a THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 10, 1D19. - a 1 - - I I a Jj Vi?Wv '.f r Hv'C fcv " "NCs ' - 5warJ 1,. 'A, x 'Hvl-U 'fc-Vj '-?rVr 's ' li 1 v c OF what practical value 13 the at tempt that Is being: made to direct . the activities of the Vast ladybug rmy that each season, invades the grain fields of the Pacific Northwest, there to feed upon their favorite deli cacy, the aphid? This is a question that is being: asked by farmers throughout Oregon and Washington and also by scientists of the agricultural colleges and else where. There is no question by any one that the ladybug is a great natural enemy of the aphid. Left alone, they eeek out and devour many millions of aphids each season. The problem is whether it is best to leave the benefi cial ladybug free to find its prey where it will or to direct the flocks of beetles to the localities where they are most needed. Millions of Buss Studied. Probably the best answer to the question is that the collection and dis tribution of ladybugs has been serious ly undertaken. News accounts of what Is being done already have been printed in The Oregonian. Under the direction of District Forester Cecil, of the United States Forest Service, 25,000,000 ladybugs have been placed in Winter quarters where they will remain until time for the Spring assault. Then they will be sent out on their invasion of the grain fields, their distribution being- in charge of the county agricultu ral agents. The Bureau of Entomol ogy of the Department of Agriculture also is co-operating to the extent of .supplying data for the work. The work is not entirely new. It is being tried in California by Federal and state authorities. It has been tried, too, in different localities by in dividuals who sought through the in tervention of the ladybug to save their crops. J. L. Dumas, of Dayton, Wash., is said to be the first man to experi ment with the beetles. He gathered them to fight the aphis as long as 15 years ago. It seems to be the general opinion that ladybugs may be used to advan tage in places where the-aphis has not pot too strong a hold and where weath er conditions are favorable. Professor A. L. Lovett, entomologist at Oregon Agricultural College, asserts that the bugs could not have controlled the out break of aphids in the vetch fields of enLcrn uregon in ana warns tne farmer not to put too much faith in the experiment. C. W. Creel, In charge of the station of the Bureau of Entomol ogy at Forest Grove. Or, agrees with Professor Lovett that the use of lady bugs for aphid control is in the experi mental stage and would have been of BY A. L. LOVETT. Entomologist. O. A. C. Insects comprise three-fourths of all animal life. Aphid "stem mothers" give birth to fatherless young. Nearly every plant has its own aphid parasite. Ladybugs but one of many nat ural enemies of aphids. Aphids always present on farm crops, outbreaks bad in 191S, '12, 02. Hatching of beneficial insects, but not birth of aphids retarded by cold weather. Not hot weather, but enemies active in hot weather, kill aphids. Ladybugs seek hills in -Winter and fly to cultivated fields in Spring:. Artificial storage and distri bution of ladybugs tried in Cal ifornia. Practice could not have suc ceeded in Oregon in 1S18. 25.000.000 ladybugs necessary to control aphids on 77 acres of vetch. Growers advised to depend upon practices of tried value. THE continual war between the- in jurious and the beneficial insects, with the everchanging balance of power, affords a most interesting ohap ter'in nature's great story book of "facts that are stranger than fiction," To delve into these interesting fields is a 'more fascinating pursuit than peeking thc-m in our favorite fairy tale of youth. This may be called the age of in etaets. These creatures of insignificant size and frequently with little or no bodily protection, constitute in num bers more than three-fourths of all animal life. By their very manner of growth, reproduction and habits for eelf-protection they are peculiarly fit ted to cope with present-day conditions. Far from approaching extinction, they evince a tendency toward continual In crease both in numbers and in species. Among those forms of -insect -life particularly fitted for multiplication and Increase are the-aphids or plant lice. s?o far as any physical-or body protection is concerned, they are en tirely lacking. They are small and fragile, the integument of the body af fording no protection from the attack of their natural enemies. To offset this fundamental weakness, however, they are provided with wonderful pow ers of reproduction, carried forward in a rather unusual manner, and have developed habits of life which afford a no value in the epidemic of last vear. However, he thinks that the distribu tion may prove of value in certain Eastern Washington counties. Mr. Creel Supplies Data. "In connection with the recent pub licity given ladybug distribution, the impresion lias gone out that the United States Bureau of Entomology fully in dorses the collecting and artificial dis tribution of these insects for the pur pose of controlling aphis epidemics." writes Mr. Creel. "This is by no means tho case, as the bureau still regards this work as being in the experimental stage. On the other hand, we have not stood In the way of authorities who wished to try it out and have co-operated with them to the extent of se curing and furnishing them with infor mation as to the distribution of these Insects. "As an instance of this, our special field agent, assigned to the state of Washington, this sesson, Mr. A. C. Bur rill, has through the co-operation of the Forest Service, been able to secure much information with reference .to ladybug caches in the National forest reserves. This Information has been furnished to county agents and other interested parties in the state of Wash ington who deEired it. In no case, how ever, is the bureau doing any collecting, storing or distributing of these insects in the Pacific Northwest. In California such work is being done in an experi mental way, I understand, in co-operation with the State Commission of Hor ticulture. In Oregon no work of this kind is being done at all. as far as I hiiow, unices il is Deing aone Dy pri vate parties." Survey Made by Mr. Burrill. Mr. Burrill, rnentioned by Mr. Creel, is making a complete historical survey of the subject. It is probable that it later will be pubished by the Depart ment of Agriculture and will be im portant in calling attention to the aphis pest, which causes a $10,000,000 to $20. 000, 000. loss in the Pacific North west each season. Two other men who have been greatly interested in the ladybug experiment and who have given valuable assistance in the collec tion and storage of the bugs, are J. M. Lewis and B. W. Cconey, county agents at Dayton and Goldendale, Wash., re- spectively. Professor Lovett, quoted before in this article, who perhaps takes the most conservative view among those engaged in the experiment, haa pre pared an interesting article, here pub lished in full, for which sketches were drawn by Frank Cole, entomologist, at the Forest Grove station. degree or prqtection from their ene mies This fs best illustrated in a brief resume of the life-cycle of tha aphids. Life-Cycle of an Aphid. During late Autumn sexed forms oc cur and eggs are produced. These eggs hatch in the first warm days. of Spring. The aphids hatching from these eggs mature in about 12 days and are termed "stem mothers." They are wingless ana nave the unusual ability of giving birth to living young without sexual intercourse. They reproduce at the rate of one to seven young per day, the progeny maturing in about 10 days and n their- turn giving birth to li-ine young at a similar rate. All the forms occurring during the Spring and Sum mer months are these "asamic females" capable of producing living young. No true sexed forms occur. After a few generations In the Spring, both winged and wingless forms cccur. The winged forms frequently fly to new fields and set up colonies there. In early Summer most aphids occupy an "alternation of host plant." Migra tory winged forms occur and fly to some new host, often entirely unlike the Spring host plant. For example, the prune aphis flies to the hop and constitutes the destructive hop aphis. This habit affords protection from their natural enemies. Where colonies are about to be wiped out these migra tory forms may set up new colonies in situations where the enemy is ab sent. About 12 to 16 generations occur during the season. "Fall migrants" oc cur in late Autumn. These return to the host plant the species occupied In the Spring. Here true sexes are produced and eggs deposited. There are some 300 distinct species of aphids in the United States. Nearly every plant is attacked by its own par ticular species. The vetch aphis is dis tinct from the cabbage aphis, etc Within, reasonable limits the problem of aphid attack then becomes an Indi vidual proDiem lor eacn crop, as" sel dom do they transfer their attack from one adjacent crop to another. Beneficial Insects In Control. To combat a group of insects so well equipped for increase and injury there has been developed a multitude of nat ural enemies which prey upon it. These beneficial forms include lady bugs, beetles, and their larvae; the lar vae of syrphus flies; the larvae of lace wing flies and lampyrid beetles. These forms actually devour the aphids. In addition there is a variety of minute wasplike flies which sting the aphids and so kill them. All these natural ene mies reproduce sexually and from eggs. This fact proves the weak point in their chain of control. Thus w i.ve the two groups: the aphis adapted by habit and life-cycle Jt ' .www to rapid increase in countless numbers; their horde of natural enemies actively endeavoring to wipe them out. In the normal season then, as the first warm days of Spring appear, the aphids hatch from their eggs and the seasonal cycle begins, fhe effects of the warmer temperatures react in a simllai manner on the beneficial In sects, which resume activity, emerge from their Winter quarters, seek out the plant lice and prey upon them. Ev ery Spring there are aphids present In the fields on the grain, the vetch, the clover and other crops. The activ ities of these natural enemies, however, serve as an effective check to their un usual increase, and the average grower is not aware that aphids are present in his field. Since aphids are present on crops every-year, what conditions permit a serious outbreak such as occurred on vetch and grain In 1918? similar aphid outbreak, though somewhat later and therefore not so severe, occurred in 1912. One of unusual severity to grains occurred in 1902. Seasonal irregularities and tempera ture conditions are responsible for the serious aphid outbreaks. In the normal season when warm weather- advances gradually, the phid and their natural enemies develop at the same time and are equally favored by conditions. In the eason.of 1918, April, particularly 18, 19, 20. was unusually warm, the temperature reaching 80 degrees on the 19th. The last half of the month was warm and dry. May was cold, cloudy Motor Transport Workers Complete Difficult' Tasks. Ambulance Section Cited for Bravery Voder Terrific Shell Klre. CITATION for bravery under unusual circumstances, and the odd tasks to which motor-transport workers have been assigned since the armistice was signed, are narrated in a letter written by Sergeant Howard Shearer to his relatives in' Portland. Sergeant Shearer wrote from Sedan and gave the designation of his unit in true French terminology, as "Eche lon AmerlcaJn. Pare E. Convols Auto mobiles, Par B. C. M-, Paris." "I am with our advance echelon," he writes, "which is 50 to 60 miles from our main echelon. We are doing a great deal of work, as we have at tached to our pare about 26 ambulance sections, which are doing all sorts of work. Some are taking refugees back to their homes, while others are car rying the sick to the different hospi tals. "One night while we were in Eper nay, which is about 25 miles from Rheims, I was ordered by our Captain to take a kitchen trailer to one of the advance ambulance sections which was operating on the front. When I got there they were so Vsy that the Cap tain ordered mo to drive one of the - . v . . , . s .. i . , -x i v -.ft j a . a v W 'v iV '.."A k . 7111 v i V- M V - .. 4l I -( iar t" sr r - r I H .1 and disagreeable, with frequent show ers. The warm days of April stimulated Insect activity and the aphids com menced reproduction. The disagreeable weather of May was decidedly adverse to the beneficial Insects. Reproducing from eggs as they do they need me dium warm temperatures to develop. Plant lice, -reproducing living young, are bjjj; little affected by temperature. They have been found reproducing un der the snow and even at temperatures below xero. The inevitable result was that soon the plant Ice were present In ever increasing numbers with no ef fective check from their enemies, and quickly assumed the proportions of a real menace t crops. A careful study of previous years of aphid outbreaks shows this condition always present. Whenever a season oc curs in which we have a few warm, pleasant days in early Spring followed by an extended period of coftl. rainy weather, aphids will be prevalent and generally Injurious. There is a common saying that hot weather kills aphids. The fact Is that hot weather provides the requisite conditions for the rapid development of tho natural enemies and where present in numbers and with favorable weather they can quickly cope with the aphid situation. -'Rconomte stauia ef Inareta, Ladybird beetles and their larvae constitute one of the most efficient factors In the control of the aphids. In the serious "Greenbug" outbreak in the South In 1907, however, it was the ambulances that night. From bravery in action that nlsht the section was cited, and. of course, my name was mentioned along with the rest of the men to get a citation. Surely had many funny feelings como over me as the shells were breaking all about me. and I was wondering if I would ever get home again, but thank God, I came out all right." Figure "13" Follows Organ ist in Army Life. Ernest orcUlrum K.nliata Jane 13 nd Is Discharged January 1U. Pay ltecclved Is l.t.7. ERNEST NORDSTRUM. who- before enlisting was the organist at the Columbia Theater, haa returned, and he sums up his Army experience under the heading "IS." He enlisted on June 13. arrived at Camp Lewis on August 13, was assigned to the headquarters company of the 76th Regiment (7 and 6 13). of the 13th Division; waa discharged from Depot Brigade 166 (1 and 6-7 and S 13), on January 13. and received his pay, 113.76. "The 13 follows me to the very end." said Nordstrum, "even the 7 and 6 cents make another 13." Mexican Trade lo Kcsume. MEXICO CITY. Representatives of several large British steamship lines have announced the resumption In the near future of ocean traffic between British and Mexican ports. r . l . - y - m parasitic flies which were finally re sponsible for the control of that serious pest. In 1912 in Oregon it was the Inrva of a syrphus fly which finally checked the vetch aphis. Ladybug beetles constituted the major defense in the conflict against the aphids in 1918. but their effects were so retarded as to fall to save the .vetch or to pre vent serious Injury to the grain. Ladybugs have developed a habit or are possessed of a "troplsm" which cauues them, as Fall approaches, to quit the lower altitudes and seek hi bernation in sheltered areas In the hills. Buttes rising abruptly from the surrounding fields usually are found with these caches of ladybugs, as are also the higher points In the foot hills. Advantage has been taken of this habit in California to locate the lady buKS in the caches. Later they are collected and held in cold storage, and finally sent out in small lots to grow ers suffering from aphid attack. They are collected by tons, and kept in excellently equipped insectory and cold storage plants. Tet the mortality in handling them Is from 20 to 4Q percent. The work In California has attracted much attention, but Is so far only an experiment. Even with excellent fa cilities for handling the beetles and with the work under the immediate direction of expert entomologists the practice Is reported of questionable value. We may safely state that no con- 18th Engineers Prepare to Leave for America. Lieutenant Shaver, nn Special Huty, (ompletra History mt tna(lar. THE 18th Engineers, with which many Portland boys went overseas, was being mobilized near Bordeaux. France, during the middle of Decem ber, with intent to leave for America, according to & letter recently received from Lieutenant John Wlllard Shaver, formerly a member of The Oregonian staff. Sailing with the lth Engineers as a private, the newspaper man-campaigner won his commission by hard work and application, and is now attached to the office of the chief engineer, at Tours, France. "I am now associated with the techni cal information section of the office of the chief engineer," wrote Lieutenant Shaver, "where 1 have bean engaged on the compilation of technical articles on various engineering projects in the A. E. F. "Just now I am preparing" history of Searchlights.' aa a special service of the Engineer Department, and have completed the history of 'Camouflane.' The office Is charged with the com pilation of historical, biographical and technical data on all Engineer person nel, organization and services In the A. E. F. ' "Troopa have been moving out of here and through here pretty regular r f:-.v ; i . : V s J' v J celvablo shipment of stored ladybugs could have coped with the aphid situa tion in the grain and v-tcli fields of Oregon in 191S. The climatic factor presented an insurmountable barrier to the successful use of natural enemies. In the normal season, and we may reasonably expect that sfl-h a season as last will not occur in Oregon again' for a period of years, the beneficial insects unas.Uted are able to handle the situation. There is at least a question .is to the comparative effect iveness and value 'n control where the beneficial forms are collected, held in artificial conditions during the Winter and liberated in the Spring, as hkhiukC their liberation in nature and their natural distribution to the adjacent cultivated areas in the Spring. In an experiment carried on last yesr. 210 pound of aphids wr re col lected from a 12-acre field of vetch. It s estimated that this constituted SO ly this month, small detachments of them leaving almost daily. The dif ferent porta of entry have been turned into enormous rest camps, and they are all pretty well filled with Amexra on their way home. It will certainly be a happy time for me when orders come removing me to God's country once more. 1 love France, but it is that eort of affection that miiM have Veen thought of by the wiseacre who was moved to remark that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder." ARMY CHAPLAIN IS CALLED Captain Wlllard Klklns Named Pas tor of Dallas Church. DALLAS. Or.. Jan. IS. Special.) Captain Willard A. Elkins, formerly of Monmouth, now a chaplain in the Coast Artillery, has been called as pastor of the Dallas Curitlan Church. Captain F.lklns succeeds Lieutenant Howard McConnell. who left here last Octo ber to become a chaplain in the Na tional Army at Camp Lewis. Chaplain Elkins will assume his du ties here some timo within the next few weeks. Norwegian Hank Proposed. - MEXICO CITY. Representatives of Norwesian capitalists are arranging for the establishment in this city of a Norwegian bank. - which will have branches in various parts ot. the repub lic, particularly In the states of Tarn aulipaa and Jalisco. 5 --J..- ) -.-V s. f , -. . . : - , ..' ' ' - : -vy.' 'V- Strata yr r.ir&oty. per cc:it of all present. Therefore, on this field there were approximately Jin pounds of plant lice. One gram of 1 bids were counted, amounting to M3 There would be then approximately 254.000 aphids in a pourd. or S8.:m'i.noi' on the li-acre tract. Figured on this basis. j:.imio.OhO ladvhus would, if de vouring t?eir maximum of -00 apliii rlailv, succeed In controlling tho phint lice on 77 acre. When ue consider the hundreds of acres of veteh and the I lius.4ii'ls of acres cf grain i::f-sie-with aphids. Inst season the. task be fore the beneficial forms and number? of them required becomes apparent. Summarized, it iray be staled that In a normal season the beneficial form- untrS'stcd rnav be expected to c-p successfully Aith tho aphid situation on field crops. ected from a 12-a:-re field of vetch. It It is a reasonable supposition tha an apnid outbreak such as that of I'M will not occur again for u period o years. Ladybug beetles are but one of sev eral of the active agencies In producing the finl result. In the abnormal sesson. In spite- of the presence of these natural enemies climaiie barriers prevent their success ful employment. In the artificial handUic of ladv- buirs there is a very hih mort-iM- These beetles oc-ur naturally on th buttes adjacent to the cultivated area from whicii they distribute themselve naturaily lo the surrounding aphid infested fields. Finally, it may b slated that the artificial collection an 1 dltrlbution of tadluss is Mill in an experimental sinus and for Oregon conditions, of doubtful value. Growers may rest assured that the Utopia for all apuid troubles has not yet arrived and muy still s-afely ar.'i sanely pursue such cultural practice and precautionary measures as are of tried villi n-1 are ril.-rllv sound. GET RID TC A T OF THAT iT ii (it Trtl Treatment on Ke- qurM. Ak for my "p--w hrn-rfducfd ' of f ?r. il y treatment haa oftn r-dncr.l nl tbo rat1 of M ponml iImt, No dnMnn. T erc!. to lutfly eafe and ure rm'thvl. Mr. K. Mt email write: Have t.ikfn our trentTtent ami It m aonrtiTlul how it r flUtra It rfrp JllSt US Voil !". I h rotiuti a. iounvl a d ly and feel t -nr. Mm. Anna Srhmlrtt wrMen: I we'uhr"! 17 pounds twfnre I started tour trr.itmrnt n-i I now wwish pounds. You may pr.ni this if ou like. These are Jurt ex.init'l'-g T w Ktl tn treatment can accompiia?!. l.c t nvj n -ou more proof at my exprns-'. IR. K. KHMV, I.tremtefJ hT.t'lii. 2o 1 .fU A en ue. rw ork. Desk s-l.o WHY SOCIETY WOMEN WASH THEIR OWN HAIR j They do. not hecauso it s a fad. but because they wish to obtain the great est possible hair beauty and be sure they are not using anything harmful. They have found that In washing the hair It is never wise to use a make shift, but Is always advisable to us-e a preparation made for -hampooin:r onlv Many of our friends s;- they pet the best results from a simple home-made canthrox mixture. You can use this at a cost of about S cents a shampoo by genius some canthrox from your drug gist and dissolving a teaspoonful In cup of hot water. This makes enouc'i shampoo liquid to apply to all the hair Instead of Just the toi of the head, as with moHt preparations. Oandruff. ex cess oil and dirt are dtsole1 and en tirely disappear InMhe rinMnc water. Your hair will be so fuffy that it will look much heavier than it is. lis luster and softness will also delight you. Adv. I