TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 19, 1919. 3 WESTERN FAVORITES BECOMING NUMEROUS IN THEIR APPEARANCE ALONG BROADWAY Isabel Lowe in "The Melting of Molly," Fills Broadhurst Theater and Scores Great Personal Success Two Port land Idols Are in Cast of "The Invisible Foe," Which Is Present Success in London. FT t 'A VV J v V'- - -s j"-- Kr " " x " ' v' i a ' . .. I tlon, "Listen, Lester." Miss Lewis played the role of the female under taker in "A Very Good Youns Man." in which Wallace Kddinger was featured by Arthur Hopkins earlier in the sea son. She was the hit of the piece and when it was abandoned stepped into this bigger and better part in "Listen, Lester." Le Dltrlcfcateln Im New Role. Leo IMtrichstein will be seen during- the month in the first presentation in English of Henri Lavedan's daring play, "The Marquis de Priolk," which is described as. a clever satire of an effete aristocracy that existed at one period in France. The play made a most un usual impression at the Comedie Fran caise, where it was first produced, and it is expected to cause a furor on this side of the Atlantic. The cast includes: Brandon Tynan (who appeared in Mr. Ditrichstein's last play, "The Matinee Hero"), Walter Howe (appeared in "The King"), Orlando Daly, Jane Grey, Lily Cahill and Katherine Emmett Arthur Hammerstein announces his third musical comedy of the season. It is called "The Slumber Party," will be produced in conjunction with the Sel wyns, and is the joint work of Otto Hauerbach and Rudolph Frlml. These two were responsible for all Mr. Ham merstein's successes of other years, "You're in Love," "The Firefly." "Ka- tinka." and "High Jinks." His other productions in town are: "Sometime," n which Ed Wynne is starred, and Somebody's Sweetheart," which opened at the Central Theater the Monday before Christmas. WOOL CASE IS DROPPED Charges' Against Officers of Swedish Army Canceled. LOXDOX. Charges brought by the British government that the former Swedish government, or Lieutenant Colonel Wikland, of the Swedish army, had allowed their names to be used as consignees for wool purchased Vlth German money nave been dropped and several cases in the prize court inrclv- ng $2,500,000 in wql seized by the British navy have been settled. Sir John Simon, apparing for the claimants, protested against the gov ernment's allegations. He called at tention to statements made in the House of Commons that Sweden was anding raw wool to Germany to be spun into yarn and returned lor use of the Swedish army and declared that here was no foundation for the charge that the Swedish government had, been guilty of a violation of neutrality. The terms of setlemen-t were not given out. Sir John Simon told the court it will leave no soreness on either side and will express the friendly feei ng which has in th past history of the two countries existed, and which both the Swedish and the British gov ernments desire to continue between these two great independnt stats. Arctic .N" BY ELIZABETH LON'ERGAK. EW YORK, Jan 18. (Special.) The number of Western favorites who are forging to the front along Broadway is increasing from week, to week. The newest addi tion to the number is Isabel Lowe, who appeared in "The Melt ing of Molly" at the Broadhurst the other night and scored a great personal sucaess. Miss Lowe is known outside of New York as a dramatic ingenue, but New York has only seen her in mu sical comedy, her appearance earlier in the season at the Winter Garden being practically her debut. She does not pretend to be a singer, yet has played successfully two roles that require a number of solos. It is rumored that the Shuberts will present her next in a strong dramatic part, to spring a "surprise" in New Y'ork, but her Western friends are more surprised at her position as musical comedy star. "The Melting of Molly' comes to New York after a successful un in Chicago. Miss Lowe made Molly a charming little lady and the play eeems to have caught the public fancy. Already S. R. O. signs are being dis played at the Broadhurst and the man agement expects a long and success ful run. Charles Purcell. one of the favorite tenors of musical comedy, seen in "Maytime," "Her Soldier Boy" and other hits, has some fine solos and acts with his usual grace. Gloria Goodwin dances divinely and Mrs. Charles Craig, who created the negro mammy role in "Come Out of the Kitchen." has a similar part in the story. There was no chorus, a cast of principals playing all the roles. Portland Favorites Seen. "The Invisible Foe," another opening of the same night, has at least two Portland favorites in the cast. Frank Andrews and J. H. Gilmour have toured the country many times and it is pos sible that Cooper Cliff and Daisy Viv ian were seen on the Coast with the Greet Players some time ago. The title relates to the return of the spirits of those who have passed on and the story relates dramatically of the stealing of some money from a prominent firm. The cast Includes, in addition to' those mentioned above: Flora McDonald Robert Barrat. Percy Garmount, Marion Rogers and Mabel Archdall. The play is a present London success. When A Prince There Was" was produced at the George M. Cohan Thea ter with Robert Hilllard in the lead ing role, a number of the critics com mented upon the fact that it was too bad that Mr. Cohan could not be induced tn nlov Vi o load 1 1 m ecl T rt ti ti . in,t I was just suited to him. Mr. Hilliard . seemed to feel the same wav and ureed Mr. Cohan to take the- part. Finally the change was effected and the result has been most satisfactory to all con cerned. It is a real treat to see Mr. Cohan, as his many activities have seemed to wean him away from the stage. It is not often that a person is author and star of a play produced in a theater bearing his name. And the delightful part is that the play was commenced the day when the armis tice was declared and produced within a month afterward. Mr. Cohan is author also of-Chaun- cey Olcott's new play, "The Voice of McConnell," which is one of the best vehicles that the Irish actor has had in many years. It opened on Christmas day at the Manhattan Opera-House and has been crowding it at every per f ormance. Little Theater Open. "Winthrop Ames' delightful Little Theater is open once more, and the many admirers of the artistic little playhouse will be glad to hear that the new play is worthy its setting. "The Little Journey" by Rachel Crothers has to do with a trip by rail. This theme was used in "Excuse Me" (later musi cal ized by Henry W. Savage, who pro duced the comedy, into "Toot Toot ) There is. however, no connection be tween the two plays. The first was i comedy pure and simple, while "The Little Journey" is sentiment first and then some good dashes of humor. Es- telle Winwood, who was featured ifc "Why Marry?" is the lead and she and Cyril Keightley have the love inter est, and play their roles very well Jobyns Howland, Paul Burns. William Mortimer, Edward Leater. Gilda Varesi have parts in the production, which i beautifully staged and altogether worth while. Ada Lewis has found another con genial role in John Cort's last produc PUBLIC AUDITORIUM THIS AFTERNOON 3:15 TONIGHT 8:15 ALLIED WAR VETERANS' OVERSEAS BAND IN CONJUNCTION WITH AUDITORIUM PIPE ORGAN IX GRAND CONCERT Auspices of City of Portland. SCOTCH PIPERS AND DANCERS. 2OPCLAR. ENTERTAINERS. Admission 25 Cents (To Meet Popular Demand.) X i " i - f , . J 1 ' . v 1 .dA iHii i hi m f TfriiariiiH --y- r JOSEF HOFMANN Heilig Theater, Feb. 2 PRICES: Floor. 12.00. ?I-k0. Balcony, 12.00. X1.10, $100. Gal., Res., $1.00; Gai., Adm., 76c Plus 10 War Tax. MAIL ORDERS NOW Send orders, checks and self -addressed stamped envelopes to Steers & Coman, Columbia Bldg. FATVTOTT5; Stock company WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY MAT., JANUARY 1 9 Albert McGoverm That Other Great Rex Beach Drama mm Olive Templeton By the Author of "THE SPOILERS" THE BARRIER A wild, fascinating tale of the old Yukon. . The Gold Rush to the new diggings the Miners' Law in the Fax North the end of a long, long trail. Prices 23, 5 Of. Mats. 23 (War Tax) Mats. Wed. and Sat. NEXT WEEK AoTH AnniIAL THE MYSTERIOUS CAMBER CASE f'QCKSyso'' PLAYS OF QUALITY COMING GRAND OPERA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Mail Order Seat Sale Opens Tom'w Second Annnnl Portland Kfuractnent The Rlll4n-Whlte M n. Bur. l'rt-nt the 1VEKK START. MON.. I KK. . MATlt. Vt r:l. 8 AT. AMERICA'S GREATEST TOURING ORGANIZATION. ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE. DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN STARS. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. BRILLIANT CHORUS. SUPERB STAGE SETTINOS. la the Following r.xtraordlnarr Repert-nre: Till KSHAY.. .MADAME BITTERFI.Y I'RIDAY BIUOLETTO MTI'RDAY MATINEE KAl ST MTIKDAV EVK II. TROVATOKK Prlc-: Lower Kloor. flmt IS rowa. 2.00: remainder. SI. SO. Balcony reenter), flmt 6 rows, SI.. in; next 6 rows. T.V Side: Flrat rowa. SI. OO: laat rowa, .-.O.-. Ma.il Orders addremted to Klliaon-Mliite Hnak-al Dnmu, Broad war Bide, I'ortland, re reived now anil filled ther mrriie. In remlttins nlraw tnrlude Wmr T. KUilLAR flBUC BEAT eALK AT kHKKMAN t I.AVM EXT THIRSDAV MONDAY I. A BO 11 KM K TLESDAY (SECRKT OF 817. ANNE (and l l'AOLIAK I WED MAT ROMEO Bad JITTFT WfcD. EVE. AIUA tlfied persona had been killed. Seventy rebels are said to have fallen. The same day a band ol outl-fWs un der Marcelo Caraveo attacked Jalapa. former capital of the state of Vera Cruz, but were driven off. Befoae at tacking: Jalapa the rebels robbed a train enroute to that city. URE DAIRY PRODUCTS AIM California to Make Camnarln to Remedy Moral ' Delinquency. . EUREKA, Cal. Pure milk, and but ter from unadulterated cream, are be ing advocated by the creamery men of this county as among the best remedies for brain fag. moral delinquency and general physical deterioration. To com bat the inroads which oleomargarine and nut butters are making: on the good old product form the churn of creamery men are starting: a campaign of education to be maintained in every part of the state among consumers. The creamery men Believe tnat laws restricting; the sale of butter substi tutes will not be effective as co-opera tive effort whereby the consumers will learn that the substitutes are rood "fillers." but are declared to lack the vital elements carried in butter. Like wise, it is pointed out that whereas the digestibility of the substitutes average only from 30 to 50 per cent, that of butter is 90 per cent. The creamery men declare that de linquent children, if fed well on butter. will become amenlable to reason and instruction. Morals are improved, they say, where a milk and butter diet Is used. 100 DIE IN REBEL ATTACK Wrecked Exploring Train "Was Warned to Back Out of Danger. VERA CRUZ, MEX. More than 100 deaths, according to unofficial esti mates resulted from the latest attack by rebels on a Mexican Railway pas senger train from the capital to Vera Cruz. Th erebels wrecked the explor ing train, carrying a nescort of 80 sol diers, but the passenger train, which was following, was warned eoon enough to back out of danger to Cam aron, near which station the attack was staged. Reinforcements drove away the reb els but only after 30 federal soldiers. I women camp followers and oter uniden- Norwiy to Show TJ. S. Products. CHRISTIANA In order to strength en, the business relations between Norway and the United States a move ment has been set on foot here for an exhibition of Norwegian and American mercantile products to be held in Nor way during the Autmn of 1919. It is being backed by a large number of corporations having business relations with America. clal.) Glen Daley. 18. Is held by the police here awaiting word from Miles City, Mont., where he is said to be wanted for forgery and safe cracking. Alleged Forger In Custody. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Jan. 14. (Spe- caZakj MORRISON AT TH PLAYS THAT PLEASE Home of Big Shows IPPODROME Superior Vaudeville Today! Today! Caesar Riyoli "A Scandal in a Restaurant . Nettie Decoursay 3 "A Breezy Breeze of Comedy and Song June Elvidge "The Bluffer" 7 SUPER-ATTRJCTIONS 7 Attention The Hippodrome is Portland's most perfectly ventilated building. The air in this theater is washed and completely changed every f our minutes. . A. Soramer, Director General, Consolidated Health Bu reau, says we are complying to all regulations. We Invite Inspection of Our Ventilating System W. W. Klj', Manager. 'Laugh and the World Laughs With You" THIS IS THE COMEDY OF THE SEASON FICER OF 666 25d NIGHTS 506 60 Sun., Wed., Sat. MATINEES 25c ONE. WEEK STARTING SUN. MAT. JAN. 19 NEXT E Df & PURPLE mm m T aaa. ryia i 1 I I : -V THE BEST 13 Of ' .""Si'. .1: V SHOW I CLOSES WITH WEDNESDAY, MATINEE 1 J A FARCICAL MUSICAL COMEDY ENTITLED THE ONLY GIRL Book by Henry Blossom Muflc by Victor Herbert A Sparkling: Version of the Famous Broadway Success Si IARGUERITE FARRELL The "Kellr ilrl JDI AND 3MARIAN ILVRKINS Tbey Talfc At Their lrHor JENNINGS AND MACK In The rinilfltc Taal A Real Xoveltv WILL FERKY The Twir-nii Own Crealimi FRANK BROWNE OKPnEUM TRAVEL WEEKLYOFFICIAL WAR REVIEW ELSA RUEGGER One of the World's Great Cellists, Assisted by Grace Marcia Lewis, soprano; Edmund Lichtenstein, conductor Hji jrBB TODAY MON. and TUES. ONLY The Popular Favorite WILLIAM FARNUM t - jivc';- -" . '' ,. , . iff-if r-.'-.- . FIGHTING BLOOD One of his greatest pictures. "Bill" fights his way through against heavy odds. Current Events Weekly The News Reel that "Scoops" t them all. Entertaining Vaudeville! Coming Wednesday "Tiie Wildcat of Paris lillill LY RIC MUSICAL STOCK KEATING & FLOOD, MANAGERS Matinee Every Day 10r Only Week Starting Sunday Matinee, January 19 Mike The bright, breezy mu sical burlesque. New songs.new choruses Dazzling Costumes ALL Ike OAKS ROLLER SKATING RINK NOW OPEN Largest and finest Skating Rink in the Northwest. Perfect Ventilation Health and Exercise. Afternoon and Evening. Cars First and Alder. ABOARD With Dillon and Franks (Mike and Ike) as Theatrical Impresarios. Lyric Musical Comedy Company. The Rosebud Chorus. Tuesday Night Country Store (Extra) Friday Chorus Girls Contest ran BHIMH TO) ANTAGE Tme;vale4 Vaudeville Broadway at Aldier. Mitlan Dallr. SiSO. Twlr Xlettlr. T d . Ptlilir ri I Bex and lyoarra neaerved. WEEK COMMBiCINQ TOMORROW'S MATINEE TOING AMERICA'S BIGGEST CAHMVAL Or FIX MilFs Comedy Circles A THIIEE-RMG PERFORMANCE 0?f TITE STAGE. Porter J. Vhite & Co. The Calendar Girl In with The Visitor Mabel Perry and Bula Teno The Celestial Trio Belle Oliver Instrumentalists and Vocalists the Girl with Cheering; TS"y Neal Abel Pantages Pictures The Ms a With the Mobile Fac The Latest in the Movies Continuous Performance Tomorrow, 1 P. 31. to 11 P. M. Kratz Chocolates Exclusive East Side Agency At our Fountain the most exquisite service and best flavor in America Frederick C. Forbes Drug Co. The Preferred Drug Store East Morrison at Grand Avenue i N -i