THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. TORTLAXD. DECEMBER 22," 1918. MILL FEED PRICES ' WILL BE ADVANCED This Course Necessary to Get Flour Orders. MEW QUOTATIONS SHORTLY Mills in This Section Must Compete Wltli Minneapolis Where Feed Prices Were Raised Sharply. Ptndlns the readjustment of prices, mill ers were not Belling mill feed yesterday. They expect to announce the sew feed Quo tations on Monday. In view of the very heavy advances In mill feed in the Middle Wut, the Minne apolis market having gone up $18 a ton, the ff'aclilc Coast millers cannot avoid raisins prices If they are to have any feed or flour. Tho price of export flour will be regulated by what the Government can buy for from ntia Minneapolis mills. If the mills there have a higher feed price than prevails here, they can, of course, undersell the Coast on export flour. In all probability the mills In this section will find they must advance mill feed $10 a ton. If not more, in order to retain a hold tn the Government flour trade, and even then it is questionable whether they will get a fair volume of export business. If they do not. It will mean that much less mm feed for consumers In the Northwest. It Is thought that a slight reduction will e made In the price of the 100 per cent Government regulation flour now on hand and that the mills will resume the manufac ture of patent flour, which will probably sen for 25 cents a barrel over the price of HOO per cent flour. The manufacture of patents Becessarily leaves abow 40 per cent of cut-offs, which will have 3 be marketed elsewhere, and rha millerr (lave no Idea what they can set ?or these cnt-offa. The ban on exports to South and Central America has been re moved, kaj, to trade with those countries shippers must set permits from the War Trade Board and this Is a slow ahd ex tremely difficult process. OREOtTV HOPS STRONG AT 30 CENTS. less 'nan 1000 Bale Are Left in. State Record Prices in Germany. OsJy- about 050 bales of hops of the 1918 ero are left in growers' hands In Oregon. Sev'sral sales have been made at 30 cents, th latest being the Hartley & Craig crop of 114 bales at Salem. Several less than car load lots also went at this price. A few thou sand bales of olds remain, but they have not yet attracted much attention. Ud to 20 cents has been paid for 1017s, and 16 cents for 1016s. Buyers are offering 20 centa on contract, but there are no sellers. All the orders on hand ar for English account. The Government has removed hops from the export conservation list, and they can now be shipped to England without trou ble, provided the shipper is able to get an Import license from the British authorities. The trans-Atlantic companies are now offer Ins space on their steamers for hops from -New York to London at $8 per hundred pounds. JBefore the war, the rate was 75 or 3 cents, and before England put on the em bargo, the rate had moved up to $3 a hun dred. According to an English report, the French Supply Department has passed an order for 32,000 hundredweight of California 1918 hops to be shipped to a London firm. In Germany, according to the Brewers' Journal of London, probably the highest prices on record have been paid for 1918 hops. The market in Nuremberg advanced rapidly from 450 marks in September (at the pre-war rate of exchange, 9Sc per pound) to 000 marks in October ($1.05 per pound), and old hops advanced accordingly. On the mar ket in Saaz up to 765 kronen ($1.40 per pound) was paid for 1918'a, 875 kronen (6Sc) for 1917's and 215 kronen (40c) for older hops. The 1918 German crop is estimated at L'o.OOO cut., the 1918 Austrian crop at 50.000 ewt. Hops were being used to eke out the tobacco supply as well as for brewing. j GRAIN MARKET STEADY AT CLOSE Bids Average Fifty Cents Higher Than ai PTiday's Session. The local grain market was steady at the close, with prices averaging 50 cents higher than on Friday, but dealers did not show much disposition to get together on busi ness. Weather conditions in the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg cloudy, 22 Minneapolis raining. 38; Chicago cloudy, fog gy, cool. Peoria cloudy, 46; St. Louis rain ing. 47; Kansas City part cloudy, 47. To- peka clear, 42; Omaha cloudy, 38; Ohio Val ley raining, warm." Stocks of flour, grain, etc.. remaining In California on December 1 were: Flour 188.- 102 barrels versus ir.5,171 barrels last vear wheat, 2,420,980 centals versus 2.142,704 cen. . tals; barley, 7.210,320 centals versus 6,816, 360 centals; oats, 465,460 centals versus 462,- coiuui, cw u, -u.,ju centals versus 235.660 centals; rye. 51,580 centals vermi. 9.900 centals: beans, 2,982,052 sacks versus x.woo.iwj sacks. Terminal receipts, In cars, were reported Dy me ivtercnant a Exchange, as follows: Wheat. Brly.FIour.Oats.Hay. Street merchants look for a continued strong market. Dressed 'geese were scarce and readily brought 33 cents. A few dressed ducks ar rived and sold at 37 Vi cents. Dressed chick ens brought 32033 cents. Live poultry moved well at firm jtnd unchanged prices. Receipts of eggs continued to show an In crease, but there was a strong holiday in quiry and prices were maintained without trouble. Cube butter dragged and the market was weal. FRENCH FALL WHEAT DOES WELL Field Work is Central Regions Hindered by Wet Weather. Crop conditions abroad are summarised by Broomhall in yesterday's cable as fol lows: France Field work has been much hin dered by wet weather and this has been particularly the case In central regions. Early sown Winter crops are showing a nice plant, mild weather having favored growth. Transport conditions remain un satisfactory and supplies are difficult to move. . Italy Corn in the North has suffered damage from the unseasonably wet weather. Tn the South the weather has turned cold, but this will not hurt the new wheat crop. Spain Latest reports of the supply situa tion are more favorable and the weather re cently has been suitable for the new seed ings. Food commissioner has estimated the requirements of Spuin at 116.000,000 bushels, but official statistics for formes years show the copsumptlon then was 136,000.000 bushels. A Spanish paper says the 1918 harvest is 152,000,000 bushels, but the pre liminary official estimate was only 132,000, 000 buahels. Russia There Is no fresh authentic news available from this country regarding crop conditions or the supply situation. Algeria Returns from the last harvest are quite satisfactory and ft is believed there will be a substantial amount for ex port. Unfavorable - weather has retarded threshing, but weather has now turned fine. India Crop outlook has Improved consid erably, owing to recent beneficial rains over a wide area, where the moisture was most needed. APPLES FIRM AT LOADING POINTS. Good Local Demand for Mode rate-Priced Fruit. The local apple market was firm and un changed, with, a good demand for moderately priced stock. One car of Wasbingtons ar rived. Shipments of Oregon apples were two cars each to Los Angeles and New York; one each to Chicago, Grand Forks, Niagara Falls and Portland; canaer stock, seven cars to New York. In the East New York Baldwins and Greenings, A 2Vi. from cold storage were firm at $S.50$8 per barrel f. o. b. ship ping points, and held about steady at a general range of $6.75 6.50 in leading job bing markets. Extra fancy Wlnesaps were firm at $2.15 2.25 per box f. o. b. Wenatchee and Yakima Valley shipping points, but showed little change in leading lobbing markets, ranging $2.75 to $3.25 per box. Shipments were lighter. MORE BUTTER HELD IN STORAGE Stocks of Ksrgs and Cheese Lighter Than Vear Ago. Storage egg holdings in the Northwest on December 1 were 60.7 per cent smaller than a year before, creamery butter stocks were 14.9 per cent larger and American cheessl stocks 73.2 per cent less. Comparative sta tistics for December 1 of tbls and last year follow, the amounts being In pounds except eggs in cases: Dec. 1. 1918. . .. 20.42O . . .1.516.17S 288.036 . .. 135,528 165.061 . 4.i3.40;i .. 155,170 . .. 244,175 ...6,174.819 . .. 1113, 10.S ... 7U7.u'J 5,357.465 Portland. Sat... 14 T;ar aKO 4 Total this week 21.1 Tear ago 25 Season to date. .5474 Year ago 35"0 Tacoma. Fri. ... 21 Year ago I Saason to date. .3650 ear ago 3151 Seattle, Friday. o0 Year a?o Pcaflon to date. .nsr! Year ago 3248 16 16 1 4 32 91 16 759 13S0 143 452 "l ".".".. 18 81 12 -4 814 186 BIT 27 537 740 115 108 445 730 11 89 39 19K1 1089 791 1028 1774 2111 POTATO CROP MOVING RAPIDLY Case eggs Creamery butter American chesee Broilers Boasters Fowls Turkevs Miscel. poultr-y , Frozen beef .... Frozen mutton .. Frozen pork .... Pickled Dork Lard . . .1.255.928 Dec. 1. 1917. 41.385 1.31U.613 1,076,237 45.14H 3S.318 177.249 122.941 356.907 6,478.215 30B,3r,8 1.068.746 5,380,489 1.344,781 Potato Prices Unchanged. Oregcn potato shipments were two ears to Williams, Cal., and Bohemia and one each to Los Angeles, Sacramento and The Dalles. There were few sales In the country or on the local market and prices were not changed. There was a fair trade In onions at un changed quotations. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern citle; yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $5,701,340 $1,131,875 Seattle 6.109.96 1.3tl5.6L'0 Tacoma 728, 0U 169.477 Spokane 1.2UU,7ot 434,133 Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the past week and corresponding week In former years were: Portland. Seattle. ..$32,757,054 $39,682,036 STOCK MARKET RECOVERS STECCIiATrVE ISSCES ARE TEA- TCRES or TRADING. Motors, Oils and Minor Equipments Score Gains; Bonds Are In clined to Ease. NEW YORK. Dee. 21. Trading In stocks today was superficial and colorless to an un usual degree, the only notable features be ing contributed by several Issues of the apeo ulative class, such as motors, oils and minor equipments. Kails made further recoveries from their depression of the preceding session, although moderate pressure continued to be exerted against the transcontinental I nited States Steel traversed th recent circumscribed area, 'but a, few related stocks, namely. Baldwin Locomotive, American Car and Railway Steel Springs gained 1 to 1 St points. Marine Preferred Yielded Its 1 nolnt ealn. but other shippings were firm to strong; to gether with sundry specialties. Sales amount ed to 225.000 shares. The bank statement was featureless for this important period of the year, sbowing a moderate contraction of actual loans and a corresponding increase of excess reserves. BOBdl were again Inclined in aase. nrob. ably as a result of another decline in liberty rourtn 4 Ha to the new low record of 94.SO. Total sales, par value, aggregated $9,250,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. High. 400 63 4,000 - BOO 200 4,300 46i f7? 61 ' 79 2.4O0 a. r.oo 1.800 "s66 4,000 Am "Beet Sugar. American Can .. Am Car & Vdry American Loco. Am Sm & Itefg. Am Sugar Iteig. Am Tel & Tel. . Anaconda Cop.. Atchison A O & WISSL Bait Ji Ohio ... Bethlehem B . . Canadian Pacif. 1,200 156 "A Central Leather 800 59 Lnes Ac unio ... 20(J Chi M & St P . . l.CoO Chi N W C R I & P ctrs. 2.400 Chlno Copper ... 2.400 Colo Fu & Iron . Corn Prod Refg 1,700 Crucible Steel .. 1,100 Cuba Cane Sug. , Distill Securities 3.R0O Erie General Electric General Motors. Gt Nor pfd .... Gt Nor Ore etfs. Illinois Central. Insplr Copper .. Int M M pfd ... Inter Nickel . .. Inter Paper . . .. Kennecott Cop. Louis & Nash . . Maxwell Motors Mexican Petrol Miami Copper .. Missouri Pacific Nevada Copper. N Y Central . .. N Y N H & H. . Norf & West . .. Northern Faclf. Pacific Mail ... Pennsvlvanta ' .. Pittsburg Coal. . Ray Consol Cop. Reading Rep Ir & Steel .. Southern Paclf. Southern Ry . . . Studebaker Co.. Texas Co TTnion Pacific .. IT S Tnd Alcohol U S Steel . , do pfd ...... TTtah Copper . .. Wabash pfd B. . Western T'nion.. Westing Electric Low. 3 46(4 87 61 78H 1.1O0 400 S.100 3,700 5,500 0,900 200 200 2.400 18.300 200 2.200 .100 3.000 2.400 P8i 64 4. 90 hi 53'4 62 H 56 42 H 2',i S34 "iis 58 'ii ;17i 147V, 131 96 H 45ti 11 Us 31 la 84 170 23 T4 251 17i 76 32H 600 95 M 6.6O0 4O0 l.noo 0.500 500 10,600 2.300 4.800 400 3.0OO ROO 3O0 1.30O 300 "300 45 'i 47 20 H K24 74 nrni 29i 52 1, IRS 12 ion nU 112V, 74 H 21 "43H OS 63 H 89 S 52H 156 58 V, 58 41 48 T, 06 "no 17 147 129 00 45 HO'4 32 31 Vi 33 167 23 , 24 IJVi Sis. 93'i 44 '4 47 20 U 81 74 5; ns 201.; 51 187 127 1,i 102'i n.-.'t 112i 73 21 i "43 ' " Sale. 3 4i'4 87 61 78 1)0 98 64 90 i 108i 53 62 15K 58T4 66 42 99 it 38 '4 46 57 4 30 51 174 147 129 96 32 97 45 110 32 31 34 118 28 H 167 23 25 '4 17 76 .12 106 95 39 45 47 20-.4 81 74 i'S 29 51 12714 103 96 112 74 21 43 tracted some comment In coffee trade elr- cles here this morning, but did Dot seera to create any definite sentiment.. The official cables reported an advance of T5 rels In the Rio market and of 10O rate in Santos spots with Santos futures 25 reia higher to 50 reis lower. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports were 46.O00 and Jundlshy receipts 2'J.OOll bags. Santos cleared 61,000 bags for tho United States. The local spot market remained nominal at 17 tor Rio 7a. RESERVE BANK DISCOUNTS SHRINK Net Increase In Ratio of Gold Reserves Against Circulating. Notes. WASHINGTON, Dec 21. Discounts of the 12 Federal reserve banks showed a shrinkage under previous weekly totals In the combined statement of the institutions as they were at the close of business Frtdsy. both in bills secured by Government war ob ligations and bills representing ordinary busi ness credits. r or the ri"" 1 consecutive week the statement showed a net Increase in the proportion of gold reserves held against Federal reserve notes circulating as currency, though the total of such notes in circulation Increased during the week from $2,604,680,- 000 to S2.663.701.00a The consolidated state ment follows: in vault and In transit... S 335,141.000 uoiu settlement xund t. R. PRICES AT YARDS STRONG LIVESTOCK MARKET IS IIEALTIIY CONDITION. IN Board Gold with foreign agenoles. ... Total gold held by banks... Gold with F, R. agents Gold redemption fnd... ...... s Total gold reserves. Legal tender notes, silver, etc. Total reserves ............. 46t.369.0A0 6.829, 000 .$ 802,338,000 .$l.ie4.22S.oA0 b2.421.UOO .$2,078,988,000 .$ 54.636.000 .$3,133,624,000 Bills discounted secured by Govt, war obligations $1,299,524,000 All other 3O6.778.0OO Bills bought in open market... Total bills on hand $1,947,067,000 U. S. Govt, long-term securities. $ 58.850,000 IT. s. Govt, short-term securities 825,073.000 All other earning assets....... I6.O0O Total earning assets $3,301,006,000 Uncollected Items tdeduct from gross deposits) 826,831.000 Five per cent redemption fund against F. R. bank notes..... 5.880.000 All other resources S00.7U3.OOO Total resources ............ .$3,288,134,000 Liabilities Capital paid in. .............. .$ 80.585.000 Surplus 1. 134.000 Government deposits 88.693,000 Due to members' reservs ace't.. 1.642.444,000 Collection Hems .88.755. Q00 Otherdeposlis, Including foreign government credits ......... 106.6S9.0O0 Total gross deposits. ... T. R. notes In actual clreula- .$2,876,681,000 tion F. H. bank notes tn circulation net liability All other liabilities .$X.63,701,0 111.909.000 64.224,000 Total liabilities .$5,288,134,000 Bid. BONDS. U H Ref 2s Reg 9S IPenn Con 4s.. 97 I do coupon ... '98 lUnlon Pac 4s .. 87 D 8 3s Reg 3 tU S 8teel 5a . . . 99 do coupon ... 8S Po Pac Cv 6s... 101 U S 4s Reg T104 Anglo-r rench 6s do coupon ... l" iu n l. o . Atchls'n Gen 4 85 T A R O Ref 5s 57 NYC Deb 6s. . 99! Northern Pac 4s 86 I Northern Pac 3s 61 I Pac T T 6s.. 95l 98.20 do 1st Con 4s 93.00 do 2d 4.1 93.04 do 1st Con 4 s 96 96 do 2d Con 4 Sis. 94.30 do 3d 4s 95.36 do 4th 4a... 94.34 Bid. tOffered. Boston Mining; Stock. BOSTON. Dec 21. Closing quotations: 44 lOId Dominion... . 12IOsceola . 64 Quincy .432 (Superior . 13 leup. & Boston... 4 Shannon ....... . 9't'tah - Con 4 IWinona . 24 IWolverine . 5IOranby Con :::: i5r S3 r.o 62 BU .1 '4 3 8 no in 80 45 1918 1017. 1916 1915. 1914 1913, 1912 191 1 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1900 19.502,073 13.618.180 9.36L103 8,200,91:9 9.74S.176 9.597,157 7.821.543 7.880.31 a.4U2,88:j 5,352,070 3,001,789 3,744.857 3,048,524 26,955,294 18.340.947 9,345,633 7.632.115 10.348,213 10.825,018 lo.017.640 8,053,385 10,120,400 8,541,181 6.029.466 8.107.634 5,808,708 Tacoma. $5,329,486 4.0UO.314 2,560,406 1,792.073 1.350.040 2,050,883 3,320.240 3,94.197 3.008,104 4, 966.029 4.224,709 4,084.070 4.235.410 2,000,702 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc -Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Northwestern, oats and barley, sacked: Oats No. 2 white feed Barley , Standard feed Standard A Dee. Bid. .54.00 . 49.00 50.00 Jan. Bid. $55.00 '49.00 00.50 Feb. Bid. $00.00 00.00 61.00 61.00 63.00 60 00 09.00 51.50 63.00 60.00 69.00 Remaining Stock in United States Less Than Last Season. The petsto movement Is now at a point which permits comparison with tho pre ceding season. The bulk of shipments after November are from these 13 states: California, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minne sota, Nevada, New York. North Dakota, Ore gon, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wiscon sin. The remaining states at this time of year have practically completed their ship ping season, or are small shippers, none of these shippers exceeding totals of 500 cars. Thus it may be assumed that the remaining stock of the season is mostly -in these 13 states. For the season of December , Inclusive, this group of Winter and Spring shipping states has moved 60,371 cars, compared with 46,048 cars for the corresponding time last year, a gain of 14,320 cars this year, not withstanding this year's much lighter crop. Deducting the 60.371 cars already shipped leaves 83.278 cars yet to come, compared with 76,172 cars which were still to be shipped after December 3 of last year. Keckoneron this basis, the remaining com mercial carlot stock of potatoes is less than one-half that which was on hand at the corresponding time last year. Tho move ment of the Fall crop of this and last year from the Northwest in carloads follows: Oregon. Wash. Idaho. October forecast, 1918.. 8.036 11,000 6 547 December et. 1917 11.572 14,107 8.6H1 Shipped, season to date. 201 r.00 3.058 Ship'd last seas'n to date 443 999 2.629 Total ship'd last season 1.902 2.695 7,120 TURRETS ARE STRONG AND HIGHER. Best Slock Sells on Street at 4242Vi Cents ' Shipping Demand Heavy. The turkey market was strong and higher. No. 1 stock selling at 42 b 42 cents. Re ceipts were of fair size and were nearly all used in filling shipping orders, the demand from out-of-town being keen. Tho city trade wilt open up Monday and the course of prices will depend on . the supply. Front Eastern oats and corn, bulk: Oats No. 3 white 50.00 38-pound clipped white 02.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 61.00 No. 3 mixed 60.00 WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per Lu. FLOUR Family flour, 10.9l.lfc 1 1.05 per barrel; bakers', $10.70f 10.85 ; whole wheat, $9.MOr10: graham, $9.656'9.80: barley flour, jl0.50i&13; rye flour, $11.7513; corn meal 9.50"10.S0. MILLFEED Mill run. soft wheat grades f. o. D. mill, canots, s-.j,u per ton; mixed cars, $32.60; ton lots or over. $34.10; less than tons, $35.10; rolled barley, $5509; rolled oats, $57661 : ground barley, $0G60; alfalfa meal. 140044. COKN Whole. $973: cracked, $71 75. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy, $30'? 32 per ton: Valley timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa. $27.50: Valley grain hay, $26; clover, $26 '35 27; straw, $991U. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 60061c; prints. oarcnmeiu wrappers, extras, dox tots, 65c can-tons. 66c; halt boxes, c more: less thai half boxes, 1c more; butterfat. No. 1, 67c per pound, station. EGGS Oregon ranch, caldled, rota and cracks out, 72"$ 73c; selects, 76c dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook Triplets, 36c; Young Americas, 37c; Coos and Curry county: Triplets, f. o. b. Myrtle Point. 351 c. POULTRY Hens, under 4 pounds, 25 9 26c; over 4 pounds. 28c; springs, 26c: roos ters, 18c: ducks, 30c; geese, 25c: turkeys. live. 3043io; turkeys, dressed, 42ff42c VEAL Fancy, 2oip21c pound. PORK Fancy, lDUJOc per pound. Allouex Ariz. Com . . . Cal. Ariz. . Cal. & Hecla. Centennial . . Cop. R. Con East Butte.. Franklin Isle Royalle. Lake Copper. Mohawk North Butte Money, Exchange. Etc NEW YORK, Dec 21. Mercantile paper unchanged. sterling, day-bills unchanged; demand. $4.75 13-16: cables. $4.78 9-16. Francs, un changed. Guilders, oemana, cmuies. 42. Lire, uncnangeo. Mexican dollars, uncnangeo. LONDON, Dec 21. Money and discount. unchanged. READT SALE FOR RAILROAD BONDS First Important Project Financed Since Signing of Armistice. vew TORK. Dec. 21. Confusion and further unsettlement were the chief con comitants of the week In the securities mar ket, traders ana tne puouc aiiKe paying little heed to such auguries as a wheat crop ot extraordinary promise and tne more hopeful views of leaders or iinance ana in dustry. The one concrete feature was the flota tion and ready sale of a round amount of Pennsylvania railroad bonds at terms re garded as advantageous both to vendors and purchasers. The transaction derived its special significance, however, from the fact that it marked the first Important project of its kind since te signing of tho armis tice. Substantial reactions rrom recent high quotations among me sieei, copper ana Kin dred shares doubtless - were prompted by a growing conviction that these products are almost approaching levels attractive to con sumers. Fully 75 per cent ox tne week s liquidation of bonds centered in liberty bonds, the fourth 4s showing most impairment while the first lours dropped to tne year's lowest price. Coffee . Export Tax to Go Off. NEW-YORK. Dec. 21. Reports that the state government of Sao Paulo will abolish the export tax of about a francs per bag on coffee as soon as the loans made on coffee guarantees have been liquidated st- Frnits and Vegetables. Local .lobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, navels, $3.7596.00 lemons, $06.00 per box; bananas. 99e per pound; apples, 65c r $2.75 box; pears, $22.50 per box; grapes, $9 per keg: cran berries, $6 per box; huckleberries, 17c per pouna; grapeiruit, j.iini 1. VEGETABLES Tomatoes. $2.73 per box cabbage. 2'u i.-O per 100 lbs.: lettuce. $2.01 .3.25 per crate; peppers, 17 c per pound celery, 5ct$l per dozen; egcplant. lode 20c per pound; artichokes. $1.6; cauli flower, $3.25 per crate; garlic. 35c per lb.: pumpkins, 2c per pound; squash. 2c per pound; beets, $2 per sack; carrots. $1.50 per sack; turnips, per saca: cucumbers, $1.75 dozen; sprouts, loc pound. POTATOES Oregon Burbanka. graded $1.501.75: ungraded. $1.30; Oregon Netted Gems. $1.752; Yakimas, J1.70&2; sweets, 44c. ONIONS' Oregon. $1.754j2.00; California, browns, $1,0041.00. Oils. GA8OLINE Bulk. 21c: englns distillate bulk, 12c: kerosene, bulk. 10c; cases. 20o. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. $1.93: cases. S2.".; nnu.o, Darrets, cases, 2.0.t. TURPENTINE In tanks, 86c; cases, 96c. Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal Reserve note liabilities combined. 60.6 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to Pederal Reserve notes in actual circulation after setting aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities. 59.7 per cent. Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Dec. 21. Turpentine firm; 65c; sales, 131; receipts. 106; shipments. 206; stock. 29,967. Rosin firm; sales. 541; receipts, 95.1; shipments, 1709; - stock 75.281. Quote: B. D, B. K. and H, $13.85; I, $1.T0; K. $15.70; M. $16.16; N. $16.20; WG, $16.45; WW, $16.7. New York Dairy Produce. NBJW YORK. Doc 21. Butter barely steady, unchanged. Eggs lower. Fresh gathered extras. 680 70c; fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, 67tj 6Sc;, ditto firsts. 63i60c. Cheese firm and unchanged. Duluth Linseed Market. DULTJTH. Dec. 21. Linseed. $3.65. TOP PRICESlTSEIISON NEW men LEVELS REACHED IN CHICAGO MARKET. Supply Available Is Moderate and Demand for All Classes It Active, Th livestock market closed fairly active with a run of 14 loads. Price conditions were satisfactory throughout, the tone of. the market being aleady to strong, with prices unchanged from th day before. Th larger part of th trading was In the hog market, where the bulk of salea were at $16.85. The trad looks for a steady hog market and a firm cattle market from now on. Receipts were 132 cattle. 3 calves. 883 hogs and 1316 sheep. im aays sales were as follows Corn Later Declines, Owing to Sharp Cut in Stockyards Quo tations on Hogs. CHICAGO. Dec St. Notwithstanding that high-price levels for the season were touched today by December and January corn, the entire market later developed weakness, owing to a sharp cut In quotations on un desirable hogs. The close was unsettled at the same as yesterday's finish to le lower, with January $1.38 OI.88I4 and May $l..-i6K 1.35. Oats gave way with corn. In provisions,' as tn grain, the effort to free the yards from leftover hogs had an evident bearish effect. Leading futures ranged ss follows: CORN. Open. High. ..$1.40 $1.41 .. 1.37 1.37 OATS. .71. .71 .. .71' .71 MESS PORK. Tan. May Jan. May Low. Close. $1.38 $1.38 1.35 a 1-0514 Jan. May Jm. May .44.00 44.00 LARD. 23.40 ..24.30 ..24.60 24.00 SHORT RIBS. . .25.S7 25.37 ..24.10 24.20 .71 .71 47.00 43.00 43.00 24.00 S4.00 24.20 S. 24. T5 , 24.75 23.72 23.73 yel- Jan. . May . Cash prices were Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 3 low. $1.52; No. 4 yellow. $1.4881.48. Oats No. 3 white, 7171c; standard, 71W72c Rye N'a 2. $1.62. Barley BOotf $1.04. Timothy $8011. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $24. Ribs Nominal. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 21. Barley. 87 95c Flax. $3.66a3.58. Grain at San Franetseo. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. SI. Flour, $11.45 per barrel. Grain Wheat, Government price, $2.20 per bushel; barley, $3.15t?3.20; oats, white feed, nominal; corn, California yellow, $2.85. Hay Wheat and wheat and oat, $23tt27; tame oats, $2224; barley. $17019; alfalfa. $15019; barley straw, 6080o. Meals Alfalfa. 836: coeoemit. nominal. KP.Mi.dbr. tha Capital Issues Committee as not Incompatible with the national Interest, but without approval of legality, validity, worth or security. Opinion No. A27t . . Advance Offering New Issue Short Term 7 Semi-annual interest January 1 July 1 Coupon Gold Bonds Denominations $100 $500 $1000 Two-Year 7 Bonds at 100 to Yield 7 Without deduction for Federal Income Tax xcept in excess of 4 . . Full Details on Request. ' f. . ' LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMIIKMtNl UILD1N4 FIFTH ANs TARK WL Price ! 6WO $ 6.50! Mo 940 OO 6'JO BOO 20O 11 hog H no, 423 hogs. 6 r.o 5 OO IM10 6 r.oi 15.M 1 hog. . 6 hogs. , 15 hugs.. 15 hogs.. 9 IIOKS. 1A.U.M tJbon... lfV.M) 19 lambs... 15.-.l74 ewes... local yards 2 steers. 1 steer. . . 1 oow... cows. .. 1 heifer. . 3 heifers. 25 hors. .. 6 hogs. .. 27H 13 hogs... 11 1 hog 430 1 hog 820 Prices current at the roiiowe: Cattle Prim steers Good to choir steers Medium to good steers , Fair to good steers fommon to fair steers ....... Choice cows and heifers , Fair to medium cows, heifers, dinners ............... Bulls Calves Hogs Prim mixed ................ Medium mixed .............. ough, heavies Pigs H ml Sheep Prime lambs Fair to medium lambs ....... Yearlings Wethers, Lwes ' '' Wt Price 2.'.0 $17.00 22.1 150 240 3SII 130 TO P.'l r.s 110 1.8." 3 8.73 15.60 14.85 15 OO 12.50 14 O0 12.28 - ti.iO Price. $12.OOJrl2.50 , 11. 00 If 12.00 . B.50ll.oo , 8. ,'0 9.50 . 7. 8.1 SO . R.5lis 11.25 . o.MK t.m) r :i..o 4.50 . 6 oorcr 8.00 . 9.00(012.00 . l751T.O0 . 10.50rm.8S . 14.7.-.i 10.OO . 14.0015.00 , 12.00M$.00 , 9.O011.0O . lO.OOes 11.00 . b.oiihio on . W OO Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. (1. S. bureau of Mar kets.) Hogs Receipts. 70O0; market mostlv steady, with yesterday's average; bulk of sales, $T7.25 17. (SO. Kutchers, 1 7.4r I 7 6o ; light. $16.65917.40; packing, $16.5017.40; throw outs. $15.50016.60; plga. good to choice $ 13. 75w 14.75- Cattle Receipts, 3000: compared with a week ago, beef steers, 60 to 75c lower; fat cows and heifers about steady; other classes. 60 to 75c lower; bulls, 25 to 50c lower; can ners. 25o higher; calves, 20c lower; stockers and feeders, about steady. Sheep Receipts, 2omi, compared with a week ago, fat lambs. 25 to 6O0 lower; weth ers and yearllnga, 60 to 75c lower; ewes, steady to 25o lower; feeding lambs, gener ally steady. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec 21. Hogs Receipts. 2500; market, closing lower. Heavy. S16.75 17.15: mixed. $10,903" 17.O0 ; light, $10.50 17.10: pigs. $10.00 13.50; bulk of salea $1 SO 17.10. . Cattle Receipts, 4O0: market stesdv. Na tive steers. $10 50018.50: cows and heifers. $7.000 lu.OO; Western steers, 0 .'.Off 16.00; Texas steers. $8 50 12-15; rangs cows and heifers, $6 5011.00; cannera, $5.7506.75; mockers and feeders. $6.00 if 15.00; calves. $8.75 13.75. Sheep Receipts. 500; market steady. Culls. $4.6O.7.50; wethers. $10 00310 50; ewes, $7.5008.50: lambs. $12. OO 14 25: feeder lambs, $10.00 14.50; yearlings. $10.00011.00. ORIGINS OK LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the leading Markets at the Pacific Northwest. State origins or livestock loaded December 20. 1918: For Portland Cattle. Trr... Calves Hogs Sheep Mules stock Wo own and offer, subject to prior sale and change in price: Government and Municipal Bonds Orrgron 6.000 'Astoria, Oriron, Water... 3.000 tAatoria, Or.. Imp. Ber. No. 13, 3.500 t " 1.500 t 3,000 t 1.000 t 1.000 t 1.000 t 3.600 t 2.600 t " 2.500 t 2.6 00 t 2.600 t 500 t r.ato 14. IS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 & 6 6 6 H a S Idaho Montana . Oregon Washington Totla Portland One week ago.... 7 Four weeks ago. '37 One year ago . . JO For Seattle Idaho .. Oregon . South Dakota . . Totals Seattle. One week ago.. Four weeks ago. One year ago. . For Spokane Idaho South Dakota .. Washington .... Totla Spokane One week ago. .. Four weeks ago. One year ago. . 21 6 13 "i 14 11 7 1 48U 1,000 tAstoria, City of. Or.. Imp. Ser.No.S 600 tHandon. Oregon, FundinK 18,000 'Bend, City of. Ore.. Klre Kquip.. 2.000 Corvallia, Ore.. Imp 3.500 IJouglaa County, Ore., Ser. No. 1. . 3.600 " " Ser. No 3.. 1.000 'Dufur, City of. Oregon. Water.. BOO tMarshfield. City of. Oregon.... 6 600 tXehalem, Port of, Oregon C 1.000 'Newport. Port of Oregon 6 1,000 ttiregon City, Orepon. Imp 6 600 tRalnler. City of. Oregon, Wtttr. . 6 4,908ttSaiem. City of. Ore.. Imp 6 1.000 tToledo, City of. Ore., Funding.. 6 52,000 'Toledo, Port of. Oregon 5 . J. 000 'Toledo, Port of. Oregon a 500 tVnion High School, LMit- No. 1. Multnomth Co., Coupon Note.... S $4,000 'Warrenton, City of. Ore, Muni.. 6 Washington 2.000 tYakima. County, Wash, Road.. C 1.000 t " " .. 1,000 t " " " .. " 1.500 t " " " 6 " Idaho tCoeur d'Alene t " " " Cioodins; Co.. Ida.. Hirh. &. Bridge Nei Terce County. Idaho Maturltv Jo. J 137 F&A 1921 Fa- A 1923 KA-A 1913 Far A 1925 y& A 1926 FA-A 1927 F&A 1930 Fee A 1931 F&A 1933 FAiA 1934 F&A 1935 FJtA 1K3 F&A 1937 F&A 193 8 J&.D 1937 Nov MS J J A0 AiO SSep jn J.I JJ J&D J&J 1935 Price 100.00 To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net To Net 105.48 1923-33 To Net 1935 192S 1924 1920 192$ 1919 1928 1921-25 1919 M-N 1926-2S F&-A 1931-33 J&D 1920-26 JiJ 1923 M4X 1919 M&X 1928-33 Idaho, Refdg., 1.000 3.000 21.000 2.600 5,000 Canada 6.000 'Greater Wtnnlpeer Water 201.200 Montreal, City of. Prov. IS.000 'Toronto. City of. Ont 4,000 'Toronto, City of, Ont.... 3.000 'Toronto, City of. Ont... tDenotes fractional bond, t Denotes bonds of $1000 denomins $1000 denomination. JiJ J&J J&J J&J J&J J&J J&J J&J 1930 1921 1923 1924 5 19! 192 1927-34 1933 1934 105.09 98.98 98.50 101.00 103.2$ 100.29 99.00 102.03 100.50 105.39 100.00 99.00 ay. oo 100 60 100.00 101.50 102.20 103.82 103.83 104.35 102.87 104.59 105.17 Yield 6.00 5.00 6.10 6.10 . 5.15 6.10 6.20 6.25 5.25 6.25 6. SO . ' 5.30 5.35 5.35 5.55 .40 6.40 6.25 5.12S 4.80 4.80 5.30 6.25 5.40 " 6.125 6.125 6.60 . 6.125 6.00 5.25 6.30 5.23 6.00 6.20 6.20 . 6.20 6.25 '. 6.25 6.25 6.50 5.60 ' 5.50 B H n H m m N B H n n n 13 n s 5 J&J 1922 96.12 S.I5 Quebec 6 M&N 1923 100.94 6.76 5 J&1J 1921 98.55 6.75 6 J&J 1921 98.27 5.75 ' 5 J&O 1923 97.70 6.76 rcnotes bonds of $500 denomination., .tion. Denotes bonds of $100, $500 and- Liberty Bonds It you most SELL joor Liberty Bonds. SKI. I, I S. If you ram HI V more Liberty Bonds, III V from l We buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER :YOU MAY DO WORSE. The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New York Stock Exchanf ' were as follows: Monday Tuesday B Wednesday....... sj Thursday ss Friday Saturday S MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. mm jj The Premier Municipal Bond II o use of Oreson 309-311 STARK, BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH (GROUND FLOOR) Telephone Udny. 2151 Kstabllshed Over - Years HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBlllBIIIIIIIinilll B B B First First Second Third Fourth. J 3 '-is 4s 4s 4ta 4 , s 4U 97.88 93.22 93.10 97.40 95.S0 96.06 95.76 B 98.00 93.30 93.08 97.42 95.68 96.10 95.64 B 98.14 93.10 93.02 97.40 95.26 95.86 95.44 Bj 98.12 93.20 92.90 97.00 94.80 95.40 94.74 -a 98.20 92.90 93.10 97.00 94.53' 95.54 94.64. 98.20 93.00 93.04 96.96 94.30 95.36 94.34 u B B I Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dec. 21. Hors Receipts. 204. Steady. Prime lights, $17.25 17.4.1: me dium to choice, $l7frl7.25; medium heavies, $16ri6.40; rough heavies. $15fl3.40; pigs, $1R 16.40. Cattle Receipts, 67. Strong. Best steers. $1113; medium to choice, $10.30 -11. 60: common to good. $69$-60: best wows and heifers. $8.S099.S0; common to medium, $57.50; bulls. $5$T.5Q; ralya, $7912. SAN FRANCISCO PKODICB MARKEt Prices Current on Eggs. Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 21. Butter. 639 63Vic. Kggs Fresh extras, 81c; fresh extra pullets, 79c. ( - Cheese New firsts and Young America, not quoted. Poultry--Hena 8Sff34e; young roosters, 34e: broilers. 42lt4.e: fryers. Srtf37el pigeons, $2.50: squabs. $3.3004.00; geese, 30w32c; turkeys, dressed, 42ti 44c Vegetables Celery, $4.0005 00; squash, cream, 73 90c: hubbard. $1.S0&1.75: til plant. 83 10c: peppers. 73c: chile. 596c; tomatoes. $2.25 j?3: lettuce, $1.508 2.75; po tatoes, Salinas. $3.00 3.7a: rivers. $1.75 it 2.23; sweet. J1 tfJHc: new. 4t5e; onions, Australian brown, $1 V5tr 1.50: pearl. 506c; garlic. 254F30c; cauiiriower, T3ce$l; beeta, II 2.-. 'fl.So. carrots. $l.oorrl.2&: turnips. 16a r$1.00; string beans, 124 17c; lima. lulc; pumpkins, $l(ril.25: mushrooms. L'O'jittOc; llruels sprouts, 57e; green onions, $1.J it 1.75. Fruits Temons. $2.50 1? 4. SO; oranges. $3 C?r.50; bananas. 7&8c; pineapples. $4.00 5.0O: apples. Belleflowers. $1.50u 1.7.". r-'plts-enberg. $1.75 n 2.00 : grapefruit, $2.50ft3.60; pears. Burtletts. $2. 50 f 3.00: grapes, Tokays, Kmperors. and Verdels. $1.fi0if 2.23 ; avaca does. $5.006.00: persimmons. $1.00150; cranberries. $.tt 5.75; quinces, 90c$?$1.15; casabas, 50c i $1.00. Receipts Flour. 236 quarters: barley. 11. ?P! centals: beans. 2:152 sacks: potatoes. 4R79 sacks: onions. 549 sacks; hay, 152 tons: hides, 20H2; wine. 12.1.S00 gallons. Receipts Flour. ISO quarters: barley, T3 sacks; beans, 1725 sacks: potatoes, 670 sacks; onions. 10 sacks: hay, 90 tons; hides. 1571; wine, 123.950 gallons. Chicago Dairy Prod ore. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. Butter, unsettled; creamery, 55S07c Kggs. lower; receipts. 1009 cases; firsts, 60c; ordinary firsts. 57 5&c ; at mark, cases Included. .8 900c Dried mil at New Tnrk. NEW YORK. Dec 2L Evaporated apples, quiet. Prunes, steady. Peaches, nominal. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Deo. 21. Cotton, spot, steady; middling, 31.50c. Excess Reserve Increase. NFTW TORK. Dec. 21. The actual condi tion of clearing house bsnka and trust com- panles for the week shows that they ho $5U.6P1.750 reserve In excess of legal re quirements. This la sn Increase of $19,822. 40 from last week. England collects an average of 4000 tons of waste paper every week. OVERBEGK & COOKE CO. Broker, 8(nrki, Honda. Cottoa Ormin. .tc fl-Z17 BO AKO or TRADE BLDOh UUIUbBS CHICAGO 1 RAUtw MEMUEBS BOARD OV CTpondent of I r-o Bit-. Cbicacv and lrw York. Kew fork Stork Kxrhanc 4 blear o torlt Eirbangt Btjntoa 6tork Kicbange Cblcaffo Hoard of Trad New lork Cotton K&i-tiaoffa Nrw Orleans Cotton -:vrhaoc Smw lorli Cufft feschaaa New lork 1'rodure fesc-tiaus li Tcrpool Cotton A'o TRAVKI.KIW' ;riOK. AUSTRALIA Honolulu. Suva, New Zealand UnlDllN ROYAL MAIL LINE I Largest. newest. beet-equipped steamer. L , . ... -rf ulllnva monlv Cab. Pac. Keti war. M Third et Portland, ar UenenU Agent. 440 Nevmonr B apcooveT. H. ti. $750,000 Warm Springs Irrigation District Bonds Malheur County, Oregon Denomination $1000 Choice of Maturities, 20 to 39 years A Desirable 6 Investment because of its ample security. because of its prompt, expenseless and convenient payment of interest, twice yearly. because of its quick, simple and effective marketa bility, in case you should require the principal before maturity. because of its exemption from all Federal Income Taxes, the entire 6 interest thus being net. because issued directly for farm improvements to increase agricultural production and passed by the Capital Issues Committee at Washington as not in v ' compatible with the interests of our Government. because it is a legal investment for Banks, Trust Companies, Trust Funds, Insurance Companies and State School Funds. because it is legally acceptable to secure deposits of State, County and City Funds in Oregon Banks. , Descriptive Circular on Request BONDS OFFERED SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE AND CHANGE IN PRICE . Clark, Kendall & Company NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING ' PORTLAND, OREGON BOND DEPARTMENT The Anglo & London Paris National Bank SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA