THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 29, 1918. 13 4 ft- STRONGER TONE IfJ ALL APPLE MARKETS Prices Tending Upward at 4 Shipping Points. DEMAND LOCALLY IS SLOW Shipments Are of Tighter Volume. Oregon Frnlt Sells Well at Distributing Centers. The apple market was firm at nearly all points at the close of the week. Locally the demand was slow and tha bulk of the stock offered was dead ripe. Two cars of Oregons were received. Extra fancy Rome Beauties were quoted at $2.602.75, fancy at $2.25 and choice, medium size, at 82. Orchard run of various sorts moved at 31.25 to 81.50. Carlot shipments of Oregon apples were: To New York 7, Detroit 2, East Boston 2, Baltimore 1. Boston 1, Cincinnati 1, Indian apolis 1, Providence 1. Washington 1. Yakima and "Wenatchee extra fancy boxed Wlnesaps were firm at $2.25 2. GO per box for medium and large sizes at shipping points and showed more activity In lead ing markets at a general range of $2.00 2.25. Western New York Baldwins, A 2 VI lnch ruled. $5.255.75 per barrel f. o. b. shipping points, and showed little change In leading Jobbing market ranging $66.50, and reaching $7 In a few distant markets. At San Francisco Oregon extra fancy Fpttzbenbergs ranged from $2.75 to $3; fancy at $2.50 to $2.65 and (holes at $2.28. :xtra fancy Winter Bananas brought $2.75 8 and fancy Baldwins $2. Extra fancy Oregon Spltzenbergs at Los Angeles , brought $303.25 and fancy $2,750 8. extra fancy Arkansas Blacks $3.25 3. 50. extra fancy Baldwins up to $2.75, fancy Kewtowm $1.751.S3 and fancy White Pear mains $1.60 1.75. In the New York market Oregon extra fancy Spltzenbergs sold at $303.40 during the day, while extra fancy Newtowus brought $2.75 3. At Xea Moines extra fancy Spltzenbergs, Homes and Jonathans sold at $3 3.50, Ort leys at $3.75 and Delicious up to $4.50. The monthly report of the Bureau of Markets shows storage holdings of apples on December 15, 1018. as follows: 495 stor ages that reported showed total stocks of 4.S35.51S boxes and 2,672.093 barrels. The 400 storages that reported for December 35 this year and last show present holdings of 4.675,759 boxes and 2.653.3S7 barrels, as compared with 4.807,565 boxes and 2.837.497 barrels last year, a decrease of 221,809 boxes and 184,110 barrels, or a total decrease of 6.8 per cent. TEtlOW CORN SELLS AT ADVANCE Two Hundred Tons Change Hands on Local Board at 6U Corn prices continue to advanee. Two liundred tons of February yellow corn were sold at the exchange yesterday at $61, an advance ef 50 cents over Friday's best bid. Sacked oats were $1 lower and bulk oats were 50c 0$1 down. Barley was not ma terially changed. According to a Chicago bulletin, the forage division of the Food Administration sold fl.000,000 bushels of oats to the Wheat Ex port Company, which cleaned up the sur plus. These figures are larger than those previously given out. The price was 81 & 82 Vic track New York. Weather conditions in the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg, clear, 20; Minneapolis, cloudy, 20: Chicago, clear, trying to snow, cold; St. Louis, snowing, 18; Kansas City, cloudy. 10; Topeka. cloudy, 16; Omaha, part cloudy, 15. M Broomhall cables that clearancea of wheat are well maintained, with goodly amounts clostlned to the United Kingdom and for orders, part of which will no doubt ulti mately reach the United Kingdom. Com shipments continue of negligible proportions. Oats shipments have decreased considerably and the same may be said of both rye and barley. Terminal receipts In ears were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley.Flour.Oats. Hay. Portland, Bat.. 17 12 7 1 7 enrago 1 B r. 1 3 this week 178 23 0:1 u 61 Yearsgo 17 2 30 10 17 Reason to date. 5652 782 1473 M6 -2042 Year ago 0047 164 482 75!) 1116 Tacoma. Fri. .. 37 1 is Year ago 3 ... ... 2 21 S-cason to data. S824 18 ... 121 8r,r, Year ago 3163 5."i ... 172 10HO Peattle. Fri. . .. 63 R 2 23 Year ago ... 6 ... ... Reason to data. 4034 44 H7 455 3O04 Year ago u272 1K6 055 735 2116 CilUGrNS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED fcbipmenta to the Leading Markets of the Etate origins of livestock loaded Decern lor 27: Cattle. Horses, Mixed CalveaHogs.Sheep.Mules.Btock. t'or Portland Idaho Oregon Vtls Portland fcne week ago.. )':iur weeks ago L'ne year ago. . . , Tor Seattle idaho ......... Oregon ........ . tVVashingten ... Totals Seattle week ago... , e"OO.r weeks ago EM year ago . . For Spokane Idaho Ttls. Spokane One week ago.. l-'our weeks ago Cno year ago . . 1 S 4 32 5 0 S "i 4 34 32 S 1 'i 2 22 14 COAST POTATO MARKETS UNCHANGED I'ricea Are on Stronger and Higher Baals In Middle West. There was no change in the local potato situation. One car of Oregons and one car of Washlngtons arrived. Shipments were one car each to Stockton, Medford and Bo liemia. Burbanks on the local market Tanged from $1.25 to $1.85 according to quality and Washington Gems brought $2. Sacked round whites advanced 10c at Tichis&n and Wisconsin shipping points to 31.70&1.75, carloads f. o. b. usual terms, and strengthened to $2.3502.40 in the Chi cago carlot market, advancing slightly in f,ome middle-western jobbing markets to a K'-neral range of $1,8042.15. Other ship ping points and markets showed practically no change. Shipments were very light. BUTTER AND EGG STOCKS DECREASED bUarp Falling Off In Storage Holdings of - Latter Commodity. The monthly report of the bureau of markets shows storage holdings of butter and eggs on December 15, 1918, as follows Tho 339 storages that reported creamery butter showed total stocks ,of 55,410,508 pounds. The 305 storages reporting for De cember 15. this year and last, show presen holdings ef 55,245,173 pounds compared with 14.637,239 pounds last year, a decrease of 13.2 per cent. The 454 storages that reported case eggs showed total stocks of 1,296.223 cases. The 442 storages reporting for December 15, this year and last, show present holdings of ' 1,287,613 cases compared with 2.054.61 cases last year, a decrease of 37.3 per cent. Fresh Egr Receipts Increasing. Fresh egg receipts are increasing and j rtocka are slowly accumulating. With the -warmer turn of the weather dealers are more disposed to push sales. Selects were offered down to 73 cents and a wider range was quoted on ordinary candled. Cube butter was also slow and 60 cents was the top price asked. Poultry was scarce and very firm at the close of the week. Light Trade In Beans. The bean market remains quiet with a slow demand and few sales. Buyers quote new crop Oregon large whites and pea beans at 77VA cents, recleaned basis. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $4.73.1,2u4 l.-'",tl::7 Seattle 6.507.416 1,138,113 Tacoma 5R0.810 134.400 Spokane 1,358.633 440,405 Bank clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for this week and the corresponding week in former years were: Portland, Seattle. Tacoma. 1018 $27,850,286 $33.4r.220 $4,050,631 1K17 17,018,515 21,14,07 3.-J07.670 1H16 10.422.K7l 13.183.3S2 l.SKit.SlKS 1!15 8.3O0.970 11,025,2!5 ,4i;7,6l2 1014 10,100.365 11.216.B23 3,737.40 11(13 10,072.2112 10.3D7.733 :'..4rt.t,4li3 1012 0.520..130 10,324.562 3.7S,876 1911 0,40.124 0,5!1,093 4.312,1 1010 0.234,381 12.506.(162 6,055,302 1900 6,363.462 8,938,052 4,032.036 100.8 5.018.960 7,360.106 4.652.530 1907 7,214,200 8,468,030 4,386.494 1006...... 4.660.452 6.427,025 3.570,822 1005.7.... 3,074.159 4.372.763 2.124.510 1904 2.483.658 3.466,154 1,657.274 1003 2.922,102 3.423,431 1,839,090 1902 2,672.657 1.934.475 820,153 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Hour, Feed. Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Northwestern oats and barley. sacked: Bid Tan. Feb. Oats. No. 2 white feed $53.00 $53.50 Barley, standard feed 49.0O 49.00 Barley, standard "A" 40.50 Eastern oats and corn, bulk: Oats, No. 8 white 48.00 38-lb. clipped white , S0.SO Corn, No. 3 yellow .......... fiLSii Corn. No. 3 mixed fil.00 60.50 49.00 51. 50 60.75 50.50 WHEAT Government oasis, $2.20 per bu. FLOUR Family flour, $10.90 11.05 per barrel: bakers', $10.70 10. S5 ; whole wheat, $0.85 3 10. 00: graham, $9.65 09.80; corn meal, $.5010.30. MILL FEED Mill run, f. o. b. mill, cartots, $38 per ton; mixed cars. $36.50; ton lots or over. $38; less than tons, $39; rolled barley, $55359; rolled" oats, $57 9 61: ground barley. $58 'a. 60; alfalfa meal, $4044- COHX Whole, $69073: cracked. $7197S. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy, $30 32 per ton; Valley timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa, $27.50; Valley grain hay, $26; clover, $26S27; straw, $910. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 60c; prints, parchment wrappers, extras, box lots, 65c: cartons. 66c; halt boxes, Vjo more; less than half boxes, lo more; butterfat. No. 1. 67c per pound, station. EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, rots and cracks out, 70c; selects, 7375c per dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, S6c;, Young Americas, S7c; Coos and Curry County: Triplets, f. o. b. Myrtle Point. 3534c POULTRY Hens. 2730c: Springs, 28c; roosters. 18c ducks, 35c: geese, 80c; tur keys, live 35c: dressed, 48c .-it . T 1.' .. w. 1 f.." 1 i r nntinif r ' ' .i-.n.j . - ; y j r PORK Fancy, 20V421c per pound. " Fruits and Vegetables. 1 Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges. navels, $3.755.50; emons. $56.50 per box; bananas, 9ir9Vic ner nound: apples. $13 box; pears. $2!S2.50 per box; grapes. $9 per keg: cran berries, so per dox; grapeiruit. vki:ktari.f;s Tomatoes. 82.75 tier box: cabbage. $22.25 per 100 lbs.: lettuce. $2.75 fi?3 25 oer crate: peppers. 25c per pound; celery, $1.10 & 1.25 per dozen; eggplant, 159 20c per pound; artichokes, $1.75; cauli flower, $3.25 per crate; garlic, wc per iu. . pumpkins, 2c per pound; squash, 2c per nound: beets. 12 oer sack: carrots. $1.60 per sack; turclps, $1.73 per sack; cucumbers. $1.75 per dozen; sprouts, 15c per pound. $1.7591.85; ordinary. $LijOi l.eo: poor, $1.25: Yakimaa. $2; sweets. 454 4e. ONIONS Oregon, $1,50(81.75; California browns, $11.50. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: l-nill ana o.rrj. $0 55: beet. $9.25; extra C. $9.13: powdered 7 , , .,o-.. K. . In harrlu. 310.45. Ill LI HI 1 CIO, 1 u. , . , ... . . -. - NUTS Walnuts, 27&33c: Brazil nuts, 32c; filberts. 28c; almonds, 24'i 29c; peabuts. 17c. cat n ll.lf-rrftnnrl 1 OOs. 115. OO Per ton: 60s, $17.25 per ton; dairy, $25 per ton. Kltjj 1; II III l,I'll, C.I'H, . i ' " t , - . n- - t r nrWa' White. K Vi 9 lOHe; colored. 8'tf9c. Frovinions. Leeal Jobbing quotations: TI1M9 Ail ilzia. choice. 4O04Oe: stan dard, 3930c; skihned, none;- picnic, 27c; cottage roll. 37c. -,,. LARD Tierce basis, stanaara, pure, .nv. compound, 23lc. BACON Fancy. B-ZOaw; & 52c: choice. 36 IP 46c. PRI SAL1 snort, clear uku, - Hides and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salted, 80 pounds and up, 14c; No. 2 salted, 30 pounds ana up, No. 1 green, 00 pounds and up. lie; No. 2 green, 30 pounds and up, 10c; No. 1 salted bulls, i't pounis ana up. hulls. 50 nounds and up, 30c: No. 1 green bulls, 50 pounds and up. 0c: No. 2 green bulls, uo pounos ana up, pc. - salted calf skins up to 13 pounds, 20c; No. -green or salted calf skins up to 1- pounds. 7.c: No. 1 green or sanwi biih. 30 pounds, 15c; No. 2 green or salted Kip skins 15 to 30 pounds. laV&c; dry flint hides. 7 pounds and up, 2Su; dry flint calf, under 7 pounds. 38c; dry salt hides. 7 pounds and up 22c; dry salt calf, under T pounds, 32c; dry cull tildes or calf, half price: dry stags or bulls. 18c; dry salt stags or bulla. 12c. PELTS Dry long-wooi pen... por i"'" - c- dry short-wool pelts, per pound. 156 c: salted long-wool lamb pelts, each, $2 W2 50; dry sheep shearlings, each. 153c, salted sheep shearlings, each 80 50c. Hops, Wool, Mohair. Etc. jroPS Oregon, 1018 crop, 8 no per pound. WOOIrf Oregon, B671o per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, 60c; short staple. 40c: burry. 15&)20c. pound. TALLOW N. 1. c per pound; Je. 2. 7c per pound; grease. No. 1, 7c; No. 2, 5u per pound. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk, 2lc; engine distillate. bulk. 12c; kerosene, bulk, 10c; oases, 20c. LlarifiU v i ' . no v ' -" i , . i-.nri, 2 03; boiled, barrels, $1.05; cases. $2.05. TURPENTINE ln tanks. 86c; cases, 86c. SAN FRANCISCO PBODI CB MARK El friers Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh bruits. Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 28. Butter, 66 0 67',-c. l'k'gs Fresh extras, 731jc; fresh extra pul let. 6Uc. Cheese New firsts and Young America, not uuoted. Poultry Hens. 3335c; young roosters. 834p55c; broilers 42(a45c; fr-ers, 38fi43c; piKeons, $2.5uiv3; vquabs, 5(l'6uc; geese, 30q.'32c; turkeys, dressed. 4240c. VciKUbio Celery, $4. uunnauo: ouK cream, 75000c; hubbard. $1.251.50; egg plant, oyiui:, pepper.. ,ju. .jntie, oVt' tomatoes. $2.25&3: lettuce, $1.5uit2.75; po tatoes, Salinas, $3.00&3.7u; rivers. $1.75 2.25: sweet, 3Ai(f4c; new. 4&5c: onions. Australian brown, $1.25&1.50; pearl, 54p6o; sarJic. 25030c; caunnower, T5ctfll: ba.,. $1. 2501.50; carrots, $1. oua 1.25; turnips, 75o Q.$l.UO; string Deans, j.ic; lima, lu12c Dumukins. $11.25; mushrooms. 2UU(ic Brussels sprouts. 5 7c; green onions. tL2i 1.7&. Fruits Lemons, -.:o4.ri0: oranges. $4 5.00; apples. Belleflowers, ,i 50a 1.75, Knits. enberg. $22.50; grapefruit, $2.50tjS.50; pears, Bartletts, $3; grapes, Tokays, Emperors, ana veraeis, l.uu i i -'S : avaca does. $5&T: persimmons. $1.000150; cran berries, $5.50& $U.5U: quinces. U0c$l.I5 casabas. 60c (ir $1.00. Receipts .Flour, 7920 quarters; barley, 2957 centals; beans, 2640 sacks; potatoes, 6862 sacks; onions. 10 sacks; bay, 120 tons; hides. Ill; wine. 63.650 gallons. Naval (Stores. SAVANNAH. Dec. 28. Turpentine, firm. 6)tc; sales. 75 barrels; receipts. 47 barrels; shipments. 8 barrels; stock, 30.483 barrels. Rosin, firm; sales, 748 barrels; receipts. 348 barrels; shipments, none; stock, 78.173 barrels. Quote: B, D. E, F. G, H, $13 to $13.10; I, $13.G74; K, ' $13.70; M. $16.15; N, $10.20; WU. $16.4.-; WW. $16.85. Nw York Dairy Prodnce. NEW Y'ORK. Dee. 28. Butter steady and unchsnged. Eggs firm and unchanged. Cheese firm and unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Dee. 28. Evaporated apples, quiet; prunes, awaiting offers; peaches, nom STRONG BALLY 1H STOCKS WALL STREET MARKET RE VERSES LATE COURSE. Broad Demand Sets In for High Grade Rails and Other In vestment! Issues. NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Opening with a number of irregular changes. In which lueses predominated, today's brief but active stock market suddenly reversed its course, closing with a broad demonstration of strength. Early weakness was caused by reactions of 1 to almost 3 points in Marine preferred, low-grade rails, coppers and a varied group or specialties, the break in shippings being attributed to overnight cables indicating further delay In the consummation of the long-pending deal. Bear pressure was di rected also against Standard Oil. It was not until an inquiry set In for high-grade or Investment rails that the market caught its upward stride. Trans continentals rose lo 2b points. Southern Pacific leading. Grangers were featured by Atchison and coalers by Reading and Nor folk Ac Western, the latter rising d points. Steels, coppers, oils and utilities partici pated in the advance with tobaccos, food shares and a number of tha better-known specialties, final quotations in general being at the day's highest levels. Sales amount ed to 600,000 shares. Liberty Issues again featured tha bond market, about 80 per cent of the turnover representing those flotations, which ranged slightly over yesterday's final prices. Total sales, par value, aggregated $17,850,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. n CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last ' Sales High Low Sales Am Beet Sugar 2,7oo 61i 60, 61 American Can.. 3.3H0 4"i$i 46 46VI Amer Car A Fdy 5.6O0 911. Hon HI Am Locomotive 2.6UO 61 CO1. 61 a4 Am Smelt & Ret 13.DUU 76i 75Va 76 Am Sugar Kef.. 900 111 311U lllis Am Tel & Tel.. 4.8HO 08 17. PS Anaconda Cop.. 19,200 HOb t 6014 Atchison 4,100 93 . 91 h 93 A64WISSL 2.70O 110A 109 110H Bait & Ohio 5,200 fit 5014 50i Bethlehem B .. 6.500 61 S 60&, 61 Butte & Su Cop 1,100 18-a 3X 38 Cal Petroleum. 3l0 204 20V, 20V4 Canadian Pac. . 300 157Vz 356 357 Central Leather 6.100 58"4 5754 5S Che St Ohio 1.11)0 554. 55 55 C, M & St Paul 7.2O0 SOW 58 394 Chicago & N W 3,2011 Bf 4 95H C, R 1 & P ctfs 1.1 no 25 25 4 2 5 Chino Copper.. 8,2'ld 82 31 S 32 Colo Fu & Iron. 1.500 37 36 364 Corn Prod Ref 3.800 48 H 41 48 1 Crucible Steel.. 2.90O 57 Va 56 'n 57 H Cuba Cane Sug 8.30O 29'4 284 29 Distillers Securl 3.8U0 514 51 514 Erie 4.000 37 1654 17 Gen Electric... 300 34754 347'4 34754 Gen Motors ... 700 3304 1294 330 Gt North pf... 9.70O 044 93'- 944 Gt N Ore ctrs 1.5U0 81 314 Sl 111 Central 400 0hi 05 V4 95 ;i Ins Copper 9.4UO 47 45 5 47 Int Mer Mar pf 14.300 112t 10U" 112 Int Nickel .... 3,100 32 H 32 82 Int Paper 1,200 SI 80Vi 30v4 K C Southern. ..... I1-. Kennecott Cop. 13,700 83 3254 2 7 Louis & Nash 118 Maxwell Motors. , 27 54 Mex Petroleum. 4,000 169 16854 1S Miami Copper.. 2,000 23'4 224 234 Missouri Pacific 1,800 254 25 254 Nevada Copper. 800 16v 36T4 36". N Y Central 7.100 74 54 73 54 74 5, N Y, N H si H 81 54 Norfolk & West 2.400 301 S 104 54 108 Northern Pac. 7.800 934 3 934 Pacific Mail .. 1.400 38 38 8S Pennsylvania .. 17.500 4r,, 434 45"4 Pitts Coal 2.6O0 47 46t 47 Ray Cons Cop. 2,3i 20 39'4 20 Reading 17.30O o 794 804 Rep I & Steel.. 1.300 74 T4 74 74. Shattuck Ar Cop .".no 14 14 14 c.,,1)..,. js(in 302 fto 302 Southern Ry... 4.6UO 29'r4 28 74 2W4 Rtudebaket Co.. 4.800 Ml 49;. 504 Texas 'o 1,400 190 19 390 Union Pacific . . 4.390 129 327 129 U S Ind Alcohol l.OOO 3024 101 302 U S Steel 76,100 944 034 944 do pfd I.hhi Jiii inn i' Utah COPPT ... 5.BOO 724 J 1 - 1 Wabash pfd B.. .1.200 205 3054 0 Western Union fi'J Westing Electric a.AOO . j v. Bid. NEW YORK BONT LIST. tf p Tef 2s reg .98 .08 .83 .83 .106 IPa con 4 54 ,. 96 . 7 54 . 99 54 .102 1 .. 97'i . .99.39 . .92.84 . .92.90 do coupon.. u Jr as U S Steel 5s S P rv fin. . . . 17 8 3s reg. do coupon . . TJ. S. 4s reg. 'Anglo-Fr 5s.... do coupon . . ..106 U K LID SV4S. U S 1.1b 1st 4s. TT .3 T.ih 1A 4m Atch Gen 4s. F4 n 08 84 60 14 94 5- D A R O ref 5s NYC deb 6s. IT S Lib 1st 44 S.9A.40 a. 94.00 N P 4s TT O T.IK SU N P 8s U S Lib 81 44s 95.32 Pao T & T 5s. . u o lid atn a 'A s. 94.38 Boston Mining Mocks, BOSTON, Dec 28. Closing quotations: Allouez . M 4- IQuinry .. 69 17 Arlz Com 12 54 Superior Sup & Bos Mln. Shannon ....... Utah' Con Winona ........ Wolverine ...... Cal & Ariz 6154 Cal Hecla 425 Cop R Con Co.. 404 K Butte cop Aim vm Franklin ...... 3 4 Isle H (Cop . 23 '4 Oranby Cons 7 Lake t'opper SIGreene Cananea 45 31541 North Butte. Money. Exrhtiire, Ete. KTTW TORK, Dec. 28. McrcantJU paper Unchanffod. Sterlia? day pins nncbanrea; cables, S4.7CS5: fran c-t, demand 6.43 A; cablas. C.47; maildcrg, demand 42; cables, 42 ; ur unchanged. Mexican dollar nn chan d. TWEI.TE MILLION DOLLARS INCREASE Gold Reserve of Federal Banks Gain Dur lnar Week. WASXITNGTON. Dec. M. Total cold re serves of the Kederal reserve banks showed an Increase during the week Just ended of nearly $12,000,000, accord ins; to tha com bined statement of tho 12 banks at the close of business Doctmber 27, made public tonight. No material change was indicated In the quantity of Kederal reserve notes In circulation. The statement follows: .Resources . X ftr?7 JtK nrtfi Gold in vault and In transit J.74, 708,000 Gold settlement fund, Federal Reserve Board a74.7ra,000 Gold with foreign agencies.... O.SO.OoO Total gold held In banks.... $ 717,062,000 Gold with federal Keserva agents l,2,!ln,noo Gold redemption fund 64,01;,, 000 Total gold reserves 12.010. 274. imo Lcsal tender notes, silver, etc. 6 R. 9 4a. 000 Total reserves $2,146,219,000 Bil Is discounted secured by f;ovemnieat war obligations. l,4n0.3T1 .000 All othr KO2,r.7,0"0 uina oougni in open maxicei., Total bills on band 2,0o,61 l,(nte U. . liovt. long-term securities V. S. Govt, short-term securities 22(tt77(oon All other earning assets 13,000 Total earning assets $-.318,170,000 Um-otlectoa items taeauct irom itruas deposits) 7oD.608.000 t ive per cent redemption tuna against F. R. bank notes... n,08.e.rto All otner resources Total resources $0,251,990,000 LlaDiUlles Capital paid In I SO.6Rl.noo Surplus l.tru.rioo tlovernment deposits 3.3H7,O0O ru to members roserve aeet.. l,r7,3 1 .nrio t'ol lection items &34,b23.000 Other deposits, inciufltnr xor- eisn government credus .... 106,002.000 Total cross deposits .$,312,500,000 Federal itea.rve notes n cir- rulation 2.685,244.000 eederal Iteserve hub notes in circulation net liability 117.123. 000 All other liabilities b.l.UUO.DOO Total liabilities $.1,201,000,000 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal Yeserve note UaOllitiee combined. 50.6 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to Federal re serve notes In actual circulation alter set ting aside 3." per cent against net deposit liabilities. 69.1 per cent. COFFEE H'TIRM AGAIN IECI.rjrE Fresh Buying Is Checked by Wen knee, at Santos. KKW TORK, Dec. 28. There wss further decline In the market for coffee iutures. Frash buying seemed to be held In check by the easier tendency of the Hantos market. The opening was l.S to 43 points lower and May contracts sold off to 1 r.HT. cents during the morning, while Sep tember declined to 15.43, with the market closing at a pet loss of lo to 83 points. Closing- bids: May. i:."ic; July, September. 13.00c; October, 15.40c and IJe- cember. 15.40c The local spot market was nominally an changed on the basis of 15Hc for Rio 7s and 22c to 22 He for Santos 4s. fo frush fea ture was reported in cost and freights. The official cables reported an advance of 100 reis In the Rio market but Santos spots were 100 reis lower end futures showed a further reaction .of 100 to 200 reis. Receipts at tha two Brazilian ports were 37,000 bags. Saxplna Reserrra Decreased. NEW TORK. Dae. 28. Tha actual con dition of clcarins-uouse auU trust com panics for the week flve daya. shows that they hold $42,804,340 reserve in excess of legal requirements. This is sv decrease) of $10,687,410 from last week. 8TOCK MARKET 13 HEALTHY POSITION Heavy Sales ef Liberty Bonds Do Net Dis turb Flnmnclers. NEW TORK, Dec 28. The final week ef a memorable year 'In the annals of the world's financial markets effected no change of moment In the conditions recent ly exUtlng on the Stock Exchange, apart from record-breaking sales of liberty bonds, mostly at lowest quotation yet established. This condition, generally accepted as a temporary or pausing phaae, in no way dis turbed the confidence of those captalna of finance and industry, who believe this country Is destined to occupy a position of greater Importance and power tn the far reaching period of reconstruction. Various theories popularly advanced by economists that the United States, no leas than Its co-belligerents, will have to bear Its share of the war a financial burdens for many years, seem to be neutralised by the country's enormous credits and gold hold ings, as well as supplies of raw materials. lomestlc basic conditions are regarded as eminently- sound, but labor problems ans readjustment of prices' of essential com modities press for Increased recognition, as Is evidenced by the pause In the steel and Iron trades. LIEUT TRADING JIT YARDS HOLIDAY QUIET IX IvOCAL LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices in AH Lines Are Steady at Close of Veek FIt Loads Are Received. Trade was ejulet at the Etoekyarda at tha close of the week, only one full load chancing- hands. The market was steady In alt departments anH Is expected to continue so until after the holidays. Five loads were received, containing 09 cattle. 7 calves, 436 hogs and 100 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Wrt Pr.l 775 $ 3.50 Wgt. Pf. 310 $11.00 2 cowa. 1 cow. . 810 4.0t 550 14.75 3 cows. . . o: S.25 4 hogs... 140 15.00 5.75 2 hogs... 220 15.50 6T1) 4 hogs... Sr..r 13.S5 6.00 Shogs... 420 14.85 7.25 1 hog.... 150 12.00 7.00 10O hogs. . . 185 16.S5 8.75 45 lambs. 60 13.00 7.00 3 lambs. 110 0.25 7.0O 51 lambs. 00 12.75 6.60 lewe... 140 8.00 8.50 at the local yards are as 2 COWS... 1030 1 COW. . . . 070 2 cows... 720 1 COW. . . . 1010 3 cows. .. 0H0 4 cowa. .. 1080 a bulls... 1145 1 bull.... 1070 1 bull.... 1200 1 calf. ... 3SO Prices current follows: Cattle- Prlee 112.50 913 M , 11.5012.54 10.00 4r 11.50 8.50W 0.50 7.50 8.50 B.OO'SIO.OO 6.50 7.50 3.50 4.50 K.nn'rK 8 00 Prime steers Oood to choice steer. Medium to good steers l-alr to good Common to fair steers Choice cowsand heifers Fair to medium cowa heifers.. Cannera Bulls Calves 0.00 412.00 17.foei7.2S 16.7.W 17.00 14.75016.00 14.00 ir 15.00 l2.ooaia.on 9 00 W 11.00 10.00 fri I. OO 0 On r 10.00 6.00 U 9.00 HOCS W Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough heavies . . . Piss Sheep- Prime lambs Fair to medium lambs ......... Tearllncs . ... .. Wethers cvei .......................... Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Dee. 28. (United States Tla- reau ef Markets.) Hogs Receipts IS.noo bead; market active, etrong to 10c higher than yesterdsys general trade. Bulk ef sales $17.4517.85: butchers', $17.63017.90; light. $to.feia l7.o: packing, $16.80917.65; throwouts, $15.60016.76; pigs, good to choice. $14.25 913.25. Cattle Receipts. 3 OOO head: eempared with a week ago; beef steers and butcher it took mostly 75c0$1.25 higher. Bulla and cannera. 60?74e higher. Veal ealvea and best feeders. 50e higher; common atockers. steady. Sheep Receipts. Vvoo hesd; compared with a week ago, killing lambs. 85etp$1.10 higher; wethers and yearlings. $191.25 higher; ewes, 6O075o higher. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dee. 28. Hogs Receipts 9500 head: market 1015e higher. Heavy. $17.15 & 17.70; mixed. $1 7.2S 17.60: light. $17,100 17.60: pigs. $10016; bulk ef sales. $17.25 17.60. Cattle Rsceipts, 100 head: market strong. Native steers. $11.50G18.50; cows and heif ers, $7fj13: Western steers, $Q.50$16; Texas steers. $8.5011.75; range cows and heifers, $6.6011; cannera. $6$y7; etoekers and feed era. $e.SO0'15; calves, $7.50013.75. Sheep Receipts 30O head; market steady. Culls. $4.507.50: wethers, $10011; ewes. $7.5099.50; feeder lambs, $10.50nl4.50; lambs. $lZ.oOe13.oo: yearlings. $io.coai2. Seattle Livestock Market. PEATTLK, Dec. 28. Born Receipts. 107. Firm. Prime lights, $17.2517.45; medium to choice, $17t?17.25; medium heavies, $16 11.40. rough heavies, 1100 15.40: pigs, $15: Cattle Kecelpts, oo. strong. J3est steers. $11012; medium to choice. $10.603U.60; common t good, $698.50; best cowa and helfera, $8.500.50: common to medium. $o 07.50; bulls. satfT.bO; calves. S.W12. DATI.Y MKTEOROLOGICAI. RETORT. PORTLAND. Dee. 28. Maximum temper ature, 47 degrees; minimum, 40 degrees. Itlver reading. A- Jl.. IS leet; Changs In last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall u V. M. to 5 P. M.) .11 Inch: total rainfall since September 1. 1918. 12.56. Inches; normal rainfall since September 1. 18.63 Inches; de ficiency of rainfall since Hepteraher 1. 1918, 6.07 Inches. Sunrise, 7:53 A. M.; sunset. 4:33 P. M.; total sunshine, none; possible sunshine. 8 hours 42 minutes. Moonrise. 8:33 A. M. ; moonset. 1:13 I. M. Barometer I reduced to sea level) a P. M., 30.12 Inches. Relative humidity at noon, 75 per cent. TUB vVKATHER. Wind "(ate ef Weather STATIONS. : a Faker ....... Koipe 2 O 2110 30") 411 0 2li 0 4S'n 4xn 52 0 50 0 4 10 34 a - o 7H'0 oni. ,N1! !Snow no Hoston OOII2 .1111! . . NWPt. cloudy Calgary NWiPt. cloudy .i6!. As Chicago . . . . Denver ...... Des Moines. . .. iureka ...... Clalveston .... tnow .oo . . r .on . .In .04!. ,iv .00i. .1.1 .OH . . Nff .no'. .1 . , .. .no 10' 8 lesr Clear Cloudy i !tear Cloudy Helena .Tuneaut . . . . clear" Clear Kansas city.. I.os Angeles . . Marsliflcld ... Medford Minneapolis . . New Orleans.. New York ... North Head . . North Yakima 1'ltoenix Pocatello .... Portland . . . . . Roseburg .... hacramento . St. Ixiulx oo . . :sw 580. -louily as o 20 0. 50 0 3410. 45 0 3H 0. KH'O 42 11 46 0 .041. .INWrioudr 0n. ,w 001. .!W 00 20 NW 24!. .INW i. .v Clear '1.. r floiidy cloudy Pt. cloud v 34 tio;is h'b tT't. cloudy ;iear 1(1 'f- oudv 32 4110 r,o ri 28 0. 14!. . H TT't. cloudy K2l 241 20 46 4 2 no! . .'K Iciear OOI..ISW no 14 W . 12 M OO H W Clear Fait Lake 42 0 74 0 56 0 (ear San Diego. . . . clear San r ranCMCO. Pt. ctnnflT Seattle 40 '24 4 4H 0. 2tl 12 aw Cloudy Sitka :i . 8K 0 .1. .1 Spokane ...... Tacoma .1 0012 BW Snow Pt. cloudy 4H II. 12 14 RW Tatoostl Island 48 4 0 28,. 48 0 34 0 24 0 2 32 1 W oiil; " w" on! . . w 00 14iNW Clear Valdezt Walla Walla Cloudy" Cloudy Cloudy Washington Winnipeg FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain ; moderate westerly winds. Oregon Rain west, rain or snow east por tion: moderate westerly winds. Washlnicton Fair wchU rain or snow east portion: fresli southwesterly winds. Idaho Rain or snow. KDWAKD 1 WKLI.S, Meteorologist. " Cable Restrictions Removed. yVASHIXGTOX, Dec. 18. Removal of tho war-time prohibition, on the regis tration of abbreviated cable addresses -was announced today by the Navy Department. It also was announced that addresses registered on or after January 1, 1917. now will ba rec ognized In the United Etates and that Great Britain and France have elim inated restrictions on. the use of ad dresses registered on or alter July 1, 1911. , An Announcement Concerning iAFE DEPOSIT. Government and Municipal Bonds OREGON 5.000 Astoria, 3,000 tAstorla,Ore,Irop.Ser. No. 13.14,15 8.500 t " " 3.500 t " " " " 3.000 t - 1,000 t 1.000 t 1.000 t 2.600 t " " 2.600 t " " " " 2,600 t " 3,600 t " " " ' 8,500 t " " " " "... 609 t " " " " 48tt " " 1.000 tAstoria. City of. Ore.. Imp. Ser. No. f 500 TBandon. Oregon, Funding? 17.000 Bend. City of. Ore.. Iire Equip.. 2,000 Corvallio, Ore., Imp 10,000 DoukIss Cotinty, Ore.. Ser. No. 1 600 tMarshfield. City of. Ore 600 tXehalem, Port of. Ore 1.000 Newport. Port of, Oregon....... 1,000 tOreg-on City, Orepon, Imp 600 tRainier. City of, Oregon. Water. 3,408ttSalem. City of. Ore.. Funding... 1.000 tToledo, City of, Ore, Funding-.. 3,000 Toledo. Port of, Oregon 32,000 Warrenton. City of. Ore.. Muni.. WASHINGTON t 1.000 t 1,600 t IDAHO 1.000 tCoeur d'Alene, Igaho, Kefdp;. . 3.000 t " " " " 21.000 "Gooding Co.. Ida.. Iltsrh & Brld CANADA (Cicmpt frort all Domini 48,500 'Greater Winnipeg 'Water..... 3.000 Greater 2.400 Greater 18.000 'Toronto, City of, Ont. 4.000 "Toronto. City of, Ont. 1.000 Toronto, City of, Ont 20,000 Victoria, City of tDenotes fractional bond. Denotes bonds 11000 denomination. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. TIIK I'llKMIEH MIMtirAL BOXD HOUSE, 300.11 Stark Street, Between Sth and 0th (Ground Floor). Telephone! Broadway SIS!. Established Over S3 Years. ADVANCE CATCHES SHORTS ALTj CORN OPTION'S, EXCCTT MARCH AND MAY, SOAR. Congestion, in December Contracts Also Affects May Delivery. Better Demand for Oats. CHICAGO. Dee. 2. Efforts ef shorts to escape losses In nearby deliveries carried (he corn market upo-rade today. except March and May options, which sheweti a sllcht setback. Tha closa was firm. Jin-uhi-v. 81.43 to 11.43V; Miy, 81.36H In $IUHH, and the finish as a whole fee erf to aito advanca, compared ska - hours before. At first all deliveries ef corn, barrlnz only December, had a downward slant ewlnc to predictions that after New Year'a a larger crop movement would take place. ube quenrly. however, the fart became evident that the conceatlnn In December contracts had affected the January delivery. Improved domeatio demand rave Inde pendent strength to oats. Besides, the South waa said to ba outbidding Chicaso at some points In Illinois. Provisions ware (evened chiefly by the action of corn, " in the hoc mar ket appeared to have but little it any di rect Influence. Nearly continuous stormy weather Inter fered with aheUlna- and wacon IreTflo and had a cood deal to do with tha meacemess of the movement of corn to market, with tha fact that stocks were down clone to the vanishing- point. An additional reason lay In tha fact that tha surplus states this year had produced kuishels le.s than tha average. On the other hand, assertions that feeding demand had passed ths climax tended to check bullish tntlment in regard to eptlona later than January. Leading- futures ranged as follows: cons. Open. High. Ixw. Close. .Ten .1.42 11.4.; 141Vi fl.4 May 1.36 1.37 1.35 V. l.oUTi OAT3. Jaa S ,o .n4 May !" .70'. .60 .lO'.i MfcSS PORK. .Tan- ! 47 25 May 43.10 43.O0 43.10 43.10 LARD, Jaa 2S 80 23.O0 23. 711 23.87 May 23.60 24.0T 23.87 24.03 SHOUT RIBS. Jan 23.02 23 07 23 02 23.07 May 23.73 1:3.77 23.63 23.77 Cash prices were as follows: Corn No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 3 yel low, nominal: No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats No. 3 white, tttSVstruOc; standard, 69 L.O 70 Vie. Rye No. 2. 31 62. Wirley 00c 11.03. T-imothy a 1 1. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Iird 823.87. Ribs Nominal. Mlnneetpolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, pec. 28. Barley, 86095a Flax. 83.u3tt3.53. Grain at nan Franelseo. BAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 28. Flour, 311.43 per bsrrel. Grata Wheat, Government price, 32.20 and Realizing that the public is desirous of keeping its securities, papers, records and valuables where it is assured of the widest range of service, we have fitted a most complete Safe Deposit vault for its use. For over a quarter century the name Morris Brothers, Inc., has stood for all that is substantial and eound in the way of Government and Municipal Bond investments. The steady growth of our business to a rank of leadership proves how well we have served and how successfully we have builded. Our Safe Deposit Vaults are opened to the public with but one idea in mind to broaden our usefulness in our field of endeavor and to give our client the advantage of every possible facility for their convenience and safety. The following is the very best list of American and Canadian Municipal Bonds being offered on the market today. It might be interesting to know that every Canadian Bond we have sold during the past year and a half has im proved from 4 to 5 points in value, thereby giving the investor a clean profit on each bond purchased. (Exempt from all Federal Income taxes) Rate Maturity Orearon. "Water. 5 6 6 S 6 6 6 S 6 6 6 6 6 J&J 1937 FA-A. 1921 F&A 1922 F&A 1923 F&A 1923 F&A 192S F&A 1927 F&A 1S30 F&A 1931 F&A 1933 F&A 1934 F&A 1935 F&A 1936 F&A 1937 F&A 1933 Ser. No. 15 e 6 6 4H c 6 5 e 6 J&T 1937 Nov 1933 M&S 1923 - J&J 1925 A&O 1923 J&D 1923 J&J 1919 J&J 192S J&D 1921-JS J&J 1919 M&N 1926-28 F&A 1931 - JAJ 1923 MiN 192S-S8 Road J&J 1920 101.60 6 20 .... 6 J&J 1921 102.20 6.20 .... 6 J&J 1922 102.86 6.20 " J&J 1924 103.82 6.25 " " 6 J&J 1925 103.83 S !R 6 J&J 1926 104.35 6.25 6 J&J 1927-24 102.87 5 60 Government taxation) 5 J&J 1921 97.148 6.25 5 '.I&J 1922 96.13 6.25 6 F&A 1923 9S.94 6.25 6 M&N" 1923 100.94 6.75 5 J&D 1921 98.55 6.75 5 J&J 1921 P8.27 6.75 6 J&D 1922 97.70 6.75 6V& A&O 1924 97.60 6 00 Winnipeg Water.. Winnipeg; Water.... tDenotes bonds of $500 of 31000 denomination. tDenotes bonds per bushel: barley. 2.1S2.20: osts. white teed, nominal: corn. California yellow. 8J.8.V Hay Wheat and wheat and oat. $23027; tame oat. -"J;4: barley, til a lit, allalta, 315U19; barley atrsm-, SOgiSOc. Meals Alfalfa, 336; rocosnut. nemlnaL Chicago talry Frodare. CHTCAflO, Dec 28. Butter, higher; cream ery, bi66c Cotton Market. NTCW TORTC, Dec 28. Spot cotton stesdy. Middling. ;;:ic. Dnlnth Unseed Market. DUL.TJTH. Dec 21. Unseed. 3.53. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Hirtha. "WATTS To Mr. end Mrsi. T.". Tt. TVatts. 24 Kat iMglity-ninih. Ueremher 111. a daughter. ARTH To Mr. and Mrs. Morris -Wll- marlh, Oswego. Or., December 13, a daugh ter McQUKARr To Mr. and Mrs. Klmer J. Mcucary. 59 Kaat lletenth. December So. deliverer. 11WTUN To Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Heston. 3S8'? Kiim Rummde. December 2.Y a eon. AMACIIEH To Mr. and Mrs. Kred Am ach.r. 200 trafit. December 16. a daughter. HLKK To Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Tyler. 6210 N inetv-second, December 16. a son. liR.VMdUAir To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brasseau. 72U6 Klghty-f itth. December . a daughter. eAM'KTUI To Mr. and Mrs. TV. T. San ders. fi 2U Klghty-aevenUi. December IS. a daujrhter. TAVWR To Mr. a-nd Mrs. W. E. Tay lor. 787 eleventh. December 11. a eon. CIIANUI.KK To Mr. and Mra. Porey Chandler, 6fc9 l-Yont. December 23. a daugh ter CHTT.TErtS To Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Chlld ers. 104 Miaaourl avenae. December 18, a Uauch t er. IIANTORD-To Mr. and Mrm. Fred p. Uanford. 13 West Colfaa. December 16. a duurhter. WICKIS To Mr. and Mr. MaHon P. Wlckes. liTT. Mississippi avenue. December 23. a daochter. DofilKU To Mr. and Mra. Earnest K. Dosler. 740 Esst Irving. December 23. a son. Marriage Incenses. Rt'PMAV-KPSTKI.V Mendel Susmsn. 24. 1006 Vsuchn street, and Anna R. Kpsteln. 1:4. 240 Meuri. street. BK ACH -M KXE l-'KK Vamel D. C. Heech. 20. Alexandra Court, and Virginia Irene Menefee. 19. f24 Myrtla street. ; A RD-BKKO Alfred Nyward. iO. 42 Kr.mont street, and Jessie Berg. 27, 361 Krernmit street. rooK-I.'Kyl.-HART Roy A. Cook, local. 213 liall street, and Irene 8. Urquhart. leal. Ktilson Hotel. I'OPLIX-HAMBT.ET Paul C. Poplin, le ral. Vancouver Barracks, and Jessie M. liamblet. legal. Benson Hotel. Vancouver Marriage Ueenaee. SWANHON-OI.oON Henry . Kwanaon. 28. of Kureka. Mont., and Mlaa Slgne A. Olson, 21. of Portland. COl-LKY-CllARRIER Thomas J. Cntlev 23, of I'e Kit. Wash., and Itoae Marie Char rier. 32. of Vancouver. Wash. URAIIAM-IIARKETT-Hussell E. Graham. 27, l.auslng. Mich., and Miss Hose It. Garrett, i, oi ron.anu. G A FKN K Y-MICH AL.I, Daniel W. Csffnev, 33, of Cl.irkamas. Or., and Mla JosepUine M. Michsll. 22. of CIscksnias. Or. WOOl.KTTK-CKAKTS ijeorre W. Wool. ette. IcksI. of l'nrtland, and Mrs. I.eah Cratls. 1 c.ll. or l'nrtland. BAHKKR-7110MAS ICdson Carl Barker, Jr., 27, of Lei Angeles. Cel., and Mrs. Min nie Thomas. :t4. of Portland. LONO-DAVIDSON Arch C. Unf. 84, of Oregon City, or., and .isle N. Davidson, 34, of Oregon City. Or. K.L.sO-.L.i:wio Francis W. Kelso, 40, ot BOX ,11 lS Price loo.oo To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net Ticld B.oo 6.00 6.10 6.10 5.15 5.20 5.20 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.30 6.30 6.35 6.35 6.3a 6.40 6.40 6.23 6.125 4.80 6.25 6.40 6.125 6.125 6.50 6.125 6. AO 5.30 e.oo 32 105.48 To Net 105.09 PS. PS 1U3.26 100.29 99;00 102.03 100.50 105.39 100.00 99.00 100.00 32 denomination. of J100, 1500 and Portlnnd. and Mra. Nettie K Lewis. K ef lortiHMd. J H N.-!OX-ANT IT.I.A waltfr Johnson. 22. of I'oriiud, and Ml.s Kdith Anttila. 22, of Imort !s no . 1'ITOMABO-PCTtS Andy Dlremaso. !2. ef Portland, and Miss Ochs. 16. of Ti- gard, tr. ii.tNTA-ri.ARKE winiam Banta. 29. r Ponlnnd. and Mrs. llattte M. Clarke. 2U, oi T'urtianri. Si-oTT.HTANFOItn Augustas H. Prott. 24. of 1'itttiburg, nn1 Miss Ivian E. tstanfurd. (ir i-iiehalli. Whsii. HASiiBI.L-IiOlTdMKKTT Alton .T. It. Tlaaiell. -.1. of Cilbert. r , and MtRS C. Ma rie lonchrty. IS. of Vancouver. Wash. l (INWA1 -OWKNS i.dwird Conwsy. ".. of l.exinctnn, Ky and Mra Anna Owens. 30. eC Portland. LYN-ASf-BRKWrrn .To. I.rtitm. 24. ef I. a Crande. or., and Miss Hazel O. Brewer. 21. of Portland. Air Mail Pilot Injured. NEW TORK. Dec. 28. T.yman W. Dotty, of BIrks. Cal.. a riit in the New Tork-Washinitton air mail service, waa seriously injured today in land- lnr at Helmont 1'a.rk when ensrlno trouble forced him to abandon a flight to the capital. Dotty was formerly an Army Lieutenant and bad been in the mail service about a month. Grays Harbor Sheriff Widens I.uliora ABERDEEV, Wash.. Dec. 28. (Spe cial.) To serve the needs of the more than 30.000 people on Grays Harbor and the western end of the county more promptly, efficiently and economically. Sheriff Jeff Kartell baa arrang-ed to open a branch of the Sheriff's office In A berdeen. OVERBEGK & COOKE GO. Brokers, Stnrke, Bonds, Cotton. Grain. Kte. I1C-Z17 BOAHU UF 1 HADE BUM, MfcMUEKS CHICAGO lUAUa. ttOABD Of MEMBERS Correspondents r I ..ran 4s Bryan, Chicago and Nis Vera. Mew kork Stock Exchange Chicago btock Eschange Boston btock Eschaago Chicago Uoard ot Trad. New a ork Cotton Esrhanare New Orleans Cotton Kscnaage New a ark Coffeo avscbaage New York Prod oca Kachaage Uverpovt Cotton Aaa'a TRAVKIKR CriDF.. AUSTRALIA Honolulu, Suva, Now Zealand UWUt iUSTRlUSIil R0T1L MAIL LIKE Largeat. newest. best-equipped steamera. l-'ar tares and saltings apply Can. Pac. Rail way. 66 Third M.. Portland, or Generni aVseak 64U oumeux bt aaceuiar. U. ti. IfTI 1 05.2