The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 05, 1919, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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right that animated the American
Army in France," the War Secretary
declared. "The Hindenburc; lines
crumpled like houses of cards In the
face of that spirit." he said, and after
he taking- of the St. Mihiel salient
September, "an American General with
J.U00.000 Ameriran soldiers at his back
drove through the Arg-onne forest, took
Sedan and so shattered the whole Ger
man system of military operations that
surrender more complete than uncondi
- OPretarv Ratnr QaVC Anvtional was accepted by Germany at the
: oecreiary DdKer, oayi any point of the ,word wnen the armistice
Other Is Inconceivable.
I z League of Nations Characterized as
" Passionate Demand of the
f Men In the Streets.
BUFFALO. X. T.. Jan. i. Speaklns
; fcere tonight before the Buffalo Cham
- ber of Commerce, Secretary of War
3 Baker declared it inconceivable that
the peace conference would make the
Z. world war an insupportable tragedy by
z. failing to provide for a league of na-
lions or some other arrangement to
- prevent such disasters in the future.
i "We hero in America who have
- worked and paid." he said, "the fathers
; and mothers who have (riven their
tons, surely have a right to some high
t assurances of future peace as a con-
- lolatlon for their sacrifices. Or.e can
not close his eyes and think of the
Z peace conference at Versailles with
" out feeling; that there hover over it
: the spirits of millions of dead men
- demanding that their sacrifices be not
in vain. that the statesmen of the
world now secure to mankind the
blessings which they died to obtain.
; Mr. Baker said he had no intention
; of speaking for the President, whose
- statements had been explicit and in
; whose hands the case of America now
" was placed.
Tribute Paid President,
"He stands with head erect, said the
Secretary, "in the ancient places of the
old world, where other kinds of treaties
used to be made, and represents a great
and free people. He is the advocate
- not of a form but of a principle.
"It may be that there are voices in
- this country which quiver with hesita
r Hon and here ai d there timorous un
r certainty, but back of him in that coun-
cil chamber are the voices of the de
: mocraciea of the world, of the men
who tabor and the women who sac-
" riflce. He is by force of events the
- spokesman of the democracy of the
- world, and the compositions of this
: war will be a new Magna Charta. a new
: bill of rights to liberate the children
r of the future from the burdens of the
'- past.1
' As to the proposal for a league of
- nations. Mr. Baker said it was not
- such a scheme as the holy alliance
- augaested by some of its critics.
"It is not proposed out of cabinets of
absolute ministers. he said. but Is
: rather the passionate demand of the
man In the street, the simple and the
f unsophisticated who know little of the
" intrigues and wtlrs of statecraft; but
who know a very great deal about the
: suffering and sacrifice which war en-
Intricate Qaeetloaa Fared.
; "For my own part. I refuse to be
: timid about America's capacity to do
new things which are needed in a new
f world. 1 decline to distrust our pur
pose or to shrink from moving forward
- because the road seems wider and
t hisher than roads we have traveled
hitherto. I do not know what form
. those arrangements can take. I am not
"wedded to any particular method of pre
, serving the peace of the world. I do
of November 11 was signed."
Criticisms Tanehed I pan.
Mr. Baker made only one reference
touching subjects of criticisms of the
War Department recently voiced in the
Senate. "Although there is much talk
of the United States having to rely
upon Great Britain and France to sup
ply its armies with heavy artillery,"
he said, "nevertheless, American Indus
try did. in fact, supply to Great Brit
ain and France practically an equiva
lent to that made available to us from
them. American industry was able to
meet the demands made upon it. and
on the day the armistice was signed
our Army abroad was thoroughly
equipped with American-made rifles
and machine guns, some heavy artil
lery had been shipped and the stream
of supplies of all types of artillery, am
munition and equipment was beginning
at such a rate as would have supplied
our own vast forces entirely from our
Practices of Certain Prison
Officials Are Scored.
Investigators Say Statements In the
Press bj Some Officers Dirfer
From Swrn Assertions
SALEM. Or.. Jan. i. (Special.) Rec
ommending that the laws be enlarged
to cover alleged reprehensible practices
of officials at the State Penitentiary
and reaffirming the allegations 4n its
tember 29. A musical and literary pro- ( O
gramme will be furnished and will be
assisted by a choir of 25 voices. Re
freshments will be free.
Joint Services Are Held Friday in
Masonic Temple.
Joint installation of Eastern Star
officers was held last Friday night in
the Masonic Temple by the Myrtle
Chapter No. 15, Camelia Chapter No. 27,
Corinthian Chapter No. 54 and Rose
City Chapter No. 86.
Installing officers were: Mrs. Mabel
Settlemier. worthy grand matron; Mrs.
Alice C. Cowell. grand marshal; Mrs.
Miriam Burnett, grand chaplain; Miss
Wilma Rinehart, acting grand organist.
and Mrs. Jennie G. Rinehart, grand
lecturer. A programme was given by
Miss Helen Harner. Miss Gertrude
Donnery, Paul Petri and an orchestra
composed of Mrs. K. L. Knight, Miss
May Ross and Mr. Rolls.
Seaside Department Trying to Aid,
Finds Hose Won't Fit Hydrants.
ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 4. (Special.)
Fire, suspected of incei.diary origin.
rmaiWofa (& Go.
Merchandise of cf Merit Only"
U V wl (J W& I
fir -
79 J
own sources
within a very few
Management Announces Eight-Hour
Day, Continuation of Bonus and
Extra for Iong Service.
not believe that so great an object can
k be accomplished by merely adhering to
Sa particular form of words or phrases. "
The peace conference, Mr. Baker said,
undoubtedly faced intricate and diffi-
cult geographical and racial questions.
It would be conceivably possible, he
i added, "to make treaties ending this
I war in the old way, quieting Its pres
' em discords and dealing with each na
;' tional claim as though it were Indi
. vidual and of no community interest.1
Uut we had a world organized in
the old way in 1314." he continued
; "In the lat months of that year the
' heady currents of international mis
understanding swirlrd together, and
i know of no more pathetic picture than
that of the he!plesness of the great
j and enlightened governments of the
world aa their statesmen watched the
stream and realized that no provision
.' had been made to tftem it.
EHuaater C'mI1 Nt lie Averted.
"Sir Edward Grey in London ex
hausted the arts of traditional diplo-
macy to gain moment for reflection
J everybody saw the horrible magnitude
i of the impending du-a.tcr. but there
I was no organized opinion of the world,
there was no agency through which
. the sane restraints of humanity and
Justice could operate.
"it is Inconceivable that the peoples
of the world willed such a war. It is
i equally inconceivable that the peoples
, of the world would be willing now to
J face the possibility of another such
trial without protecting in advance
! modes of concerted action which will
" restrain the madness of the moment
and be assured of just consideration
. dispelling forever the illusion that
i either national greatness or national
; safety e..en tiall j depends upon the
i ability of a people to destroy life,
wealth and property without stopping
: first to test out the possibilities of ac-
com mod at ion and roncord.
"We have had centuries of leagues
1 among nations for the purpose of mak-
ing war. offensive and defensive. Is It
J too much to believe that in this en-
lightened age a league to prevent war
' lias become impossible?"
' The war had given America a new
vision of ber own strength and power,
t Mr. Baker said.
UsctT Haa BWa Tested.
j We have made a voyage of discov
ery and found unsuspected capacities in
J ourselves," he continued. "Democracy
', has been tested and proved as effective
as It is wholesome. Politically, de-
" mocrtrr has vanquished other systems,
and with this political liberty there has
come to tis In increasing measures a
vision of the possibilities of commer
cial and economic Justice."
"It wa the spirit of freedom and
OREGON CITY. Or.. Dec. 4. (Spe
cial.) Last Saturday night one of the
largest banquets ever held in Oregon
City was given the employes of the
woolen mill by the management.
Everyone made the most of the Christ
mas celebration and thoroughly enjoyed
Four tables, each 6fi feet long, were
gaily decorated for the occasion and
nearly 400 plates were laid. Santa
Claun appeared and distributed presents
to the guests and Bequeth's orchestra
rendered music throughout the even
ing. Vaudeville players from the Pan-
tages circuit added much to the enter
At the close of the banquet A. R.
Jacobs gave an address, in which he
sprung several agreeable surprises. He
announced that the mills would go on
an eight-hour basis and on vote of the
employes it was decided to work more
than eight hours during the first of the
week and take Saturday afternoon off.
It was announced, that the manage
ment had made preparations for the
employes to become a self-governing
body and arst in shaping the policy
of the company toward the employes.
This will be done through committees.
Another announcement made was
that the bonus system will be con
tinued and in addition to the present
policy I's per cent extra will be allowed
for six months continuous service and
& per cent for one year, 7 hi per cent for
two year.. 10 per cent for three years
and 15 per cent for Ave years.
rousing demonstration was given
Mr. Jacobs and as the guests filed out
Santa was again on the Job and dis-
ftrlbuted prexents.
A ett-KaOTa Aetrraa Telia Haw t
Darfcea Gray Hair With a Slaapl
Haaaa Mad Mlxtare.
George Creel Reiterates Statement
That There Is No Censorship on
IT. S. Correspondents In Europe.
Jolccy Williams, the well known
American actreaa. who was recently
playing at the Imperial Theater Id SL
Louis. Mo, made the following state
ment about gray hair and how to dark
en It:
"Anyone can prepare a simple mix
ture at home, at very little cost, that
will darken gray streaked or faded
hair, and make It soft and glossy. To
a half pint of water add 1 ounce of bay
rum. a small box of Barbo Compound,
and ounce of glycerine. These In
gredients can be bought at any drug
atore at very little cost, or any drug
gist can put it up for you. Apply to
the hair twice a week until the desired
hade Is obtained. This will make a
gray-haired person look SO years
younger. This Is not a dye. It doe not
color the most delicate scalp. Is not
sticky or greasy and docs not rub off.
PARIS. Jan. 1. (Delayed.) George
Creel, chairman of the committee of
public information, commenting today
before his departure for Rome on re
ports in Congress and the American
Pressof Governmental control over the
cable transmission of press dispatches,
"The only rationing done Is by the
cable companies themselves. They are
unable to handle all the business which
coming their way."
In amplifying his statement, cabled
previously, that he wished to have
nothing to do with the representatives
of the press after reaching Europe. Mr.
Creel recalled the fact that before de
parting from Washington he said he
would have no connection with the
work of American newspaper corre
spondents In Europe.
"This still stands." he continued. "My
sole contact has been personal and co
Mr. Creel said he was engaged In
closing the offices In Europe of the
committee on public Information and
winding up its affairs.
first report, the Marion CoujCty grand
Jury, which has been investigating the
prison, filed the following supplement
ary report with Judge Kelly here to
day: ' "Tour grand jury would respectfully
report that since filing our previous
report, several matters therein have
been called to our attention by inter
ested parties through statements in the
public press and otherwise.
Findings Deemed Warranted.
"All of these matters again have
been given careful consideration. The
evidence previously submitted by vari
ous state officers, public employers, ex
pert accountants and a number of pri
vate citizens as well as some prisoners
has been carefully considered and fully
warrants the findings herein.
'Several of those concerned have
made statements credited to them by
the press at variance with their sworn
testimony before us, and we are con
strained to confirm our report on their
sworn testimony before us rather than
on their unsworn newspaper state
ments. "Steps are already being taken by the
parties concerned to remedy some of
the matters called to their attention
by the report, particularly as the same
pertains to the money belonging to the
prisoners' loan fund and to the estab
lishment of a more comprehensive sys
tem of cost accounting as well as some
other matters.
Parofe Law Change I rged.
"Your grand jury recommends legis
lation prohibiting all officers and em
ployes from receiving or agreeing to
receive money, gratuities, ct cetera,
from prisoners, including those on pa
role, or from anyone else on their be
half, and prohibiting anyone connected
with the penitentiary other than the
warden or deputy warden from solicit
ing pardons or paroles from the gov
ernor or the parole board, for the rea
son that existing laws do not' provide
for the punishment of the reprehensi
ble conduct of some of those connected
with the penitentiary that has come to
the attention of this grand Jury."
All Negro Organizations Will Meet
at First African M. E. Church.
A public reception will be given to
morrow night at 8 o'clock at the First
African Methodist Episcopal Zion
Church by the pastor, officers and
members in the church parlors, 417
Williams avenue.
All negro churches, fraternal organi
zations, clubs and business places will
be-rcprescnted at the reception and the
public is urged to attend and meet the
new pastor. Rev. A. C. Yearwood, of
British Guiana. South America, who
succeeded Rev. W. I. Rowan on Sep-
destroyed one business building at
Gearhart about 11 o'clock last night.
The structure, located almost opposite
the site of the old Gearhart Hotel, be
longed to Mrs. John Peterson, of this
city, and was formerly occupied by Fred
Elliott as a store and postoffice, but
had been vacant for several months.
The residents of the district, by hard
work, succeeded In saving the school
house. 200 feet away. The Seaside fire
department also responded, but as its
hose would not fit the Gearhart hy
drants, it was unable to get water. The
loss is estimated at about $3500 and is
said to be fully covered by insurance.
Records for Eleven Months of 1918
Total $2,820,326,193.
WASHINGTON", Jan. A. Exports
from the United States during Novem
ber were valued at $522,272,604, the
department of commerce reported to
day, as against $t87. "27.69-1 for the
same month in 1917. Total exports for
the 11 months ended with November,
1918, were valued at $3. 584,979,478
against $5,633,377,591 for the same
period in 191 1.
Imports in November were $2ol,00S,-
037. against $220,334,550 for November
1917. For the 11 months of 131S end
ing with November they were $2,820,-
326,193 compared with $2,724,536,458 for
the same period in 1917.
A Welcome Addition to the
"Strongest Buying and Selling Or
ganization on the Pacific Coast"
Isaac Upiri
Mr. Upright Needs No Introduction to
Portland, Among Whose People He Has
Lived Continuously for the Past 15 Years
French Troops Greeted Enthusiasm
tically in Capital.
PARIS, Jan. 4. French troops en
tered Cettinjc, the capital of Monten
egro, December 22. it is announced.
They were greeted enthusiastically and
found that good order prevailed in the
Five members of the National as
sembly have been charged with the
management of the country's affairs
until the union of Montenegro and
Serbia under the Karageorgevitch
dynasty has been completed.
Farm Near Albany Sold 1o Easterner
ALBANY, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.)
A farm of 306 acres, three miles south
of Albany, was sold yesterday by the
First National Bank of Albany to Peter
Zehr. who came to Albany recently
from Nebraska. This farm was owned
for many years by Thomas Froman
and is known as the "Tom Froman
farm." ' The bank secured it a few
months ago in the trade of a Benton
farm with Thomas Spillman, who has
conducted it for the past few years
until recently. The farm adjoins Fro-
Mr. Upright's Connection With Lipman, Wolfe
6c Co. Starts Today. Both He and Lipman,
Wolfe & Co. Hope to Serve You Soon To
Serve You Better Than They Ever Have Before.
man station on the Albany-Lebanon
branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad.
White Star Negotiations Stop.
LONDON, Friday, Jan. 3. The Press
Association says it learns that a sud
den stop which is likely to lead to the
collapse of the negotiations, has oc
curred in the negotiations for th'e
American purchase of the White Star
Line, whose vessels form a part of
the International Mercan-ilc Marine
and fly the British flags.
year contributed $19,33 for Red Cross
work. The largest expense item reached
$7691 for sewing-room materials and
yarn for knitters. The organization
manufactured 38.681 surgical dressings
and 2376 hospital garments. The can
teen committee workers greeted 77.5UH
soldiers with fruits and cigarettes.
Total county Red Cross contributions
since the w;r becjtn were over $25,000.
Socialists to Hear Talk.
"Reform or Revolution" will be the
subject for the Socialist Labor party
lecture at Alisky Hall, Third and Mor
rison streets, tonight at 8 o'clock.
Hood Kiver lied Cross Active.
HOOD RIVER, Jan. 4. (Special.)
Secretary Ravlin reports that Hood
River County people during the past
Dam Protects Ranger Station.
A dam has been constructed in the
Zigzag River in the Oregon National
forest to protect the ranger station,
the soil about which Is being washed
away. The forest service also has an
nounced the completion of the Rogue
River trail between Reiser and Mule
Creeks, in the Siskiyou National forest.
For the latter work $5000 of the 10
per cent money and $2000 of the county
money, received from sales of Federal
forerts. is available. The trail is about
JO miles long and ia large enough for
pack horses.
' of Dublin, Ireland
Will Lecture at the
Tenth and Taylor Streets
Admission 50 Cents
vK . ; M ill
.' V" 4 " fill
vyjt S
: ' V? ' ' I
x" 1 1 III
xj! i y I III
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If on account of the initial
cost you shy at having your
j-ou are paying 25 yearly
too much for your shirts,
besides being conscious of
the bad fit and poor, appear
-We Make All Kinds
Madras, Oxfords
and Silks
Shirt Co.
Over 30 years in Portland.
Established 1888
Raleigh BIdg., 327 Wash. St.
Cor. Sixth
Only Three Dollars
That's all the difference in price
between Punktal and ordinary Toric lenses,
but, ah, the eyes know the difference!
With the Punktal clear, unblurred, images
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vision, blurred images.
But let us remind you that without the
Ophthalmic Test Case, even Punktal lenses
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With the Case illustrated, the only one in
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I put at the service of patients the ex
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Second Floor,