,11 . SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 8 ' Editorial and News of Social Circles i ,, . . - . - m VOL. XXXVIII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1919. 'Or ,. , ,. i 1 1 , S.& II. TRADING STAMPS WILL BE GIVEN ON ALL CHARGE ACCOUNTS IF PAID IN FULL ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF EACH MONTH GET YOUR STAMPS! Portland Agents For Gossard, Nemo. Bien Jolie. Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets Richardson's Linens Hoover and Ohio Electric Cleaners Carter's Underwear Dutchess Trousers MAIL ORDERS FILLED BY EXPERIENCED SHOPPERS ' PROMPT SERVICE KODAKS CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES 4TH FLOOR LET US DO YOUR WORK February Patterns and Spring Style Book are now in and ready for distribution at the Pattern Counter. February "Good Dressing" booklets are also in. Get your copy tomorrow. Main Floor. 40-Inch Fancy Silks Special $2.69 Yard Main Floor Lines taken from our regular stock suitable for waists, dresses, skirts, etc. See these. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Double Trading Stamps With Charge or Cash Purchases in All Departments Nevatare Nets 84c Yard Lace Department, First Floor Nevatare Silk Nets are noted for quality and are especially adapted for evening dresses, waists and linings. Over 35 desirable shades to select QAg from. Priced special Monday, the yard O'xx Double Stamps given with all purchases. Inventory Sale Colored Plush $3.98 Yard Main Floor 50 inches wide and splendid heavy quality for coats. Shown in gold, rose, green, purple and brown. (PQ QQ Priced for Inventory Sale, yard DOZQ r i I Inventory Sale of Women's Wearing Apparel A Partial List of the Many Special Offerings in Women's Suits. Coats. Dresses. Waists. Petti- coats and Sweaters in the Garment Store, Second Floor. Extraordinary Opportunities to Save SUIT SALES l WAIST SALES SUIT SPECIAL NO. 1 Women's and misses' high-class suits in good practical styles. Serge, burella, mixtures. Sizes from 14 to Q- Q QQ 44. Priced very special for INVENTORY SALE at only SU,UO SUIT SPECIAL NO. 2 Great assortment of women's and misses' suits made up in silvertone, wool velour, serge, gabardine and broad cloth. Novelty and plain tailored styles fur or braid (POO CO trimmed. Excellent range of colors. INVENTORY SALE DOA,OU COAT SALES- SPECIAL NO. 1 Coats of burella, mixtures plaids, etc. Attractive styles, good colors. INVENTORY SPECIAL SPECUL NO. 2 Coats of velour, Yosemite cloth and other materials. Many have plush collars. Inventory Special SPECUL NO. 3 Belted and Tailored Coats in wanted materials. Fur or cloth collars. INVENTORY SALE PRICE SPECIAL NO. 4 Beautiful Coats of velour and other high-class fabrics. Latest models. INVENTORY SALE SPECUL NO. 5 Coats of pompom, velour and bolivia. Loose or belted styles. Shawl or cape collars. SALE PRICE SPECUL NO. 6 Coats of bolivia, pompom and velour. Belted and loose effects. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL SPECUL NO. 7 Women's Coats of high-grade plash. Belts, large convertible collars. INVENTORY SALE PRICE S12.95 S19.98 S29.95 S33.89 S39.98 S49.98 S35.00 -DRESS SALES SPEOAL NO. 1 Women's and Misses' Dresses in attractive styles for all occasions. Special lines taken from our regular 6tock. (J1 Q QQ Satin, Georgette and serge materials. Good colors. Special wli0 SPECIAL NO. 2 Dresses of satin, crepe de chine and Q" A QQ serge. Many different styles. INVENTORY SPECIAL wl'l.UO SPECIAL NO. 3 Dresses of broadcloth, jersey, velvet COQ QK and satin. Beautiful models. INVENTORY SPECIAL SPECIAL NO. 4. Velvet, jersey, tricotine, satin, velour QOQ QQ and broadcloth dresses in wanted colors. SALE PRICE Vt7 SPECIAL NO. 5 Dressy satin, Georgette, velvet, serge CQQ QK and jersey. Novelty or tailored styles. INVENTORY SALE 30 SPECIAL NO. 1 Plain and Fancy Voile Waists trimmed with laces and tucks. Various styles. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL NO. 2 Plain or Striped Voile Waists, also lace trimmed organdy waists. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL SPECIAL NO. 3 Dainty Waists of voile, dimity and linen. Tailored and fancy styles. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL SPECIAL NO. 4 Crepe de Chine Waists in black, flesh, white, maize. Also striped wash Silk Waists. SALE PRICE SPECIAL NO. 5 Waists of Georgette crepe and crepe de chine fancy or tailored styles. INVENTORY SPECIAL SPECIAL NO. 6 Georgette Crepe Waists in light and dark colors. ' Also crepe d chine and satin waists. SALE PRICE SPECIAL NO. 7 Women's high-class waists of Georgette crepe, eatin and crepe de chine. INVENTORY SPECIAL $1.49 $1.98 $3.98 $2.69 $3.79 $5.00 $6.95 -PETTICOAT SALES- 'SPECIAL NO. 1 Women's Petticoats of sateen and heath erbloom. Many different colors. INVENTORY SALE PRICE SPECIAL NO 2 Heatherbloom Petticoats with taffeta flounces. Assorted colors. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL SPECIAL NO. 3 Women's Petticoats of heatherbloom with taffeta silk flounces. Various colors. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL NO. 4 Taffeta and messaline silk petticoats in various good styles. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL NO. 5 Taffeta Petticoats also silk jersey with taffeta flounces. AH colors. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL SWEATER SALES SPECIAL NO. 1 Shetland and novelty Wool Sweaters in the popular styles and colors. INVENTORY SALE PRICE SPECIAL NO. 2 Women's Sweaters of. many different styles and weaves. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL NO. 3 Knit Wool Caps and Brush Wool Tarns in various styles and colors. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL SPECIAL NO. 4 Scarf and Cap Sets odd lot in fancy stripes and plain colors. INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL $1.49 $1.98 $2.49 $2.98 $3.98 $6.98 $8.98 $1.00 $1.98 Inventory Sale of Household Supplies Table Linens, Sheets, Towels and other needed articles for the home have been substantially reduced for this sale.- Housewives will find this a good time to supply needs for months to come. Richardson's All 'Linen Pattern Cloths Main Floor Linens of superb quality that will wear to your entire satisfaction. Shown in many at tractive patterns. Richardson's fine grade linen. Richardson's Pattern Cloths 2x2 yards at $6.75 Richardson's Pattern Cloths, 2x2 yards at $8.25 Richardson's Pattern Cloths, 2x3 yards at $9.75 24x24-inch Napkins to match above cloths $8.50 Double Trading Stamps given with purchases. Hemstitched Linen Tea Cloths Main Floor Splendid quality linen with neat hemstitched border. Very pretty for gifts or for your own use. Linen Tea Cloths, size I0 1 Q 36x36 inches. Special at DAO Linen Tea Cloths, size 10 "I O 45x45 inches. Special at J.A 36-inch Longcloth 25c Yard Main Floor Lay in a good supply of this for underwear. Fine soft quality longcloth, full 36 inches wide, priced special for OtZg Inventory Sale at, the yard 36-inch Longcloth 35c Yard Main Floor This cloth is of an especially fine even weave and has a chamois unisn. . very aesiraoie for underwear and infants' OKf apparel. Priced special, yard OUU Pure Linen Napkins $7.60 Dozen Main Floor Richardson's extra quality, pure linen Dinner Nap kins priced far under regular for the Inventory Sale. Good selec tion of patterns. Spe- (Prf fTA cially priced, the dozen D Jt Embroidered Linen Tea Napkins Main Floor This is a special lot. Beautiful Embroidered All-Linen Tea Napkins in attractive pat terns. Worth much more than the sale price. Priced (PfT f( very special, the dozen tDtl.UU Heavy Bleached Sheets Good firm quality Bleached Sheets, torn" and hemmed ready for use. Note these low prices: Bleached Sheets, size Q Special wliUU 72x90 inches, Bleached Sheets, size r7 81x90 inches. Special O Bleached Sheets, size QO 81x99 inches. Special Dl-00 Double Stamps with purchases. Bleached Muslin 25c Yard Main Floor GOOD QUALITY BLEACHED MUSLIN, 5000 yards priced very special for OfT Inventory Sale at, yard OC 2 Specials in A f 9Q B 1 e 8 c h e d Bath AilC Towels of good size and standard quality. Only 200 dozen to go at this price. Ordef early! Special at, each, only 29 Linen-Finish Hemstitched Pil low Cases in, medium size. These are of excellent quality. KPT Inventory Sale price, each tltlli Bath Towels x. A A Good large size tZ fttC Bath Towels for family use. These are easily worth 55c. Priced for Inventory Sale at only 410. Dept. First Floor. 5c 7c to 10c Laces Special a Yard Main Floor Val, Cluny and Torchon Laces in a large assortment of pretty patterns and various widths. Very desirable for underwear, etc INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL at, the yard t Cluny Laces 12Yic Yard Cluny Laces with well-made edges. Suitable for curtains, fancy work, underwear, etc. Edges and insertions in a great assortment of pat- 1 Ol terns. Priced 6DeciaI for this sale, yard 2 65c, $1 Ribbons 49c Yd. Main Floor Plain Moire and Fancy Ribbons, 6 to 8 inches wide. ' Useful articles can be made from these rib bons at small cost. See made-up articles on display at the Ribbon counter, 65c to $1 Ribbons, yard 490 We show a full line, of Grosgrain Ribbons for millinery - purposes. Odd Lot Metal Laces HALF PRICE Main Floor Metal Laces, Bands and Flouncings in gold, silver, antique and colors. Metal Covered Laces on silk nets suitable for dresses, CCL waists and trimmings. Monday at just 2 vyll Scarfs and Sets $1.79 Odds and ends of Wool Scarfs and Sets, also Silk Scarfs worth to $3.00. -Priced special at $1.79 Plain colors, plaids, stripes, and combinations. Kitchen Wares REDUCED! Third Floor Tea Ket- 4n AO ties of cast aluminum DU.UO Portable Oil Heaters rrr with brass fount at 0vJ. I O $1.00 House Brooms now 69 25c Furniture Polish now 15 50c Silver Polish at only 250 40c Tin Measures at only 200 58c Tin Cake Moulds only 450 22c Loose Bottom Cake Pans priced for this sale at, each 100 35c Deep Lipped Kettles 270 40c Cookie Sheets at, each 320 $5.00 Extra heavy CO QC Wash Boilers at, each v0JO Decorated Dinner Sets At Special Low Prices Third Floor This sale affords an exceptional opportunity to choose from the best stock of high-grade Decorated Dinner Sets in Portland at special low prices. Dinner Sets are in open-stock patterns and can be replaced when needed. Note prices. Double Stamps with charge or cash purchases. AMERICAN Semi - Porcelain fancy white very best quality. Set of 42 pieces, special $5.04 Set of 50 pieces, special $6.84 Set of 60 pieces, special $9.40 ENGLISH Semi-Porcelain DIN NER SETS neat - decorations. Set of 50 pieces now $11.40 Set of 60 pieces now $15.45 HAVILAND & CO. Dinner Set, green spray and gold knobs. Set of 60 pieces now $56.03 Set of 100 pieces now $81.59 FINE WHITE Semi-Porcelain, gold lines, gold knobs. Note prices. Set of 50 pieces now $15.66 Set of 60 pieces now $21.24 Set of 100 pieces now $34.20 FRENCH CHINA Sets with dainty pink and green decorations. Set of 60 pieces now $49.05 Set of 100 pieces now $64.80 HAVILAND & CO. Dinner Sets with neat white and gold edge. Set of 60 pieces now $ 69.53 Set of 100 pieces now $101.43 Inventory Sale of Furniture Hundreds of Pieces at Reduced Prices Tables, Chairs, Buffets, Bookcases, Davenports, Library Tables, Dressers Beautiful Mahogany Furniture $170.00 Bedroom Suite $148.50 THE SALE includes practically our entire stock of furniture (a few contract goods alone excepted). We have planned to make this OUR GREATEST FURNITURE SALE assortments are full and every piece is of standard quality and reliability. Select the pieces you need and pay on the easy payment plan satisfactory arrangements may be made by applying at Credit Office, Fourth Floor. $14.50 Reed Pedestal. (PI Q Sift Priced special this 6ale $13.25 Reed Serving (gl A Qr Stand, uriced SDecial at DJ.J.tJ DOUBLE Stamps Given With Charge or Cash Purchases Third FIoor-Beautiful Bedroom Suite consisting of four pieces. Very new est design. Regular J- AO fTA $170 value. Sale price tDJtO.dU Upholstered Furniture GREATLY REDUCED Third Floor $59.50 Overstuffed Chair priced special $52.50 $150.00 'Overstuffed Davenport priced special at $127.50 $125.00 Overstuffed Davenport priced special at $ 95.00 $135.00 Cane-Back Davenport priced special at $110.00 $ 80.00 Cane-Back Rocker $69.75, $75.00 Chair $ 65.50 $ 35.00 Tapestry Upholstered Chair, special at $ 29.50 $ 54.00 Velour Upholstered Chair, priced special $ 45.50 $ 48.00 Tapestry Upholstered Chair priced only $ 42.50 $ 27.75 Jacobean Nest of Tables, Inventory Sale $ 23.75 $ 21.50 Ivory Breakfast Table, Inventory Sale $ 17.50 $ 15.25 Piano Bench, $13.80, $2.50 Tabourettes $ 1.98 $45 " RESTGOOD" QOQ 7C Hair Mattresses Now 1 J $34.75 Mahogany Rocker, priced special $29.75 $38.00 Mahogany Rocker, priced special $32.50 $22.50 Mahogany Rocker, priced special $18.95 $32.50 Nest of Tables, priced special, at $27.50 $25.00 Nest of Tables, priced special, at $18.50 $35.00 Tilt-Top Table, Inventory Sale at $29.25 $20.00 Tea Table only $15.50 $25.00 Fernery at only $19.65 $21.50 Fernery at only $16.95 $27.50 Fernery at only $21.75 $24.25 Dressing Table $19.50 $22.50 Council Table $19.50 $18.50 Table Mirror at $16.25 Mahogany Trays HALF PRICE Our remaining stock of Book Blocks and Mahogany Trays will be closed out at just half regular prices. Good assortment to select from. DOUBLE Trading Stamps. $64 Extension Table - At $55.00 Third Floor Oak Dining Table similar to the above picture; 10-foot extension, extra well-made ir. every particular. A splendid table at the QSJitT (f regular price, $64.00 Inventory Sale at CJ.Ul ALL BUFFETS, CHINA CABINETS, DINING TABLES, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, DRESSERS, CHIF FONIERS, DRESSING TABLES, ETC., REDUCED. s l!l i J