TTTE ST7NDAT OltECOA 13 See AM Jj i 8 0 i s 5 '-8 4 1667 Trie- Quality Store- of- Portland MO, Sixth,, "Morrison, AUer Sta. 1- Cake Creme Oil Soap FREE with every three cakes of this soap at 25c Creme Oil soap is, as you doubtless know, a pure vegetable oil soap that is very frag rant and cleansing. Take advantage of this special offer tomorrow four cakes for the price of three. Meier & Frank's: Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. Leather Bags 3 Off A good assortment of women's leather bags in this Reconstruction and Readjustment Sale at one-thiro off. Envelope-shaped purses, top and back strap styles in large and small effects. Also morocco and seal bags in black and colors. Regularly Priced From,$5 to $28.50 Wonderful values in this sale at exactly one-third off. Meier tc. Frank's: Leather Goods Shop, Main Floor. $I-$2.49xBrooches, Bar Pins for 49c As you can- see the reductions in 'this Reconstruction and Readjustment Sale of cameo brooches and bar pins are in every instance MORE THAN HALF. Good looking pins with hand-carved gold-filled and enameled mountings. Meier & Frank's: Jewelry Shop, Main Floor. and Bc of this section for fu struction and Readj 4 Pagl Tomorrow Beg ins the Second Week of the Most Imj Negligees, Kimonos, Batlirobes, Petticoats and Sweaters A Fine Assortment at Greatly Reduced Prices iSo? 8r P'mpmftwi ViMfei fcwMw i "2f- 'Tr - -v"H4 - -: ' -.-.-..- -.v- ' : - . v-.1, V' v .'--a-- r ...;,t'r;iVi:.i:;-.v 1 Dresses, Suits, Coats, Waists, Furs Finest Qualities Best Styles Greatest Assortments iri the City Sharply Reduced for Our Reconstruction and Readjustment Sales It is superfluous to state that every woman and miss can find in our immense' stocks exactly the dress. suit, coat, waist or fur she has in mind but it is of utmost importance to know that "savings of the most substantial kind await every purchaser of any of these in tyir. Reconstruction and Readjustment Sales. bome oi tne special lots lor tomorrow: Dresses A marvelously fine assortment of one- piece dresses developed in high-quality chiffon velvet and velveteen. Coat ef fects, surplice styles, draped models. Some have the new narrow skirts. A variety of trimmings. Taupe, brown. navy, black, plum and gray. $98.50 Dresses $49.25 $65.00 Dresses $39.50 $35.00 Dresses $22.50 Suits Every popular --style, including the very newest models. Suits for street, dress and sport wear. Every favored material. Many richly fur trimmed. All sizes, including small sizes and stylish J stout models up to bo bust. Three great groups: $98.50 Suits $57.50 $48.50 Suits $34.85 $45.00 Suits $27.45 Coats We call your particular attention to these two fine lots of underpriced coats : Extra Value $26.85 Were $35.00 to $45.00. Mostly one-of-a-kind models. Of velours in plain or piusn-tnmmed styles. Special at $28.00 Regularly $35.00. Full-length. plush coats in belted models with large collars. Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor. Furs Reduced Siberian Wolf furs, animal scarf effects in taupe and black, are re- tfi p aa duced from $20.00 to OIO.UU Wolf scarfs in taupe, tfnn rrN Poire t, black, were $35, atD7 Q Red Fox, Marmot and Coney neckpieces in gray and black, regu- d t 1 at larly $15 to $19.50, now. . . D 1 1 1,0 Meier Frank's: Fur Shop. Fourth Floor. $15.00 to $18.00 Waists $12.50 A limited number of high-grade waists in Georgette crepe and combinations of crepe and lace, alscPanne velvet and crepe. Exclusive French Models included mostly one of d style and size. Many dark shades of blue, brown and black, some models in flesh and white. , Meier A Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. This $7.00 Camera $4.95 Eastman No. 2 Cartridge Premo Camera with excel lent lens. Small and com pact; easily fits coat pock et. Pictures 2J4x3i4. Uses roll films ; six-exposure roll costs 20c Only 15 in this sale at $4.95. Meier & Frank's: Kodak Shop, Main Floor. One week of our Reconstruction and Readiu; & FRANK store-wide event has appealed to the p sale its timeliness its vastness its wonderfu the success of what we confidently proclaimed day. The second week of our Reconstruction a less wonderful than the first. "Keep the wheels of industry turning" that busy. Help avert industrial depression and un war to a peace basis and so zealously to be gu: Boys at heart. The MEIER & FRANK Store, now entering these Reconstruction and Readjustment bales as paper and the other Sunday paper we have take the savings these sales brine to the people of Port pay every reader of this paper to come to The Q j u YARN SALE 2 Big Specials Columbia Shetland Wool Columbia Teasel Yarn 4 Skeins 98c Regularly 35c skein. All colors. Bag Rings Price Bag rings and handles in every conceivable style. Regularly 35c to $6.00; tomorrqw 18 to $3. Stamped Pieces 19c Assorted lot, including centers, pillow tops, baby pillow tops, aprons, towels, novelties. To 65c values. Professor Shaw will be with us a few days longer. All women inter ested in-Teedlework should avail themselves of this opportunity to take up the beautiful cut lace work so interestingly taught by Professor Shaw. This work is easy to do and most attractive when finished. Meier & Frank's: Art Needlework Shop, Second Floor. $2.5043.00 Fancy Silks $1.20 . Only 500 yards in this assortment of high-grade silk; suitable for street and evening costumes. Come earl; tomorrow. Fancy striped silk voiles, Marquisettes, Georgette crepes anJ crepes de chine are included in this sale. White, sky blue, corn, gray, green, brown, Copen and Americai Beauty are amongst the colors. About HALF and less than half to close at $1.29 instead of $2.56 $3 yard. ' $1.75 Plaid Dress Goods 98d Newest and most-wanted color combinations. Serviceable ma terial for skirts and dresses. 42 inches wide. AU-WoolGraniteClothSl.49 All-wool granite cloth, made from hard twisted serge yarn. A inches wide. Good assortment of colors. All-Wool French Serge $1.69 Fine quality all-wool French serge for women's, misses' and chil dren's wear. Good colors. This material is 42 inches wide. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street SAMPLE LACE CURTAINS Samples of Nottingham single lace curtains in regular lengths and sizes. Some slightly soiled. Sold regularly in pairs to $2.50. Large assortment at, each, 59c. 59c DOMES TICS at Ab Reconstruction and Readjustment Sale Cotton Batts Four extra specials in cotton batts at remarkable underprices. Cotton Batts 10c Good white cotton- batts in full 7-oz. roll. Reg ularly 12 Vic special at, each 10c. Cotton Batts 19c Our special "Comet" cotton batts in 12-oz. size. Regularly 25c. Cotton Batts 65c Full 2-Ib. size cotton batts filled with clean white cotton. 72x90-inch size. Cotton Batts 98c Our famous "Climax" cotton batts in 3-lb. size. 72x90 inches. Batts Only $2.29 Wool mixed batts in size 72x90 inches. , Lim ited quantity at $2.29. REGULAR 25c QUALITY SILKOLINE THE YARD Standard quality silkoline in -desirable patterns and color ings. 36 inches wide. Short Llengths from 2M to 10 yards. Regularly 25c 19c Reconstruction and - Readjustment Sale Bedding, Six" extra special values in sheets, spreads, pillow cases and pillows. Muslin Sheets $1.59 These are the "Pullaway" seamless sheets, jnade of good sturdy muslin with wide hems. 72x90-inch size. The 81x90-inch size, $1.69. Bed Spreads $1.49 Good weight honeycomb spreads - the well known "Snowflake" brand. Good size. Bed Spreads $1.98 The same kind of spreads as the above, only in a large size. Bed Spreads $4.39 Heavy weight satin bed spreads in beautiful brocade patterns. Extra large sizes. To $6.50 values. Pillow Cases 25c Fine muslin pillow cases with wide hems. Size 45x36. About present cost. Three Pillow Cases $1 "Gold Seal" pillow cases made of finely serv iceable muslin with hem. Size 42x36 inches. Worth 40c each. Bla Here are 12 e Prices in many ir Comfort! "Wearwell ' comf and covered with fal Regularly $3.95, Comfort! Full size, light, fancy bordered silkc Blankd Wool-finished dou white, some plaids vj Blankcj Single wool-finish white and plaids. P Blankt Good double cotf ored borders. Size 6 ' at $3.98, Blankc Double wool finis I length. Plaids, at $4.95. APPAREL AND MANY OTHE IN OUR LOWER-PRICE D(fl