TITC SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 5, 1919. that an educational campaign to de 11 velop the spirit of home ownership will be as effective as the auto oanufac j turers' campaign to create a demand for their product. When you build EFFECTIVE SHORTLY homes you are keeping Portland labo OF CITY llDEQUITEii employed; creating an outlet for Portland and Oregon material, and de veloping the best kind of citlsenshi "The manufacturer Is Interested, th i merchant Is Interested. churches. schools and civic organizations are In Operation of Ordinance to Be terested In an effort to stimulate home ownership. Somebody has said that Thousand Beds Needed, Says II I w Dean-of Medical School. 1 2 gin January 10. the real estate man will be benefited. As a matter of fact every organizatio and every line of Industry In the entire city is greatly interested in the con struction of thousands of homes. Only a small percentage of the benefit ac CAR PARKING IS CHANGED crues directly to the real estate man as there are numerous other interests COUNTY PLAN TOO LIMITED Involved to a greater extent In the ag gregate, and the real estate man benefit will come only If he plays th game on the square. Belief AVI 11 la Is That Jew Greatly Relieve Arrangement Institution Capable of Caring for o ur Annual Sale Consent Ion IS Oregon People Advocated by Pr. K. A. f. Mackenzie. Down-TowijJ District. 10 NEW TRAFFIC ORDER HP FACILITIES 1 lLi Jffl rA.w s, r.rr-.- Jf- , x 5 Xw traffic laws effective January 10 will brlnr about a complete change V In the present method of parking au- tomobilea. relieve the present congest--' ed district and generally reform the handling of Portland's vehicular traffic. The congested district. In which au tomobiles are permitted to park for only JO minutes, will Include all the territory from Front to Tenth street and from Taylor to Oak street. Dur ing traffic hurs. from 8:30 A. 11. to :30 P. M., automobiles will not be nermltted to nark on Washington and Alder streets between First and Tenth or on Park and West Park streets be tween Taylor and Oak streets. Parallel Parklag Ordered. All automobiles must park parallel to the right-band curb Instead of diag onally to the curb, as at present. Cars must be within one foot of the curbing and an Interval of four feet must re main between cars. The parallel parking of cars will leave more space for passage way In ' the streets than at present and at the same time will result In a smaller num ber of Darked cars In a block than at present. Left-hand turns at street Intersec tlons where traffic officers are sta tioned will not be permitted except upon specific instructions given by the traffic officer in charge. This clause was insrrted Into the traffic code the request of traffic officers, who stated to tho council that left-hared turns on busy street Intersections often caused serious tie-ups In traffic. Effect f Raliag ka This ruling no doubt often will In duce drivers to circle around an extra block in order to go In the direction desired without making the forbid den left-hand torn. For Instance, an automobile driver going west on Wash ington street, and who reached Fifth street with the intention of turning south to go to the City Hall. Would be forced to drive on to Sixth street, -urn to his right n Sixth to Stark, thence right again to Fifth, thence right again on Fifth to Washington. This clause will only ba enforced when the traffic officer sees that left turn would tie up traffic. It does not apply on street Intersections where traffic officers are not stationed. Right f Way Iadlcated. Cnder the amended traffic code auto. mobiles on the right have the right of way over other cars. Under this clause, traffic officers say that if drivers will always remember that the autoists on their right have the right of way,' no accidents can possibly occur. -The definite ruling in connection with the right of way also tends to fix responsibility In the event of ac cidents. It also does away with rules in connection with certain directions, which traffic officers say are always confusing to visiting automobilists. Other clauses of the amended traffic ordinance re the same as provided in the traffic code now in effect. Mayor Baker has announced that beginning on January 10. wherv the new code be comes effective, traffic officers will be detailed to the downtown Intersections I to direct pedestrian traffic Laws Be Mads Clear. No legislation has been passed to govern pedestrian travel. Mayor Baker's plan being an educational campaign handled by members of the Police De partment. Certain officers also have been desig nated by the Mayor to Instruct owners OFFICERS rXABLE TO LOCATE JULIUS BRACKS SLAYER. Information Leads to Belief That Victim Recently Sold Liquor cuing Him $800. NORTH BEND. Or, Jan. 4. (Spe cial.) The mystery surrounding the death of Julius Bracks, a resident of this city, whose body was found In the mud and water near his cabin on Pony Slough Christmas morning with th head crushed from blows Inflicted with a heavy iron bolt, still remains unsolved. Sheriff W. W. Gage, assisted by local police Officers, have worked on the cap- since the body was discs vered, at. while a great deal of Informa tion concerning the life and habits of Mr. Bracke has been secured, no clews or evidence tending to indicate who committed the crime has yet been ob tained. Investigation has developed lnfor mation that Mr. Bracke was engaged in bootlegging operations and had a large number of customers In this city and Marsh field, and that on the night he was killed he was supposed to have disposed of a large consignment of liquor, for which he received upward of tsoo. As no money was found on the body, it Is believed here that the motive of the crime was robbery, and that he was murdered by persons who he was supplying with liquor. BOARD OF INQUIRY MEETS Testimony Taken in Connection With Major Deich Charges. Short sessions of the board of In quiry named early in October by Adju tant-General Bcebe to inquire Into charges of Captain William M. Camp bell, alleging conduct unbecoming an officer on the part of Major Richard Deich. commanding officer of the Ore gon Military Police, were held yester day. At the afternoon session Cap tain Campbell, now of the United States Army, presented testimony, as he had not been present at a former hearing- The board also met last evening. Findings of the board can only be In the form of recommendations to the Adjutant-General. Judge C. U. Ganten. bein is president. The members are: Lieutenant-Colonel George T. Willetts and Major Charles E. Smith. Captain Allan Hall was official recorder of the proceedings. and drivers of automobiles regarding I "' requirements of the new traffic code. HOME HEED HELD GREAT MANT HOUSES Of FIT TO LIVE IX, SAYS MAYOR. Increase in Number of Home Own ers Will Benent Every Citizen, Executive rolnts Out. Not less than 1000 families In Tort land today are occupying houses en tirely unfit for human beings to live In. according to a statement made by Mayor Baker last week In an address at a luncheon In the Benson Hotel at tended by members of the Own-Tour-Home campaign committees. The Mayor presented facta and fig urea on fhe basis of the recent survey conducted by the city Investigating the housing situation of Portland, and how the commission conducting this survey cams to the conclusion that one of the dire needs of Portland today Is the building of a large number of medium priced, sanitary homes for laboring men and their families, who are living in shacks and tumbledown dwelling bouses dangerous to both the public health and public morals. "Portland is In greater need of homes today than ever In her history, said Mayor Baker. -Our bouse surrey which was finished before the armistice was signed revealed that there were not In the entire city of Portland more than about ZW vacant houses, and only a few apartments. ykartaae t llraaea II ere. There Is at the present time an actual shortage of homes. A " large number of dwellings now occupied by the families of laboring people are un fit for dogs to live In." The speaker said that over a hundred persons had reported instances of profiteering on the part of Portland house owners. He declared that this condition Is not general, but many landlords are taking advantage of the present situation to charge enormous rents, and not furnish proper service. 'There are over 40.000 Oregon men In the military service who will soon be returned to the state, and a large number of them will come to Portland In order to enter Into buainess or the' Industries. the Mayor continued. "Wei ran do nothing of greater imoortance for these returned soldiers than to fur nish them with the conditions and en- vlronment of attractive homes. We ran perform n greater educational service i for the public at large than to stim ulate a general desire for boms owner ship. Edaeatlaaal Casasialga Xeded. "When the automobile came Into the West tne dealers did not ship their auios in here, store them In large buildings and pull the curtains dor n. They raised the curtains through ex tensive publicity, and created a desire on the part of the public to enjoy the pleasure, benefits and profits from! owning automobiles. It ia aclf-evldent WAR VETERANS FORM BAND Musical Treat Promised at Heillg Saturday Evening, v Musical selections dear to those who stayed at home, as well as those who went to war, will be the offering of he Allied War Veterans Band at the Heilig Theater Saturday evening. The band Is under the direction of returned soldiers, who have formed The Fighting Sons of Guns" Company. Members of the company appear in various feature and solo work, as well as band musicians. Iot least of these Bandsman Walter Gilbert, clarinet Mr. Gilbert has had some unusual experiences, not only on the battle front, but on the way home when gunners of his Canadian ship sank a submarine. MESSAGE HELD IMPORTANT Collegiate Alumnae Will Ask That Dr. Xordfelt Speak In Schools. The message of Dr. Margaret Nord felt. who has been sent out by the so cial hygiene committee of the Commis sion on Training Camp Activities of the War Department, Is considered so important by the Portland branch of the association of Collegiate Alumnae that at a meeting of that organization yesterday noon it was thought she should be allowed to apeak in the pub lic schools. 'A committee to confer with the school superintendents and Board was appointed, and consists of Mrs. Boudi not Seeley. Miss Veils Winner, Mrs. H. T. Munger and Mrs. Twining. Bend Veteran Returns. BEND. Or.. Jan. 4. 'Special) The first enlisted man from here to return to Bend after seeing active service abroad arrived here today, when W. R. VanVleet completed the Journey. Van Vleet enlisted from Deschutes County in the early part of the war and was discharged as a Sergeant Majof from the 7th Artillerv. Portland and the state need more hospital facilities and they need them badly even without the unusual condi tions due to the influenza epidemic is the prevailing opinion of physicians and hosDital officials In the city. A thousand more beds at once is the esti mate of Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, dean of the Oregon Medical School, which a small minority believe with present fa- lities would be sufficient, if it were not for the influenza epidemic That the County Hospital will be but drop in the bucket when it comes to supplying the city s needs is the opinion of Dr. Mackenzie. He estimates at less than 200 the number of beds that will be furnished by the 200,000 appropria tion. This hospital, he believes, should be the first unit in an immense hospital, which would be run In connection with he State medical school, which is com Dieting the first unit of the school building plan. Million Dollars Needed. The State Legislature Is expected to supply funds for further hospital factl ties at the school. At least a million dollars must be expended here before the Institution will be adequate to the situation, believes Dr. MacKenzie. 'Los Angeles has put out four or five millions for caring for her sick; Cln cinnati has doubled this amount: other cities are coming to the front why not ortland and Oregon? asks the doctor. "With the new industries that have sought out Portland have come crip pies the victims of industry and we must take care of them. Next to the ndustrial cripple will come other crip ples and unfortunates from ail over the state. If our plan works put. Our medical center should be to Portland nd Oregon what Johns Hopkins is to Baltimore and Maryland." A contagious hospital Is .the spe- al need of Portland at this time, ac (nrriinr to hosnltal officials. 'Our institution has been crowded for two years or more." said lister Superior of St. Vincent's Hospital, "and while under normal conditions we could get along, we have been unable cope with the influenza situation. What Portland needs is a contagious ospital and an institution that would take care of those without means." Sanitarium Is Crowded. The city's hospital facilities were adequate up to the influenza outbreak, according to Miss Loverldge, superin tendent at the Good Samaritan Hospi tal. "We aren't equipped to care for the contagious cases," she says. At the Nisbeth Sanitarium, whence were taken the 20-odd influenza cases from the city's emergency hospital. conditions are somewhat overcrowded, it was admitted by Dr. N. A. Nisbeth. "We formerly had from 16 to 20 patients," he said, "but lately we have had so many calls for quarters that we had to provide them. We took the city's cases and kept taking others. The city paid for the Auditorium cases, but they have refused to take care of others temporarily without funds. "We can't even handle all those who would pay. We have about 50 patients, but every day we have calls for rooms. The 50 patients are in the old Weid ler home. Five and six are in rooms originally intended for one well person. Dark storerooms in the North End along Second street, where poor for eigners and others exist in quarters without light, air and proper heat. have been sick rooms for many an in fluenza patient, according to Dr. J. D. Fenton, who Is anxious to secure great er hospital facilities for the city. . A man. wile and tnree cniiaren, an aown with the flu, occupied two small par titions in one storeroom. No access to outside light or air and no heating facilities were visible. of Used Pianos BEGINNING MONDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK WILL FIND US OFFERING SOME SPLENDID VAL UES IN PLAYERS, GRANDS AND UPRIGHTS Thousands of Player Rolls Go on Sale, Including the Imperial, Q. R. S. and Rythmodik Lines 'y of Jazz and Popular Music Our annual January sale of used and second-hand pianos begins Monday morning at 9 o'clock. - Most of these instruments were accumulated during the Fall and Christmas business. Many of them were taken in exchange on our.Knabe and Fischer pianos. Some have been placed with us by private parties to be disposed of. v We will sell these bargains on terms if desired and charge only 6 per cent interest on the deferred payments. Jncluded in the list of pianos that go on sale will be found such well-known instruments as the Knabe, Chickering, A. B. Chase, Kurtzmann, Kimball, Kranich & Bach, Lester, Whitney, Prescott, Weber, Kensington, Clough & Warren, French & Sons, Sterling, Bradley and others. There are uprights, baby grands and players to chose from. We also have a number of second-hand organs which will be offered at $20 and $25 each. to get a few rolls of good player The' blue label rolls will be sold The Q. R. S., Imperial and ' Rythmodik at just one-half price. Those who are at all interested in the purchase of a piano should certainly take advantage of this golden opportunity. Sale opens at 9 o'clock. ; j IN 1 There will be an opportunity music at greatly reduced prices, in half-dozen lots for $1.40. C merchandise oTo Merit Only" Special plans are being morrow evening that awarding of prizes. made for to include the Sale of D. A. Porperty Held Fraudulent. Hatfield was returned to Port land yesterday from Oakland, -Cal., by Deputy Sheriff Schirmer, to answer an indictment charging him with fraud ulent real estate transaction. He has been in trouble 'before for the same of fense and has served time in the Wash ington state penitentiary. The story of a Japanese woman wronged of an offspring, part American, who came to revenge his mother's wrong of a beautiful adventuress with whom he became involved of his single-handed fight with a nest of German spies and the dramatic finding of the man he sought. SPECIAL ATTRACTION 8-year-old Margaret Bewley, whose sensational success at the Majestic's New Year's eve "Dis covery" Show is tile talk of Portland. Hear her sing "Naughty, Naughty, Naughty," with dance accompaniment. JUDGE STILL HAS RECORD D. B. McKnight, of Albany, Leads to I Wedding Ceremonies. ALBANY. Or.. Jan. 4. '(Special.) D. I B. McKnight, Linn County Judge, whol has had the distinction of officiating at more wedding-s than any other per son in the county for several years I past, maintained his record in 1918. Hs performed 40 marriage ceremonies I in the year Just ended. Others who officiated at more than ten weddings in the county in the year are Rev. G. H. Bennett, pastor of the First Methodist Church, of Albany, who united 21 couples: Kev.' I). Lloyd Morgan, former pastor of I the First Christian Church here and I now of North Bend. 17. and Dr. George H. Young, pastor of the First Baptist! Church, 16. mf$M It Spoils the Evening v Gymnasium Class to Form. The Highland School Parent-Teach ers' Association will hold a gymnasium class this evening In the assembly hall of the school, which will be open to all women and girls over 16 years of age who would care to join the association. 310 Washlng-toa Street Bet. Fifth Mid Sixth A Diamond Stays Always Young Always new always companionable, a diamond keeps the fires of optimism and endeavor ever burning'. Wear a diamond for the good it will do you. Friedlander'a have sold diamonds in Portland for forty-eight years. A diamond bought here is an assured investment. During January we are offering some very fine stones at special prices. s Our $100 Diamond Rings Excel rn Size and Color. They Are the Standard by Which Others Are Judged. Especially Attractive January Prices on Wrist Watches and Fine Silver mm mviTT for your wife if, before going to the theater, she must pre pare supper and then wash dishes. Instead, invite her to dine at the . .- Portland Hotel The savoriness of the food, daintiness of service and gay lilt of the music will be a fitting prelude to the evening's pleasure. Dinner $1.25 - Dancing 6 to 8. Music by Prasp's Novelty Orchestra. loi4la.Tfd'Ioiel ALL WEEK WITH OFFICIAL WAR REVIEW PATHE NEWS COMEDY PROGRAMME OF CONCERT ON OUR SUPER-WURLITZER TODAY AT 12:30 P. M. Pan-Americano Herbert Scarf Dance Chaminade Valse Septembre Godin Selection "Mademoiselle Modiste" ERNEST H. HUNT, Organist. 1 -jMBBWropiTltplWW.UIlUMJJali IllltlUJJJ S. U M IlljllW WW jjlMJ.il 111 l "H f ft" ' ,-. T id if iiium--! ' - - - --- " 'i Be On Hand- 6 MONDAY FOR NIGHT NIGHT SCHOOL Business College New classes will start Now is the" time to use your spare time and build for bigger things. Enroll Immediately A POSITION ASSURED EVERY .GRADUATE x UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION W. G. McAdoo, Director-General of Railroads SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Lines North of Ashland J.m STUDENTS' SPECIAL TRAIN via ELECTRIC LINE Sunday, January 5th. Will leave Fourth and Washington streets 5:00 P.M. Newberg 6:00 P.M. McMinnville 6:45 P.M. Independence 7 :40 P. M. Arrive Corvallis .8:30 P.M. This train for accommodation of O. A. C. students returning to college. f JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent