THE STJXDAT OREGOXIAN. PORTXAXD. DECE3IBER 22. 1918. FIVE PRINCIPLES OF , PEACE QUESTIONED Senator Lodge Asks Post-;- 'ponement of Discussion. NATION'S DIVISION FEARED Secret Diplomacy, Frerdom of Seas, Economic Barriers Are Among Xamber, WASHINGTON, Dec. 81. Five of President Wilson'! 14 principles of peace were held up In the Senate today fcy Senator Lodge, the Republican lead er, as questions which might lead to division among the nations which have conquered Germany and which cer tainly ehould be postponed until after the peace conference. They relate to secret diplomacy, freedom of the seas, economic barriers, reduction of arma ments and the league of nations. The Senator recalled that no treaty can become binding upon the United States without the Senate's consent and declared that untoward results could be avoided only if the Senate ex pressed itself frankly in advance. "While I think it a grave mistake," he said, "on the part of the , President to Ignore the Senate because our ultimate responsibility in making the peace is quite equal to his own, I have no fault to find with his not appointing Sena tors as delegates to the peace con ference. Views Should Be Known. "In the present situation," he said, I think it is of last importance that those concerned in the actual negotia tion of the treaty should at least know theviews of the Senate, so far as the Postmaster-General, in control of the cables, and Mr. Creel, in control of the news, will permit," In his discussion of the freedom of the seas the Senator called attention to "the strange development" In con nection with the pending naval Appro priation bill the advocacy by Rear Ad miral Badger of a programme calling for a Navy as large as that of England by 1925. "We need a powerful fleet in the Pacific, and I feel sure we will have a Navy sufficient to furnish that fleet to the Western Coast." Of suggestions that a great Navy is needed for police duty In connection with the league of nations, the Senator aid he would "not stop to ask who is t- order that Navy about the world. "Peace being our'object, terms must te exacted which will make it, so far as human insight goes, impossible for Ger many to break out again upon the world. This oannot be done by treaty engagements and signatures to docu ments. Heavy Indemnities Demanded. "In addition to these guaranties there must be heavy indemnities paid by Ger many for the ruin she has wrought in -P.elgium and Northern France and in Italy, and for her destruction of ves sels, both neutral as well as belliger ents, through the use of submarines. In those Indemnities the United States must have its proper and proportional bare. , "It will be for the peace conference to determine what disposition saould be made of the German colonies, but one thing is essential, and that is they should not be returned to the tyran nical misgovernment of Germany and that she should be deprived of those means for extending her commerce and fcuilding up military outposts in all parts of the world." Of the league of nations. Senator Lodge said no definite plan has yet been put forth that would not cause Indefinite controversy. "The attempt to form now a league of nations with power to enforce Its decrees," he said, "can tend only to em barrass the peace that we ought to make at once with Germany. If it were successful and .... were to come before the Senate, It might en danger the peace treaty and force amendments. . . . "Are we prepared to allow any asso ciation of nations by a majority vote to order the troops and ships of the United States to go to war? Unless we are prepared to do so, we are not pre pared to join a league of nations which le going to enforce peace." In urging the postponement of the question of freedom of the seas. Sen ator Lodge said it was another unde fined question. Treaty Cannot Exist. Discussing secret diplomacy, the Sen ator said this point of President Wilson need not be incorporated in the peace treaty, because eecret treaties never have and cannot exist in this country. Urging postponment of action in the matter of economic barriers, he said it "opens a wide field of discussion," and "its settlement is not in the least es sential to ending the war by a peace with Germany." Russia, Senator Lodge declared, pre sents an important problem in connec tion with the world peace and recon struction which cannot be shirked. All civilized nations, he urged; must aid In restoration of Russia. "We have no present government In Russia," he said, "with which any ona can deal Intelligently. The thing that calls Itself a government is no more, fit to be dealt with in negotiation than a band of anthropoid apee.' Resolutions Are Considered. Before Senator Lodge spoke, the for eign relations committee met to con sider the resot tion cf Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, Republican, proposing postponement of action on the league I .i - . . . i ui uauuiis ana ireeoom ot las ecu a also the resolution of Senator Johnson of California, Republican requiring an official statement of America's policy in Russia. Action on both resolutions waa postponed and probably will not be taken up until after the holidays. Occasionally Senator Lodge digressed from- his prepared remarks. He re ceived close attention from both sides of the House. In one of his extemporaneous state ments Senator Lodge said: "The only alternative, if we are to have a league of nations, to travel all over the world settling disputes, Is that all nations would have to be on the same footing and the Monroe Doc trine would have to be abandoned." When the Senator concluded he was congratulated by several Senators, in cluding Democratic Leade- Martin and Senators King of Utah. Simmons of North Carolina and Smith of Georgia, Democrats. Senator Kellogg of Minnesota, Re publican, recalled the explanation Pres ident Wilson made on March 18 last, of the first of his 14 principles regard ing secret diplomacy. He Said the President explained that negotiations might be private, "but treaties public. "If that is all the President means," said Senator Kellogg, "it means noth ing." Senator Kellogg Insisted that the people of all nations shall be advised of, and discuss the great principles be fore the peace conference and also com mended Senator Borah's proposal for open debate of the peace treaty In the Senate. JEWS GALLED AGITATORS POLITICAL SITTJATIOX IX PO LAND DISCUSSED BY EDITOR. Question Declared to Be Not Relig ions, but Political Pogrom Agitation- Propaganda. WARSAW. Dec 19. (By the Associ ated Press.) In discussing the political-situation In Poland, especially as regards the Jews. Professor P. Tuter milch, a Polish editor and writer, said today: "The present pogrom agitation has been seized upon by the Jews at the expense of the Polish nation for the A inf inom'in c the oeace con gress. The Jews expect to obtain na tionality concessions. in Poland is not religious, since we have never inter fered in that direction, n is pouncm. What they really purpose to do through their nationalist party is not only to get schools, but to have their own f...Hna on1 Stlnn their OWn (.(111 L9 Jt. juvswwt parliament. They really wish to form a state within a state, yei iney miena also to take part in our own political life. It is absurd. "They are now interfering with our new government and attempting to di vide our political parties. There are five Jewish parties. The largest Is the orthodox, but the Socialist party, which is divided In Bolshevik! and Radicals, Is very active. "As for the pogrom situation, it is mostly propaganda." NOLAN CASE IS CONTINUED Co-Defendant of Thomas J. Mooney Slay Escape Trial. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 21. A state ment that the case of Edward D. Nolan, co-defendant of Thomas J. Mooney in the preparedness day bomb murder cases here, might well be dismissed because of an apparent lack of evidence. was made by Superior Judge iranklln A. Griffin here today when Nolan's case came up before him to be set. - Edward A- Cunha, Assistant District Attorney, agreed that the matter should go over until Monday, when Duncan Matheson, captain of detectives, was to be questioned regarding statements he was alleged to have made that there was not enough evidence against Nolan to justify any Indictment. ARMY CHANGES ANNOUNCED Major-General Mencher to Com mand Air Service. WASHINGTON. Dec 21. Appoint ment of Major-General Charles T. Men cher, who commanded the Forty-second (Rainbow) Division in France, as direc tor of air service, succeeding John D. Ryan, was announced today by General March. Colonel James A. Mars has been named acting director of aircraft pro duction, succeeding William C. Potter. General Mencher may be appointed an assistant chief of the general staff in order to complete military co-ordination. Congressional Recess Approved. WASHINGTON. Dec 21. Plans for Congressional recess, beginning next week, and continuing until January 2, were approved today by the House. Phone your want ads to The Orego nlan. Phone Main 7070, A 6095. E.tabll.hftd 11)05 fHE immortal charm of these rugs from the Orient 4JL daily reveals itself anew. The delicacy of color ing and rhythm of design make the fabrics things of f airy-like grace and color. The Mystic Beauty of an Oriental Rug never loses its freshness and ability to please. If you seek a gift of rare value, choose one of these. See Our Window of Medium-Priced Oriental Rugs CARTOZIAN BROS. "SJ&SS 393 Washington Street, Near Tenth. aimiiiiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiiiiiiiu A Place for Refined People Who Appreciate Well-Cooked and Wholesome Foods EE Portland's Popalar Eating; Hem I COZY DAIRY LUNCH I 1 AND CAFETERIA 323 Washtnsrton St., Near Sixth S ZZ Choice Roasts. Chop, Steaks, Stews. Fish. Etc- 15C, 20 and 25 r: Hot Cakes. Waffles and any Bhort order at any time of day or night. ' : Rich home-made and French Pastry. Delicious Coffee EE Excellent Turkey and Chicken Dinner Sunday and Christmas ?7f riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiini WALSH TESTIFIES IN BENE TIL Controversy With Postmaster General Related. SOCIALIST PAPERS AIDED Restoration ol the Mailing: Priv ilege to Anti-War Liter ature Favored. CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Frank P. Walsh, ex-head of the Federal Industrial Re lations Commission and later Joint chairman of the Federal War Labor Board, was the principal witness for the defense at today's session of the trial of Congressman-elect Victor L. Berger, of Milwaukee, and four other Socialist leaders, charged with con spiracy to violate the espionage law. He told of a controversy he had with Postmaster-General Burleson in July, 1917. at a hearing in Washington, D. C. over a request that the second-class mailing privilege be restored to the American Socialist and other papers. Walsh said ho afterward wrote a let ter to the Postmaster-General protest ing against the official's action and the department's method of handling this class of cases and threatening to appeal to President Wilson. Postmaster-General Burleson, tn his reply, characterized Mr. Walsh's letter as "impertinent and probably Intended to be offensive." Mr. Walsh testified that later he laid the case before President Wilson and suggested a number of reforms in pro testing to the Washington officials was to safeguard the constitutional rights of free speech and a free press. He said he had read several copies of the American .Socialist and a num ber of the anti-war pamphlets cir culated by the Socialist party, but had not been greatly impressed by them. On cross-examination he drew a dis tinction between what ho thought should be barred from the mails and what should be excluded under the espionage law. He expressed the view that much of the Socialist anti-war literature might be mailed without do ing any harm. He said he did not agree with the Socialists that it was a capitalist war and vouchsafed the opinion that many persons who expect to make great for tunes out of the war would be sorelv disappointed when they got through paying war taxes. Appropriation of $4,227,300 Asked. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Congress IST1A HUE! No -Other Day Means So Much to So Many People YouTl want to give practical presents this year, so come to Gray's for some article of wearing apparel for man or woman. - You have assurance its quality and style with values the best possible. Gifts for Men SHIRTS NECKWEAR GLOVES PAJA1MAS GRIPS AND HANDBAGS COLLAR BAGS HATS CANES UMBRELLAS And through buying here you save 7 dis count if purchase amounts , or more. GRAY'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS $SO $3 $4rO And through our Profit-Sharing; Selling Policy we save you from $5 to $10 on the garment you need. For Ladies' Gifts Nothing so practical as a NICE SUIT, COAT, DRESS or SPORT SKIRT, and right now we have Special Sale Prices You can buy an Elegant ou, oat or Dress, worth $40 to $45, for S29.50 A Suit, Coat or Dress, worth $60 to $65, for $43.50 Handsome Plaid and Striped Sport Skirts At 25 Discount REMEMBER When your purchase amounts to $4.00 or more in the Men's Furnishings and Hat Department you save 7. To illustrate: Ona $5.00 purchase you pay $4.65 in money. ( GRAY'S VALUES WILL TELL" r GRAY 366 Washington At West Park was asked by Secretary of the Treas ury Glass today to appropriate $4,227, 500 for completion of Postoffice build ings In 120 cities, construction of which was postponed during the war. Klamath Chapter of the American Red Cross, and compelled to leave for un extended time to recover her health, Mrs. H. D. Mortonson yesterday after- a 20 months chairmanship of the I noon Insisted on the acceptance of her .Klamath Falls Woman Resigns. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Dec 21. (Special.) Worn out by the strain of resignation from this responsible post at a meeting of the executive commit tee. Mrs. S. K. Martin was chosen by the board to fill the vacancy tlurins the rrmsinirfcg months of the year. m ft IMfe.iir3-J7ct A-:, VI 'if if V hi. H w azelwoocl Candies of the Real Christmassy Kind jf7 lf a. "- i wiiti mi, mrinwH)iui,j M" i n mi i . For the Christmas Tree For Kiddies' Stockings For -All the Family i the best candies you've ever tasted made by Hazelwood Master candy makers. All the good old-fashioned kinds that every one from "the littlest boy" to grandmother likes and many new kinds, too! " Mixed candies in attractive Christmas Boxes to hang on your Christmas tree. Homemade specials Chocolates and every other kind you can think of thousands of pounds of them. BUY the Pound or Box Handsome Gift Boxes and Baskets Packed With Finest Confections THE MOST WELCOME GIFT OF ALL FOR HER Hazelwood Candies The mother of "the best girl" cant possibly object to them. Your very own mother will be Oh ! so happy with so sweet and wholly-to-be-enjoyed a gift. For anyone and everyone they're an ideal Christmas thought. YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER The Finest You've Ever Eaten! Just read this menu of the good things we've planned and are preparing for you there's not a doubt but that you'll dine with us Christmas day. Christmas Day Wednesday, Dec. 25th. Dinner served, 12 noon, till 9 P. M. Music at Washington' Street Place S1.25 MENU Consomme !n Cur Crfsm of Tomato Cream of OyiUr Soup Celory Ripe Olives Choice of Roast Tounr Turky. iranorry Sauce Point Puck. O la red Apples Stuffed Spring :hickn. Giblet Sauce Hnff t Veal. Dressing Prime RIbi of Beef au Jus Koast Veal Mashed or Enked Potatoes or Candied Xancy Hall Sweet Potatoes Choirs of Baked Hobbard Fquah. Htewd Com. Green Pea. Cro aind Cauliflower. Spinach and Epj. Linu Beans ChMee of "Waldorf flaMd. Cream Iresainif Shrimp Salad. Mayonna!r Lettuce and Tomato Salad Choice of Christmas Ice Cream TCeapolltan or prince? Ice Cream Plum Pudding with Vanilla Cream Sauce or Choice of any Pie Tea Coffee Milk Chocolate Salted Nuts Our Policy To irte the Bst Food at Lowest Possible Prices. r