Streets
to improve the place and to break sev. some years, but until the present time
eral hundred acres of land, which has has not been able to secure proper
never been plowed, and crop them this grounds for an extensive plant. White
Spring. Leghorns will be bred almost exclusive-
ly by Mr. Clark.
Directory of Prominent
Life Insurance Agencies
Members of Life Underwriter
Association of Oregon.
Greatest Need for Thrift Is National
(Thrift Magazine.)
Three hundred thousand children
under 5 years of age die in this country
every year, and many of those who sur
vive grow up to enfeebled maturity.
The greater need for thrift is not in
pennies, nor sugar, nor any material
substance, but in humanity ltBelf. For
this reason I took as my work for the
year an experiment in feeding a group
of children, giving them a balanced
meal at lunch time cooked by the chil
dren of the cooking class.
A total of 1170 children were classi
fied and their weight record was com
pared with their class standing at the
end of May. There were 825 pupils
rated as normal, 70 per cent of the
school: 345 were underweight, 30 per
cent of the school. .
The underweights, though forming
30 per cent of the school, gave but 27
per cent of the successful pupils at the
end of May, and provided 3 per cent of
those who had not done satisfactory
The 70 per cent of normal children
gave but 5t-per cent of the failures.
Taking the normal children as a class
by themselves, 88 per cent had done
satisfactory work, and 12 per cent had
a poor rating, while 22 per cent of the
underweight children were rated as un
satisfactory. In other words, the un
derweight child has almost twice as
many chances of failure as the normal
Wm Goldman, General Manager
Oregonian Bids'.
H. G. Colton. Manager.
Chamber of Commerce Bid.
K. L. Harmon. General Agent.
Northwestern BankBldi.
Horace Mecklem. Manager.
Northwestern Bank Bldg.
H. K- Altee. General Agent.
Northwesters. Bank Bids.
Total of Permits In 148 Cities of
Cnited Slates Officially Re
ported at $17,485,396.
Portland was one of the leading
cities in the United States in building
operations in December, 1918, accord
ing to statistics compiled by the Amer
ican Contractor. Permits were issued
In Portland during December for 314
buildings to cost $317,215. compared
with 216 permits for buildings to cost
$'J1.285 during December, 1917. The
sain was 247 per cent.
" A favorable reaction from war re
strictions can be noted in the records
of building permits issued in the mu
niciple cities, throughout the United
States for December." says the publica
tion. "The total value of permits is
sued during October, $26,279,711, was
the lowest record for any month up to
that time during the past six years:
but the total value for November was
almost negligible, amounting to only
$6,593,857 in 151 cities.
"During December in 148 cities the
total value of building permits offic
ially reported was $17,485,396. Although
this was 38 per cent less than the total
value reported during December. 1917,
the gain over November is significant,
since usually fewer permits are Issued
in December than in November. The
total is still far below normal, but ap
parently the removal of Government
restrictions on building and the end of
the war are having the desired favor
able effect.
"Of the 148 cities reporting a gain
over December, 1917, the lar-est trains
were in Albany, N. V.. Camden, N. J.,
Canton. Cincinnati, Columbus and Day
ton, Ohio. Indianapolis, Ind.. New Ha
ven, Conn.. Niagara Kalis, tf. Y., Port
land, Or.. Richmond, Va., and Salt Lake
City. Utah.
"The total value of building permits
for the year is significant only as it
indicates the decline in private con
struction due to war conditions. The
total value of $414,796,903 for 191S
shows a loss of 39 per cent over the
total of $676,662,206 for 1917. and a loss
of 114 per cent over the total of $889,
S84.679 for 19J6. The loss as fairly
evenly distributed over all months of
the year July showing the least de
cline with only 10 per cent loss, No
vember the greatest with So per cent
Graves Place, Near Country Club,
Brings About $16,000.
A three-acre tract adjoining the
north line of the Waverley Country
Club, and known as the Graves' place,
has been sold to William T O'Brien,
president of the Railway Kqulpment
Company, for a consideration of about
$1600. There is a river frontage of 271
feet, rare shrubs and trees and gar
dens, a 1 2 -room house, besides a gar
dener's cottage, and a beautiful ob
servatory on the river bank, having a
view of miles both upand down the
river. Mr. O'Brien, who is a motor-boat
enthusiast, and owns one of the finest
boats on the river, the Niagara, plans
to make it his future home. E. J. Daly
negotiated the sale. H. E. Mooney
represented the owner.
Photographer Will Raise Poultry on
Acreage Near Roschurg.
ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.)
J. H. Clark, a Roseburg photographer,
has closed a deal for a finely improved
10-acre tract of land just outside of the
city, in Edenbower, and will engage in
poultry raising on an extensive scale.
Mr. Clark is an enthusiastic poultry
man, and expects to conduct this en
terprise in addition to his photograph
business. He has been engaged in the
chicken Industry on a small scale for
Portland Students Elected.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Jan. 25.
'(Special.) Class elections at Whit
man coljege receitly brought out the
names of two Portland men. The sen
ior class elected for its president Frank
Buscn, former student and graduate of
Lincoln High School. The Junior class
elected William Wilson, another Port
land man, president. Wilson gradu
ated from the Lewis and Clark High
School of Spokane but has since moved
to Portland.
Cowlitz Men Buy Rich Bottom Land
Place Near Kelso.
KELSO, Wash. Jan. 25. (Special.)
One of the largest farm deals in Cow
litz for some time was closed today
when County Commissioner Al. Maurer,
F. L. Stewart, H. E. McKenney and J.
W. Crouch purchased the W. J. Match
ette farm at La Du, five miles west of
Kelso. This place was diked by Mr.
Matchette last summer and about 550
acres of rich bottom-land was secured
by the purchasers, prominent business
men of this city.
1 tie consiceration was not an
nounced, but Mr. Matchette had valued
his place at $100,000. and he received
valuable improved Portland realty and
cash in the transaction. The farm is
equipped with first-class buildings and
has a mile of frontage on deep water
on the Columbia. The new owners plan
American Ingenuity In War.
Pittsburg Sun.
Scarcely a day passes but that the
news reports tell us of some new evi
dence of the application of Yanke.
ngenuity to the prosecution of the
war. The latest sample is credited to
an Indian contingent which success
fully tried out setting bear traps in No
Man's Land. The Indians were simply
applying an Idea of their own Wst
where big game is plentiful. The traps
are placed outside the American wire,
and when Fritz crawls out to gain a
little information he gets caught.
Another truly American idea which le
saving many lives In the front line
are the so-called "buckshot squads."
These squads are made up of crack
trapshooters. Instead of directing their
efforts on clay pigeons they deflect
the band grenades which the German
hurl toward their trenches. The force
of a full charge of buckshot on a Mills
bomb, for Instance, is to make It fall
many yards short of the object foi
which It was intended. It explodes, o(
course, but outside the trench, and
the steel particles fly harmlessly over
the heads of the men. Thus a popular
American sport lias been directed
toward winning the war.
Indian Sentenced to Jail.
Tom Smith, an Indian, found guilty
of contributing to the delinquency of
a minor, was sentenced to three months
in the County Jail by Circuit Judge
Tucker yesterday. Hav already h-.a
served 65 days, which Was applied on
his sentence.
'We are Ready for Duty
on the Play Line, Mother
TO MOTHERS! Keep your little pet physically fit, smiling, feelint
their best always, by giving Cascarets, the candy cathartic, occasionally.
Children love to talce Cascarets. They are sweet candy-like tablets,
but just wonderful to correct the little white tongue, feverish breath, sour
stomach and colds. Cascarets gently "work" the bile, sour fermentation
md poisons from a child's tender stomach, liver and bowels without griping
r injury. Mothers who depend upon Cascarets as the children's laxative
ve trouble, worry and cost. Each 10 cent box of Cascarets contains
rections and dose for kiddies aged ouc year old and upwards.
STARVING EUROPE, and your home garden
will help increase the surplus food for export, reduce
your own living expenses and give you delicious,
fresh vegetables for your own table and for canning,
of a quality that you cannot buy.
Our 1919 Catalog and
Planters' Guide is the
standard reference for
home gardeners of the
Northwest a complete,
dependable buyers'
guide for home owners,
farmers, poultry men
and bee keepers.
PH Plant aad Vlaea should
Hp PJaotrd for Hosnr (.antral
Strawkfrrlrs, Roft. rtats, A
paraaraa and Riverside i.laat Rhu
barb are easily crown, are whole-oir.-
and .delicious, and. once
planted, laat for many years.
They also find a ready sale and
are very profitable for market
inp We can supply the right va
rieties at the right prices.
Ask for Catalog No. 360 Now Ready for Mailing
Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder
Pain or dull ache in the back is often
evidence of kidney trouble. It is Na
ture's timely warning to show you that
the track of health is not clear.
Dinirr Mgaals.
If these danger signals are unheeded
more serious result are sure to follow:
kidney trouble In its worst form may
steal upon you.
Thousands of people have testified
that the mild and immediate effect of
Swamp Root, the great kidney, liver ami
bladder medicine is soon realized that
it stands the highest for its remark
able curative effect in the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine,
you should have the best.
I.ame Hark.
Lame back Is only one of many symp
toms of kidney trouble. Other symp
toms showing that you may need
Swamp-Root are. being subject to em
barrassing and frequent bladder truu-
bles day and night, irritation.
ment. etc.
Lark of control, smarting, uric acid
rheumatism, bloating, may be loss of
flesh, sallow complexion.
I'revaleacy of Kidney Ilneanr.
Most people do not realise the alarm
ing increase and remarkable prevalency
of kidney disease. While kidney dis
orders are among the most common
disease? that prevail, they arc some
times the last recognised by patients,
nhrt very often content thesnnelvcf.
with doctoring the effects, while the
original ll.rar may constantly under
mine the system.
Regular medium ATnd large size bot
tles at all drug stores.
Don't make any mistake, but remem
ber the name. Or. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, and the address. Binghamton. N.
Y . which i ou will find on every bottle.
IP1 1 ftli MOTK You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by en
closing ten cents to Or. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. This gives you the
opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send
you a book of valuable Information, containing many of thf thousands of
grateful letters received from men and women who say they found Swamp
Root to be just the remedy needed in kidney. liver and bladder troubles. Too
value and success of Swamp Roan are so well known that our readers are
advised to send for a sample size bottl . Address Dr. Kilmer at Co., Binghamton,
S. Y, Bo sure to say you read tola offer In the l'ortland Sunday orvtjuuian. Adv