THE SUNDAY OKLUOXIAIX, L'OttTLANl JANUARY 5, 1919. OREGON LEGISLATORS FEAR 'FLU' EPIDE Conditions at Salem Said to Alarm Lawmakers. RECESS IS HELD POSSIBLE Keirral Members of Local Delega tion FaTor Delay of Session Un til More .Auspicious Time. nt of Public Instruction J. A. OiurchlH. of Salem; Pr. H. D. Sheldon, of the University of Oregon; County School Superintendent Alderaon. of Portland, and ET. l. HeHslcr. of the Orrgon Agricultural College faculty. Local hotels have been headquarters during- the past few days for scores of students who are returning to the Uni versity of Orcpon. to the Oregon Agrl cultural College and to the Monmouth Normal School after the holidays. Lumbermen swarmed Into thr P son yesterday. Among those noted were It. H. Burnside and Howard Juyne, of Raymond, Wash.; C. S. Shank of Seattle, and W. P. O'Brien and R. K. U.olh. f Astoria. Dr. V. A. Fitzgerald was discharged from the Army at noon yesterday. Two hours later he was back In his civilian clothes. In the medical division, to which the doctor was attached, the wearing of diamonds was not permit ted. Captain D. O. Kltlman. a mariner who Is at the Multnomah while the builders are putting: the finishing touches on his ship in the river, will take his automobile to Australia on the vessel. He Intends driving; the car whenever he Is ashore, and says' he can sell the machine any time he tires of carrying; it around the world. C. IL Fogest. of Klncs Valley, brought Reports of the prevalence of the Epanl.-h Influenza epidemh: at Salem are somewhat disconcerting to im-m- 1 1 nthe first carload of livestock Friday orw 01 me A-egiiaiurr. wno, a w t over me new raiiroaa wnicn runs oe from tonight, will be heading for the I tween Independence and Silts Basin. Statehouae to take up their duties for . The road has been used for logging the 44-day session. The prospect of . purposes, but Mr. Bogert says the peo being In a city which la so afflicted ( pie out Kings Valley way do not con wlth the Influenza that the health au- j aider it a logging road. They expect it thorities have bad to place It under to do great things In developing the ROSE FESTIVAL 1919 GENERALLY FAVORED Value of Event in Advertising Oregon Recognized. THOUSANDS ENJOY HOLIDAY Julius Ii. Meier Expresses Opinion Tliat AU Live Business Men Will Contribute to Fund. the ban la not alluring to Multnomah delegates, at least. tiome of the members of the delega tion would be Jut as well satisfied If the convening of the Legislature would be postponed until a more auspicious time. Others are willing to take a chance on contracting the "flu." One solution suggested Informally at the meeting of the Multnomah delegation at its last meeting was that the Legis lature meet as per law. January 13, .proceed to organise and then take a recess until such time as the disease has vanished from the capital of the state. That this could be done and the ses sion held strictly In accordance with the provisions governing the body Is asserted. The plan Is considered better than the questionable one of having the Governor, by proclamation, post pone the opening of the session. After the Legislature is organized It can recess as long as It sees fit. but. of course, tho members will draw pa? for only 40 days. Jn the opinion of Representative I. C. Lris. the Legislature can meet, organize and go ahead with business, defying the "flu" to do its worst. He aays that one way of protecting the members would be to exclude from the Senate chamber and hall of Repre sentatives everyone who has not im portant business thre. such as the members, the staff of employes and. of course, the press. By excluding the general public and spectators, provid ing for plenty of ventilation and taking similar precautions, Mr. Lewis thinks that the Legislature could operate without particular danger. Conditions tn Salem are such that the fetate Federation of Labor has de cided that the wisest policy is not te hold Its annual conference in that city during the coming week, but to hold It in Portland instead. Reports from Salem are to the effect that the author ities there arc striving to suppress the influenza and stamp it out before the date for opening the Legislature. Just a week remains before the law makers leave for Salem. In the next few days practically all of the mem bers wlil be drifting into Portland to see what Is going on and get a line on prospective bills. Senator Baldwin, of Klamath. Is already here and Repre sentative I. G. Martin, of Salem, showed op yesterday, as did Seymour Jones, who will be the next Speaker of the House. Representative P. J. Gallagher, of Ontario, is expected today. Repre sentative Joseph O. Richardson, of Multnomah, has returned from Cali fornia, where he went to coach himself along certain lines of legislation which will be considered during the session. This la one of the most quiet pre Legislature periods known In Oregon. There are. as a usual thing, warm discussions over some piece of Iegisla tton in advance of the session, scores of bills being considered. This time, however, there Is practically no leg islation In sight. There is much legis lation, but to speak by the card, there are no definite plana. For Instance. the finances of the state are in a bad way and something must be done, but so far no member has come forward with a programme of finance of a con structive character. One reason why there is little ex citement in legislative circles is be cause the organization fight is over Senator W. T. Vinton has more than enough votes pledged to elect him President of the Senate and Seymour Jones has more votes than he needs to make him Speaker of the House. The only thing left to do is to fight lor committee places. The annual reunion am banquet of the Jackson Club will be held at the Hotel Tortland. Wednesday at 6:30 o'clock. Lotus L. Langley. newly elected president, will preside as toastmaster. On the reception committee will be Mr, and Mrs. Hornlbrook. of Albany: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey O. Starkweather, of Oregon City: Mr. and Mrs. Oswald West. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. llaner. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Myer. tr. J. W. Morrow. Colonel R. A. Miller. Judge Gatens. Mrs. Carrie C. Van Ors dall and M. A. Miller. . Vocal solos will be rendered by Mrs. G. F. Alexander and Harry Scougall, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Sseoucall, and addresses will be given by Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The Dalles, on "The South s Part In the Upbuilding of the Nation": Walter M. Pierce, on "Our President." and rr. Carl O. Doner, president of the Willamette University, at Salem, on "Making Democracy Safe." Tickets can be procured at 60S Broad way building. country through which It passes. Because she knew Rev. Francis Bur gette Short when he was speaking In Spokane. Miss Emma Piercy came to Portland yesterday to have Dr. Short perform the ceremony which wedded her to James Wood thorp, of Butte, Mont. The ceremony was performed in the grey parlors at the Multnomah, where Dr. Short preaches Sunday mornings for Wilbur M. E. Church. The bridal couple were attended by Miss Wilda Solomon and Lieutenant John H. Robinson. MEET JI 14 m PROGRAMME FOR HILLSBORO SESSION" IS AXXOUN'CED. PERSONALMENTION. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Roberts, of Bridal Veil, are at the Perkins. Mr. Roberts Ls a timberman. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Leaf, of Silverton. are In the city for the week end and are at the Washington Hotel. Z. M. Brown, of Prineville. and Willis Knonx. of Fossil, stockmen, arrived at the Perkins yesterday on a business trip. Mrs. D. V. Jennings and Miss D. Hoefler. well-known residents of As toria, axe at the Benson for the week end. U f. Hill, a brother of A. J. Hill, of the Warren Brothers, has arrived from Montana. He is registered at the Hotel Portland. T. A. Downey, e4? the Marine Corps, had a hemorrhage In the lobby of the lie penal and was removed to a hos--yttal. where a second attack occurred. Judge Guheen. of Pocatello. Is in the city in a sanltorlum taking the rest cure. breakdo had to handle the duties of two Judges. Fred W. Falconer, of Enterprise, ls at the Imperial. Mr. Falconer was largely responsible for the splendid showing which Wsllowa County made in every patriotic drive. C It Markwart. a civil engineer for the C. L. Koster company, barrel manu facturers, of San Francisco. Is at the Hotel Portland. There Is a report that the Koster people intend erecting a barrel factory In this city. The executive committee of the State Teachers Association held a meeting In the Imperial yesterday to look after titails of the legislative programme. Xboaa prtaenl were li.e buptrUiUud- DI?cnjlons by Practical Farmers and Stockmen Will Fea ture Meeting. OREGOX AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallls. Jan. 4. (Special.) Profes sor P. M. Brandt, of the dairy depart ment of the college, who ls secretary of the Oregon Dairymen's Association, today -announced the programme for the 27th annual convention of the as sociation to be held January 14 and IS In Hillsboro. The convention will take the place of the regular farmers' week and short course that usually is held at the Oregon Agricultural College. A feature of the meetings will be discussions by practical farmers and dairymen. The convention will be fol lowed Immediately by a school for the demonstration of the use and practi cability of the gas engine and tractor. This will be unde rthe auspices of the Oregon Agricultural College and the county agricultural agent at Hillsboro. Following is the complete pro gramme: January 14 Address of welcome. William . Schulmerich, president of Washington County Farm Bureau: re sponse. Frank Lynn, of Perrydale. president Oregon Dairymen's Associa tion: "Does It Pay to Feed Grain to Cows on Pasture?" Roy C. Jones, coun ty agricultural agent. Tillamook: "The Great Menace." Horace Addis. Port- and; luncheon. 12 to 1:30 o'clock; ad dress. "Cocoa nut Meal vs. Cottonseed Meal." and "Bran vs. Barley," S. Fine, instructor in dairy husbandry. O. A.C.; "What Organisation Really Means to the Dairymen." Alma D. Kats. presi dent Oregon Dairymen's League; 7:30 P. L. "The Oregon Dairy Council," R. L. Sabln. Portland, secretary Mer chants' Protective Association; "The Food Value of Dairy Products How Really Vital They are." K. C. Calla way, city milk chemist, Portland: "Uncle Sam's Plan for Eradication of Tuberculosis." Sam It. Foster; business session, luncheon; "Some Factors Af fecting the Cost of Milk Production," Thomas Carmlchael, of Gaston, dairy man and breeder: "How Kale Can Be Used to Advantage to Reduce the Grain Ration." C. C. Dickson, of Shedd: "How to Treat Contagious Abortion." Dr. B. T. Simms. professor of veterinary medicine. O. A -C Enough time la to be given for com plete discussion of each subject. Farm era from all parts of the state are mak ing reservations at Hillsboro and a large attendance Is predicted. Sentiment favorable to the celebra tion of the Portland Rose Festival in 1919 as a fitting event for the recon struction year, seems to be crystalizingr locally. Value of the event in advertising the attractions of Oregon to the tourist and traveller and capitalizing the fact that the Portland rose is the matchless blossom in the flower gardens of the world are being recognized. Julius L. Meier, of the Meier and Frank Company, yesterday expressed the sentiment of business men regard ing the proposal to revive the festival ' which was allowed to lapse while war occupied the attentions of citizens. Festival Always Success. "The Rose Festival has been a suc cess from the first," said Mr. Meier. "It has been distinctive and has afforded the opportunity for an annual holiday for thousands of people who were de lighted with the chance to come to the for a few days at that season of ear. 'Large cities of the country have created individual festival events as a means'of advertising their peculiar at tractions. New Orleans has the Mardi Gras, St. Louis her Priests of Pallas. Seattle the Potkitch. Through the energy and public-spirited activity of citizens we established in the Rose Festival something: that has been won derfully beneficial in making Portland known throughout the country for the charm of the event. Advertising Far-Reaching. "From a business point of view I do not think the merchants gain from it. But the advertising results for the city and state as a whole are far-reaching. The Royal Rosarians have played a prominent part in previous festivals I and I am heartily In favor of that or- ' ganizatlon taking the lead in plans for the event In 1919. Not alone in the I festivals of the past, but in the splen- ' did work representing the progressive ' spirit of this community on various oc casions on trips to sister cities, the Rosarians have done an important service. "We are willing to go down for $500 to help start the fund for the 'Festi val. I do not believe you will find any live business man of our city la opposition to an event that has so con spicuously put Portland before the world, or one who will decline to con tribute to the fund necessary for the 1919 Festival. The cost is merely nomi nal and I feel that a majority of mer chants will be glad to contribute." Logger Has Fit in Postoffice. D. Bolovan, a Russian logger, caused considerable commotion in the halls of the old Postoffice building. Fifth and Morrison streets, yesterday, when he was suddenly seized with violent con vulslons. An officer who was on the scene succeeded in getting Bolovan out onto the front steps, where he held him until an ambulance arrived. Bolo van resides at 651 Front street. He came to Portland recently from a lum ber camp. He has no relatives in the United States. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main 7070. A B09R. CITY INSPECTORS LAID OFF LICK OP PUBLIC IMPROVE. MEXTS GIVEX AS REASON. THIN PEOPLE NEED BITRO- PHOSPHATE Six Appointments Made as Result of Civil Service Examinations Conducted Recently. Seven men employed as inspectors in the Department of Public Works will be out of the city a employ on February 13. having been temporarily laid off by order of City Commissioner Barbur yes terday. The lay-off is due. according to Commissioner Barbur. to a lack of publics improvement work during the Winter months. Six other employes of the depart ment were notified of their appoint ment as inspectors of public works, as a result of a recent sivil service exam ination. These men are A. F. Flem ing. J. T. Shannon, V. M. Page. O. C. Harlow, W. J. Soverns and E. A. Cham berlain. Four other Inspectors have been pro moted by Commissioner Barbur to posi tions of general foremen. The five new foremen are R. F. Hurlburt, r. Younger, J. Carr, C. A. Robinson and N. Reed. The men who received notice of their lay-off are A. L. Powell. A. S. Groce, W. J. Idleman. D. Galbreath, J. N. Wheeler, J. J. McCarthy and W. A. Herman. How It Increases Weight, Strength and Nerve Force in Two Weeks' Time in Many Instances. "Tm lem nl.ln hltrn-nhnanhnt,. 1. th ad vice of physicians to thin, delicate, nervous I people who lack vim, energy and nerve force, and there seems to be ample proof I of the efficacy of this preparation to warrant the recommendation. Moreover, if we judge from the countless preparations and treat ments which are continually being adver tised for the purpose of making thin people fleshy, developing arms, neck and bunt, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by the . soft curved an-s of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women : who keenly rei their excessive thinness Thinness and weakness are usually due i to starved nerves. Our bodies need more I Vancouver Youths Arrested. Paul Raymond, alias Meyers, and Jesse Williamson, 18-year-old Vancou ver. Wash., boys, were arrested yester day, charged with carrying con- otn youtns. tne po Miss Josephine Davis, retorting her nrn rrpenenc tnl BITRO PHOS PHATE, says: "It is remarkable what il did for m. After a em davs 1 began, to retain my strength, felt full or iirr. vas cote to site soundLv mtri ait my ,wj;r trouoies seemes to dis itTtear. I rained twelve founds ii: femr weeks.' phosphate than Is contained In modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing: ell as drug- cealed weapons. lice declared, admitted that they had . that will supply this deficiency so w nlanned to use the revolvers, which the organic phosphate known among Th. i. uff.rins- from a were taken from Williamsons step- gists as bltropnosphate. which la Inexpen Ji1' hrl0vfrmk! father in Vancouver, to hold up and ! 'v and U sold by most all druggists un own caused by orerwork. as he ' ,,. , ,ivin Hi.fricf. f Mer a guarantee of satisfaction or monei Portland. Roseburg BaptlMs Hare New Pastor. ROSE BURG. Or Jan. 4 (Special.) Rev. J. H. Dickson arrived in ltoseburg today to take the pastorate of the Baptist Church. The new pastor is highly educated and most of his minis terial work has been in New England. He is accompanied by his wife and three children. The oldest son enlisted in the Navy, and at the time was be lieved to be the youngest lad in that branch of the service. iUuil lbs OrcKOoLui, ds. guarantee ot satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nervea directly and Dy supplanting tne oody cells with the nec essary phosphoric food elements, bltro phosphate quickly produces a welcome transformation in the appearance, the in crease in weight frequently being aston ishing. This Increase In weight also carries with It a general improvement in the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of en ergy, which nearly always accompanies ex cessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes become bright and pale cheeks glow wjith the bloom of perfect health. CAITION: Allhonrh Itltro-rboanbate ia unsurpassed for relirvlng nervousness, sleep- leiMtne-iS ana general weakness, owing to its remarknhle flesh growing properties it should not be ned by anyone who does not Unite to uul oil flcnli. The Greatest of All Clearing Sales JJanrnTUisiF cue annum The Event of a Lifetime the Most Extraordinary Reductions in Local Retailing O00 CLOTH COATS Fur Trimmed and Plain Cloth Coats in brown, taupe, navy and plum. Made of wool velours, d Kersey cloth and burella cloths. P VALUED UP TO $25 All-Wool Velour Coats, fine Broadcloth Coats, Pompom Coats, Loose and Belted Coats with collars of fur. JANUARY CLEARING SALE PRICE The choicest Cloth Coats of the season. Made of Crystal Cloth, Silvertone, Bolivia, Pom Pom, All Wool Velour and Chiffon Broadcloths. In all wanted colors and newest models. Trimmed with raccoon, black opossum, nutria, Australian opossum, Hudson seal and many other fashionable furs. VALUES UP TO $79.50 HIGH-GRADE SUIT FINAL CLEAN-UP If you paid from $30 to $55 for these Suits you would be getting the best suit you ever bought at that price at $15 and $25. They are nothing short of marvelous values! MATERIALS SILVERTOXES, BROADCLOTH, VELOURS AND SERGES MANY FUR TRIMMED VALUES UP TO $40 VALUES UP TO $55 January Clearing Sale Price January Clearing Sale Price ' 111 JI m January Clearing Sale of PLU COATS Every Plush Coat Reduced in Price Black and beaver plushes. Plain or fur trimmed made of Esquimette plush, silk velours, Baffin seal and Yukon seal plushes. Coats with blask opossum, raccoon, Australian opossum, muskrat and Coney collar and cuffs. Some with fur borders at bottom. In all new short lengths and full-length coats. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES $ 1 9.75 1 $29.75 $39.75 1 $55.00 KOREAN MINK CAPE Newest models, very attrac tive. Manufactured to sell at $175. Reduced to $87.50 Other good models, worth up to $95, reduced to $54.50 ONE LOT OF FURS consist ing of Taupe, Brown, White Fox, Black Lynx and many others. Values up to $65.00. Reduced to GENUINE LYNX FUR 48- inch length, beautiful head and tip. Values up to $85. Reduced to. $58.50 GENUINE FOX FURS Colors Taupe, Brown and Red, also Cross Fox. Values up to $100.00. Reduced to $59.50 $32.50 NATURAL RACCOON FUR SET 36-inch Scarf with beautiful round Muff. Valued at $50. Reduced to $27.50 DRE SSES Values up to $30 at $10 and $13.75 MATERIALS Serge, Wool Jersey, Vel veteen, Charmeuse, Crepe de Chine, Lus trous Satin, Chiffon, Taffeta, Georgette Crepe, Georgette and Satin combinations. COLORS Taupe, Rein deer, Sand, Dark Green, Brown, Burgundy, Pekin, also black and navy. AU Sizes for Women and Misses $10 and $13.75 l JLr r Exclusive Vfcmenis4jpparel 348 Washington St., Morgan Bldg. Phone Your Want Ads to The OregOllian -Main 7070 A 6095 7 A