THE SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 5, 1919. 17 GRAND JURY CHARGES Fl U1HIH R T Mayor and Chief of Police Are Made Targets. BAKER DEFENDS COURSE Grand Jurors Fail to Handle Matters as Presented to Them, Says Exco live; Police Records Shown. Charges of bad faith on the part of George I Baker. Mayor, and of Inef ficiency on tbs part of Chief of Police Johnson, are contained In a bristling report of conditions existing; In the Portland Police Department, which waa submitted yesterday by the Multnomah County grand jury to Presiding Judge fitapleton. Both Mayor Baker and Chief of Police Johnson are sererely cen sured for what the grand Jury asserts to be a dieorranlied and dcDlormbla condition now existing in the Police I to the newspapers, but consistently re. fused to five Information or to answer I their questions about the cases as put I up to m from time to time. Grand Jary Had Data.' "The grand Jury, in making the statement of Inefficiency of the War Emergency Squad, had before It re-1 ports of the work of this branch of the service ahowing for the first 10 months I of the year a total of 3821 arrems for I rambling, bootlegging and social mis doings. It had before it a report show ing fines from these cases aggregating S30.0SS.SS and reports showing the con fiscation of 21.911 quarts of liquor. This record Is for this one squad and not the force as a whole and covers only I 10 months. Since then records for the! Uth month show 423 additional ar rests. J6115 rn additional fines and S99 additional gallons of liquor. If this Indicates Inefficiency I am not acquainted with efficiency. This I record will show a vast Increase In police activity over the work of any other full year of police activity in Portland. As to Chief of Police Johnson I can only say that he has made enemies. With such in array of arrests, together with the general activity against vice and the process of weeding out of the department rishonest and inefficient policemen, it Is only natural that he should have numerous enemies. No administration can conduct a vigorous FORMER IDAHO BAXKER E!f. TtHS Y. 31. C. A. SERVICE. 1. ' . nave ; tndld I -ayor. . came I T ted a ! I ' ill Department. if' "Judging from the evidence we have' ; been able to gather. It Is our ca opinion that George L Baker, as May did not act in good faith when he came beforfe us and stated that he wanted thorough Investigation of city affairs. and more particularly of the Police De part me nt." reads the report. "First, be- I cause he gave wide publicity to his In tentions through the dally press and, secondly, because he failed to Rive us any tangible evidence to work upon. "Still, although placed at a great disadvantage, we have been able to col lect enough evidence to satisfy us that the Police Department, with the ex ceptlon of the detective bureau. Is dls organised and In a deplorable condi tion; that the officers do not recognise Mr. Johnson as their Chief, and that Chief Johnson. In his turn. Is unable to control his men: that It appears to us he has exercised poor Judgment In as signing his officers to their respective duties, and that many officers who are permitted to work upon the war emer gency squad have no conception of their duties. Policy With Attoraeye Ceadessaed. "We condemn his policy of permitting attorneys to Interview police officers on behaf of their clients before cases come to trial, and we believe that the conditions which permit four at torneys to monopolise Police Court practice should be corrected. "George I. Baker, as Mayor, certainly knows the Police Department Is in a deplorable condition; otherwise he would not have brought these matters before us; but we are of the opinion that the remedy lies In his bands and not with us. It being a matter of disci pline within the department. The city of Portland pays him his salary to look after the city affairs, and it Is up to htm. and not to us. to Investigate and correct such evils as this Investigation has disclosed. "We quote the Mayor from one of the evening papers as follows: 1 will act on the recommendations of the grand Jury, if fair and right. If the recom mendations are not. fair and right. I will not act upon them.' Since he ap points himself the supreme Judge of the wisdom of our decision, we are at a loss to know why the matter was brought to our attention at all." ladletaseata Against Police. Contrary to early predictions, the grand Jury failed to return any indict ments against police officers. It was said unofficially that whatever evi dence of graft waa submitted to the grand Jurors lacked sufficient corrobo rat.on to warrant the returning of true bills. Members of the )ury were unanimous In the assertion that the fault lay mainly in the fact that the police offi cers showed poor Judgment in their work, rather than dishonest methods. The grand Jurors signing the report were C. L- Peebler. foreman: O. F. Bot ktn. William H. Joyce. S. Peterson, W. I. Rotterman. Wilbur T. Lucas and Andrew Elisaon. "T :-:V ,: ! J Hammer M. Slecaaa. . Guernsey M- Elocum, former resident of Portland and until re cently cashier of the bank at Buhl. Idaho, left In October for the T. M. C. A. training school In Chicago, where he had expect ed to be assigned to overseas duty with the recreation service of the Y. M. C A. During her husband's absence Mrs. Slocura Is maksrig her home at the Madison Park Apartments. Mayer .Makes Statement. Charging that the grand Jury applied Itself In an effort to discredit his ad ministration instead of handling the matters presented to the Jury. Mayor Baker. In a statement Issued last night, presented police department records for tbe past 11 months to disprove the charges of demoralization of the police department. The Mayor's statement Is as follows: "The grand Jury was asked to Inves tigate charges made against certain po licemen Involving graft. Specific cases, with full information and names of witnesses, were submitted for the pur pose of having tbe grand Jury return - indictments If those accused were guilty. That has always been my Idea of the function of the grand Jury. "The Jury took upon Itself, of Its own volition, the work of Investigating the efficiency or Inefficiency of the polios bureau. In spite of this I am accused of bad faith for submitting something I should have handled. As to the further charge of bad faith on my part for giving Information to the press I will my that I gave no Information The Morning After The Big Night The Wise Precaution of a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet After the Banquet Brinies' Pleasant Memories With the Morning Coffee. crusade against vice without having trouble and oftentimes serious trouble. An honest and conscientious Chief of I Police has much grief. Polleesnea Ordered Hot to Talk. "As to the grand Jury's comment en police court lawyers I will say that orders have existed at the station con stantly to sthe effect that policemen are not to talk to lawyers abou cases. Chief Johnson has refused to comply with the demands of this class of law yers and thereby has heaped trouble on his head. "The comment of the grand Jury re garding Chief Johnson was not sur prising Inasmuch as he was not called before the Jury and had no chance to tell his side of the case, whereas his enemies were called. This is not my Idea of fair play, particularly when the chief was aked to appear and waited for days in the anteroom of the grand Jury, only finally to be turned away without being called. "It must be remembered that In ad dition to the unprecedented activity of the police bureau during the past year, the department has been beset with serious troubles brought about by new men. Practically 60 per cent of the force changed during the year 90 officers to be specific and police work Increased by at least 100 per cent. Also It must be remembered that more than 30 officers were discharged dur ing the year for various offenses, each one thereafter becoming a committee of one against Chief Johnson and the administration. "In short, it appears to me that the grand jury applied Itself for some rea son to an effort to discredit the admin istration instead of handling the mat ters presented which were entirely within the province of the Jury. BCLKTTEADIXG OP SKIPAX OX I RIVER CONTEMPLATED. If It Hadaf Been far Sta art's rya awpela Tablets Like as .Not I'd Have a Headache This Meralag If you ever feel distressed after eat ing be sure to take a Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets. For no matter what you eat there will be no gas, no sour ris ings, no lump In your throat, no bilious ness, no dark brown taste in the morn ing. And should you now be troubled, eat a tablet aa soon as possible and re lief will come promptly. These tab lets correct at once the faults of a weak or overworked storasch, they do the work while the stomach rests and recovers Itself. Particularly effective are they for banqueters and those hose environment t rings them in con tact with the rich food most apt to cause stomach derangement. Relief In these cases always brings the glad smile. Get a box of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets. 60 cents. In any drag store. Be good to your stomach. Adv. Bonds Aggregating $400,000 Are! Voted by Town to Improve Shipping Facilities. IT. H. Wilson. Mayor, and W. K. Francis, Councilman, of Warrenton, re turned to their homes last night, after having obtained Important right of way deeds as a necessary preliminary to In augurating work of bulkheadlng the Sklpanon Klver channel at that point and for which the people of the enter prixlng Clatsop County towns have voted bonds aggregating S 400.000. The improvements contemplated include the reclamation of SO acres of land adjoin ing the river. Voters of Warrenton recently au thorised a bond issus of SIOO.OOO for the proposed bulkhead and an addi tional $-00,000 of bonds for reclaiming the adjoining land. A. Guthrie & Com. pany, of this city, have been awarded the contract for the bulkhead at a cost of JS6.840. The bulkhead will extend from the Columbia River channel up the Sklpanon River to the railroad bridge at Warrenton. In addition to the proceeds of the two bonds Issues, the improvement will Involve a further cost of nearly 100.000 for dredging which will be done by the Port of As toria In which Warrenton la included. The dredging part of the work has begun and the reclamation of the first unit of 20 acres has started. Actual work on the bulkhead will be Inaug urated within 20 days. 'When completed, this Improvement will give Warrenton a 20-foot channel at low tide." said Mayor Wilson yes terday. "It will also include dredging out a turning basin oo feet wide. This will enable lumber schooners and other coastwise vessels to enter our port. The Improvement being undertaken repre sents the work of an agitation extend ing oyer a period of several years by the people of Warrenton for the devel opment of their shipping buslnss.? It was only four years sgo that War renton installed a gravity water system for which the people voted a bond Issue of $160,000. The system not only sup plies Warrenton, but serves Fort Stevens, Hsmmond and Seaside and during the last year met the needs of 2000 soldiers at Clatsop. The revenue from this service takes care of the op erating costs and pays Interest on the bonds.. Biggest Men's Clothiers in the Northwest Portland and Seattle NEVER HOLD SALES Seattle Store, Arcade BIdg. 2d Ave. j but because of our upstairs policy our regular standard) prices are better val ues than the lowest of cut price sale fig-' ures. We put no low price "leaders" in our windows to draw, you into our store our prices are stand ard, always, to every body, v .Why let the cold bother you? Get inside a stylish double-breasted Fahey-Brockman 1 Overcoat, button the convertible collar up around yourj neck, and you can smile all day at even zero weather. We sell the best values in the world in : KM and SUIT d . e er . S at $20 $30 3 JLllKv5WRS i RALEIGH BUILDING Sixth and Washington Entrance Opp. Sunset Theater ft J - . B SIS' M L 1. !MS2Hj CLOTHIERS, JJTTAKE THE ELEVATOR SAVE lO The "Byrori Model drawn from life by our own arliiL mm Alterations Free Fit Guaranteed Open Saturdays Till 8 P. M. Upstairs rent IS lots lower than street-level rent. It DOES cost money to collect credit payments. It DOES cost money when you give credit to somebody who never pays. Elaborate fixtures DO cost more than plain ones. Big buying power DOES get better prices. Big Belling DOES make possible selling at less profit. CANADIAN TROOPS EMBARK Western Contingent to Return by Way of Panama Canal. MONTREAL, Jan. 4. (Special.) To the strains of patriotic music played by military bands of the Imperial army. 1500 officers and men of the Canadian expeditionary forces who enlisted in British Columbia and Alberta em barked at Liverpool yesterday after noon on the Canadian Pacific Empress of Asia for the direct voyafre to Van couver via the Panama Canal, this be ing the first and probably the only time this steamer will travel to Canada this way. The arrangements for the trip were made by 81 r Edward Kemp, Canadian Overseas Minister of Militia; O. M. Bosworth. chalrmsn of Canadian Pa cific ocean, service, and General Ho garth. Quartermaster-General, Cana dian headquarters. The Empress of Asia, which was diverted to Atlantic waters In order to facilitate the trans portation of American troops to Eu rope, will return to commercial service between Vancouver and the Orient after disembarking her contingent" of Canadian soldiers. Belgium to Expell Hun's Friends. BRUSSELS, Jan. 4. The Belgian Minister of Justice announces that all foreigners of 'enemy origin who had relations with tbe Germans during the war will be expelled from Belgium. Three Divorce Suits Filed. Both crulty and Infidelity are charged by EdgarGoneau in a suit for divorce filed yesterday against Ruby Goneau, to whom be was married in ibis tta m7 aha Iim nssnrlatprl with I demands S40 a month alimony. J. V. other men for some months. Bertha H. Tapp alleges desertion In his complaint isurnes accuses james d. auvun i ex treme cruelty. They were married in 1911 and have one' child. The plaintiff against Martha Tapp. They wars mar rled in June, 1917, and lived together Humphreys' "Seventy-seven breaks up Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Cold in the Head, Catarrh, SoreThroat.Quinsy, Tonsilitis and Crip. XtaUDroggitl Warner's Safe Remedies A Constant Boon to Invalid Sine 1877 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. ' Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy. Warner's Safe Rheumatic .Remedy. Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy. . Warner's Safe Nervine.' Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Biliousness) The Reliable Family Medicine Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Sample sept on receipt of ten cents. WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO., Dept. jss ROCHESTER N- Y 1-