The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 26, 1919, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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Removal of Artificial Restric
tions Is Demanded.
Ample Scope In Peace "Pursuits to
Be Available; Discrimina
tion Not Planned.
LONDON'. (Correspondence of the
Associated Press.) No discrimination
is to be made agrainst women in British
industry. Premier Lloya George de
clares in a letter addressed to Lady
Rhondda, president of the Women's In
dustrial League, who had submitted to
him a memorial setting forth the claims
of women to freedom of employment.
After the pledges made by the gov
ernment to the trade unions have been
fulfilled, wrote Mr. Lloyd George, in
his reply, women will find ample scope
in peace pursuits. He supports the
principle of "equal pay for equal out
put,' 'and promises full opportunity for
women in training and education.
"In those industrial occupations in
which women were engaged before the
war," the Premier added, "opportunities
of every sort will be opened up for
every class of women worker, and I
believe that the real working repre
sentatives of organized labor may be
trusted when the time comes to see he
necessity of utilizing, in the interests
of production and to the best advan
tage, every class of. worker available."
Restrictions 'ot Approved.
Regarding payment, he says: "To
permit women to be the catspaw for re
ducing the level of wages is unthink
able. It is not desired by enlightend
employers, to whom good production
and uniform wages are desirable; cut
ting of wages, with its consequent in
stability, is not at any time either In
their interest or In that of the nation."
Lady Rhondda urged in her memorial
that artificial restrictions on the em
ployment of women In industries should
be removed, not only as a measure of
justice to the sex, but in the interests
of national industrial efficiency.
She asserted that it was now threat
ened to withdraw even the "imperfect
toleration" that was extended to women
during the war and that in the indus
tries into which they were invited with
urgency they should now resume the
condition of helots. Such restrictions
on their employment, she declared, were
artificial, unjust and disgraceful to a
civilized community.
Rights Are Demanded.
The present conditionss of women'
employment. Lady lihondda asserts,
prevent them from being utilized In
the national fhterest. Women were not
consulted in the arrangements for the
reconstruction of industry. She point
ed out that while the government was
bound by its agreement with trade
unions, there are many shops which
had sprung up during the war in which
the government's bargains with trade
unions would not operate to exclude
"women from employment.
Women, she declared, are not seek
ing in industry a renewal of strife, but
a clear grant to them of their just
rights as human beings and freedom
of employment. They recognize, she
added, that their claim comes after the
claims of the sailors and soldiers in the
"Women know that in some of the
occupations in which they have served
during the war they have been only a
makeshift by reason of inferior
strength," Lady Rhondda admitted, "and
in the long run women must be exclud
ed from such by the ordinary rules of
economy. With these reservations,
women claim uprestricted liberty to be
engaged in any industrial employment,
provided only that they receive the
same pay as men do for equal output.
They claim the opportunity of being
trained In the most' efficient way, and
particularly the provision Tof womea In
structors on work in which women
have proved more successful than men.
They claim the same opportunities as
men for promotion, representation on
government committees and all public
bodies, and facilities of education in
schools and universities that will en
able them to qualify equally with men
in all suitable trades and professions."
Ten Thousand Acres In Malheur Val
ley Going Under Ditch.
The Oregon-West Colonization Com
pany will open up 10.000 acres in the
Malheur Valley, from Ontario to Vale,
Or.. April I, and Is waging a campaign
to secure settlers, including stock and
The land is included In the Warm
Springs Irrigation Project and will be
under the ditch in the near future.
Twelve thousand acres already is un
der the ditch in the valley.
Hun Aviators Are o Sports.
Briggs .Van-- in the Atlantic.
They are no sports, these Huns; they
Will never attack unless with over
whelming odds, and even then they
never come across the lines; so in case
of engine failure they are sure to get
eafely home. Yet our few machines
over hostile territory fly straight into
the swarm of them, bring down six,
and all return and have but one man
hit. It isn't luk that they, come
through; it is superior shooting, due
to a large steady machine, and a sport
ing blood In the men that makes them
play the game, no matter what the
odds. Though the Hun has a decided
advantage fighting over his own ter
ritory, it is a large factor in his defeat,
for it is an open acknowledgment of
his inferiority, and It takes but a little
spirit and some cool shooting to make
him sick.
Bad Justice in German Courts.
Brand Whitlock in Everybody's.
For one of our Anglo-Saxon race and
legal traditions to understand condi
tions in Belgium during the German
occupation', it is necessary to banish
resolute lyfrom the mind every concep
tion of right we have inherited from
our ancestors.
These so-called courts, of whose ir
responsible and brutal nature I have
tried to convey some notion, were mere
inquisitorial bodies, guided by no prin
ciple save that of interest in their own
bloody nature. Before them the ac
cused ia literally no rights, not even
to present a defense, and l he was per.
mitted to speak In his own behalf It
was only as a generous and liberal
The defense was not a defense In our
meaning of the word. "he lawyer was
not allowed to so his client before he
appeared to plead the ca- before the
court where the accused was arraigned
for trial, and he was no. permitted to
speak to his client during the trial;
often he did not know what the accusa
tion was until the trial began, and
sometimes he did not kno-v it even then.
The court would admit hi-rsay, pre
sumptions, and conclusions, and infer
ences, and Innuendoes, so long as they
were on behalf of the prosecution:
there was no cross-examination, some
times even no interrogatory on the part
of the presiding judge. The accused
was sometimes allowed to present a
defense, but It was gener'.ly only such
as he might opntrlve in spa-ring with
Judge if they questioned him.
W. M. Simpson Has Plan Which He
Declares Will Double orTreble
Speed of Steamers.
Equipping steamers with two air
tight tubes or cylinders, one on each
side, and connected) with the vessel by
flanges, the cylinder to contain auxil
iary power that drives a propeller, is'
proposed by W. M. Simpson, of Port
land, as a means of lessening the dan
ger at sea and reducing operating
costs, and he says he has been granted
a patent on the invention, which he
intends to place at the disposal of the
Mr Simpson has made the following
statement regarding the device and
results he expects from it:
"This invention. I assert, will double
or treble the speed. It will maice bal
last unnecessary, and will stabilize
boats, and it will conserve fuel, be
cause the draft being lightened and
the resistance of the water lessened, it
will attain greater speed with less
fuel than the ordinary boat, and it
will tend largely to prevent marine
disasters, because it may be turned
to riprht or left, very, quickly and in
the ship'slength of space; also it can
be stopped much quicker than the old
style boat.
"It is particularly adapted for a sub
destroyer, and the patent will be of
fered to the War Department very
soon by my attorney in Washington
"There are two airtight tubes, sized
proportionate to the boat to which
they are attached. These are con
nected with the boat by wings, or
flanges, and each tube or cylinder con
tains an auxiliary motor power. These
being connected with the main driving
plant in the ship or boat, by means of
transmission wires, if electric power
is used, or pipes if compressed air be
used. Each auxiliary air cylinder en
gine, or motor, drives an auxiliary pro
Sergeant Albert CPresIey, of Salem,
Also Among Those Cited for
Service in War.
Some thrilling war history will be
disclosed with the return oft. Oregon
boys from overseas. Succeeding an
nouncements of distinguished service
honors embrace an ever-widening
circle of Oregon boys. Announcement
of yesterday included two more Pri
vate Kurt R. A. Koehler, Hillsdale, and
Sergeant Albert C. Presley, Salem. Ser
geant Guy L. Zilkey, whose home Is at
May, Idaho, also was cited in the same
The official citation shows that Pri
vate Koehler did a remarkably effective
bit of fighting with a machine gun.
This young man, friends state. Is not
to be confused with a Kurt Koehler,
of Portland, having lived for several
years on a farm near Hillsdale.
The official announcement of cita
tions gives these facts about the three
boys of the Northwest and their hero
ism: "Private Kurt R. A. Koe!er. Com
pany A. 1st United States Engineers.
For extraordinary heroism In action
near Verdun, Prance, October 9, 1918.
Operating, without assistance, a ma
chine gun. which he secured by crawl
ing ' out ahead of our lines, Private
Koehler successfully resisted ju. greatly
superior force of the enemy, killing
several and causing the rest to retreat.
When wounds in the shoulder made It
impossible for him to further operate
the gun, he rendered it unserviceable
with a pick handle before retiring and
reporting' to his company commander.
Home address. Mrs. S. Koehler, mother,
box 117, Hillsdale, Or.
"Sergeant Albert C. Presley, Head
quarters Company, 363d Infantry. For
extraordinary heroism In action near
Eclisfontalne, France. September 27,
1918. Sergeant Presley, with a patrol
of four other men, went out to reduce
what was thought to be a sniping post.
They discovered, upon arriving nearer,
that it was a machine gun nest and at
tacked it by a series of short rushes.
The attack resulted in the capture of
25 prisoners and two machine guns.
Home address, Clarence C Presley,
care of Wells-Fargo Express Company,
Salem, Or.
"Sergeant Guy L. Zilkey, Company
L, 362d Infantry. For extraordinary
heroism in action near Steenbrugge,
Belgium, October 31, 1918. Reorganiz
ing badly shattered forces. Sergeant
Zilkey took command of the location,
and by proper distribution of those un
der his command ably protected his
flanks. Assisted by two comrades ha
attacked and drove out a machine gun
nest that was holding up his advance,
reporting the situation to his company
commander by establishing an efficient
liaison. Home address, Mrs. John Carr,
mother. May, Idaho.
This attractive piano
has won its , way to
favor in critical homes
and studios from Coast
to Coast.
It embodies Distinc
tion, Exclusiveness, Ef
ficiency, Perfect Tone
The Ivers & Pond
.factory builds but one
quality THE BEST.
146 Park St., Bet. Morrison and Alder
Phonographs and Records Player Pianos
Fire Marshals' .Meeting Con
siders Big Question.
20 States Report Decrease in Fire
Loss From Arson Dur-
' ing War.
NEW TORK. Careless smokers and
users of matches were responsible for
tl5.724.55S of the total loss of $60,466.
054 worth of property by "preventable
fires" In the United States In 1918. sny
members of the Fire Marshals' Associa
tion of North America, who met re
cently. Figures showing that the United
States leads the world in property de
struction by fire were given at the
opening session, the damage per capita
being put at 2.10 annually in this
country, as compared with 49 cents in
France. 33 cents in England. 28 cents
in Germany, 25 cents in Italy and Aus
tria, 15 cents in Switzerland, and 11
cents in Holland.
Homer Rutledge. of Lansing, fire
marshal of Michigan, discussed "The
Arson Trust" and showed how Incen
diaries had burned $8,121,816 worth of
property in one year during the war,
exclusive of many other millions de
stroyed indirectly by explosions.
Ole O. Roe, of Des Moines, fire mar
shall of Iowa, in an address on "Pyro
mania," said education was one of the
most efficient means of combating this
evil. F. R. Morgaridge, of New York,
formerly assistant fire marshal of Indi
ana, said most firebugs were adolescent .
boys and girls. He advocated proper
home and school training.
Despite the fact that the United
States was at war and that enemy
agents were active, twenty states re
ported a slight decrease in the num
ber of cases of arson. While it was
announced as a fact that in the first
nine months after America drew the
sword 143.000.000 worth of war indus
tries went up In smoke. In only 10 per
cent of these eases was there even sus
picion of spywork.
"Carelessness" was designated as the
biggest firebug of all. One grain ele
vator fire alone destroyed enough
wheat to make a year's supply of bread
for 200,000 soldiers.
Many fires, at first attributed to Ger
man spies and pyromanlacs, were
found, upon investigation, to be due to
other causes. One notable Instance w
a speetacular and costly waterfront fire
in Brooklyn, the Dow Stores, in which
a vast quantity of grain for the allies
was destroyed. It was discovered- that
the fire was the result of a dust explo
sion, caused by a spark either from
friction or static electricity.
Another conspicuous instance was the
Baltimore pier fire, which at first was
positively ascribed to pro-German plot
ters. Rigid investigation by Federal
agents definitely determined Its non
incendiary origin.
Historic Church, Visioned.
- Christian Science Monitor.
St. Margaret's, Westminster, England,
where the House of Commons attended
service on the anniversary of the dec
laration of war, has the misfortune of
being reduced to relative insignificance
as a building by its mighty neighbors,
St. Stephen's and Westminster Abbey.
It Would-look Immense In 'a country
town and something approaching a
Cathedral In a village. St. Margaret's
in the days when Cromwell ruled at
Whitehall was patronized by a number
of devout members of the long parlia
ment, who used regularly to attend
service at 6 o'clock in the morning to
hear the .seven preachers who o"lclated
In rotation for salaries of 300 each.
The west window was presented by a
number of Americans In memory of
Raleigh. Lowell, who was United
States Ambassador at the time the gift
was made, supplied the inscription,
which contained the lines:
Kuch milk as bids us remember whence we
THie new world's sons from England's
breast we drew.
What the Sargasso Sea Is.
William Beebe, in the Atlantic.
An amazing amount of fiction and
nonsense has been written about the
sargasso weed, but the truth -s actu
ally more unbeUevable. Though we
see it in such Immense patches, and
although for day the ocean may be
flecked with the scattered heads of the
weed, yet it is no more at home in
midocean than the falling leaves in
Autumn may claim as their place of
above the breeze vhich whirls them
about, or the moss upon which at least
they come to rest. Along the coast of
Central America the -sargasso weed
grows, clinging, as is the way with
seaweeds, to coral and rock and shell,
and flowering and fruiting after its
lowly fashion. The berrylike bladders
with which the stems are strung are
filled with gas, and enable the plants
to maintain their position regardless of
the state of the tide. Vast quantities
are torn away by the waves and drift
out to sea, and these stray masses are
what we see on every trip south, which,
caught in the great midocean eddy,
form the so-called Sargasso sea.
Steamshovel Kills Workman.
VALE, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) Gae
tano Megallizze, steamshovel pitman,
was instantly killed Tuesday morning
at the construction camp of the Shat-tuck-Edinger
Company at the Warm
I a fj values will be
mLw IwLWmwM found at this clearance of de-
Jk m pendablc Baker footwear. Make
Wy ifi lOL Baker's your shoe store and take
lir Wm BU F advantage of these reduced
j M mL Wr prices in force.
I W I'. and black-many styles Z 7
Jiml H ':W'' fl. AU4,.., -
Mf & BP V '; tions Louis XV and milt- c;
I Mil I I tary heels. Pumps and Ox- , o; -
JBI J i fords in all leathers for dress,
iHtd , sport and street wear. c
I,!! 13-690 Soft black vamp, medium gray cloth top,
tvelt sole, military heel. Same Jilh black cloth lop. A-147 Medium shade gray k'd. turn sole, kid cov
$6.50 REDUCED TO ered LXV. heel. $10 REDUCED TO
Sole Agent for the Dr. A. Reed Agent for the Nettleton Shoe.
Cushion Shoe for Men. Best for Men.
Los Angeles San Francisco Portland
Largest Retailer of Shoes West of Chicago
380 Washington Street 270 Washington Street
jj 306 Washington Street 9H270 Morrison Street j jljl
Springs dam site near Riverside. The
clutch on the big shovel slipped and
the bucket dropped to the bottom of
the pit. striking the workman. Noth
ing te known of the man. except that
he came here a short time ago and
obtained work on the excavation part
of the big Warm Springs dam.
Mlnneapolttan Succeeds Stannard.
H. W. Arbury arrived In Portland yes
terday from Minneapolis' to assume the
duties of executive secretary of the
Portland War Camp Community Service,
succeeding G. L. Stannard. Mr. Ar
bury was for some time associate sec
retary in the Minneapolis headquarters.
Germans Interested in Hawaii.
HONOLULU. T. H. R. H. Trent, rep
resentative In Hawai of the enemy
alien property custodian, announced re
cently that the rMal value of enemy
owned property taken over here by his
office was about $15.00.000. More than
$1,000,000 In cash has been sent to
makes all kinds of
can't believe what
till you try it.
Washington and $3,000,000 more will
be sent within the next six months.
Besides this $1,700,000 has been in
vested here in liberty bonds. German
subjects were heavily interested In the
Hawaiian sugar Industry, which has
been made "100 per cent American,"
according to Mr. Trent.
Douglas Residents Get Deeds.
DOUGLAS. Alaska. With the patent
ing of the townsite of- Douglaa, U. B.
Commissioner John Henson has begu
the Issuance of deeds to Douglas prop
erty owners.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness and sympathy dur
ing our recent bereavement In the loss
of our husband, father, son and brother;
also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Helen A. Kulisch
and Family.
Mr. and Mrs. August Kulisch
Adv. and Family.
1 . 1 J
The way Corona
records your
thoughts is a de
light to you and
all who receive
your Corona writing.
The Personal Writing Machine
writing a pleasure. You
this 6 lb. machine does
I jst - ..... 1
DR. E. O. Al'SPll SD. MGR.
My Frartlrr la Limited o lila-fc-
Deatlatry Only.
Shrewd employers are cataloging: men nowadays on the
theory that "a chain is no stronger than its weakest link."
Go to the mirror open your mouth. How many teeth
need attention?
A trifling cavity here a decayed tooth there an empty
space or a loose filling all calling for attention. Examine
the gums feel them are they inflamed, soft and spongy?
Do they recede from the teeth? do the teeth feel
"long"? shake them are they loose?
PYORRHOEA is a dangerous thing of itself, and leads to
many other ailments which baffle physicians because they
are not dentists and overlook the "cause."
No man ever did his best with an aching tooth aching
head or disordered stomach, and just as his work deterio
rates his pay check decreases or stops.
A few dollars spent in a good dental office will pay you
large dividends in better health and comfort.
'You should have your teeth examined at least every six
months and there is no better time for an examination
than this week.
That this office is a model of sanitation and my opera
tors need not suffer by comparison with any like number
of Dentists anywhere.
In other words, they would discover that I am giving the
people ALL that the High-Priced Dentists can give them
and doing it for less money.
Electro Painless Dentists
Corner Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or.
Open Nights
Poor Teeth Mean Poor
Health; Poor Health
Means Poor Help ; Poor
Help Means Poor Pay
"""" ""' mm 'muuamwmmmmmi