The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 22, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 43

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22, 1918.
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Marparet and Joseph live Magnini. Helen
'hapman, Clarris Churchill. Nevelle
Jiaight and Mildred Kparhawk, was
siven at Miss Churchill's home last
Saturday evening. Tho evening was
flpent pleasantly in fames, music and
dancing- amid artistic Christmas deco
rations of holly, mistletoe and Oregon
crape. Those present were Jerome
Harris and John Bissen. from Califor
nia; Hcwett, Oregon: Kllsworth Mur
phy, Pennsylvania; "William Rylander,
Michigan, and Alexander Doak, Wis
consin. Miss Marjoria Volheim entertained
nn informal dance Saturday night in
the ballroom of the Volheim apart
ments, her guests numbering about 28
of the younger folk. The ballroom was
docked with clusters of holly and mari.
golds. During the evening musical se
lections were given by Bob Heen and
Raymond Jones. The guests included:
Hazel Ciadke, Mildred Tchergi, Virginia
Pembrooke, Mabel Rider. Kvelina Tait,
I.owie Thayer. Theresa O'Connor. Ruth
Biake. Rodney reush. Ralph Parker,
Bob Keil, Paul Green, Arthur Harris.
Kd Collins, Walter Holfman, Mr. Mur
phy, Paul Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Hunt.
One of tho most enjoyable "teas" of
the season was that held on Wednes
day afternoon nt the home of Mrs. S.
P. Garrigns, 62D Holly street, by the
women of the Central Presbyterian
Church. The houso was decorated in
holly and red carnations. A song by
lira. I M. Iceland, readings by Miss
Kdna May Root and violin selections
by Miss Winifred Forbes, accompanied
by Miss Pratt were enthusiastically re
ceived. Thesa "teas" are monthly
events and are looked forward to with
much pleasure by tha women of the
The "?" Prom has completed ar
rangements for its Christmas Informal
fiance to bo given Wednesday night at
the Multnomah Hotel.
This dance is the largest to be given
by the culb this season. Those In
charge of arrangements are Allen
Hofmann. IClsie Clodius, Edward Miller,
Pvorothy Mountain, Myron Reed, Selrna
Wetteland. Albert Dutran, Hazel
Weiden, Herbert Malarkey. Virginia
P.rown, Robert Keil, Marion Hoban and
Ralph Thayer.
On Thursday evening, December 26,
Utopia Rebckah Lodge will hold a
short business session to test the quali
fications of tho newly elected noble
and vice-grands in Orient Hall, Kast
Sixth. and Alder streets. After closing
the meeting the' hand-made table
runner donated by Frankie Dunwood
die will be disposed of for the benefit
of the Rebekah Red Cross unit. The
members will have a "get-acquainted"
social. There will be cards and games
and light refreshments. A large at
tendance of the members Is desired and
visitors are welcome. Sisters are asked
to donate cakes. ,
The committee In charge of the even
ing is. Mrs. Ida Steele, Mrs. Lula Sni
rler, Mrs. Anna Cox. Misses Fay and
l-'rankie Dunwooddie.
Corinthian Chapter, O. E. S., will
nerve a dinner Thursday evening: at t
o'clock In the Masonic Temple for all
members and their families.
Arleta Assembly, United Artisans,
will give a masquerade and watch
party at Myrtle Park Hall, on the
Mount Scott carline. New Tear's eve.
The Saturday night dances are becom
ing very popular. Soldiers especially
are Invited to attend.
There will be Christmas tree and
social at Orphia Temple, 409 Alder
street, Thursday evening. Pythian
sisters are all Invited. There will be
candy, popcorn and all sorts of goodies
In abundance, and Santa Clans will be
there, too.
The Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal
Church will give a Christmas entertain
ment on Christmas eve in their rooms
at Tenth and Holman streets at 8
o'clock. Ev..jon Is cordially Invited
to attend. A church pageant will be
presented by two of the Sunday school
classes and there will be several songs.
readings and Instrumental numbers by
the different children of the church.
Ben Butler, Woman's Relief Corps,
No. 51, wishes all members to attend
the installation dinner to be given on
January 2, In Dawley's Hall, Kast
Thirty-fifth and Yamhill streets. An
Interesting session of corps, at which
six new members were Initiated, was
held Thursday afternoon.
Columbia Assembly No. 4, United
Artisans, will hold Its regular meeting
Tuesday, for Important business. Re
freshments will be served.
The ladles' auxiliary to the Ancient
Order of Hibernians will give an in
formal Christmas dancing party In
their hall at 310 Russell street on
Friday evening. No cards have been
Issued, but a cordial invitation is ex
tended to all. Knlisted men are wel
come and complimentary. Take Union
avenue car to Russell street.
Mirs Josephine Lucy and Sergeant
Virgil McCormlck wcro married Tues
day at a charming home wedding, sol
emnized at the residence of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Nettie Iucy, 220 North
Seventeenth street. Quantities of cut
flowers and flags adorned the rooms.
Miss Lillian Lucy was bridesmaid, snd
the best man was Sergeant A. L. Ma
comber. The bride was attractive in a gown
of white charmeuse, embellished with
lace. She carried an arm bouquet of
bride roses and maidenhair fern. The
bridesmaid was gowned In. king's blue
silk and tulle, and she carried a bouquet
of Ophelia roses.
The bride is a charming girl, daugh
ter of an old pioneer family, and Is
very popular with her hosts of friends.
Mr. McCormlck is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh McCormlck. of Sacramento, a
family that Is well known socially and
in business. They have large mining
interests in California. Mr. McCormlck
Is stationed at Vancouver Barracks.
Mies Dorris Shirley, youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Shirley, was
married Wednesday evening to Fran
cis Earle Davis, at a simple home wed
ding at the home of the bride's par
ents. Rev. K. O. Kldridsre. of Mount
Exclusive Designs in
Christmas Cards and
Leather Goods
practical; gifts
for the office
387 Washington St.
for the
Holiday Parties
Patent leather and dull
kid; full Louis XV heel;
hand-turned qj
soles; priced .tDHr.iO
White and black satin in
same model as 0 QC
above, pair. .u)3!73
Ballet slippers in white
or black kid tf Q CT
all sizes. .. JL astO
Boston Sample
Shoe Store
Tabor, officiated. About 0 guests were I
present at the ceremony, whicli was
followed by a reception, during which
a buffet upper was served.
The bride was attractive In a gown
of white charmeuse draped with Geor
gette crepe, and she carried a shower
bouquet of Ophelia roses. Her veil was
arranged In a mob cap. and it was
wreathed with orange blossoms. The
rooms" were artistically decked with
festoons of emilax. clusters of chrys
anthemums and greenery.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis will make their
home at the Cambral Apartments for
tho Winter.
Lieutenant Clark W. Thompson, of
the United States Marine Corps, was
married November IS to Miss Libbie
Moody, of Galveston, Tex. Lieutenant
Thompson is the eldest eon of the late
Clark W. Thompson, the well-known
lumberman and engineer of Cascade
locks. Lieutenant Thompson enlisted
in May, 1917, while a student at the
Oregon University, and he has been sta
tioned at Mare Island, Galveston and
Quantico. He was .under orders for
overseas duty when the armistice was
declared and is now with the Eighth,
Regiment of Marines at Galveston.
Blorrlaa Oettlev
Miss Florence E. Oettle and Lieuten
ant Earl Morriss were married Decem
ber 4 at the home of the parents of the
bridegroom. in Seattle. Lieutenant
Morriss. who has Just returned from
service overseas, was transferred short
ly after the wedding to New Mexico.,
The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Oettle, 321 East Ninth street
Last week a number of friends of the
bride gave her a. shower at the home
of her parents. An Improvised stage
and auditorium were arranged and the
following programme was given:
Aesthetic dance. "Moment Musical Spark
lets," by Miss Marian Norman, In wood
nymph costume: vocal solo, "A Little Pink
Rose" and "Mammy Song;," Mrs. Sadlo Hi
rots; Spanish dance, 'Flcillamo." Miss Lll
flan Ramsdale, in a fetching costume: vocal
solo, "Absent." Mrs. Alice M. McNaught;
skirt dance by Mrs. Louise Lcthbridge; vio
lin solo. "II Trovatore," Mrs. Florence Oet
tle Morriss, accompanied by Mis Violet
Loyda-ren; vocal solo. "The Blue Bird" and
"A Long. I.oniT Trail," by Miss Ruth March,
accompanied by Miss Florence Cornell.
Mrs. A. rtanft and daughter. Miss
Marguerite Schneider, are spending the
Winter In California.
Milton A. Fuegy. of Astoria, spent
Sunday in this city with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fuegy.
Miss Velma T. Johnson has returned
to her home in Bickletoh, Wash-, after
a three weeks" visit with her sister,
Mrs. Gay Bybee, In Stephens street.
Mr. and Mrs. Dent Mowrey, of Seattle,
have arrived in this city to spend the
holidays with Mr. Mowrey's mother,
Mrs. Lcttie Mowrey, 262 Sixth street.
Willis J. Thornton made a flying
visit to Portland to see his mother and
sisters at their home, 570 Henry ave
nue, fcjellwood. He is a radio operator
in the United States Navy, and came
from New York for a 24-hour visit, re
turning there Tuesday evening.
John Dinwiddle, a former Portland
boy, now of Berkeley, CaL, who is visit
ing his grandmother, Mrs. Helen E.
Sterrett. 720 Sherwood drive, for the
holidays, has been housed for a few
days by a slight attack of influenza.
His physician, however, "gives promise
that he will be able to meet friends
safely this coming week and to accept
the kind invitations for tho holiday en
tertainments which he has received
from old acquaintances and 'friends.
rfei . Iris
-bbv-- j j i i ij as A t a r
Christinas Shoppers
Will Find Canse to Rejoice
In This .Timely Cleanup
Sale of
Georgette and Crepe de Ch ine Q C
BLOUSES Reduced to . . . . . PO.yD
Suit Shade Blouses in smart and distinctive styles in both high and low-neck effects. Scores
of elaborately-trimmed, beaded and embroidered models, and a host of plain tailored Blouses
in a wide selection of colors all sharply reduced in price.
SILK PETTICOATS Specially Priced at $4.95
Silk Jersey styles in ruffled effects trimmed with contrasting; colors fringe-trimmed models
or Jersey top styles with flounces of taffeta. Some all-taffeta Petticoats, too black,
navy blue, rose, Poilu, peacock, American Beauty, jrold arid many other fashionable shades.
GOWNS and ENVELOPE CHEMISE $3. 95 to $5.95
An unusual assortment of lovely garments in exclusive gift styles. Of wash satin and crepe de chine combined with
ribbons and lace fashioned into the most exquisitely dainty effects. Models in flesh and white ; some with touches of
palest blue.
CAMISOLES 95c to $1.95
Wash satin and crepe de chine models in flesh and white,
trimmed with dainty laces, embroidered, hemstitched and
tailored. An almost endless variety of lovely gift ideas.
BOUDOIR CAPS 50c to $3.50
The most fascinatingly dainty and bewitchingly fashioned
affairs that were ever made for feminine heads to wear!
Made of filmy, shimmering silks and ribbons, soft laces
and charming flower wreaths and bows
Science Services Set.
The Christian Science Churches of
Portland hold services at their respec
tive places of worship at 11 o'clock
on Sunday morning, and all except
Flfyi and Seventh Churches repeat the
services Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.
The same service Is held In. all tho
churches. The subject for the losson
permon for this week: "Is the Universe,
Including Man, Evolved by Atomic
Force." At the Wednesday evening
meeting, which Is held at 8 o'clock, tes
timonies of Christian Science healing
are given.
The sessions of the Sunday School
are held by Fifth, Fourth and Seventh
Churches at 9:4 5 and 11 A- M.. respec
tively. Third Church also conducts two
sessions, the first at 11 A. M. and the
second at 12:10 P. M., and Fifth Church
at 9:30 and 11 A. M.
Clerk, from J1800 to $1900. and County
Coroner, from $800 to J1000. The Su
perintendent of Schools under the law
will receive $200 less, being reduced
from $2000 to $1800.
Officers Get Salary Rise.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Dec. 21. (Spe
cial.) Grays Harbor County has been
placed in the fourth class, which auto
matically Increases the salaries of the
County Commissioners from $800 to
$1800 year. The County Treasurer Is
raised from $1909 to $2000; County
Two Services to Be Held.
Iter. Max Hoffman, pastor of the
Second -Spiritualist Church, Alisky
Hall, will hold services both in the
afternoon at 3 o'clock and evening at 8
p. M. The subject for the evening will
be "Does the Spirit of Man Return
After the Change Called Death?" Mes
sages following each service.
Read The Oregonlan classified sds.
TL -
I he tsift
Store Open Monday and Tuesday Evenings.
Second Floor Gift and Art Shop
Box Stationery
Holldav Boxes, containing fine
Crane Hurd's Stationery. tl.OO
to (U2.0O. f
Ladies' Hand Bags
In velvet and leather brown, pur
ple, black. 4. . fto. Several
manufacturers' lines to choose
Oregon Views, Motto Calendars.
Book Calendars, Calendars of
Desserts, Dinners. Luncheons, etc.
for lOe upwards.
Greeting Cards
Engraved, printed, hand-colored,
all with fitting holiday greetings.
Table after table spread out to
choose from, le upward.
Engraving Dept.
Steel Die Stamped Initial Sta
tionery. 21 sheets paper 24 en
velopes or 24 cards and 24 en
velopes in handsome boxes
Crane's Linen Lawn $1.25; High
land linen $1; French. Lawn, 76c
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Volland and Dennlson Seals, Cards,
Tags. Labels, Twins. Tissue Pa-
fier. Decorated Crepe Paper, Seal
ner Wax. Spool Cord and Ribbon.
Xmas Tree Decorations.
Ivory Pyralin
Combs, Brushes. Manicure Sets,
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Horns. Perfume Bottles, Picture
Bilf Folds, Purses
Brief Cases. Coin Purses, Card
Cases, Identification Card Hold
ers, Money 3eits. Photo Cases,
Etc.. Etc
Brass Novelties and
Desk Sets .
Book Ends, InK Wells. Trays.
Stanin Holders. Blotter Holders.
Clocks. Blotter Pads, Envelope
Holders, Etc.
Pottery and Baskets
Vases, Bowls, Sewing Baskets.
Shopping Baskets In beautiful
colors, all the latest shapes and
Dolls - Games r Toys
Fourth Floor Plenty aaopplasr space and salespeople show yoa
about. Every toy a winner, made durable to wlthstaud bard usage.
Tinker Toy
Celluloid Toys
Building Blocks
KoBitroeto Blocks)
Nested Blocks
ABC Blocks
Pusale Blocks
Game Boards
Mechanical Toys
Staffed Tors
Teddy Bears, Etc., Ete.
71 TIG
The J. K. Gill Co.,
Booksellers, Stationers, Office
Outfitterc. .
Third and Alder Streets.
Doubt Give Books
Store Open Monday and Tuesday Evenings
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The Oregon Gift Book
A unique and wonderfullv Interesting book about
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amazement of visitors and prido of Oresronlans,
and the masrnlt'icent snow-capped mountains.
The book is filled with interesting legends. In
cluding that of the Bridgre of the Gods, descrip
tions that charm; beautiful Illustrations. Pre
pared Tor mailing. Get one, two, a half dozen,
to send to your friends.
(Publisher's price. 75c)
The Little Days"
Hy Frances f.HI
A charmlns; volume Of verse for the little fnlkn
and for those who love little ones. This, a first
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childish mine! and fancy. The illustrations are
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bv Mllo Winter, famous illustrator of children's
(Publisher's price 150)
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Carry On, Conlngsby Dawson 7Se
"Cavalry of the Clouds,' Captain Alan Bott.SI.25
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"Over lfco Top, A. G. Empey 7.c
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Other Leading Fiction
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