19 numuutwiumunuiiui Come, See and Believe Staples the Jeweler G ive Living Presents FOR SERVICE ABROAD The Store for the People Merchandise to Fit the Popular Want Optician more and more popular each year Cheerful, Interesting and We Have the Goods Captain Roy Ritner Returns From Overseas Duties. Lasting. f 266 Morrison Street Birds-Parrots HOSPITAL RAIDS ARE TOLD We have a beautiful lot of Canaries in full song. They are the sweetest singers on earth. Hear them at our stre. Come in and spend an hour among our birds, pets and flowers. You are welcome. Birds, Bird Cages and Supplies . Parrots, Parroquets, Finches," Rice Birds Signing of Armistice Brings Sigh of Relief Rather Than Noisy Dem onstration on Front. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 22. 1018. OREGON BOYS LAUDED 1A 1 "Instead of srreetln the announce ment of the signing- of the armistice with a hilarious demonstration, offi cers and men of the Fifth Army Di vision in the Verdun sector literally heaved a sigh of relief and immedi ately began to speculate as to the probable length of time that would be required to complete peace terms. The men were exhausted by weeks of hard fighting, the weather was cold and disagreeable with a drizzling rain fall ing, difficulty had been encountered In bringing up supplies promptly and the brave fighters were satisfied with the assurance that hostilities had been -us pended." Captain Roy "W. Ritner. State Ben-ator-elect, of Pendleton, who has Just returned from spending eight months la France, where he went at his own expense as field representative of the Red Cross, attached to the Fifth Army Division, gave this report to a. group of friends at the Imperial Hotel yes terday. He supplemented his account of personal experiences In the war zone with a high tribute to America's fighting men, whose challenging fear lessness and unsurpassed bravery, ho said, marked their conduct either In open battle or In the air. War Impressions Are Told Some vivid Impressions of the war were brought home by Captain Ritner, who, on one occasion last July, was caught In a barrage with a detachment from hi3 Army division and for more than an hour was exposed to the shell fire of the enemy before finding refuge in trenches. The Fifth Army Division had an important part in the conclud ing engagements of the war, rendering valiant service in the St. Mihiel drive as well as In the Verdun sector later. Jts most notable achievement was the capture of Dun on the Meuse River, which had been held by the Germans for four years. The division received eeven citations for meritorious work. "But' It was In Paris that the sign ing of the armistice was appropriately celebrated," rld Captain Ilitner. "I did not reach the French capital until a week following that event and the demonstration was still In progress. The French people could not do enough in expression of their gratitude' for American, Canadian and Australian v soldiers who had reached that city from the trenches. Allied Hospitals Raided. "There has been no exaggeration or misrepresentation In published reports of German airplane raids at midnight on Red Cross field hospitals. On sev eral occasions I was at a field hospital when the Huns conducted a bombard ment in the middle of the night. In one such raid, at 2 A. M., three Amer ican soldiers were killed and seven badly injured." It was not until shortly before he sailed for home that Captain Ritner met up with any of the organizations to which Oregon men were attached. The Fifth Army Division was composed entirely of regular Army troops.- Late in the Fall in the Argonne Forest dis trict. Captain Ritner met enlisted men from his home state. They were at tached to the 91st Division and the 148th Artillery. La Grande Tnit Landed. The La Grande hospital unit, reports Captain Ritner, was Included In the 42nd Rainbow Division which was des ignated as one of the 10 divisions of the American Army of Occupation on the Rhine. To be assigned to this service, he says, was regarded a high and dis tinct honor. In his absence from the state Cap tain Ritner was nominated and elected State Senator without opposition from Umatilla County. He had represented that county In the House at the 1915 and 1917 sessions. It Is believed Cap tain Ritner has the distinction of being the first member of an Oregon Legis lature to be nominated by his political party and elected without opposition either In the primary or the general election. Before returning to his home at Pen dleton Tuesday night. Captain Ritner expects to visit Salem, when he will select his desk In the Senate Chamber for the legislative session which will bo convened Monday, January 13. I TF Flowering Plants Very appropriate for anyone. Beautiful, Cheerful and pleasing to all. We have them ranging in prices from $1.00 to $5.00 and up. Palms and Ferns, Jardinieres A home, no matter how lavishly furnished, is not complete without plants. Beautiful Ferns from 75c to $5.00. Palms from $1.00 to $3.50. Jardinieres, Fern Dishes we have a very large and varied assortment all priced very low. Puppies We have quite a variety of cute little fellows. Scotch Collies, Toy Boston Bulls, Fox Terriors. Goldfish New shipment in, lively and healthy. 25c to $5.00 each. They please everyone. Call Early and Make Your Selection, Leave Cards and We Will Reserve and Deliver Later. 1 Holly Wreaths Cut Holly, IVIistletoe, Cedar Roping, Etc Xmas Trees. Buy New Patent Tree Holder, 50c. Routledge Seed & Floral Co. 145 SECOND, BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALDER Store Open Evenings, Sunday and Christmas Morning 1 '7T mi ! X , ca kl ;beve. Bayer, Miwrr and Diamond Kxpert. The very largest stock of all kinds of Rings .in, this city. Come, see and believe after you have looked at watches and diamonds elsewhere take a peep at ours before you buy. nintinuiraiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiinitnimiiuiintintiiiiiiiitiiiimniHiiaiiMiiMiMiniitm iitittiiiiti iiimtiuiiitniMMiti DEALERS MCE HEAVY LOSS LARGE STOCK OF SUBSTITUTES FOUND IN NORTHWEST. to Merchants and Jobbers Appeal Government In Effort to Es cape Freight Charge. Substitutes, ow hlch housewives have learned much within the period of food control, are. now the subject of finan cial concern to Pacific Northwest deal ers, due to the sudden restoration of unrestricted use of white flour. Mill ers, Jobbers and wholesale dealers In flour, having stocked up for the esti mated trade of the Winter season, find themselves with great quantities of rye, barley, corn and rice flour for which the demand has slumped. D. A. Pattulo, of Balfour, Guthrie & Co., estimated yesterday that there are probably from 80,000 to 100,000 barrels the substitutes in the Pacific North- i west, on which the holders stand to pocket a loss averaging more than $1.20 barrel. When permission for the use of wheat flour without employment of substitutes was restored by order of the Food Administration it was recog- ized that there would be large stocks of substitutes on hand. Accordingly the Government agreed to take back the Burplus at the same price the deal- r had paid. Appeals have been made to the Food Administration for a revision of the rder to include freight, that the hold ers may not be penalized for having patriotically complied with the request to carry the stock. There is still a Government embargo on exporting the substitutes, which pre cludes finding an outside market, say the dealers, and local demand has prac- Ically ceased for everything except the corn substitutes. Famous Ace Returns Home. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 21. Major C. J. Biddle, of this city, one of the famous American aces in service in France, arrived here tonight. He was accompanied from France by Lieutenant-Colonel William Thaw. Pittsburir Captain Edgar E. Tobin, Can Antonio, Tex., and Captain Ray C. Erlgman, uiKe a orest. iil Marriage .Licenses Issued. OREGON CITY. Or., Dec. 21. (gne clal.) Two marriage licenses were is sued by the County Clerk Saturday, one to Ella Chinn, 27, of Oregon City, and William Guber, 40. of Tacoma, Wash. John Watkins, 38, and Hattie Hollingsworth, 41, both of this county. were also granted a marriage license Saturday. More than 75 per cent of the trade of Egypt is with the British posses nions. Receipt for a Mild Laxative Cough Syrup Manufacturer of Famons Medicine Tells Ingredients, So Public Can Appreciate Pure, Reliable Bledl- lne. Make a syrup with a pint of sugar and a half pint of boiling water, cool and pour into a bottle or Jar. Then add the contents , of a 24-oz. bottle of Mentho-Laxene, shake well, and take a teaspoonful four to eight times day for head or chest colds, coughs. bronchitis, whooping cough or catarrh of head and throat. Actually, the very first dose will show you the wonderful virtues In Mentho-Laxene. It is penetrating, heal ing, soothing and curative to a greater extent than anything ever discovered. Children like it and adults use It from Maine to California. Physicians pre scribe it, hospitals use it, and why should not you enjoy the benefits of a cheap, homemade remedy free from narcotic, sickening drugs? Ask your druggist for Mentho-Laxene and lnsis on getting It, for It is guaranteed to please every purchaser or money back by The Blackburn Products Co., Dayton, tunlty to get In touch with the leaders in hunt clubs of Kansas City and other centers, where some of the best-blooded horses are owned and groomed for en tries in the big shows of the country. It is the purpose to make the Pacific International in a future of a standard second only to the great Chicago Inter national and the National Dairy Show in its magnitude and in the attractive purses that will be offered In all classes. It is confidently believed that when the determination of the breeders of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to or ganize the corporation on a permanent basis is known, it will bring respon sive Interest from breeders throughout the country. Mr. McDougall has an in timate knowledge of the equine royalty from Vancouver to Los Angeles, as well as in the larger centers of the East and Middle West. Personal acquaintance with some of the leaders in clubs will enable him to pass the knowledge of the desir ability of getting into the entry lists for the next Portland show. CARD OF THANKS. To the Knights and Ladles of Recir. ity, to the Foresters, Court Mount Hood, ru. a id iocai union or engineers. ia. 01, neighbors and friends I wish to xpress my thanks for your kindness uring tne late uiness and death of my eloved wife. Anna Brocker: also for the beautiful floral tributes. Adv. - F. C. BROCKER. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the Portland Tirn.l- cians' Union, No. 99, and also our many inenus ior tne Deauiuin Iioral pieces and kindness durin&r our bpir,avAmint of our eon and nephew. MRS. ROSE LIXDLET AND Adv. MISS ETHEL LINDLET. GZEGHO-SLOVAKS UNITED NO CONTROVERSY ON TERRI TORY TO BE RECOGNIZED. German Bohemians Assured No Re strictions to Be Placed on Their National Development. PRAGUE, Bohemia, Dec. 21. (By the Associated Press.) The Czecho-Slovak Republic recognizes no part of the ter ritory within Bohemia as open to any controversy to be settled by the peace conference, as suggested by the tier man Bohemians, it was declared today by Premier Kramarz to a delegation trom Uerman Bohemia. The entente. Premier Kramarz set forth, had signed an agreement by which the entire country was declared to belong to the Czecho-Slovak state. He assured the Germans that their cul tural and national development would be assured them and added that he de sired the return of the troops of occu pation as soon as possible. NEW YORK, Dec 21. President T. G. Masaryk. of the Czecho-Slovak gov ernment, has Informed the Zionist Or ganlzation of America, In response to a cable message, that the deportation o Jewish refugees from Bohema has been stopped. The president said that not only had the deportation orders been canceled, but the refugees had been assigned to domiciles in such a manner as to avoid the overcongestion of Prague and other towns. BIG HORSE SHOW PLANNED COMING EVENT WIXI, ECLIPSE ALL PREVIOUS EFFORTS. Natt McDongall, Director of New Organization, to Visit East ern Livestock Centers. Hunt clubs of cities east of the Rocky Mountains will be fully advised of the plans for the display of thoroughbred horses at the next annual meet of the Pacific International Livestock Show, Early in the New Tear Natt McDoug gall, one of the directors of the new or ganlzation, will visit Denver, probably at the time of the annual horse show HOLLY TREES PROFITABLE GREAT DEMAND AT CHRISTMAS FOR CLIPPINGS. s - "A v --.vox--. ,-. -.- .;. -: : -s -- --, . f v 1 . .!.'. : . . : v V ' 'f K -. . MS... . . K ' V " ISAAC E. STAPLES, Watebmnker. Jeweler. Optician 4.1 Years' Experience. You will find that I carry the best I can buy common sense articles merchandise that is necessary for the welfare of all and give courteous treat ment to the public. IK. BAHK, Head of Optical Department. The very largest stock of all kinds of Watches and Clocks on this Coast. Come, see and believe. One way to lay up money is to economize in your buying. Shrubs Planted to Beaatif y Country Home Now Yield Large An nual Revenue. OREGON CITT. Or, Dec 21. (Spe- I 1 x .i i ii . . ' -ia-i- j. uwy uuuy irees a tne noma or Mr. and Mrs. George C itsownell at Risley station at the present time are a sight to behold. These bushes, many of which stand over 20 feet In height, are covered with the bright-colored berries and the foliage la of a hand some shade of green, much different to much of the holly bushes In this city. When Mr. Brownell planted these bushes severs.1 v,ar, n i aa n nlant them far th m.v-U. fnv h-! believed that bv nlantlnir the trees thev I would fill a large vacant spot and otherwise beautify the home, which Is one of the handsomest in the county. Since the trees have taken a growth they have been covered with scarlet berries each year. Not only do they add to the beauty of the place, but have become profitable. This year Mr. Brownell has found a big demand for the holly In the San Francisco mar kets, and sold considerable last year. Early in the week he shipped to San Francisco buyers 1526 pounds, and Fri day and Saturday of this week shipped 300 more pounds, and still the bushes do not show where the twigs have been removed. Mr. Brownell says he believes there are still 50tfn more ALMSOV JORDAN, Head Salesman. What io you know about it? Umbrellas in this country 25 reduction. You can't go wrong in giving an umbrella. ': ' 1' nfi ' 1 f M J 5 , - - 3... t ) t ? ? I I J 4 I ' r a i t i J 1.. . ' Sl . ' " J MEHV K.4H, Head of Jewelry Kactory. Chains, Pins, Biooches, Em blems, Rings, Silverware. Cut Glass, Shaving Sets, Toilet Sets everything in the jewelry line. Take a look at our $50, 075 and $100 diamond rings. Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Charms, Lockets, Pendants. ELLIS EWIX. Head Watchmaker. A. E. WILSON. Head of Lens Grlndlnc and Sdglna; I-'actory. The Store, the Help, the Experi ence, the Merchandise, the Christmas Cheer are all here. STAPLES The Jeweler Optician 226 Morrison St i Rtm.tF.I. TARTABO. Head of SwUa Hatrhmirk Departuienl. pounds of twigs he could .ship if he desired. He has 50 trees on his place and all are now in bearing. Coon Logging Camps to Close. MARSH FIELD. Or., Dec 21. (Spe cial.) All locerinir camps In Coos APPO 'Nature's Choicest Nectar." What drink more fitting to the Christ mas festivities than APPO the PURE JUICE OF BIG L USCIO US A PPLES A sparkling, golden beverage, without substitutes of any kind. Order APPO From Your Grocer or Phone Us. County, numbering about 20, will close Saturday night and not resume until after New Year's, save the six at Pow ers, which will shut down the 24th and reopen on the 2th. The loggers are all members of the Loyal Legion of Logiters and Lumbermen and have re mained faithfully at their work since the United States entered the war. Four hundred printers have been idle in Dublin, Ireland, in consequece of a lockout in the book and Job printing houses. For Christmas Cheer and Throughout the New Year ST 1 Henry Weinhard Plant 3 it M l Broadway 383 A 1172 3 u ,7 . ' - a. Ohousands of Western FaFmers loolc for the Giant Trade Mark Farm powders m-.m a&jsi STUMPJNO tAQRICULTURAU The Giant trade-mark on each case of Giant Farm Powder is put there for your protection. When you see it you know you are getting the real Giant Farm Powder the kind that has been cutting blasting costs for more than half a century. Giant Farm PowdersEureka Stumping and Giant Stumping have become o popular that many other Ligh explosive are often in error called "giant powders." Don't be misled. There is only one brand of Giant Powder. Demand the genuine. I have tried all stumping powders on the market tmder every practical working condition," writes James Form, Big Lake, Wash., "hereafter I will use nothing but Giant." Joseph labunski. Cedar Camp, Ore., says, "Whenever I use powder, it will be Giant. " SenJ Coupon or Postal mentioning thit Paper and you wi!l receive free the big book "Better Farm ing. It shows how your head can help your hands in making farm work ewier, cheaper and more profitable. THE GIANT POWDER CO, "Ectrvtlnt fat BloMng" Home Office t San Francisco Con. C0' r feraoch Oftcssi Dvnvor, Portlaad. Salt Lk City Ssatua, Spokane. a nwa o n rurorra u ltd u llu MARK AND MAIL THIS FREE BOOK COUPON THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con, Firit National Bank Bldg., San Francisco Send me 52-page illustrated booklet "Better Farming." I am especially interested In (please check) 2i SmsBIhUii Q Dilch Blutiai Q S.M Blaanaa Bsoldsr Blutai Q Trss Bad BUatlas! C Rm4 MakJan Ohio. Adv. there. He will also have an oppor