THE SUXDA.Y OREGOMAJi, POKTLiANI", DECE3IBER 1, 1918. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY 10 1 1 . Simsmum AMONG US MORTALS ' 77 SOLDIERS' SAILORS' CLUB By W. E. HILL Wouldn't yoa just know they would Two hostesses doing their best to put a 'put Angelica washing dishes instead bashful buck private at his ease by f serving at the pie counter on the making conversation as to whether very night those nice boys from Rheims is "Rams' or "Rahms." Inci- Camp Upton were coming in? The dentally. Private Crogan is going to be hot water is giving her hangnails and late for. the. burlesque show.. Angelica is beginning to "see red." On.Yfy- ''V t y i 4- m v testvl .-&?T 1. 5 n Mas 1 I SZZ , Mm I IS! ?7S$v cheap Mia . ! -d The canteen waitress induced Eddie to take the seat next the "wall because it made it so much easier to get around the tables, and then she shoved the table in so it would (be still easier. Eddie is dead sure nobody loves a fat man. n Wv..-fciiT a K; h-.. ly pianist, who used to say she'd rather die than play that opular stuff, obliging with "I'm Sorry I Made You Cry," having the time of her life. WW I i I fk V It looks as though Roy," whose hat has disappeared from the canteen, would have to go back to the boat in a. borrowed. derby. i f rSC safe 4 '4 mbssflksy Mrs. Elmon, who feels a little acrid about Mrs. Topleigh's unusually smart appearance at the canteen, finds it necessary to remark that mili- , ... ', .j. tary styles areajJfmJAcoming toeycrybody."' 4Jt odey. He was such The war has been one disillusionment after another for the romantic Miss Wo A.Bice jailoLbcyuntil ie.told.hersl)e.rcmmded.himp.iuucb.ot Jus. ipthj. ''Gee, the place was full of old society dames 'just hanging around so they can .meet a lot of new people" Rena volunteered to do canteen work, .but. quit ter.-a-moroing.spenJt scrubbing.tables- ' -