The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 22, 1918, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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So That You and Your Family May Call
Together and Hear the Wonderful
Only Five Counties in State
Exceed Last Year's Total.
IV ! u : i .i. 'If' 7 K ..- I
raracle of Trucks and Street-Corner
Meeting Help to Swell Port
, land's Membership.
fOontlmiea From First Pae
united support of the American people
to relieve it. -
"Believing all loyal .A -rU
take dollar memberships this Christ
mas, the war council has canceled the
war fund drive previously scheduled for
Spring. Upon the success of your et
fort this week depends whether your
chapter must again go to the people
before next Christmas. The success
of the rollcall clearly depends upon
reaching every adult with the request
to Join, as no loyal American will
refuse. Reports thus far indicate a
comparatively small enrollment in Ore
gon. Nevertheless we are confident
that you can and will get 100 per cent."
Five Conntlea Over Top.
Reports which have come to State
Manager Witham's office show that
only five of the 31 Red Cuoss chap
ters in the state have exceeded last
year's total membership. Every
county is expected to at least equal
their 1917 marks If the rollcall is to
be a success.
Hood River last night reported a
membership of 2000. 103 in excess of
last year. Union County has far ex
ceeded her best previous record of 5681
by enrolling 8000. Wasco County was
the first In the tate to beat last year's
figrures, reporting 6314. compared with
6701. Clackamas County has 9000
memberships, 140 more than last year.
Judge Lowell has reported Umatilla
County 100 per cent, estimating 10.000
by Monday, compared with 9538 last
Western Washington County has en
rolled 1200, with the Fairview. Watts
and Fernhill districts 100 per cent, ac
cording to Judge Lowell's report.' East
ern Washington County has 2600 mem
bers, more than last year. Sherman
County has 1250 members.
Guard Will Sweep City.
Harney County's total is 960, Astoria
E213 and Pilot Rock, with a population
of only 1600, including children, has
reported 786 members.
There will be far from any slacken
ing in the campaign pace in Portland
today, for Red Cross headquarters at
Liberty Temple will be open as usual,
and the forces of the Multnomah Guard
will be marshalled to sweep the city
in a mighty effort to reach the 100 per
cent rollcall mark on the last, day but
one of the campaign. Orders have been
issued by Colonel Campbell for the
guardsmen to assemble at the Armory
at 8 o'clock this morning. Officers
met there last night to receive instruc-
tions and Red Cross ammunition.
Eighty stalwart men in their service
uniforms of olive drab and 20 canteen
women this morning will carry the roll
call campaigni into some 60 Portland
churches. The force will mobilize at
Liberty Temple at 9:30 this morning,
where they will be given their supplies
and assignments by Mrs. A. R. Innes,
assistant city manager. Members of
the squadron will be taken in auto
mobiles to the churches where they will
be given the place of honor on the
morning service programmes.
Red Cross Activities Told.
"The Red Cross is the greatest or
ganization in the world today."
This is the statement made by Mrs.
Edmond C. Giltner. prominent Port
land woman, who left Oregon last May
for Red Cross service in Paris, in a
letter under date of November 26, re
ceived yesterday by City Manager Reed.
"I am wondering if you will have the
Red Cross heart and dollar drive in
December as we had .last year," Mra
Giltner wrote. "How I would love to
be in Portland to help and tell some
thing of the great work of the Red
Cross as I see it daily here. It is the
grandest organization in the world to
day, and America can well be proud of
what has been done for suffering hu
r manity through its channels.
"I cannot believe that any man or
woman who has had any part in the
work of the war at home or over here
will ever bo content to go back to the
self-centered, useless' pursuits of pleas
ure when work of this kind is no longer
TrnekB Carry Mercy Mesnagre.
"We have all gained so much more
than we have given and we have
learned lessons of patience and self
denial that will change our views of
life. The things that were once so im
portant become trivial in the face of
all that we have suffered and survived
in this war."
Trucks in the highways transport
review last night carried Red Cross
posters, the parade serving as a pre
lude to the street corner rallies staged
in the downtown section in the inter
ests of the follcall push. A number
of the vehicles were pressed into serv
ice to transport speakers from corner
to corner. Prominent organizations of
the city conducted the rallies, furnish
ing their own programmes.
O. C. Bortzmeyer, auditor for the city
campaign, yesterday put on a second
Red Cross button, because, he said, he
had found one a little larger than his
first. He confessed to holding three
memberships. City Manager Reed con
fidentially admitted that he had the
. same number and had a feeling that
he was going to take more.
State Manager Coman holds the rec
ord, it Is believed. "I just walked from
For Christmas
You can't beat fine Jewelry for
practical and lasting gifts. Come
and review the hundreds of sug
gestions for holiday giving. You
can shop here in comfort and with
the assurance your money will go
further. The merchandise is the
very best the market produces.
are my apedalty. your money back If not ae
eqaal of any diamond bought here can be dupli
cated elsewhere for less.
dainty wrlat watrhei for the -woman In mJ the
popular shape, f.I to $5GO. For meo all the
popular mnkes Howard. Hamilton. Walt ham.
Klgin and the thin model Swiaa.
Without Extra Charge
334 Washington St. Opposite Owl Drnar Co.
Liberty Temple- to the Gasco building."
he explained to a canteen worker, "and
I was stopped three tims and forced to
pay three dollars before I got there.
They're damned good workers!"
One hundred soldiers of the Spruce
Division, assigned to special duty by
Brigadier-General Dlsque'. yesterday
assisted in gathering the harvest of
Red Cross dollars in the downtown dis
trict. Few were the procrastinators
who got by the uniformed hustlers.
Co-operating with the soldiers were
woman members of the Red Cross can
teen service. ' under the command of
Mrs. Ferdinand? E. Reed, chairman.
"Where's your button?" was their
watchword, and only those who could
display the mercy emblem wera allowed
to pass. ..
Soldiers Boost Bend Campaign.
BEND. Or., Dec. 21. (Special.)
Returned soldiers and sailors today
donned their uniforms and scoured the
town for memberships to the Red Cross.
Bend has - been lagging in the cam
paign, and up to today only '$800. had
been, turned in. Several of the dis
tricts within the city and all of the
rural districts in Jefferson and Des
chutes counties are yet to be heard
suits. The total membership In Clarke
county will not be known until some
time next week.
Hood River Machinist' Dies.
HOOD RIVER, Or, Dec. 21. (Spe
cial.) Jacob Merle, a machinist and
local garage man. died today of aro
plexy. He was stricken at hia shop.
and, although not thought to be seri
ously ill. he expired within three hours.
Mr. Merle formerly worked at Albany,
urn came west irom new lort
Ohio Needs Physician;.
COLUMBUS. O.. Dec. 21. Appeal to
Secretary of War Newton D. Baker for
the release at once of at least 200
Ohio physicians from the Army to aid
in combatting the influenza epidemic
in the rural sections was made in a
telegram sent today by the Ohio State
Medical Association.
e,H' Mil
k; . "i .
m Urn tmtit
i ib ;! m iiu
"Delightfully Different and Musically the Most Perfect Talking Machine in
All the World"
There is one talking machine which is chosen
when heard in critical comparison. It won the
highest score for tone quality at the Panama
Pacific Exposition in San Francisco in 1915. It is
the Sonora
A critical comparison of all phonographs invari
ably results in favor of the Sonora because it is
fundamentally correct and is the result of eight
years of experience in the art of talking machine
The Sonora is not a new make of talking
machine, but is one of the old standard makes,
which has been tried and not found lacking. It has
not been foisted on the markets during the last
few months to take advantage of the unusual con
ditions caused by the Government curtailing the
output of talking machines by the older companies
in order that their factories might be devoted to
supply aircraft for war purposes.
is the policy upon which the Sonora is manufac
tured, marketed and offered to you for your con
sideration. The Sonora claims your recognition
of its superiority on the three essentials of a
musical instrument tone quality, cabinet con
struction and finish and mechanical construction.
Sonora tone quality is recognized and conceded
to be, among those who are familiar with talking
machines, the most perfect in all the world.
Sonora tone is not slight and questionable but is
immediately and convincingly evident.
Sonora cabinets are delightfully different
their beauty is found in delicate curves and soft
bulges. In the Sonora the highest art of the wood
worker has been applied. Wood of the finest grain
is molded into cabinets of exclusive design and
surprising beauty.
Sonora motors are the supreme motors of the
phonograph world. They are of Swiss design,
manufactured in America, are absolutely noiseless
and will play nearly twice as many records with
one winding as any other make. In certain models
of the Sonora the motor will run as long as 45
minutes with one winding. A written guarantee
accompanies each Sonora instrument.
Sonora instruments are designed to . play, all
makes of records perfectly without the use of
additional devices of any kind. Sonora was the
first instrument on the market to play all makes
of records. It has passed the experimental stage,
as the present system of playing all makes of
records is the result of seven years experimenting
and is now the most simple and perfect device of
its kind.
accompanies the Sonora because of the knowledge
that it truly represents an ideal the finest that
money can buy. There are 14 different styles of
the Sonora, at prices from $60 to $1000, and may
be purchased on convenient terms if desired.
We Invite Your Inspection
Exclusive Representatives for This Territory
Officers Mention Another Woman in
Kemp! Murder Case.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 21. (Special.)
Another woman began today to figure
in police investigation of the mystery
shrouding the death by strychnine pois
oning of Miss Rosa Kempt, last bun
day. Chief of Detectives Burns gave oat
the new. 'woman version. It is alleged
she was infatuated with William De
laney, held at the City Jail on a bad
check charge. She is said to have fre
quently visited Miss Kempf.
The officials have not yet made a
murder charge against any one said
to be connected with the affair, and it
probably will be Monday before they
announce their conclusions.
Permits Required in American Area
of Occupation.
Friday. Dec. 20. (By the Associated
Press.) Beginning today only passen
gers who are able to show permits will
be allowed to travel on railways in the
American area of occupation. The
turning over of German rolling stock to
the allies in accordance with the armis
tice has caused a car shortage, making
it necessary to reduce passenger train
service on various routes.
In some districts the car shortage
amounts to 50 per cent of normal.
Cattle Bring Top Prices.
BEND. Or., Dec 21. Special. ) Th
top notch price for cattle in Lake
County was reached today when W. D.
Robinett, of Summer Lake, sold 33
head of beef stock to W. G. Moss, of
jaKeview, at 10 cents a pound, with
delivery at a railroad point not spe
cified.. The deal was closed In Bend.
New Destroyers Launched.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. Dec. 21. Two
destroyers, the Semmes and the Satter
lee, were launched today at the yards
.if the Newport News Shipbuilding &
Drydock Company. The Semmes was
named for Admiral Raphael Semmes,
commander of the Alabama, famous as a
Confederate cruiser, and the Satterlee
for Captain Cbarles Satterlee, of the
U. S. S. Tampa, who perished with hia
crew in 'Bristol Channel some months
mens gift shop
Vancouver Signs 180 0 Members.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec 21. (Spe
cial.) The membership of the Red
Cross in Vancouver tonight is around
1800, though all reports have not yet
been tabulated and will not be known
until Monday. A thorough canvass of
the city has been made by the Minute
Women and Honor Guard Girls, as
sisted by the four-minute men and
others. Booths have been maintained
in the business district with good re-
Large elevator.
Driveway i n t c
building for un
loading. Splendid
basement. Top.
floor exceptional
ly well lighted by
i iifi i
If-' 5
Ground space 50x
100 ft; mill con
struction low in
Large offices at
snrance rate
rear lighted by
Convenient to all freight stations. Located at 328 Glisan street, 40 feet
from Broadway, almost across the street from new Postoffice building.
For information phone Bdwy. 852 or A 1852, or any rental agent.
n his shop offers you a most
j j convenient place to select
your Christmas gifts for
men away from the
crowding; and jostle of depart
ment stores, experienced sales
men will assist you in making an
acceptable selection from this
stock of exclusive men's wear of
the better class, articles bearing
the mark of this store carry add
ed value, gifts from 50c to $85.
gift certificates issued
mail orders solicited
men's furnisher and hatter
331 Washington st., near broadway
A Jewelry Store 1
That Invites a Comparison of
Prices and Quality.
always maintaining a high standard of merchandising and selling
at the most reasonable prices.
I Am Now Showing a Fine Line of
Wrist Watches, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass, Brooches, Diamonds,
mounted and unmounted; etc all suitable and useful Christmas gifts.
Bet. Alder and Morrison E
yj 1 K " " ; - -; - - -- . Vfi
In His
New Success
First pictures
of the greatest
and most im
pressive sight
in all history
the surren
der of Ger
many's fleet
to the British.
A Burglar for a Night
In which Kerrigan takes the part of a young fight
ing American, who plays the limit to win. How he
played, and what he won, and the pep he puts into
x the game makes this a real Kerrigan picture one
of his best.
l . -5 VJ K11
of Concert
on Our
Today at
"Leave It
to Jane"
Jerome Kern.
Ernest H. Hunt