TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, rOKTLAND, DECEMBER 1918. 15 CRIB E rniy supply SHORT F0I1 HOLIDAYS Only Pacific Coast Berries Are on Market. SUPERIOR GRADE THIS YEAR Eicbanie Makes Fine - Record In Marketing Crops Under Disad vantages Outlook for Future. Taclfle Coaut cranbarrlM ar now prac tically all la th hands of distributor, Try ff.w remaining In grower handa. Wall tha crop this year was ralT la axema of tkat oC tho preceding season, and all ar raaacinrats had been mads to properly har tHt tha rrap, a aertoua situation confronted tba Pacific Coast Cranberry Exchange, staff; to tha aurar abortaff. Tha arowars at ones saw tha adrantaca of conducting a T I serous adrertiaing campaign to offset this condition. Tbls la Itself Is remarkable, as the Industry Is but a few years old. and the xchanre Is now la Its second year. As result of this campaign. a rood demand was ciulnl for cranberries, and It la doubtful whether there will be a sufficient supply for tha holiday demands an tha Pacific Coast. aUatern cranberries arc but few and far between la raclfls Coast markets. They Bar been easily displaced by the local ber rles. Local growers can profit winch by methods of marketinc devised and used by cranberry (rowers In tha East. This refers especially as ta price for tha product. There never was any reason why the superior cranberries of this section should be of fered at a lower price than berries shipped la from the Atlantic seaboard. To the credit f tha growers of this coast It must be said that they stood back of their fruit and cheerfully replaced every box guaranteed by the Exchange. Tela amounted to but very little, aa the berries bold up better each year. It Is but natural that tha merits of a product growa at home should be doubted. This year, however, the Union Meat Com pany purchased for the demands of Its trads only Pacific Coast cranberries. There Is no buyer mora methodical or careful than this company, and with It marjtetlng la a sci eaca. The reason tha company's buyer gives Is that the Pacific Coast cranberries are better keepers than tha Eastern berries. Ths Union Vest Company's example Is bound to be followed by other buyers. The growers have clearly demonstrated their desire at all times to treat ths trade fairly and squarely, yet they must learn that tha trade expects to be protected when purchasing against competitors. While the Exchange made fair efforts to maintain prices, yet a few Independent growers threw their berries on the market at reduced prices, and tempted the Exchange to break tha price It bad set Tha next year will be the real teat of tha Exchange. It has dons well to weather tha stormy seas of this year, and whether It can stand for another season or not depends upon tha success the Industry. To this and close co-operation la essential among all of the growers. cents cash to growers for recteaned, sacked large whites and pea navys. California small whites ranged silently weaker at shipping polnta at S.M8 per cwt. Ne Tork and Michigan pea beans weakened slightly at shipping points, but wera ateady In New Tork and Boston at (10010.50. Colorado Plntos held steady. Shipments were slightly .above ths recent average, to talling 113 cars for the past four days. FEW POTATO BALES BT GROWERS Prices Are l achaagrd at Country Points, Mkldls Heat Higher. Few potsto sales were reported from the country snd prices were unchanged. Buyers quoted fancy B9banks at 11.50. seed Gar nets st el.9063-00. and white Rosa at 11.63 61-80. The local Jobbing market was qulat and unchanged. Receipts were three cars of Oregons. Shipments were tws cars each to ban Francisco and Los Angeles, and ana 1 car each to Bohemia. Redding and Stockton. Wisconsin and Michigan shipping polnta sdvanced 3 cents to Sl.O01.ei tor No. 1 white atock carloads, f. o. b. usual terms. The aama atock made a elmllar gain In the Chicago carlot market reaching 11.7081.60. Eaatern and Middle Western Jobbing mar kets showed littlo chsnge but Mains stock advanced 10 to 13 cents In New Tork to i0 0 2.83. and Colorado atock declined 10 centa In New Orleans to t-308 x.40. Ship ments again Increased. No change was reported In ths onion mar ket. LDIV GRADE RAILS FIRM LITTLE INTEREST SHOWS IX STANDARD ISSUES. APPLES FIRM AT BHIPPDfO POINTS Extra Fancy Winrsape Are Quoted Up te It. 11 la Northwest. Two cars of applea arrived yesterday, mostly chesper grades. There was a mod erate local demand and prices were un changed. Shipments were tbree cars to New Vork, two to Han Francisco and ons I Am Car at i dry each to Peoria, Chicago, Etmtra, Memphis, Salt Lake, Norfolk. Globe, Dover, Plains and Los Angeles. One car of canner stock went to The Dalles. Eaatern stock ahowed little change. Tha beat New York Baldwins are holding firm at S5.0085.50 per barrel, f. o. b. shipping points, and at 15.50 S 6.23 In leading terminal I calif Petrol markets. Extra fancy Northwestern boxed I Canadian Paclf. Wlnesape strengthened slightly ts a range of 12.130 3.25, f. o. b. shipping points, but showed little chsnge In lending Jobbing markets, ranging generally f2.73wa.25. Ship ments were sbove tho recent average. Steel Closes W ith Gain of Over One Point; Trading Is Dull but Falrjl Broad. ,VEW TORK. Dec T. Rails, shippings. stSsWs. motors and oils were the featurea of today's dull but fairly broad stock market, pooia abandoning specialties, notably to baccos. The demand for rails converged largely around low-priced Issues such aa Texas Pa cific, Missouri Pacific and St. Louis & San Francisco common and preferred. Canadian Pacific waa the only Investment or high grade transportation to display more thaa moderate strength. Marine, common and preferred, and Pa cific Mall again featured the shippings, rising 1 lo : points. United States Steel soon throw off lis Initial heaviness, gaining slightly over a point. Sales amounted to 163.000 shares. The bank statement presented so changes of striking Interest, except for an Increase or sngntiy more than (47,000,000 In actual loans and a gain of almost 10.500.000 In excess reserves, the latter, however, hardly offsetting last week's heavy contraction. Further weakness In liberty Issues marked the trading In bonds, tho fourth 4hi fall ing to a new low price at 3.s2. and the 3j repeating the year's minimum at 97.20. Total sales, par value, aggregated 14.875,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged 'oa call during the week. CLOfcUNU STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last sales. High. Low. Am Beet 8ugar, Hut) fig 611 American tun.'. Koi) 54 40 VI Am Car as idry ttuo fci fc4 u American Loco. Am 8m sc Hug. 1,000 84 li 83 Am Sugar Helg. Am Tel Tel.. 1,000 10:i 102 i' Anaconda Cop.. 1,700 tttlft 6i' Atchison ............ AG&WI8SL 400 1104 109T4 Bait sr Ohio ... 2i0 5t 53 Bethlehem B... l.SuO 60 63 2UO 21 21 21 '0 21 5 214 COO 161)4 161 1.4O0 . 61 601,4 . 300 57 M B ft S Copper. Central Leather Chs A Ohio ... Cht M A St. P.. Chi e N W . ... CI It 1 A P otfs. Chino Copper . . Colo Fu A Iron. Corn Prod Refg Crucible Steel . . Cuba Cane Sug. Distill securities Erie General Electric DtMAD FOB CORN IS ACTIVE Fear Hundred Teas Are Sold a Merchants Exehaag Barley Also Moving. Tha demand for corn continues active and 400 tons were sold at the Merchants Ex change yasterdsy at prices 50 cents under tha top bids of Friday. Three hundred tons a January yellow brought $37.50 and 100 tons of December mixed went at 957. One hundred tons of December feed barley were sold at $19. also a decline of 50 cents. Oats bids wera 23 0 73 centa lower thaa ths day before. Shipments of wheat, flour Included, from tha Northwest for ths sessoa to data and for the corresponding period la former years Xoilow : Bushels IHK-IMS 8.243.W 1 I t - l.' I $ 4,3 e .10$ 1IA-:!M7 ........................ 5.2.3 lvle-lul 15.Mi.6ol Clement Curtis' crop report makes ths Winter wheat acreage 48.4S4.00. aa Increase t S.SH.Oeo acres, or 14.T per cent. Weather conditions la the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg; clear, 13; Minne apolis, cloudy, 32; Chicago, partly cloudy, cool; Omaha, foggy. 13. Forecast: Grain belt generally fair and warmer tonight aad Sunday. Terminal receipts la cars wera reported by ths Merchants Exchsngs as follows Wbest.Bariey.F1our.Oats.Hay. . 34 7 J03 23 B023 3474 23 5 2243 3124 20 27 33 53 1 21 4 6 13 53 161 5 s; IS 23 S3 T 6S 11 SO 523 1772 120 4u3 602 K1 Ill "i 1 ... Ill T25 32 ... 161 8J6 1 2 11 1 5 ... 16 48 7W 426 1563 144 851 66 2U2D Portland. Sat.. rear ago T't'l this week. Tearaso Season to date. rear ago. Tacoma, Frt.. Year ago. ... .. Season to dste. Tear aso. ..... Seattle. Frl... Year aso. Season to date. S4 Year aso 2i)J Correction baa been made on total of hay receipta at Portland during August. Septem ber and October; "switched" cars has been counted twice. FRANCE IS SOWING LARGER AREA Wark Pushed aa Seeding af Winter Cereals; Improvement in England. Crop condltiona In Europe, . according to BreomhaU's cable, are United Kingdom Weather has favored the gathering of ths last remnants of the grain harvest. Conditions have shown marked Improvement In the agricultural situation. France Very favorable sowing conditions are now prevailing and growers are busy oa the land In the liberated districts There are complalnta of lnaufflclent labor and scarcity of fertilisers, but work Is being pushed as rapidly as possible and there Is reasonable hope that a good area will be put under Winter cereals. Italy Seeding continues active under more favorable weather conditions. Good prog ress hss been made m the harvesting of corn In the north. Arrivals of wheat have been somewhat larger and tha supply situ ation generally Is rather more favorable. CONSENT NO LONGER REQUIRED Butter Prices Msy Be Changed Without Consulting Food Administrator. Following its policy adopted when the armistice wss signed of relinquishing as rapidly aa possible without disturbing busi ness conditions all unnecessary control over foodstuffs, the Food Administration announces that the butter manufacturers of the Northwest are released, effective Satur day, from their agreement not to raise the price of butter without first securing the consent of the Federal food administrators at Oregon and Washington. "At a meeting of the butter manufacturers of the Northwest with the food administra tors of Oregon and Washington on October 22." said Federal Food Administrator W. K. Newell, "these manufacturers agreed that they would not raise butter prices without first consulting with the food administrators of these two statea and securing the consent of the Utter. This agreement, effective Monday, December 8. la canceled and the batter manufacturers of the Northwest are released from the same. BEANS ARE FIRM AND HIGHER Buyers Offer Quarter More to Fill Govera snent Order for 300,000 Faunas. There was a good demsnd for Oregon beans and prices were slightly higher, ow ing to buying to fill the Government order bl (ov.Utftl pound. Buyers quote 4 TfetHfc! Eggs Advance Another Cent. Eggs advanced another -cent yesterday, with country candled stock, selling oa the street at 71 null and selects readily bring ng 73 cents. The supply of fresh Eastern ;?ne.ral J?XOTa Cuba butter wss firm, with extras worth 61 cents. Prints were steady at tha recent advance. The poultry market was dull and weak. Dressed meats were also quiet. Bananas Higher: Citrus Fruits Lower. Banana prices have beea raised half a cent to keep the market In line with the ateady rise at Oulf ports. Quotations for lbs coming week arc S cents loose and V4 centa crated. Citrus fruits are on a lower plana. Fancy lemons are now down to $6.50 96.73. and dealers believe the bottom hss been reached. Oranges range from 63.75 for 80s to 66.26 for 176s and smaller. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of Northwestern cities yes terday were: 1.100 300 T.soo 1,1 uo 3()0 1M0 1,100 43i 1UV 27 -3714, "47 i4 60 4SV 18 Portland Seattle .... Tacoma . . Spokane Clearings. .65.671.154 . t,.VW,U4 . 658.633 . 1.572.14U Balances. 61.317,987 170.413 40U.V76 Bank clearings for Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the past week and correspond ing wees: in former years were: Gt Nor Ore ctfs. Illinois Central. Inapir Copper. . Int M M p(d.. inter AlcKel ... Inter Paper . ... K O Southern.. Kennectt Cop .. Louis A Nash . . Maxwell ' Motors Mexican Petrol. Miami Copper .. . Missouri Pacific, Nevada Copper. N Y Central ... . N Y N H A H Norf A West . .. . Northern Paclf. Pacific Mall ... Pennsylvania .. Pittsburg Coal. . . Ray Consol Cop. . Readlnr Reo Ir A Steel. Southern Pacif. Southern Ry . .. Studebaker Co., Texas Co T'nlon Pacific . . U S Ind Alcohol V 8 steel do ptd rtah Copper 300 3O0 ' Y.&no .10,900 700 4110 400 800 40Q 1.VU0 " 3.S00 200 07 li 'is 113 -s 32 U 31 S 2014 36 20 '4 16014 '28W 1 500 86V4 700 600 600 Western Union... Westing Electrlo . . 500 500 S.500 3.100 S.r.na 300 300 200 . 23.600 300 900 96 "4 3.1 "4 47 Vi 84 H 102 4 31 r.2 195 1.10 100 96 K 112 78 97 81 47H 31 814 20 !4 85 139 '27H ISTs 96 S3 47 83 75 101 31 63 lsS 129 100 95 111 78 Sale, ot 43 &5 62 e3 '110V 6 04 110 53 65 21 161 61 67 47 WA 27 J7 5s sa 47 67 80 483 19 151 126 97 31 94 43 113 32 31 20 36 119 29 159 24 24 19 78 36 106 96 33 47 46 84 102 3114 62 129 100 96 111 7N 88 43 the new 4"4a selling mare than 4 per cent under their subscription price, served not only to mske conditions In the investment market more unsettled, but gave additional Interest to the new Government financing. Resumption by the Treasury Department of offerings of certificates of Indebtedness was accepted as .a prelude to the fifth liberty loan to be floated In April of next year. Spot Coffee Market Nominal. NEW YORK. Dec, 7. Tho spot coffee market was entirely nominal today, owing to the scarcity and. Irregularity of offerings. The only business reported in the cost and freight market was a small sale of Santos 4s and 5s at 20.85c, steamer shipment. American credits. The official cables showed a decline of 75 rels In the Rio market. The Santoa spot market was not quoted and futurea were 75 rels lower to 150 rels higher. Naval Stores.' SAVANNAH, Ga.," Dec. 7. Turpentine, dull, 60c; receipts, 2:s barrels; shipments 24 barrels; atock, 30,715 barrels. Rosin, firm to nominal; sales, 348 barrels; stpek. 69.627 bsrrels. Quote: B. D, E. F. G snd H. firm, at 313.40: K. 815.50; M, 816' N, 616-70; WO, $16.80; WW, $16.90. '. Increase In Excess Reserves. NEW YORK, Dec 7. The actual con dition of clearing-house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold 670,016,670 reserve in excess of legal requlremenuts. This is an increase of $6, 435,920 from last week. 191.... 1917.... 1916.... ll'IS.... 1914.... 913.... 1H12.... 1911.... IHIO.... 19H.... 1904.... 1IHI7.... 1906.... 11KIJ.... Portland. ..$37,497,550 .. 20.554.217 .. 14.512.032 .. 10.733,i.N5 .. 10.601.294 .. 12.402.143 , . 13.192.560 .. 11.8M.3U ,. 10.6-3.010 ,. .S52.96 ,. ,.023.873 ,. 4.413.824 ,. 6.327.364 . 4.847.109 Seattle. $41,143,241 26.391.729 17.534.443 12.137.646 1 1.847.H06 J3. 266. 129 13.1x3.023 11.967.9X4 11.154.346 14.209.439 9.619.M3 7,270.874 10,052,367 6.011.254 Tacoma. $4. 860.926 3.646.271 2. 736. 128 2.079.216 2.212. 061 2.376.732 4.3.1 1.900 4.863.190 4.569.771 6.887.493 6.157,852 4.94 5.288 6.433.816 4,282.070 'Bid. I BONDS. ' TJ S ref 2s rug. "98 1 Pennsylvania ,. U ref s eou... V Pac 4s....... V S 3s reg..7.: 83 tr S Steel 8s.... U 8 3s cou 83 ISou Pac cv 5s.. rr s Am res- t106IAnxIo French 6s U S 4s cou..... lo iu a noeny 0 s wi.ou Atch Gen 86'U S lib 1 con 4s 93.60 r A R G ref 5s 59:U S 1ID 2d 4S... v.i.vu ! v rn il,h Cs ion's. '17 S Mb 1 cn 4is 97.5' Nor Pac 4s.... 84IU S lib 2 cn 4Mb 96.00 Nor Pac 8s.... 62 IU 8 110 sa 4s vn.m Psc TAT 5s.. ,3!(J S lib 4th s 95.88 f8 89 100 103 W4 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Eta. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Northwestern oats and barley, sacked: Bid. Offered. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Dec. 7. Closing quotations: Dec Bid. .$54.00 Jan. Bid. 61.00 52.00 57.50 57.00 ailnues 454 North Butte. Aria Com 13 Old Dominion.. Car A Arts.... 66 Osceoola Cal A Hecla....440 IQuincy Centennial .... 12!.Superior $54.50 Cop R Con Co. 45 'Sup Bos Mil; w. Rntm f era ju w is inanuou ...... Franklin 44 KTtah Con. . . . Islo Roy (Cop). 24 Winona ...... Lake copper... uai wolverine ,,. I 49.00 49.60 61.00 32.73 57.00 56.00 Mohawk 64 12 84 53 65 7 3 1 . 99 t 21 Oats No. 3 white feed Rartev Standard feed 49.00 Standard "A" 49.00 Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats No. X white 38-pound clipped white Corn No. 3 yellow No. 3 mixed WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per bu. FLOUR Family flour. 10 901LOS pet -.,,. -,.d u.,,,,, dollars, nnchanaed. barrel: bakers'. 110 70 10.85; whole whest, " " ' ' 'J 8JW10; graham. 5B9.80: barley flour, I LONDON. Dec 7. Money and discounts. 610.60013; rye Hour, sii.iovjs; corn nour. 1 unchanged. 812t 12.40; corn meai. fiivii.w; oat nour. $11.20t114O BILLS ON HAND ABE INCREASED sttilfUT EiCia Mill aula run w as treat, b)hs5cbj ZrZ.'ii'LZ IS of H"" Operation, af Federal Be- Money, Exchange, Eta. NEW YORK. Dec I4 Mercantile paper. nnchansed. - Sterling, unchanged. Guilders, demand. 42; cables, 42. Francs, unchanged. Lire, ton lota or over, $34.10: less than tous, '633.10; rolled barley, soafsos; rolled oats. $61t)63: ground barley, $56o0: alfalfa meal. 40(tf44. COKN Whole, 573077; cracked. $75978. HAY Buying prices, L o. b. Portland; Eaatern Oman timothy. $30933 per ton; Valley timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa. $27.50; Valley grain hay, -; clover, 4-oii; straw, $wl0. Dairy and Country Prod oca. serve Banks. WASHINGTON. Dec 7. Discount opera tions of the Federal reserve banks this week resulted In an Increase of $45,000,000 in bills on hand, while deposits of member banks rose $59,000,000. The condition or the 12 banks at the closs of business last night. howa by ths reserve board's weekly. financial statement, wss ss xoilows; Resources- Gold In vault and In transit.... $ 358.208,000 422,491,000 &,!29.000 serve Board Gold With, foreign agencies, , .. . ' Total gold held by banks.... $ 781,563,000 Gold with Federal reserve aits.. 1.207.377.000 Gold redemption fund 78.486,000 BUTTER Cubes, extras, 61 cents; prints Gold settlement fund. Federal Re- parchment wrappers, extras, box lots, eoc; cartons. 660; half boxes, o mora; less fbas half boxes, le mors; buttsr-fal. No. 1. it per pound, ststion. EGG 3 Oregon rancu, canaieu, rots anu cracks out. 71c; selects, 75c dosen. , CHEESE Tillamook, r. o. d. xiiiamooa: 1 Total gold reserves $2,067,401,000 Trinla'ts. SBc: Young Americas, 37o; Coos I T.sn.1 tender notes, silver, etc 53.966.000 and Curry County: Triplets, ten. Myrtle' I r Point. 85e. I jotai roservss ni.',l,iv t . .1-1 tuv ximnrn 9tA9Ai.. KnHn r, Zltct: I mils discounted roosters, 18c; ducks. 28j3oc; turkeys, "ve, Secured by Government war ob- 27 30c; turkeys, dressed. 84c ligatlong .., , ,..,..$1,467,322,000 vci i-.,. n. r mini - Allother ... 396,362,000 371.506. 000 veal Fancy. 20c per pound. PORb: Fancy. 20vy20c par pound. Fruits aad Vegetables. Locsl Jobbing quotations: FKU ITS Oranges, navels, $3.75 0 6 25: lem ons, 85V6.75 per box: bananas. 9W9c per Total earning assets $2,370,00,000 pound; apples, iv- per nu, pears, ew i lineal lect aa items (ueauct irom 12.2& ner box: grapes, aw per aeg; cranoer- 1 cross aeposiisr ooo.vov.uvv ries. $505.50 per box; nucsieDerries, iiftcirive per cent reaempuua &unu per pound. Bills bought in open market. Total bills on hand $2,235,190,000 TJ. S. Govt, long-term securities 29.196.000 IU. S. Govt, short-term securities 10e,60H,000 I All other earning assets....... ti.uuo VEGETABLES Tomatoes. $3.75 pee box; cabbage. 12 tr 2.50 per 100 lbs.; lettuce, $2.50 &3 per crate; peppers, 10c per id.; celery, 83c till per doxen; eggplant. 15 tt 9c per pounu . articnoaea, at. 10 uosen cauu flower, 83.23 per crate, garuc, 000 per 10.; pumpkins, 20 per pound ; wquasn. 20 pet nnnnri: beets. 82.23 per sack; carrots. 61.75Q2 per sack; turnips, 81. ,5 per sack. aiminit Federal reserve bank notes ,..,.......,.. 4.644,000 All other resources 22.440,000 Total resources $5,168,709,000 Llabi itles fnnltal naid in ". $ 80.304.000 Surplus , 1,134,000 Government deposits iao.ooo.vun Due to members, reserve sect.. 1,647, 83S,oo r'nllei.tlnn items 514.512.000 POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, graded. Other deposits, including foreign . . . , n r- , . lilt AMI government ucuiu $1.50f1.75; ungraded, 81-So. Yakimas, 1 .x., t -; aweets, ,e. ONIONS Oregon, ai.iosja; vaiitornia browns, $1.60. Staple Grocerlea. Local jobbing; quotations: SUGAR Sack basia: Fruit and berry. $9.55; beet, 89 25; extra C, $9.15; powdered in barrels, 510.25; cubes. In barrels, $10.45, NUTS walnuts, due: .uraxii nuts, J tfc; filberts, 25c; slmonds, 25o3uc: peanuts, 21c Total gross deposits $2,354,390,000 F. R. notes in actual circulation 2,o84, 523,000 C T? nn,es in circulation, net "liability 2.7!)!,0O0 All other liabilities 55.559.000 Total liabilities $5,168,709,000 Ratio of total reserves to net deposits and Federal reserve note liabilities combined,' 49.5 per cent. Ratio of cold reserves to Federal reserve SALT Half-ground. 160a, $15.90 per ton; I notes In actual circulation, after setting aside 35 per cent against pet ueposii usiuji.ies, 68 per cent. Eos. 117.25 per ton. dairy, $26 per ton. KICK Unbroken, iutyiic per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: White, 9 9 10c: colored. 7sc. COrrto itoastea. in arums, zgsysuc Provisions. Locsl Jobbing quotations: HA vs All sixes, choice. 3S03$e: stand. ard. 8737c; skinned, none; picnic, 27c; cottage roll. 36c LARD Tierce oasis, stanoara pure, zstto. compound. 23 c BACON Fancy. DOi4tso.sc; stanoara. 41 050c: choice. 86 049c. DKz dali snort, ciear nacas, vvyaec; exports, 2B&31C Mops, Wool. Mohair. Etc. HOPS Oregon. 1918 crop, 28c per pound, WOOL Oregon. 86071c per pound, MOHAIR Long staple, 62c; short staple. 2c; burry, 8oc CASCARA BARK New ana old. loo pet pound. TALLOW no. i. i?ftcyner pouna; no. z; :c per pound; grease. No. 1. 10c; No. 2, 9a per pound. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. 21c; engine distillate. bulk. 12c: kerosene, bulk, 10c; cases. 20c LINSEED OIL Kaw. parrels. i.uj; cases 12 03: boiled, barrels. $1.95; esses. 42.05. is tanas, evw, tssss, eA.v STOCK TRADING LIGHT DURING WEEK Money. Conditions Relax, but No Greater Supply of Fund Is Apparent. NEW YORK. Dsc 7. President Wilson's appearance before Congress on the eve of his depsrture for Europe, the selection of a new Secretary of the Treasury and the dis solution of numerous auxiliary boards ere ated by the war engaged the attention of the financial world thla week and gave greater force to the new era of readjust ment and reconstruction. The stock market Itself barely warranted detailed comment, trading showing almost steady diminution, with many mixed changea. Standard rails and industrials were Irreg ular at best, while specaltles, notably to baccos, shipping and oils, were tossed to and fro by professional Interests. Leading industrial shares were again af fected by reports of cancellations, foreign snd domestic, as well as Increasing doubt regarding maintenance of existing price schedules. Steel and copper were foremost among the products under discussion. Money conditions ostensiDiy relaxed on the restoration of brokers' margin rates to 20 per cent, but In reality no greater supply of funds wss available, tims money In fact being scarcer thnn in fhe preceding week. persistent weaaA31 ox uoemr. oonos, njm. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK, Dec 7. Evaporated apples, firm; state fancy, 1616c; choice, 14 "4 T16e; California, nominal. Prunes, firm. Peaches, nominal. Chicago Dairy Produce. -CHICAGO, .Dec 7. Butter, unchsnged." Kggs Receipta 2137 cases, unchanged. Duluth Linseed Market. DULTJTH, Dec 7. Linseed. $3.45. BAN FRANCISCO ' PRODUCE MARKER Prices Current an Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, itc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 7. Butter, 63 9 64 Uc Eggs P.resh extras. Sic; fresh extra pullets. 77c Cheese Unquoted. Poultry Hens. 3336c; young roosters, S3 G36c; fryers and broilers, 862142c: oleeons. 62.20; squaDs, sd.ourgi; geese. ?728c; tur keys, live, ojgvdic; aressea, 4U45c Vegetables Celery. 63.0OfJ4.25: squash i. , muvvh.u, ,i.,utri,iu, egg plant, 5SSc; peppers, bell. 75c; chili. 5U0c lomatoes, iv,i.io; lettuce, S1.DUQP2; pots,, toes, Salinas, 1363.75; rivers, 61.75S2.2o ('sweets. 23o: onions, Australian brown, 1 1.60 i.eo; peari, oc; garlic. 25ijr30c cauiliiower, ot'iffioc; oeeta, sl-oldo: caul tfl -tner, pujr75c;; beets. $1.25 1.50, carrots, 1Q1.J5; turnips, 75c610O; rhubarb, tic , - , aunts Menus, i.M . v. , uiuk, noigc pumpkins, 75ce$LOO; mushrooms, 20060c Brusseus sprouts, O'aic Fruit Lemons. $3.505; oranges, $3 85.50: bananas, 78c; plneapplea S4SS: an. pies, Belief leur, $1.33 ft 1.73; Newtown Pip pins, si.ou'jri.io; epitzenoergs,, 11.25 2 pears. Bartletts, $2.503; grapes, Tokays, emperors ana veraeis, i.ou&02.2o: Dersim mons, 50c61.50: cranberries, $3.50; quinces. mons, auciffi.o: cranoerrias. 84.20&4.50 quinces, 90c(f$1.75; casabas, 60c 61; giytpe fruit, 62.25&2.T5. Receipts Flour, 2752 quarter sacks; bar ley, 13,805 centals;' beans, 3635 sacks; po tatoes, 11,545 sacks; onions, 417 sacks: hay. 09 tone; mues, i; wine, gallons. NO SALES AT NORTH PORTLAND YARDS Ten Loads Are Received, but Stock la Car ried Over Until Monday. No business was transacted at the stock yards on the closing day ot tha week. Ten loads were received but they were carried over for Monday's business. The arrivals were 73 cattle, i calves, 6(19 hogs and 40 sheep. The tone of the market was re ported steady In the absence of sales. Prices current at the local yards are as follows: Cattle Prime steers ............. Good to ohoioe stars Medium to good steers. .... ... Fair to good steers Common, to fair steers Choice co-a-s and heifers Fair to medium cows, heifers.. Canners CHICAGO JIAKKET IS OFF 2 J4 CENTS AT END OF WEES. ..$11.501912.00 .. 10.5,0011.50 .. 9.50010.50 .. 8.00 6.00 .. 5. 50 a 7.50 7.750 8.00 6.00 i 6.00 S.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 9. 00 & 12. 00 18.7517.00 16.50016.85 14.60014.85 14.00015.00 12.0013.00 8.001911.00 10.00 11.00 9.0010.00 6.000 S.00 ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Leading Markets of tha Pacific Kortuvest. Bulls Calves - Hogs Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough heavies Pigs Sheep .. Prime iambs Fair to medium lambs Yearlings Weathers Ewes ber 6, 1918: Cattle Horses Mxd. calves Hogs Sheep mules stock. For Portland Idaho 4 .... .... .... .... Oregon 6 5 2 .... 2 Washington ... 1 1 .... Totals H -6 2 2 One week ago.. 8 5 .., '. . ..." Four w'ks sgo. 16 11 12 4 One year ago. 12 3 .... . .., 1 For Seattle California ..... 20 Idaho 4 9 Oregon 1 3 1 Totals 23 12 1 .... .... One week ago.. 22 12 8 Four w'ks ago. 32 6 2 .... .... One year ago. .... .... .... .... For Spokane South Dakota 1 .... .... .... Washington ... 6 ' Totals 6 1 One week ago.. 3 4 .... .... 1 Four w'ks ago. 2 4 3 One year ago. 6 5 .... 3 3 Arrival of Five Hundred Cars Mon day Predicted; Removal of War Time Curbs Also Is Factor. CHICAGO, Dec 7. Bears had things much their own way in the corn market today, owing chiefly to expected big receipts on Monday and to the loosening of some ol the war time curbs on trading. Prices, although steady at the finish, were 1 to 2 cents net lower with January 81.28 0 1.28. and February $1.2801.28. Oats cloaed a half-cent to 1 cent down and provisions off 7 cents to $1. Liquidation, stop-loss selling, bear pres sure and apparent lack of buying power all contributed to the weakness shown in the corn market. Even tho usual week-end ad justment of trades brought about no im portant rallies. There were predictions that receipts her Monday would, total 500 cars. - Qats descended with corn. On the de cline, howover. there was fair buying, said to be against Omaha and Minneapolis ship ping sales to the seaboard. Scattered selling was sutiicient 10 maq provisions reflect the down turns of grain and hogs. May deliveries bore the brunt of tho pressume. Ten per cent increase or tne numoer 01 hoes In the United States, together wltn an announcement that the January average price of hogs would bo up to tneapecemoe, level have forced advances- this week In the corn market. Food Administration esti mates as to the need of Immense supplies fnp Kn,ni.'hiiil sMven the market an up- ward expansion of tho hog raising Industry. Authoritative figures, however, on the in iiim nf the number of hogs in excess of tha total a year ago were taxen 10 m"' that n nrd nroauction ot tum au wsm more thau. counterbalanced and this view was sharply emphasized by the subsequent fixing of the January average hog prices at $17.50. Nevertheless, later in tne wee- prices to some extent -weaaeneu, u.juis w .irn, that the crop movement waa soon tn atnanH Leading futures ranged as follows CORN. Open. . High. - Low. Jan 61.80 $1.30 1.27 Feb 1.29 1.29 1.27 OATS. Close. $1-28 1.28 Jan. Feb. Jan. May 11 .71'4 .71 .72 .71 MESS PORK. 48.15 48.00 ...43.00 .71 .71 43 J3 45.00 Jan. May Jan, May LARD. ...J6.15 2S.20 2?.13 26.15 ...25.45 23.45 25.2a 25.27 A SHORT RIBS. ..'.25 60 ' 25.62 25.52 23.55 " 124.80 24.S0 21.00 24.62 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.50: No. 3 yellow. $1.45: No. 4 yellow. $1.37 1.40 . V . 1.1. PT9MT1.- a.anart 73 tfi tiats no. o wjuilo, ,o-a- (r74C Rye No. 2. $1.621.63. Barley 90c 6 $ 1.03. Timothy $811. Cipver Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $26.15. Ribs Nominal. Minneapolis Grain Market." MINNEAPOLIS. Dec 7. Barley, 86 93c. Flax, $3.45 03.47. A Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 7. Flour, $11.45 per barrel. , ' firm In Whft, f drtvemment nrlc. 82.29 pet bushel; barley, $2.159 2.20; oats, white feed. nominal; corn, uaiuomta yeiiow, Hay Wheat and wheat and oat, $2uffl37. tame oat, $24 0 26: barley, siaw-st; al falfa, $17021; barley, straw, 50 0 80c Meals AliaiTa, 3io; cocoanui, aoiptu.. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec. 7. Maximum tempera ture, 45 degrees; minimum temperature, 3o degrees. River reading. 8 A. M., 3.5 feet; change In last 24 hours, 0.5 foot. Total rainfall f5 P. M. to 5 P. M.l, none; total rainfall since Sept. 1, 1918, 10.38 inches normal rainfall since Sept. 1, 13.66 inches rifioiencv of rainfall since Sept. 1, 1918, a h inchea. Sunrise. 7:40 A. M.; sunse' 4:26 P. M. Total sunshine, none; possible sunshine. 8 hours. 46 minutes. Moonrlse, 10:82 A. M.; moanset, 0:4a r. ju. rjaromeior reduced sea evell P. M.,- z.ia incnes. Relative humidity at noon, 88 per cent. . THB WEATHER. Government and Municipal Bonds Rate Maturity Trice TIli 10.908 City of Salem. Ore., Imp 6 M&N 1926-28 105.39 5.125 8,000 Port of Astoria, Oregon 5,J&J 1928 100.00 6.00 85.000 'Port of Toledo, Oregon 5 J&D 1920-29 99.00 6.25 3,000 'Port of Toledo, Oregon "... 5 J&J 1922 99.00 6.25 1,000 Port of Newport, Oregon 6 J&J 1928 99.00 6.12? 600 TBandon, Oregon, Funding.......... 6 Nov 1935 To Net 6.40 500 tCity of Marshfield, Ore 6 J&D 1923 103.24 6.25 2.000 Corvallis. Ore., Imp 6 J&J 1925 " el05.09 6.125 1,600 fAstoria, Ore., Imp. Ser. No. 13, 14, 15 6 F&A 1920 To Net 6.00 3,000 t " " " " " 6 F&A 1921 To Net 6.00 i 3,600 t " " ' " " " 6 F&A 1922 To Net 6.10 2,500 t " " " " " 6 F&A 1923 To Net 6.10 1,000 t " " " "-"-. F&A 1924 To Net 6.15 1.000 t ' ' " " "6 F&A 1925 To Net 6.15 2,600 t " " " "6 F&A 1926 To Net 6.20 2,600 t " " " " "6 F&A 1927 To Net 6.20 2,000 t " " "6 F&A 1930 To Net 6.25 600 t " " " " "6 F&A 1931 To Net 6.25 1,500 t " " "6 F&A 1932 To Net 6.25 1,600 t " " " ' " 6 F&A 1934 To Net 6.30 1,000 t .. .. "6 F&A 1935 To Net 6.30 600 t " ' - " " " 6 F&A 1936 To Net 5.35 600 t " " " " 6 F&A 1937 To Net 6.35 648t " " " " " 6 F&A 1938 To Net 5.35 19,000 City of Bend, Ore., Fire Equip 6 W&S 1923-33 To Net 6.25 111,000 'City of Warrenton. Ore., Municipal 6 M&N 1928-38 100.00 6.00 19,000 'Gooding Co., Ida., High, and Bridge 6 J&J 1927-35 102.87 6.50 1,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, Refdg 6 J&J 1925 To Net 5.25 2,000 t " " " " 6 J&J 1926 To Net 5.25 . 22.000 Clty of Toronto) Ont 5 J&D 1921 97.71 6.00 3,000 " " " 5 J&D 1923 96.88 6.00 4,000 'City of Toronto, Ont 6 J&J 1921 97.29 6.00 10,000 'City of Edmonton, Prov. of Alberta 6 M&S 1919 100.00 6.00 35,200 UCity of Montreal, Prov. of Quebec. 6 M&N 1923 100.00 6.00 800 ICity of Montreal, Prov. of Quebec. . 6 J&D 1D22 100.00 6.00 38,000 'Greater Winnipeg Water 6 J&J 1921 96.69 6.60 16,0OOHGreatr Winnipeg Water 6 F&A 1923 98.00 6.50 8,908 'City of Prince George.. 6 J&D 1921 97.S3 7.00 United States Government Liberty Loan Bonds If yon most SELL your Liberty Honda, SELL to US. If you. enn BUT more Liberty Bonds, BUY from US. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the Market The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New Tork Stock Exchange) for week ended Saturday, December 7, were as follows: First First Second Third Fourth 33 4s 4s- 48 4s 4iis 4H Monday 98.90 95.70 94.36 97.70 96.76 96.88 96.64 Tuesday 98.98 95.10 94.00 97.74 96.50 96.54 96.60 Wednesday 98.72 94.80 93.90 97.54 96.12 96.04 96.20 Thursday 98.50 94.30 93.70 97.74 96.16 96.04 96.04 Frfday 97.60 94.00 93.64 97.60 95.96 96.04 95.98 Saturday 97.40 93.60 93.90 97.50 96.00 96.04 95.88 Denotes fractional bond. t Denotes bonds of $500 denomination. 'Denotes bonds of $1000 denomination. (Denotes bonds of $100, $500 and $1000 denomination. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon qOMU STARK, BETWEEN TH AND 6TH (GROUND FLOOR) Telephone Brpadway 21S1 Established Over 23 Years brought by Crystal against Holsman Is now pending In th Circuit Court. UMATILLA PLANS WORK Highway From Pendleton to Mor row County to Be Built. PKNni.FTOM. Or.. Dee. 7. (Special.) The road-building project that will receive the first attention of the Uma tilla County Court this year Is that stretch of the highway from Pendleton to the Morrow County line. The coun ty has done some work on that road during the Fall, repairing, grading and; graveling some of the worst parti of it. . Fifty thousand dollars or more will be appropriated for this work in co operation with the State Highway Cora-mission. fTATIONS, Wlndl Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 7. Hosts RecelDts 32.000. left over .from yesterday, 87,168;' market slow; ' trading confined largely to good hops; such selling steady to 10c lower; light and packing grades neglectsd. " Big supply of hogs going over in first hands; tnousanas witnout Olds, Killing facilities being overtaxed; pigs and underweights un evenly lower. Butcher $17.4017.75; light 816.851? 17.60; packing $16.75i 17.8.1; throw outs 61o.7516.50; pigs 814.0015.25. tattle Kecelpls 6000. compared with a week ago. beef steers 25 to 60 cents higher. Butcher stock up 50 to 75 cents; bulls 2o to 50 cents higher; calves steady; desirable feeders strong to 25 cents higher; others steady. Sheep Receipts 3000. Compared with a week ago, fat lambs 15 to 25 cents higher; yearlings mostly 125 cents higher; wethers 25 to 50 cents up; ewes strong to 25 cents higher; feeders steady. - Omaha Livestock Market OMAHA, Dec. 7. Hogs Receipts 6700. steady. Heavy. $16.7517.40; mixed. 817.lci17.30; light. 81717.45; pigs. 810.0018.25; bulk of sales, f 17.0017.40. Cattle Receipts 400. steady. Native teers, $10.50Cfll8.50; cows and heifers. 86.0012.00; Western steers, 89.0016.50; Texas steers, 88.OO12.00; cows and heifers. ISSl ll.oo; canners, I4.OOWB.00: stockers and feeders, JB-OOa 13.00; calves, 87.5013.S0. Sheep Receipts 240Q, steady. Culls $4. 50 ft 7. 50; weathers, $9.5010.60: ewis, 87.609.00; lambs, J13.60&15.1S; feeder lambs, 610.0014.15; yearlings, 610.50 11.60. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Dec. 7. Hogs Jtecelpts 208-, market dull. Prime lights, 617.0017.23 medium to choice, 61.7of 17.00; medium ti heavy, IU. ifi 1 .-';; rough heavies, X14.73 15.2u; pigs, 614. 751(5. ;;;. uattie Keceipts as; market dull. Best steers, 811.0013.00; medium to choice, 810.5011.00; medium to good, JS.00S8.50. medium, 87.00 7.50; bulls, $5.O07.50, alves,. 85.0010.00. Baker Koise Boston ...... Calgar- ...... Chicago Denver Des JJqines.... Eureka Galveston Helena uneaut Kansas City.. Angeles. . Marshfield ... Medford Minneapolis .. New Orleans.. i.ew lorii i North Head... North Yakima Phoenix Pocatello .. Portland . . Roseburg . . Sacramento t. Louis . . alt Lake.., San Diego. . San Francisco Seattle Sltka Spokane ... Tacoma .... Tatoosh Island Valdezt Walla Walla.. Washington . Winnipeg . . . 26: 30 14 26: 33 881 80 40 62j 40; '42 50 30 81 30 54 42 3: 5ti! 421 40 40 44 42 40 54 48; 42 88 88 48 38j 30 12 Stats ot Waathsr. I 44 0. 0(1 .. W 4'00U . . W 2810.01) .. W I 52i0.00 . . NW 5010.00110 NW 5(1 0.0(1 . . S 1 64 0.00 . .;SW I B2 0.00 . . NE 70j0.00 . . SB 50.0.00 . . SW SfliO.SO . . SB B4:0.0010iSV 64'1.44l. .INK I 64l0.00.. 38O.00. ,NW J81O.OO .. SW iBiO.OI) . .S 40;0.0012iSW 480.00j. .IU 4010.00 ..SW 72:0.08 .. NW 5410.00 . . W 44:0.00 ..SB I 48(0.00 . .NW 500.70 . . SB 62O.00 12ISW 52 0.0(1 5(1: E 60:0.24 12 S 660.02 . . W 50,0.00 .. S 421 4810.00 . . N 4810.00 .. NW 4810.02 . . SE 34 48(0.00 .. S 4010.00 . . S 40;0.00il4 SW Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Ciear Clear Ft. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy IClear Cloudy pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Rain Cloudy Cloudy IClear Rain Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ' Cloudy Pt. cloudy t A. il. today, ing day. f. II. report of preced FORECASTS, and .vicinity Rain; southerly Portland winds. Oregon and Wasb'nston Rain; moderate southerly winds. ' Idaho Probably rain or snow. EDWARD L. WELLS, Meteorologist. t-T Isadora Holsman Convicted. Isadore Holsman, wholesale jeweler, was found guilty of an assault on Ofioree Crystal, by tho verdict of jury In Circuit Judge Gantenbein's court yesterday. He will be sentenced Tuesday morning. The alleged assault occurred at the Benson Hotel last July when the two men had business dif ferences. A personal injury suit BAKER SHOWS RESOURCES Funds, Totaling $162,Q23.47, Are Turned Over to Mayor. BAKER, Or Dec. 7. (Special.) That Baker is in sound financial con dition was shown today, when ex-Mayor Palmer turned over to the new Mayor, W. W. Gardner, the funds of tha city. The transaction showed the following funds in the city treasury: Six per cent improvement bonds..! 57,127.18 Five per cent water bonds 50,420.36 Five per cent electric plant bonds 9,000.00 United States liberty bonds 14,000.00 War stamps 1.000.00 Cash 30,409.93 Total ..6162,023.47 OVERBECK & COOKE GO. Brokers, Stocks, Bonds, Cottaa. Grain, Etc tl6-tl7 BOARD i)f TRADE BLD& H EMBERS CHICAGO BOARD Ot XBAUJ2. ' MEMBERS Correspondents of Logan ft Bryaa, Chicago aad Kes Tork. New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Boston Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade -New York Cotton Exchange Kew Orleans Cotton Exchsngs Mew York Coffee Exchange New Xork Produce Exchange Liverpool Cotton Asa's 1 iswwiiiim ssiiiinusiiaIWiuiiiliiiH IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII!HMIIIIUIIIIIH'lIHIIMIIMnilMlllllil miHIIIIIIIHHIIIIIHIIIIIHHWHIHIHIIHIMIimilHIIIll ! U4)HMiniMIIIilllllll(lllinillllMUIIMIIItln4IMIIIIIItllllllMIMMIMHHMMHllllllMtl HIMII HIIIIH HMIMIHIMMMly tr- f ,-j.r ."" .mm iniiiim mil iHymnnitiiirs, LLAKi, iLINL'ALL o LU. GOVERNMENT. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS SCC0N0 FLOOR NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING PORTLAND. OREGON. j)v We Own and Offer for Investment $150,000 STATE OF IDAHO 412 HIGHWAY GOLD BONDS Dated January 1, 1917 Due January 1, 1937 Optional January 1, 1927 LEGAL FOR POSTAL SAVINGS AT PAR Denonjination $500 ' LEGALITY APPROVED BY MESSRS. TEAL, MINOR & WINFREE FINANCIAL STATEMENT Actual Value festimated), 1917. . . .$1,000,000,000.00 Assessed Value, 1917 446,000,000.00 Total Bonded Debt 2,818,000.00 Ratio of debt to assessed value less than 6ixty-four one-hundredths of one per cent. Population 1910 census, 325,594. 1917 estimate, 420,000, PRICE 101 AND INTEREST Yielding 4,35 q Optional Date, 4 thereafter. Descriptive circular mailed on request. & DECEMBER OFFERINGS MUNICIPALS Portland, Oregon, New Improvement 6'a Pendleton, Oregon, Improvement 6's Corvallis, Oregon, Improvement 6's Rainier, Oregon, Improvement, (Sewer) 6's Port of Nehalem, Oregon, Harbor Improvement 6's Port of Umpqua, Oregon, Harbor Improvement 5's Port of Suislaw, Oregon, Harbor Improvement 5's Corvallis, Oregon, Funding.., 5's Umatilla County, Oregon, School District No. 38 6's Umatilla County, Oregon, School District No. 45 6's Beaverhead County, Montana, School District No. 13 6's Beaverhead County, Montana, School District No. 32 6's INDUSTRIALS TRAVELERS GUIDE. AUSTRALIA Honolulu. Suva, Now Zealand UXJlDliH AUSTRALASIAN ROYAL MAIL LINE The city owns Its own water system u-Mt- neJe1,st"eq1",pP,,!j i?taHeTE and liBht plant and is paying US DOUd- .ri.ird St. Portland, or- General ed indebtedness, - 1 A eat. lit bttmQu th itutkHi. It, fi American Thread Company 6's Bethlehem Steel Corporation 7's American Tobacco Company 7's Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company G's Moline Plow Company 7's Jacob Dold Packing Company 7's U. S. GOVERNMENT BONDS (All Issues) AT MARKET F. 1. Devereaux R(5m pany 87 SIXTH STREET BROADWAY 1012 Ground Floor Wells-largo Building