THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, - DECEMBER 15, 1918. : 7 REAL ESTATE. For sale -Hoa TWO NICE. NfODERV Bt'NOAl.OWS. 5 rooms and enclosed sieeplns; porch: larae li vine-room with fire pi are, Iir d ininiuom with mtMin built-in buffet. har noixI floor. white enamel kitchen with breakfast nook, ivo nice bedroom. fuC cement baaement. fine furnace with hkirr mit. MDife: 5oxIuo lot. Ij.'s j u.-t a dandy modern bunf aIow. Owner oinc Enst; wt.1 se.l for Swo; 9500 rah m hi handle. This overlooks the campus ; ifae new Frank. to High school. WILLAMETTE HEIGHT?. 5-room bunra.ow. very large llvlns;- rvom with f t replace. harrtwooa Tioor, kitchen, breakfast Book, dinlnr room oa I-t floor, two bedrooms and bathroom oo i'.f fioor; moat beautiful view of river and ssirroundlnrs. asphalt street (paldt, JOiHX C uocr to Alaska, aothoriae us to se.l for $ csh will handle, THE CKOPSLEY-VinAM CO.. Specialists in Home f'ropertles. STO Strk tel. Main 3032. HOPE CTTT PARK DISTRICT. $:M-MoUfrn i-room bunsalosr oa lot oO iHn; eair terms. $j20O Modern -room bts&aratow: lot 4x with raraae. East 454 and Clinton. m blot from east end of Klrhmond carilne HOI.LA DAY ADDITION. $ao It frnVxK on Broadway, between ilta and "th H-MtKE. ttOO Lot SAxiim. on East Mtll at., be- lrfn Thompson and Breaee sts. $1100 One uncomp.ered house on North lMh t.. or will finish to suit pur chaser; easr terms. . liberty Bom da Taken at Par A aluo. WILLIAM O. BErK. 5'J FaiMnc HMg. Third arvi Wash. Pta. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS, fiaoo -I -room modern bunsjaiow. cloaa la. ImD. all lnand paid. Termss S.'HMW-4-room modern home, corner, near Alberta car. , . , g 3.-hm o-room modern omo on Hatch. sve., corner. Imp. in and pd. Terms. $. 7-room modern bunaalowv AlbVrta. .'MeVrootn strictly modern tunrilow. Imp. pd. Hawthorne district. Terms. Iimiu liautif ul nearly nw t rooms, strict Iv modern, near Jefferson High. J. a. WirKMAN CO.. 314 tark. Main 63. Hunday call Tabor 1317. HAWTHOR X E $3 1 OO. Fie rooms, laxae attic, fireplace, all built-in features, full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors, etc. Splendidly located In beat part of Hawthorne. Near Nt school and car. All assta. Included. Inquires cah but it ia soma bar gain. A. O. TEEPB CO.. M Stark tt.. near d. Main 851. Branch office. Mth and bandy. (Open Sunday.) Sunday 'phono Mr. Hi Her. Tabor 8255. Mr Claytor. Tabor 9.121. BUNGALOW 6NAP8. Rooe City Park $S50O I'Udmoat $4XX Alberta - Jt'"M' F'. ca u rn on t Hawthorn Woodlawa Mt. Tabor 3'0 Any of the aboee bungalows can bo handled on the easiest terms. ee ua be fore purchasing. KlallLLL A RUMMELU -74 Ftark St. BEST WEST SIDE DISTRICT. j ft -rom house, 4 rooms downstairs. In- i rtuding maid s; 3 bedrooms and library , npAtairs, with sleeping porch: several roma could be added In attic; three f ireol rs : hardwood floors downstairs lot : lo. It Is a coxy livable house. Would reuufre one-half cash. Thla is an exclusive listing an'd can only be shown tor appointment. THE KRED A. JACOBS COMPANT, 1l Fifth St. Alain SEE IT TODAY. THIS 10-RuOM HOLE FOR $250. Ynu will iM kuronsed at thia fine ap pearing, wet I -const rue ted stucco house al that brlce: 5 rooms first fioor. o rooms second; could be usd as 2 apartments lurnsre. fireplace, modem plumbing, elec k: terms s rash and S.'5 per month. take MV car to hth and Gtisan. H block south: open for Inspection today, i to a MAC 1XNES. S7iS STARK, taln 17v or Tabor bol Pun. and Eve. TOWERING ABOVE ALL OTHER beautiful homes, stands thla magnificent a-room Ijiureihurst maJlslon. located on a Leauttful site, ciosw to the park: this ;- oossessea dlsticttve architectural fea tures not common in Portland: poslOO feet of groumL beaurtful lawa and shruboery t rtia p a-s has never ba occupied; open f-r inspection today from 2 to 4 30 P. M. Dre out Last Couch bet. 37th and 30th, or Fhnne East HOUSE BARGAINS. 3 bang-ilows. 3 rooms each. fall base ments, (irepiaces. bulit-ln fea tares, street Improvements In and paid, one block from car. one from Division. 8-00 each, terms; a;o 2 houses, i rooms each, on Wlnchell at. j basvmenta. electric lights, gss. bat hs and toit els, bo city liens. ony $14i each; terms. TALLMADGE REALTY COMPAXT. 1 Henry Building H AWTH' K E HOM E. RE "TOR HEAT1NO YsTEM. 7 rooms and largo sleeping porch. fuH rement base-n-ent. nice corner, hard-surface Streets; rloa to car; good lo.-aton. f all and wo ill show ou. I'rtre $5vO0. Itrma I A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOW E A CO. fU-5-7 Board of Trade bid MAKK YOUR WIFE A CHKXdTMAS PRESENT. OF A Modern, modeatTy-priced bungalow; T have aeermt to select from, w hi h can bo pur rnacnl for a reasonable Initial payment and balance like rent. Please call at Lau reihorst tract office. East 3ith and Glisan ata. Phono Tabor 3.i3. eve.. Tabor MR BROWN. $lOw BUNGALOW BARGAIN $1800, $ Iown. $J0 per lontb. 4-room attractive bungalow : white en amel plumbing; electric and gas: E. 4oth. ear Francis, full lot. Help you make firt payment If necessary. See FRANK U M. GI'IUE. A BINGT N Bf.TXS. TO BUY ol'R HOME. MAIN HAWTHORNE BARGAIN, 7 rooms, --story, living-room, dining- rom and 2 bedrooms first floor. 2 bed rooms and trunk room second floor. All built-ins: one block of Hawthorn ave.. at 4rith s. $2700 will buy this, on good terms. Ierr Rlggs. 304 S Oak sU HAWTHORNE home. rooms, sleeping porTh. mui"-room, extra Jsrgo living room, fl retrace, ail built-in effects, hard wood floors. French doors, furnace, ce- tjf-nt basement, extra fine garage, can be bad for someone that has II.Vn cash b an- to stilt; no acentak Call Tabor 2otf. 2 P. M. r Mmidav. , BARGAIN Call today; sacrifice equity In aood 4-room modem nous tor a; on contract at $3 month: must leae this week. afrount pr health : good chance for worktngman to ow n his home: c!oe In two blocks from Mississippi car. 3 M isotrri. $2oo $50 lHW?f. Five-room house, full cement basement, 8 htovk to car; E.t 34th at. Swell Itttlw home e Taylor. TUB FRED A. JACOBS COMPANT. 1 5ih Street. Main 6t $;...) PIEDMONT DISTRICT $.;ooo. A o -room bungalow, sleeping porch, full basesneAt. bath. etc. laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, some built-in effects, garage; In fine condition: street Improvements in and paid. 9-.50 down. bL terma. K. . GUI. with Rumjnell A Kummelt. 24 Stark sL REAL BARGAIN. ' 4 rooms and bath, new and complete, with basement: cost net. with no profit. $'): lot -ot $": real value Is $';; will take $.'nm. espv terms: location Long f., near W odto k cariinew L. U Bailey o . pj . w. riang Dicig- KKST BUY IN ROPE CITY PARK. Beautiful 5 -room bungalow with garage, 2 rwl room, sleeping porch, living room, itninc room and Iut h kitchen. Modern to t he minute. Phone Mr. lels hunty. vum in1 Min. and eve , Kast .onh. sit ink KENTON DISTRICT H l"0 Neat 4-room bungalow, 5AxlO lot. Hardwood floor In living-room. Terma. F RANK U MenrfRP.. A BINGTOV BLTH3. TO BUY YIR HoM K. MAIN lW. j jttn U. UM BUNGALO W $22 A uro4-n bungalow, fireplace, built-in feature. fui basement. g.rce. etc.: 54 xliMfc lot: practu-aliy new, io rash, bal anr trma to suit. Rummeil A RummelL -74 Sark st. N KW a-rotn bungalow ; full cement base ment. I are fruit and berries, sood nut bu.ldliis. all fenced : $2.;oo. 8 .;0 rash. 'v ' terms on balance. Main 2551. S -tten A Jone. 2lH Stark St. $;" i-RtK'M bungalow, full basement nd rlumhinf : douhl const fV ted. lot to. at.jewalk P-id: price. ft.tNV Rea f -naM terms, J H XSON-DODSO.V COH H I N W. t-nk Mdc 8-FtitOW houe. line condition; garage, cood lot- Sunnvtde. near r.tth St.; oaty 8200, -ems. East !!. B A Fvt !AI V Modem A-r-si house $4'0X wuh wtrt'low shades. e-trle fixtures. 8 ronls wood. etc. Inautre Tabor 131 . Ff'R S VLE "mt 3 room houae. &2xl4A cor ner lot. pavd street, rment sidewalk: reason a ; terms J2 Hsmer ave. It.ia-HOt'SB to b moved: can be re mod -e.el tnto .1 rooma Apply Sunday or mora rc M7 East th at. V. "H right priced bungalows. se Derr A r.trg. Thev have them. 304', Oak at. H'.nrlsiT 2'vM SI M.lKaN S-rrMrn bungalow; oak fl.vnra nre-r'sr-.. f jir; lnro. am.nla paid; Hsw. 1.'.'. e. Call Kast 1 4aWV mrvrf.m bunsalnw for sal. on dan-lr vjinH and 4 its at. Inquire at -..til canity blvd. REAL ESTATE. For .Sale -Hou T ROOMS, SEMI-BUNGALOW TTPE. , BRICK AND rL'CCO, WITH GARAOE. exlOo-ft. corner, one block to car. bun room with ttle floor, biar front porch with Siaao in pergola roof, sirst floor nas en trance hail, den or m uaic-room, livloc room with fireplace, tllnliia-room. also i bedroom and tiled floor bathroom. Up stairs. 2 bedrooms and, storeroom ( wash stand In upstairs halli. Full cement base- mmt, laundry trays and furnace. Thii place baa been takt-n over to save fore closure. When same la sold we will tint all rooms. Our price, only $4500; no aa sssimenti. Will sil on straight contract, terms SluOO down. The Dlaco la now va cant. Oo look, at the outside and if you like It, phone ua for an appointment to see tno property. it is iocs, tea at ine corner of ..5th and Brooklyn. Take -WW car, gt olf at Brooklyn street and walk one block to V5th. J. L. HARTMA.N 'OMPaNY, So, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids;., 4th ec Stark. Main zos, A zvoQ. $10,500 PORTLAND HTS.. VIEW HOME. :u lots, strictly modern 8 rooms. fisooo lrvlnaton li-room modern home. IOoxIim) comer. Knott at. $:tw lrvinitton bungalow: hot water, heat and aarasre. larae rooms. $ti-"oo Laurelhurat bunaalow, 7 large rooms, farafre and fine view. 94. MK) J-aurelhursu 7 rooms and garage. sv.:n Rose City, large roomy bungalow. s;t50 Hawthorne. 4-d at.. bungalow. Pavrd sis., fireplace, hardwood floora $35o0 bungalow. V am hill, near 3tth. modern. $.1000 b. Portland bungalow, Hamilton avenue. ; i.'HAS. RIXGLER & CO., 2ir Henry bldg. NEW BUNGALOWS $2700 5-rm.. artistic home; oak firs., fire place, built-lns. Just completed, in Rose Cltv Park, only $."o cash. $2i0 d-rro. brand new, doubly built, oak firs., f irepl. : piped for furnace, built-lns, very complete, near Kil lings worth and view of harbor. $7."t cash. $3350 -rm.. never occupied. Just finish ing. Waverly dlst., oak firs., fire place, all conveniences Owner losing heavily. 5i cash. t?. C. GOLDENBERC 215-16 Ablngton Bldg. Main 4803. "35 Vrs. in Portland." ROSB CITY PARK $3.".0. BUNGALOW WHITE KNAMEL FIN ISH GARAGE. Here, truly, la a remarkable bungalow, real nifty, lots of class. Large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, book cane, buffet, furnace, etc. $.tH cash will handle. Bear in mind the price 305O. subject to bonded at. A. G. TEEPH CO.. 264 Ptsrk t.. near 3d. Main S514. Branch office, noth and Sandy. (ren Kundar.) Sunder 'phone Mr. H tiler. Tabor 8255, Mr. Claytor, Tabor 9321. YOUR MONET'S WORTH. One acre of well-Improved, first-class oil. choice fruit trees, abundance oi oer rlea, fine shrubbery and law&, large gar age, 3 cnick en -nouses ana a oanav moa ern 7 -room btmralow. Thla la located i blk. from eiandv blvd.. In Park Rose; city water, gas and electricity, and all for $450 and easy terms. It a hard to lmag loo thla. but it's true. C. A. W ARRFNER. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $150 CASH PRICE CUT TO $4a50. OLMSTEAD PARK. TO CLO.SK ESTATE. Beautiful home, 6 rooms, rec. hall. sleeoine-Dorch. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage; surrounded by fine homea from $7000 to $.(H; oeautuui iawn, nr trees, etc. Thia home la worth lota more; must sttl qutric. Mr. Barr, with Luedde- mann v o . vi J cnaro. ot tom. ok vom. Main Hi7. r $150 ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE BUN GALOW. ft-room modem bune-a low. like new. re ception hall, full mirror, living-room, fire place, beaded glass, bookcases, paneled dining-room, iutcn Kitcnen. wnne rnamvi plumbing, close to car. paved at. Terms. We have several very attractive bunga lows in this district. Pee FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTOX BLTQ. TO BUY YOUR HOME. MAIN 1068. VILLA HEIGHTS, ttood View. 10-room residence. Including 7 bedrooms, fronting on Grand ave.. with full view of Willamette River; 3 fireplaces. 2 toilets, living-room 17x27, dlnlng-rm. 17x20. pan eled: lot 50x1 0O. pavement paid. In order to close estate quickly, price baa been cut to $tWHu. Terms $loo cash. GODDARD St WIEDRICK. 24;i Star St- RUSK CITY PARK $3250. Five rooms and den. iarge living room. Hardwood floors, fireplace. Fox furnaee. Splendidly located on corner; all assta. paid. Yon Just must aa thia A. G. TEEPB CO., 284 Stark St.. near 3d. Vain 8518. Branch office, froth and Sandy. (Opep Sunday.) Sunday phone Mr. HUler, Tabor 8253. Ffr. Claytor, Tabor 9321. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Well-built modern 8-room homo; far nace. fireplace, built-in bookcasea; cornet lot. situated on the northeast corner of E. 2ith and Weldler sta. The price is $425o, with small cash payments or liberty bonds and monthly installments. F. V. ANDREWS A CO.. Sixth Floor PUtt Bldg.. Comer Park and Washington Sis. Phone Mar. 6025. NEW COLONIAL RES. The classiest In city; full rmi., bath, shower, vacuum heat: garage; maple and oak firs.: -coat enamel finish. Imp L deco rations; fireplace, bullt-lns: view; 3 car lines. West bide, close in; price and term reasonab'e. G. C GOLDENBERG. Ablngton BMg. "35 Yrs. In Portland." Main 4m1. . ROSE CITT BUNGALOW 13730. A complete 6-room on first floor with 2 finished rooms upstairs. Good fireplace, furnace, oak floors, hard surface a tree t Terms. E. B. HOLMES CO., 272 Stark. Maln.bOM. WAVERLEIGH HTS. BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and finished attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace., full basement, hard-surface In and paid; choice location of Waverleigh Heights. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 203--7 Board of Trade bldg. ALAMEDA LAURELHURST and Rose City Park homes. We have big list of bungalows and houses In these districts. The prices range from $3' 50 to 7.o on terms, our autoa are at your service. Co A. McKenna A Co.. Main 4522. 3 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. $.V0O PIEDMONT HOM E $5500 Her la a beautiful, very modern 7 -room home in Piedmont, on corner lot, offered at a sacrifice, double healing system. heavy brass rixturea. tvery convenience. Don't overlook this. See FRANK U MctiUlRE. ABINGTON" BLDG. TO BUY YOUR HOME. MAIN IrttiS. $3300. Modem 8 -room house with fine recep tion hall and large living-room. 4 bed rooms, full baeeinent and furnace. Oni block to carline; full Int. w J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 319 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 875. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN WALNUT PARK. 8 rooms and strictly modern. 100x100 lot with as race: an Inspection of this prop erty will convince you that It is a bargain at 87500, favorabte terma Ncltan A Park hill. 219 Lumberraena bldg.. 5th and Stark streets. TWO COZY BUNGALOWS. Near Peninsula Park, walking distance Jefferson Hlgn. near car and paved street, 5"xlOQ each, convenient. Inside house 32oH; corner. $2M0, $300 will handle either residence. Balance like rent, JOHN-SON-DODSON CO.. ti34 N. W. Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE. 4-room modern bungalow, one block from Hawthorne ave west of 40th;-price $2225. $450 cash, balance $30 per mojith. Including interest. Derr A Kiggs,304Vfc Oak st. Broadway 2ftL $.1100 BEAUMONT HOME $100. 31000 cash will buy swell-looking, mod ern, up-to-date, 2-story house and full lot. with conservatory and garage; balance easy terms. Built for a home. John D. Wllrox. 4K Plttock block. GOOD 1 S-story frame dwelling, full ce ment basement, lot 4uxji.: hi. srott car. Prtc only $775.' G. A. Kasper, Panama bldg. ATTRACTIVE buy on Union ave.. fre from incumorance, i-room coiiaae ana store building, large lot. Terms. Call Woodlawn 1941. WOODLAWN HOME 82450. 5-room bungalow with attic. Full ce ment basment. except floor. G DDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. SNAP SNAP SNAP. 5 rooms, bath and toilet, coraer lot. near streetcar: look It over; only 11650; terms. N 21. Oregonlan. CHEAP for cash or on terms, five-room fur- nl.hed bungalow, street improvements in and all clear. Call Sunday. lOeO K. Sher man st. Owner. 3-ROOM house, pantry, toilet, east lot &Oxloo. Prtc 12 si. Lot him soin lor iumi. bond' same as cash. Will trade for ear; give terma I24 East Morrison. NMHU1-, (14oO. with 40 down, good H-room house. K. Tsylor. close to school. H. H. ftaub. 1"IC7 Belmont, week Tabor Sl'.. Bl'.INE.S corner, modern bungalow. .1-room. full-sue basement, lot 1UOXIUO; 1JIOO. ' 4S2T ave. 8. B .TWO. MODERN 7-room bouse; furnace, fireplace: good locarlon. 1 nlk. to car. X blks. to school: terms: I1OO0. Fast 7137. g.VWV.1 MODERN. 6 rooms. Laurelhurst; strayet improvements paia; , ivj cash. Owner, Tabor 37J! ' FOR SAI.K Good 7-room house, furniture If desired; good neighborhood. 533 ti 36th St. South. No agenls. FOR SALE 6-room modern hou.e. this side E. 2 .'.to st. Sunnysid. car. AN 701. Ore-onlaa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -If oua FOR SALE BT OWNER. Do you want a Rose Cltv bungalow $400 under today's cash value? A chan in plang necessitates disposing of my stnctiy modern bungalow at a aacrlnce foraphete in eevrv detail: location the besL tine view. 2 blocka from Rose City car. East 1147. 7-RooM bungalow style new house with sleeping porch, hardwood oors, closet in every bedroom, window In eevry closet. ji rerjaer, ouitt-in ounet, run cement oase mcot. Kash trays, Z toilets, l bath, bum In Unen closet, kitchen white enamel grape arbor In front 45 feet long, 5 fruit tree: sold 14 worth of cherries from tree last season: small chicken-house, ce ment sidewalk, electric lights and gas: th house today would cost $4500 to build price for nil $4200. The same party owns dhe remainder H block with 38 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, barn ltix-'O, 1 long chick en-house, rood view, close to Reed Col lege: the price with above house and lot HI. ALLEN ec ALLEN. 409 Stock Exchange. 7 ROOMS. SEMI-BUNGALOW TTPE, BRICK AND STUCCO. WITH GARAGE. K2xlo0-ft. corner, one block to car. Bun room with tile floor, big iron t "porch wit glass in pergola roof; first floor has en trance hall, den or music-room, living' room with fireplace, dining-room, also bedroom and tiled floor bathroom. Up stairs, 5 bedrooms and storeroom (wash stand in upstairs hall): full cement base ment, laundry trays ana iurnace. inn -place has been taken over to aave fore closure. When aama is sold we will tin all rooms. Our price only $4500; no as aesnments. 'Will sell -on straight contract, terms SloOO down. The place In now va cant. Go look at the outside and if you like It phone us for an appointment to see the property. It Is located at the corner of 25th and Brooklyn. Take WW car, get off at Brooklyn street and waiK one diock IO J. L. HAK1MA.1 lU-MfAA X No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4t ana Ftark, -READ TH I S A S N A P S NAP SNAP $:t3fto MODERN HI NGALOW IN ROSSMERE ROSE CITY CAR S rooms besides a room celled in- attic entrance hall, Dutctl kitchen, hardwood iloors. built-in effects, fireplace, cemen basement, laundry trays and a real fur nace: Just lota of roses, some fir trees naved street and sewer In and bonded as sessments only $95: screened in- rear porch and cement walk to rear of house. Terms onlv $50 down, balance $20 a month an Interest. You cannot- beat this bargain. Place now vacant. Come quick. Our auto will take vou out. J. L. HARTMASi t'OM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and start. Main -us. a -uou. HATFIELD A Crabtree'a Chrlstmaa Bar Cains 6-room modern house, near Pat- ton Ave, St. Johns car, $1800; will make terms to suit. Will make you a present of rent. If you will move in and do some repairs on comfortable 4-room house on Berkley street; 3 -room furnished cottage at Tillamook Beach; trade for vacant lot; 17-rooms, housekeeping. West Side, close- in. clearing $100, $12oo; ooo. move m, paw when you can, 4 rooms, lot 60x100, St. Johns car. HATFIELD & CRABTREE. 231 Morrison, Phone. Main 9323. POWRNIEXT SMALL HOME. that will uit you. Nice Irving-room, large bedroom. Dutch kitchen, bathroom with good fixtures, both bath and kitchen white enamelea; goo a Dasement wun ,wwmm, gas and electricity; on 75x100 lot. concrete walks, some bearing fruit. Only $1450. $250 caah. balance easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO., , 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg., "A Marshall 4114. A-4118. CORNER WITH GARAGE. VACANT HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, strictly modern, full basement, travs, furnace, fireplace: H. W. flga.. all built-lns. just newly tinted and In f me condition: H. -surfaced street, paid. Price $;iOK; very libers 1 terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5963; week days. Main 7Wi Suburban Homes. INDEPENDENCE. DESIRABLE "SUBURBAN HOME.' A "MONET-MAKER." COMFORTABLE HOUSE. BARN, ETC. FRUIT. FLOWERS (7 ACRES). CITY CONVENIENCES, FIREPLACE, WITH H AVI) C. WATER: NEAR CAR AND HIGHWAY. RUNNING WATER, LIGHT. PHONE. ETC. SACRIFICE ACCOUNT ILLNESS. INCLUDE CROP. GOOD RANGE, ETC, .UCU. ONLY $500 CASH REQUIRED, BALANCE LONG TIME. (THIS PLACE WORTH $8300). ADDRESS BIRLEY, OWNER, P. O. BOX 222. IDEAL URBAN RANCH HOME. 33 ACRES AT HALF ITS VALUE. A DESIRABLE. PROFITABLE. WELL LOCATED HOME, NEAR OREGON CITY. HIGH. SIGHTLY LOCATION. GOOD ROADS. BUILDINGS AMPLE AND GOOD. RUNNING WATER. SMALL ORCHARD. PRICE NOW $250. (BUILDINGS ALONE WORTH MORE 1. "A REAL BARGAIN." $500 TO $1000 CASH. BALANCE 10 TRS. LIBERAL TERMS. I WANT TO SHOW YOU THIS SPLENDID HOME. (CONSIDER PART LIBERTY BOND3). ADDRESS WM PATTERSON, 2i SELLING BLDG. . 12 ACRES with a modern 7-room house and barn and other outbuildings, wlui 0 bearing fruit trees, such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries and f.o English walnut trees and 4 acres of small fruit of all kinds and Varieties, balance of land in garden and clover; this Is right at K in stall atation. near city limits; price $12,000. NEW YORK LAND CO., 7in3-5 Stock Exchange Bldg. MR. HOMKSEEKER. wouldn't vou like to own a nice "le suburban home. M'here you can enjoy the beauties of country life and raise your own vegetables, fruit, chickens and eggs? I have some nic suburban homea for sale j B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. -Ei-v-taD, r.nnn KTrRT'R"RAN HOME. Six acres, all in - cultivation, family orchard. 6-room house, water system, city gss. rfe. pavea roau. v.u. . 14500. Terms. . B. B. HOLMES CO.. . 272 Ptnrk. Main 805L .- IV IS THE TIME to get a home In the country with all l.v Imnravamanla. 6-lOOm bUngalOW, bath. gas. electric lights, modern, nice view cltv. on highway. 8 blocks from de ot at Multnomah ata.. Oregon Electric A?k for Ned Burke. Phone Main lmia. 5-ROOM COTTAdB. Only tlMOO. with l.ixlo garden soil: B rooms, lights, water, boating. N't.'": Will take tliHI In liberty bonds and per month. Beats trying to rent. Owner, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. 1 TtiK WILL INTEREST YOU'.' Only JHOO for acre and modern bungo- low; harawooa noun., plumbing and beautiful grove of natural trees; moderate terms. Call 500 Concord bldg. U ACRE nice 6-room bungalow, plas tered painted. In good -condition: value 2000: can be handled for 11500 on easy C. S. SMITH at CO.. 42 Cham, of Com, IN THE market for suburban property with nr. to aix-room h-ju-t. ----- , -located on carline; state terms, full par ticulars: prefer to deal with owner. 1. bbi, Ore gonial 5 AC R ES $ 1 OOO. Fine running creek with beautiful dog wood, cedar and fir: on county roaL Just the place for a country home. 000 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. " BUCKLEY AVE. HOME arri.B on paved sire. t, all In cnltlTa tlon fenced. 6-room. house. In good con dition. Price :;;oo. Consider part trade. A H AKFRSON. 506 Stock Exch. Bldg. FOR the best suburban homes and acreage out or j-orlisna cu.... w. -Oregon City car. third, house north of P.isley station. IOOO SCENIC location. Capitol Highway. a,3a- X. OrcnarO, UUIl (.n,.,-., ub...ut ..a... home; 250 cash. McFarland, 1408 Yeon bldg. a 1.1 homes. If will pay you to call, oome extra good bargains. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 248 Stark St. ..-Tirwrvu' uni'SB. V ACRE S1350. Mt minutes out. electric lights, gas. and water. Easy tenns. A. H. AKERSON, 50 Stock Exch. Bldg. 37 ACRES, splendid farm, fine bungalow. 25 miles Portland. l.. casn. F. McFARLA.ND. 14 Yeon bldg. For Sale Business Property. ruR Oil.K OR EXCHANGE. $9000 equity In well rented brick double store building, wenatcnee. vtaan.; want something nearer borne and would con sider Illinois, Wisoiisin. Minnesota or Da kota. Will assume or possibly add cash. William F. Sell, Sycamore. III. $17.500 MUfT BE SOLD: two-siory brick building near Yamhill st. market, rents for $150 a month. Price reduced $3 per day from April L 1U1S. until sold. In quire 202 Oerlinger bldg., or phone Main 4SAS. WANT INCOME BI.DO. TO $ti5.000 FOR 230-acre farm clear of Incumbrances, 25 miles from Portland as part, balance cash. ' HOTEL, confectionery and grocery; an Ideal business, at ferry landing, Whitwood Court, .Unnua. Columbia &30. FOR REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Business Property. A REAL bargain in high-class close-in West Side property,- a modern house of five flats, neatly furnished, always full in. normal times at this very reasonable rental, 3150 per month; ideally located in the choicest residential section of the city, easy walking distance of business center. Price $16,000. Owner LA A. Her man, J52'4 Alnsworth ave. NEARLY 4 ACRES 80000 On O.-W. R, & N., high-power wire on ground. Paved street, terms. Jv L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce mag., tn and Stark, Alain 208, tor Sale Acreage. PRICE CUT from J3500, to 320O, will take -vw casn, oaiance & years-at 0 per cent; the owner of this place wants to sell on account of other business; Is not a specu lator; see him. at place quarter mile north of Hartfteld Station on the Orchards-Si--ton carJine; 14 acres. 10 acres in cultiva tion, 4 acres good pasture, plenty of tim ber for fuel, all good sand when cleared, no rock or gravel, all level, fine clay loam soil, good 4-room dwelling, bath, hot and cold water, good barn, chicken-house, or chard and small fruits; extra fine water piped to all buildings, all fenced In good shape; on good auto road, 1 mile hrgh school, three-quarter mile grade school, near church and store; 0 miles from Van couver. Clarke County, Wash. See owner or J. B. Atkinson. Price cut $:i500 to 82600, 5 acres all In cultivation, good" garden 'soil, no rock, only 4 mile electric station; good modern bungalow, barn and other buildings, lots of fruit and good water, near school; $1600 cash, bal. 3 to 8 years at 1 per cent. J. B. ATKINSON, 112 West tith St., Vancouver, Wash. 20 ACRES 13 miles from Portland, good road. 12 acres cleared, 5-room house, chicken-bouse and other outbuildings, fam ily orchard, creek through place; mile south of Orenco; $.00, "terms to suit. 10O acres. 4 miles form Castle Rock, Wash. 18 acres under cultivation, 40 to 50 acres more can be cultivated, o-room nouse. large barn, well watered by springs. This . 4s a fine stock ranch, lota of range. Price $4,100. Will exchange for residence. 40 acres 3 miles from vaaer, vvasn. 19 acrva cleared, 10 acres good timber, bal- ant-e slashed and seeded; 7-room nouse, new concrete mllkhoune, all good out buiidinge, fine home. Price $5700; $2200 cash. IO acres all cultivated, fine sandy loam, 2S miles from city; $1400, $500 caah. 20 acres, JO acres cleared, 4-room house, woodshed, chicken-house and other out buildings. $3oOO, half cash. We have many good buys Call and talk it over with us. BROWN A WATSON. Main 74AS. 506 Swetland Bldg. 10 ACRES, 4 acres under cultivation, bal ance; easily cleared; nice running stream year, around, good road, R. F. D. ; nice 4-room bungalow, modern bam and other at-baildings; $2500. easy terms. This is the bestutuy for the money. f 20 acres, 3 acres under, cultivation; enough wood on place to pay for prop erty, for small sum .of 82500; small pay ment. 5 acres, all In cultivation, small ' barn, good 6-room house, 16 miles from city limita; $3500; $1000 cash. . Mr. Homeseeker, hero Is an opportunity to get a little acreage that you won't be able to find 0 days from now, especially at these prices. G. H. SMITH & CO, 432 Cham, of Com. LOOK THIS OVER. 10 acres, all very fine level land, 8 acres in cultivation, some wood, bal. pasture. Place all well fenced and cross-fenced. Nice orchard of assorted fruits, berries, etc, 1 acres in wheat. Excellent 4-rni. plastered house, almost new. with pantry ana storenouse. vioou smau warn, tuuMU' tmiim wonrihonite and outbuildings.' Per sonal property consists of geod Jersey cow, 1 yearling neiier. goou unviug hay. chickens, small toojs and machinery. Only G mi. Irom Vancouver, on goou roau, fnnvoniont to KchooL See this at once, Price only $2500. 81500 cash, bal. 3 yrs. at 6 per cent. THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON, 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. . Ti-nnTH T WRSTIfiATIXG. el-, oitb. 1 mil. from Vancouver. Ju ntt Paririo Hiehwav. on graveled road nat-tlv .Matured nnd bal.-mce light clearing Ideal south slope, all fenced: would make fine berry farm, wniy -:uuu;. very iou terma. A. H. BIRRELL CO SH Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4118. "O ANO 40-ACRE TRACTS. T.ncrirod-nkf land, rich soil, easy clearing. n.rftv -cleared, with cabin, spring water, lose to scnooi ana employment, miles from Portland. 2i miles to station and Columbia Kiver xo u per acre easy terms. A. H. AKEKSUN, itvo BtocK jcxen. jdiuk. RBAL bargain In high-class Willamette River frontage, 1 1-10 acres. Just outside of city limits: gas, electricity, water, electric service and auto road at rear, and vour launch at your front door. Price S4500. Owner. L. A. Herman, 152 Alns worth ave. LAND SPECI I.ATORS TAKE NOTICE. NOW IS THE TIME to get big tract: of land on west coast of Mexico. We hav them at the OWNER'S price: 10 years' experience In this business In Mexico. An derson Hunter, i00 Chamber of Com merce bldg. r.nnn ACRES In Southwest Washington for al. to settlers only; easy terms, low nrir.i. S5 Der acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. "-Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TfMBER COMPANY, Tacoma .Blag., xacoma, wasn.. 40 ACRES of good, "rich land for x;,5o, near Yaqulna Bay: good ronas ana neignoors, and .Brings. Ideal place to live. Easy reach to summer resorts ana markets. W. H. Barley, 685 Irving St. Mar. 2iKt. HAVE several tracts of acreage left, both Improved and unimproved, consisting oi tracts of 2, S, 10. 15, 20 and 23 acres, close In and on good roads: terms. Phones Main 0170, Broadway 1251. J. W. Strelt, 417 Medical bldg., city. ACRES, all in cultivation, right at t.reenburg station. Oregon Electric: good 4-room house, large barn, fine orchard of 43 trees, lull bearing, uniy souu; terms. John K. Howard. 31 Chamber of com merce. 10 LEVEL acres good land, within 10 miles Portland; y, mile to car: o-room nouse. large barn and chicken-house: 3 acres cleared, balance pasture. Might take car as part payment, balance cash. Deal with owner. 221 12th St., corner Salmon. SNAP. 2, acres, good house, barn, .chlcken- hniisA mad orchard: Une land, no gravel pay down what you can, balance $20 a montn. R.ast TWO OK THE BIGGEST BARGAINS in the states of Or. or Wash., in close in improved acreage; will sell or trade; owner must aeai. B. P. KELLY, 715 Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE, cheap. 40 acres or more of land, well located on main highway, well wat. ered, good soil, some yellow; fir timber: a good location for hotel and store. Address . box 3, route w. Vancouver, wasn. 10M ACRES in Mt. Angel, Or., good house and barn, orcnara, cnicaen nouse, win trade for home in Portland. Inquire at O. K. Barber bhop, tith and Washington. Wilcox bldg. 7 ACRES onion land, all in 'cult., 5 miles from the city limits of Vancouver; 5 blks. from stores and electric line. Price 11300; $:i00 cash, bal. to suit, 6 per cent int. 411 Henry bldg. 65, ACRES, all in cultivation. 2 houses, lo cated oetween city ana oresnam: price onlv ,:1750. on terms. This is a rare pick up. McClure & Schniauch Co., 306 Railway r,xcnaiiKe u'uB- r 120 ACRES in Willamette Valley. New, neat 6-room bungalow. 10 acres In 3-yr.-old prunes. $35 per acre. WRIGHT, B16 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE 'Stock land, the best of earth. large or small tracts, low price, easy wSlERN OREGON LAND COMPANY. CorvAllla. Or. BURNED-OVER land. 40-acre tracts, on crushed-rock road in Willamette valley; easy terms. Take liberty bonds; no dis count. W. E. Mosby, 305 Salmon St., Port land. Or. ACRE home site, all cultivated, good road, close to electric station; electric lghts; $10 per month. See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. POLK COUNTY 40, Peedee Valley foothills; buildings, orcnara, stream, near scnool, 16ih; adjoining 40, some slashed, $1000; bargains, terms. Owner. 141 East 69th N. 120 ACRES irrigated land, 40 to 50 cleared, 15 alfalfa, 6 acres to potatoes, some which will weigh about 4 pounds; $40 per acre. Stearns. 202 Wllcpx. Main 8517. 5-ACRE chicken ranch; fine improvements; all kinds of buildings. , Want 5 or 6 coom modern bungalow In good district. Call after 5 P. M.. 5HS Williams ave. 80 A., Lewis River: house, barn, salmon fishing, 60 A. bottom land, good dairy ranch, $40 per acre. McFarlanad, 1408 Yeon bldg. . 2 ACRES and good bungalow, Greenberg dis trict. $3KM): or might trade for-clty home. 505 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. EIGHT acres. Lake road, mile east Mllwau- kle. Price right, terms. Owner, u Sol, Ore gonlan. 6 ACRES, near Vancouver,- Wash.-: house, barn, good water, A-l soil, near paved road: $10O.'haIf cash 8403 69th st. S. E. ACRE and 2-room shack. Dandy for raising chickens. Apply owner, 3S5 11th at.. Apt. 404. Main 5658. SMALL cultivated-suburban tracts. See own er forenoons. 212 Mohawk bldg. Mar. 12j. SALE Four acres at Gresham: electric une and best roads. Phone Last 1225. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 11 acres, most all In cultivation, 5 acres bearing prunes and large . family wraiwa in zuii Bearing, oerries and shruo hery of all kinds. 5-room house, with city -water, good barn-, all necessary out buildings. Fenced and cross-fenced. No rock or gravel. Fine loam soil. Street car within 10 blocks of place. Will be suitable in a very short time to plat in city lots. Land joining this has sold for as high as $1000 per acre. Price, for a cy auon nine, oouo. in is win nave to be seen to bo appreciated. cash, bal. to suit. 8 acres, nearly all under cultivation, situated 9 mi. from Vancouver, 1 mi. from country town, church, school and stores, in thickly settled community. No rock or gravel. Well watered by springs, liv ing stream and well at house. Good 6-rm. house, barn, chicken-houses and other necessary outbuildings. Price 8-250. One half cash, bal, 6 per cent. . 5 acres, 3fc acres in cultivation, small buildings. ml. from electric car. Good land. All rural advantages. Onlv 4 mi. from Vancouver. Price $!50. cash. 12.92 acres, new 6-room plastered house, new barn, including garage. 10 acres in cultivation, nice family orchard, berries and shrubbery of all kinds, fine well of water, pump on back porch: 3 acres fenced with chicken wire. Together with 2 good cows, 1 horse, 9 Angora goats, chickens, implements, hay and potatoes. Only 1 ml. from city HmRs of Vancouver. Close to school, on good auto road. Price, for a short time, only $4500. cash, bal. to suit. 30 acres. 8. acres-in cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, family orchard In full bearing. 4-room house, small barn, neces sary outbuildings. Together with 1 horse. 1 cow, brood sow, mower, rake. plow, wagon, harness, hand seeder and small tools. U,4 mi. from electric line, on good auto road. All rural advantages. 6 ml. from Vancouver. Price? $2000. H cash. THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON. 3d and Main -Sts., Vancouver, Wash. PRICE CUT from $3500 to $3200. will take e-ouu casn, balance 5 years at 6 per cent, the owner of -this dace wants to sell on account of other business; is not a specula tor; see him at place Quarter mile North of Hartfleld Statioji on the Orchard Sif ton canine; J4 acres. 10 ajcres in cultiva tion. 4 acres rood nasture. nlentv of tlm- ber for fuel, all srood land when cleared. no rock or gravel, all level, fine clay loam soil, good 4-room dwelling, bath, hjot and cold water, good barn, chicken house, orchard and small fruits, extra fine -water piped to all buildings, all fenced In good shape, on good 'auto road, 1 mile High school, three-quarter mile grade - school, near church and store; 6 miles from Van couver. Clarke County. Wash. See Owner or j. a. Atkinson, 112 West 6th street. v ancouver, YY ash. ACRES AT COLLEGE TOWN. Tnf. in R. Vfrv npattv 1 1 r 1 1 .. .1USt 111 th0 .dffA nt M.-'Mlnntrllli. Thla la a perfect tract: 7 acres In' a high Stat, of luiu.Miiuii, juw reet or river iront. 7-room new house, barn 20x40, roothouse 8x12, with concrete floor, chicken-house 'wagon shed, woodshed, family orchard In full bearing, 2 acres of woods lot seeded to clover: croo in:- nrfe. nnlv sysno- this l aa nice a little country home ps you can ' HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 North 6th st. Broadway -HSI. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. $2.10. Sin dnwn S3 nr mv buys five acres of land between Portland and Centralia, on the main line of three railroads. Hi miles from a town of 800 pupuiauon, sawmills and shingle mills some of this land Is partly cleared; run ning streams; some bottom and some oencn; some of this land is eood onion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you -want. - ' , BELL MEAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Raltway Exchange bldg. 3 -ACRE TRACT. HEAVILY TIM BERED. $."00. 814-ACRE TB ACT. HEAVILY TIM BERED. SKon Both' tracts are between Pnrtrnnri and Salem, one mile from eiectrlc station. The lana is level, good soil, no rak and on good road. Stumpage will pay for the lanu. see owner today at 202 Wilcox blag., 6th and Wash. sts. Ask for Marsters. Phone evenings. East 11H3. 8 ACRES 5 MILES OI'T. Best acreage tract around the city for rne money; acres & miles east of th$ city limits; a perfect tract, all in culti vation; 6-room plastered house, -nice red barn, outbuildings: one of the choicest or chards, including bearing English walnuts; price J.1000, $1000 cash. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4381. 120 ACRES river bottom land. 7 miles from .' Albany, Or., with 55 acres high-stated cul tivation; 25 acres more that is used for pasture that can be plowed up for grain; it has good buildings of all klnd$, fenced with new hog-tight fences; this is a fine going farm at a low price of $13,500, easy terms. NEW YORK LAND CO., 303-3 Stock Exchange Bldg. SPLENDID 18 ACRES AT HILLSBORO. Very choice little home. 2 miles from ' Hillsboro, all cleared, perfect land; new 5 -room bungalow, 9 acres clover, 3 horses, . wagon, harness, drill, plow, harrow, feed, etc., price only $4000. $1200 down. We are headquarters for well-Improved farms, .stocked and equipped. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4.1S1. FIVE acres close to Base Line road and Mt. Hood line Just east of Montavllla, New 6-room plastered house, bath and tone, full cement basement, barn and chicken house. All kinds of fruit and berries; will sell for $500 -down or trade for clear city property? RALPH ACKLEY CO., t 800 Corbett Bldg. 1 AM the owner of Tract 32. Middlesex Acres this ts a large piece of ground with over -uo it. irontage on prominent city oouie vard. It is etsvered with fruit trees and has a good 4-room houes. I will make you a bargain on the property and take a good vacant lot as initial payment. For particulars see me at 404 Piatt Diog. 14'A ACRES AT CANBY. All In cultivation, level, 300 7-year-old trees: good plastered 5-room house, with water: 600-bbI. cistern, good driven well chicken-house, barn. Ready for Spring crop. This property belongs to a city man and he wants to sell. Price $42-0. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. 40 ACRES on the Columbia Highway, fine view up and down the river; 20 acres in bearing orchard, cherries and apples; 10 acres under plow. 10 acres pasture. It is a dream or a place tor summer nome, both .pleasant and profitable. A sure bar gain. See owner, 608 Beck bldg. . Phone Broadway 1221X . - -7ITST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 5 acres located at Rockwood. Base Line road, in cultivation; 5-room plas tered bungalow, fireplace, built-in ef fects, barn and chicken-house. Only :;r.00: $700 will handle. John E. Howard, 313 Chamber of Commerce. Homesteads, Kelinqulshmenta. FIRST-CLASS relinquishment In the 'best stock section In -Oregon; sell cneap. r. u. Ken Knight. 1137 Minnesota ave. BEST 100 A. relinquishment on Coast, fully equipped: a snap. inquire room 11, -u-i y 4th St., 3 to 6 .P. M. For Sale Fruit Lands. BARGAIN for sale 60 acres, heart of Wil lamette Valley, all under cultivation: one mile from good town: 20 acres of prunes, 5 and vrs. old Just coming in bearing: 2 acres walnuts, peaches and apples. Large house, good barn ana otner outounaings. Price $8500, half cash, balance time at 6 per oent. Address box 118, Aumsville, Oregon. For Sale Farms. SMALL FARM CLOSE TO PORTLAND. I have a buyer for a small farm, 15 to 20 acres; good small house, garage, and" other build ings, not more than 5 miles ' from City Hall, on good road; will go to $5000; $1000 cash. $1500 this Fall, balance usual terms, 6 per cent. See L X. McCutehan, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 809 Oak St. Broadway 4133. ' 40 ACRE EQUIPPED FARM 55 MILES SOUTH Or Port TLA ND. 25 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, good soil, family orcnara. new barn, house, good fences, water piped to house, 1 anile to school, separator, com plete set farm Implements. 8 cows. 4 cat tle. 2 Percheron horses, 50 chickens, in cubator, barn full of hay, 1 acre beets and carrots for cows. No incumbrance. Priced at $4000. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. , 50 ACRES AT. GASTON BOTTOM LAND. STOCK- TOOLS. IMPLEMENTS. All in cultivation, 6-room plastered house, with cement basement, bath, hot and cold, water; large barn, bearing or chard: f fonts on Tualatin River: no bet ter soil, .excellent drainage; nearly level; fronts oil good road, close to Gaston: price $'.1000. terms H cash. Goddard & Wied rlck. 243 Star St. i SO ACRES fine land: 33 cleared; good water, some' fruit, lots of Improvements, some timber; 20 miles Portland. 14. miles railroad town; $5000 ror equity: some terms; can sell the timber for $3000 now. S. R. Co.. 224 Henry bldg.; Portland: BARGAIN 20 acres of rich soil. 3 acres in cultivation. 12 miles south of Portland, on main county road, some fine cordwood timber; price $2500; terms $500 cash. E J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. 25 ACRES good black Boll; 15 acres in cul tivation; on county road; good spring; $45 per acre, $150 down. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. CHICKEN ranch of 18 acres, with the newest model chicken houses; good other buildings and fine soil, to be sacrificed. Call 037 Plttock Blk. BEAT, ESTATE. For Sale Farms. REAL FARM BARGAIN. WASHINGTON COUNTY. This is undoubtedly the greatest buy In the state for a farm of this size. It Is only 13 miles from the Courthouse in Portland, on one of the best roads. See this. Don't fail. 100 acres. 100 acres un der cultivation ; seme timber: 00 acres pasture, 14 acres prunes, some apples, all bearing, all fenced with wire and rail: R. F. D. and telephone, etc.; two wells. 1 creek, windmill, gas engine and tank; good y-room house, large burn, silo, black smith shop, prune dryer, slaughter house, hog house, running water in all the huildiriKS. modern plumbing 'In house; H thoroughbred registered Holstein cows. 3 grade cows 3 horaee, hogs and chickens. Price for everything. $25,000; 87O00 or 8SOOO cash, balance terms to suit. We have the cream of the states of Oreaon and Washington, some two or three hun dred farms, at real bargain prices. Doa't fall to see us before buying. This) farm is completely equipped with every kind of machinery needed, about 87 plecea The feed on hand goes with the place, and is :' sacks of wheat. 200 bush els oats. 5 sacks rye. 6 sacks oata and vetch, 100 lbs. clover seed. sack cheat seed, 2 sacks gray oats. 5 tone clover hay, 2 tons oat hay. 10 tons of ensilage. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.' 28 ACRES. 20 acres clearec, balance seedvd to pasture; 4-room house, good burn 4x 48, with track carrier, forks and ropes; family orchard, 2 good wells, 1 mowing machine, 1 rake. 1 disc harrow, 1 spike tooth harrow, 100 feet cable for grubbing, 1 block, cost $0, 1 grubbing hook, cost $15, some small tools, 1 cultivator; on main road and phone line: the best of beaver dam land; price $2j00 for 1, Mi down, balance easy terms, 0 per cent. 81 acres. 45 acres cleared, balance logged-olt pasture; good young orchard, :t good wells, $2000 8-room house. good barn and other buildings: 1 . miles to store, church, fine school, I. O. O. K. and Artisan hall, R. F. D., cream route, cheese factory wagon at door: A-l soil: phone in house; price $7000, $2000 down, $1000 In 3 years, balance 10 years, 6 per cent. These farms join and are 10 miles northeast of Vancouver, asn. compare these larms and prices with other places, i ALLEN t ALLEN. 408 Stock Exchange. LOOK HERE! A FORTUNE IN PRUNES. 60 acres all good land and under cultivation: good house, barn and outbuildings; 20 acres in prunes just coming In bearing; two acres of English walnuts, apples and peaches; one mile from town and railroad. Price $8500; terms. The. best buy In Oregon. Other land joining sells for $300 per acre. See me today. Mr. Richmond, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 80S Oak lit. Broadway 4133. FIN'R BOTTOM LAND 26 acres on graveled road y 15 acres In cultivation; good 7-room house with . , , , rn. conn good barn, smoke-house, hog-house and iHrirA chicken-house: all kinds of fruit. This land produced 115 bushels of oats to the acre tnui past season twnm iuuu, eh?). On and" included with the place is a fine water power and grist mill; stock consists of 3 horses, 2 sets harness, 2 bug- a es. wagon, grain drill, mower, raae, spring-tooth harrows, disc harrow, plows, roller, cider mill. Jersey cow, 140 chickens. All goes for $5000; terms. John K. Howard. 315 Chamber or commerce. SELL THE BUILDINGS FOR $2500 AND THROW IN 30 ACRES OF LAND, ALL IN CULTIVATION. 6-room house, good big barn, other out hlHv. nil in eood condition. Well at house, you can pipe water from spring to "house. 20 acres black bottom land, sub- Irrigates, will grow altalla. iocaieu on hard road 3 miles from Grants Pass. Take $750 cash, good terms en balance. Farm lnlninr this sold for $200 an acre. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOTTOM FARM, - $5 FEK AUKS. '.r.n nc. of rich sandv loam river hot torn land en the Willamette river, about 30 miles south of Portland, s mnes to goou town and electric line. 120 acres in culti vation; good barn, fair house, 4 splendid work horses and farm Implements go with place. Price $05 per acre, about l-J casn. balance long time. If you want a real farm at the right price, give us a call. RALPH AL'KLEI 1.AAU CO., 306 Corbett Bldg. . :10 ACRES, $4200. P1CH T AT STATION. And good small town on highway: 25 acres In crop, balance pasture auu wuuu W forrtllv frnlt. ITOOd 6-TOOm house. small, neat barn, city water piped to house, electric lights available. You can malt, thl one .of the choicest places in the Willamette Valley. This Is a place .a.- -all fnv ."..O nn BPn. IJOn t mi., ih. nnnnrtnnltv. $4200. terms given. D. McChesney, 122 North 6th st. Broad way 4311. $3700. SNAP. Dandy little home. li Acres. Five-room bungalow; full cement base- I ment: tile fireplace; chicken houses and I lots of fruit; cement walks; gas. one third mile to station; 11 miles to Portland. I $3700; $1000 will handle. Per montn. See Taylor. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th Street. Main 6S69. cAT.nPvn A T .FT WASH.. FARM. . .120 ac-rcs. 100 acres in cultivation. 200 a.r- Tolllne-. 40 acres timber. "Irri gated! 2rt acres in alfalfa. 35 acres In wheat: Al soli; fenced: 1 spring. 1 creek. 12 miles to R. R-. good road, fair 4-room house. 2 barns 30x50 eacn. cniraen-nouse. root-house, etc Price $8000. $1000 down. balance terma to suit. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. , 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Real bargain, 3714 acres at Hocklnson, 13 miles irom vancuuvci. 42x50, 3-room house, running water, uio.n fenced. 20 acres clear, 6 acres In meadow, rest in grain and pasture; price $42..0 if sold In 8 days while I am here from Idaho to close deal at that price. If. not sold will ask Bame price as before. $ .'i00. Arthur Beckman. St. Francis Hotel, Van couver, Wash., or on ranch. CATTLEMEN, 18,000 acres bunch grass range, lominioii iKr, a.-. , ....... . ing season very short: 2800 acres volcanic ash soil. -700 acres under irrigation; will I grow Immense crops pi an u.u. .o..... buildings. equipment. orchard, cattle, bonnes Have some smaller places paying well; Wright Lnvestment company, -urn.. -1109 Dominion piiis-. . ml...... a.. ... rofi oiticiv. To avoid mortgage foreclosure will sell 80 acres of rich lana on main turair '"" 14 mile from Needy. Clackamas County This land would be cheap at $10,000. Will sell for $3500. For full particulars see my agent.- John E. Howard, 315 Cham ber of Commerce. FINE bearing orchard, standard varieties of apples, conslsing OI ou acres wnn iu BtrcB adoltionai in ammo. ... .""., convenient to transportation, jnis win r.-ndtir-aa a aood revenue from the start and from1 present prospects of the apple market will pay wen .is in.. w years. State Bank or cyie. l.yie. vvasn. FOR SALE 35 acres all In cultivation; good house and barn, iour cows, iaivrs, norne, some implements, chickens ;- good markets; nn milk route. $8500: no trades, no agents. Write owner, R. D. 2, Box 1-13, Hillsbero, Or. . - 40 A., IMPROVED, on nara-surtacea roaa and electric -line; gooa sun. pi . uivu..u, stock and implements-. : $225 per acre, terms: will take house and lot up to $2500. 598 Williams ave. nrtnn farm land 20 to 40 miles from Port- land, $12 to $2o an acre; goou (roam, school, church and neighbors; 20 acres or more; reasonable terms. Sellwood l'J-V. Fred F. Huntress. i-i.w r-ast jmi. 0 ACRES, cultivation. acres orcnara. 5-room house. Darn, outouiiunms, x t-uw. heifers 2 sows. 19 shoats. horse, wagon, farm Implements, cream separator, 4 tons hay; $1750. C. W. Mlllership. Alder Hotel. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 820-acre stock ranch In Douglas County, ( r.: 40 acres tillable:-plenty of pasture Or. land BC bOl, cregomau. k. Ar.nK a-ond improvements, lots of fruit, streetcar service, to exchange for Portland residence, owner oniy. j. -r. -nan, oaiem Oregon. 48 ACRES, every acre producing. 1919 crop in and up, fair bldgs.'. 160 acres leased pasture adjoining; a bargain; terms. Write owner, jt uo, cn-numm.. 80 ACRES, C5 in cultivation, bal. pasture, fair bldgs., running water. 22 miles from s Portland, price $5000, $1500 cash. AV 304. Oregonian ' - CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $73 to $200 per acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all sizea McFarland, 1408 Yeon bldg., Portland. FOR -SALE 1600 acres Montana land with buildings, horses and implements; price $18,000, or will trade for income property. Write F. Lange. Cartersville, Mont. 40 A., IMPROVED, buildings, orcnara, etc.. in Wasnlngton county, uregon;; o A. joining Oregon City, cheap; both easy terms 821 Chamber of Commerce. 100-ACRE unimproved stock ranch, 3 miles from Toledo, or. Aaares, or call li. A. Landreth. Newport. Or. 5 ACRES, near Vancouver. Wash.; house. barn, good water, a-i son, near paved road, $1000, half cash. SS03 6th St. S. E. IOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, BUlw win, 7S a.t.auia., eiuixuv llltTlla, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 3d st. FOR SALE, cheap, cash or terms, lease of 540 -acres, stock and macnlnery; 50 acres in cultivation. Call 705 Gasco bldg. 50 ACRES land 1 mile from city limita; $100 per acre. , AV uj, uregoman. i REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 130-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM ON ONB OF THE BEST PAVED ROADS RUN NING OUT OF PORTLAND. Near Red Electric, and town of SOOfl population. 100 acres in cultivation, most of it seeded to wheat, oats, vetch. Some plowing done.for Spring crops. The best ofl soli. lies well, about 30 acres pasture add timber, family orchard, some fine land for strawberries, and prunes. Abun dance of good water piped to house, barn, furnishes power for electriu lights, ensil age cutter, washing machine. Good big ' barn, loft holds 15o tons of hay, 35 stan chions for cows, stalls for 6 horses, gran ary, machine shed. 150-ton silo, 6-room hotfte, other outbldgs. Personal property IS cows, 17 hogs, 4 horses, hay and en silage for Winter. Complete set of farm implements. Price for all $150 an aty-e. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce BUiag. WORTH WHILE BUYS. $1000 FIRST PAYMENT $.100. 120 acres. lVi miles of Culver, Or. Bal ance 1 to 5 years at 6 per cent. It only takes $300 to handle this and you have 5 years if you wish the pay the $700. Kio acres, fair house, all fenced, 35 seres now in cultivation: $500 handles. This place is 3 miles from Culver. Land priced at only $1350. , So acres. 2 miles from Culver. $1000, half cash. Culver has two railroads and Is 42 miles this side of Bend, Or. Now Is the time to buy this land. Just before the rise reaches it. See Taylor. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 Fifth St. Main 6860. 35-ACRE FARM BARGAIN $2500. 85 acres of good rich soil, 15 A. in cul tivation. 3 A. assorted orchard, all kinds of small fruit: fine, never-falling creek on place, water piped to bldgs. Good 7 room house, barn and good outbuildings. .This farm is on a good rock road, has R. F. D. and phone. 3 miles from town and railroad and close lo Pacific Highway, and only 45 miles from Portland; 120 acres adjoining can be leased by buver at low rental. Price $2500. $1000 cash. This Is a farm you have been looking for. Don't miss your opportunity. RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY.. 300 Corbett Bldg. 20-ACRE IRRIGATED RANCH ON GOV ERNMENT PROJECT IN OREGON. 2 miles from Hermlston. fine land, all can be irrigated. 12 acres now under cul tivation, allalfa and 0-year-old commer cial orchard, good 4-room plastered cot tage, barn. 2 large chicken houses, all In good condition, price only $300. Can bu, 20 acres joining this if you want more land. Cut 3 crops of alfalfa a year on this project. See Sum Hewev at J. L. H ARTMAN COM PAN V. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th A stark. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. 142 ACRES. EUUIPPED. $11750. Well adapted for combination stock and grain farm; convenient to electric line, grade and high schools, college; 30 miles Portlnnd, on good fnacadam road, near highway to be paved; 00 acres In culti vation: rich, free working soil; timber for fuel and a good open seeded pasture, well watered: 1 new. 1 old barn, 6-room house, outbuildings, slock, feed and farm machinery included; owner Is crippled: does not want to rent, so mnkes this sar rillce price. D. McChesney, 122 N. Uth st. Broadwav 43S1. $1000 CASH PAYMENT ON THIS 247-ACRB YAMHILL COUNTY FARM, $.10 AN ACRE, 20 YEARS TO PAY BAL ANCE. ANNUAL INSTALL MENTS AT 5 PER CENT. 120 acres In cultivation, bnlanre Umber, good soil, lies well, all fenced, watered by ' creek, spring and well, on county road. 8 miles from R. It., town of 750 population;: half mile to srqool, house and 2 barns on this place. Come quickly; such snaps don't lust. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL 20-ACRE COUNTRY HOME in the beautiful Chehulem Valley, north west of Newberg; 7 acres in prunes, 2 acres In Blng and Lambert cherries, bal ance In high state of cultivation; on tine macadam road and surrounded by beauti ful country homes, close to electric car and tile richest soil; a beautiful place anil it is offered away below the surrounding values. I have farms, improved. , from $.1.'. to $150 an acre, and can quote very reason able prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. 32-ACRE IMPROVED. EQUIPPED AND IRRIGATED RANCH. $321X1 LO CATED ON GOVERNMENT PROJECT. New house with basement, new barnv 4 horses. 3 cuttle. 9 acres in alfalfa, water for irrigation piped to highest point in land. Good well at house, ranch on good road near Hermlston. Or. of i mile to school. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. a' FINE 50 ACRES, EQUIPPED. 25 miles Portland, In the best part of Washington County, 1 mile from station; no better land In Oregon;, Just slope, enough to drain well: 40 acres in cultiva tion; Fall crops all in; good farm build ings and silo, :t horses, II tine cows, all farm machinery, bay, grain, ensilage, roots and kale; fine stream on boundary: this farm raised 32 bushels wheat to acre this year: $0000 complete, liberal terms. D. McChesney, 122 North 6th St. Hroad way 4381. HERE IS A GREAT BARGAIN. 203 acres, stock or dairy farm. Vs miles from good town In Cowlitz County. Wash., .55 miles from Portland. Over half tillable land, balance pasture and timber; 50 acres in cultivation now; creek through thai place; 6-room house, fine new dairy barn which cost $2000. other outbuildings; fine family orchard. Owner will sacrifice this at $5000. one-third down, balance 6 per cent. You enn't beat it. LUEDDMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A SPECIAL OFFERING of 115 acres best Tualatin Valley land, 1-1 miles from Portland; no belter land at any price: every foot tillable; S3 acres in cultivation, little timber, rest used to pas ture the dairy stock; good 8-room house, barn, granary: - on mall and dally milk routes and convenient to city. If sold before Jan. 1 will Include team, 10 cows, complete set machinery, feed and seen for $150 an acre; reasonable terms. 1. McChesney, 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4381. GOOD 60-ACRE EQUIPPED VARM ON HARD ROAD. 15 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 42 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber. Family orchard, fine soli, 3 springs, well. mile to school, 6-room house, good barn, some hay, loft holds 60 tons, all necessury farm implements. I good cow. Price $142 an acre. See Sam Hewey at ,T. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 40-ACRE BARGAIN. No one can duplicate this place for the money. 40 acres, all In cultivation, in pretty part of Willamette Valley; good 7-room house, barn 32x52. outbuildings, Mt . mile electric line. Personal: Team. 6 cows. 50 chickens. 2 hogs, wagon, hack, buggy, mower, rake, disc, drill, harrow, plow, cultivator, cream separator, year's wood; price only $5500. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th si. Broadway 4381. WOULD you like to msko a purchase or land costing you ..oo, aown nu in. balance $10 a month for 25 months, that, will bring you a return of $300 a year for live years, and where someone else does all the work? Remember, you have a deed In escrow for 10 acres of rich, fertile land which is improved for you and we give absolute proof and evidence to bear out this statement. If you are Interested write Anderson A Hunter, 800 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portland, Or, 1120 ACRE WHEAT RANCH WITH $5000 EQUIPMENT FOR $30 AN ACRE. 1000 acres in cultivation, good soil, bal ance pasture. Plenty of water on ranch. 6-room house, big barn, 8 miles of wire ..aHn, 1 mile from R. R. Station In East ern Oregon wheat belt. See Sam Dewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Biug. - .no - ACRE Valley stock or dairy ranch, about J"1Q mUea from Portland, 814 miles to R. R. station, 6 miles to electric line, hub w ter, 7-room house, toljet, bath, large barn, cream house, blacksmith Bhop, hog house, chicken house, brooder house. Implement shed: red soil, fenced and cress-f ence.l : dandy stock proposition. Now Is the tlm to get Into the stock business. Phons Woodlawn 2708 or call 275 Willamette boulevard. . 40 ACRES FOR $2.-,50. 27 miles from Portland. 10 acres In nil tlvatlon. good 5-room house, barn and chicken' house, good orchard, all kinds fruit, fine creek, springs. Mi mile to school: 1 team, wagon and harness, new plow and harrow, 3 tons hay; $700 cash or llbertv bonds. Easy terms on balance, 5 per cent int. Open Sundavs from 10 to 12. 411 HENRY BLDG. Al RANCH for sale or trade, equipped and rented, close to school, good roads stvl i. transportation, near Eugene, Oregon: $ acres, pressure water, $9000 equity: would like hotel. I am not ashnmed to show this ranch. Investigate at once. Address tio rupants of 4547 University blvd., Seattle. Wash. 22 ACRES. $2750. IB miles from Portland. 3 miles town; 5-room cottage, good barn, family fruil. creek and springs; part cleared, balanre timber and pasture: Fall seeding done. You can't do better at the price: terms to responsible party. D. McChesney, 122 North Bth st. Broadway 43SI. ALFALFA FARM. Irrigated alfalfa ranch with about 12.ono acres of Government land, leased. 2S00 head of sheep, 100 head or cattle. ror terms address Bf 655. Oregonlan. 2K0-ACRE ranch, close In: sell or trade. Johnson, 740 Minnesota a.e.