The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 05, 1919, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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    V r
herds and legislation to prevent th
sale of bulla for breeding purposes
unless such are eligible to registry,
will be presented to the Legislature.
State Veterinarian Lytle announced
Buck's Combination Ranges
Portland Agents
The ubsldy plan has been In use In
Denmark. Dr. Lytle stated, where it
has developed some of the finest dairy
herds In the world. Under the pro
posal the state would pay a certain
percentage of the purchase price of
Portland Chapter of Red Cross
Issues Instructions.
the animal either to keep It In the
state or to import it from the out
The animals would be owned entire
ly through associations and provision
would be made for a commission,
headed by the dairy expert at the
Oregon Agricultural Coll
Ajdiu at Prlrate Companies Al
leged to Be Circulating Mis-
leading Statements.
? VNM r !f J 1 1 Ik M 1 1 IK A 1 1 ti
'w jjytp
Soldiers must mall premium
within 21 days from date of dis- I
I charge to continue war risk In
su ranee.
Insurance mar be continued for
" five years. Within that period
1 arrangements will be made to
' . transfer it to other governmental
: Insurance at peace-time rates.
- which will not exceed rate
charged by private companies.
j During period of five years ex
f soldier or sailor's dependents will
1 receive precisely same security
2 against accident or death in civil
life of soldier that they would
have received bad he remained In
th service. -
The Red Cross considers it vital
that every discharged soldier
continue nU governmental Insurance.
. Vnth from 60 to 100 discharged sol
chera a day csJUns at the offices of J
Aiding of Young to Acquire Educa
tlon Outstanding Hobby of
Former Educator.
HOOD RTVER. Or, Jan. 4. (Spe
clal.) In the passing of J. F. McLaln.
aged S3 years. Hood River has lost one
of Its most beloved characters.
Mr. McLain indulged in the hobby of
searching out worthy young men and
aiding them in acquiring an education
and a number of young men through
out the country secured a higher edu
cation as a result of his advice and
flnanclal aid.
Mr. McLaln was a native of Port Do
ver. Ont. He spent his young man
hood In Western New York, where he
prepared to enter Cornell Unlvrslty.
4 life of soldier that they would i lin jgji he moved to North Dakota. He
4 have received bad he remained in 4 1 graduated from the University of North
th service. - 4 I pakota n 1893. While a student of the
V. rmomniMarf It vttll tli w .. 1 - ... i ...... .
1DB1UUUVU U v -oaioM.ub
structor. He also won a reputation
In oratorical contests. Mr. McLain
later served for three terms as County
Superintendent of Schools for Grand
Forks County. From 1903 to 1906 he
was a member of the faculty of the
North Dakota State University.
Mr McTjiln and Miss little MV Ber
th Portland Chapter. American ea : werB msrrled at Grand Forks. N. D
Crass. SOT Case building, for infor- I In 1907. Mrs. McLaln survives. She and
raation regarding the continuance of J her husband came to the Hood River
their Governmental Insurance, the Red "J, '"V" , , p e !
Crose Is now making- plans to acquaint Undi the following brothers and
very Soulier aiscnargeo. waose name tstprs: Dr. Ellis McLaln and Mrs. Ki
ts in the vicinity of Portland, of the en Tunic, of Portland, and John H. Mc-i-oortnce
of contrmitng In peace time Lain, of Grand Forks, N. D.
his war-risk insurance. Mr. McLaln was a member of the
While every soldier, upon bl die- Towner. N-. D..' Masonic lodge and a
cfcarse. Is riven a leaflet quoting the n felon member of the Methodist
rate he must continue to pay on his I Church.
insurance and wrier to mail ms
premium, he Is not told to what date
his insurance Is paM up. and other val
uable information la tacking.
Affidavits Arc Collected.
At the same time Dorothy K. Wyror.
executive secretary of the home-service DRILX,S WILIj NOT KVTKRFERE
solicitors of at least one large lnsur- I WITH COLLEGE STUDIES
snce company are making a determined
effort to undermine Governmental In
surance by declaring that the policies Function of w Corps at Or Ron
are to o luntea over pr,vi win -pinles
and that it is disadvantageous
for the men to continue to pay
premiums. Affidavits on this phase are
now being collected In Portland and
will be transmitted to the United States
include officers, a. well aa enlisted work under the Brv
riTCU. situ i v 10 yvuucu vu. wj ou i ... . . .
.l.-. i .k. vers tr. will not in any way interfere
insurance is general in all ranks. For regular wo rk of the ; tdento
this reason "he Portland chapter ex- th,e 't1t,eme"t IS ?J.l ZltSLfor
pecta to open a special bureau next Colon William H. owen professor
wVek to deal wut. the question and to of,.,n!UUryh Tfil 5 1SL TL Ot'c. .
h.Twti. th- fc,r. riiiw will have charge of the R. O. T. C on
movement, of ma from Camp Lewi. thnCmr18wIn be ,et t honr which
Li . " 1!, " i j L - .u ii n...i t w"' not conflict with the university
' T" ; ------ " I I schedule. Probably It will be from
least a part of the insurance he carried I ? , , , : . . .. .i,i,.i,
in the service is a point made by Miss ' cl"f'l L" maT altnousn
Wysor. while to carry th. limit policy ttilhV..n!"d?de
"wtThtnl day. from the dt. of dl- gJ" '".f? "th'a
charge th. w-ri.k in.urane will ex- State AZ- .?"h, J" Ti'L
F.'rIhL:'. '"I Uted to from So to five" candidate.
withta six months. tor a commission each Tear These men,
SeUIera Irsred ta Mall Ckeka. I missioned as reserve officers. All this.
TTan- cverv soldier la belnar urced telColonel Bowen says. Is. of course, sub-
mail a cherk or money order for his Ject to any chance which may be made
monthly premium to the bureau of war- by law within the next few months as
risk Insurance. Treasury Department, I a result or new conauions.
Washington. D. C within 30 days fro I This is the first recognition of the
date of discharge. At the same time he Tnlverslty of Oregon as an K. o. T. c
should write a letter Rivlnc full name institution, although when Colonel
and Army serial number (which he will I Bowtn was detailed nere last August
find on his discharge), his grade and I It was with the expectation that he
organization when ha applied for in- would command a unit of that organ!
nirance. his date of discharge and hislxation to be formed here.
present address. In that letter he
tinu. his insurance, or the amount he HOTEL FUNDS SUBSCRIBED
desires to continue, ana inquiring upon
m j1xa t n II hi. MrAmium
Th. averare soldier believes that his I "'" iru.-.c
r-rlsk rnuran-. protects him only nenllfnr of 1.000.000
r - -w - - , - -
Is to Provide Reserve or-
errs for V. S. Army.
tjntversitt of Oregon. Eugene,
a th. result of death or injury while
In the service. This is stated not to be I TACOMA. Wash Jan. 4. (PpeciaD
the case. The protection last a (up to a I Tacoma people Invested 1150,000 on the
period of five years) Just aa long as I first day of solicitation In the new
the soldier pay. his monthly premiums. I Alexander Hotel, which is to be built
Aa especially valuable feature of the I at a cost of approximately tl.OOn.Qpn.
war-risk insurance Is that any time I It has been named In honor of H. F.
within five yArs of th. declaration of I Alexander, president of the Pacific
-peace th. war-risk Insurance may b. I Steamship Company, and chief projec
transferred, without medical examina-1 tor of the hotel enterprise. The Ta
tlon. into ordinary life. 10-pay life. (Z- coma Hotel site will be used. The
year endowment and similar forms of I present wings win be retained and re-
Easy Terms to All at Low Cash Prices
We Welcome Your Account
We Charge No Interest
Lead the World
100 Good Pacific Oak Rockers, regular $5.50, for .... .$3.75
50 Willow Rockers," regular price $15, for $9.00
Overstuffed Rockers in imitation leather... $12.50
Overstuffed Tapestry Rockers and Chairs at prices away below
the price of new ones and many cannot be told from new.
New William and Mary China Closet, regular $75.00, for $40.00
New Fumed Oak China Closet, regular $45.00, for $30.00
Used Quarter-sawed Oak China Closet, new price $50, for $25.00
New Pacific Oak China Closet Regular $22.50, for. . . 4 . . .$17.50
60-inch Fumed Oak Buffet, new, regular $100.00, for $65.00
54-inch Mahogany Jacobean Buffet, regular $95.00, for. .$65.00
We have many used Buffets at low prices, but you must call and
see them to be convinced.
Fine Mahogany Dressers, used, new price $85.00, for $32.50
Fine Birdseye Maple Dressers, used, new price $95.00, for $40.00
Fine Quarter-sawed Oak Dressers, used, new price $65, $27.50
These are only a few examples. We have dozens of fine used
Dressers at very low prices.
54-inch Dining Tables, solid quartered oak top $45.00
45-inch Dining Tables, quartered oak, flush rim $25.00
Used Round Dining Tables as low as $12.00
NEW COMBINATION RANGES Bake in the oven CjOC flfl
with coal, wood or gas. Save space and expense. . . .'POy.vU
NEW MAGNET WINDSOR Coal and Wood dCC flft
Ranges, 18-inch oven, sanitary base, white splashers PJJv'vF
We take your old range or gas range in trade for a new range
and allow you a generous price. Easy terms on balance.
9x12 Grass Rugs, blue, brown and green $12.50
9x12 Wool Fiber Rugs, all colors $12.75
9x12 Heavy Floor Kraft Rugs, blue and brown .$15.75
Big selection of Tapestry, Axminster and Wilton Rugs all sizes
at very low prices.
$27.50 New Wax Oak Library Tables, mission style $20.00
$18.00 Used Mahogany Cadillac Library Tables $11.00
Used Quarter-sawed Oak Library Tables, wax finish. . .$15.00
We have a big selection of. used Brass Beds at prices so far below
the new price you will be surprised.
2-inch Continuous Post Brass Beds, slightly scratched, $20.00
Stub-post Brass Beds, slightly damaged in shipment $17.50
Mahogany Roll-top Colonial Bed, regular $40.00, for. . . .$27.50
Walnut Roll-top Colonial Bed, regular $40.00, for $27.50
Birdseye Maple Roll-top Colonial Bed, regular $50.00, for $35.00
Aluminum Percolators, each $1.68 Breakfast Tables, each $3.15
Small Floor Oil Mops with case and stick, each 25 Leatherette and Plush Upholstered New Couches,
300 Granite Tea and Coffee Pots, all sizes, each 15 only 12, regular $15.00, each $7.85
evuirtz F tirralhiuire C
All Under One Roof
185 to 191 First Street, Near Yamhill Public Market
No Branch Stores
ProDOsal Asks IS Months'
4 Pay for Men Who Served Either
at Home or Abroad.
furnished while from the center will
arine a 10-etory structure.
Kirtlnnd Cutter. Spokane architect.
who designed the Davenport Hotel
there, ia the architect. The English
renaissance type of architecture,
which has made the old building pic
turesque, will be retained.
private possessions valued at approxi
mately tl0.000.000.
Cattlemen of Orrson 'Would Elim
inate low Breed tor Strains.
f iT.r.v, Or, Jan. 4. (Specia.1.) A I Before the war the German Emperor
late fund for providlnr subsidies f or I was in the enjoyment of an annual in
hitilaaa bulla in order to eliminate I "" of over 11.000.000 derived from
entirely low breeding- strains, is a plan
which la beiftf; advocated by cattle men
of the stat. particularly for dairy
She Took
My wife had what the doctors call
catarrh of the stomach for It years.
Had to diet carefully and suffered
much. She has now taken one bottle
Adlcr-i-ka and feels perfectly welL"
(Signed) B. t'. Parker, Brock, Texas.
Adler-i-ka expela ALL, g-as and sour
Bus. stopping stomach distress IN
STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper and
lower bowel, flushing; ENTIRE alimen
tary canaL Removes ALX foul matter
which poisons system. Often CURES
constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We
have sold Adler-l-ka many years. It
Is a mixture of buckthorn, cascara,
glycerine and nine other simple drug-s.
t-kldmore Drug Co.. (and leading- drug-.
Bl;tV Adv
Harmless Means .
of Reducing Fat
Many fat people tVr ordinary mean for
r9ttcicc ihtr wifht. Hero im aa axtra
rdTnary method. Extraordinary borauao
whilo perfectly harmie ao dletlnff or ax
rrtsM or acatary- Marraola Prracriptioo
Tftb.ets art mafia exactly tn accordance witb
th f ixnoa iarmola Prescription. A r
uurMon or two. thr or four pound a wtx
ia til mie. Procure them fmm any dnis
r'Bt or if you prefer ind TJ cm to the
Mifrtio.'! Co.. 6I Woodward Av., Detroit,
sUica Ut Ur-a caja. AUt.
lit .
HOOD RTVER. Or.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
Aa the result of an orfranisea cam
palgn being- waged by enlisted men to
secure support tnrougnoui me coumrj
for the so-called snaier pian. s. v.. Jn
Hmn. of this citv. has received a let
ter from Avis Stockton, stationed in
the Navy at Norfolk. Va.. who asks that
a symposium of the plan be given local
newspapers and that Mr. Anderson pro
mote the proposition among- Business
The Shafer plan propose a bill by
Congress whereby every man of the
service, both regulars and reserves.
shall receive 12 months extra pay
whether or not he wm sent abroad,
Those remaining In service at the end
of the war will be treated similarly to
those mustered out.
Parts of a letter, written by "W. B.
Shafer. Jr.. promoter of the plan, and
enclosed by Mr. Stockton, follow:
"Do you know that the majority of
the men who Joined the eervlce this
year at Norfolk gave up positions pay
ing them around 150 per month, and
some as much aa 1300 per montm com
pare this with 130 per month. Any
man who ia not willing for our men
of the service to have a fair chance is
either a money hog or a mental de
"There Is no charity In the plan. It
will only give the men what they have
thrice earned and a very email portion
of that they deserve. Would it be
giving our men In service a fair deal
to allow them only a one month bonus
when their commercial competitors
have saved a few thousand dollars for
a rainy day, while the gates of the
treasury were flung wide open from
Eddie Polo.
Eddie Polo, serial star of Universal
and former ring star with Barnum &
Bailey and some of the other large cir
cuses, arrived in Portland 'yesterday
from a tour of the country, "resting
from the production of his latest serial,
The Lure of the Circus."
Last nitrht he appeared at various
theaters In the city during the per
formances and today he will continue
his journey to University City.
He Is accompanied by Mrs. Polo, who
was also a circus rider of renown be
fore her husband changed from the
sawdust ring tv the film studio.
, T. J. Gray Succeeds Clyde Beckett
j as Commissioner.
DALLAS. Or.. Jan. . (Special.)
The new officials for Polk County,
elected at the November election, will
'issume their duties Monday morning.
County Judge B. C. Klrkpatrlck Is suc
ceeded by Former Clerk Asa B. Rob
inson; Mr. - Robinson being succeeded
In the Clerk's office ty Floyd D. Moore,
former school supervisor.
The only new face in the list of of
ficials will be that of T. J. Graves, of
McCoy, who succeeds Clyde Beckett as
retary of the Dallas Commercial Club,
as manager. The ajreney is similar to
those being- established in the cities
throughout the country.
Oregon Voter Gives Pictures and
Biographies of Legislators.
Ninety biographies, with pictures of
the senators and representatives of the
coming Legislature, are embodied in a
special "Who's Who" edition of the
Oregon Voter, Just off the press. This
is an issue of 114 pases, the largest
the Voter has yet issued.
In addition to the pictorial and bi
ographical matter, the Voter contains
a "guide" for lobbying, with plain
points Xor plain people who find it
necessary to visit Salem during a ses
sion to boost for or help kill. a meas
ure. For those who want thumb-nail
stories of the men who will soon be
making laws for Oregon, the Voter of
fers a handy reference.
We desire to express our thanks for
the sympathy and kindness shown by
our many friends during our recent be
reavement. (Sipmed)
relng improved and in addition plans
are being made to Ret the needed
laboratory equipment and library
books for making the high school
School will reopen Monday, after sev
eral weeks vacation, due to the Influ
enza epidemic. One month of lost
time will be made up at the close of
the term.
Repair Shops and Roundhouses to
Be Enlarged and More
Dwellings Erected,
UMATILLA, Or., Jan. . (Special.)
The town of Umatilla promises to be
come a lively, wide-awake railroad
center in the near future since the pas
senger traffic was abandoned on the
expensive Cut Off Route. Not only Is
the city made a general headquarters
for all trains, but plans are being made
to Increase the number of repair shops
and round houses.
Real estate transactions have ex-
ceded all past records and property Is
in demand. Since all available houses
are In use, preparation is being made
to erect a suitable number of modern
The restaurants are doing a thriv
ing business and the merchants have
been compelled to increase the number
of helpers.
The Interior of the hlfrh school i
Read The Oregonian classified ada.
May Leave Wrecked Health for
Many of Our People.
Recommends Special Tonic to
Overcome III Effects.
"Brother Feels Sick! He
Wants a Candy Cascaret
To Mothers! You will avoid worry and trouble .
by giving your children Cascarets instead of nasty
Castor Oil, Calomel and Pills. Children look upon
Cascarets as Candy and never refuse them even when
sick, bilious, feverish, constipated. Besides Cascarets
cost only io cents a box.
Dallas to Aid Soldiers.
DALLAS. Or., Jan 4. (Special.) An
employment agency for the purpose of
obtaining positions for soldiers and
sailors who have returned from the
battlefields and training camps has
been opened in the Commercial Club
ruoiufi, iUi Zla. Lillian .Marshall, set?
Medical authorities agree that the
after effects of Spanish influenza and
even the ordinary "grip" often leaves
the patient In a more or less degree
weakened In one or more of the vital
organs such as the lungs, heart, stom
ach, liver or kidneys.
Pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and
tuberculosis find fertile soil in the
weakened lungs.
Brlght's disease, diabetes, apoplexy,
cystitis, etc, often come in later to
claim the convalescent patient.
Dyspepsia, weakness, nervousness,
malnutrition and kindred ailments are
known to be more prevalent after an
epidemic of La Grippe. Liver and
bowel disorders, too, are inclined to
further delay the return of perfect
In fact, weeks and months may elapse
before complete good health returns to
the victims of this dread malady. It is
the part of wisdom not to dispense with
your physician's services too soon, for
in time he will usually advise a good
tonic upbuilding medicine that will aid
in restoring vigorous digestion and full
nutrition. Physicians and the public
universally recognize the safe, sane, re
juvenating power that lies In the bitter
herbs and barks, such as Calasaya bark.
Palmetto root, Damiana, Nux Vomica
and also in Iron Peptonate and Phos
phide. These drugs represent the main
constituents of three-grain Cadomene
Tablets, and as the formula is printed
on the label any person should feel that
here is no secret dope or nostrum, but
a genuine beneficial tonic, and such it
has proven to thousands, both old and
young. Elderly folks especially find
permanent strength and improved vi
tality very quickly. Digestion im
proves, appetite returns, restful sleep
follows and soon a strong vigorous
body and a harmonious nervous sys
tem rewards the convalescent. All
good druggists supply Cadomene Tab-
ets in sealed tuDes with run directions.
Almost Any Man Will Tell You
That Sloan's Liniment
Means Relief.
For practically every man has used
it who has suffered from rheumatic
aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of
joints, the results of weather exposure.
Women, too, by the hundreds of
thousands, use it for relieving neuritis,
lame backs, neuralgia, sick headache.
Clean, refreshing, soothing, economi
cal, quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Lin
iment" to your druggist. Get it today.
30c, 60c, J1.2U.
French Army's
Tremendous Loss
3,000,000 soldiers of France, about
one-half her entire army, have been
k. lied or seriously wounded, according
to Andre Tardie, French high commis
sioner to the United States. This enor
mous sacrifice for liberty Is larger
than that of any other country. America
owes France a huge debt of gratitude.
not only for this, but also for the dis
covery by her peasants of a perfect
remedy for stomach, liver and Intes
tinal ailments which Is reported to have
alleviated incalculable suffering, pre
vented many surgical operations and
saved thousands of lives the world over.
Geo. II. Mayr, for many years leading
Chicapo chemist, imports the ingredi
ents and sells this remedy in America
under the name of Mayr's Wonderful
Remedy. It is a simple, harmless prepa
ration that removes the catarrhal mu
cus from the intestinal tract and allays
the Inflammation which causes prac
tically all stomach, liver and Intes
tinal ailments, including appendicitis.
One dose will convince or -money i.
funded. Druggists everywhere. Adv.
IVUllUIll? CISC n Ul 1V3 U1C LI1IC, SUUl 1C1 IJIllLtllll'lia dim UU131UI3 llUlll A 1.1111U 1
tender stomach, liver and bowels like good old harmless Cascarets. They never , show the package to your physician,
gripe, never injure, never disappoint trie worried motner. uive Cascarets to who should at once recognize the noted
children aged one year and upwards. .Directions on each 10 cent box. - rormula of a specialist. Adv.
T will irTttrflv ni1 nnv -hetimatlsm Bufferir
a Simple Herb Rcipe Absolutely Free thnt r-itrprf of a terrible attr,lc
of muscular and inflammatory Rheumatism
of long standing after everything else I
tried had fallea me. i nave Riven it m
manv sufferera who believed their cases
hopeless, yet they found relief from their
suffering by taklnp these simple hxi-he- U
also relieves Sciatica promptly as wi-l t
Neuralgia, and if a wonderful blood purrneT.
You are moat welcome to this Herb Recipe
If you will send for it at once. I belleva
you will coneide; It a God-send after you
have put it to the test. There is nothing
Injurious contained in It. and you can sea
for yourself exactly what you are taking.
I will gladly send this Recipe absolutely
free to any sufferer who will send name
and address, plainly written.
H. D. SITTOX. 3650 Magnolia Ave.
(Adv.-) Los Angeles Cab