TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 12, 1919. 9 TO r.CHAOE-RML E.TATC 1". Ai'Kfci ;oad aad equipped, lot of fit river-bottom Daitur. oJ ire In cult.. rri fin iMinc prunes, 'i good bouse. l.rgm barn and other btttldings. extra, fixe :r, pipd to tuiuUi-aa. '.Ner cfiurch. t. r and school, only 6 Sn.leS VAQCOUVtf, U1.500. wUl lake small ae Drt UTmrnt. I1. i l ,n cult., stocked and equipped fa and srcd. - boucl. iarge, good bam tod other builins orrRtrd, foou water, .oiimuL on x :r rood auto road. naj church, shoo4 and a tor, la mi ice Port- Un1. IIT.Vni. Will tab ma:l place as part payment, bn.-k. mooern bote., furoiiatd. In extra Sout hern Oregon tow a. ground ! !. tn bt business district. $44.ojU; wiil trade far f -r rr. Hn:i, cntral Oregon town, wall far !shd. modern, rfoirg it'od business, valued at a.'U. 0. i I trade tor land. 1 arrvtL t acres la cult., all estra Ur.O. stocked and equipped. $U.UOO; w ' : tri f r rxnl in com property. "Modern d e ling, good location. Port m1 . oa paved street, will Uado for noma la Vancouver. 1 -re la Vancouver, good bue. barn, cm- k'n yard ad aneda. will Lraie for ortir.il dwel.tng J. B. ArKl?U.. II? Weat tfc SU V incouvfr, SVitu .Ui.VALL13 AND BENTON COLNU' 140 aeree 3 ml :rm railroad: SO acre ra cultivation; (ami y orrnaxd. small shack ouj. bara and outbuildings: lw acraa (utovr ps: ux ; prca. u-cudlng 7 bead of racist red Jersey con and heifers. tAK. win keep cowa If desired; would li Portla.aU huum up Co w la real Ca au ; rn.g nt vo to fuit value. mu-acki; farm. 3o aeres m cu.ti.at.on, located 1 miles front i ortal.ii, J mil- to raiirau. 2 seta of bui.d:ne. food land and nearly level; lata of crrk bottom iand. no wnite land: price. Including crop now In. tractor, t attx ana poaiocs of p. ace, $..u, oo. $.o cash, good farm or c.ear p-rv per ty b.aa . & Interest. Ions Urn, r". I. Kinney, Corvaliis. or. TO PCHAGB REAL ESTATE. HAT have you rot to exchange In real or personal property for a complete water ayatcm In a growing, thriving town which now naa a population of iio or more i This town la located near the Columbia River not far from Portland. The present owner, on account of other Interests, la obliged to a -11 all or one-half of this plant. He la the aole owner of all the atok. There la no competition; tha ctty ltaelf la a patron and consumer. The present Income over and aboe the fixed charges la aboat 1400 per month and con atantiy Increasing. Thia plant can bo ,bouf nt all of It or onba.i at a great 'sacrifice. At tha present time there are more t nan Svv consumers. A concrete reservoir of 2iK),CHx gala, more than 14 hi ilea of water pipe. If you want an everlasting income and the heat buaineaa to ho offered call at the office and learn the part lr ulan of thf enterprlae. M. J. iTT PKOhKHTT TO TK A lri. Pr:-lt garage, aeii locat ea. leaaed; price $1.ha; trade ior aiey farm about same taiua. Apartment-Jieuxo. fomtahed; all apart- I V.enia occupied at gooa rnui. trict e 4oo, take laxiu to ill.OW. A d rt m -n t - h ooa. beat district on Vest aide, furntsaed; price .t-1,oii taka trade to si3.vtA, moriguga. Big" fireproof building. c! In. brlnelng la food reverue: prt.-e SI IO,tM0; take amalier propartiaa to V&.O'JV. haL Bert- TTEPDESlAN COM PA NT. 11 3 i'himbr of Commerce. V HciN thia appeara today I will be la Cen tral ortroti w.tn large pany vi aeekera. snowing the finest homestead In fh L.'nitel ittAtea. one tract of 74.00 acres waa wlthdrawa in V tor Irriga tion project not constructed and la now pea f.r entry m - -acre tracta. A truly wonderful opportunity: no space hero for aetaila. Wri:e fvr free literature aow to ootam thia valuable iand. full aeeeripuen. It will be mailed you promptly sad i willj return about Jan. l!i Cail. If you can. aftemooae or evening on Tuea., Tflum or Sat. Mt. Tabor or ML Hcoft caxa. ti. H. CHLU 2J7 tast 4tb su touth. yra, Qovt. land cruiser.) C A tI Ku KMA-OR KHO S KXCHANORS. I maao a ape-laity of California-Oregon : reaitr axchangea tend me a compete desripLion of any real estate, city or country, taat you may own In ther state, which you desire to exchange for Property In tha ether ata:e. I have a few c noire j iiatir.as f property In oreroo and Vah Ingcoa that biiD to persons residing In Tali.'ornla. Have you any California prop- , erty to ex Changs for same 7 TaU mo your aula bev r. sfonnt. 419 rtrat Na tonal Hank BMf, Oakland. Cal. 114 ACHK.S TO TRADE. Good uiidy loam aoil. 1M A tillable. S3 acres cult. 1 acres good bearing orchard, all klnda of fruit; watered by spring and r-eervotr piped to all of the bid as, and f.:rnthea water to Irrigate a &-acre gar den tract: good 8-room frame house, barn, garage, and numerous other bldga. Homes, coi. pigx. chickens and farm machinery II go with the piace. Located on gravel m.d. within driving distance of a good Willamette Valley town, i'rlce for every-J thing X.'risC letf-a, Kalph Ackley, 306 Cor- ren rtiug. f4U-ACKKS Alberta wheat ranch. 400 In crop, good buildings, fine well, yields from -0 to 60 bu. per acre: owner wants good valley farm up to $-T,iKK, price $45 per acre. Hig, flna farm of nearly 1000 acres In Willamette Yally, close to town, stock and machinery, good build In a. lot of limber now being eold from place, which win go wnn price or piaie; price SiU.uyu, ronsidr part In other good property. UK. MfHip.K, 31T BOAItD OF TKAPE. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. RICH ALFALFA LAND. J90 acres In Deachutes country, with water right fully paid, on main county, road, partly cleared, level land, fenced; to be sold on easy terme or exchanged for romano, property at the state's price or $45 per aero for Irrigated land and 92.50 for pasture land. A rare bargain and a rood farm for somebody with, little money. Two lots In Tremont Park at half value. 'Mi acres near New berg, parti y in Winter oata, on eaay t?rm or will trade. 45 acres on KstacaU line, station on properly, two creeks. 3 springs; will be sold on easy terms or traded. 1"4 acres on bkyline boulevard, grand lew both east and weat, adjoins city limits; will trade. I two lots lOoxioo on Afarqnam road near playground and new State Medical School; no hilla to climb; 10 blocks to loth at. car; will trade. Grand home of 10 rooms on Halsey street. CAJ-h value. SlO.Ouu. to trade for Improved farm within oO miles of Port land. Kine, homo of 8-roomi and garage In iseauniont for little money dovu or will trade; Inquire of JOHN D. WILCOX. 41 Pit tot k BIlC FOB SALE. TEN unincumbered Astoria lots and some cash lor good equity In modern well- located Portland residence. SAMUEL OAK. 1202 Northweatwrn Bank Bid. Pamnos, Organs and M nsical Inatroments VICTOR, COLUMBIA. EDISON AND BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS that have been taken in exchange. They're in good shape; stop and look them over. Victor table Dhonorraoh with 12 double disc 10-inch records 15-00 Columbia table phonograph with 12 double disc 10-inch records...... 22.50 Edison, all-wood horn, table phono graph and record cabinet with 31 popular records; a big value at.. 55.00 Brunswick, mahogany cabinet pho nograph, equipped with gold mated full U.tona. vertical filing system. It's yours for 190.00 THESE ARE NEW MACHINES. Lvric homieaa DhonoirraDh wlLh 12 double disc lu-inch records 25.00 Concert cabinet DhonoKraph with 12 double disc 10-inch records 49.00 Goluen oak vita Nola cabinet pho noicraDh with 12 double disc 10-inch records 4 91.00 COLUMBIA RECORDS that have been used for demonstrating machines to be had now at cut prices: 10-inch double disc f .B0 12-inch double disc 75 EDWARDS CO .11 PAN Y, 5TTT AND OAK. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. CREDIT WITHOUT INTEREST. 20 ACRB IRRIGATED RANCH I mUea from UermUton. fine land. All can be irrigated. 12 acres now under cul tivation, alfalfa and year old commer cial orchard, good 4 room plastered cot tage, barn. 2 large chicken bouses, all In good condition. Price 3-oO. Cut S crops of alfalfa a year. Exchange for good Portend house and lot satm value. ee Sim Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANT. No. 7 Chamber of Comrmrce Phlg. GOOD RANCH TO TRADE. Has 4 head of stock. 2 horses, 17 cows, t ralvea. 21 yearlings, 3 atanda of bees and farm too! a; 60 A. of good loam soil. 40 A. cult, a-room house, large barn. oOxSO with eheda. Located on a good county road, hz mile to achooL clove to Pacific Highway, and good town of 3O0O. Owner will take a good house and lot and S15O0 cash for mm piace and stock. Price $7700. 757-6. jvaipn Armey, atq lorbett Bldg. TRADES OF EVERY KIND. Houses, atores, hotels, farms, lots, acre- are, automobiles, i ll match you. Come In. 1 BRUCE GODDARP, 51-2 Cul'CH BLDG. 3 LOTS. Red Deer. Alberta. Canada, clear: will deal for Portland property and pay ainerence. roadwey 200. Cannon. SECURITT STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $3.0 Storey & Camp used upr't, $116 cash. $4M Henry F. Miller used upr't, $105 cash. $4."0 Kimball large mahog. up't, $190 cash, $4."0 new stored upright pianos, $J!K) cash. tf50 Player-pianos, 1917 model. $:t95 cash. Used upright pianos, $& and $70 cash. Used parlor organs. $25 and $33 cash. Part cash, bonds and other securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only, storage uc monin. r-nune maiu iw- Security tstorage Co.. 109 4th at. FOR ALE. Furniture for Sale. EXCHANGE $.175 equity, 3 -room farnlehed nouse. lor rord. ciear lot or furniture. J. .n. Klcharda. ISO Madison at. feu ACRES No. 1 timber, free and clear. swap. What have you in exchange fori aam7 av 400, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANOCS. 40 ACRES of land In Washington to trade for a team of horses, harness and wagon, or stock. Valley Hotel, corner 2d and I a In. Phone M aln 7273. V. Johnson. SACRIFICE. equity In business prop erty In busy town near Portland; will ac cept good Ford or what have you? AJ 67. Oregonlan. WILL trade 1918 Indian and Dream tan dem for a Ford or sell for $300. L. H. Harms. 390 Harrison nt WILL take good work horses or cattle for my btuueoaker truck. Smith. 228 Alder st. i-jib, iLai.h.1 rKUrKBTl to change fur Improved farm, bearing or chard or city property up to $25,000 to .""w ami tae mortgage tor xaiaace; Income now about $t5o per month and will bo better. This is an exceptlonai chance to acquire some good Inootne busi nea property. If Interested give descrip tion of your property, where located your LOT H blk. from St. Johns car for equity in smalt house; bouse In Medfurd. Or for land or lots in Portland; 7 acres on eciric line tor lots or bouae; developed tungsten" rmnea and some eoutnment for other property; 10 acres in Florida for T8iero property; 4 acres, will make good sheep ranch, for city property; will uine. ror gooa trades see us at 3: Railway Exchange bldg. C. A. Myers. LAND GET LAND NOW. There will be a big demand for Western tana oaring the next few months. We Mi acrea near railroad in Lincoln County, clear of Incumbrance, to trade for equity In lots, suburban business property COB A McKENNA. 92 4:h at. Board of Trade. DAIRT FARM FOR TRADE. 4 acres all la cultivation. mils from station oa Ore coo Rlertrtc practically new T-room hou and bam 32-"V2. granary and outbids., cvst $J50d. Family orchard. 3 horaea, a iloiatein and Jersey coaa. j ht.-kena. About 12 ton hay. cream sep arator and full tine implement and tools ma with the I-lace, at $4.'oo. Will aell on 4y term or trad for clear Portland rsiderc up to $4m. Ralph Ackley Land Cov J'O Corbett Bldg. ties L. R. liendcr- 20 ACRff IMPROVED RANCH H MILES FROM GRANT" IA."S. $J50 1? ttr m cuUivation. bm lance can be ; pit under ptos. Creek ruus through p,r. 3 welts, ran have fre water for irri(AtJn. fenced with woven wire. 3 room Boue. 2 bare, aome pering irutt treea. l.icluBft for I or:. and houae and lot. aame . pru. .- J m limmmr at J. 11 A kt- M AN O'MPA.M, No. 7 Chamber of Com- mr-o mac. " Kh tXi'H iNOtii OF MtKIT Safcl CM s RiMiLKit A 10.. 2Ji Henry b'dr. r.V0O l.n Anirt apt.-houao, $J.uvO ajq ii'y f r l'ort.a:id prp-rty. $;5.wo Portland bri- k hMa for Calif. Sraj.000 ipL-niM, ifwtiK. 3-story, fur t.N.i ; 11 room a. $;i . mtr. $ lO.twM) due. hI. ran renew; trade V f.ihKJ equity. 1'irru, home, lu a, large 'tt trade. CM AS KtN'H KK A CO. 225 Henry Hide. $isH fsQ. bulldincs. 17 cultivated, near a."w,-w timuer. excellent cord wood proposition: want $3000 bungalow; alao beautiful 0, bottom land, some Improve- wv-u.. wo Biuwiwrea, a iwo. tor residence wunar vajue. i'eedeo al.ey foothill 0. $..ou. for city: would divide; act quickly e owner after 2.30. Barney, 303 Stock e.a, n acres chicken ranch; water pipea to ait the bouses and barnyard; hot and cold water bath In house; 6 miles from Vancouver, ii minutes' wslk from carline. or wi.i exchange for Vancouver property. not over two miles out. Renny, 709 Wash- union, Vancouver, Hail. FiNS country home. acres, good house. "fun nouw. a nen nouaes, pun d Houae. also pump at barn. All kinds fruit, 3'o feet fronting on river. At Kelso, -- ""9 iuwr. piTM streeta banks. 3 eawmliis, shinrie mill, main line R R. Trade for Portland home. Box 20oi, r. UA.NOt Homo In Tacoma for property near Portland or mj rround In g j"'"4"' r-Twn oouve. gooa cellar, electric ikuu, mh coia water, sis lota, good sou, bearing fruit treea, fenced; on car line. Address box 22. Fern Hill P. o Tacoma. Wash. 1 FOR RALE OR TRADE. lAOxluo impivd West tilde corner, in : a fine apart men t-house site; anient consider part caan. balance acreage or houae a;:d lot, i'Dooe East 1144k FOR 1 ALE tR TRADei. I rooms, central East Side, foil baa ; vnrt. urnace heated, well arranged for ; apartments, plums: ng In upstairs, gas and electricity throughout, combioatioa fx turew; worth $tvH. will trade my $4hM) equuy for ummprued acreage worth $2oK , It located near city aud priced rignu a VI. Oregfynlaru H"OD K1VKK OH' HAr.D WANTtIK We have ruent wuh god income Port land property, a'o amaoie farm property vieee to Portland to eif-hang for bearing ercnard near Hood River; will trade part or t.l. Can handle big proportion. LrKDDfcaANN COMPANY, i T Chawer of ommerce. Main c7. K Stl.K or trmde. la the beautiful city of an Diex. -rom hooueo on National ve. ; lots of fruit and flowers: price $J.'hni. mort ;g- $7X; 4 lots at i-rra vista lust at Sail Iiejfo city line. 1 7 clear. What I have youT Prefer 4 or 5-roorn houae with i.tfnc lan-l Can evenings 82 Grsnd ave.. an'. 1 1. Kat aw. j P T KMAIL SToCfci RANCH. frp.'- W-w'ern fregon. fair buiUlinra. Vttim land that will grow & tons aifa.fa, I rol creek, road and cwm to R. R., aith I c.u r- Vtr $f In city property. rH)M AS. Lumber Kxohang-e. 4 a UK.S of iand aear Spoken. Wash. fr-- and c.ear .f dett: to trde for ema'l I a;ore or rooming-house. AF 55, ore-1 K'oi in. T i HKK a-rea. fine land, al In cultivation; 1 uat outride citv I mil ta. near cariine. pirt pa ment oa coitags, T 8H0. or ego-I atWR lotfi. clear. In the beat part of Mt. Tabor. fr a 5 or sVroom bungalow; will py difference In cash. AC o2. Orego-1 man. 14.ACH; stonk raneh In Cxrks of Arkan- a. I Irntr -of the ftneM outride range: m( citv or country, near I'ortland V v.. r-K ntn i J-KiiM fcouae. arrauged for o fartMIe. garugva. 2 lota, berries and fruit. $3vo. t-wde for bunraljw on paved street. t40-j m-ta. 4'M Griinger bldg- TO TKPK Jroom postered cottage, lot oa improved street; hae $'0 mortgar: my interest $: for antorao- .ti I'titu WnMinwn 210. iAIIANGrI ei'ilty in 2-fIat hoiie and cor. lot. Central Kit Side, aalklng dts tnce, renet ror $p per month, for acre- 1 ag-. L. .-topper. -N2 :j.-t,1 4th N-rth. I S4 At LKS liwo-1 lCier fruit rarm. 1 Hi miles fn-ttii c.ty, J-l acres in bearing orchard. nl trvle for e;her rtty or country prop- liiiiH-CL.s want lot In Kan Francisco, val'ie $. Whit have you Will cos i-t-r walnnt lami. A J '1. rf n;n. 4l AT4K. e;r. unimproved. lra' for ood auto or cod lets. P. O. JRox 2 04. Port- AN $0.oO publiu utliicy in good growing town of 25oo; brings In monthly income of $7oO. will accept S of value In good city property or rancn. balance to run 20 yesra at w 1 consider any leg! U mate proposition; oaner time laken with other matters. AR 177. Oregonlan. 120 ASTORIA LOTS at $1500, a gold watch. $I5; J l-arre farm. $JOo: Realty Aaao ciates of Portland atovk. $.VM. Will trade all or part for farm. Improved, vlctrola or auto. Will consider Portland home to $-'0vo. S. H. Colby. 4a 9 LmaUUa ave. Kventnrs. le ACRES. 120 Improved, 40 acres pasture and timber; 7-room house, barn, well watered; price I'wUO. $200 mort, per cent, want Portland city property for R. M. GATKWOOD CO.. 154 4th St. WILL trade $30 banjo for watch. Wood lawn 3U25. EXCHANGE Inside painting and tinting; for gainer iggif. rnon .ast V4oO. HORNLESS GRAPHOPHONE. We have Just taken in a fine $05 Horn less Columbia Graphophone of larger new machine. With it about $-0 worth of rec ords. We offer the whole outfit for $U5 on terms of $25 down and $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. Exchange Dept.) . BABY grand Grafonola, beautiful genuine mahogany case, eiectncany operaiea , uou set automatic stop; metal parts gold fin ish; wonderful tone; cost $500; will sell for $250, $35 down, bal. 20 per month; will take liberty bonds at their full value. This is an elegant layout. Vera L. Wen ger, 142 2d tupstairs), near Alder. 10,000 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS. Remember we carry over 10,000 records for Victrola, Edison, Grafonola, Bruns wick, Chemey or Sonora. We have 12 record and machine rooms, all thoroughly ventilated every few minutes. Hyatt Talk- ing M achine Co.. 35Q Aider. MI'ST SOLD AT ONCE. Fine old violin. Washburn guitar and mandolin. Orpheum and Stewart banjo, cornet, trombone and organ. TAKE NOTICE! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. . 12S FIRST ST.. NEAR ALPER. 1 ttjt.itv nnvna WANTED. aiinw von nu- on vour liberty bonds I la purchasing a victroia, uninswita, onola or Edison. Ws refund cash dif ference if necessary. Hyatt Talking" Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. tt man m tT-tiitrinh nhnnorr&Dh: cvrnet horn, I model O reproducer and 30 Edison blue amberol records; guarameeu; wi $S0; $5 down, bal. $4 per montn. vera a Wenger, 14- si iuiw. Alder. HAVE yon bonds, other securities or city lot to turn In as first payment on a piano or player-piano and still buy at 25 per cent heiow focal market price. See Scnwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st virrrnn HKn RKAT, RECORDS. We have just received by express nearly 10OO Victor Rod Seal records. Your nnnnrtunitv to ret desirable records. Hyatt Talking- Machine Co., 350 Alder. ber. Worth $250 to anyone. Phone Oak I TRADE your piano to us for a phonograph; Grove 10 J. I we carry the Victor, JEdison, Columbia and Stradivara pnonograpna. neeu-1 French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Wash ington st a. FOB BALE, Horaea. Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE at a bargain, one team bay and gray, weight 2moo lbs., with good breeching harness, $245; one sorrel, seven oiu, weignt 1 true and sound. wane single or aouDie; one black mare. weigni j-;o; one 'dark Iron gray mare. wcign one Day geioing.weight 1500. a sets neavy single harness. 2 seta I double work harness, 5 express wagons, one uownecK wagon, can and look these bar gains over before buying. Wilhelm Trans fer Co., stable, 35 Union ave. DO TOO KNOW A REAL COW WHEN YOU SEE ONE? Am leaving Oregon and will sell for 9iv c.en. o-year-oia jersey, with butter- i ten 01 SIX AND SEVEN-TENTHS and averages 20 lb. milk dally. Seo- onu caii taat August. Duo next Septem- HIGH-CLASS MILK GOATS FOR SALE. 1 2-year-old Nubian buck, blue ribbon I OStCIU iVt I . 1 1-year-old Tog-Nubian buck, hornless CAPITALIZE YOUR EARNING POWER. 2 COal black Xubl&n tinmm 2 Tog-Nubian does, all fresh soon. For particulars of above and others send stamp. K. MORECROFT. DUNDEE, OR. Los JUST received, a csrload of horses from La Grande Valley, ages from 4 to 0 years, weight from 11' 0O to 1400 Iba; all block y built and heavy boned; some well matched tnama If in the market for good young intnmnhiifi and home necessity, fire ex tinguisher, $1.50; nets 20O per cent. Pyro Laboratories, 4317 Melbourne ave., Angeles. Cal. TIT.T. WE MEET AGAIN." Ws have just received a shipment of the above lAtest record for your Victrola or Grafonola. Hyatt Talking1 Machine Co., 350 Alder. JANUARY CLEARANCE of EXCHANGE "FURNITURE. Whether one or several nieces are need ed. It's to your advantage to get them THIS WEEK white enamel commode $3.95 w mte enamel aresser. lo'xi'n in. mirror S.75 Golden finish dresser. 17!4x234-m. mirror . - 10.50 oolden finish chiffonier, no mirror. .10.25 white enamel chiiionier, 10x20 mir ror 18.00 ivory enamel dressing table (triple mirror) and chair 23.50 Full size iron beds $5.00 to $10.75 2-in. continuous post steel bed (full size) 11.50 --in. continuous post iron bed (full size) 14.00 2-in. continuous post brass bed (, size) 18.50 2-In. continuous post brass bed (full lze 24.75 Oak bed, full size 5.50 Wood framed bed springs.. $2, $2.75 A. 3.50 Box mattress (full size) 7. (Hi 42-in. square top dining table 9.00 4d-in. square top dining table 10.75 48-in. square top dining table 12.50 5-leg round top dining table. 17.50 Set of 6 dining chairs. 1 12.50 Five straight chairs and carver (set). 22.00 Four only, early English dining; chairs (set) 12.75 A few odd chairs at, each....$l and 1.25 Arm chair with cane seat 3.75 Early English arm rocker 5.00 Mahogany finished arm rocker 5.00 Golden oak arm rocker 6.50 Leatherette overstuffed rocker 15.00 Early English library table. 26x44-in. top 15.00 Bfrdseye maple stand table 4.0. Oak stand table 4.25 White enamel stand table 2.50 Beautiful Jacobean sideboard 22.50 Polished ash sideboard 17.50 28x42-in. top kitchen table 3.00 Clothes wringer with tub benches. . . 3.75 Coal heaters at $6.75, $8.75 and 9.75 6-hole range with coil and connec tion 46.50 Perfection oil heater 4.00 Child's high chair " 1.50 Nursery chairs at $1.25 and 2.25 Oriole basket 2.75 2-bow top sulky' 4.00 Auto top collapsible go-cart 10.75 Ivory reed perambulator 12.50 Infant's white enamel crib (on metal stand) 3.75 Folding card tables (felt or leather ette covered) 3.75 Early English finished clock shelf... 1.75 White Cross electric vacuum 19.50 Oak and metal costumers at. $1.50 & 2.50 Metal reading lamp, art glass shade. 6.50 A Good Place to Trade. Credit Without Interest. TTBED RANGES FOR LESS. We have a number of these money- savers in our exchang-e dept. Some as rood as , new at low prices. Two of the best are One Arcadian malleable range, 18-Inch oven, same as new; a $125 range for $75. One South Bend malleable, same as I new, 18-lnch oven; a wonderful range for $75, set up and connected. One dandy Stewart ranee, nlckeL nice and bright, 335. Others as low as $22.50 and all guar anteed to bake. terms; no interest charged. GEVURTZ FUHNTTTRE COMPANY, 'The Big- Store." 185 to 191 First St., near YamhiH Public Market. FOR SALE. Fur nit ore for Bale. WE purchased the contents of a beautiful home, very' high-grade furniture and ruga, which we cau seli at far below actual value. The dining suite comprises 4S-inch quarter-sawed oak buffet with 12x3tf-inch French piate mirror, plain yet very attrac tive; 6 elegant solid oak high-back diners with genuine Spanish leather slip seats, and a dining table of exceptional beauty and quality. We have never seen any thing like it; it is constructed of beauti ful ugured quarter-sawed oak, wax finish, to match chairs and buffet; the top is 4tix 54 inches and extends from both ends; at each end is a lined drawer for silverware and two concealed leaves; the base is colo nial design, 26x38 inches, with 12-lnch pedestal; we only ask $13U.50 lor the com plete suite, or if you have a built-in buf fet, we will sell table and chairs for $85, in the livinsr-room was an extremely pret ty overstuffed davenport, 8 fet;t lng, with 3 looso cushions. chair and rocker to match, all upholstered in tine grade of tapestry; this suite cost $-2o recently ; $132.50 buys it. A very classy solid wal nut library table, extremely beautiful and so different from ordinary tables; a won derful bargain at $J2.50; a Gorevan Wilton rue. size uxiz. and used only - weeKs, $110 value for only $7.50: also one ixl0 Royal Turkish rug in Hard-j-le Bokhara design, which we can sell for $Uj. we have many more bargains from this fine home, come at your earnest convenience; tnia is reaiy a rare opportunity, xtemem ber your credit is pood. MISli FURNITURE CO., 1S9-1!0 1st St. FOR SALE. Machinery. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. FURNITURE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Monarch steel range, $50; Loralne steel range, $42.50; body Brussels carpet, 14x16, 0c yd.; 3-pc. nr DPciroom suite, io; up holstered couches. $5: dressmaker's table. $2.50: bust and dress forms, 60c to $5;'i iron and braes beds. $3 and up; Toledo st.l ran are. $22.50: Majestic steel ranire $ 50 : J e wel Bras ran r ej $12.50; No. 8-18 cookstove. $17.50: oil cookstove, $4.50; gas water heater, $0; heating stoves, $3.50 I to $15; all our stoves ana ranges stricny guaranteed: black walnut bedroom suite in Al condition, $35; hardwood oedroom KiiitA with cheval dresser. $22.50: odd dresser bases. $4.50 to $; chiffoniers, $10 and up; extension t a Dies, o ana up; solid oak dining chairs, $1.50 and up; rockers. $2.25 and up; sewing ma chines, $5 to $35; room-size rugs, $0 to $20; rolltop desk, $20; houses furnished throughout with new or fine used furni ture; carpets, rugs, bedding, crockery, utensils: in fact, everything that goes to make up a complete furnished house; easy payments; no interest; free delivery; goods packed, crated ana snippea tor oui-01-town customers; all sorts of exchanges made. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 17th and Washinston sts. Don't mistake the address; no connection with other salvage stores. Both phones. FOR SALE OR KENT. 1 No. 5 Shnonds rock crusher. 2 No. 7 Bates rock crushers. 1 Western jaw crusher. 1 10-ton Buffalo Pitts road roller. 1 10-ton gasoline road roller, Austin. 6 concrete mixers, various sizes. 12 Watson dump wagons. 6 one-horse concrete carts. 6 one-man concrete carts. 1 No. 45 Buc-yrus track shovel. 1 $50 Marion steam shovel. 3 drag line scrapers. 2 slip scrapers. 50 wheel scrapers. 5 road plows. 1 15-h. p. gasoline engine. 1 32-h. p. gasoline engine. 1 40h. p. gasoline engine. 1 60-h. p. gasoline engine. 1 7-in. by 10-in. D. D. hoisting engine. 1 D. D. electric hoist with 20-h. p. motor. 1 IS-ln. bv 42-ln. Bates & Corliss engine. 2 66-ln. by 16-ft. boilers, 125-lb. steam pressure. 1 5-h. p. 900-r. p. m. A. C. motor. 1 9x14 H. S. & G. engine. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT CO., 2! NORTH FIRST ST. BRDWY. 1040. A 1046. GRASS RUGS SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Continuing our clearance sale we will sell this week our immense stock of fine I erase rugs at the prices: following very low blue, brown and I blue. brown and blue. brown and 9x12 grass rus. green, $12.50 each. 8x10 grass rug, green, $10.75 each, 6x9 grass rug, arreen. 17.50 fflch. Hurrv if vou want one of these: 1 although we have many they will not last lonar. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT, The Big Store." 183 to 191 First St., near Yamhill Public Market. "" u mo in am vi 1 ur gooa young I .. ; . , , , .--i-u hor ca.l ,h. U. & 8Ub' 248 W WK h.v. K"-b, A B Ch Kranlch t. G. l. Williamson. r u li.-iiluuu Jtrtejr, will b. fresh In .III weeK.. uive. . to o ration, per d.y. Now I (lvin( li, irallon. per day. Owner coin, away. Add rem. Kr27 1001a at. 8. Take ;. .""i car, c.i on at juotn c, to a FAT ttim of marea, weight 1400. food har- nr ana wagon; prlc 30o If taken at once: alao nearly new rid In r aulky plow and potato diner If wanted. Hawthorne Stable. C 6th and Hawthorn.. NINE good dairy cowa, om are fre.h and aome win o. pretty aoon, and nmt dairy unifieucnu ana rora aeiiv.ry. v 1 1 i -krids. dairy, on th. Unnton road, box liAV'K bought machin. and will .ell .t a aaciifice my young riding and driving nor... name., ana open-top ruooer-tlre buggy, ail In flrat-clasa condition. Phone uOOI) young Jersey cow. freih. giving four frations per day: aell cneap; tak. Oregon City car to Arlington rotation; come up river to wagon Driug., rroaa. turn to left; ursi noun loo BAY MAKE. 1400 lb... chunky built. only 7 year, old and work, single or double. 3m Front at. Ask Xor lira. Bon ner's mar.. 4IMJ-LU. TEAM, harncKS, Just off ranch. no use for them: would take good oow. 0722 a. oJd, Ml. Scott car to Uray's croas-Inc. 9th and Flanders. Fun SALK ;o acre. Irrigated land In Vnia lllla Co.. Or. FT1C. SJo0. 1J acrea In cultivation, appl. orchard, alfalfa, apiary and chicken ranch, tliihl trade for clear Portland rwlden.-. or California property. AEToS, Ciregonlan. FOR fAI.S or trade. New berg. Or, for Portland property, fraction lea an acre, with all klnda of fralt; good 7-room house, good bam. electricity, city wat.r. best of mail. Trie, reasonable. ;tv. tercoa, right In city. A K -ft. Oregonlan. "'-?.cr7 V.T.Vl- -" contain ing a, KOR y., E trad. for hoe. or cow. la,r. million itw-i pi imiver iprilfQ on Citimon p-,.,1 j (-. 1 1 - I YOUXO fresh -row, glTing S gals., $60. Freeh Jersey cow giving 3 gals, or better, Si5. Also a bpnngers to Do iresh soon, bait hp.to.Iiate hornless . talkintr machine and 6c Bach, Lester. Fran ki in, unjcKenDg aou other eood used oianos for sale on our I 7th f 1 oo r. Terms. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. EDISON Diamond Disc Phonograph, Just like new; 175 Edison and $10 worth new records. Price $135: terms to responsible party. 1610 Peninsula ave.. St. Johns car. LEAVING city, wiil sell chea-p beautiful tone player piano wun oi rccurua. i new sewinr macnine. -aii sw- dwbuo Court, or phone Kast 1590. YOU can find a ptano bargain on our 7th I floor without the risk that buying from I a private party involves, xerras. wpmu Wolfe Co. , 6TE1NWAY, square, rosewood .$125.00 Walnut organ, mirror ;"' Sohmer (new) 625.00 HAROLD B. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill. GOOD used piano, made by the Baldwin PianA t'n a real buy tor J: win con sider terms to responsible party. Call 142 Broadway. , -a.-iT.i. rhnn fine new Brunswick. Graf onola. Viotrola or Edison and records I for piano. Hyatt Talking; Machine Co., 350 Alder. w WARREN automobile cheap for cash, or would exchange for irood piano or ptayer; give or take difference. 1H 10th st. Main 2820. "BRUNSWICK'' phonographs in different styles and woods, isouie .tsros., j.oo lum st. near Morrison. TWO absolutely new sample pianos, unusual values; special price of only $35; terms. tsoule .Kros., ion lutnsr. FOR SALE. 1 large dresser, in Ivory. 1 wood bed and spring. 1 eh! Id's bed complete. 1 large oak arm rocker, leather, spring i seat. 1 arm chair. 1 aiorri chair. 1 marble-too center table. 1 complete tailor's outfit with chem icals. 1 book rack. 1 Regina music box, beautiful piece. 1 push-cart. 1 hammock. EAST 6046. SALE OF USED RANGES. "We do not claim to give you something for nothing, but we do claim to bo aoie to show you the largest and best selection of guaranteed used ranges and cook stoves in the city at prices that even dealers would rladlv oav. We have all the stan dard makes, suitable for large or small families, camps or hotels, with reservoirs or coils; every one guaranteed to bake, or money refunded; some as low as io ana terms to suit anyone. MISH FURNITURE CO., 18S-190 1st St. - MAGNIFICENT MAHOGANY CHINA CABINET. A Terv massive and wonderful case. Plate glass back and shelves. There is at least $75 worth of plate glass in this cabinet. It would cost new at me lowest computation $20i: we doubt If you could find one as good in Portland. A great bargain for $110, terms. G&VURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT, "The Bis Store." 1S5 to Itrl First St., near Yamhill Public Market. CLEARANCE SALE OF DAVENPORTS. $72.50 Nufold davenports, tne Kino mai be di In solid oak frames and best grades of chase leather upholstering, complete wun mattrftsH. X42..10: also used bed davenport. upholstered In velour, for only $15.75, easy terms. A MISH FURNITURE CO., 183-190 1st St. hold a regular 45-pound mattress and bed- fiZTZ 3ing, either in wax or turned ilnished frames; special at $oS.75; $55 davenports t FOR SALE SAWMILL AND PLANING MILL MACHINERY. 377-foot lxS-inch long-link toff-haul chain, with 35 12xl4-inch 0-polnt steel chal rs. 1 eieht-foot Union Iron Works double cutting band mill, complete and In first clajd condition. 1 54-inch 4-bIock All Is Chambers rack and pinion carriage complete with trucks 14x2-lnch wheels, 100-foot each flat and V-rait hand set wot ks, board dogs, also wood frame and two sheaves for feed cable. 1 No. 47 Berlin 8x30-inch planer and matcher, square heads, divided roll, com plete, with sirieheads and shnving hood. 1 No. 47 Berlin Ox 15-inch planer and matcher, one extra bottom head, square heads, assortment of side heads, top and bottom cut feeding ro'ls and stand miss in s- 1 No. 47A Berlin 6x9-inch planer and matcher, equipped with top and bottom profile heads, all heads square, several eels of sideheatis. 1 No. . 1 -o Berlin 6xl2-lnch moulder, square heads, one extra bottom head, sev eral sets sidehead.i. 2 H-lnch American stickers, four heads. 1 Hoyt Bro. Co. circular resaw with tilling device for bevel biding. 3 E. B. Hays Co. sash and door stickers. 1 chain mortiser. 6 4n-jnch iron frame swine cut-off saws. 1 picket header. 1 50 double American blower, bottom horizontal discharge. 20 24x43-inch platform trucks, 14x2 -Inch wheels. 1 No. 05X Berlin 6x30 planer and match er, divided rolls. INQUIRE 510 FITTOCK BLOCK. ONE 10x12 Erie engine. 1 12x14 Ames engine. 2 S-horsepower upright engines. 1 12-horaepower upright engine. 1 5-horsepower gas enginc, 3 150-horsopower water leg IT. P. tubu lar boilers. 2 100-horsepower tubular boilers. 2 80-horuepower tubular bolters. , 2 20-horsepower tubular boilers. 2 100-horsepower firebox hollers.' 2 40-horsepower firebox boilera 1 125-horsepower B. & W. boiler and other smaller boilers. 1 94 Tacoma donkey with lines. G. & R. MACHINERY CO., 503 Gerllnger Bide-.. - Portland, Or. Main 8201. nivi. irr-RViTriRR CO. SELLS FOR LESS. . 1.00 and up . 1.50 and up . .75 and up I . 7.f'ancl up . 3.00 and up . .75 and up 9.U0 and up 1.50 and up I Iron beds Springs Mattresses . . . Chairs Dressers Dining tables Center tables Cook stoves . 204 1st St. NO USE TRYING TO BEAT THIS. IT CAK'T BE DONE. tu tarin ..u r.o 40-oound felt mattresses, K.tiit iavr nnnn laver of oure cotton felt. incased In fine art ticking, with roll edges and guaranteed never to lump; regu. $2 50 value at $15.25 each; with cotton HO cents a pound, you can easily figure out E compressor American gas furnace No. one 5-H. P. Kane cas boiler. 4 one-ton chain blocks, 2 one-ton ball-bearing trol leys and 6-inch I-beams. 2 vertical band re-saws, one 30-inch circular re-saw, three 54-inch screw head blocks, one UxlS sur faces one 8xG five-saw edtier. Pacific Engineering & Equipment Co., a 5 IsL FOR SALE One Menominee Electric Co. motor, D. C, 110 volts, V4 H. P., sped 1800; complete with Cutler Hammer Mfg. Co. starting rheostat ; good as new ; first $25 takes the outfit. Phone East 1052 before 2 o'clock Sunday. FOR SALE 2 horsepower G. E. motor. good as new. East 104. H. Abele, 468 "-i Hawthorne ave. LATHES 18-inch heavy duty, at sacrifice. 'X9 E. Morrison. TWO Jxl2 steam engines. Morris. 323 Harrison st. cheap. C. are. First come, first how cheap they served. MISH FURNITURE CO. 1SS-190 1st St. REGISTERED Shorthorn bull, 9 mos. old, at barn. E. 6th and lvon sts.; also regis tered Holstein bull, same age. Holnian r u-i i o w-i tn il 14 fine selections; alt for $12. terms. Vera L. Wenger. n:. xa bu tupsiaira. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND I N ST R U M ENTS. S EI B ER LING- LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. LOROPHONB CABINET TALKING MACHINES. Wt still have left a few of those hand some cabinet machines. Play any make I Vlotor and Columbia disc records. in genuine mahogany and quartered oak cabinets. We sell them at the extremely low price of $35 and we give terms; no Interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT. "The Biff Store." 185 to 191 First St., near Yamhill Public Market. TWO EXCELLENT VALUES. 5-piece black walnut parlor suite, com prising large settee, armchair and rocker ani two smaller caairs, upnoisterea in brocatei; this suite must have cost at least $100: it's In splendid condition and we only ask $35 for it; we also nave a alrmchalr to match, upholstered in Cheney I SOLID OAK round extension table, 8 feet, -nrrnva. COMBINATION RANGES. -cioira in ih nvfri with all fuels, sep arately or together. Save space ana ex pense, uniy one hi'" i-w v..... n am ranee or sras ran ire in trade and cLlinw VOU a KUOU frito wi - emce easv te-rm with a Ions guarantee. The Big Store." 183 to 191 First St., near YamliUr Public Market, AM leaving city, must sell my household furniture; aisnes, range, "'t.'"' . ,rauj to start housekeeping, for $125; 4-room j house also for rent at $8. Call Monday morning 060 E. 21st st North; Alberts. car. . silk, a bargain for $;;i.50, easy terms. MISri Ft K.Mi Una LU., 1SS 1st St. . va fnf nnlv X 1 '. 'OWL FURNITURE CO., 1st St. 7 !itED rL you.V freh. , lvinf from $15 AND $25 cash eends home new OH ?n?JZJZllniA dy-fcA " "yr" Ptano. for $290, balance $8 or $10 mo, old Guernsey coming fresh in few days. tjLhwan pilllo Co 111 4th st at 1 S:m1 Powell Valley road. Woodstock ear. Schwsn Piaiio to., lii stn st. a. River near Br1ghtood. two mi lea fro sawmills. Want 40 or AO scree. Thirty mil- from Portland. Address AC 350, Ore gonlan. 50 ACRES Douglas Co.. Or.. 35 acres culti vated, all fenced. 3 fine sprinrs, smne tim ber, oak and fir; main line So. Fac. also oa highway. Exchange for Portland home. Box Portland. FOR SALE, exchange or part payment on 5-room boncalow. small house In etwwt nriEiiDornoou, rioeo io w . a., M. A., ot, J. ana n. . canines; rrutt frees end ber rles; value $lw B 10J. Oregnnian. runs like new. 2th sL S., Woodstock. FRESH young dairy and family cows, sell cheap, or trade for beef. 2Uth and Powell st. Woodstock. 4-YR.-OLD Holstein cow. Just fresh, giving 5 gals, per day. 642 28th St. 5. Wood stock car. PRUNE orchard. 10 acres in bearing and IS' acres unplanted. near Camas. Wash.: will exchange eame for unencumbered land In East or South Texas. . F. i-wlng, 4UJ jm man o ra g., ti out t n. Tex. FOR SALTS OR TRADE. wltt sacrifice my corner on Rast 6th and Mill rtreets for canh, or will trade for m rarm. rreseni income $40 per month. WILL exrhanse West tfide Income property, prio $10,0O. clear, for a stock of mer chandise, will give or take difference. John fringer. 42Q Chamber of Commerce. tXCHANGK for city. Improved It acres, outs;oe -lty limits, 6-room house, bam. chicken houses. A. H. Akersoo. 505 Stock r.xciiange DiagT. LN Los Angelfs, 6-room house, lot -5x 1 70, fruit, vines, dowere; value $1501. for Port land city or acreage same value. 40V K, lavis ft. bl'LMP land or unimproved wanted, sititsbl for cultivation, in exchange for 6.000.000 feet timber on ln icrra, Yamhill Co Qner. '22 V. tt. Bank bldg. TWO svloo lots, one corner. In Jon earn or cost me $10oo; for 1 lot oa Division, be- and 'ith. Writs F. Parana. tween -Zd 51'4 East 15ih St. li.AUt. ot on Brook i yn ne.r K. 3 1 nt for (Mhl 1 S or U'toa auto truck. O. Gehrinff. h nftow. tr. C, K un i iipiti ed !t ner J'orisrnutith for Mix'.; or Chevrolet cr. Rooiu 1. Rose i jrr Mfe afor H I'. M. V ll.l. trade a Pli.-e. w i-lo-a t e.j home in I'ortUna fr Airvrta (4m; wie location. el--. r ;4. CregotllSn. $" lilPKoVtl) Uowatowa corner to c ohmif tr larvt. W. H. R'SS. H'W V W. pAnk Btdff. (.ti.iMM) Fine income, strictly modern every ay tor irun or ru; iaiko. mcpobsiu. O" . piTpsftn. JO AOKtii Unl. ".w;its County, free end I !bAt;KIKlCK 3 seres cleared, god soil, cltr water, house, 2 large rooms. ner tSellwood. value l-'Vui, equity $loo. What have you fur equity? p.y owner. Y 1K4. Oregonlan GOOD young cows, to freshen soon, for sale or exchange for' car or chickens. 55i'7 6m b st. . E. Tabor 5273. DEAD horses and animals hauled way frea Portland Rendering Co, Call Wood I awn 20 DEAD horses taken quick; cash paid for co w ana cnppieo norses. Ta bor 4.03. BA V mare. 1 1 years, good worker, cheap. Call Oek Grove. 31W. TEAM f brown mares, harness and gooae tieckwfegon for sale. Call at 1135 Montana. $425 monthly. Wash. WANTED Piano for us for storage. Cal! Maj-shall 2d after 6 P. M or write AF at. Oregonlan. PIANO bargain; see this real piano before deciding on . one; tine conumon; " tnrma given. 125 4th st. $198 BUYS beautiful, slightly used, mahog any case piano, iteea-p renca riano jig, Co., 12th and Washington sts. SEVERAL used phonographs on sale this! week at bargain prices. rieea-r rencn Piano Mfg. Co.. 12th and Washington sts. SAXOPHONE wanted, tenor or melody C only; must be reasonable, w. E. vaughan. 70S B razee st. fDon cast ocl'i. FOR SALE quick, high-grade player piano, brand new. SelL 3750. Call today, 595 Klllott ave. UPRIGHT rtiano. "Whitney," in private! home, cheap, liti Melrose drive, Wdlwn. 1 USED OFFICE DESKS. A timely purchase put us In possession of about 20 used of 1 ice desks; among them are fine roll top, typewriter and plain roll tops. Flat top and standing dek In great variety to suit ail pockets. Terms If desired. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT, "The Big Store." 183 to 191 First &t.. near YamhHl Public Market. NEW AND OLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. OKI FURNITURE COMsPANY, 209 Second st. Free Delivery. Phone during day. A 1200. Main 653L night. A 3051. Main 5 7 S3. COW giving 4 gaL. Just fresh; will sell cheap. 30 Front st. SADDLE pony, cheap, or will trude on cow or ran. r.ugene St., bet. B2d and 83d. i WANTED To buy an condition. ii00 Miliar accordeon Jn good ave.. bell wood. WASHING MACHINES AT VERY LOW PRICES. We have a few of these machines, some new and some very slightly used, but in same as new condition. We have them from $10 up. GEVURTZ -FURNITURE COMPANY, "The Big Store,"' 185 to 191 First St., near Yamhill Public Market. Furniture for Kale. Ho Kit; .4 to trade for sheep, hogs, fresh cows I r uin. o- r-arw, arier r. JH. 00 SHROPSHIRE ewes. $13 per bead. D. B. nori. LUBiie kock, w asn. GOOD big team, cheap. Sunnyslde Ice Co.. 1029 K. Yamhill st. I WILL take good work horsee or cattle for my fnifienaKer truck. Fmlth, 2-S Alder St.. Pianos. Organs and Mosiral Instruments. WANTED A piano; Mate lowest cash price. a iso wnere piano can oa seen, licmaiey. 1S3 First st 'OH SALE or trade, new cabinet Pathe phonograph, $140 sise; liberty bonds ac cepted at full value. Marshall 5o71. FJVE CABINET VICTROLA FOR SALE. MAKE OFFER. ll'S 1ST. NEAR ALDER. PHONOGRAPH wanted; pay cash for bar gain from private parties. Marshall 1317. FOR HALE or exchange, 90-arre ranch with stock, crop awd equipment, on county rd. u mile to school; for Portland resj dence. hy owner. AV 43!. Oregofilan. 125 FELT on Montgomery Drive with four large houses, worth $J5.0K; will take $l.ooo, half rsHh, baL ajy, 6 per cenu AB 109. Oregon tan. Tv EXCHANGE for valley farm. 6 cottagea In Portland and store buildings ta country town, value $10.000. bringing in ffood In come. C Oreffonlan. $jen TIMBER c'aim In Lincoln County. rk)i to new railroad; will trade for city r roperty ; ffarage preferred. Phone East r'-ar. xrhnce for pfan plarr or aulo.OR FALE Or trade for farm. 9-r. house. 't S t w Exchange VjM citv house euicy: hae rlear timMr ani sraiiug ucd, iti assume. rr frrlan. 4; A K t-. 2 riue 1. A. C . exctianae f.r j s:ock or a heat rmn. Owner. 5ul OIimo j 8- R KM hounff. corner. ! 1m. k-mhI lo a tt o fur r tra-U for land suitable for rwix. j 1 Chamler of Com mere. oartlv furnished, well located for room. era. all kinds fruit, ffarage. X 333, Ore gonlan. PIANOS tuned $3. George T. Peck. Tabor R.i.4. orafl. ew fc,ng. Conservatory. 1 PAY CASH FO" USED PIANOS. HAV.OLD 8. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill st. 1'IAXO wanted Marshall l.MT. at a bargain for cash. CASH psid for the player rolls you are Urea of. Harold N. Gilbert. 3H4 Yamhill. COLUMBIA grafanols. practically new, records, $H.Y Phone Bdwy. 1SW5. EDISON phonograph and records; $10 takes outfit complete. 125 4th St. FOR. SALE Upright piano, must sell; owner leaving city. W 8t, Oregonlan. b.NAP I Ma no, cost $450, $150 cash. Phone East X49. 1 , - Ak.' K K farm. 6 111i.es from Bums, Har ney County, for city homa up to $0000. Henson. liv.' rpa:uing D.og. NuH HILL apartment-house. $..3.0o: want clear 1'ortlsnd Income pmperfy for $2',(m0 eiuity ; 90 fi Income. e"4 Morgan bid. 1 A Kr-TS wat-r. Iie1t 5c fare. $1150 tni ea-h "'t 2 Mohawk Mile. j IMPROVED lf0-acre Canada farm for city property or small acreage. AV 423, Oregonlan. JM KTLAND home In farm nr Port. and. evhange for rood AN 714. Orerontan. pore 't. 2 lots, ca I .14 iimm:i TT KvaU lwus-. .ep! r.g rage, for country pljtc $7 FQl'ITT tn JMV house, trade on larger pface. Tabor At'K E5. ttkeiew land for good city lot. AUlli. Orvaoniaa. ,TVW houses 11 lota, trade for farm, running small sawmiu, or wnatr win assume. Ow nrf. 7i4 Tacoma avenue. lao ACRES well Improved land In South ern Idaho to trade tor remenee or small farm near Portland. F 703, Oregonlan. HCtlANGiB 5 -room house for acreage; ot xlv2, price $L'AO; mort rage, will as sume soma. AC 34J, Oreffouao. A FIRM -CLASS Estey piano, like new. Call at r. Mam st. raoor FuR RENT Piano or typewriter. Trsnftr. Bdwy. 155. A BARGAIN FOR A SMALL DINING-ROOM tiolld oak round extension table with , heavy pedestal and finished quarter-sawed , oak and 3 box seat dining chairs and one carver; seats uphoolstered in black chase leather, used, but in hne condition; price 'for all $33.50; if you need a buffet also we will sell you a brand new quarter- sawed oak buffet, regular $35 value, for $115, easv term. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 1st Kt. 1 6- ROOMS and garage for rent, with furni ture, piano, hsUisoii, tor saie. il'b vil lamette blvL Woodlawn 3416. FOR SALE Furniture of 4 rooms, with or I without piano. no aeaiers. itiai ror rent. Close in. t.arraoce. 0 ROOMS good (umiture. gas range, gas heater, xor quicK saie away oelow cost; fiat for rent if desired. 48 E. Burnsido st. FOR fcsALK 5 rooms of new furniture, all in first-class condition. 501 Oswego St., St. Jolins. FU R N ITU It E of 5 rooms; house for rent If desired. Call after l A. M. onu n'JtX ave. S. K. ML Scott car. Phone-D H3. SNAP Complete office outfit, typewriter. are, law itprary. v ty. c 61 Cham- ber of Commerce. FOR SALT; At a bargain. 6 chairs, table, sideboard, bed springs, coiled box heater. 157 E. Soth st. N. ' FOR SALE Six-hole kitchen range, reliable make, good condition. v37 Commercial st. Phone Woodlawn 3705. GOLDEN oak dining-room set, easy chair I and large roc Her, pea room, rug, hall seat, etc. Tabor fjKtiJ. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for saie. House can oe rentea. Tanor him... GET IN ON THIS. LINOLEUM AT WHOLESALE PRICE. We offer 25t0 yards of brand new Pabco linoleum in various patterns and colors, regular $1 value, at the astounding low price of 72 cents per yard, any- amount from 2 yards up. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 1st St. OSTERMOOR mattress Sanitary couch Dining-room table (oak) "What-Noi" (walnut) Cherry . rocker Cabinet office desk (oak) Set Encyclopaedia. Britannica 370 3 I'd St. N.; Willamette Hts. $10 3 10 5 4 10 mo c k. f v Piimitur of 4 rooms, lnclud- Ing fuel ana iruiL 11 uou. uvwe. fiHt for rent. OaV nivereii sl., near 10m. Call at premises POLISHED oak folding bed davenport, good a m iiaor. COSt UO. SGll ov vfi uauo typewriter; also child's Iron crib and bed. 613 THiamooK si. vitrvititrr of 4 rooms, modern iia.t tor sale; good as new; nai, ui x u, Oregonian. 1 NICE, new furniture of a o-room nai . ta 1 Sunday anernoon or evcninfiB w 17th Ht., corner Alder, or phone East 71SS. FURNITURE B-room flat; a good buy for anyone wanting cozy home; gooa location. Phone no wy. no. WANTED Used dry cleaning outfit. State lull particulars. A tu;t. Oregonlan. Doffg, Rabbits, Birds. Pet fetor ATTENTION, RABBIT BREEDERS! The -Utah National Breeders' and Fan ciers' Association begs to announce the opening of its first annual all rabbit) show at Salt Lake City, Utah, from Jan uary 27 to February 1. 1D1. Judge Gibson will place the awards. This asso ciation is In no way associated with tho Utah B. and Pet Stock Association, nor will Its show be held in connection with any other show during the season. Send ror premium list ana let s see wuat you Oregon fanciers are doing. G. E. Baker, show secretary, 854 Coataville, ave.. Sale Lake City, Utah. RABBITS, New Zealand Reds, Belgian hare3, Flemish Giant ; breed now ; 20 page Illustrated booklet, showing hatch; plants, 15c stamps; Monticello Rabbi try. largest in Northwest, corner 8th and Eaut Stark. Mt. Tabor (M. T. 8Sth car) to end, four blocks north, one east. RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT We have Beltrfans. New Zealand Flemish Giants. English Lop Ears and White English, all ages and sizes; utility stock as well as iancy pure-bred. w rue for prices and catalogue. Koutledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 Second St., Portland, Or. ROSE CITY. CATTERY. Offers for service. Sunburst Ora-ngc. fee $5. Daylight Silver, imported, fee $10. Jack Frost, white, fee $10. Boarders taken hv dnv or week. 1250 EAST MORRISON JsT. TABOR 7274. Pool try. 10 S C White Leghorn pullets, hstched in April from trap-nested stock. Phone Main 70(8. u tniTiRir.'a RARY CHICKS. - Tt, I. Reds and O. A. C. Barred Hocks. 25c each; W. Leghorns. 20c each; htgh-s-rade HosanUed stock. Order early chicks now. 7S7 Oregon st 6 C W. LEGHORNS from trnp-nestea 'stock; eggs and baby chicks; also a few Flemish mant raoous. uau M on i tor. Or. REMEMBER, now it is time for early hatch ing. I-t us lncuoate your own wso xor you before your hens are reaay to set- Phone warn mjtjj. st a vt A r i bred male and femr S. C. Reds and Barren kocks. a. j. suiey, iuo Corbett Bldr, Main fl.04. LIGHT Brahma cockerels, perfect beauties, $3 each. Phone Main 213, 435 COLh L S. E. ; REVOLVING MAHOGANY BOOKCASE. This is a famous "Danner" case, about 7 ft. high. We will sell a half price. , j erms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 'Tne Big Store." 185 to 191 First St., near Yamhill Public Market, DINING SET, 6 oak chairs, 6-foot round extension table and beaut if 11 1 buffet, all for $43.0. Come early, as this is a snap. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 1st St. BEAUTIFUL lire set, irons, shovel, set screen, $17; three Anglo-Chinese rugs, 3rix H5. samples, $t: large solid mahogany Hideboard, colonial, ; antiques of all kinds. TIjo French Shop. 4lo Morrison Pt. ELITE coal or wood range, 0 holes, with water coil; practically as good as new, for $19.50. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 iHt St. ONE large 6-hoIe No. 9 wood and coal range with hot water and 3-hurner gas connection. In first-class condition. To see it call at 148 Killlngsworth ave, or phone Marshall 829 or Tabor 7190. FURNITURE for sale, suitable for living I TURKISH rocker, genuine black leather, Empire I and dining-room. Phone Tabor 470. PIANO, very fine tone Instrument, ere thlL bargain. $UK). 1,3 4th st. Come I QUARTER-SAW ED oak dining table, panel screen. 1 an gooa mirror, vv a. o.nv. WANTED Cabinet phonograph ; must be a bargain. Call Woodlawn 5040. BEAUTIFUL white enamel bassinet, good as new, for saie reasonable, phone Wdn 11tt. FOR 8ALR Excellent Axmlnster rug, ftxLi, almost new. Call Marshall 1394. TWO excellent violins away below value must selL Main 1814, Sunday or evenings.) LARGE wardrobe trunk for sale, $25. COLUMBIA disk phonograph. $10; bargain: good order. UiV 4th st. 3254. East SLIGHTLY used Hardman piano. $225; terms $8 per mo. Soule Bros., lrtd 10th sL FOR SALE CHEAP Graphophone and rec ords. Southwest cor. 9th and Burnside. ONE stove, two mattresses, one bed and spring. p KOflney ave. FINE furniture of a modern 6-room flat; rent $20. 633 E. Main st. No dealers. swing spring seat, a, real $110 rocker, for $35.00. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 1st St. WHITE Leghorn laying hens and pullets, $1 50 up. tfrllo 54th st. S. H. Woodstock car to 54th at., 1 block south. THOROUGH BRED Barr-d Rock cockerel. $3: or trade for Wyandotte cockerel. 124 union ave. N. FOR SALE or trade, 4 White Leghorn thoroughbred roosters. Phone Wdln. 340. Tits fj. .tn st. xn. ! FOR SAL13 Airdale puppies; tplendld spec imens, rirst-clasa breeding; fifteen cham pions four generations. $15 and $20. Fine brood hitch, champion Balmer Bingo, $2.". L. K. Wornom, :i7th and R nt a Box 344. Phone 2rt F 25, Vancouver. FOR SALE Two high grade Indo Nubian aoes, eiiginie to regmtration ; to kid Jan. 29 and Feb. 6. $125 each. $40 both. L. K Wornom, 37 and R sts.. Box 311. Phone 2S F 25, Vancouver. Wawh. FOR SALBJ English setter, male pup; also cocKer spaniel, rcmale, 9 and $7; good home considered more than fancy price. injM n. Bin st. WELL-BRED Shetland pony, gentle, jet black, medium size, will sell cheap. Phone Main 1428. 100 Kiibl.u" liaymolias. Butterfly, Rafun Red, Flemish, prices right, going East, 9711 titlth ave., s E. BARGAIN in rabbits; 3 does and 17 young, some half grown; 2 fine hutches included. Cail Marshall 5799. INTRLLIGBNT blark spaniel male dog. $100 waa refused for its mother. Consider any reasonable offer. AF 73. Oregonlan. SERVICES registered Persian, $4; Fir Kew pie, orange; Sir Talro, silver; Sir Why not, blue. Portland Cat Kennels. Tabor 750. JUST arrived a shipment of St. And neasburg registered rollers. Phone Bdwy. 440. 448 Bu rnside.-' CANARY birds for sale, film roller singer. : oilier nirn.s aim nreamg cage. 211 Kwetland bldg. all day Sunday. WANT to place pedigreed female English nun Turner ror pervie on exchange plan, rail Mar. 210 Sunday and nights. FOR SALE 2 doe kids from 7-qt. milker. Milwaiikie and Johnson Creek roads ,Ar denwald station. pair Indian Runner ducks. Want Whit Wvatidottos; cash or trade. Woodlawn 3142. A BL?FF Leghorn rooster from prize stock, cheap. Tabor y.iip. THOROUGHBRED Tl! I. pullets for sale also silverlaced Wya-ndottes. B 2294. 8 WHITE Lee horn yearling Phone East 08L henu, $15. TWO S. C. White Leghorn cockerels; O. A. C, strain. Choice Diras. rnone xanor 24 LAYINO pullets, miiM breeds. $1.00 xeach. 001c prove copper. R. I. RED rooHter and three laying Leghorn bene. y7. lis tnapman, near 1 amnni, R. I. REDS. 3 laying Dullets. $10. 7i cj. Morriym 1 cockerel for st. East 5374. R. IL. Red cockerel for sale, Wdl 23fi9. Goats. OVERSTUFFED tapestry dnvenport, two chairs; dining-table, chairs; 2 rugs: 3 pairs curtikins; cost $335. used six months; nell for $235. Phone Monday, 10 to 4, East 8495. READ the Angora and Milk Goat Journal, $1.50 year. Goats are money-makers. Send your order to 315 Oregon fan bldg., Portland. Or. Specimen copy. 10c stamps. Launches and Boats. " LaiY high-grade piano $190 cash for quick ta le. a 1 o ; vrrnunmri. FOR SALE Handsome furniture. Main Sr83. mahogany office WANTED To t rad phonograph. have jouT Alain 30 SO. What . LA RGB sice iron bed and springs, $6.50. Tabor via. PIANO and furniture for sals. Tabor 7473. SOLID OAK genuine leaLUer seat rocker for $0.50. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 1st St. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Coal or wood range with gas attachment, bedroom set and other furniture; no deal ers. Call at 2 East 19th st. N. FOR camp, restaurant or hrel, 5-foot porta ble range, for quick sale. $55. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 1st SL 12-H. P. Frinco standard marine engine. 30-H. P. Frisco standard marine engine. 15-H. P. Doman. a 30x12 hull. Fulton Boatyard. Marshall 2005 or 1209. Yeon Bldg. A BARGAIN. 5-room modern houseboat with Winter's firewood. See Lane, Seilwood Moorage, foot of Harney ave. GOOD cabin motorboat and house for cheap Call H. E. Taylor. East 90. tie. Machinery. 30-INCH tinner's rolls and folder. East 164. Harry Abele, 4G8Vs Hawthorns ave. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies, six weeks in ; ti i. ive-nogg, e?u jonus. Phone Columbia, 401. ONE English greyhound. 1 year 6 months old. for sale. Also Irish staghound. At 21 N. 9th st. Phone Broadway 411. BOSTON terrier at siud, jiiHt brought from Ka.Ht : an extra fine dog; 629 K. 51 tut st. N. Tabor 1WC7. NEW ZEALAND and Belgian does with young; am leaving Oregon; biff bargains. Oak Grove 10-J. Copper. CHOICE canaries at the Canary Bird Shop, 1151 K. 28th st. N. C 2217. FINE Singers and females Tabor 7316. at a sacrifice. ST. ANDREASBERG roller, night singer and thorough orea remaieg. ma Hancock. TOY Boston bull terrier, puppies reasonable. FOR SALE Boston Bull thoroughbred dog r.nna naieman, wresnam, jr. SCOTCH COLLIE pup 4 months old, $3. 3555 63d at. S. E. Phone Tabor H910. FOR SALE White Spitz puppy 2 months old, $5. Jones, Main 61 1. PEDIGREED brlndle English bull bitch. mane me an oner, t-rnwooa .:.. 1 PR. big sred pray and 2 N. Z. does. 10 mos. 01a, cneap. wain. ill LEAVING- city, triust sell birds and rood cages- Aiar. idj. IF YOU want a ffdod watch dog cheap call Taoor l.w. REGISTERED Orange Persian at service. Main 545U. riiiisaaie, or. Box 2Z. Typewriters. LA T Til model Underwood. $0. If sold Mon day. Cau IjI- UeKiua bldg. i