The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 22, 1918, Section One, Page 21, Image 21

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Development Battalions to Be First, Followed by Conscientious Objectors, Spruce Division, Training School
Division, United States Guards and Railway Troops.
Divl- Infantry Field Artillery.
sion. Regiments. Regiments.
1 16, 18, 26, 28 6, 6i 7
2 9. 23, -5. 6 '15, 17. 12
3 4. 7. 30. 38 10, 76, IS
4 39. 47, 68. 59
5 60. 61, 6. 11 19. 20. 21
6 61. 52, 63, 54 3, 78, 11
7 55. 56. 34. 64 79. 80, 8
26 101. 102. 103. 104 101, 102, 103
27 105. 106. 107. 108 104. 105. 106
28 ,109. 110. 111. 112 107. 108. 109
29 113. 114. 115. 116 110, 111, 112
30 117, 118. 119, 120 113. 114. 115
32 125, 126, 127. 128 119. 120, 121
33 129, 130. 131. 132 122. 123. 124
35 137, 138, 139, 140 128, 123, 130
36 141. 142, 143. 144 131, 132. 133
40 157, 158. 159. 160 '143, 144, 145
41 161. 162. 163. 164 146, 147, 148
' 42 166, 166, 167. 168 149, 150. 151
77 305. 306, 307. 308 304, 305, 306
78 309. 310, 311. 312 307, 308. 309
79 313. 314. 315. 316
80 317, 318, 319. 320 313. 314, 315
89 353, 354, 355. 356 340. 341. 342
90 357, 358. 359. 360 343, 344, 345
91 361. 262. 33, 364 346. 347. 348
92 365, 366, 367. 368 349, 350, 351
Headquarters, November 7.
Nonari and St. Dizier
Fosse and St. Dizier
Tannois and St- Dizier..............
Lucey and St. Dizier .s.
Cunel and St. Dizier
Stonne and St. Dizier
Envezln and St. Dizier
Bras. Troyon sur Meuse and St. Dizier
Corbie Beauquesne and St. Dizier....
Heudlcort and St. Dizier
Robert Espagne and St. Dizier
Querrieu, via B. E. F. F
Alncreville and St. Dizier:
Troyon and St. Dizier
Somme Dieue and St. Dizier.........
Revigrny and St. Dizier
St. Aigrnon and Noyers
Malsoncelle and St. Dizier
Ia Basace, Varenne and St. Dizier. .
Le Champy Uaut and St. Dizier
Vacherauville and St. Dizier
Sommauthe and St. Dizier
Tailly and St. Dizier
Villers Dev Dun and St. Dizier
Oostroosebeke and Dunkerque
Marboche and St. Dizier ,..
Latest Report.
In Army of Occupation
In Army of Occupation reset-re
In Army of Occupation
In Army of Occupation
In Army of Occupation
No announcement
In Army of Occupation reserve
No announcement
Withdrawing from British lines
In Army of Occupation
No announcement
Withdrawing: from British lines
In Army of Occupation
In Army of Occupation '
No announcement
No announcement
(Depot Dlv.) Units ordered home
Held as Depot Division
In Army of Occupation
No announcement
No announcement
In Army of Occupation
Headquarters ordered horns
In Army of Occupation
In Army of Occupation
No announcement
Units ordered homo
A Baker Gift IBond
Fotf Chris
Units ordered "for convoy" home. ''United States Marine Corps regiments.
Note Machine-gun battalions are numbered the same as the field artillery regiments. Ambulance compa
nies and field hospitals are numbered the same as the Infantry regiments.
Note Other divisions In France November 7, composition not given, were located as follows: 31st. Brest.
34th, Castres; 37th, Thielt and Dunkerque; 38th, Le Mans; 39th (Depot), St. Florent; 62d, Saizerais; 76th (Depot),
St. Amand Mond Rond; 79th, Vacherauville and St. Dizier; 81st, Somme Dieue and Is-sur-Tille; 82d, Florent; 83d
(Depot), Le Mans and Castres; 332d Infantry, in Italy: 84th. Neuvic; S5th (Depot). Poullly; 86th. St. Andre do
Cuizac; 87th, Pons; 88th, Montreaux Chateau and Is-sur-Tille. Of the Eighth (location not given), the 2d, 81st
and 83d Field Artillery regiments and 312th Engineers have been ordered home.
What If the war had not ended T
What if shell and ball this hour
were cutting cruel, contrary courses
above that No Man's Land?
Avaunt impish thought! Tour fleet
ing mission none but that of loosing
In sordid soul unmeasured gratitude -because
the war Is over and because
he of your bosom is safe.
Perforce, the face of Oregon turns
t Christmas-tide to that far shore
where husband, son, brother, sweet
heart Is to celebrate the world's first
benison of peace. Perforce, that one as
well turns face of wistfulness toward
westward home and forms well loved.
Lonely? A bit, perhaps. Eager to
return? Certainly. But, withal, en
Joying new friendships, strange sights,
fresh experiences, all to be fondly
cherished through life's queer span,
and ofttimes recalled for benefit of
dour stay-at-homes.
He has much to do and see. He Is
being well cared for. Christmas joys
will be his. What with the packages
.from home, with merry-making, wltn
eports, with jolly entertainment in
those huts you've reared for him and
soon he will be coming home.
Movement Is Prompt.
It Is no heartless oversight of the
Government that so few of America's
victorious fighters have been returned
In time to celebrate the holidays at
home firesides. It is only 41 days since
the armistice was signed. Days of un
certainty as to Just what would hap
pen followed the signing of that fate
ful pact. Once suspicions had subsided
no time was lost In starting the Gar
gantuan task of returning and demob
ilizing those 2,000.000 valiants. Al
ready they are being convoyed back
to the arms of waiting relatives and
friends in steady flow. Three hundred
thousand a month they will soon be
pouring homeward. Army chieftains
have said.
Up to December 15 only some 130,000
orficer3 and men had been definitely
ordered to "pack up their kits" and
move to ports of embarkation In France
and England. Since that date the list
has been lengthened a bit. Yet the
total of men ordered "for convoy" is
small as compared with the host that
- Demobilization Taking; Place.
General March, chief of staff, early
announced the general plan to be fol
. lowed In sending home the units
abroad. There may be slight devia
tions, but, in the main, this scheme of
return is in effect.
Demobilization is taking place in this
sequence: First, development battal
ions; second, conscientious objectors;
third. Spruce production Division;
fourth, central training schools; fifth.
United States Guards; sixth, railway
troops: seventh, depot brigades; eighth,
replacement camps; ninth, combat
Subsequent announcement listed as
contingents first to be returned from
France the following: Railway artil
lery. Army artillery, gas troops, tank
corps and 'division skeletons used as
replacements. It may be noted that
other units such as aero squadrons,
machine gun battalions, supply com
panies, headquarters companies and
engineers are being started home
"ivard. The few Infantry regiments thus far
designated "for convoy" are principal
ly stray ones, coming from the "divi
sion skeletons."
Army officials have designated cer
tain divisions as being first in line to
' "be sent back. It needs be remem
bered, however, that the general pro
gramme will not 'for some weeks in
' elude the main bodies of these divisions
In embarkations. As yet only insignifi
cant portions of these divisions, units
no longer necessary to maintain them,
i fcave been ordered to get ready to sail.
Wonnded to Come First.
There are 40 combat divisions in
'France. These are the first that will
be released and sent home as convoys
fcecome available: Thirty-first, 34th,
88th, 39th, 76th, 84th, 86th and 87th.
Wounded men and those who are 111,
It has been announced, will be returned
Just as quickly as they are able to
travel. Irrespective of divisions to
which they belong. These will be re
turned to the Army hospital "nearest
their homes." Men of the Northwest
generally will be sent to the base hos
pital at Camp Lewis. Numbers are al
ready arriving there. Other hospitals
of the Western Department which will
receive convalescents are General
Hospital No. 27, Fort Douglas. Utah:
Letterman General Hospital, San Fran
cisco, Cal.; Base Hospital, Camp Fre
mont, Cal.; Base Hospital, Camp
Kearney, Cal.
Oregon has fared reasonably well In
the matter of return of Its men. The
C5th Coast Artillery. In which were
large numbers of Beaver 6tate boys,
was early designated for return. Fifty
live officers and men of the unit head
quarters embarked from France on the
transport Mallory December 8 and
reached New York Friday. The entire
personnel doubtless follows immediate
ly after them.
First units of the 41st Division, to
which . most of Oregon's National
Guardsmen were originally assigned,
and of the 91st, containing a large
Kroup of Oregon selectives, to appear
in the list for return have just been
named. They are trench mortar bat
teries the 116th from the 41st and
the 816th from the 91st. While not
sending back many Oregon men. this
means the lifting of hopes that other
units will soon follow. The 41st, as
a depot, or replacement, division, is
fissured some precedence in release.
The fact that the 91st last with the
Trench in Flanders, has not been as
signed to the Army of Occupation nor
the reserve of that Army will mean
that it too may early in the new year
Jjb placed, ou the list for the hons-j
ward trip. Many men of the 41st,
entire units it seems, were sent Into
other contingents. Some of them may
be fortunate enough to precede their
old comrades back overseas. This may
apply to companies kept In England,
of which there were a few.
Incidentally, answering a few of the
queries that anxious relatives of men
in a hundred different units have
flooded down upon The Oregonian. the
last announced commander of the 41st
Division is Brigadier-General Ell Cole
and of the 91st is Major-General Will
iam H. Johnston.
Oregon contributed some hundreds of
her stalwart sons to Engineer Regi
ments, motor transport companies, hos
pital units and other unattached con
tingents which were quickly sent to
France and into activity. Of these
units little Information Is obtainable.
Announcements affecting them have
not been made and relatives may be
obliged to await the receipt of letters
to learn where they are and when
they are coming home.
Hospital Cnlts Held.
Portland and other cities sent 150
men with Base Hospital 46. This has
been stationed near the village of Neuf
chatel, southeast of Paris.' between
Nancy and Toule. Official announce,
ment that they are to leave for home
is eagerly awaited. As yet, few hos
pital units have been ordered out of
X major portion of the United States
Marines sent to France were in the
Second Division. Marine officers in
Portland believe these men have no
doubt been sent hi the Second Division
as a part of the Army of Occupation.
General March! however, answering a
query on this very point about three
weeks ago. Bald he had not the infor
mation. The Marines will -not be dis
charged from service unless urgent
reasons therefor are presented, accord
ing to latest order.
Painstaking compilation of all units
designated for return and assigned for
convoy the distinction needs be noted
has been made, almost exclusively
from official announcements, with a
check also upon press dispatches. By .
brief study of this compilation. "Wor- I
ried Mother" and "Soldier's Wife." and j
a host of other readers mav larcrelv
answer their own eager questionings.
From the table presented, except for
rare reassignments. may be learned
the composition of the 37 leading divi
sions, their location just prior to the
armistice and what have been the or
ders appertaining to them since that
time. None of these divisions are to
come home soon as a whole. In a foot
note will be found information relative
to 16 other divisions, half of which will
be first among combat units to return.
There follows the summary of all
troops ordered "for convoy," to prepare
for return, presumably by moving to
points of embarkation. Some of these
have already sailed from ports of
France and England. Sailings and ar
rivals will be noted carefully in col
umns of The Oregonian. Speculation
on these matters is futile.
Grouped by branches and divisions
the units specifically ordered to the
convoys, with mention of those divi
sions told of pending release, are as
Coast Artillery.
Forty-second, 43d, 52d, 53d, 46th. 47th,
4Sth, 45th, 61st, 62d. 68th, 69th, 70th,
71st, 63d, 66th, 67th. 72d, 73d, 74th.
49th, 50th, 55th. 56th, 57th, 65th and
75th regiments; headquarters brigades
33, 36, 37, 34, 38, 31; sundry anti-aircraft
and trench mortar batteries and
ammunition trains.
Aero Squadrons.
Eleven, 7, 208, 30, 23, 172, 174, 176,
247, 264, 156, 167, 187, 188, 211. 216, 219.
225. 226, 228, 254, 256. 259. 260, 261, 262,
263. 265. 267. 268. 282. 306, 307, 308, 809,
310, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321.
325, 329, 330, 331, 832, 333. 334. 335.' 336.
337, 338, 349, 350, 356, 361, 371, 377, 378,
823, 824. 831. 832. 833, 834, 836. 837. 838,
839. 868. 852. 812, 882. 906. 1107, 117. 210,
220. 234, 470. 471. 472. 473, 475. 476, 478.
479. 92. 140, 349, 153. 482, 491. 9T. 102.
A large portion of these were in Eng
land. Engineers.
Twenty-seventh, part S19tn. 401st
pontoon park. 466th. 467th and 468th
pontoon trains. Engineer Casual Com-
pany No. 1, part 29th. 40th, 2d, 319th
and 109th.
Hleellu Units.
Second Anti-Aircraft Battalion; 301st,
30 2d. -303d. 304th casual companies; 4th
and 5th railway ordnance repair sec
tions; advance school detachments. 11th
and 12th divisions; 801st and 814th (pi
oneer) regiments; Chemical Warfare
Service Oasual Company No. 1; repair
shops 5th and 6th heavy mobile ord
nance; gun battalion, 7th heavy mobile
ordnance; gun battalion, 5th anti-aircraft
machine; construction companies
Nos. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Eighth Division.
Second Field Artillery. Elrnth
Artillery, 81st Field Artillery, 83d Field
Artillery, advance school detachments.
Thirtr-flrM Division.
Division designated for return, these
units soon Fifty-sixth Field Artillery
Brigade, 117th and 118th Field Artillery
regiments, 106th Trench Mortar Battery.
Thirty-fourth Division.'
Division designated for return.'these
units soon 125th Field Artillery Regi
ment, 109th Engineers. 136th Field Hos
pital and Ambulance Company, 109th
Ambulance Train, 109th Trench Mortar
Thirty-eighth Division.
Division designated for return, these
units soon Headquarters 63d Field Ar
tillery Brigade. 137th, 138th and 189th
Field Artillery regiments, 113th Trench
Mortar Battery.
Thirty-ninth Division.
Division designated for return, these
units soon Headquarters of division
and train. 153d, 154th. 155th and 156th
regiments. 140th. 141st and 142d machine-gun
battalions, 114th train head
quarters and military police.
Fortieth Division.
On Hundred Forty-fourth Field Ar
tillery. 73d and 74th Coast Artillery.
143d, 144th and 145th Field Artni.n
regiments; 3d. 4th. 5th, 6th, 7th, 14th,
16th. lth, 17th anti-aircraft batteries;
115th Trench Mortar Battery.
Seventy-sixth Division.
Division designated for return, these
units soon Division train headquar
ters: 301st, S02d. 303d and 304th regi
ments: 301st, 302d. 803d machine gun
battalions; 301st train headquarters and
military police; 301st sanitary train and
304th ambulance company; 304th Field
Eighty-fourth Division.
Division designated for return, these
units soon: One hundred and ninth
ammunition train. 325th, 326th 'and
327th Field Artillery regiments.
Elshty-slxth Division.
Division designated for return, these
units soon Three hundred thirty-first.
332d and 333d Field Artillery reg-ments-311th
ammunition train, 311th trench
mortar battery.
Eighty-seventh Division.
Division, designated for return.- these
units soon Three hundred and thirty
fifth regiment and 162d brigade Field
Artillery; 312th trench mortar battery;
312th Engineers; Companies C, B, D, E
and F; 348th ambulance company;
345th, 346th and 347th Field Hospital
companies: 334th machine eun bat-
Nothing could be a more,
practical gift than aj
Baker Gift Bond. It)
represents a pair of sty .
lish boots .from one of
the Baker stores, and
allows the recipient to
choose her own gift
We will issue them for
any amount.
I i tilmhMIUkilM -J
!---- :
Sole Agent for Dr, A. Reecl
Cushion Shoe for Men.
Los Angeles
San Francisco
Agent for "the Nettleton'
Shoes for Men
Largest Retailer of Shoes West of Chicago
270 Washington Street
270 Morrison Street
308 Washington Street
380 Washington Street
talion; 312th field signal battalion;
312ttr train headquarters, military po
lice and special training detachment;
headquarters 30th brigade Coast Ar
tillery; headquarters 173d and 174th In
fantry brigades; 312th supply com
panies; ambulance company 346; 345th
and 346th regiments; 312th supply
train; 335th machine gun battalion.
Eighty-eighth Division.
Three hundred thirty-seventh. 338th
and 339th Field Artillery regiments;
339th machine gun battalion.
Ninety-second Division.
Division, composed of colored men,
was once designated for return, but
order has been withdrawn. Units to re
turn soon are headquarters troop; 349th
350th and 351st Field Artillery regi
ments; 317th training headquarters and
military police; 317th supply train,
sanitary trin, ammunition train, en
gineers' company, trench mortar bat
tery; 325th field signal battalion.
manager. Carrie Bussard; musician.
Edna Gentry; physician. Dr. F. E. Beau-champ.
Black Butte Bars Flo.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Dec. 21.
(Special. The Black Butte community
has not had a case of the "flu. This is
where the Black Butte quicksilver
nines are operated and the epidemic
was kept out by shutting up the com
munity and not letting anyone in or
out. The community is ideally situat
ed for this, the only road in. which also
ends there, being over the mining com
pany's property,
people there.
There are about 35
One-tenth of all the sneep owned In
Maine are on the farm of William B.
Kendall at Bowdolnham and on another
farm at West Konnebunk.
Royal Neighbors Name Officers.
ALBANY, Or.. Dec 21. (Special.)
Officers to handle the work of the local
lodge of the Royal Neighbors for the
year have been named as follows: Past
oracle, Louisa Neely; oracle, "Llta Ran
kin; vice oracle, Bessie Baltimore;
chancellor, Louisa Hackleman; record
er, Alice Kirk; receiver, Jennie Beal;
marshal, Anna Straney; assistant mar
shal, Edna Harris; Inner sentinel, Eva
Ruiter; outer sentinel. Ella Morse;
L'iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHnimiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiriiinu?iiiiiii v
i ee otraciivara
Is the Master Musical Instrument
of the Twentieth Century-
Truly this is the Stradivarius of Phonographs, typify
ing and reflecting the genius of that greatest of all violin
makers, ANTONIUS STRADIVARIUS, whose name to
day is the symbol of all that is best in tone perfection.
Come in and decide for yourself. It will be a genuine
pleasure for us to demonstrate the Stradivara. No obliga
tion to purchase. We want you to know its difference
and superiority.
Open Every Evening
Hovenden Piano Company
Main Store, 411 Washington St., Bet.
Tenth and Eleventh Sts.
Branch No. 1, 363 Morrison St., Below
Olds, Wortman & King
Branch No. 2, N. E. Cor. Eleventh
and Washington Sts.
Our 17th Annual Dollar Day, that we
had last Monday, was a great attrac
tion to the people of Portland, and
was welcomed by thousands of wise
shoppers ; but many people who came
too late to get the biggest of the big
values were much disappointed, and
we have been asked the same ques
tion every day by hundreds of people :
This means our Dollar Day saves them money "it surely do" because we are simply offer
ing this as an advertisement, Regardless of Loss. After due consideration we have decided
to have another
On this day we are going to offer bigger values than ever before. Articles valued from
$1.50 to $9.00, consisting of 72-inch Battenburg Table Covers, Hand-embroidered Kimonos,
High-grade Lacquer Trays and Boxes, Fancywork Baskets, Hand-painted' Chinaware, Silk
Wear, Wooden Ware and every imaginable Fancy Oriental Goods valued up to $9.00
To get the biggest values you must come early, as we will sell only a limited number of
articles Sold. Out of Window Only. Branch No. 1 open 8:45 A. M.; Main Store open 9
A. M. ; Branch No. 2 open 10 A. M. m