The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 05, 1919, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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War Department Asked to In
clude Second Battalion.
representatives of All Organisation
to Meet a General Committee
for Combined Action.
The first step in an effort to have
the entire Third Oregon r.egiment re
turned from overseas In one unit was
taken yesterday when a telegram was
rent to the War Department by Emery
Olmstead. executive chairman of the
soldiers' and sailors' reception com
mittee, asking that the Second Battalion
of the list Division be returned with
the remainder of the regiment.
The Second Battalion of the 41st
Divtsfon is composed of Companies E.
t. G and H of the old Third Oregon
organization and are now stationed in
Ens-land, lookinr atter rest camps.
An organized - effort to secure the
return of the regiment as a unit will
be taken Monday, when the executive
committee of the Portland Soldiers" and
Sailors' Committee will meet in the
Chamber of Commerce rooms.
Kvery OrsaaUattoei Repreaeated.
Representatives of every club, or
a-antzation. civic body and religious or.
Kanizatlon in the city have been
named to serve on this committee. Each
member of the committee will be asked
to form a separate committee, com
posed of men and women affilited with
hi organization
In that way. for example, a group of
men and women representing all the
fraternal organizations of the city will
ha aonointed by the member of the
executive committee selected to rep
resent fraternal orders.
"The Tortland organization when
completed" aald Mr. Olmi-tead. "will
be in every way a community com
ralttee and not in any ay an Individ
vi.l committee. Oregon soldiers.
sailors and marines have come from
every cla.s and creed and the plans
for their reception will be In the hands
of a body of men and women who will
represent Portland and Oregon."
Liberty Traaaplr Headejaartera
. Liberty Temple has been designated
as the general headquarters for the
returning soldiers and here a com
mittee will be stationed to register the
boys, when they come home, communi
r;ite with their parents and g've. what
ever aid Is necesary.
A campaign will be launched to open
up Tortland homes to Oregon soldiers
who will drift in large numbers into
Portland, en route home. Efforts will
also be made to secure permission for
a grand review of the Third Oregon
Ketciment In Portland prior to de
mobilization. General plans for the
entertainment and celebration Incident
to this review are to be immediately
formulated. j
The executive committee named yes
terriay and the organizations repre
rented are as follows:
CharoKT ef Commerce. It Corhett.
w r t'lBp Community Service, tveret
T. M. C. A.. William Idd.
. av. C. A.. MtM a'arrie A. HnlbroAfc.
Jrt.-h Wa-'fwre Ftoaril. Beta Celling.
Amvrtcan Library Association. W. B
ml-arli Armr. Malor Andrew.
m.y and .Ny Auilliarlea. Mrs. O. L. WU
!! I. R. W. ChlM.
' -l-"-rV A wx iI ton. It. W. K -n t.
rMlK l':lll:ir. franklin T. Griffith.
Amatl" .M. Smith.
National l.cur f.r Women's Service. Mrs.
All.- Bniwo Hrh.
Tfe.rr. frank Mrt;ltlciil.
'o ton f "1-1 o' Th-aler. a. it. .T-n.-n.
tnniah Hr Anvociation. c. H. i;i.bert.
ani'n Cl'lb. Mr, il. J. r'rnkl.
TrrhcrV A.worljtKn. Kranrui t urtla.
? iftnn.l 4:u-rj. r.lnnf M a. North.
Rjldra Kirhnf. 1. K. Iluhn.
;r1rr' AwtrtiliAn. C. .Matlisjn.
Orrsn 5ity of knctiiftri, J. V. Cun-
orsvu o:ial Hygiene Society. W. G. Eliot.
V. r1. Kmployrnent Service. Captala J. T.
ConvlM. ,
t". K lIft.-i!. Hrt r.. Hanrr.
Ktvanli ltib. ieorg A. l-oaejey. a'li. In. II. lucu&.
A a'luH. lr-h. N. Dana.
I-rrt-o j-uinesa Mcna' Club. Frank
t-:ty Hoard. Paul C Mu-phy.
ilxc T.aie. A. C NeaaeM.
.- Si. H.jair.rj. M'n Club. H. L. Camp.
a. iit a no. , . a., a napman.
Tr-n.-pairaatn.n Club. KUnaaorth.
n- at l;o-rn.a. C. C. t'oit.
Pra Cluo. t'arl S. Kelly.
j -m n Club. Galore Bowen.
lvtt. U. F. Stran.lborg.
Auiomoblla 1'lub. I'rank C Walking.
Mail t'arrient' AoclaMin. jAMph o. nadley.
Amr1an Institute of Architects. W. G.
no ronl.
American tnitltute of Electrical Engineers,
a'aui lnni"am.
Parrnt. Teachers' Aaeociatloa. Mrs. William
City n. County Medical Association. Dr. C.
J. rnttb.
Or'cnnian, Edear B. Piper.
T-la-cTm. J. K. M'nHr.
Journal. t;orse L Trowbridge.
Kret H'-alt
on the night of December 26. although
Mr. Sorensen, appearing before the
grand Jury In his own behalf, denied
that he had been in any kind of an ac
cident on that evening. A bit of con
vincing evidence Is said to have been
a package of extract which wu found
edged between the headlight and mud
gard of his car. This package, it is
said, waa positively identified as one
whim had been purchased by Mrs.
Smith earlier In the day.
Winnie McGill. who Is said to have
mulcted several stores out of money,
was indicted for the larceny or a dia
mond ring from Dan Marx. She Is al
leged to have ordered her purchases
sent to her room at a local hotel ana
then skipped to another hotel.
Eeroy Noel Is held for a serious stat
utory crime in another open indictment
reported. A number of secret Indict
ments were returned.
The grand Jury, during the month.
returned 2t indictments, 21 not true
bills and referred four cases to the In
coming: grand Jury. Thirty-nine wit
nesses were summoned in the police
Mrs. Bruce Scott at Head of
Employment Division.
Kindness and Courtesy to Employ.
ers and Employes Is Motto
of Portland Bureau.
Position for Every Army Man, and
Employment of Others, Is
Aim of Organization.
Principal among the Important sub
jects to bo considered by the 16th an
nual convention of the Oregon State
Federation of Labor, which opens in
the Public Auditorium at 10 o'clock to
morrow morning, is me reconstruction
problem. Based on a report to be sub
mitted by a special committee, the con
vention will undertake, in co-operation
with all other citizens of the state, to
work out a plan that will insure places
for evrrv returning soldier, as well as
the continued employment of those now
employed industrially.
Throughout Oregon the State Federa
tion has a membership or approxi
mately 28.000 workers, who mill be rep
resented at the convention by between
120 and 150 delegates. Plans will be
formulated by the gathering for fur
ther organizing the laboring men and
increasing the membership in the state
organization. An especial effort will
be made to bring Into the Federation as
n organized body workmen employed
i the lumber Industry.
Numerous resolutions seeking the in
dorsement of the convention on various
measures of legislation awaiting con
sideration of the State Legislature will
he urged upon the convention. Among
hese will be one requesting the joint
committee on ways and means not to
rim the budget appropriation of $148.
50 asked for the state tuberculosis
hospital. That amount includes pro
vision for needed replacements and re
pairs and has already been approved
by the State Board of Control.
In the absence of Otto R. Hartwig,
president of the State Federation, who
is In Washington. D. C O. E. Hibbs,
vice-president, will preside at the ses
sions of the convention. The gathering
will not close its business and ad
ourn before late Wednesday or Thurs
Tabor organization. Otto Hartarfg.
J-avu-h ronrrai;tion. Dr. J. B. Wise.
teouncll of lfan.e. John K. Kollock.
'aV ultnomah Ouard. Cot. Campbell.
-. A. ft.. M. J. Mora.
f panian War Xeta-ratm. EMarard RurnmeU
1 ktant' Commiaaloner. Rufuia C. llolman.
v-ty Cammiwianri. C A. Blreloar.
aoairnian of rafl Board. No. 1, C. Elmore
Chairman of Draft Board. No. 2. T. D.
riiairnian of Draft Board. No. S. A. G. Isinr.
Chairman of Draft board. No. 4, Dr. R. Kel-l-y.
Oialrmag ef Draft Board. No. 5. J. E. Mar
tin. Chairman of Draft Board, No. . Dr. A. W.
Chairman of Draft Board. No. 7, William P.
Una-la ard.
Chairman or Draft Board. No. 8. William
Chairman of Draft Board. No. t, A. F.
Chairman of Draft Board, No. 10. Dr W. J.
Vultnomnh County Board. Sheriff Hurlburt.
I v sirou'.a. C. C. Colt.
Ministerial Association. Dr. E. H. Pence.
rratrnal orfanlxattonw. J. O. Wllaoa.
"T. S. Army. Coion-I Zlnn.
1". S. Naay. Li.u'eeant Gandy.
Catholic Churchea, Kt. Rev. Archbishop
Oirttian Science Churches and Soldiers'
i Wel'-an Committee, raul Seeley.
Seventh Iiay AdventlM. H. H. Kaynes.
I o lore a l-Vopt.-, Kev. 1. Koaran.
tlilne-e. Moy Back Hin.
.fpanM. i. N'akaia.
Kmshta of CoMimhti-. Prank f .onercan.
- V- ' '
P'lK-kage of Extraet Fonnd on Ma-
ehine Lead, to Indictment of
Losing Company Head.
Nels P. Sorensen. president of the
J rear Creek Logging Company, Is held
ircountable for the killing of Mrs.
Mina cSmith. a widow. In an automobile
ficeldent December -. last, when the
Multnomah County grand Jury yester
Jdar returned a true bill charging him
with Involuntary manslaughter.
I Evidence submitted to the grand
Jlurors is said to have indicated strong
er that it was the Sorenson machine
Jaahicb ran down and killed Mrs. Smith
Clearins-nou for Information'
Plan Worked Out by. Committee
Headed by Iter. Votingwii.
Portland ministers tomorrow will
hear from four representatives of four
business men s organizations the "why"
of their organizations. Short talks ex
plaining the purposes of the clubs and
their weekly meetings will he made
at the meeting of the General Minis
terial Association In the Y. W. C. A.
auditorium at 11 o'clock Monday morn
Charles Berg. het.d of the members'
forum, will represent the Chamber of
Commerce: C. B. waters, the Kotary
Club: Marshal lima, the Ad Club, and
Frank Hilton, the Progressive Business
Men's Club.
This plan, which la expected to work
as a "clearing house " tor lniormation
between ministers and business men. is
being worked out by a committee head
ed by Hev. W. W. oi.ngson.
Reasons for the existence of these
organizations, their aims, purposes and
plan of work will be told by the select
ed speakors.
Dr. Joshua Stansfield. of the First
Methodist Church, Is president of the
Women must try to take their places
with and not from men." declared airs.
Bruce Scott yesterday in outlining her
policy as head of the women a division
of the United States Employment Bu
reau, which opened last week in the
Lewis building, adjoining the Ainsworth
building, where the men's division and
state headquarters of the Federal Em
ployment Bureau are located. Until
December 1 the women's branch was
under supervision of the city, but since
that time it has been operated under
direction of the Government.
In the two days the women's division
has been open for business in the Lewis
building 16. women and girls were
placed by Mrs. Scott. The positions
filled include clerical work, positions In
hotels, restaurants and factories and
housework. Tomorrow Mrs. Scott plans
to begin a systematic survey of em
ployers of women and to ask for their
co-operation with the Federal Employ
ment Bureau. She will appear before
Portland women s clubs and will visit
all employers of women in the busi
ness and factory districts. She will
also work for the consolidation of
women employment bureaus in the city
Women Kager to Work.
"Portland women seem eager for
employment and also? are desirous that
the returned soldiers and sailors be
given their old positions," said Mrs.
Scott. "The Employment Service will
not try to place a woman in a posi
tion belonging to a returned soldier,
for there is work for all. The women
are willinsr to take smaller pay than
they have been receiving during' the
war. No woman has refused to accept
work because of the pay offered,
which in many instances has been
much less than the scale prevailing
during the past year.
Mrs. Scott is new to employment
work, but has had much experience in
business, bringing her before the pub
lic For a number of years she was
on the stage and was so successful
that she organized her own company
and took it on a pur of the United
States, Alaska. Honolulu nd ths Phil
ippines. In one instance she took an
Orpheum company to Honolulu. Mrs.
Scott also has been both buyer and
seller and in these capacity has trav
eled in Europe and the Orient, as well
as the United States. She is inter
ested in women's clubs, and as an
organizer of a fraternal lodge traveled
In every state of the Union, and
formed the acquaintance of Many club
women. Women can be business ex
perts as weir as men, she believes.
Many Positions Are deeded,
AH women are not fitted to marry,"
declared Mrs. Scott. Many women
ho will not make good mothers or
housewives will make exceedingly good
business women und be happy at their
work. Two-thirds of th women who
come to this bureau asking for work
are married and have little children,
In most cases they have been affected
by the universal spirit of unrest re
sulting from the war.
This unrest. Mrs. Soott eays, in
the majority of cases, ends in domestic
disharmony, and rather than live in a
home where conditions are not rig'ht
they are willin-g to sacrifice and work.
"All types of women came to the
bureau and all types of work are
needed for them. We are not responsi
ble for the girls we place, but if any
of them wear too much rougf, are too
loud in bearing and talk, we investi
gate before recommendinir them to em
ployers. No matter what the type of
girl is. work must be found. Our
nutto for the woman s branch while
I am ks head will be kindness and
courtesy to every employer and every
employe, regardless of whether the
women wear diamonds or are ragged."
Shipyard Worker Injured.
W. Doherty. River View Hotel, St.
Johns, sustained a compound fracture
of the upper Jaw and a lacerated cheek
when he was struck with a steam ham
mer while at work at the Grant Smith
Porter shipyards yesterday morning.
Doherty was taken to the Portland
Sanitarium, where an attempt is being
made to reset his Jaw. Ho is 30 years
of age. -
Grocery Bargains
Sliced Pineapple, Hotchkiss Brand 23c
Otter Brand Dried Peaches, lb., 18c
Crystal VTiite Soap, 4 bars for 22c
. Free City and Milwaukie Delivery Private Exchange, Main 1786, Connects All Departments Orders Promptly filled at the Day's Special Prices.
Cigars YouSmoke
Corina Queens, 25 in a box $2.85
New Bachelor, 50 in a box $2.85
Schiller's Smokers, 50 in box $2.83
Jairraarv Clearance Sal
Needed Seasonable Merchandise at Prices That Are Absolutely the Lowest
The Winter's Greatest
Sale of Blankets
and Comforters
There's to be wonderfully brisk and heavy selling in this department this week.
Prices are cut to lowest point. Come and buy for a year to come at these prices:
Blankets Reduced
Sheet Blankets; the pair .$1.98
Sheet Blankets; larger, J?Q AQ
heavier: the Dair
Heavy Blankets in size
72x84; the pair
Large Blankets; extra
quality; the pair
Beautiful Woolnap Blank- JC AQ
els: the nair JJ.
Extra Blocked Woolmix
Blankets; the pair.
Khaki Flannel Middies
Only $2.98
A wonderful bargain! ' Smart, mili
tary styles; extra well made; all sizes.
A good protection from the cold.
Don't fail to get one!
Child's Drawers 39c
Regular to $1.50 garments in broken
lines and sizes; both wool and cotton.
Money saved if you find size you wish.
Full -Size Comforters; 10 C(
. good quality filling VOv
Regular $4 Heavy-Weight dJO QC
Comforters ; quilted J) S- 1 O
Heavy Comforters; filled tj IQ
with fine cotton JtJ
Fine Comforters filled with highest
quality Sea Island cot- CfA QC
ton, priced at... .'. VeJO
For the Family
Simon's leads in low prices
on Shoes. If you buy here,
you cannot help but save.
See these:
Women's Kid Felt -Lined
Shoes; $3.50 d1 QO
values for only V a20
Assorted Slippers; a big lot
of styles; values '7Q
to $1.50 for iVC
Men's "Safety First" All
Leather Button Dress Shoes,
regular $6.00 Io nn
values, priced . . 33.0
Men's Heavy, Work Shoes in
black or tan; JQ A Q
good values... mZJ
Boys Heavy School Shoes;
built to wear; dJQ IQ
the pair ! '.'
Children's Rubbers A f .
in sizes 3 to 8 for
Carpenters and Builders
No. 120 Disston's ffA
Hand Saws; 26-inch PT.OU
No. 12 Disston's Hand
Saws; 26-inch.
No. DS Disston's Hand
Saws, 26-inch . ,
No. 2 Combination
Pliers; 10-inch. .
No. 112 Miller Falls
Breast Drills.
Drop Forge Auto Wrenches; 5 in
a canvas roll, spe- 1 AA
dally priced 41.UU
Stanley Plumb and J 1 or
Level; 28-inch. . ... . V 1 .OO
Lower Priced
Roof Paint; priced
special, the gallon
Women's Heavy Fleece
$1.98 Values for $1.49
For Clean Kitchens
No. 04 Enameled Kettles and A(f
Cover, priced i
No. 120 Enameled Streight OP
Sauce Pans OiJC
No. 140 Enameled Streight IC-
Sauce Pans " & C
No. 12 Enameled Tea Pots; Cf)p
6-cup, priced "vv
HcaVy Interior Var- J? tZf
nish; 5 gals. for... J0.U
Kalsomine; any color; spe- Q
rial, lh OC
Special Trices to Painters.
Boys' Overcoats
in a Great Sale
Good, heavy garments in fabrics espe
cially suitable for Winter wearing. We
show them in ages from 12 to 18 years.
Regular $7.50 to $11 Overcoats
Only $4.85
Winter Wear
For Men
$3 Woolmix Union Suits only . .$2.2:1
$5 to $8 Heavy Mackinaw dQ 1 Q
and Work Pants I)3.1i
85c Heavy Wool Socks only 6."
$10 to $14.73 Wool Macki- I O Qrt
naws;Soo Woolen Mills PO.I70
" j Ife Collars; up-to-date styles. .. . 150
Portland Jobbers Appoint Commit
tee to Take Charge or Visit
ors' Entertaimcnt.
The Orppon Retail Hardware & Im
plement Dealers' Association will hoi
the 13th annual convention at the Im
nerial Hotel, January 21-23. Officers
of the association are, W. A. Hudelson,
president; N. A. Bonn, vice-president,
and K. K. Lucas, secretary. I'ortland
jobbers are taking a lively interest in
the convention and at a meeting held
at the Chamber of Commerce Kriday
they voted to banquet and entertain
th visiting dealers. The following' com
mittee of jobbers was appointed to ar
ranee for the entertainment: AV. K,
Slater, of Honeyman Hardware Com
pany, chairman; I'. J. Freeman, of J. A
Freeman & -Son; E. C. Ward, of Mar
shall - Wells Company; S. Luders, o
.Simonds Manufacturing Company; F. It.
Brisley, of Acme White Tead Company
J. 14 Fuller, of M. I Kline Company
and Lester Hodson, of .Hodson-Fee
naugrhty Company.
Iealers from all parts of Oregon
Clarence Dayton Finally Confesses
Taking Automobile.
Clarence Dayton, 19. entered a plei
of cull ty 'before Judce Stapleton, for
appropriation of a strange automobile,
ad was sentenced to three months in
the County Jail and paroled.
Dayton two weeks ago pleaded not
cuilty. A few days later he changed
his mind and pleaded guilty. Severil
additional days of County Jail life
caused the youth to suffer another
change of heart and he again changed
his plea to not guilty. The case was
then set for trial, but yesterday the lad I
surprised court officials by changing
his plea for the fourth time.
Assistants at Vnivcrsity of Oregon
Receive Discharges.
Jan. 4. (Special.) Lieutenants R. S.
Zimmerman, of Thornton. Idaho; V. F.
G. Thacher, Eugene: R. H. Partridge.
Los Angeles, and C. G. Willis. Palo
Alto, Cal.. yesterday received their dis
charges from the Army. Lieutenants
B. Barney, Colorado springs: Frank
-pratlin. Boulder. Colo., and Edmund
Kegester. Buffalo. N. Y.. received their
discharges a few days ago. These men
have been assisting Colonel Bowen.
commanding officer in charge of the
Students' Army Training Corps unit at
the university.
Knights Chaplain on Way Home.
Rer. E. V. O'Hara. who has been
overseas as a Knighta of Columbus
chaplain. Is now on his way to Port
land. Father O'Hara. who was one of
the original members of the Oregon
Welfare Commission, has been along
most or the western front. A commit
tee to arrange for his homecoming has
been appointed, consisting of the fol
lowing: R. J. O'Neii. John N. Casey,
Jneph Jacobberger. J. Frank Sinnott,
William E. Prudhomme. J. C. English,
P. J. llanley and John w. Kelly.
Mother! If your Child's
Tongue is Coated.
If Cross, Feverish, Constipated, Bilious,
and the Stomach out of Order, give
"California Syrup of Fitfs."
Washington and Idaho, are expected to
attend, as some vital subjects will be
discussed which will be of interest to
every hardware and implement dealer,
whether a member of the association
or not. The Tortland Jobbers will hold
open house during the convention week
and this will be one time of the year
when the country dealer will have an
opportunity of becoming acquainted
wit! the jobber.
Head of Women's Bureau in Seattle
Visits Portland.
Miss Birdie Campbell, of Seattle, ar
rived in Portland yesterday to confer
with Mrs. Bruce Scott, head of the
Portland women's division of the Ignit
ed States Employment Bureau, and
with Wilfred S. Smith, state director of
the employment bureau.
Miss Campbell ia head of the wom
an's division of the United States Em
ployment Bureau of Seattle. She was
formerly privi.te secretary to Governor
McBride, of Washington. She will re
main in Portland until tomorrow, and
while in the city is making the Benson
Hotel her heRdnnn rterf.
Is There No Hope Beyond?
Of the Council of the Twelve, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ; Salt Lake City, Utah.
Note: For free copies of other articles of this series, send request to the author.
We wish to thank the manv friends
relatives and members of the fire de
partment end Maccabee lodge for their
deep sympathy and beautiful floral of
ferings rendered at the loss of our be
loved son and nusoana. Arcnie A. Mc
kenzie. HRS.A. l.r.ROCEAXD
Adv. ill-.d. RUTH bUKESZlE.
A laxative today eaves a bilious chilu
tomorrow. Children simply will not take
the time from play to empty their bow
els, which become clogged up with
waste; then the liver grows sluggish,
and the stomach is disordered.
Look at the tongue, mother! If coat
ed, or your child is listless, cross, fever-
sh. with tainted breath, restless.
doesn't eat heartily, or has a cold, sore
throat, or any other children's ailment,
give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup
of Figs," then don't worry, because it
Is a perfectly harmless dose, and In a
taw hours all this constipation-poison,
sour bile and fermenting waste-matter
will gently move out of the bowels, and
you will have a healthy, playful child
again. A thorough "inside cleansing"
is ofttimes all that is necessary. It
should be the first treatment given In
any sickness.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a bottle of genuine
"California Syrup of Figs and Elixir
of Senna," made by the California Fig
Syrup Co., which has full directions for
babies, children of all ages and for
grown-ups plainly printed on the bot
tle. Adv.
4 j
It is not good that man should be alone.
This is the word of God. It is inscribed on the first
page of human history. The affirmation was given spe
cial application to the marital state, whereby the per
petuity of the race would be insured in the distinctive
family order. To this end "Therefore shall a man leave
his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife:
and they shall be one flesh." (Gen. 2:24)
At the very beginning of man's existence as an em
bodied spirit, the Divine fiat against promiscuity in the
association of the sexes was promulgated. "Anthropol
ogists aver that even in the most primitive communities
kinship was recognized as an established feature, and
laws relating to the sexual relationship obtained.
The family unit is therefore the universal order
amongst mankind, and is of Divine establishment. Both
the Mosaic code and the law of the Gospel, in which it
was fulfilled and superseded, recognized the sanctity of
family ties and prescribed regulations for the mainte
nance thereof.
The family institution comprises more than the
wedded union of husband and wife with its mutual obli
gations and responsibilities. The status of parenthood
is the flower of family existence, while marriage was but
the bud. Under the revealed law parents are as truly
answerable to God for the adequate discharge of duty to
their children as for the faithful observance of the mar
riage covenant respecting themselves.
Within the family established and maintained accord
ing to the Divine word, man and woman find their holiest
and most ennobling happiness. Individual development
the education of the soul for which earth-life has been
provided is incomplete without the impelling and re
straining experiences incident to the responsibilities of
the wedded and parental state.
Is the family relationship to end with death?
Are husbands and wives to be separated, and the mu
tual claims of parents and children to be nullified by the
grave :
If so. then surely the sting of death and the victory of
the grave are enduring verities; for the dead -would be
lost to us and we to them. Such a conception affords
ample explanation of the prevalence of black at funerals.
The sombre pall and sable trappings are all in place if
bereavement on earth means everlasting separation.
The dread assumption let us not say belief, for who
does not hope that a brighter destiny awaits us? has
been fostered by custom and ignorance, and even taught
as doctrine by substituting the precepts of men for the
word of God. It is embodied in the marriage ceremony,
wherein the officiating minister, addressing the princi
pals at the moment of their supreme concern, says: I
join you in the bonds of matrimony until death does you
How like the thud of clods upon the casket in an open
grave! Must we tolerate the shadow of death as an in
truding guest at every wedding?
Verily so, if marriage be nothing more than an earthly
contract, regulated by law solely as a human institution;
for no legislature, congress, or parliament of men, no
synod, church council, or ecclesiastical hierarchy of hu
man origination, can legislate or administer ordinances
of other than earthly validity. To claim jurisdiction in
post-mortal affairs on the basis of human assumption is
both sacrilege and blasphemy, .
The current marriage ceremony, uniting the parties
until death does them part, is framed in consistency and
propriety. As an institution of men it is honorable and
legally binding. And so are all the obligations and en
dowments resulting therefrom, including the exalting .
status of parenthood. But all such relationships are to
end with death if validated only by man's authority. Can
we consistently affirm that if the grave terminates the
claim of parents upon each other it shall not likewise end
the claim of parents upon children, and of children upon
parents ?
But behold, there is hope! God has provided a way by
which the family unit may survive the grave and endure
throughout eternity. It is the Divine intent that mar
riage be an eternal union, and that the relationship be
tween parents and offspring shall be made valid in tho
hereafter as here.
We affirm that the Holy Priesthood has been restored
to earth by direct dispensation from the heavens, and
this in accordance with prophecy and Scripture, and that
the authority of this Priesthood, when administered as
God has directed, is effective boti on earth and in heaven.
(Compare Matt. 16:19; 18:18).
We affirm that even as baptism, when administered
as our Lord prescribed, by those invested with the Holy
Priesthood, shall be a means to salvation beyond tba
grave, so other ordinances, including the sealing of wives
to husbands and children to parents, may be authorita
tively solemnized so as to be valid after death. To this
effect hath the Lord spoken respecting the everlasting
covenant, which embraces marriage for both time and
"Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world,
and he marry her not by me, nor by my word; and he
covenant with her so long as he is in the world, and zfoe
with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force
when they are dead, and when they an out of the world.
Therefore, they are not bound by any law when they arc
out of the world. Therefore, when they are out of the
world they neither marry nor are given in marriage.
, . . And again, verily I say unto you, if a man
marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by ths
new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto
them by the Holy Spirit of promise. ... it shell
be done unto them in all things whatsoever my serv.vit
hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity,
and shall be of full force when they are out of the world;
and they shall pass by the angels, and the Gods, widcH
are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things,
as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall
be a fullness and continuation of the seeds for ever and
ever." (Doctrine and Covenants 132).
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