12 TIIE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAy. PORTLAND. DECE3IBEK 22, 1018. PLENTIFUL ASSORTMENTS OF DELICIOUS CANDY BOXED IN VARIOUS WEIGHTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS THIRD FLOOr I Give Merchandise Bonds See Our Other Ads Please turn to page 13 of this section for another page of Christmas news from The Store of Essential Gifts." See also today's Journal for other interesting advertisements of Lip mm. Wolfe & Co. You cannot go wrong giving any of your friends merchandise orders. They eliminate the necessity for exchanges and allow the choice 'of one's own best liked gift. Issued in demonminations of $1 and up at a booth on the street floor. Monday's Shoppers Need Go No Further Than This Store For Gifts New Attractions Enter No Cessation of Efforts to Win Our "Drive for Gains" - ? sternum woug Merchandise ofcJ Merit Only" i 1 i o I i 8 I i Ox HERE'S WHAT WE ARE DOING One week ago we set out to bring to actual realization business get' ting aims conceived a year ago. N ., We aimed at great business increases and, thanks to the generous support of our' own public and the many thousand workers who have come to live in our midst. our seeming great dreams have nearly been realized. But we are not taking any chance, so holiday merchandising precedents have been upset in an effort to attain great figures in Ttrhich all our salespeople thare, and prices on standard essential merchandise have been placed on a new level to stimulate active buying. Folks tell us this is the busiest, breeziest store in Portland this hol iday time and Monday values (told of here) tell the reason why. Come early in the day. 34 Inch Colored Paon Velvet Was $5 Half Price . Stylish, serviceable velvets, in lovely qualities at HALF PRICE. In black, midnight blue, African brown, taupe, burgundy and plum. Crepe de Chine in All Good Colors Special $1.25 Gift lengths of crepe de chine, in ivory, maize, tlesh. pink, gray, navy and black. Reduced to $1.25 a yard in this Monday sale. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe &. Co. 88 x 98 Satin Finish Bed Spreads Monday Only $6.75 , Soft finish spreads in two patterns, with scalloped and cut comers. Fine English finish and packed ready for giving. Embroidered and Initialed Pillow Cases -Special $1.50 Pair Another sale of embroidered and initialed Fruit-of-the-Loom pillow cases. All neatly hemstitched. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co. 1 Aa Sketched $4.75. 120 Shetland and Wool Sweater Coats, Were $6.95 to $12 Half Price We offer Monday 120 wanted wool and Shetland sweater coats for women; taken from our own regular stocks and reduced to HALF PRICE. The styles are in the mode, as are the colors turquoise, white, salmon, pink, rose, plum, gold, maize, Nile and in com binations of colors. Entire Stock of Pure Silk Sweaters, Were $28.50 to $57.50 Half Price We also offer Monday our entire stock of all silk sweaters, without restriction, at ex actly HALF their original prices. . Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co. 600 Fine Crepe de Chine and Georgette Blouses Reduced $4.75 Mon'day just in time for last-minute shoppers comes another of the sensational waist sales that are fast plac ing" this store in the forefront for values. 600 Blouses of heavy Crepe de Chines or filmy Georg ettes in practically, an unlimited variety of tailored and fancy styles at $4.75 a very sharp reduction. You may choose from white, f leSh, maize, rose, grey, bisque and navy. Monday 600 of them, all $4.75. VICTROLAS We Have Them Come for your Christmas V i c t r o I a early Monday. Stocks are fast diminishing and unless you come now you probably will not be able to have this, the best gift for all the family, at home for Christmas Eve. Easy, con venient terms may be ar ranged Best Record Col lection in Town People tell us, who have shopped around, that our col lection of new records is the most complete in the city. AH classes of music, from popular to operatic. Sound proof recording rooms to make selections in. Seventh Floor Lipman, W olfe Sr Co. STREET FLOOR GIFT JEWELRY HALF PRICE As far as we know this sale of fine jewelry pieces at half price is without precedent hereabouts at Christmas time. Monday hundreds of pieces enter the sale and offer splendid gift opportunities, One $17.50 solid gold Lavalliere, with genuine coral rdse and baroque pearls. HALF PRICE. Two $15 small Vanity Lockets of solid gold, at HALF PRICE. se ae jfc One $15 Solid Gold Bar Pin. mounted with a small diamond. HALF PRICE. One $12.50 Masonic Watch Chain of solid gold, enameled in colors, HALF PRICE. One $18 Playing Card Case of sterling silver, engine turned. HALF PRICE. Two $27.50 Solid Gold Rings, set with small dia monds and doublets, HALF PRICE. One $35 Sterling Silver Jewel Case, engine turned, HALF PRICE. Three "$10 Men's Full Dress Button Sets, white pearl on solid gold mount ings. HALF PRICE. One $7.00 Gold-Filled Neck Chain, with engine turned locket, at HALF PRICE. One $7.50 Gold-Filled Vanity Case, with Cloisonne sides, HALF PRICE. 3)C j(c One $24.50 Solid Gold Bracelet, pierced designs, mounted with small dia monds, HALF PRICE. Ht sjc sfc One $6.50 Man's Solid Gold Ring, Elk emblem de sign. HALF PRICE. Just In 240 Pairs Dainty Cretonne, Poplin Slippers, $1 Just in from the East. 240 pairs of cretonne and poplin slippers in women's sizes, 3- to 7. In pink and blue, and in pink, blue, lavender and rose cretonne- patterns. Cord finish, pom poms, quilted insole and some with tongues. Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise $1.95 m a a a .repe de chine envelope chemise in a remarkable sale Monday at i i i ft f 1 1 i i colored crepe de chine, with shadow lace yoK.es, lace edging, ribbon shou. ribbon run. $1.35. Flesh- Ider straps and Washable Satin, Crepe de Chine Camisoles at $1.35 to $5 Delightful camisoles in a wealth of adora ble styles, with lace yokes, insertions, tucks and shirring. Regulation or strap shoulder styles; more than 35 models to choose from. Satin and Crepe de Chine Boudoir Caps 95c to $5 A seemingly endless variety of pretty boudoir caps of crepe de chine and satin, ef fectively trimmed with lace, ribbons and touches of French flowers, in pink, blue, rose, maize and lavender. Fourth Floor The above list is but "representative of the many sav ings that can be effected m this half price sale of fine jewelry. Hundreds of other pieces at equally attraebve prices. Street Floor. i Save $ 1 0 on a Cabinet "The Free" Sewing Machine. Two Days More As a special offer to men who would" give their wives essentialy practical gifts we are allowing a $10 reduction on the regular price of any cabineted "Free sewing ma chine. Sold on easy terms. Come and investigate! Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co. COWHIDE LEATHER Handbags 16-Inch $19 ' . 17-Inch $20 Hand-sewed bags of gen uine cowhide leather, in favo rite three-piece shape, with hand-sewed reinforced cor ners. Leather lined and flat lift catches. Attractively priced for Christmas giving. In the 1 6 and 1 7-inch ' size, at $19 and $20. Automobile LUNCH KITS $20, $25, $35 As a gift to friends with motor cars these enameled, duck covered lunch kits at $20, $25 and $30 offer a timely, practical suggestion. Balcony Lipman, . W olfe & Co. r i Let Your Wife Buy Her Own Gift ALL OUk LOVELIEST TRIMMED HATS $9 If every woman will stop to consider that we offer at $9 an unrestricted choice of our exclu sive model hats from the foremost modiste creators of the East, it will not take her long to decide upon a Christmas gift Monday. Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. All Winter-Weight COATINGS Price Continuing until Christmas, we offer our entire stocks of Fall and Winter coatings, velour, suede doth, cheviots, silvertones, duvet de laine, kersey and zibeline, and our entire stock of tweed suitings and plaid skirtings, at HALF PRICE. All full 56-inch width and regularly priced at from $3 to $8.50 yard at HALF PRICE. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Needlework NOVELTIES 32 Price and Less We offer on Monday at half, price and at even greater reductions hand painted magazine racks, serving trays, baskets, seating boxes, sweetmeat boxes, candy boxes, felt pennants, pillow covers, sweet grass baskets, party bags, knitting bags and assorted novelties, including French novelties. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co. J THE FLOOR of 1 0,000 GIFTS -The Sixth Floor is a gift bazaar with its thousands of Christmas hints -imique, lasting, practical, reflecting one's own good taste. Here in abundance are , China, Glass, Silver, Art Novelties, Lamps, Etc. and special price attractions have been made on practically every line on the floor for these last two great selling days before Christ mas. Come to this floor, bring your gift list with you, and you probably can check off most of the names on it from these seem ingly unlimited asortrorits. Sixth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. All Wool Knitted. . Caps Reduced 55c Toques and hockey caps, so snug and warm and comfortable for grown-ups and kiddies alike when motoring, skating and outdoor wear. . In white, green, red. Alice blue, old rose, brown, purple and combinations of color. All wjth fluffy rosette or tassel trimming. Many in Angora finish. Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. STILL EVERY KIND of TOYS IJespite the enormous selling or the past tew days, there is still every kind of toy that anyone could want in the Toy Section in the Basement Selling space has been greatly enlarged and we can give you prompt service . Monday. IS! Red Chair 39c -250 of theee nubs tanttal red chalra at a w o n derfully low price Monday. 1 000 BARKING "TEDDY" DOGS 50c Teddy "is the big barking dog that all the kiddies want. He is practically un breakable and when you hit him on the head he yips and yowls. Special 50c. Doll still rood assortment e f doll, from lit tle Tree ones with hair and eyes, that elerp. at $1. up to big character dolls at SS.00 and higher. All Kinds of COASTER Wagons Here At $5.50 to $12.50 Big Coaster Wagons for boys and girls to play with and to help them make them selves generally useful. Substantially built; many with ball-bearing rollers; all sizes from $5.50 to $12.50. There are countless other specials in the Toy Section on Monday, but space does not per mit of their mention. Come for any kind of toy and you will find it here in the newest and nicest toy shop in Portland. Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ' "AMERICA'S ANSWER," SECOND OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PICTURE SUNSET THEATER ALL THIS WEEK i I i Buy Men s or Boys' Overcoats for a "Dress Up" Christmas at 20 Reduction Here Monday I o